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What is the most common alternative response in a Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior (DRA) schedule?

A behavior that is selected as an alternative behavior to the target behavior should serve the same function. If challenging behaviors occur because the learner wants access to something, they should be taught an alternative way to communicate their wants and needs. In most instances this alternative behavior will be some mand that the learner can easily perform.

A client has a behavioral intervention plan for self-injury with the function of attention. Which of the following would NOT be considered to be an effective consequent intervention for the client's behavior?

Antecedent and consequent interventions are only effective if they serve the same function as the target or challenging behavior. If a learner engages in self-injury with the function of attention, all interventions must be aligned with this function. Offering the learner a break will not decrease the behavior as it does not serve the function of attention.

A client has a behavioral intervention plan for property destruction with the function of escape from demands. Which of the following would NOT be considered to be an antecedent intervention for the client's behavior?

Antecedent interventions are used to prevent the challenging or target behavior from occurring. Examples of such interventions includes priming, Premack principle, and offering choices. Consequent interventions are those that would be implemented to reduce reinforcement should the target behavior occurs. Examples of these include extinction, redirection and differential reinforcement

You use a visual schedule with one of your clients, Frank, and think it will work really well for your client, Dave. You decide to bring Frank's visual schedule to use with Dave to see if it works. What would have been a better option?

A visual schedule is typically implemented as an antecedent intervention in a behavior plan. The use of the schedule should always be approved by the supervisor as it may not be appropriate for the client. In addition, presenting a visual schedule may procedure behavior changes that may be both positive or negative.

What type of data do you use to record what happens before a behavior, what the behavior looks like and what happened after the behavior?

ABC Data: tracks the antecedent, behavior, and consequence of each behavioral act

You have a session scheduled for 3-5pm. You arrive at 3:15. What should you do?

Accurately reporting the time you worked is a very important job duty. Falsification of time can lead to immediate termination. You should always change your appointment time to reflect the time you arrived at the house and the time the session ended and you should email your supervisor and scheduling department if any changes occurred.

You are contacted by Child Protective Services about an abuse claim that was filed on your client's parents. The representative asks if you have time to answer a few questions. What should you do?

All employees at BHW are mandated reporters. If you are contacted regarding a claim that was filed, you should agree to answer the questions of the representatitve and also provide them with your supervisor's information for additional follow up.

Ellie is a BCBA who want to use a Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behavior (DRI) with her client who engages in hand flapping. Which of the following would be the best behavior to reinforce?

DRI: a procedure where reinforcement is delivered for a behavior that is topographically incompatible with the behavior targeted for reduction.

Which Differential Reinforcement schedule requires you to get a baseline of the challenging behavior before implementing the schedule?

DRO: a procedure in which reinforcement is delivered contingent on the absence of the problem behavior during a specific time. Baseline must be collected to determine the initial interval for reinforcement.

Inez sat down at the table with her client. She placed three pictures of animals (dog, cat, horse) in front of her client and said "Touch the horse." When her client touched the horse, she gave her praise and a token. This process continued until the client had identified every picture given the instruction "Touch the (animal)," and earned 6 tokens. What kind of skill acquisition technique does this describe?

DTT: Instructor-led teaching procedure. Items used during teaching are typically not preferred items and/or potential reinforcers.

What needs to be collected every session in order to be able to submit your timesheet and session note?

Data must be recorded every session

Yani receives verbal praise every time (exactly) that she completes a toothbrushing routing. What type of reinforcement schedule does this describe?

Fixed Ratio: reinforcement is provided after a set number of behavioral occurrences.

Lydia is working on feeding skills with her client. She tells her client to eat his lunch, and then record the amount of time in between each bite of food. What type of data collection does this describe?

Inter-response time (IRT): the length of time between the end of one response and the beginning of the next response

Petra is running a preference assessment with her client, Micah. Petra places 4 items in front of Micah and asks them to choose one. While Micah is playing with the item they selected, Petra replaces all of the remaining items in the array with new ones, and returns the item Micah was playing with back to the array. What type of preference assessment is being run?

MSW: assessment where an array of items is placed in front of the participant and the participant is asked to select one. After a brief interaction with the item, the item is placed back into the array and the learner is presented a new array.

