AS AM History

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The Chinese had no choice but to open up to __________ ____________because of the lost opium and the war against them

British trade

The ______________ _________ gave the US and China the right to _________ freely within each others countries.

Burlingame treaty, emigrate,

not the poorest region in china but the early group of immigrants came from __________


Filipino: _________ Churches Chinese and Japanese: __________ temples and ___________ churches

Catholic, Buddhist, Christian,

what does the CCBA stand for

Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association

What ended free immigration for the US for the 1st time

Chinese exclusion act

Paper son

Chinese immigrants claimed to be sons of Chinese American citizens, couldn't tell if papers had been faked because of the San Francisco fire in 1906 (basically faked an identity to enter the US and bypass the chinese exlcusion acts)

The Page Act PROHIBITS ________, ____________, and ___________ ppl UNDER ______________or ________________ to come

Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, contracts, prostitutes,

Most Koreans were ______________ before they left their homeland. There were only about 1,000 Koreans along the Pacific coast during the first 2 decades of the 20th century BUT they built more than a _______ churches→ these were their political and social centers as well. Churches hosted political ________, held political speeches, and raised the fund for organized actions

Christians, dozen, rallies,

Native Americans

First inhabitants of the New world, originated from asia. Population declined significantly after the European contact

To avoid open confrontation with Japan, the US and Japan reached an agreement in 1907 called the ______________ _______ in which the Japanese government agreed not to ________ ______________ to Japanese _________ _____________. The Japanese were effectively excluded in this law

Gentlemen's agreement, issue passports, male laborers

_________ Party:

Ghadar Party

Mexican American War Treaty of ___________ ___________, (year) 25 years after mexican independence→ the US launches a WAR against Mexico→ the war was about ___________ disputes→ May 18th date war was declared→ Mexico lost and had to give up land in ________ ____ ____________ ___________ For ___ ___________ dollars, the US settled ________ boundary and added new Mexico California and settled future US states admission to the US as a _________in 1850 (_____________ became the 31st state)

Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848, territorial, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 15 million, texas, state, california

The Japanese went to _______ first and in 1885 a lot of them were by _____________ ________ _________ ___________

Hawaii, Hawaii sugar plant association

While most asian indian members were of the Sikh religion, there were Muslims and Hindus. To overcome differences, these 3 faiths established _____________ ____________ ___________ in ____

Hindustani Welfare Reform Society, 1918

__________ _________ was the first american protestant missionary in Korea, strong advocate for Korean ____________. persuaded the King of Korea to allow ppl to __________

Horace Allen, independence, emigrate

Trade with ________ was limited until it became a colony


Gold miners used 3 different methods:

Placer mining, Hydraulic mining, hardrock mining

which treaty allowed the hawaiian to grow sugar to enter the US market at Pearl Harbor (US navy base): ______________ treaty in ____

Reciprocity Treaty in 1875

, korea became japanese colony until end of ___________


In A dollar a Day, Ten cents a Dance, one popular form of entertainment for Filipino migrants was a. Opium smoking. b. Ice skating. c. Track and field. d. Cockfight.


Discrimination taxes on

1) foregin miners' tax: 1850 and 1852 2) Chinese police tax: 1862 3) Laundry licenses, 1870s-1880s

The Chinese went to hawaii almost _____ years BEFORE the islands became part of the US


15 passenger bill : No more than ___ ppl of ________ background on _______ going to US or else ship turned back--> Got ________ bc there are already treaties that allow free movement of ppls between china and US

15, Chinese, ship, vetoed

Spanish colonization of the phillippines years


East India Company: An English company formed in ____to develop _______with the new British colonies in _____and __________ Asia.

1600, trade, india, southeastern

Spanish colonization (years) in the US


the Chinese arrived to Hawaii at about _______,


The Opium war dates


Treaty of Nanjing (year)


In ____ , India became a colony of the british empire.


