ATC - Fundamentals

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What is a NOTAM

Notice to Airmen

Where is drug abuser defined?

OPNA VINST 5350.4/MCO 5300.17

Section 1 of the ATC Certification/Qualification Record shall contain ...

signed original of the current DD Form 2992

What does P.E.T. stand for

PET is the acronym for the 3 phases of flight and stands for Pre-flight, En route, and Terminal

What does PQS stand for?

Personnel Qualification Standards

What is a prerequisite for all Air Traffic Controllers?

Physical qualification as certified by an appropriate physical examination.

What does PPH stand for?

Position Performance Handbook

What is an Arrival controller responsible for?

Providing radar ATC services to aircraft until the aircraft reaches approach minimums or is handed off to a final controller.

ARTCC is divided into sectors. The sectors are classified as:

Radar Nonradar Oceanic

What is Flight Data responsible for ?

Receiving and relaying aircraft movement, preparing and posting flight progress strips, and operating position equipment.

Flight Rules are in ...

Title 14 CFR Part 91

What is the role of the Leading Chief ?

To assist the ATCFO in administration, supervision, and training of assigned personnel.

What is the function of the Control Tower Chief?

To assist the ATCFO in managing matters pertaining to control tower functions.

What is the purpose and intent of a Facility Indoc. Program?

To orient newly assigned controllers and to instruct and test the individual on facility specific and ATC generic information prior to beginning position instruction.

What is the mission of NAvy and Marine Corps air traffic control facilities?

To provide ATC services and airspace management in support of the safe, orderly, and expeditious movement of aircraft both ashore and afloat with a properly equipped, fully trained, and federally certified workforce.

What shall time limitations for position qualification be based on?

Total Training Months allotted for that position.

What does the ATCFO consider when establishing maximum training time?

Trends/Historical qualification data

True or False: The use of Nutritional/Dietary and other Over-The-Counter supplements and products by air traffic controllers is prohibited.


What are the functions of a Radar Approach Facility

Uses radar and nonradar capabilities to *provide approach control services to aircraft arriving and departing, or transiting airspace* controlled by the facility Provides radar services to aircraft operating in the vicinity or one or more civil and/or military airports in a terminal area.

Civilians shall be examined in military medical treatment facilities by ...

a naval flight surgeon

Every civilian pilot is urged to receive a _____(a)_______ and to file a ____(b)_____

a) Preflight briefing b) flight plan

Air Traffic Controllers shall report any physical indisposition to _____(a)_______ and assume operational duties only when _______(b)________

a) Superiors b) Fit to do so

Personnel may be assigned to their regular position of operation within facilities even though they are taking ________(a)________ medication such as ...

a) innocuous Such as... -asprin derivatives (including extra strength) -vitamin preparations -nose drops -skin ointments

The FWS shall be qualified on ...

all operating positions

All military air traffic controllers guilty of drug abuse shall...

be processed for separation.

When, in the judgment of supervisory personnel, a controller's physical or mental health appears questionable, the controller shall...

be relieved of ATC duties and referred to a military flight surgeon for evaluation and ruling.

Personnel temporarily suspended or relieved from performing ATC duties shall not...

control or supervise the control of aircraft from any position in the facility.

The Control Tower Chief shall be ...

credentialed for the control tower assigned and be designated by the ATCFO.

The Radar Chief shall ...

credentialed for the control tower assigned and be designated by the ATCFO.

Each sector of ARTCC has its own ...

discrete frequency

Any military air traffic controller identified as a drug abuser shall...

have their ATC Specialist certificate and ratings *permanently* revoked.

What is the ATCFO responsible for ?

*Overall managment* of the Air Traffic Control Facility (ATCF).

What is the Training Chief responsible for?

- Establishing and maintaining the OJT program - Conduct/monitor classrom training on local area ATC equipment and procedures - Develop local course material, visual aids, and training scenarios - Supervise the development and execution of training scenarios for ATC simulators. - Coordinate with the ATC LCPO/ATCNCOIC and branch chiefs in the preparation of a monthly training schedule. - Prepare tests - Coordinate and maintain the long range training plan -manage and document monthly proficiency and currency requirements Evaluate, document and monitor training and qual. trends. Maintain historical data on average TTM/TTH/approaches to qualify on each position -Manage the Controller Evaluation Board program -Maintain Air traffic control cert/qual program. -Maintain the ATC technical library

What are the duties of a Control Tower Chief?

- Maintain operational continuity between various watch teams. - Qualifying personnel on individual operating positions and recommending certification in conformance with NAVAIR 00-80T-114 and local requirements. - Provide technical assistance to the ATCFO in development of procedures.

What are the duties of a Radar Chief?

