Astronomy Finals

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The diameter of the Milky Way disk is about ________. a) 8 pc or 26 ly. b) 8 kpc or 26,000 ly. c) 30 kpc or 100,000 ly. d) 3 Mpc or 10 Mly

30 kpc or 100,000 ly.

Oceans cover approximately ________ of the Earth's surface. 10% 30% 50% 70% 90%


The present temperature of the cosmic microwave background is About 300 K About 3000 K Immeasurable in practice Higher than it was 5 billion years ago About 3K

About 3K

A reflection nebula typically has a reddish color. True or False


Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system, was discovered by _______. a) Edmond Halley b) Jan Hendrik Oort c) Gerard Kuiper d) Galileo Galilei e) Christian Huygens

Galileo Galilei

Meteorites offer valuable clues to the early history of the Earth and solar system because most of them are relatively unaltered planetesimals left over from the formation of the solar system True or False


Pluto crosses Neptune's orbit and is actually closer to the Sun than Neptune at perihelion. True or False


Rings are made of small particles on Keplerian orbits inside the Roche limit. Here the tidal forces of the planet are stronger than the self-gravity of these orbiting objects. True and False


T-Tauri stars are low mass protostars (approx 0.2 to 2.0 solar masses) that vary greatly in luminosity due to high speed stellar winds. True and False


The Hubble Deep Field, the Hubble Deep Field South, and the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field are the deepest optical pictures of the universe ever imaged. True or False


The Planetary Habitability Lab (PHL) has devised a method for classifying exoplanets called the Planetary Habitability Index based upon an exoplanet's temperature similarity to Earth. In this scheme an Earth-like planet would be classified as a mesoplanet or class-m planet. True or False


The expansion of the universe is accelerating. True or False


The first brown dwarfs were discovered in 1995. True or False


The first evidence for dark energy was found using type 1a supernovae. True or False


The first spectra of planetary atmospheres were imaged using the transit method of planetary detection. True or False


The observable universe is finite. True or False.


The spheroid region of the Milky Way consists of the nuclear bulge and the galactic halo. True or False


The transit method of exoplanet detection measures the dimming of a star when its planet passes in front of it. The Kepler mission uses this method. True or False


Aurorae are caused by The atmospheric greenhouse effect. None of these. gasses fluorescing in the atmosphere. sunlight reflecting off ice crystals. The ozone layer being destroyed

gasses fluorescing in the atmosphere.

A protostar's path on the HR diagram is named after this Japanese astrophysicist who was an early pioneer in modeling stellar evolution, in particular, the star formation process. Albert Einstein Chushiro Hayashi Arthur Eddington Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Henrietta Leavitt

Chushiro Hayashi

Only satellite in the solar system with a dense atmosphere. The Huygen's probe descended through its atmosphere and landed on its surface in January 2005. Ganymede Enceladus Triton Europa Titan


The four largest moons of Jupiter are collectively known as the Galilean satellites. Which of the following is not a Galilean satellite. a) Ganymede b) Io c) Titan d) Europa e) Callisto


In September 2013 this spacecraft reached the heliopause and officially became the first spacecraft to enter interstellar space. a) Juno b) Mariner 10 c) New Horizons d) Viking 2 e) Voyager 1

Voyager 1

This planetary orbiter visited all the Jovian planets in the 1970s and 1980s. Messenger Mariner 9 Voyager 2 Pioneer 11 None of the above

Voyager 2

The Sun appears darker along its edges because _____________. a) It's an optical illusion. b) Sunspots tend to gather at the Sun's edges. c) We are seeing higher, cooler parts of the photosphere. d) The photosphere is cooler at the Sun's edges.

We are seeing higher, cooler parts of the photo-sphere.

Meteor showers occur when ________. The Earth passes through cometary debris. The Earth reaches perihelion. The Earth passes through the asteroid belt. The Earth reaches aphelion. The Earth undergoes climatic changes.

The Earth passes through cometary debris.

A Seyfert galaxy is a giant elliptical galaxy - like Cygnus A - that emits enormous amounts of radio energy. True or False


Alan Guth proposed the Big Bang Theory in the 1940s. He was also the first person to predict the existence of the cosmic microwave background. True or False


Because Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, it is also the hottest planet. True and False


Compared to the present structure of the Sun, when it becomes a red giant its core will be denser and cooler and its surface will be less dense and hotter. True or False


Earth is the only planet that has an aurora. True or False


Earth's aurora is caused by sunlight reflecting off of ice crystals in our atmosphere. True of False


Elliptical galaxies typically contain lots of gas and dust and are sites of active star formation. True or False


In the inner part of the Sun (just above the core) energy is carried away via convection. In the outer 30% of the Sun, energy is transported via radiation. True or False


In the mountains of Cerro Tololo Observatory in Chile is a great place to locate a gamma ray telescope. True or False


It is easy for astronomers to measure element abundances in the early universe, making Big Bang nucleosynthesis one of the strongest and best measured tests of the Big Bang Theory. True or False


Jan Hendrik Oort discovered Saturn's largest moon Titan. The first and only probe to land on Titan's surface is named after him. True or False


Nearly all galaxies are moving away from us because the Milky Way galaxy is located at the exact center of the universe. True or False


The HARPS program detected an Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone orbiting Alpha Centauri B. True or False


The Kuiper Belt is a large spherical cloud of comets about 50,000 AU from the Sun., where most comets reside. True or False


The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), launched February 2010, is designed to study solar variability. It studies the Sun primarily in the infrared where most of the Sun's variability occurs. True or False


The WISE mission completed a survey of brown dwarfs within 30 light-years of the Sun in 2012 and found more brown dwarfs than scientists expected. True or False


The asteroid belt, where most asteroids reside, is located between the planets Uranus and Neptune. True or False


The cosmic neutrino background is a prediction of the Big Bang Theory that was detected in April 2013 by the Planck mission. True or False


The largest gap in Saturn's rings, the Cassini Division, is created by two sheppard moons - Pandora and Prometheus. True or False


There are more active galaxies, galaxy collisions, and galaxy interactions today than there were in the early universe. True or False


The meteor that exploded in the atmosphere above Russia on February 15, 2013 is known as ______________. Chelyabinsk Meteor Barringer Meteor Tunguska Event Kilbourn Event Chicxulub

Chelyabinsk Meteor

In what way are the atmospheres of Venus and Mars similar to each other? Density Pressure Temperature Chemical composition

Chemical composition

Mars ___________. a) Is the target destination of Maven. b) Has a thin CO2 atmosphere. c) Is the home of Olympus Mons and Valley Marineris d) Experiences seasons e) All of these are true.