The CCBA was formed in _____, when there were 6 _________ in CA. ____________ provided their members with many benefits that were crucial to their survival in a foregin land such as Greeting newcomers and giving them temporary ___________ Providing ______ information and opportunities, Offering a place to _______, Forming rotating ___________ associations One of the MOST IMPORTANT functions of the CCBA was to fight against the __________ and other ________________ __________ against the Chinese which affected all Chinese immigrants. It established Chinese language school. Issued "_____________ ___________" to those who plan to leave America

1862, huiguan, huiguan, shelter, job, worship, credit, exclusion, discriminatory laws, exit permits

Bureau of Immigration year


Burlingame Treaty year


Meiji Restoration year


The Page Act (year)


15 passenger bill year


In ______, after congress passed bill restricting chinese immigration, _________ ____________sent telegram to whitehouse urging his former college classmate, __________ __________, to ______the bill→ sent another telegram to the president to thank the president for vetoing the bill. Mr. Hollister said that without the Chinese labor, he and the other ________ in SB would have to give up _________entirely

1879, William Hollister, President Hayes, veto, farmers, farming

The Burlingame treaty was renegotiated in (____), ___________ but not prohibit the immigration of Chinese ________ to the United States

1880, suspended, laborers

Chinese exclusion act was issued on


Chinese exclusion act: passed in the US in _____


Tape v. Hurley year


Tape V Hurley: In ____, Chinese parents of their American born daughter fought in court so that their child could attend public school in San Francisco. The CA supreme court ruled that it was ___________ to deny a child of Chinese parents entry into public schools, but but the pupils were forced to attend a segregated ____________ school for Asians the California Supreme Court in which the Court found the exclusion of a Chinese American student from public school based on her ancestry unlawful

1885, unlawful, Oriental

the US annexed Hawaii in (_____) and became a state of the US in (____)

1898, 1959

Philippines-American war (_______-________). The __________ realized they transferred from the hands of one foreign ruler (________) to another (the ____), so they fought for their ___________ and ______. In other words, the US __________ the Philippines in ______

1898-1901, Philippines, Spain, US, independence, lost, annexed, 1898 (after the annexation, the US recruited locals to serve in military)

what year was the school crisis?


Gentlemen's agreement year


Japanese Association of America: formed in ______ when there was a STRONG ANTI-Japanese in CA. Was the voice of the Japanese immigrant community


Korean National Association: formed in _____

1909, Bc of importance of religion, protestants, ministers, and expiate political leaders were members of the elite intellectual class of the korean immigrant community → acted as the voice of the community

Asiatic Barred Zone Immigration act year


cable act year


Tydings McDuffie Act year


Who helped negotiate treaties on China's behalf→ treaty w/ the US became known as the Burlingame treaty

Anson Burlingame

the treaty of Nanjing opened _____ more ports to foreign trade. China gives Britain the island of ________ _________. the ________ made a large payment to Britain to pay off all of Britain's war costs. Opened all _________ to British trade. British citizens recieved ___________ __________

5, Hong Kong, Qing, ports, extraterritorial rights

Hispanic Americans

After native americans, hispanics are the oldest ethnic group in the US

___________ ___________ __________ Immigration act 1917: used a ___________CRITERIA to EXCLUDE Asian Indians Created imaginary line extending from the __________ __________ to __________ asia→ ppl living in areas _______of line (boarder zone) were DENIED ENTRY

Asiatic barred zone, geographical, middle east, southeast, east

1907 riot against Asian Indian immigrants in __________, WA--> 85 male asian __________workers were fired by Bellingham Bay Lumber company at the time of the 1907 riot

Bellingham, indian

Korean immigration to Hawaii was operated under American businessman ____________ __________→ took place after annexation of Hawaii of the US. established an ____________ __________ that would lend money to Koreans to cover the cost of them to travel. They needed "_________ __________" from this bank to show immigration officers that they paid their own way to Hawaii and have the required amount