Ronaldo delivers the SD to his client "Do this" and models clapping his hands. The client responds by clapping their hands. What type of goal is Ronaldo running?

Motor Imitation: providing a model prompt and having the learner copy your behavior ("do this" and model clapping and waiting for the learner to imitate your clapping)

Otto has a client who is working on expressive color identification. During one of his client's breaks in which the client is playing with Legos, Otto holds up a Lego and says, "what color is it?" What type of teaching procedure is he using?

Natural Environment Teaching: learner-led teaching procedure where the BT contrives opportunities for teaching skills during activities that the learner has selected.

Thomas wanted the iPad, but his brother was using it. Thomas pushed his brother out of his chair, and when he fell, he grabbed the iPad and started watching videos. Mom saw the incident occur and told Thomas that he could not have the iPad for the rest of the week. Thomas never pushed his brother again. What consequence is being provided for his behavior?

Negative Punishment: Removing a stimulus from the environment to decrease the probability of the behavior in the future.

Vince's teacher has a rule that if you get a 90% or higher on a test, you do not have to complete homework that night. As a result, Vince studies very hard before each test to get a free night. What consequence is being provided for his behavior?

Negative Reinforcement: Removing a stimulus from the environment to increase the probability of the behavior in the future.

If you urgently need hand sanitizer what should you do?

Purchase the hand sanitizer and submit the receipt to HR for reimbursement

While working with a client with irritable bowel syndrome, Cassidy, the RBT, exclaims "ooooh-eeee! Somebody has the farts today!" in a joking tone. Her client is pretty much non-verbal, so it's not a big deal - it's not very likely they'll feel embarrassed by farting a lot, or having people comment on their farts. What's the most salient ethical dilemma with Cassidy's behavior?

RBT and BCBA ethical guidelines as well as BHW policy states that all employees should treat clients with dignity and respect regardless of what the client is doing or may have done

Rate is ______ divided by some unit of time.

Rate is the total frequency divided by some unit of time.

A family you work with wants to go to a water park during session time, so they ask you if you can have session at the water park, and they will pay for your entry. How do you respond?

Secondary locations for sessions must be pre-approved by the supervisor on case to determine if it is clinically appropriate.

What is shaping?

Shaping is a process in which successive approximations of the terminal behavior are reinforced. For example, if you are teaching a learner to request items using a full sentence such as "i want a chocolate chip cookie please", you may start by reinforcing the learner when they say "cookie", then "want cookie", then "i want chocolate chip cookie", lastly, "i want a chocolate chip cookie please".

Kevin is teaching his client how to answer personal information questions using least-to-most prompting. Which of the following prompt sequences would he most likely be using?

Prompt hierarchies will tell the BT what prompts to implement and in what order. A most to least prompt hierarchy will have the BT implement the most intrusive (or more assistance) prompt first then fade. A least to most prompt hierarchy will have the BT implement the least intrusive (or less assistance) prompt first then increase the assistance.

Vera is running a preference assessment with her client, George. She holds up one item at a time, and if George approaches the item, she allows him to engage with it as long as he wants. While he engages with the item, she records the duration of engagement. What type of preference assessment is being run?

Single Stimulus: One item is given to the client at a time. The duration of engagement with the item is recorded. The item with the highest duration=most preferred

Using momentary time sampling, you would record the behavior as having occurred during a given interval if...

With momentary time sampling, you record the behavior as having occurred if the learner is engaging in the behavior when the timer goes off.

If you have questions on how to run a particular program, where will you look on your CR data sheet?

The instructional notes will give you detailed instructions on how to run any goal.

What is the role of the RBT?

The role of the RBT in the service-delivery model is to implement the behavior intervention and skill acquistion plans as designed by their supervisors.

Tokens are an example of what kind of reinforcer?

Tokens are considered conditioned reinforcers. They only become reinforcing after they have been paired with primary or unconditioned reinforcers.

Xavier gets a break from work about every 10 minutes. Sometimes he works for less than 10 minutes, sometimes he works for more than 10 minutes, but by the end of session, he does an average of 10 minutes of work to earn a break. What type of reinforcement schedule does this describe?

