AVIT 221 Block 2
If the pitot tube is plugged, how many instruments are affected?
1-Airspeed Indicator
How often to reset Kolsman Window
100 miles, adjusts the altimeter to compensate for changes in atmospheric pressure
If the static port becomes clogged, how many instruments will be affected?
3- Airspeed, Altimeter, VSI
Pegasus Magnetic Compass
4 magnets instead of 2, silicone fluid to reduce bounce, 140 degree field of view instead of 90
Maximum error for Altimeter in IFR flight
75 feet
Gyroscopic precession
A force applied results in an apparent force that acts 90 degrees later in the direction of rotation
The Pitot Tube is connected to
VSI errors
Abrupt changes cause errors, rough control and turbulent air cause errors, static port blocked UNUSABLE (instrument reads zero fpm)
Acceleration and Deceleration Errors
Accelerate: Will show turn to North, when speed stabilizes compass is once again accurate, error greatest on west and east. Deceleration: Will show turn to the South, use ANDS, Accelerate North, Decelerate South
Air Data Computer
Instrument Cockpit Check: Turn Coordinator
Aircraft Indicator or needle working properly
Six instruments required for IFR flight
Airspeed Indicator, Altimeter, Attitude Indicator, Heading Indicator, Turn Coordinator/Turn and Slip Indicator
Indicated Airspeed is read off the
Airspeed indicator
Pitot Static Instruments
Airspeed, VSI, Altimeter
The static port is connected to
Airspeed, VSI, Altimeter
PFD replaces what instruments
Altimeter, VVI, airspeed indicator, altitude indicator, heading indicator, turn coordinator.
Altitude Heading Reference System
Pressure Altitude
Altitude above the standard datum plane
Absolute Altitude
Altitude over the ground
Angular difference between true north and magnetic north MAGNETIC NORTH MOVES OVER TIME
Which Gyro Instrument shows both pitch and bank?
Attitude Indicator
Gyro Instruments that work of principle of rigidity
Attitude Indicator and Heading Indicator
Vacuum operated Gyro instruments
Attitude Indicator and Heading Indicator
Which Gyro instrument is stationary, requiring the aircraft to move around the Gyro?
Attitude Indicator and Heading Indicator
Three Gyro Instuments
Attitude Indicator, Heading Indicator, Turn Coordinator or Turn and Slip Coordinator
Instrument Cockpit Check: Turn and Slip
Ball moves freely liquid filled
Equivalent Airspeed
Calibrated Airspeed corrected for compressibility.
Can be mounted separately in the aircraft: SHOWS QUALITY OF THE TURN, coordinated, slip or skid.
Catherode Ray Tubes
Instrument Cockpit Check: Engine Instrument
Check for proper markings and readings
Carburator Heat
Check proper operation
Instrument Cockpit Check: Airspeed Indicator
Check reading zero, calibration card available.
Altimeter Functions in Climb and Decent
Climb: Air moves out, wafers expand. Descent: Air moves in, wafers contract
Rate of Turn Indicator
Either the turn coordinator or the turn and slip indicator but not both at the same time on an IFR aircraft
Basic Components
Electronic Flight Instrument System Flight Panel Display: Line replaceable unit to simplify maintenance. ADC: Process info for the Pitot Static system AHRS: 3 rate sensors, 3 accelerometers, 2 2 axis sensors(these provide pitch roll and yaw) Magnetometer: Provides magnetic heading information, usually located in wing but sometimes in vertical stabilizer Engine/ Airframe Unit: Monitors engine parameters, avionics, and all system components.
Engine Indicating System
Oscillation Error
Erratic movement of the compass due to turbulence
Error due to magnetic interference within the aircraft, compensating magnets in compass to correct error, swinging a compass, errors noted on compass correction card.
Preflight Flight Planning
Flight and Navigation Logs, Flight Computer, checkpoints within +/-, en-route navigation charts, terminal charts, IAP (instrument approach procedures), AKA approach charts, AFD chart supplement, NOTAMs
Full Authority Engine Control
Instrument Cockpit Check: Magnetic Compass
Full of fluid, moves freely, check against known heading, deviation card present.
Rigidity in space
Gyro maintains constant attitude (position) when spinning
Instrument Cockpit Check: Suction Gauge and Electrical System
Gyro's are operating properly, electrical instruments working properly, generators, inverters, and all electrical systems working properly.
Static Dischargers
High Speed turbine powered aircraft
When would an alternate static source be used?
If the static port was blocked for some reason
Calibrated Airspeed
Indicated airspeed corrected for installation and instrument error.
Calibrated Altitude
Indicated altitude corrected for installation and instrument error
Lines of magnetic flux generate current
Liquid Crystal Display
Static Wicks
Low speed GA aircraft
Remote Compass System Operation
Magnetic Flux Valve provides magnetic reference to the Directional Gyro which drives the HSI and RMI heading
Magnetic Dip
Magnetic flux lines point down at poles; compass magnets dip to low side of turn. Most significant errors, difficult to get actual readings, cause errors in turns and accelerations.
Multi-fuctional displays
VSI: Instrument Cockpit check
NOT A FAR REQUIRED INSTRUMENT; Should read zero, adjustable if able.