All of these are true

This satellite of Jupiter has constant volcanic eruptions on its surface and is considered the most geologically active object in the solar system. Enceladus Titan Io Europa Ganymede


What is the inner core of a massive supergiant star composed of when it reaches the end of its life (immediately before supernova explosion)? Helium Hydrogen Silicon Iron Carbon


Degeneracy pressure plays a critical role in determining the ultimate fate of many stars because... Other forms of pressure require lots of neutrinos. It eventually compresses all-stars into black holes. Fusion cannot occur when electrons are degenerate. It does not get weaker if the star's core cools. (independent of temperature) It prevents main sequence stars from collapsing.

It does not get weaker if the star's core cools. (independent of temperature)

What happens to a white dwarf that is pushed beyond its Chandrasekhar mass limit? a) It becomes a black hole. b) It brightens temporarily as a nova. c) It explodes as a Type 1a supernova. d) It explodes as a Type 2 supernova. e) It becomes high mass white dwarf.

It explodes as a Type 1a supernova.

This is the largest and most massive planet. It's the home of the Great Red Spot. Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune


A red main sequence star has a ________ lifetime and a ________ mass. short; large short; small long; large long; small

Long, small

This planet is the home of Olympus Mons and Valley Marineris. It has no magnetic field and a very thin CO2 atmosphere. Mercury Venus Earth Mars


A pulsar is a(n)... Oscillating black hole Rotating white dwarf Oscillating protostar Black hole Rotating neutron star

Rotating neutron star

_______________ rocks are formed by cementing and compacting tiny particles created by weathering and erosion of surfaces. Metamorphic Sedimentary Igneous


By counting globular clusters he determined the Milky Way had a spherical distribution with the Sun near edge (He had value 15kpc; actually closer to 8.0 kpc). Einstein Hubble Kapteyn Schwartzchild Shapley


This individual proposed, that when quantum mechanics is taken into consideration, a black hole can slowly evaporate by emitting very small amounts of radiation and losing mass. Chushiro Hayashi Albert Einstein. Henrietta Leavitt. Arthur Eddington. Stephen Hawking.

Stephen Hawking.

____________ concluded that white dwarfs with mass greater than 1.4 M Sun cannot exist. Karl Schwartzchild Cushiro Hayashi Subramayan Chandrasekhar Arthur Eddington None of the above

Subramayan Chandrasekhar

The Unified Model of AGNs states that cores of active galaxies have ________, which produce their energy. Supermassive black holes. Lots of supernovae Lots of star formation sites

Supermassive black holes.

An astronomer observes an AGN change in brightness with a period of 3 days. This means None of these are correct. The AGN cannot be smaller than 3 light-days across. The AGN cannot be larger than 3 light-days across. The AGN is very close. The AGN is very far away.

The AGN cannot be larger than 3 light-days across.

Which of the following statements concerning the Big Bang Theory is false. a) The universe had a definite beginning in time. b) The expansion of the universe is accelerating. c) The Big Bang occurred at a single point in space as a large explosion. d) Inflation is a modification to the Big Bang Theory. e) The Big Bang Theory does not explain a cause for expansion of universe or suggest what happened before the moment of the Big Bang.

The Big Bang occurred at a single point in space as a large explosion.

Which of the following statements about the Local Group is false. The Local Group contains about 40 member galaxies. The Milky Way is contained in the Local Group. The Local Group is part of the Virgo Supercluster. The Local Group is part of the Great Attractor Supercluster. Andromeda is contained in the Local Group. The Local Group is a poor cluster (it doesn't have many members).

The Local Group is part of the Great Attractor Supercluster.

The inflation modification to the Big Bang theory solves which two problems? None of these. The horizon problem and the "missing mass" problem. The flatness problem and the age problem. The age problem and the "missing mass" problem. The flatness problem and the horizon problem.

The flatness problem and the horizon problem.

Which of the following is a correct resolution to Olber's Paradox? The universe is finite in size, and there just aren't enough stars to fill the sky. The Sun has set, and therefore doesn't light the sky. The universe is not infinitely old. Dust blocks our view of distant stars, which makes the sky appear dark. More distant stars appear dimmer and therefore not visible.

The universe is not infinitely old.

A plutoid is a trans-Neptunian dwarf planet. It is round and it orbits the Sun in the Kuiper Belt. True or False


All 450 nanometer blue photons contain the same amount of energy. True or False


All objects, whatever their temperature, emit radiation. True or Flase


An M flare is the strongest type of solar flare. True or False


Arthur Eddington determined that the Sun produces its energy by fusing hydrogen into helium. True or False


Evidence for dark matter includes flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies: the outer parts of galaxies rotate faster than expected based upon the visible material. True or False


Evidence for dark matter includes flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies: the outer parts of galaxies rotate faster than expected based upon the visible material. True or false


Extremophiles are organisms that live in extreme environments on Earth. Any extra-terrestial life found in the solar system will likely be most similar to this type of life. True or False


Extremophiles are organisms that live in extreme environments on Earth. Any extra-terrestrial life found in the solar system will likely be most similar to this type of life. True or False


Gamma ray bursts (GRB) are likely created from a hypernova and formation of a black hole or from the collision of two neutron stars. True or False


Granules are the tops of convective cells in the Sun; solar granulation is a feature of the photosphere. True or False


Haumea is the only dwarf planet that isn't spherical; it has an ellipsoidal shape. Haumea also has two moons: Hi'iaka and Namaka. True or False