Variable Interval: reinforcement is provided after a varied time frame.

Willa is working on a maintenance program in which she receives a token about every 2 correct responses. Sometimes she gets a token after one correct response, sometimes she gets a token after three correct responses, and sometimes she gets a token after two correct responses, but it averages out to be about every 2 responses. What type of reinforcement schedule does this describe?

Variable Ratio: reinforcement is provided on average after a set number of behavioral occurrences.

Olga is working on feeding skills with her client. She tells her client to eat their lunch, and then records the amount of time it takes them to finish their lunch. What type of data collection does this describe?

Duration: a measure of the total extent of time in which a behavior occurs.

If you need to request time off after your first 90-days, how should you request the time?

You may submit a time off request through UKG.

What is the minimum number of overlaps an RBT must have with their supervisor per month?

An RBT must have a minimum of 2 contacts with their supervisor per month.

Dexter engages in some non-compliance when work is presented. However, his RBT usually can motivate him by telling him that he can play video games after completing work. One day, his RBT comes to session on a day where Dexter has been home all day playing video games. The RBT presents work and Dexter refuses to do it, so the RBT reminds Dexter that he can have 5 minutes of video games after he completes work. Dexter continues to refuse to do work, which confuses the RBT. What motivational variable, if any, is at play?

Abolishing Operation: An abolishing operation (AO) is a motivating operation that decreases the value of a reinforcer. For example, after having juice, the value of juice as a reinforcer could potentially decrease

What are two categories of abuse?

Abuse can be any of the following: physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse.

How is advancement at BHW done?

Advancement at BHW is based on demonstrating competencies in professionalism and the application of ABA interventions. Each year, all BTs will be given a multiple choice exam to test their knowledge on ABA as well as important BHW policies. In addition, if the BT is an RBT, the RBT assessment will be conducted annually to be eligible for renewal of certification.

What are the essential components of a skill acquisition plan?

All skill acquisition plans should have the following components: materials that are needed to run the goal, the SD, correct/incorrect responses, prompt hierarchy, and reinforcement

1:1 session timesheets must have your signature as well as one other person.

All timesheets for in-person 1:1 sessions must have a parent/guardian signature before the timesheet is submitted. This process is done during the last ten minutes of session. The only exception to this may occur when CentralReach is down and the BT is unable to obtain the signature. In these instances, the BT would need to collect the signature at the start of the next session.

Who may supervise an RBT?

An RBT may be supervised by a BCBA, BCaBA, or anyone licensed in another behavioral health profession that has applied behavior analysis in its legislative scope of practice and is competent in applied behavior analysis.

How many hours must an RBT be supervised per month?

An RBT must be supervised for a minimum of 5% of total monthly hours.

Anton loves working with his client, but really does not like writing session notes, as he feels that it takes away valuable time with his client. Instead of leaving the last 15 minutes to write a session note, Anton decides to work for the full length of session, then at the end of the week, he renders all of his sessions from the week so that he gets paid on time. Are there any issues with Anton's system?

BACB RBT EThics Code 2.02 states that RBTs "accurately complete all required documentation". This includes billing and session notes. Session notes are a part of the session time and technicians must remember to end their 1:1 time with the client approximately 10-15 prior to the end of the session in order to allow time to write session notes and gather parent signatures. Leaving the session notes to the end of the week may lead to inaccurate session notes.

What is BHW's ultimate goal?

BHW as well as any ABA program's ultimate goal should be to improve the quality of life for the individual and their families.

A parent asks if you can stay an extra few minutes after session to watch your client while she runs across the street to get toilet paper. How do you respond?

BHW employees must never be left in the home with a client. An adult over the age of 18 must always be in the home with the clinical team.

What is the best reason to use your BHW-issued tablet instead of a personal device when in session with your clients?

BHW-issued tablets are equipped with software and features that protect PHI, using unauthorized devices may lead to a leak of PHI which is a federal offense.

What is the document called where you find what to do to reduce maladaptive behaviors?

BIP: The behavior intervention plan is going to including information on maladaptive behaviors for your learners.

