Astronomy Exam 2

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The first human landing on the moon was

Apollo 11 in 1969

The second space probe to reach the planet Mercury was the


Venus rotates

backwards, so the sun rises in the West

Asteroids are usually found in the asteroid belt, which is

between the orbits of mars and jupiters

The distance from the earth to the sun is

one astronomical unit

Saturn has an extensive

ring system made of ice-covered rocks

The spacecraft Galileo

went into orbit around the planet Jupiter and dropped a probe into its atmosphere

The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft

went into orbit around the planet Saturn and dropped a probe into Titan's atmosphere

The Law of Inertia says that if an object is not acted on by any outside force, its acceleration

will always be zero

What temperature is closest to what you might expect in the planet Jupiter?

-250 degrees F

An ion rocket engine produces 1 newton of thrust. What acceleration can it give to a space probe with a mass of 1000kg?

0.001 m/s^2

An ion rocket engine produces 5 newtons of thrust. What acceleration can it give to a space probe with a mass of 1000kg?

0.005 m/s^2

Suppose that you lift an object by exerting an upward force of 22 newtons on it. If gravity exerts a force of 10 newtons downward on the object, what is the total force of the object?

12 newtons

What temperature would be most likely at noon on the hottest day of the year in the warmest part of mars

50 degrees F

What total force will cause an object with a mass of 5kg to gain 10 meters per sec every sec?

50 newtons

The first spacecraft to go into orbit around Jupiter was


Neptune has an atmosphere of

Hydrogen and helium with some methane

What spacecraft operated in Mars orbit for 9 years, finding traces of water and an early magnetic field?

Mars Global Surveyor

Which planet is farthest from the sun?


The first space probes to land on another planet were from the

Russian Venera series

What spacecraft went into orbit around Mars only to find the surface totally obscured by a planet-wide dust storm

The Mariner 9

A horse is pulling a cart along a road. What is an action-reaction pair?

The force of horse on the road and the force of road on the horse

A book, weighing 10 newtons, sits on a table. What is an action-reaction pair?

The force that the book exerts on the table and the force that the table exerts on the book

Which of the following three systems is regarded as the most normal for a terrestial planet?

Venus, with no moons at all

Saturns magentic North and South poles are

almost exactly alignes with its rotation axis

Mercury has

almost no atmosphere

Venus has

an atmosphere of carbon dioxide with about 90 times the surface pressure of Earth's surface

Saturn has an atmosphere of

an atmosphere of hydrogen and helium with no real surface

Saturns moon Titan has

an atmosphere whose temperature and pressure permit liquid methane

When do comets get their tails

around where they cross the orbit of Mars

Jupiter has

at atmosphere of hydrogen and helium with no real surface

How many moons does Jupiter have

at least 62

Galileo's approach to understanding moving objects was to

build things that he could measure

Milankovich cycles refer to

changes in the intensity of sunlight due to shifts in both the earths orbit and rotation axis

The currently accepted theory of how the moon formed is the

collision theory

Jupiter has a few rings made of

dark rocks

Mars orbit is currently

elliptical enough to make the intensity of sunlight vary by 40%

Comets usually follow orbits which are

elliptical with aphelia far outside the orbit of mars

The magnetic field of Mars is

essentially 0

The magnetic field of Venus is

essentially 0

The magnetic field of Earth's moon is

essentially zero

Most asteroids can be described as

flying rocks or mountians

The International Space Station (ISS) is in a roughly circular orbit near the surface of the Earth, moving at around 5 miles per second. Suppose the Space Shuttle pushes it and quickly increases its speed to 6 miles per second. The ISS will then

follow an ellipse that rises and then decends again

The force of gravity explains

how the tides work but not how lightning works

The circular structures on the surface of the moon are the result of


The presence of frozen water on Venus is

impossible because every part of it is too hot for water or ice

The rotation axis of Neptune is

inclined at an angle to the perpendicular that is similar to Earth's rotation axis

The moons orbit

is somewhat titles relative to the plane of the Earth's equator

Mars has a solar day that

is very close to an earth day in length (39 min longer)

The planet Neptune was located because

its gravity disturbed the orbit of Uranus

Galileo said that a moving object with nothing pushing or pulling on it will always

keep moving at the same speed

The Law of Inertia states that a moving object will

keep moving if no force acts on it

In the surface environment of Mars, water exsits

mostly as ice and water vapor

When an arrow is fired from a bow, the arrow keeps moving after it leaves the bow because

no force stops it

Earth's magnetic field plays an essential role in

protecting the Earth from charged particles from the sun

Space probes often visit several planets before getting to their final destinations. The main reason they do this is to

reduce the amount of rocket fuel needed

Asteriods are usually made of

rock and possibly iron

When Galileo dropped a wooden ball and a heavier iron ball at the same time, he found that

sometimes the wooden ball hit first, sometimes the iron ball hit first

What is a distintive feature of the Earths atmosphere?