High mass main sequence stars convert hydrogen into helium using carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen as a catalyst. True or False


If you spot an O main-sequence star in the sky, you can assume it is a young star. True or False


In September 2012, the Dawn mission finished studying the asteroid Vesta, and is now studying the dwarf planet Ceres. True or False


In order to have an aurora a planet must have an atmosphere and a magnetic field. True or false


In order to produce a magnetic field a planet must have a liquid metal in motion. True and False


Jupiter's magnetic field is generated by metallic hydrogen. True or False


Karl Schwartzchild was the first person to provide a general relativity explanation for black holes. The event horizon radius - distance at which even light cannot escape the gravity of a black hole - is named after him. True or False


Magnetic fields cause visible structure, such as sunspots, in the Sun. True or False


Meteorites offer valuable clues to the early history of the Earth and solar system because most of them are relatively unaltered planetesimals left over from the formation of the solar system. True or False


Saturn, which has the most spectacular ring system in the Solar System, also has the lowest density of all the planets. True or False


Since it is over 2 million light years away, we see the Andromeda galaxy as it looked over 2 million years ago. True or False


WIMPs are one of the leading proposed particles for dark matter. a) True b) False


Younger stars typically have higher "metallicities" (massive element abundances) than older stars. True or False


Which of the following statements about small solar system bodies is false? Plutinos are icy, rocky objects in a 3:2 resonance with Neptune. Pluto is an example of these. All of these are true statements. Centaurs are transitional asteroid/comet like objects that orbit the Sun with orbit sizes between those of Jupiter and Neptune. Chiron is an example of these. Cubewanos are icy, rocky objects that have no resonance with Neptune. Makemake is an example of these. Twotinos are icy, rocky objects in a 2:1 resonance with Neptune. Ceres is an example of these.

Twotinos are icy, rocky objects in a 2:1 resonance with Neptune. Ceres is an example of these.

This planet has rings, multiple satellites, and a rotation axis almost in the ecliptic. It has retrograde rotation and little detail visible in its atmosphere. Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune


This is the terrestrial planet with the thickest atmosphere and slowest rotation period. a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars e) None of the above.


This planet has a dense CO 2 atmosphere, retrograde rotation, and a runaway greenhouse effect. Mars Uranus Neptune Venus Earth Mercury


A protostar is... When pressure in core is just enough to halt collapse in core; no nuclear fusion When pressure in core is just enough to halt collapse in core; nuclear fusion When pressure halts collapse of star; no nuclear fusion When star's nuclear energy balances it's thermal energy

When pressure in core is just enough to halt collapse in core; no nuclear fusion

White dwarf A has a mass of 0.7 M Sun and white dwarf B has a mass of 1.0 M Sun. Which one is larger (diameter)? White dwarf A White dwarf B Neither, they are the same size. Impossible to tell from the information given.

White dwarf A

___________ discovered the planet Uranus and infrared radiation, the first known energy band of the electromagnetic spectrum beyond visible light. a) Mike Brown b) Clyde Tombaugh c) William Herschel d) Isaac Newton e) Galileo Galilei

William Herschel

When we look at greater distances away from us, we are seeing the universe when it was Contracting Younger Cooler Older Less dense


A reflecting telescope (refractor) and a refracting telescope (reflector) have the same size objective mirror or lens. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the refracting telescope. a) Refractors have less magnification b) Refractors collect less light c) Refractors do not focus all wavelengths in the same place d) Refractors bend light at too large an angle e) All of these are disadvantages of refractors

c) Refractors do not focus all wavelengths in the same place

The Hayashi Track is the path of __________ on the HR Diagram. a) A super-giant star. b) The Sun over its entire lifetime. c) A protostar. d) A giant star after its exhausted helium fusion. e) A white dwarf as it cools.

A protostar.

Which of the following statements is false? A small rocky particle that enters the Earth's atmosphere is called a meteor. Most of meteorites originate in asteroids, although some come from the Moon and Mars. A meteorite is a small rocky particle that reaches the surface of the Earth. A small rocky particle that is orbiting the Sun in space is called a plutoid. Most meteors originate in comets.

A small rocky particle that is orbiting the Sun in space is called a plutoid.

Uranus and Neptune are the only two planets that were not known to the ancient astronomers. William Herschel discovered Uranus. Who discovered Neptune? a) Clyde Tombaugh b) Jan Hendrick Oort c) Christian Huygens d) Jean-Dominique Cassini e) None of these

None of these

Which of the following can escape from inside the event horizon of a black hole? X-rays Radio waves Visible light Particles of matter None of these Neutrinos

None of these

In a main-sequence star, energy radiated into space (thermal energy) is balanced by energy production from Gravitational contraction Chemical combustion Radioactive decay. Electron degeneracy pressure Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion

Nuclear fusion

Which star has the shortest main sequence lifetime? An 0.5 solar mass star An 1 solar mass star A 25 solar mass star All stars have the same main sequence lifetime.

A 25 solar mass star

Which of the following is true statement about Population I stars. They are associated with very little interstellar dust and gas. They have solar metallicities (70% H; 28% He; 2% metals by mass). They are located in the nuclear bulge of the galaxy. They are located in globular clusters. They consist of old stars only.

They have solar metallicities (70% H; 28% He; 2% metals by mass).

This Soviet lander took pictures of the surface of Venus. a) Viking b) Magellan c) Mariner d) Venus Express e) Venera


All of the following planets have auroras except ________. a) Earth b) Jupiter c) Saturn d) Venus e) All of these planets exhibit auroras.


What is the Torino Scale? a) A mission to catalog near earth objects. b) A detailed plan for preventing a future asteroid impact. c) A tool to rate the potential threat an asteroid poses to Earth. d) None of these.

A tool to rate the potential threat an asteroid poses to Earth.