- Maintain operational continuity between various watch teams. - Qualifying personnel on individual operating positions and recommending certification in conformance with NAVAIR 00-80T-114. - Provide technical assistance to the ATCFO in development of procedures.

What are the duties of the Flight Planning Chief?

- Procuring and maintain required publications, directives, charts, and supplies for pilot and branch personnel reference and use. -Maintain operational continuity between various watch teams. - Qualifying personnel for appropriate branch positions. - Provide technical assistance to the ATCFO on matters pertaining to flight planning activities.

Each applicant for an ATC Tower Operator Certificate must pass a written test on ...

- The flight rules in Title 14 CFR Part 91 - Airport traffic control procedures - Enroute traffic control procedures - Communications operating procedures - Flight assistance service - Air navigation and aids to air navigation - Aviation weather

What shall be retained in medical record?

- Those covering annual flight physical - Most current "up-chit" - Medical waivers as long as they are in effect

What type of drugs shall not be used within a 24 hour period prior to duty?

-Sedative type drug -Tranquilizers -Any drugs which effect the control or autonomous nervous system. (anti-hypertensive agents a.k.a high blood pressure medication or duodenal ulcer medications) -Any drug likely to affect the alertness, judgement,vision,equilibrium, or state of consciousness.

When shall military flight surgeons conduct interviews and/or physical examinations for air traffic personnel?

1) Annual physical examination 2) Check in - Upon reporting (including TAD) to a new command 3) Postgrounding 4) Posthospitaliztion 5) Postaircraft mishap 6) As directed by higher authority

To be eligible for an ATC tower certification a person must ...

1) Be at least 18 years of age 2) Good moral character 3) Be able to read, write, and speak English without impediment of speech. 4) Hold a second-class medical certificate 5) Comply with part 65.35, Knowledge Requirments

What are the four Branch chiefs?

1) Flight Planning Chief 2) Control Tower Chief 3) Radar Chief 4) Training Chief

What are the three tower operating positions?

1) Local Controller 2) Ground Control 3)Flight Data

What does FSS provide?

1) Pilot briefings 2)Flight plan processing (FPP) 3) Enroute flight advisories 4) Search and rescue services 5) Assistance to lost aircraft and aircraft in emergency situations 6) Relay ATC clearances 7) Process Notice to Airmen (NOTAMs) 8) Broadcast aviation weather and aeronautical information and advise customs and immigration of trans-border flights

What are the three phases of flight? (P.E.T)

1) Preflight (to include taxi and takeoff) 2) Enroute 3) Terminal (approach and landing)

What is a Final controller responsible for?

1) Providing instructions necessary for an aircraft to conduct a ASR/PAR/PALS approach. 2) Monitoring approaches as specified in FAA order *JO 7110.65*.

Three functions of a Tower

1) Uses air/ground communications, visual signaling, and other devices to *provide ATC services to aircraft operating in the vicinity of an airport or on the movement area*. 2) Authorizes aircraft to land or takeoff or to transit Class D airspace area regardless of flight plan or weather conditions (IFR/VFR) 3)May also provide approach control services (radar or nonradar)

What are the four Radar operating positions?

1)Approach Controller 2)Departure Controller 3)Arrival Controller 4)Final Controller

ATC personnel shall not consume intoxicating beverages within how many hours of scheduled ATC duties?

12 hours

The trainee's total time allotted shall not exceed ________ of the facility's max TTM limit


ATC personnel who have donated blood shall not perform ATC functions or directly supervise personnel performing these functions within how many hours of giving blood?

24 hours

Code number for knowledge requirements


What is a ARTCC

A facility established to provide air traffic control service to aircraft operating on IFR flight plans *within controlled airspace and principally during the en route phase of flight*

Who establishes facility-specific maximum allotted TTM/approaches for each operating position?


Who is the Flight Planning Chief responsible to and for what?

ATCFO for matters pretaining to flight planning, flight plan processing, and flight gaurd.

What does DEACH stand for?

Acronym for duties of Flight Planning. Stands for: Dissemination of NOTAMs Ensuring that aeronautical charts, publications, and flight planning materials are available to aircrews Assisting aircrews in planning and proper filing of flight plans Coordinate with other air traffic control agencies and flight service stations regarding flight plans and movement messages Handing incoming and outgoing communications, aircraft flight guard, and initiating overdue actions


Acronym for what ARTCC my provide. Stands for: Weather info A coordination service for IFR search and rescue IFR clearances for the terminal facilities within their area of jurisdiction. Terminal radar/nonradar appraoch control services for some airports VFR flight following depending on controller workload


Acronym for what determines the size and configuration of a sector. Stands for: Coordination capability Consolidation capability Traffic flow Radar and radio coverage Airway alignment Volume of traffic Equipment limitations Location and activity of terminals Special operations/procedures


Air Route Traffic Control Center


Air Traffic Control Facility Officer

The ATCFO shall be a graduate of ...