David Heshler, immigration bank, show money

Picture Brides: __________ women marrying a man in the US mainly in _________ (b/c male immigrants came to ------- as _________ ________). Before they had the chance to meet their future husbands, they exchanged _________ only. Once married, the women got __________ and were able to come to the US. A lot came from poor families and wanted to seek a better life with __________ opportunity. Why?--> the way to ______ the Japanese immigration exclusion

Japanese, Hawaii, contract labor, pictures, passports, economic, bypass

The Ladies Agreement of 1920, the ___________ government would stop giving passports to _________ __________

Japanese, picture brides.

PULL FACTORS for ppl in the colonies to migrate overseas Opportuniteis to go elsewhere ______ in towns and market places Filipinos in US _________ service (WW1) More on slides

Jobs, military,

Korea was forced by china to sign the treaty of __________ w/ Japan


After Japanese immigrants arrived in the US, they formed the Japanese District Association called the _____________. These associations provided provided __________ _______ and a sense of _____________to Japanese immigrants. Helped newcomers find _____________ and ___________.

Kenjinkai, mutual aid, community, food, shelter,

Contract Labor in the US: Most practical forms of labor in Hawaii was the sugar plantation contract bound that the labor to the land preventing them from quitting on their own. Unlike that Japanese and the Chinese, the ________would have to show the immigration authorities $50 to indicate that they were not _________ __________

Koreans, contract labors

___________ ____________ told congress in 1865 that the majority of the __________ labor and force were Chinese→ Without them, it would be impossible to complete the western portion of this great national enterprise within the time required by the acts of congress

Leland Stanford, railroad

The ___________ ___________Drastically CHANGED every aspect of japans political and social structure→ estab. NEW SYSTEMS to allow INDUSTRIALIZATION New ECONOMIC, SOCIAL and MILITARY govt infrastructure INDUSTRIALIZATION, MILITARIZATION and MODERNIZATION!😄 The idea was to LEARN FROM the ______ in order to cope w/ its power

Meiji restoration, west

When the local population declined in Hawaii and there were too many chinese and were leaving plantation work→ hawaiian plantation owners turned to _______ _________for help. He PERSUADED the govt to LIFT ____________ ________. ____________ japanese laborers to hawaii

Robert Erwin, immigration band, recruited

____________ __________ associations among Asian immigrant groups. When getting loans from banks were impossible these associations allowed individuals or groups to start a __________→ all required was to have a group of individuals agree to pull funds and to allow each member of the group to take turns to use the total sum contributed Every member of teh group would have a chance at the money to start a small business

Rotating credit, business

White Man's Burden was written by ________ ______________ in (____). Poem is about the ______________ ___________ ________ from 1899-1992. The people of color in the image are half _____, half _______→ they were subhuman and needed to be __________→Written to encourage Americans to take of the _____________. Kipling viewed western ____________ as a white man's mission→ their obligation to __________those in need

Rudy Kipling, 1899, Philippine American war, devil, child, civilized, Philippines, colonialism, civilize

ghadar party: Formed in ______ ___________ in ______ and was initially organized by __________ in the US. They were committed to overthrow _________ _______ in India. In 1915, they conducted revolutionary activities on the organized uprisings and the revolution _________ but ___________ the __________ empire. The foundation of known as the stepping stone for ______________.