Galaxy A is 7 times as far from the Milky Way as Galaxy B. Galaxy A is moving _______ the Milky Way __________ as fast as Galaxy B. Away from; 1/7 Toward; 1/7 Away from; 7 times Toward; 7 times

Away from; 7 times

In the core of a red giant star, helium is being fused into ________. Hydrogen Uranium Iron Carbon Silicon


Which of the following is a greenhouse gas? Carbon Dioxide Argon None of these are greenhouse gases. Nitrogen Oxygen

Carbon Dioxide

This spacecraft orbited Saturn from July 2004 until September 2017. It studied Saturn and its moons and released a probe which landed on Titan. Spirit Opportunity Cassini Galileo New Horizons


Which of the following will never be classified as Near Earth Asteroids. a) Apollo b) Amor c) Aten d) Apohele e) Centaurs


Besides being the only dwarf planet that is not a Trans Neptunian Object , this is also the largest known asteroid with a diameter of about 940 km. Gaspra Io Hale-Bopp Ceres Deimos


Composite volcanoes have relatively gentle eruptions when compared to shield volcanoes. True or False


Earth has liquid water because the greenhouse effect is not operating in our atmosphere. True or False


Eros is an asteroid, photographed by the Galileo mission that has its own satellite named Dactyl. True or False


Flooding is a stage of planetary evolution where high-density materials sink to the core and low-density materials "float" to the surface. True or False


Hale Bop is a very famous periodic comet with a period of 76 years. True or False


In the 1990s the Magellan spacecraft mapped over 90% of the surface of Mars for the first time ever. True and False


In the core of the Sun ________ is being fused into ________ a) Carbon; hydrogen b) Hydrogen; carbon c) Hydrogen; helium d) Helium; hydrogen e) Helium; carbon

Hydrogen; helium

In the core of the Sun ________ is being fused into ________. Carbon; hydrogen Hydrogen; carbon Hydrogen; helium Helium; hydrogen Helium; carbon

Hydrogen; helium

In the core of the Sun ________ is being fused into ________. a) Carbon; hydrogen b) Hydrogen; carbon c) Hydrogen; helium d) Helium; hydrogen e) Helium; carbon

Hydrogen; helium

For the sketch of the Milky Way (edge-on and face-on) shown, determine the following: Which letter most closely corresponds to the location of Omega Centauri a globular cluster in the Milky Way? (at the galactic center) (near the edge of the disk) (at the edge of the nuclear bulge) (in the galactic halo)

(in the galactic halo)

Put the following life stages of the Sun in order, from birth to death. Protostar Molecular Cloud (Interstellar Medium) Red Giant Main Sequence Star White Dwarf Planetary Nebula

1. Molecular Cloud (Interstellar Medium) 2. Protostar 3. Main Sequence Star 4. Red Giant 5. Planetary Nebula 6. White Dwarf

Put the following life stages of Betelgeuse in order, from birth to death. Protostar Molecular Cloud (Interstellar Medium) Main Sequence Star Supergiant Supernova Remnant Supernova Neutron Star or Black Hole

1. Molecular Cloud (Interstellar Medium) 2. Protostar 3. Main Sequence Star 4. Supergiant 5. Supernova 5. Supernova Remnant 6. Neutron Star or Black Hole

It takes photons approximately _________ to random walk out of the Sun. 2.3 seconds 8 minutes 15 days 30,000 years 100 million years

30,000 years

It takes photons approximately _________ to random walk out of the Sun. 5 billion years 2.3 seconds 30,000 years 8 minutes 28 days

30,000 years

It takes approximately how long to form a Sun-type star? 1 million years. 50 million years. 1 billion years 5 billion years 10 billion years

50 million years.

Our Sun is located approximately _________ from the galactic center. a) It is at the galactic center. b) 8 pc or 26 ly. c) 8 kpc or 26,000 ly. d) 30 kpc or 100,000 ly. e) 3 Mpc or 10 Mly

8 kpc or 26,000 ly.

Which letter most closely corresponds to the Milky Way's supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) None of the above


A neutron star is typically the size of A city. The Earth. The Sun. The Earth's orbit. Jupiter's orbit.

A city.

A brown dwarf is best described as: An extremely small, cool main sequence star. The end stage of a high mass star, like Betelgeuse. The end stage of a low mass star, like the Sun. An early stage of star formation, when pressure halts the collapse of a star, before nuclear fusion begins. A failed star; its mass is too small for nuclear fusion to ever occur.

A failed star; its mass is too small for nuclear fusion to ever occur.

What is the Drake Equation? A relationship relating an exoplanets orbital period to its distance from its parent star. A law describing how the universe is expanding. A method for measuring the amount of dark matter in galaxy clusters. None of these is correct. A formula for estimating the number of communicating intelligent species in the galaxy.

A formula for estimating the number of communicating intelligent species in the galaxy.

He added the cosmological constant to general relativity to counter natural expansion of the universe and get a static universe. He later remarked that this was his "greatest mistake". Albert Einstein Harlow Shapley Arno Penzias Edwin Hubble George Gamow

Albert Einstein

This individual discovered that mass and energy were equivalent, and can be converted from one to the other (E=mc2). Isaac Newton Galileo Galilei Arthur Eddington Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

The Crab Nebula a) Has a pulsar at its center. b) Is a supernova remnant. c) Has a rotating neutron star at it's center d) All of the above e) None of the above

All of the above

Terrestrial planets __________. Are located close to the Sun. Are small, mainly rocky and metallic bodies with high densities. Have none or very few satellites Are slow rotators. All of the above are correct.

All of the above are correct.

Quasars are More common in the early universe than they are today Extremely luminous AGNs Probably powered by supermassive black holes Compact sources of light at great distances All of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

Evidence for past water on Mars includes: Round hematite deposits on Mars, nicknamed 'blueberries' found by Opportunity. All of these are evidence for past water on Mars. Branching channels in the shape of riverbeds seen by orbiting spacecraft. A Conglomerate rock likely created in streams found by Curiosity.

All of these are evidence for past water on Mars.

Evidence for the big bang theory includes The existence of the cosmic microwave background. Agreement between cosmic expansion age and the ages of oldest globular clusters. Changes in populations of galaxies and quasars with redshift All of these are evidence for the Big Bang Theory. The abundance of helium in metal-poor stars Hubble's expansion law

All of these are evidence for the Big Bang Theory.

