BA 352 Final Study

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Which of the following is associated with being in a state of "flow"?

A sense of total immersion

Which of the following measures is aimed at improving the ethical component of corporate social responsibility in a company?

Organization of training sessions on moral awareness

How can team compensation be used to manage team effectiveness?

Outcome interdependence has important effects on teams, which can be managed with compensation practices that take team performance into account.

Which of the following would people with an internal locus of control tend to believe?

People are lonely because they don't try to be friendly.

Which dimension addressed in most socialization efforts deals with knowledge of the roles required and the tasks involved in the job?

Performance proficiency

What is person-organization fit and how does it affect job performance and organizational commitment?

Person-organization fit is the degree to which a person's values and personality match the culture of the organization. Person-organization fit has a weak positive effect on job performance and a strong prohibit effect on organizational commitment.

What is personality? What are cultural values?

Personality refers to the structure and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. It also refers to people's social reputations - the way they are perceived by others. In this way, personality captures what people are like (unlike ability, which reflects what people can do). Cultural values are shared beliefs about desirable end states or modes of conduct in a given culture that influence the development and expression of traits.

Are personality tests useful tools for organizational hiring?

Personality tests are useful tools for organizational hiring. Research suggests that applicants do "fake" to some degree on the tests, but faking does not significantly lower the correlation between test scores and the relevant outcomes.

Value-percept theory

argues that job satisfaction depends on whether you perceive that your job supplies the things that you value.

Deep level diversity refers to diversity regarding:


Increased _____ leads to a sense of responsibility for the outcome of one's job and hence increases job satisfaction.


Job crafting involves:

employees shaping, molding, and redefining jobs in a proactive way.

According to the RIASEC model, people with an enterprising personality type:

enjoy persuading, leading, or outperforming others and tend to be energetic, sociable, ambitious, and risk-taking.

Ethical behaviors result from a multistage sequence beginning with _____.

moral awareness

Being creative, complex, refined, and sophisticated are traits associated with _____.


Dellaware Computers Inc. either gives all employees a bonus, or gives no one a bonus. This policy aims to establish _____ among employees.

pay satisfaction

Lack of _____ is characteristic of jobs which are dull, repetitive, and uncomfortable.

satisfaction with the work itself

What are the three general types of team interdependence?

Task Goals Outcomes Teams can be interdependent in terms of the team task, goals, and outcomes. Each type of interdependence has important implications for team functioning and effectiveness.

How do team characteristics influence team effectiveness?

Task interdependence has a moderate positive relationship with team performance and a weak relationship with team commitment.

What factors are involved in team composition?

Team composition refers to the characteristics of the members who work in the team. These characteristics include: roles ability personality member diversity number of team members

_____ is a major mechanism through which leaders and employees describe what the company values or finds important.

Telling stories

What are the "Big Five?"

The "Big Five" include (ACE_NO): Agreeableness (warm, kind, cooperative) Conscientiousness (dependable, organized, reliable) Extraversion (talkative, sociable, passionate) Neuroticism (nervous, moody, emotional) Openness to Experience (curious, imaginative, creative)

What taxonomies can be used to describe personality, other than the Big Five?

The Big Five is the dominant taxonomy of personality; other taxonomies include the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory and Holland's RIASEC model.

What are the types of team diversity and how do they influence team functioning?

The effect of diversity on the team depends on time and whether the diversity is surface-level or deep-level. the effects of surface-level diversity tend to diminish with time, whereas the effects of deep-level diversity tend to increase over time.

What dimensions can be used to describe the fairness of an authority's decision making?

The fairness of an authority's decision making can be judged along four dimensions: Distributive justice reflects the perceived fairness of decision-making outcomes. Procedural justice reflects the perceived fairness of decision-making processes. Interpersonal justice reflects the perceived fairness of the treatment received by employees from authorities. Informational justice reflects the perceived fairness of the communications provided to employees from authorities.

What is the four-component model of ethical decision making?

The four-component model of ethical decision making argues that ethical behavior depends on three concepts: Moral awareness reflects whether an authority recognizes that a moral issue exists in a situation. Moral judgement reflects whether an authority can accurately identify the "right" course of action. Moral intent reflects an authority's degree of commitment to the moral course of action.

In what three sources can trust be rooted?

Trust can be disposition-based, meaning that one's personality includes a general propensity to trust others. Trust can also be cognition-based, meaning that it's rooted in a rational assessment of the authority's trustworthiness. Finally, trust can be affect-based, meaning that it's rooted in feelings toward the authority that go beyond any rational assessment of trustworthiness.

How does trust affect job performance and organizational commitment?

Trust has a moderate positive relationship with job performance and a strong positive relationship with organizational commitment.