San Francisco, 1911, Sikh's, British Rule, failed, challenged, British, independence

In the school, crisis, ______ ___________ board of ed prohibited some 93 Japanese and Korean students from attending ___________ __________→ tried to send them to __________ school for Chinese children

San Francisco, public schools, oriental

Gurudwara: a place of warship for ________


The ______ didnt have class order so they didnt have ________ restrictions so they could ________ a lot (not like the Hindus)

Sikhs, travel, travel

In 1769: ______________ _____________ (the goal of the missions was to ___________ Native Americans into devoted Christians and Spanish citizens) were set up missions along the coast of California Spainiards built towns called ________ (spanish villages)

Spanish missionaries, convert, Pueblos

who were the exempted classes in the Chinese exclusion act

Students, Merchants, tourists (travelers for curiosity or pleasure), diplomats (officials representing a country), American-born Chinese

In __________ v ______________, The __________fought in court and won the legal battle in ________, butthe pupils were forced to attend a segregated Oriental school for Asians→ took place one decade before the Supreme court ruling in Plessy vs. Furgerson (decision upheld racial segregation based on the so called principle of "separate but equal") SF tried to segregate Japanese students in the early 20th century unsuccessfully Asian immigrants were segregated occupational until WW2

Tape Hurley, chinese, 1885,

What ended the practice of picture brides and what year was it?

The Ladies Agreement of 1920

What law reduced the influx of Chinese women and why?

The Page Act of 1875. It kept lots of women out because they were subject to harsh interrogation upon arrival

During the ________period (1600-1868) when military leaders were in control, the govt issued anti christian. For almost 200 and ½, japan kept to itself and had SMALL CONTACT. FORCED western contact: _____________ _________ forced the opening of japnese ports.

Tokugawa , Matthew Perry

The Japanese signed the treaty of _________ because if they refused what the Americans wanted, their country might face ___________ disasters.

Tokugawa, military

: The treaty the ended the first opium war

Treaty of Nanjing

What treaty gave US possession of the Philippines (incl the year)

Treaty of Paris 1898

_____________ ___________ _______ of 1934: the law provided that the Philippines would be granted ____________ in ___ years→ included a clause to RESTRICT Filipino immigratiuon to 50 individuals a year→ one group after another, the influx of Asian immigrants was completely ___________

Tydings McDuffie Act, independence, 10, stopped

Spanish-American War: In 1898, a conflict between the ___________ and __________, in which the U.S. supported the __________' fight for independence. Years: _______-________. _________was defeated.

US, Spain, Cubans', 1896-1898, defeated

According to Remaking Chinese America, many Chinese American families were "transnational" during the exclusion because a.It was extremely difficult for Chinese women to join their husbands in the United States during the exclusion. b.Most Chinese families were engaged in transnational businesses. c.Most Chinese parents could not afford to accompany their children to the U.S. to study. d.They travel constantly across the Pacific.


Allos' father and mother supported his older brother, Macario, to finish high school, but a. The family had to sell their land to pay for the expenses. b .Macario had to farm on the family land every day after school. c. Macario had to help his family business every day afterschool. d. The family took his scholarship money to keep the business running.


Although the Asian American population is very diverse, they were identified as one ethnic group partly because a. The host society and the US government treated them as one unique group. b .They spoke the same language. c. They were all influenced by the Confucius ideology. d. They were all born in foreign countries.


Asian America is a.An American ethnic community built by people of Asian origins, including both immigrants and descendants of immigrants from South Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia. b.A community of people in Asia. c.A political organization. d.A bridge between the United States and Asia.


Based on America is in the Heart, which of the following best describes Allos' life when he first came to America? a. He moved from one town to another constantly, taking rides on freight trains. b. His friends at huiguan helped him find work and offered temporary accommodation. c. He went to school during the day and worked in the evenings to make ends meet. d. He addicted to American fast food, since he could not afford anything more expensive. Feedback


Chinese became the first Asian group to immigrate to the United States in 1849 because a. Many people in Guangdong lost their jobs after the Opium War, and the government could no longer regulate emigration after the Treaty of Nanjing. b .Because transportation to California was inexpensive at the time and the Cantonese people liked to travel. c. Climate in California is similar to that of Guangdong (Canton). d. The Qing government wanted Chinese peasants to make money overseas to reduce the country's economic pressure.