All life on Earth ____________. a) Requires water. b) Needs an energy source. c) Is carbon based. d) Shares common genetic ancestry (very similar DNA sequences). e) All of these are requirements of life.

All of these are requirements of life.

Which of the following statements about galaxy formation and evolution is true? One scenario of galaxy formation says dark matter gathered in large spheres, ordinary matter settled to the centers of these dark matter spheres. All galaxies probably formed about the same time in the early universe, building from smaller structures to larger structures. Since then galaxies have only changed form via collisions and interactions. All of these are true statements about galaxy formation and evolution. Analysis of WMAP data indicate the first stars formed around 400 million years after the Big Bang and the first galaxies formed after that about 1 billion years after the Big Bang. Quasars were an early stage of galaxy evolution that is now over. The centers of nearby galaxies, including our own Milky Way, were likely quasars in the past.

All of these are true statements about galaxy formation and evolution.

Sunspots ______. Are regions of strong magnetic fields. Become more or less common on an approximate 11-year cycle. Are cooler than the surrounding surface of the Sun. All of these are true. Are often associated with solar flares and prominences.

All of these are true.

Which of the following is a true statement about the expansion of the universe? a) Farther objects have larger redshifts. b) Space between the galaxies is expanding, not galaxies. c) Farther objects have larger recessional velocities. d) There is no center to the expansion. e) All of these are true.

All of these are true.

This group of asteroids crosses the Earth's orbit. They could be responsible for future collisions with Earth and mass extinctions on Earth. Centaurs Trojan Asteroids Asteroid Belt Kuiper Belt Apollo Asteroids

Apollo Asteroids

Measurements of galaxy motions show that the universe is expanding. Measurements also show that Andromeda is getting closer to the Milky Way and should eventually collide with us. How can both of these statements be true? Andromeda and the Milky Way are becoming larger due to the expansion of the universe, thereby shrinking the distance between them. Andromeda has the largest peculiar velocity of any galaxy and therefore is unaffected by expansion. As seen from the Milky Way, Andromeda's peculiar velocity is larger than its expansion velocity. Expansion only happens in the very distant universe.

As seen from the Milky Way, Andromeda's peculiar velocity is larger than its expansion velocity.

What causes the radio pulses of a pulsar? A black hole near the star absorbs energy from it and remits the energy as radio pulses. The star accretes matter from a companion, and undergoes periodic nuclear fusions that generate radio emission. The star vibrates. This occurs in astrometric binary star systems, where the star's dark orbiting companion periodically eclipses the radio waves emitted by the main star. As the star spins, beams of radio radiation from it sweep through space. If one of these beams points toward the Earth, we observe a pulse.

As the star spins, beams of radio radiation from it sweep through space. If one of these beams points toward the Earth, we observe a pulse.

Which letter most closely corresponds to the Sun's position in the Milky Way? a) A b) B c) C d) D


Which type of main-sequence star has the highest temperature in its core? B main-sequence star M main-sequence star All main-sequence stars have the same core temperature. It's impossible to determine the core temperature of a main-sequence star. G main-sequence star

B main sequence star

Which one of the following is not one of the four major types of normal galaxies? a) Barred Elliptical b) Elliptical c) Barred Spiral d) Spiral e) Irregular

Barred Elliptical

What type of galaxy is the Milky Way? Barred Spiral Nobody knows because we are located inside, and can't look out. Elliptical Irregular Spiral

Barred Spiral

Which of the following is not a characteristic of light? a) Light is a transverse wave. b) Light can be sorted by wavelength. c) A particle of light is called a photon. d) Black light contains all the colors. e) The speed of light in a vacuum is 186,000 miles/second.

Black light contains all the colors.

Charles Messier is famous for __________. a) Coining the term 'Big Bang' during a BBC radio program. b) Measuring the size of the Virgo super-cluster. c) Defending the 'island universe' hypothesis in the Great Debate. d) Predicting the existence of the cosmic microwave background. e) Creating a catalog of fuzzy objects that were not comets.

Creating a catalog of fuzzy objects that were not comets.

According the WMAP mission the universe is composed of ordinary matter, dark matter, and dark energy. Which is the most abundant (largest percentage)? They are all equally abundant. Ordinary matter Dark energy. Dark matter.

Dark energy.

Astronomers think that spiral arms form because _____ Of shock waves from the black hole at the center of the galaxy. The dust and gas do not orbit at the same speed as the stars. Stars must travel up and down instead of in circles along a flat plane. Younger stars travel more slowly than older stars. Density waves create a stellar pile-up.

Density waves create a stellar pile-up.

Which of the following is not a major accomplishment of Edwin Hubble? a) Devised a tuning fork classification scheme for galaxies in 1925, which we still use today. b) Discovered a law, which is now named after him, that describes the expansion of the universe. c) Discovered the existence of Cepheid variables and their period-luminosity relationship. d) Found Cepheid variables in Andromeda, and thus, determined the distance to Andromeda. e) All of these are accomplishments of Edwin Hubble.

Discovered the existence of Cepheid variables and their period-luminosity relationship.

Letter B is located in the ____________ of the Milky Way? a) Spheroid b) Nuclear Bulge c) Galactic Halo d) Disk e) None of the above


The Sun is located in the ________ of the Milky Way Disk Nuclear bulge Halo Center Spheroid


This planet has active plate tectonics, active volcanism, an atmosphere composed mostly nitrogen and oxygen, and liquid water on its surface. Mercury None of these. Mars Earth Venus


He devised a tuning fork classification scheme for galaxies in 1925, which we still use today. Harlow Shapley George Gamow Jacobus Kapteyn Heber Curtis Edwin Hubble

Edwin Hubble

This individual won the Nobel Prize in physics for explaining the photoelectric effect. a) Newton b) Galileo c) Kepler d) Einstein e) Tycho


Currently, __________ is thought to be the largest known dwarf planet. A November 2010 observation of it eclipsing a star has cast doubt on it's actual diameter, although it remains the most massive dwarf planet. Haumea Eris Pluto Ceres Makemake


The greater number of heavy elements seen in the spectra of Population I stars relative to Population II stars is explained by the fact that Population I stars ____. Are colder and therefore exhibit strong "metal" lines. Have planetary systems, and debris from these fall onto the star's surface. It is unknown as to why a greater number of heavy elements are seen in the spectra of Population I stars. Are older and have therefore fused more hydrogen into heavy elements. Formed more recently, and have therefore been made from enriched stellar gas.