What is trust, and how does it relate to justice and ethics?

Trust is the willingness to be vulnerable to an authority based on positive expectations about the authority's actions and intentions. Justice reflects the perceived fairness of an authority's decision making and can be used to explain why employees judge some authorities as more trustworthy than others. Ethics reflects the degree to which the behaviors of an authority are in accordance with generally accepted moral norms and can be used to explain why authorities choose to act in a trustworthy manner.

What dimensions can be used to describe the trustworthiness of an authority?

Trustworthiness is judged along three dimensions: Ability reflects the skills, competencies, and areas of expertise that an authority posses. Benevolence is the degree to which an authority wants to do good for the truster, apart from any selfish or profit-cenered motives. Integrity is the degree to which an authority adheres to a set of values and principles that the truster finds acceptable.

Which of the following explains the existence of a positive correlation between trust and job performance?

Willingness to be vulnerable to authorities increases levels of task performance.

Which of the following is perhaps the most fundamental method of differentiating cultures?


Organizations in which all employees are friendly to one another and where everyone thinks similarly have _____ cultures.


The _____ is an example of a team building role which helps the team see alternative solutions that teammates can accept.


Which of the following jobs are most likely to be high in emotional labor?

A flight attendant's job

Which of the following accurately describes additive tasks?

Contributions resulting from the abilities of every member "add up" to determine team performance.

Which personality dimension exhibits traits such as being kind, cooperative, and sympathetic?


Which of the following is a tactic designed to discourage adaption to the organization's culture?

Allow newcomers to interact with current employees while they are being oriented.

Is personality driven by nature or by nurture?

Although both nature and nurture are important, personality is affected significantly by genetic factors. Studies of identical twins reared apart and studies of personality stability over time suggest that between 35% and 45% of the variation in personality is genetic. Personality can be changed, but such changes are only apparent over the course of several years.

Which of the following describes utilitarianism that is used in the principled stage of moral development?

An act is morally right if it results in the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people.

What general and specific types can be used to describe an organization's culture?

An organization's culture can be described on dimensions such as solidarity and sociability to create four general culture types: networked communal fragmented mercenary organizations often strive to create a more specific cultural emphasis, as in customer service cultures, safety cultures, diversity cultures, and creativity cultures.

How is job satisfaction affected by day-to-day events?

Apart from the influence of supervision, coworkers, pay, and the work itself, job satisfaction levels fluctuate during the course of the day. Rises and falls in job satisfaction are triggered by positive and negative events that are experienced. Those events trigger changes in emotions that eventually give way to changes in mood.

Which of the following methods to assess the job satisfaction of rank and file employees is the most effective?

Attitude surveys

_____ represent(s) the deepest and least observable part of a culture and may not be consciously apparent, even to organizational veterans.

Basic underlying assumptions

Which of the following personality traits has the most influence on job performance?


How does personality affect job performance and organizational commitment?

Conscientiousness has a moderate positive relationship with job performance and a moderate positive relationship with organizational commitment. It has stronger effects on these outcomes than the rest of the Big Five.

Which of the following questions is used to evaluate distributive justice?

Do allocations of rewards occur according to the proper norm?

Which of the following questions is used to evaluate interpersonal justice?

Do authorities treat employees with sincerity?

What specific facets do employees consider when evaluating their job satisfaction?

Employees consider a number of specific facets when evaluating their job satisfactions. These facets include pay satisfactions, promotion satisfaction, supervision satisfaction, coworker satisfaction ,and satisfaction with the work itself.

Which of the following is an example of a team building role?


Which of the following is an example of an intense positive mood?


What are the five general team types and their defining characteristics?

Five general types of teams: work teams management teams action teams project teams parallel teams many teams in organizations have characteristics that fit in multiple categories and differ from one another in other ways.

What taxonomies can be used to describe cultural values?

Hogstede's taxonomy of cultural values includes individualism-collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity-femininity, and short-term vs. long-term orientation. More recent research by Project GLOBE has replicated many of those dimensions and added five other means to distinguish among cultures: gender egalitarianism, assertiveness, future orientation, performance orientation, and humane orientation.

Which of the following is true regarding the understanding and adaptation stage of socialization?

In this stage employees have adopted the goals and values of the organization, and understand what the organization has been through.

Which of the following is a "clear purpose" test item in an integrity test?

Is it OK to get around the law if you don't break it?

Which of the following is true for a counterculture and not a subculture?

It can sometimes serve a useful purpose by challenging the values of the overall organization or signifying the need for change.

Which of the following is characteristic of affect-based trust?

It is based on feelings toward the authority that go beyond any rational assessment.

