Axial Division: Cranium & Post Cranium

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"Atlas" -no centrum -occipital fondly rocks on atlas joint; allows head to shake "yes" -lordosis


"Axis" -shake "no" joint -axis because it acts as axis by which head & neck is rotating -lordosis -has part that sticks up called the DENS -transverse ligament: wraps around and holds the C1 to the dens, allows for side to side movement


*protect soft tissues in face* maxilla palatine bones nasal bones- inferior nasal conchae- zygomatic bones lacrimal bones vomer mandible


*to protect bone* occipital bone parietal bone frontal bone temporal bone sphenoid ethmoid

ethmoid bone:

-cribifrom plate: flat area with a lot of holes for olfactory nervers -crista galli: mountain sticking up on the cribiform plate -perpendicular plate: thin piece of bone hanging into nasal cavity


-flat bones -costal cartilage= more flexibility; important for breathing by allowing kings to expand with air

temporal bone features

-internal acoustic meatus: opening on the inside -external acoustic meatus: where you put your Q-tip inside -mastoid process: projection on the temporal bone -styloid process: long, pointy bone below ear -foramen lacerum: GAP where occipital, temporal, & sphenoid come together -carotid canal: named after major artery that supplies blood to brain (carotid artery) -mandibular fossa: where mandible articulates with cranium

mandible bone features

-mandibular condyle: articulates with temporal bone -metal foramen: chin -alveolar part: contains teet roots -mandibular foramen: hole inside mandible

occipital bone features

-occipital condyles: joint surface that articulates the vertebral column -hypoglossal canal: canal names after hypoglossal nerve that runs underneath occipital condyle -jugular foramen: jugular vein exists head; lateral to condyles -foramen magnum: connects cranium to vertebral column (passage for spinal cord)

Post Cranium Functions:

-protects spinal cord -transfers entire weight on torso to lower limbs -acts as muscle attachment for muscles that let you sit up right

Sacral Features:

-sacral body: big centrum where L5 attaches -ala: flares(wings) -sacral foramina: 8 in total, where spinal nerves come out -sacral hiatus: separation; spinous process is open exposing vertebral canal to env't

frontal bone features

-supra-orbital foramen: hole above orbit; named after supraorbital nerve

vertebrosternal ribs

1-7 Attach to sternum Flat & shorter

axial division consists of:

1. Bones of skull (cranium & mandible-lower jaw) 2. Thorax 3. Vertebral Column

vertebral ribs

11-12 Attach to back & nowhere in front Short & stunted/blunted

Intervertebral Foramina

2 vertebrae together *purpose: spinal nerves come off spinal cord


3-5 coccydial


5 fused sacral vertebrae kyphosis

vertebrochondral ribs

8-10 Fuse and form one costal cartilage that attaches to sternum Long (taller > wide)


Aka body, where the weight of body is distributed *C1= lovely, has no body

Hyoid Bone

Attaches indirectly to stupid process *floats in neck, doesn't articulate with any other bone* -connection point for several muscles that allow you to swallow

cervical vertebrae

C1-C7 Unique feature= transverse foramen (carry vertebral artery) lordosis

Intervertebral discs

Cartilage (shock absorption) that separates the joint that connects the centra together


Contains lungs and heart, ribcage protect superior abdomen muscles

Vertebral foramen

Hole in the center, where spinal cord passes

Intervertebral structures

How vertebrates articulate with one another -intervertebral discs, articular process, vertebral foramen, intervertebral foramina

Lumbar vertebrae

L1-L5 -in region of abdomen, not unique (just big & rugged) lordosis

Sternum contains

Manubrium, body, xiphoid process

thoracic cage (rib cage)

Ribs( 12 left, 12 right) -attachment place for breathing muscles

Transverse process

Serves as attachment for back muscles

Spinous process

Sticks straight, what makes our spine bumpy when we feel it

Articular process

Superior set: what articulates vertebrae above it Inferior set: attach to vertebrae inferior to it

Thoracic vertebrae

T1-T12 Unique Feature= coastal facet; where ribs attach kyphosis

Vertebral Features

Transverse process Centrum Spinous process Vertebral Foramen

Rib structure

Tubercule of rib (small rounded/rigid projection) Neck Head- one that attaches to vertebrae Coastal groove: where the rib curves; protects vein, artery, and nerve from damage

Vertebral Foramen (altogether)

Vertebral canal: long tube through bone

Why do vertebrae get larger and more robust as you go inferiorly?

Weight distribution; larger % of body it has to hold up


abnormal curvature of spine in a lateral way

post crania

all bones below/outside cranium ex: vertebrae, ribs, sternum


all bones in head

vertebral column curves

allows spine to be flexible help support weight of the torso evenly over lower limb

nasal bone


sphenoid bone features

butterfly -sella turcica: "Turkish saddle" (depressed), houses pituitary gland -optic canal: allows passage of optic nerve -superior orbital fissure: long hole on inside of the socket -foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum: ROS (medial to lateral)


cervical and lumbar

zygomatic bone

cheek bones, forms lateral port of bony eye orbit

Which suture separates the frontal and the parietal bones of the skull?


head of rib articulates with:

costal fact on the centrum

coronal suture

divides frontal bone from 2 parietal bones

sagittal suture

divides left and right parietal bones

lambdoidal suture

divides occipital from both left and right parietal bones

squamosal suture

divides temporal bone from parietal bone

the crista galli is a bone feature of which of the following bones?


nasal septum consists of:

ethomid & vomer -ethmoid: superior portion(perpendicular plate) vomer: inferior portion


holds lower teeth


holds upper teeth and inferior portion of the eye

hyper kyphosis


lacrimal bone

in front of ethmoid; tear gland sits

Maxilla Bone Features

intra orbital foramen: under orbit inferior orbital fissure: groove

the lambdoid store joins the parietal bone to the:

occipital bone

hyper lordosis

overly bowed anteriorly bc weight in abdomen ex: back pain in pregnancy

what bone makes up the superior portion of the lateral side of the cranium?

parietal bone

palatine bone

posterior part of the bony palate

inferior nasal conchae

regulates flow of air, through nasal cavity

the extinguishing characteristics of the thoracic vertebrae are the:

superior, inferior, transverse costal facets

tubercle of the rib articulate with:

the vertebrae below


thoracic, and sacral + coccygeal


type of fibrous joint, found in the skull

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