An IFR preflight
Needs to consider the same preflight considerations as a VFR flight plus many other IFR considerations
The clock in aircraft is not working. Is a watch a suitable substitute.
Nicest Part of Remote Compass
No magnetic dip, no turning error, no acceleration error, no deviation to account for
Attitude Indicator
Normally Vacuum driven, shows movement about longitudinal and lateral axis
Heading Indicator
Normally Vacuum driven, shows movement on vertical axis
Turn and Slip
Normally electrically driven, can indicate a standard rate turn, shows quantity and quality of turn, shows rate of turn (not bank angle), vertical axis only
Turn Coordinator
Normally electrically driven, can indicate standard rate turn, shows quality and quantity of turn, shows rate of turn and rate of roll, shows movement around 2 axes: Longitudinal and vertical axis.
Magnetic Dip Erros
Northerly Turning Error: North Lags, NAG South Lags, SEAD Overshoot South, Undershoot North
Instrment Cockpit Check: Clock
Operating Properly, set to correct time
Publications for IFR flight
POH at UND, flight manual if one exists
Normal use of Magnetic Compass
Part of instrument preflight check, set only in straight and level flight, required for instrument flying, backup direction indicator.
Pitot Static Instruments, OAT, true airspeed, wind speed and direction
Primary Flight Display
Alternate Static Source
Provides Static pressure from inside the cabin if static port becomes blocked; windows and vents must be closed, cabin heat/air defroster on maximum.
The Pitot Tube measures what kind of pressure
Ram air (Dynamic Air)
Airspeed Indicator Functions
Ram air enters diaphragm, static air surrounds diaphragm, compares two pressures, displays it as indicated airspeed.
Indicated Airspeed
Read off the airspeed indicators
Indicated Altitude
Read off the altimeter
What does a glass cockpit do?
Replaces mechanical and some electro-mechanical instrument gauges. Flight instruments, nav instruments, engine instruments and radar. Integrate many flight instrument with aircraft performance data on one or more screens.
Replaces traditional gyros, three axis solid state gyro/accelerometers, flux gate compass, needs to be aligned
Altimeter errors:
Scale Error: Wafer Size Friction Error: Mechanism Itself Hysteresis: elasticity of error
Instrument Cockpit: Altimeter
Set to current setting, check for error
Using compass for Instrument Flight
Setting the heading indicator, backup for loss of heading indicator
Vertical Speed Indicator Functions
Shows rate of climb and descent, measures change in static pressure uses a diaphragm and calibrated leak to the case, LAG UP TO 9 SECONDS
Remote compass system components
Slaving Meter, Magnetic Slaving Transmitter, Directional Gyro, HSI, RMI
On an altimeter, the needles legnth measures:
Smallest: 10's of thousands of feet Middle: Thousands of feet Long: Hundreds of feet
Under what condition can a pilot fly in yellow arc
Smooth air
Speed of the aircraft over the ground.
Static Port Measures what kind of pressure
Static Pressure
True Altitude
The altitude the aircraft is actually flying, calibrated altitude corrected for nonstandard pressure and temperature
What is meant by the basic T arrangement of flight instruments
The layout of the instruments, same for glass and analog
Agonic Line
The line where there is no angular difference
True Airspeed
The speed the aircraft is flying through the air, calibrated airspeed corrected for nonstandard pressure and temperature.
All three pitot/static instruments have cases, which are all connected to the static port. What creates the difference between the three pitot static instruments?
The type of pressure that goes into the diaphragm. Airspeed- Ram or Dynamic pressure VSI-static Altimeter- pressure is fixed and cant change
Radio Equipment
Tune, ID, test, program GPS
Two types of turn Indicators
Turn and Slip: Older version, gives only rate of turn Turn Coordinator: Newer version, shows rate of turn and rate of roll
Which Gyro Instrument is electric
Turn coordinator or Turn and Slip Indicator
Which Gyro instrument works of principle of precession
Turn coordinator or Turn and Slip Indicator
Which Gyro must move to get indication?
Turn coordinator or Turn and Slip Indicator
Turning Error
Turns from Northerly Headings: Compass will lag behind, even show opposite turn to start. Turns from Southerly Headings: Compass will lead turn. Turns from East or West heading will not show an error, initially. Use of med turns are recommended.
Magnetic Compass and Construction
Two small needle type magnets, fastened to an OAT and covered by the compass card, encased in similar fluid to inclinometer, expansion unit, compensating screws, compass deviation card, lubber line
Instrument Cockpit Check: Heading Indicator
Uncaged if available, operating properly, check against known heading
Instrument Cockpit Check: Attitude Indicator
Uncaged if available, operating properly, set miniature airplane.
IFR required instruments
VFR day/ night instruments, two way radio communication system, gyro turn of rate indicator(turn coordinator OR turn and slip), Slip skid indicator, sensitive altimeter, a clock displaying hours, mins, and seconds, generator or alternator, attitude indicator, heading indicator, distance measuring equipment if FL 240 and VOR being used for navigation.
On an airspeed indicator
White Arc-flap operating range, VSO to VFE Green arc-Normal operating range VS1 to VNO Yellow arc- Caution range VNO to VNE red arc-Never exceed VNE
Loss of AHRS
loss GPS, magnetometer, or air data inputs is communicated in advisory messages