Formed more recently, and have therefore been made from enriched stellar gas.

Which of the following is not an official dwarf planet. a) Haumea b) Gaspra c) Makemake d) Eris e) Ceres


Aurorae are caused by __________. a) The ozone layer being destroyed. b) Sunlight reflecting off of ice crystals. c) Gasses fluorescing in the atmosphere. d) The atmospheric greenhouse effect. e) None of the above.

Gasses fluorescing in the atmosphere.

In a protostar, energy radiated into space (thermal energy) is balanced by energy production from Nuclear fusion Nuclear fission Chemical combustion Electron degeneracy pressure Gravitational contraction

Gravitational contraction

Which of the following is not the result of a meteorite impact? Barringer Crater in northern Arizona. The extinction of the dinosaurs on Earth. Creation of Earth's Moon. All of these resulted from meteorite impacts. Miranda's unusual surface structure. Great Red Spot on Jupiter.

Great Red Spot on Jupiter.

A main-sequence star 25 times as massive as the sun will... None of these are correct Have a shorter lifetime than the sun Be less luminous than the sun Probably end its life as a white dwarf Be smaller than the sun

Have a shorter lifetime than the sun

________ is the study of wave oscillations of vibrations in the Sun. In particular it involves the study of acoustic pressure waves to learn about the solar interior. a) Magnetohydrodynamics b) Superkamiokande c) Helioseismology d) Chromospheric Variation


Which of the following statements about the interstellar medium is false? Dust grains constitute about 1% of the interstellar medium. Helium gas constitutes about 90% of the interstellar medium. The Eagle Nebula and the Orion Nebula are sites of current star formation. Giant Molecular clouds and dark nebulae are ideal sites for star formation. Nebulae are clouds of gas and dust.

Helium gas constitutes about 90% of the interstellar medium.

This person determined a period-luminosity relationship for Cepheid variables, allowing them to be used as a standard candle for measuring distance. Harlow Shapley Henrietta Leavitt. Jocelyn Bell. Edwin Hubble None of the above

Henrietta Leavitt.

Why does the conversion of hydrogen to helium only occur at very high temperatures? Hydrogen doesn't form helium unless it is ionized. Hydrogen is not a gas a low temperatures. High speeds are needed to overcome the repulsion of like charges. Short wavelength photons are needed for the conversion. Conversion actually occurs at all temperatures.

High speeds are needed to overcome the repulsion of like charges.

Which of the following is not an accomplishment of the Kepler mission. (Note:Discovery dates listed below are the dates that these accomplishments were published and announced.) a) Kepler 16b was the first world discovered orbiting two stars in September 2011. b) In December 2011, the first confirmed Earth-sized world, Kepler 22b was discovered. c) Hot Earth-sized planet found orbiting Alpha Centauri B in October 2012. d) First planet, called PH1, found by ordinary citizens using Kepler data in October 2012. e) In October 2013, Kepler 90, a very compact 7 planet system with small planets close in and larger planets farther out was discovered.

Hot Earth-sized planet found orbiting Alpha Centauri B in October 2012.

According to the big bang theory, the universe in the past was Hotter and less dense Cooler and denser Hotter and denser The same as it is today Cooler and less dense

Hotter and denser

Which of the following is a true statement about planetary nebulae. All of these are true statements. A planetary nebula is extremely luminous because it is both very large in size and very hot in temperature. All planetary nebulae appear as simple circles, like the Ring Nebula and the Helix nebula. A planetary nebula is the core of a former giant star. It's a short-lived stage of stellar evolution.

It's a short-lived stage of stellar evolution.

Which of the following is a true statement about planetary nebulae. All of these are true statements. A planetary nebula is extremely luminous because it is both very large in size and very hot in temperature. All planetary nebulae appear as simple circles, like the Ring Nebula and the Helix nebula. A planetary nebula is the core of a former giant star. It's a short-lived stage of stellar evolution.

It's a short-lived stage of stellar evolution.

The mass of a spiral galaxy can be found from measuring... The number of black holes it contains. The period and brightness of its Cepheids None of the above Its size and speed of rotation.

Its size and speed of rotation.

She discovered pulsars in 1967. Her advisor/collaborator Anthony Hewish won the Nobel Prize in 1974 for this discovery. Henrietta Leavitt. Jocelyn Bell. Annie Cannon. Cecilia Payne None of the above

Jocelyn Bell.

Devised a mathematical relationship, which gave the locations of all the planets known during his time. A 'predicted' missing planet between Mars and Jupiter led to the discovery of Ceres in 1801. a) Giuseppe Piazzi b) Gerard Kuiper c) John Elert Bode d) Edmond Halley e) Christian Huygens

John Elert Bode

Which one of the following statements concerning Jovian planets is false? Jovian planets are rapid rotators with many satellites and large magnetic fields. Jovian planets are very large and massive. Jovian planets have low densities because they are made of gasses and ices. Jovian planets all have rings. Jovian planets all have solid surfaces.

Jovian planets all have solid surfaces.

This mission arrived at Jupiter in July 2016. It is studying Jupiter's origin, interior, atmosphere and magnetosphere. It is the first mission to visit Jupiter since Galileo.New Horions Pioneer Cassini Maven Juno


A supergiant star is typically the size of... Jupiter's orbit. The Earth. The Sun. The Earth's orbit. A city.

Jupiter's orbit.