One of the main functions of the Chinese Six Companies(also known as CCBA) was to a.Fight against Chinese exclusion laws. b.Search for illegal immigrants in Chinatowns. c.Facilitate trade between U.S. and China. d.Normalize relations between U.S. and China. cuz im not sure if she was right .i need a little bit of love little


Religion is important in India. Most immigrants from South Asia (India) in the early 20th century were a. Sikhs b. Hindus c. Protestants d. Muslims


The Philippine-American War is a war a. For the independence of the Philippines against American colonization. b .Fought by the Filipinos and Americans against Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines. c. Fought over labor disputes in Hawaii. d .That triggered World War I.


The sequence of large scale Asian migration to the United States and Hawaii in the late 19th and early 20th centuries is: a. Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and then Filipinos b. Filipinos, Chinese, Japanese, and then Asian Indians c. Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, and then Filipinos d .Chinese, Filipinos, Japanese, and then Koreans


Without citizenship, Asian immigrants a.could not participate in electorate politics and influence politicians. b.could not go to court. c.could not join the military. d.could not organize strikes.


The Korean immigrants to Hawaii borrowed money from David Deshler's immigration bank, a. Because they had to bypass US immigration regulations by demonstrating that they were not contract laborers. b. Because the Koreans wanted to show that they were wealthier than the Japanese. c. Because Horace Allen wanted to make sure they had enough money to live on while looking for job in Hawaii. d. Because the Hawaiian plantation owners would no longer provide them with housing.


According to the Cable Act of 1922, a.American women could gain citizenship upon marriage, regardless of the race of her husband b.American women's nationality is independent of that of her husband, unless the husband is "alien ineligible to citizenship" c.Women who were "alien ineligible to citizenship" could gain citizenship upon marriage to a U.S. citizen. d.American women's nationality would be based on that of her husband.


Asian Indians were more knowledgeable about the outside world because a. Most immigrants were urban residents in Indian. b. Many served in the British military and police forces. c. The Hindu religion encouraged people to travel. d. Geographic locations and transportation facilities made it easier for the Indians to go overseas.


Based on America is in the Heart, the narrator, Allos, a. Came from a business family in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. b .Came from a rural village on Luzon Island. c. Came from an educated family in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. d. Attended a boarding school for free education provided by the Americans, like all the Filipino children did during the US colonization.


Some Japanese went to Hawaii in the late 19th century a. To escape family obligations. b. To escape military service. c. To escape marriage arranged by their parents. d. To receive a good education.


The door of Japan was forced to open for foreign trade and navigation by this western power: a. The United States. b. Great Britain. c. China. d. France.


The first inhabitants of North America, the Native Americans, came some 15,000 to 10,000 years ago from a. South America b. Asia c. Europe. d. Africa.


The search for an alternative trade route, led by Christopher Columbus in 1492, was to a.Discover Asia, which the Europeans had no knowledge of until then after. b.Bypass the dominance of trade with Asia by the Arabs and the Venetians. c.Start the Opium trade with Asian nations. d.Bypass the dominance of Cantonese in international trade.


To exclude Asian Indians, the United States a. Granted Indian independence in ten years b. Created a barred zone in the 1917 Immigration Act, including the India subcontinent. c. Reached a Gentlemen's Agreement with the British colonial government. d. Passed an exclusion law similar to that of the Chinese exclusion act and prohibited the entry of Indian labor.


When Allos first encountered European and American tourists in the city of Baguio, a. He noted that many were interested in Filipino food, especially Boggoong. b. He noted that they liked to take pictures of Filipinos who looked ugly, poor, and ridiculous. c .He observed that many were very interested in learning the local language. d .He noted that many were eager to start businesses there.


When Christopher Columbus landed on the Bahamas in the Caribbean, he thought he had reached a.China. b.India. c.Hawaii. d.Japan.