Which of the following accurately describe the relationship between task interdependence and team commitment?

It is weak and positive.

Believing in the meaningfulness of work is a critical psychological state making work more satisfying. Which of the following is true with regard to the meaningfulness of work?

It reflects the degree to which work tasks are viewed as something that "counts" in the employee's system of philosophies and beliefs.

Which job characteristics can create a sense of satisfaction with the work itself?

Job characteristics theory suggests that five "core characteristics" - variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback - combine to result in particularly high levels of satisfaction with the work itself.

How does job satisfaction affect job performance and organizational commitment? How does it affect life satisfaction?

Job satisfaction has a moderate positive relationship with job performance and a strong positive relationship with organizational commitment. It also has a strong positive relationship with life satisfaction.

What is job satisfaction?

Job satisfaction is a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences. It represents how you feel about your job and what you think about your job.

Which of the following teams would benefit the most from having a larger number of members?

Management teams

_____ are responsible for coordinating the activities of organizational subunits—typically departments or functional areas—to help the organization achieve its long-term goals.

Management teams

Which of the following beliefs indicates an external locus of control?

Many of the unhappy things in people's lives are partly due to bad luck.

Which of the following is NOT a dimension put forward by Geert Hofestede?


Which of the following is a characteristic of reciprocal interdependence?

Members interact with a subset of other members to complete the team's work.

Which of the following accurately describes the correlation between conscientiousness and organizational commitment?

Moderate and positive

What are mood and emotions, and what specific forms do they take?

Moods are states of feeling that are often mild in intensity, last for an extended period of time, and are not explicitly directed at anything. Intense positive moods include being enthusiastic, excited, and elated. Intense negative moods include being hostile, nervous, and annoyed. Emotions are states of feeling that are often intense, last only for a few minutes, and are clearly directed at someone or some circumstance. Positive emotions include joy, pride, relief, hope, love and compassion. Nematic emotions include anger, anxiety fear, guilt, shame, sadness, envy, and disgust.

_____ reflects the process people use to determine whether a particular course of action is ethical or unethical.

Moral judgment

Which of the following is an example of an action team?

Musical group

In which stage of the team development process do members realize that they need to work together to accomplish team goals, and consequently, begin to cooperate with one another?


What is organizational culture, and what are its components?

Organizational culture is the shared social knowledge within an organization regarding the rules, norms and values that shape the attitudes and behaviors of its employees. There are three components of organizational culture: observable artifacts, espoused values basic underlying assumptions observable artifacts include symbols, physical structures, language, stories, rituals, and ceremonies.

What steps can organizations take to assess and manage job satisfaction?

Organizations can assess and manage job satisfaction using attitude surveys such as the job descriptive index (JDI), which assesses pay satisfaction, promotion satisfaction, supervisor satisfaction, coworker satisfaction, and satisfaction with the work itself. It can be used to assess the levels of job satisfaction experienced by employees, and its specific facet scores can identify interventions that could be helpful.

What steps can organizations take to become more trustworthy?

Organizations can become more trustworthy by emphasizing corporate social responsibility, a perspective that acknowledges that the responsibilities of a business encompass the economic, legal, ethical, and citizenship expectations of society.

How do organizations maintain their culture and how do they change it?

Organizations maintain their cultures through attraction, selection, and attrition processes, and socialization practices. Organizations change their cultures by changing their leadership or through mergers and acquisitions.

Which of the following is a tactic designed to encourage adaption to the organization's culture?

Provide hurdles that are required to be met prior to organizational membership.

_____ is best exemplified by hearing an employee say something to the effect of, "Working at this company is not nearly what I expected it to be."

Reality shock

Which of the following is a characteristic of the principled stage of moral development?

Right versus wrong is referenced to a set of defined, established moral principles.

What makes a culture strong, and is it always good for an organization to have a strong culture?

Strong cultures have the ability to influence employee behaviors and attitudes. Strong cultures exist when employees agree on the way things are supposed to happen and their behaviors are consistent with those expectations. Strong cultures are not necessarily good or bad. Generally, a culture's effectiveness depends on how well it matches the company's outside environment. To this degree, adaptive cultures can be very useful.

Which of the following describes the correlation between person-organization fit and organizational commitment?

Strong, positive

What steps can organizations take to make sure that newcomers will fit with their culture?

There are a number of practices that organizations can utilize to improve the socialization of new employees, including: realistic job previews orientation programs mentoring

Which of the following is characteristic of social exchange relationships?

They are characterized by mutual investment.

What are values, and how do they affect job satisfaction?

Values are things that people consciously or subconsciously want to seek or attain. According to value-percept theory, job satisfaction depends on whether you perceive that your job supplies those things that you value.

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