Most of the exoplanets that have been detected are ________, and have very_______ orbital periods. a) Earth- sized or smaller; long b) Earth-sized or smaller; short c) Jupiter-sized or larger; long d) Jupiter-sized or larger; short

Jupiter-sized or larger; short

Most of the extra-solar planets that have been detected are ________, and have very _______ orbital periods. Jupiter-sized or larger; long Earth-sized or smaller; short Earth-sized or smaller; long Jupiter-sized or larger; short

Jupiter-sized or larger; short

By counting stars he determined that the Milky Way is a flattened elliptical distribution of stars with the Sun at the center. Kapteyn Shapley Curtis Einstein Hubble


Mars appears red because __________. Martian rocks are only composed only of red minerals. The atmosphere of Mars reflects red light while absorbing all blue light. Martian rocks are oxidized and contain iron-oxide creating a rusty color. Mars radiates most of its energy in red light.

Martian rocks are oxidized and contain iron-oxide creating a rusty color.

The event horizon of a black hole depends only on the... Local density of the interstellar medium. Size of the object before it collapsed into a black hole. Type of object that collapsed into a black hole. Mass of the object. Density of the object.

Mass of the object.

Won the Nobel Prize in 2006 for their measurement of cosmic microwave background and the discovery of its anisotropy using COBE. George Gamow Penzias and Wilson Mather and Smoot Perlmutter, Schmidt, & Reiss Dicke, Peebles, Roll and Wilkinson

Mather and Smoot

This planet is the smallest of the terrestrial planets. It has a very old cratered surface, a weak magnetic field, and tidally locked rotation. Mercury Mars Earth Ceres Venus


Which of the following is not a major life candidate in the solar system? Titan Mars Enceladus Europa Mercury


If the Milky Way and Andromeda collided with each other, they would likely a) Collapse completely into a black hole b) Disperse into space leaving nothing behind c) Merge and form a large spiral galaxy d) Merge and form an elliptical galaxy e) Pass through each other unaffected

Merge and form an elliptical galaxy

This spacecraft, the first to visit Mercury since Mariner 10 made 3 fly-bys in 1974 and 1975, is the first spacecraft to ever orbit Mercury. It made two flybys of Mercury in 2008 and achieved Mercury orbit in 2011. a) Mercury Express b) Galileo c) Maven d) Messenger e) Cassini


Uranus and Neptune appear blue because _______. they radiate most of their energy in the blue region of the spectrum. Ammonia in their atmospheres strongly absorbs blue light and reflects red light. none of these answers are correct. they are extremely cold. Methane in their atmospheres strongly absorbs red light and reflects blue light.

Methane in their atmospheres strongly absorbs red light and reflects blue light.

Compared to red light, blue light is. More affected by interstellar extinction. Affected the same by interstellar extinction Unaffected by interstellar extinction. Less affected by interstellar extinction.

More affected by interstellar extinction.

What is the source of energy that makes emission nebulae glow? Nearby hot O and B type stars. Intense radio waves produced hydrogen gas. Heat from hot white dwarf stars within the nebula. Nuclear fusion of hydrogen and helium gas in the nebula. Gravitational compression.

Nearby hot O and B type stars.

This planet has an active atmosphere with bright and dark clouds. Like Uranus it has a highly inclined magnetic field. Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune


This mission was launched in January 2006. It made a flyby of Pluto in July 2015 and is on its way to possibly study additional Kuiper Belt Objects. New Horizons Pluto Express Cassini Apollo None of these

New Horizons

According to the "cosmological principle" ________. Cosmic expansion is not seen from other galaxies. On large scales, the universe has no special directions or places. All galaxies in the universe rotate in the same direction. The universe does not change with time. On small local scales, the universe has no special directions or places.

On large scales, the universe has no special directions or places.

What does a comet look like when it is 100 AU from the Sun versus 1 AU from the Sun? (Hint for comparison: Jupiter is located 5.2 AU from the Sun and Neptune is located approximately 30.1 AU from the Sun.) It's nucleus, coma, and tails are about 100 times smaller. Its tails are much shorter, but its coma and nucleus are the same. Only its nucleus is present. There are no coma or tails. The nucleus expands into the coma due to weaker gravity.

Only its nucleus is present. There are no coma or tails.

Big Bang nucleosynthesis is responsible for the creation of: Only the heaviest elements. Only the lightest elements. Only the radioactive elements. All the elements.

Only the lightest elements.

These people discovered the cosmic microwave background in 1965 and won Nobel Prize in 1978 for this discovery. Hertzsprung & Russell Penzias & Wilson Mather & Smoot Bell & Hewish None of these

Penzias & Wilson

The Sun is in hydrostatic equilibrium. Hydrostatic equilibrium refers to the balance of ________ and _______ in a star. Temperature; pressure. Pressure; gravity. Heat; gravity. Heat; pressure. Temperature; gravity.

Pressure; gravity.

Which of the following is not a possible effect of a solar geomagnetic storm hitting Earth. More intense auroras visible farther from the poles. Possible damage to satellites in near-Earth orbit. People on the surface of Earth are exposed to increased amounts of dangerous x-ray radiation. Radio blackouts causing disruptions in communications. Disruption of power transmission and possible electrical power grid failure

People on the surface of Earth are exposed to increased amounts of dangerous x-ray radiation.

By measuring _______, astronomers can determine the size (diameter) of an exoplanet. Periodic dips in the light curve of a star as the exoplanet transits it The shift in the spectral lines of a star as the exoplanet orbits it The astrometric wobble of the star as the exoplanet orbits it Any of these.

Periodic dips in the light curve of a star as the exoplanet transits it

They won the Nobel Prize in 2011 for the discovery of dark energy. Bell & Hewish Leavitt, Shapley, & Hubble Penzias & Wilson Perlmutter, Schmidt, & Reiss Mather & Smoot

Perlmutter, Schmidt, & Reiss

This is a satellite of Mars. It is likely a captured asteroid. It has an unstable decaying orbit and will collide with Mars in the future. Ganymede Titan Triton Phobos Miranda


Which is a list of the atmospheric layers (observable layers) of the Sun going outward from the "surface"? Corona, chromosphere, photosphere. Chromosphere, photosphere, corona Photosphere, corona, chromosphere. Chromosphere, corona, photosphere. Corona, photosphere, chromosphere. Photosphere, chromosphere, corona.