Nigel is teaching a client to zip his coat. He completes all the steps to washing hands for his client using hand-over-hand prompting, but on the final step, he uses prompting and reinforcement until his client is independently completing the final step. When that step is mastered, he begins teaching the second to last and continues to take data on the last step as "maintenance." He continues in this manner until the client is independently completing the entire task. What type of teaching procedure is he using?

Backward chaining: breaking down the steps of a task and teaching them in reverse order.

Whole interval recording is a type of discontinuous data collection system that is used for what kinds of behaviors?

Behaviors that you are targeting for increase

Hillary is working with a client who has a token board. At the end of the client's break, Hillary resets the client's token board, removing the Velcro-backed tokens from the token board. When Hillary's client hears this noise, he typically engages in aggression in the form of hitting. What is the most likely function of the client's behavior?

Behaviors typically occur for a reason. In this scenario, the learner began to engage in aggression as soon as he heard the sound the tokens made when they were removed from the token board. This is most likely a behavior with the function of escape as it seems as though the noise was not a pleasant noise for the learner and they would need to find a way to communicate this to us or find a different behavior to engage in to avoid hearing the noise such as covering their ears.

"A: Mom picks up the ringing phone and stops playing with Frieda B: Frieda swipes all items off of the dinner table C: Mom says "Frieda, don't do that! Look at the mess you've made!" Based on the ABC data above, what is the most likely function of Frieda's behavior?"

Behaviors typically occur for a reason. In this scenario, the learner began to swipe items off the dinner table as soon as mom picked up the phone. Mom's attention was no longer on the learner. As soon the learner swipes the items, mom begins to reprimand her given her attention again. What is the most likely reason this happened? In the future when Frieda wants attention, what is she most likely to do?

Do children often make up stories about being abused?

Children do not makeup stories about being abused. Every report should be taken seriously and investigated accordingly by the proper department.

Ulysses is running a functional analysis with his client. He sets his client up in a room in which he has access to preferred toys, no demands are presented, and he provides his client with attention every 30 seconds. What type of assessment was being run in this situation?

Control Condition FA: condition is which learner is presented with preferred activities, social attention is provided and no demands are placed.

Wade is running a functional analysis (FA) with his client Demar. He presents simple motor compliances to Demar. If Demar completes the action, Wade moves onto the next motor compliance. If he does not, Wade repeats the action with a model. If Demar still does not comply, Wade fully physically guides him to complete the action. When Demar engages in tantrum behavior, Wade says, "Okay, you don't have to do it," and does not present any motor compliances to Demar for one minute. What type of assessment is being run in this situation?

Escape Condition FA: condition in which escape is given contingent on problem behavior.

Contriving an establishing operation involves creating a ______ state.

Establishing Operation: an event that momentarily alters the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus. For example, drinking water after eating salty food. Deprivation can also be an establishing operation that momentarily alters the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimuli.

What is the best way to establish a good working relationship with a client's family

Establishing a good relationship with caregivers or clients begins by building rapport. One way to build rapport with caregivers is by actively listening to them and not making any judgemental statements. BTs are always encouraged to check in with caregivers at the start of session and check with them at the end of session. If a question or concern comes up that is out of the scope of practice for the BT, the BT should redirect to the supervisor.

Your client cancels session almost every Tuesday. Your supervisor comes to session every Friday, so you do not report this to him. Is this the correct course of action?

Excessive cancellations can have an impact on client outcomes therefore they should be documented and reported to supervisors.

Zack works for exactly 5 minutes and then he can play on his tablet for 3 minutes. What type of reinforcement schedule does this describe?

Fixed Interval: reinforcement is provided after a set time frame

If you need to cancel a session, who should you notify?

For any cancellations, you should fill out the cancellation form and notify your supervisor and the family.

Marta is teaching a client to tie her shoes in a task-analyzed format. At the start of teaching, she presents the first step of the task analysis and provides prompting and reinforcement only on the first step of the task analysis. When that step is mastered, the 2nd step is introduced into teaching, and the client is expected to perform independently on the first step. This process continues until all the steps are mastered in the behavior chain and the client can complete the entire task analysis independently! What type of teaching procedure is she using?