temperature and pressure to permit all 3 phases of water

In Newtons Theory,

the earth and moon move around a common point which, in turn, goes around the sun

An artificial satellite such as the international space station stays up because

the earth curves out from under it as it falls

Suppose you drop two objects from the same height at the same time. Both objects are heavy enough to be unaffected by air resistance. If one object is twice as heavy as the other, Aristotle would predict that

the heavier object would hit the ground before thr lighter one

Pluto is now regarded as

the largest dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt

Suppose that an object with a mass of one kilogram and an object with a mass of two kilograms are both in free fall near the Earth's surface. As compared to the one kilogram object, the two kilogram object accelerates

the same because gravity pulls on it more strongly and it has more inertia

Which of the following statements about the moons of terriestial planets is currently accepted?

they sometimes capture moons by accident

The distance from the Earth to the moon

varies enough that sometimes we get an annular solar eclipse

What temperature is closest to what you might expext on the planet Uranus?

-350 degreed F

How many moons does Mercury have?


How many moons does Venus have


The Earth's Moon is

1/4 the size of the Earth, which is unusally large for a moon

Jupiter rotates on its axis once in about

10 hours

What total force will cause an object with a mass of 1kg to gain 10 meters per sec every sec?

10 newtons

What total force will cause an object with a mass of 2kg to gain 5 meters per sec every sec?

10 newtons

Compared to the Earth, Jupiter is roughly

11 times as large

Uranus rotates on its axis once in about

17 hours

How many moons does Mars have


Suppose that you lift an object by exerting an upward force of 12 newtons on it. If gravity exerts a force of 10 newtons downward on the object, what is the total force of the object?

2 newtons

A suborbital rocket such as an intercontinental ballistic missile or perhaps a passenger rocket from North America to Australia is most likely to leave the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of

4 miles per second

Compared to Earth, the planet Uranus is roughly

4 times as large

What total force will cause an object with a mass of 1kg to gain 5 meters per second every second?

5 newtons

Suppose that you lift an object by exerting an upward force of 5 newtons on it. If gravity exerts a force of 10 newtons downward on the object, what is the total force of the object?

5 newtons downward

The density of water is 1000kg/m3 while the density of iron is 7800kg/m3. Which of the following values is a plausible value for the density of a terrestrial planet?

5000 kg/m3

What is the second largest moon of Jupiter


The first spacecraft to go into orbit around Saturn was


Earth's orbit is currently

Elliptical enough to make the intensity of sunlight vary by 6 percent

Who discovered Newton's first Law of Motion


What is Jupiters largest moon?


What is the correct order of the outer planets from the Sun, from the closest to the farthest.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune (farthest)

The dark marking on the Full Moon that make up the face of the "Man on the Moon" are called

Lunar Maria

What space probe made detailed three dimensional maps of Venus using radar from orbit around the planet


The first space probe to reach the planet Mercury was the

Mariner 10

What is the correct order of the inner planets from the Sun, from the closest to the farthest?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars (farthest)

The first space probe to place a robotic rover on the surface of mars was the


The first space probe to test the air-bag landing system was the


Which of Mar's moons rises in the West?


What spacecrafts were the first ro fly past Jupiter

Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11

What was the first spacecraft to fly past Saturn?

Pioneer 11

The first successful soft landing on the moon was

Surveyor 1 in 1966

What is Saturns largest moon?


Voyager 1 was the first space probe to fly past

Titan, one of Saturns moons

What is Neptune's largest moon?


The temperature at the poles of Mercury is expected to be

Very hot all of the time on mountain peaks hit by the Sun and very cold all of the time in craters never hit by the Sun.

The first soft landing on Mars was by the

Viking landers

Which of the following spacecraft is the only one to have flown past Neptune?

Voyager 2

A surface feature that is unique to Saturn is

a hexagon-shaped pattern on clouds at its North Pole.