Which of the institutions were more likely to facilitate Korean immigrant community events during the exclusion? a.Korean Buddhist temples b.Korean Protestant churches c.Korea Embassy in the United States d.Korean immigrant labor unions-8


Japanese American Citizens League is a. A college organization for international students. b. An association organized by second generation Japanese Americans. c. An association organized to win citizenship rights. d. A sports club.

b (2nd gen means ur the first in your family to be born in the us)

Based on America is in the Heart, Filipino workers often spent their evenings and earnings in a. Movie theaters. b. Grocery stores. c. Dance halls. d. Bookstores.


Catholic influence was strong in the Philippines due to a. India's cultural influence in the Philippines. b. French colonization of the Philippines. c. Spanish colonization of the Philippines. d. Its geographic proximity to Rome.


Early immigrants from Africa and Asia were brought to the U.S. (and Hawaii) because a. Americans were interested in learning from people of different cultures. b. Americans were deeply sympathetic to people in Africa and Asia and wanted to help them. c. plantations and industrial development needed their labor. d. ethnic diversity was an important principle for the U.S. government in the early years.


Most early Chinese immigrants came from the Guangdong region because a. The Cantonese peasants were the poorest in China. b .The Cantonese were world travelers. c. People in Guangdong were most impacted by the Opium War. d. They could speak Cantonese, which was popular in the US.


The Bureau of Immigration in Hawaii was established in the late 19th century to a. Create a bank and provide show money b. Prevent illegal immigrants c. Recruit immigrant workers from abroad. d. Exclude Asians


The Chinese exclusion Act excluded Chinese laborers but did not mention women because a. Women's rights was most important to American law-makers. b. No prejudice against Chinese women at the time. c. The Page Law of 1875 had already effectively barred the entry of Chinese women. d. It was believed that no Chinese women would want to come to the United States.


The Filipino Federation of America a. Advocated for free trade. b. Advocated for free immigration. c. Advocated for assimilation. d. Advocated for organized labor.


To exclude Japanese, a. The US government passed an exclusion law. b. The Japanese government enacted a national emergency law. c. The Japanese government agreed not to issue passports to Japanese laborers. d. The US government began to deport Japanese laborers.


In the ________ act, -American women gained independent nationality, unless married to "________ ___________ ______ ____________". If a Chinese woman married someone without US citizenship, she would lose her citizenship. If born __________ US territory and your father was a US citizen, you can't be a US citizen

cable, alien ineligible for citizenship, outside

Chinese exclusion adornments: ___________ required for reentry Reentry certificate void: must carry______ ____________ ______ Replaced (repealed) in ____ (so basicaly all Chinese exclusion acts were in place until this year)

certificate, alien registration card, 1943

the _________ were the FIRST to grow sugar cane and do a sugar plantation on the island


The Filippinos were hard to exclude from the US because they were not ________ but they were also not ________

citizens, aliens

Yellow peril: a _______-metaphor that represents the Chinese and Japanese as an existential ________ to the _________world

color, danger, Western

1924: The Asiatic exclusion provision in the 1924 Immigration Act did what???

completely prohibited immigration from India

A larger number of Chinese in the U.S. moved to San Francisco's Chinatown in the late 19th century because a.Alien land laws had forced Chinese farmers to give up their land. b.Most Chinese were city people in China and had difficulties to adjust to rural life. c.Hawaiian plantation owners refused to renew their contracts. d.Mob attack and violence forced them to rely on one another in isolated urban communities.


Farmers in Santa Barbara, led by William W. Hollister, supported Chinese immigration because a. Chinese in Santa Barbara were all members of the Democratic Party. b. without the Chinese immigrants, rich Santa Barbara merchants would not be able to continue the China trade. c. Religion was important in Santa Barbara. d. without the Chinese, many farmers in the isolated rural region would have to quit farming all together.


In Remaking Chinese America, the author argues that the Chinese brought more boys than girls to the United States a. because it was easy for boys to gain entry b. because the Chinese government were more likely to reject girls' passport applications. c. because only boys could go to public schools in the U.S. d. to maximize the number of new entries.