Forward chaining: This is when a behavior is taught in "logical" or chronological order, and each step of the behavior is reinforced. The pieces of the task are reinforced one at a time as they are learned until the first step is mastered. Then, the second step is mastered, and so on.

Mohammed counted the number of times that his client punched the wall during session. What type of data collection does this describe?

Frequency: data collection system that counts the occurrence of a behavior

Tina, a BCBA, sat at a table with her client, Jason. She allowed Jason one minute with a tablet, and then removed the tablet and placed it out of reach. Jason began screaming and banging on the table when the tablet was removed. Every time he did this, Tina allowed him to have a minute with the tablet. They repeated this multiple times. What type of assessment was being run in this situation?

Functional Analysis: An analysis of the purposes(functions) of problem behaviors.

What would be the most appropriate way to walk with a 16-year-old client who has a history of bolting in the community?

Given the participant's age, holding their hand or using any physical prompts, may not be age-appropriate. Staying within arm's reach of the learner is the most appropriate way to walk with a 16-year-old. Prior to going out into the community, walking should be practiced in safe spaces such as a backyard or gated community.

Should you investigate suspected incidents of abuse?

If there is any suspicion of child abuse, your first course of action is to notify your immediate supervisor and they will guide you in the reporting process. It is not your job to investigate the abuse.

How would you best describe the complaint resolution process at BHW

If you have a complaint, the best course of action is to go to your immediate supervisor first. After approaching your immediate supervisor if you still require assistance, you go up in the chain of command, one level at a time until your complaint is resolved.

Irving is working on feeding skills with his client. He tells him to eat his lunch, and then records the amount of time in between when he tells his client to eat his lunch and when he starts eating his lunch. What type of data collection does this describe?

Latency: the elapsed time from the onset of a stimulus to the initiation of a response.

Quinn delivers the SD to her client, "Clap your hands." The client responds by clapping their hands. What type of goal is Quinn running?

Listener Responding: providing a verbal SD and the learner engaging in a behavior (giving your learner a verbal instruction to sit down)

________ is the phase of skill acquisition in which the learner has met mastery criteria of the skill, but still needs to practice the skill to ensure that progress is not lost.

Maintenance: Practicing the new learned skill to ensure that progress is not lost.

Penny presents work to her client. Upon being presented with work, the client says "Can I have a break?" What type of verbal operant is the client emitting?

Mand: verbal operant in which the response is reinforced by a characteristic consequence and is therefore under the functional control of relevant conditions of deprivation or aversive stimulation, a mand can be seen as a request

Partial interval recording gives a sample of the behavior. It tends to provide what kind of estimate of the behavior?

Partial interval recording is a method of data collection that overestimates the occurrence of a behavior.

What platform should you use to review your pay stubs?

Pay Stubs are available to all employees on UKG

It's finals week, and you are swamped with work. You think that going to your 2-hour session will give your brain a break from studying, and plan to work that week. However, every day, you realize you need a lot more time to study than you realize, and end up canceling the session at the last minute. By the end of the week, your supervisor emails you that they are requesting you off of the case because you are unreliable. What could you have done to prevent this from happening?

Per BACB RBT Ethics Code 1.09, "RBTs are aware that their personal biases or challenges may impact their ability to effectively carry out behavior-technician services". In this situation, the RBT should have planned ahead with the supervisor on how to approach finals week.

Nina's mom told her to clean her room, which she specified involved putting all of her toys away, picking clothes up off the floor, and making her bed. Later in the day, mom came and looked into Nina's room to see if she had cleaned it, and based on the state of her room, she concluded that Nina had cleaned her room. What type of data collection does this describe?

Permanent product recording: a method of data collection where the end is used to determine the occurrence or non-occurrence of a behavior

Xander brings his client, Zoe, into a room that contains multiple toys. He instructs Zoe that she can play with any of the toys in the room for the next 30 minutes. While she plays, he records how long she plays with each toy. What type of assessment is being run in this situation?

Preference Assessment: a way to determine what items may be used as potential reinforcers.

Urselina is always late for school. Her teacher decides that for every minute she is late, she will need to stay that long after school and help her teacher organize the classroom. Because of this, she begins to show up to school on time. What consequence is being provided for her behavior?