Air Traffic Controller Course (ACA1)

What information shall military pilots be familiar with before commencing a flight?

All available information appropriate to the intended operation. Such as: -available weather reports and forecasts -NOTAMs - fuel requirements - terminal instrument procedures - alternatives available if the flight cannot be completed as planned - any anticipated traffic delays

What does a Facility Training Program consist of?

An ATC facility manual (FACMAN) and a facility indoc. program.

How often will air traffic controllers receive a physical examination?


AAS (airport advisory service)

Area within 10 miles of an airport without a tower or when tower is not in operation, and on which a FSS is located

What is the function of the Radar Chief?

Assist the ATCFO in matters pertaining to radar operations.

What is the FWS responsible for?

Assuring use of proper control procedure and effective coordination between facilities, and to make corrective action when control deficiencies are found.

What does BEAFFSPP stand for ?

BEAFFSPP is the acronym for what a FSS provides. It stands for: Broadcast aviation weather and aeronautical information Enroute flight advisories Assistance to aircraft that is lost or in an emergency situation Flight plan processing FAA also relay ATC clearances Search and rescue services Process NOTAMs Pilot briefings

Who must approve the use of Nutritional/Dietary and other Over-The-Counter supplements?


Trainees shall not be assigned to final controller positions under what prevailing weather conditions?

Below 1,000 feet and/or 3 miles of visibility.

Where is guidance and restrictions on the use of Nutritional/Dietary and other Over-The-Counter supplements provided?

CNAF M-3710.7 and the NAMI online Aeromedical Reference and Waiver Guide

Who is the FWS responsible to?

Commanding Officer

The ATC facility includes personnel and equipment associated with the operation of the following:

Control tower Approach control Terminal radar Enroute radar Special use airspace and scheduling Flight planning and air navigational aids

Each sector of ARTCC is handled by ...

Controller or team of controllers

Who gives direct and constant supervision to trainees assigned to operating positions?

Controller qualified on that position

What is an Approach controller responsible for?

Coordination and control of *all instrument traffic within the ATCF area of jurisdiction.

Formal name for "Up-chit"

DD Form 2992

What is Ground responsible for?

Exercising surveillance of the airport movement area.

Who maintains the facility watch log?



Facility Watch Supervisor

Who shall every facility have on duty at all times during published hours of operation?

Facility Watch Supervisor


Facility providing air traffic control service for arriving and departing IFR, VFR, Special VFR and on occasion enroute aircraft.

True or False: A waiver recommendation from a local military flight surgeon board or a letter endorsement from Naval Aerospace Medical Institute (NAMI) constitute a permanent waiver approval.



Flight Service Station

What does FSS stand for?

Flight Service Station

Briefing service may be obtained from who?

Flight Service Station (FSS)

Training Chief shall ...

Have all appropriate credentials and be qualified and designated an FWS at the assigned facility and have a minimum of *five years experience in ATC*.

Any air traffic controller *charged* with violating federal, state, or local statutes, Navy or Marine Corps regulations relating to the growing, processing, or manufacture, sale, disposition, possession, use, transportation, or importation of stimulant drugs or substances shall be ...

Immediately suspended of all ATC duties ; reassigned to noncontroller duties pending disposition of the charges.

What is needed for personnel taking regular or prolonged antihistamines in order to be assigned to positions of operation?

Individual waiver obtained from a military flight surgeon which indicates that there are no deleterious effects caused by the antihistamine.

What two categories define TTM/approach limits?

Initial and Subsequent

What is a Departure controller responsible for?

Issuing clearances and advisory information and maintaining radar services to aircraft under departure jurisdiction.

What should a preflight briefing consist of ?

Latest or most current weather, airport, and en route NAVAID information.

What does LTG stand for?

Lesson Topic Guide

What does LQS stand for?

Local Qualification Standards

What is Local responsible for?

Maintaining a constant visual surveillance of the Class B/C/D/E surface area/Class G airspace and airport movement areas.

Where are physical standards for air traffic control personnel specified?

Manual of Medical Department (MANMED) Chapter 15 Medical Examinations, Section IV Special Duty Examinations and Standards, Article 15-95 Aviation Duty

What shall Radar Final Control qualification time limitations be based on?

Maximum number of approaches.

What is a Flight Surgeon

Medical doctor specially trained in aviation medicine.

Any air traffic controller suspected of using alcohol while in a duty status or reporting for duty under the influence of alcohol shall be ...

suspended from all ATC duties and referred to a military medical treatment facility for evaluation

Who shall ensure that air traffic control personnel are adequately observed and appropriate grounding action is taken when necessary?

the air traffic control facility officer (ATCFO)

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