In The White Men's Burden by Rudyard Kipling, non-white people in the colonies were described as a .brave and smart b .simple and honest c uneducated and hard working d .half devil and half child


In the Philippines, the young Allos a .Delivered newspapers, worked as a janitor in a school and an elevator operator at an office building. b. Worked as a school teacher before taking a job in the government when his brother was in politics. c. Picked strawberries, peaches, and apples as a migratory farm labor. d. Farmed with his father, worked in construction, carried boggoong and salt to sell in the villages, and worked for Miss Mary Strandon in the library.


The court ruled in Tape v. Hurley in 1885 that Chinese children had the right to public education, but the San Francisco school board lobbied the state legislature to a. Send these students to labor camps. b. Send these children to schools for black students. c. Prohibit these children to get English textbooks. d. Send these students to a racially segregated school.


The sidewalk ordinance in San Francisco prohibited Chinese immigrants from a. Smoking opium on the street. b. Speaking Chinese on the street. c. Selling vegetables on the street. d. Carrying goods using a pole on the street.


To block the influx of Filipino migration, the United States a .Created a barred zone that includes the islands. b. Prohibited farmers to hire Filipino workers. c. No longer drafted Filipinos for military service. d. Decided to let the Philippines to become an independent state.


Which of the following is an argument made by the anti-Asian exclusionists? a. Asian immigrants were not reliable workers. b. Asian immigrants could not speak English. c. Asian immigrants were uneducated. d. Asian immigrants took away jobs of American workers.


Which of the following is one of the major push factor for Filipinos and Indians to leave their homeland? a. Military service required at home. b. Deprived freedom of religion. c. Unemployment after the opening of new trading ports due to unequal treaties. d. Farmers lost their land.


Who were the first to grow sugarcane and make sugar in Hawaii? a. The Americans b. The indigenous people c. The Japanese d. The Chinese


What was the main function of Angel Island: ____________ and ___________

detention and interrogation

Pull Factors in US bound migration to California and Hawaii: Mostly ____________ opportunities Better _____________ opportunities Higher wages More available __________ Available facilities Jobs were relatively _______to get

economic, employment, resources, easy

economic changes in Japan made it more appealing for _________to go overseas and make money


CA became the most important destination for international migration in mid 19th century because of the?

gold rush

The chinese exclusion prohibitied all ___________ of Chinese ___________ Hawaiian plantation owners couldn't recruit __________ __________

immigration, laborers, Chinese laborers

What was the way that Bulosan chose to come to the United States? Answer: ____________ __________ to the US mainland

independent labor

Filipino Federation of America Inc: The association DID NOT support __________ ____________ which were most important to filipino workers→ did not win support from members of the community, esp plantation workers in Hawaii

labor movements,

Bureau of Immigration: Purpose of importing ______from __________ Brought people overseas to work on the island due to __________ ____________ Plantation economy Imorted chinese first arrived in ______, working under a ____ year contract, each man received a free _________ More people arrived after 1875 1900s---> 50,000 Chinese arrived

labor, overseas, labor shortage, 1852, 5, passage

chinese exclusion act excluded __________ for ____ years. Did not apply to Chinese __________ already in the US or those who arrived _____ days after it was placed

laborers, 10, laborers, 90

PUSH FACTORS for ppl in the colonies to migrate overseas Farmers __________ their land Heavy _______for new constructions Cash crop v. self-subsistent farming Increased _____(of) ________From landowner to farm labors

land, taxes, cost living

In urban areas, many Chinese entered___________ business--> not a lot of men were in the laundry business--> Chinese men learned they could make money through doing laundry by the help of a few immigrant woman--> CA made it difficult to be run a laundry business b/c they charged $15 if you have no ________ to deliver and the Chinese didnt have them