Positive Punishment: Adding a stimulus to the environment to decrease the probability of the behavior in the future.

Sita is working on toilet training. Every time she produces in the toilet, she gets a small cup of ice cream afterward. Because of this, she begins to produce in the toilet more often. What consequence is being provided for her behavior?

Positive Reinforcement: Adding a stimulus to the environment to increase the probability of the behavior in the future.

"The specified prompts for a motor imitation skill are listed, in order, below. Based on the order of the prompts, what type of prompt hierarchy is in use for this skill? Full Physical Partial Physical Light Touch Independent"

Prompt hierarchies will tell the BT what prompts to implement and in what order. A most to least prompt hierarchy will have the BT implement the most intrusive (or more assistance) prompt first then fade. A least to most prompt hierarchy will have the BT implement the least intrusive (or less assistance) prompt first then increase the assistance.

Giancarlo is in session with his client and his supervisor gives him feedback on how to run the program. The client then tells Giancarlo, "You're so stupid! You're supposed to be my teacher and you can't even do that right!" After the session, Giancarlo emails his supervisor and asks if they can provide him with written feedback instead of verbal feedback to avoid the embarrassment he experienced during the session. What is the best commentary of the situation?

Receiving feedback can be a difficult thing to do in any situation. In ABA a lot of the time, you are receiving feedback as you are implementing goals with learners. This is the most effective form of feedback because you can correct mistakes in the moment. There are situations and cases that may make this challenging. If this situation were to occur, the best thing an RBT can do is email the supervisor and express in a professional manner that feedback should be delivered in a different manner.

Stimulus transfer is the process of transferring stimulus ______ from one set of antecedent variables to another, typically using prompting and prompt fading.

Stimulus transfer is the process of transferring stimulus control from one set of antecedent variables to another, typically using prompting and prompt fading.

Annabelle has a history of tantrum behavior in the community, specifically when mom says "no" to buying Lucky Charms due to the sugar content. In the past, mom has given into this behavior because she hates the feeling of being judged by others when Annabelle tantrums. However, she has noticed that Annabelle's behavior is increasing, and decides to not buy the cereal and just ignore the behavior and pretend that it isn't happening when she goes to the store. What form of extinction is mom implementing?

Tangible extinction: withholding access to tangibles when learner engages in challenging behavior.

How can you learn all the features of CentralReach?

The best way to get familiar with CentralReach is to continue to practice using all the features you have access to.

How should the description of the client's current clinical status be written?

The clinical status report should provide a brief objective description of the client at the start of session.

Where is a copy of the employee handbook located?

The employee handbook is located on UKG

The purpose of the generalization phase of skill acquisition is to...

The purpose of generalization is to ensure the learner can maintain the skill under different settings and across different people

If you click on the "scheduling" icon on CentralReach, where does it take you?

The scheduling icon will take you to your CentralReach calendar

How should you write the maladaptive behavior section of your clinical session notes?

The session note is meant to provide a picture of what occurred during session. The first three responses do not give a lot of information and may lead to the reader wanting more information. You want to provide as much information as possible to the reader.

What step must you perform to collect data for your clients on your datasheet?

The session timer must be started

It is okay to change your availability during your first 90 days

To avoid any disruption to the services you are providing to clients and families, your availability must remain consistent for the first 90 days of service. After this initial period, your availability should maintain as consistent as possible to avoid disruption of services.

To prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as Covid-19, what should you do?

To protect BHW employees and families, clinicians should stay home if they are sick, wear a mask in client sessions, check-in with families, use hand sanitizer and stay home when you are sick.

Liam is working with a client on folding clothes in a task-analyzed format. Liam teaches the entire set of steps in the task analysis, prompting and providing reinforcement for steps that the client has difficulty with, and providing verbal praise for steps the client could already complete. What type of teaching procedure is he using?

Total Task: is completing the entire sequence and receiving reinforcement at the end of the completed task chain. This is most appropriate when the learner has the prerequisite skills to complete the tasks in the chain and would not require many trials to criterion based on past learned knowledge.