The Great Red Spot is

a hurricane on Jupiter

The magnetic field of Jupiter indicates that its core must contain large amounts of

a liquid that can conduct electricity

The magnetic field of Mercury is

about 1% of the earths magnetic field

The magnetic field of Jupiter is

about 10 times the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field

Galileo's approach to science is best described as based on

active construction of simplified experiments

The rotation axis of Uranus is

almost in the plane of its orbit so that its ring system can sometimes be seen as near-circles

In comparison to Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion, Newtons theory of Universal Gravitation predicted

almost the same motions but with correction

Mars has

an atmosphere of carbon dioxide with about 1% of the surface pressure of Earth's

The Lunar Maria are actually

ancient lava flows on the moon

Kepler's laws

are explained by a force that attracts each planet to the sun

When Galileo dropped a wooden ball and a heavier iron ball at the same times, he was expecting that

both balls would hit at exactly the same time

Space probes often use gravitational slingshot maneuvers. The main purpose of these maneuvers is to

change the direction and speed of the probe without using rockets

Relative to the distant stars, Mercury

completes 1.5 rotations each time it orbits the sun

Relative to the distant stars, Venus

completes less than one full rotation each time it orbits the sun

Most comets can be described as

dirty snowballs or flying icebergs

Neptune's magnetic North and South poles are

displaced from its rotation axis poles and also from the center of the planet

Uranus's magnetic North and South poles are

displaced from its rotation axis poles and also from the center of the planet

Jovian planets are mostly made up of

gas and ice

Freely falling objects with different masses fall with the same acceleration because

gravity exerts more force on the more massive object

The density of rock is about 3000kg/m3. The density of the Earth is

greater than 3000kg/m3 because the Earth has an iron core.

Mercury rotates so that it

has a solar day that lasts for two complete orbits around the sun

The statement that lunar meterial is much "dryer" than Earth material refers to the absence of

hydrated minerals

What two gases are jovian planets mostly made of

hydrogen and helium

Uranus has an atmosphere of

hydrogen and helium with some methane

Comets are usually made of

ice and possibly frozen gas

Kuiper belts are usually made of

ice and possibly frozen glass

When Newton calculated the magnitude and direction of the acceleration for a planet that was following Kepler's Laws, he found that the magnitude of the acceleration was

inversely proportional to the square of the planets distance from the sun

If the acceleration of an object is zero, its speed

is not changing

The Law of Inertia says that if an object is not acted on by any outside force,

its acceleration will be zero

A unit of mass is the


The Russian Venera 9 space probe was sent to Venus where it

landed on the surface and took pictures

Jovian planets typically have

large systems of moons

The temperature on Saturn is

much colder than anywhere on Earth

The temperature on Jupiter is

much colder than anywhere on Earth.

The temperature on Uranus is

much colder than anywhere on earth

A unit of force is the


The moon rotates on its axis relative to the distant stars

once every sidereal month

The presence of frozen water on mercury is

possible because it has no axial tilt so that its poles never face the sun

The current model for the way that planets aquire magnetic fields requires which of the following combinations of things?

rotation and a core that contains a liquid electrical conductor

The magnetic feild of Saturn is

similar to the intensity to the Earth's magnetic field

The range of temperatures on Mars is

similar to those in Antarctica

Aristotle said that a moving earthly or "mundane" object with nothing pushing or pulling on it will always

slow down and stop

Since the last Apollo mission to the moon and the last Soviet LUNA sample-return mission

spacecraft began to be sent there again starting in 1990

Aristotle said that the amount of force on a moving earthly object determines it


As astronomical unit is defined to be

the average distance frrom the earth to the sun

The force that acts on a rocket because its engine is firing is exerted by

the exhaust on the rocket

According to Galileo, a thrown spear keeps moving after it has left the spear thrower's hand because

the force of friction with the air is not enough to stop the spear

According to Aristotle, a thrown spear keeps moving after it has left the spear thrower's hand because

the force of the air disturbed by the spear keeps it in motion

Suppose that you drop a wooden ball and an iron ball, both the exact same diameter, from the same height at the same time. Aristotle would predict that

the iron ball would hit the ground long before the wooden ball

In Newtons theory of planetary motion

the sun and earth move around eachother

The fact that the international space station is above most of the earths atomosphere is important because it means that

there is no friction to slow the space station down

In the ancient Greek theory of gravity, everything was attracted to the center of the universe. In Newton's theory of gravity, everything was attracted

to every other object in the universe

When Newton calculated the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of earth's moon, he found that the direction was

toward the earth

When Newton calculated the magnitude and direction of the acceleration for a planet that was following Kepler's Laws, he found that the direction of the acceleration was

toward the sun

If an object is moving at a constant speed in a straight line, its acceleration is


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