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CAGE Questionnaire

Self-report screening instrument consisting of 4 yes or no questions. Requires approximately one min.

Level of CARE Utilization System (LOCUS)

assess immediate service needs, to pan resource needs over time, as in assessing service requirements for defined populations to monitor changes in status or placement at different points in time, divided into three sections and six evaluation paramters- risk of harm, functional status, medical addictive and psychotiatric co morbidity, recovery environemtn, treatment and recovery history and engagement.

Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST)

DAST is to provide a brief, simple, practical, but valid method for identifying individus who are abusing psychoactive drugs, and to uield quantititatve index score of the degree of problems related to drug use and misuse. It is especiall useful in screening and case findings, level of treatment and treatment/goal planning. There is both an adult and an adolescent version.

Strucutred Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Disorders (SCID-IV)

Obstains Axis 1 and 11 diagnoses using the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for enabling the interviewr to either rule out or establish a diagnosis of drug abuse or dependence and or alcohol abuse or dependence

Assessment of Chemical Health Inventory (ACHI)

128-item self-administered instrument assesses the nature and extent of substance abuse associated psychosocail problems and facilitates communication between treatment providers. It can be taken and scored on a computer. There is also a paper/pencil formtat. Screens for random, inatteinve, or inconsistent test taking behavior and for defensiveness, exaggeration, or social desirability tendancies. The test requires a sixth grade reading level and takes 15-25 minutes to complete.

Short ichigan Alsochol Screening Test (SMAST)

13 item questionsnare to identify alcohol problems. Reviews an individul's drinking habits, history, and alcohol-related problems. Takes 15 min and requires 7th grade reading level.

Drug Use Screening Inventory (DUSI)

149 item instruemtn evaluates adolescent drug use and the youth's health, psychiatric, and psochosocial problems, identifies problem areas, and quantiatively monitors treatment progress and outcome. It consists of a Personal History Form, drug use screening instruement, and demographic, medical and treatment prevention summary plan. sixth grade reading level is needed and completion takes twenty to forty mintes. scoring takes 15-20 min.

Peronal Experience Inventory (PEI)

2 part assessment to asses the extent of psychologicla and bheavior issues with alcohol and drugs probles, assess psychosocial risk factors assicated with teenage chemical involvement, screen for the presence of problems, and appropriateness of inpatient/outpatient. sixth grade reading level, 45-60 min. to give

Beck Depression Inventory

21 items, assesses intensity of depression. Screens for whether to make a referral for further evaluation. Questions align with DSM

Adolsecent Drinking Index

24 item paper and pencil test self0report rating scale intended to measure the severity of drinking problems. Completion time is about five minutes, youth need fifth grade reading skills.

Alcohol Dependence Scale (ADS)

25 intem multiple choice quiestionnaire to assess the alcohol depnednece syndrome. It is derived from the Alcohol use inventory. It yields an index of severity of alcohol dependence.

Adolescent drinking inventory

25 question self report instrument to screen adolescents. It focuses on drinking-related loss of control and social, psychological and physical symptoms of alcohol problems

Self Administered Alcoholism Screening test (SAAST)

34 item questionnaire or interview with a yes or no format. abbreviated 9 item version, considered useful for screening medical patients for alcoholism

Substance Abuse subtle screening inventory (SASSI)_ adult adolescention version

52 items self-administered tru-false version, many Q's appear to be unrelated to substance abuse, but itmes allow client's to self report negative consequences of substance use. may be administered in booklets or computer form, can be given indiviually or by goup, requires a third grade reading level and 10-15 minutues, one min. to score

American Drug and Alcohol Survey (ADAS)

57-item self report instrument. It requires 20-25 minutes to complete. It develops a typology of 9 styles of use of drugs that are listed in order of increasing severity of drug involvement.

Comprehensive Drinker Profile (CDP)

88 item structured interview questionnaire designed to provide a history of drinking practise and problems. Incorporates MAST. It requires from 1 to 2 hours to adminster.

Drug offender profile evaluation/referral strategies (DOPERS)

Assesses suspected drug involved adult probations. Helps determine specific supervision and treatment recommendations. it is an intervent format that takes approximately 25 min. to complete. requires a 2 1/2 day training session to use.

Recovery Attitude and Treatment Evaluatior (RAATE)

Assist in placing patients into the appropriate level of care at admission, in making continued stay or transfer decisions during treatment, and documenting appropriateness of discharge. provides objective documentionat to assits in making appropriate treatment placement decisions, it strenghts individuslaed care and facilates moretreatment planning/processes, and it asseses the need for continuing care and discharge readiness

Readiness to Change Questionnaire

Assists the clinical in determing the stage of readiness for change among problem drinkers or people with alcohol use disorders. Assesses drinkers readiness to change drinking behaviors, may be used in assignment to different treatments

Quantitative Inventory of Alochol Disorders (QIAD)

Each item on this 22 item self-report instruments is rated on a 5 point scale. takes 10-12 min to complete, assesses the severity of alcohol problems during the month before administration of the test

Psychiatric Research Interview for Substance and Mental Disorders (PRIM)

Instrument was designed to maximize reliability and validity in community sampels, alcohol, drug, and co-occuring disorder treatment samples, athough primarily desiged as a reasrach instrument, the Prism provides ysstematic coverage of alcohol-drug related experiences and symptoms that may be useful identifying areas of focus for treatment. Additionally, the unusually high reliabiley of the depression diagnosess in individuals with heavy drinking may provide a better baisis for treatment desicisons than less consistent methods of assesing major depression and dysthymia.

Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST)

Quantifies for severity of alcohol problems for adults, using a 24 item self-administered quiestionnare calling for a yes or no response

Addictions Severity Index (ASI)

The ASI is the most useful as a general intake screening tool. it effectively assesses a client's status in several areas, and the composite score measures how a client's need for treatment changes over time. It has been used extensively for treatment planning and outcome evaluation. Outcome evaluation packages for individual programs or for treatment systems are available. Designed for adults of both sexes, who are not intoxicated when interviewed.

University of Rhode Island Change

The URICA defines four theoretical stages of change- precontemplation , action, and maintencance, each assessed by 8 items. Assessment of stages of change/readiness construct can be used as a predictor, treatment matching, and outcome variables.

Circumstances, Motivation, and Readiness Scales (CMR scales)

The instrument is designed to predict retention in treatment and is applicable to both residential and outpatient treatment modalities. Consists of four deireved scales measuring external pressure to enter treatment, external pressure to leave treatment, motivation to change, and readiness for treatment. Developed from focus groups of recovery staff and clients and retain much of the original language. Clients entering substance aubse treatment perceieve the items as relevant to their experiemcnes.

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)

The purpose of the AUDIT is to identify persons who alcohol consumtion has become hazardous or harmful to their health. The AUDIT screening procedure is linked to a decision process that includes brief intervenion with heavy drinkers or referral to specialized treatment for patients who show evidence of moreserious alcohol involvement. It has been used with adults, particualry primary care, emergency room, surgery, and pscyhiatric patients, DWI offenders, criminals in court, jail, prinson, employment assistance porgrams.

Chemical Dependency Assessment Profile (CDAP)

This is a 235 item multiple choice and true-false self-report instrument to assess alcohol and other drug use and chemcial dependency problems. Can be administred by computer or in paper/pencil format.

MACH Drug Involvement Scale (MDI)

This is a standarized interview in computer format that can be self-administered. It takes about 30 minutes to administer and results are generated immediately. MDI Scale is used to identify adolescent drug involvmenet. It is available in Swedish/English.

Problem Severity Index (PSI)

This is a structued intervie developed to dientify, document, and respon to drug/alcohol abuse as well as problems in other important areas of fuctioning among adolescents entering the juvenile court system, adminstations takes 45-60 min.

Offender Profile Index (OPI)

This is an interview format that can be completed in approximately 30 min desigend to be used with suspected drug involved drug /offenders to determine specific drug intervetnion disposition.

Comprehensive Addiction Severity Index for Adolescents (CASI-A)

This strucuted interview was designed to evaluate drug and alcohol use and psychosocial severity in adolescent populations in a variety of settings. It is administred by an assesseor to the youth and takes approximately 45 minutes to 60 minutes. A computerized scoring technique takes about 45 minuts and ten minutes to schore.

Alcohol expectancy questionnaire

Used to gauage high risk circumstances that may lead to alcohol use

Juvenile Automated Substance Abuse Eval. (JASAE)

assesseing alcohol and other drug use behavior in adolescents. It is suggested for use with follow-up interviews to provide the foucs and conserve the amount of time necessary to conduct the interview. It is a 102 item self-admiistred quiestionnaire written at the fifth grade level. I tcan be given individually or in groups. Avaialbae in Engliesh and spanish and on audio tape for those with reading difficultes. takes 20 minutes and keying in responses takes 5 minutes.

Problem Oriented Screening Instrument for Teenagers (POSIT)

brief screening of adolescents for treatment and other service needs. intended to identiy troubled youths and can be used in a variet of settings. useful for developing a treatment and referral plans. 139 item self administered quiestionnaire designed for use with youth 12-19, requires sixth grade reaing level.

T-ACE Questionnaire

identify pregnant women who consume quantities of alcohol that potentionally can damage the fetus, takes one min. to complete and incoproates three items of the CAGE Questionaire, assesses alcohol tolerance

Gloabal Appraisal of individaul needs (GAIN)

implement an integrated bipsychosocial model of treatment assessment, planning, and outcome monitoringthat can be used for evaluation, clinical practice, and administration purposes. It embeds questions for dumoneting substanc euse disorder, ADHD, conduct disorder, and pathological gambling, health distress, mental distress, and treatment planing.

TASC, INcl. Illinoise

interview format that takes 90-120 minutes to complete, assesses need, motivation, and level of treatment for drug-involved offender populations. Should be performed by a trained clinician.

Prevention Intervention Management and Evaluation System (PMES)

items related to both alcohol and other drug problems consitutate this 150 item instrument designed to assess substance abuse and other life problems of adolescent, assist in treatment planning and provide follow up assessment and evaluation data on treatment outcome. requires sixth grade reading level, 1 hour to give, and 10-15 min. to score

Adolescent drug involvement scale

paper and pencil drug abuse screening instrument adapted from the adolescent involvement scale

Substance Abuse Questionnaire (SAQ)

self administered instrument targest adult probationers. It assesses risks and needs and presents treatment recommendations. Requires computer and is available in English or Spanish

Personal Experience Screening Questionnaire (PESQ)

self-report screening questionnaire for use with adolescents suspected of abusing alcohol or other drugs. 40 items, fourth grade reading level, can be given in groups, takes 10 min.

Substance Abuse Relapse Assessment (SARA)

strucutred interview developed for use by substance abuse treatment professionals to help recovering individusls recognize signs of and avoid relapse. Used mostly with adult population. Contains 41 questions administered in paper and pencil format. Takes 60 minuts. results interpreted individually by assessor.

Inventory of Drinking Situations

used to identify emotional, cognitive, and social factors that may precipitate drinking

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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Assessment and Intervention Final

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real estate practice (missed questions pt4)

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Unit 6 - Types of Risk Quiz/Test Questions

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