Geraldo worked really hard to gain access to his iPad that he shares with his brother. However, his brother is on the iPad, so Geraldo throws a ball at his head. His brother begins to cry and drops the iPad. Geraldo then picks up the iPad and starts playing with it. What is the most likely function of Geraldo's behavior?

What did Geraldo get after he engaged in the behavior of throwing the ball? Was he allowed to escape a task, given an item, given attention, or given sensory input?

Quentin, an RBT, is approached by his client's mother, who informs him that her child has started to engage in a new maladaptive behavior of destroying items, such as ripping up paper and deliberately breaking his toys. After telling his supervisor, what are the next steps the clinical team should take?

When a new challenging or barrier behavior is identified, the first step is to collect ABC data, hypothesize a function and then run a functional analysis. Once the function of behavior has been identified, supervisors will develop a behavior reduction or behavior intervention plan to systematically reduce and replace the behavior.

What is one of the most effective way to communicate with families

When communicating with families, BTs are encouraged to use observable and measurable terms and descriptions. BTs should try to avoid statements that may be subjective such as "Johnny was mad at me today" or "Johnny's behaviors were not that great today". Instead BTs should deliver session details using observable and measurable terms and descriptions such as "Johnny had a tantrum today that lasted 10 minutes after I told him it was time to brush his teeth".

Your client's mom asks to observe your session. After running a manding program, mom asks what a mand is and why this program is included in her child's session. Which of the following explanations would be the best?

When explaining goals to parents, you want to use terminology that they are familiar with. ABA terminology is not common unless you are in the field, so you want to avoid technical definitions and explain what you are doing. For example, when running a tact goal, you would explain to the parents that you are essential teaching the learner how to identify items in the environment.

How do you describe behavior using objective, measurable descriptions?

When using measurable and objective language you want to include the number of times a behavior occurred, what the behavior looked like and any other objective details, such as, "the client dropped to the floor, BT placed her hands to avoid the client hitting her head on the floor, client engaged in a 3 minute tantrum by crying with tears, kicking feet in the air and lying on the floor".

Your client has started attending karate classes after school, but before session. As a result, the client is so tired during session that they fall asleep. What should you do?

Whenever any changes occur that impact the learner's behavior, an RBT should communicate the change to the supervisor and alert them of the potential for changes in behavior.

Your client's grandmother is visiting from out of state this week, and your client is really happy that she is here. As a result, the client's attending behavior declines during session. What should you do?

Whenever any changes occur that impact the learner's behavior, an RBT should communicate the change to the supervisor and alert them of the potential for changes in behavior.

Work emails, phone calls, and other correspondence should be responded within what time frame?

Work emails, phone calls, and other correspondence should be responded to within 1 business day

Your client's mother approaches you and starts complaining about the BCBA supervisor on the case. She reports that the BCBA does not listen to her priorities and never comes to observe the client. What should you do?

You should listen to the mother's concerns and then let her know that she should communicate with the BCBA on the case or can also reach out to the clinical director.

When Sian got home from school, she had a quick snack and then was presented with homework. She flipped the desk and ran out of the room. Mom chased after her and told her she had better come back and pick up her mess and do her homework, otherwise she would not get to have dessert that night. What would be the best ABC data point to describe this behavior?

You want to provide as much objective information as possible when filling out an ABC form. Try to visualize what the incident was and whether or not your description would "paint a picture" to the reader.

What are the essential components of a behavior intervention plan?

behavior plan must have an operational definition, the onset and offset of behavior, the function of behavior, antecedent interventions and consequent interventions.

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P. Bendroji nozologija ir patogenezė

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Ch. 8: Raymond B. Cattell & Hans J. Eysenck, Ch. 7: Gordon Allport, Ch. 6: Erik Erikson, Ch. 5: Karen Horney, Big five personality Traits, Chapter 8: Raymond B. Cattell and Hans J. Eysenck., Psychology: Chapter 7: Gordon Allport, Chapter 6: Erik H. E...

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NCLEX Qs 280 Exam 3: RA, Lupus, MG, GBS, ALS

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UNIT 3: Muscular System (Mylab and Mastering)

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Ch. 5-3 What is a database management system (DBMS)?

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