Photosphere, chromosphere, corona.

Mike Brown and his team of scientists discovered all of the following dwarf planets except ________. a) Pluto b) Eris c) Makemake d) Haumea e) Mike Brown and his team discovered all of these dwarf planets.


This dwarf planet, discovered by Clyde Tombaugh, shares a 3:2 resonance with Neptune. It has 5 satellites: Charon, Hydra and Nix, and two more discovered in 2012. Haumea Makemake Ceres Eris. Pluto


Gravitational lenses are Predicted by Newtonian Gravity Related to the cosmic microwave background. One way to measure the luminosity of galaxy clusters Produced by the bending of light All of these.

Produced by the bending of light

Which of the following is not a type of stellar remnant (end-stage of a star)? All of these are stellar remnants Protostar White dwarf Neutron star Blackhole


Which choice has the objects ranked by size, largest to smallest? a) Sun, red giant, black hole, neutron star b) Red giant, sun, neutron star, white dwarf c) Red giant, white dwarf, sun, neutron star d) Red giant, sun, white dwarf, neutron star e) Red giant, black hole, sun, white dwarf

Red giant, sun, white dwarf, neutron star

Which one of the following statements about the Sun is false? The Sun is producing its energy via nuclear fusion. The Sun is producing neutrinos in its core. All of these are true statements about the Sun. The amount of helium in the Sun is increasing. The Sun is currently 10 billion years old.

The Sun is currently 10 billion years old.

The inverse of Hubble's Constant (1/H) is directly related to: The color of the universe. The age of the universe. The size of the universe. The mass of the universe. The density of the universe.

The age of the universe.

The fact that oxygen is a major constituent of the Earth's present-day atmosphere is a direct consequence of ____. The appearance of life on Earth. The green house effect. The fact that oxygen was a major component of the solar nebula. The Earth's magnetic field. Many active volcanoes and meteorite impacts.

The appearance of life on Earth.

Why do Mercury and the Moon have (almost) no atmosphere? The gravity at their surfaces is low so most gas molecules travel fast enough to escape. The temperature at their surfaces is high so most gas molecules travel fast enough to escape. The only gas molecules they originally had were very low in mass, and immediately escaped. They are both highly reflective.

The gravity at their surfaces is low so most gas molecules travel fast enough to escape.

By studying seismic waves scientists can learn about which of the following? The interior structure of the Earth. The Earth's age. The magnetic field of the Earth. All of these things can be learned by studying seismic waves. Atmospheric circulation patterns on Earth.

The interior structure of the Earth.

Supernovae explosions are important because they seem to be... The key method of fusing hydrogen into helium. The main way of releasing heavy atoms into space. The source of most light in the universe. The events that lead to the formation of white dwarfs The only objects that produce neutrinos

The main way of releasing heavy atoms into space.

Which of the following statements about the moon is not true? The moon is geologically dead. Sometimes the moon is visible during the day. The maria have fewer craters than the highlands. This is evidence that the maria are older than the highlands. Moon rocks returned by Apollo are devoid of water. The lunar maria are about 3.5 billion years old.

The maria have fewer craters than the highlands. This is evidence that the maria are older than the highlands.

Why do astronomers think that some of the x-ray sources they observe are associated with black holes rather than neutron stars in orbit around a normal star? Only black holes are associated with x-rays; neutron stars and regular stars are never associated with x-rays. The mass of the unseen object inferred from its orbital motion is too large to be a neutron star. They can see a tiny black dot with the x-ray telescope. The magnification of the x-rays by the black hole's gravitational lens clearly shows the black hole. The mass of the unseen object inferred from its orbital motion is too small to be a neutron star.

The mass of the unseen object inferred from its orbital motion is too large to be a neutron star

According to the WMAP final results released in 2012, Hubble's constant has a value of 70 km/s/Mpc. According to the initial results of Planck released in April 2013, Hubble's constant has a value of 67 km/s/Mpc. How does this change in the value of Hubble's constant, change our estimation of the age of the universe? a) The universe is younger than previously thought. b) The universe is older than previously thought. c) This is unrelated to the age of the universe.

The universe is older than previously thought.

If the cosmological density parameter "omega" is less than one (meaning that the average density of the universe is less than the critical density) then The big bang theory cannot be correct The universe will expand forever Very distant galaxies are moving toward us The universe will end in a "big crunch" The universe is no longer expanding

The universe will expand forever

Which of the following is a false statement about planetary satellites? Europa is a Galilean satellite that shows evidence of flooding and ice fracture patterns. It has liquid water oceans under its icy surface and may have active plate tectonics. Enceladus has the highest albedo in the solar system. It has a fresh icy surface, active cryovolcanism, and a thin atmosphere. Titan, the largest satellite of Neptune, is the only large satellite in a retrograde orbit. Mimas is responsible for the Cassini Division, the biggest gap in Saturn's rings. Miranda, a small satellite of Uranus, has likely been shattered and reassembled several times over the history of our solar system. A close-up picture of Hyperion, taken by Cassini reveals an unusual sponge-like appearance.

Titan, the largest satellite of Neptune, is the only large satellite in a retrograde orbit.

The bright streak of light seen as a meteoroid enters our atmosphere is caused by __________. sunlight reflected off the solid body of the meteoroid. radioactive decay of material in the meteoroid. a process similar to the aurora that is triggered by the meteoroid disturbing the Earth's magnetic field. frictional heating as the meteoroid speeds through the gasses of our atmosphere. the meteoroid's disturbing the atmosphere so that sunlight is refracted in unusual directions.

frictional heating as the meteoroid speeds through the gasses of our atmosphere.

A star with 80% the mass of the Sun _____. forms from the collapse of an interstellar cloud known as a planetary nebula... has too little mass to make it onto the main sequence; it becomes a brown dwarf. will ultimately end up as a white dwarf. will explode as a supernova at the end of its lifetime. has enough mass to become a black hole.

will ultimately end up as a white dwarf.

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