laundry, horse

During the first 20th century the chinese brought more male children than female children to the US?? It was easier for a ______to get a ______ in the us than girls ___________ chinese history If a chinese girl goes to the US and married to another chinese man in the US she will lose her __________ This is a means of ____________the number of new entries to the country

man, job, traditional, citizenship, maximizing

CCBA, controlled by ______________→ became the community power elites. Chinese __________ were among the FIRST to come to _______ America and the first to greet the __________ at the port of entry. They also stayed in the ________ and had more permanent residences. After _______ exclusion law, ONLY ___________ could brings wives and families

merchants, merchants, north, newcomers, city, 1882, merchants

When _____________was introduced, the trade deficit in china was reduced


the British produced _________ on large scale to cover their persistant ________ imbalance with __________. This lead to millions of __________ ___________. China was now ___________ a huge amount of opium instead of silver. In order dissolve the internal crisis created by Opium, the ____________ of China decided to crack down on Opium use in China. This upsetted Britain because ___________ ___________ was the majority of their trade with China. Britain attacked China and they were victorious. After the victory China and Britain created the__________ ___________, which heavily favored the British and Europeans. From this moment on the British and many other European countries had the freedom of __________ ___________ in China

opium, trade, China, Chinese addicts, importing, Commissioner, Opium trade, unequal treaties, unrestricted trade

They needed ASIAN LABORERS in Hawaii and the mainland US to CULTIVATE ______________, BUILD _____________ and the working AGRICULTURE and the FACTORIES

plantations, railroads

Who were the Pensionados? They were the first group of _________ ___________. Once educated, they could go _______. Since they were __________ _____________ , very few could afford to go to school→ lots of them worked in _______→ education was difficult for this group of ppl

scholarship students, back, self sponsored, labor

In the treaty of Paris, it ended the __________ __________ _______ and forced spain to cede the ___________ to the US (even though George Dewey won the war)

spanish american war, Philippines

___________was MOST IMPORTANT for Hawaii's economy. Sugar cultivation is _______ intensive Shortage of labor due to decline of __________ __________ To prevent departure of its natives, the hawaiian govt forbade ppl to:

sugar, labor, local population, leave the island without permission

Chinese Asian immigrants left because after the war there was economic turmoil and they put heavier ______ on stuff after the war→ go to the US to seek a better opportunity. Pull factor for the US: economic opportunity cuz of the ________ _________ (only to Chinese immigrants) (1840s-1850s)

tax, gold rush

Characteristics of Filipino migrants: No _________restrictions between the US and US ___________ Filipinos could travel w/ ____________ _____________ as US nationals Better knowledge about the US; many were taught by American __________ in the Philippines

travel, territories, American passports, teachers

Legal basis for naturalization and citizenship: you have to be ________ or _______ to become a US citizen "Alien ineligible for citizenship" 1878--> chinese are neither white or black

white, black (

Filipinos could travel where?

within the US and travel w/ US passports to go overseas

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

Excel- Chapter 11: Securing Workbooks

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CCNA 1 v7 Modules 16 - 17: Building and Securing a Small Network

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Insurance Quizzes, P&C Insurance Basics (ExamFX), ExamFX P&C Licensing, examfx insurance, Property and Casualty- Examfx, GENERAL INSURANCE EXAMFX, Exam FX P&C Questions, Exam FX P&C, Dwelling Policy (examfx falshcards), P&C examfx, GENERAL INSURANCE...

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MGT 3200 CH. 5 - Strategic Planning

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Unit 7 - WWII - Mobilization of America

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Northern Europe & the Low Countries

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Art History (Week 3 Archaic & Early Greek Art & Architecture), Art History (week 3 Prehistoric and Bronze Age Aegean Art), Art History (Week 4 Late Classical Greek Art), Module 15: The Hellenistic Age, Hellenistic Period 323-30 bc, Late Classical Per...

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Marketing Exam 2 Review Chapter 10&11

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