Bible CH. 10-12

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Lord's Supper

"breaking of the bread" includes what

the kingdom salvation that has already come and the kingdom judgment that has not yet come

According to the book of Acts, what specifically must believers verbally bear witness to when giving the gospel?


Christ's rule/dominion on earth

gap between kingdom salvation and kingdom judgment

Christians today are called to live in the what?

By definition, the New Covenant includes only saved people while the Old Covenant includes both saved and unsaved people. The New Covenant includes people from all nations within the church while the Old Covenant was primarily for ethnic Jews and secondarily for people who became a part of the Israelite nation.

Compare and contrast the New Covenant people of God and the Old Covenant people of God.

to be witnesses, making more kingdom citizens

Even though Jesus has been crowned King, what mission has Jesus given to the church?

the resurrection and the future kingdom of God are both described as restorations of God's original creation

Give 2 reasons Redemption should be interpreted as restoration rather than as replacement.

ministries of the Word and the ordinances (baptism and the Lord's Supper)

God has given to the church, and the church alone, what?

Noah's sacrifice

God institutes the covenant in response to what?


God promised to David a king. Who is that king?

Mount Sinai

God promised where that violations of the covenant would bring terrible judgment

people are still suffering and rebelling

How can we know that we aren't living after the time of God's completion of the big story of Scripture?

being generous with time and money, sacrificing for the good of others

How could you be a countercultural witness with your material things?

using technology to share Christ and encourage others; not being so self-absorbed in technology that it hurts personal relationships with others

How could you be a countercultural witness with your use of technology?

instead of using words to destroy others, using them to build others up; using writing skills to create powerful, beautiful, enduring prose or poetry

How could your use of language be a witness to the culture?

Since Jesus came to bring salvation, He had to pay the price for sin so that there could be kingdom citizens

How did the death and resurrection of Jesus fit in with the larger mission that He had come to fulfill?

Resurrection restores our physical bodies; it doesn't replace them with something entirely new

How does the Christian hope of resurrection impact the overall Christian understanding of Redemption

long war he cannot win

In Gen. 3:15, God tell the Serpent that he is cursed to fight a what?

New Covenant

In the ____ ____, people don't obey God in order to be His people; they become His people, and they therefore obey Him


In the end, God sends the ___ to take His people captive--including the descendants of King David

seed of the woman

In the end, who's seed will crush the Serpent's head


In this world of sin, there can be no kingdom citizens without ____

suffering and persecution; Satan's kingdom overlaps with God's kingdom

Instead of cultural triumph, what must Christians expect to experience during the time between salvation and judgment and why?


Is Heaven a temporary or permanent place for us


It is through ___ that the seed of the woman promised in Genesis 3 will come


Jesus didn't tell His apostles to preach only salvation. He told them to preach coming _____


Jesus said the He had been sent by God to ___ Isaiah 61

Christians need to be "kickoutable," that is recognizably a part of a membership so that they can be held accountable for unrepentant sin and be given encouragement when needed.

List at least two reasons given in this chapter that church is not optional for Christians.

God is sparing no expense, not even the cost of the lifeblood of His Son, to restore His good creation

One of the main lessons to learn from the history of Redemption is what?

our loving, stable families

One of the most important tools of countercultural witness Christians have right now—and one of the most important defenses of the Christian faith—ought to be what?

Christ atoning for man's sin

Only by what could creation be released from God's curse.

how we live

Our witness also includes what?

to view the surrounding culture through biblical lenses

Part of the missionary's job is to what?

No, while behavior reinforces the verbal witness, witness in the New Testament is never less than verbal.

Should a verbal witness be replaced by a life of good works?

The current mission is to make more kingdom citizens before Christ returns in judgment to fully set up His kingdom.

Since Jesus Christ rose from the dead and ascended to heaven to be crowned King and Lord of all, why are there any sufferers or rebels left in His dominion?

It's the story of what God is doing to glorify Himself by redeeming His fallen creation

Summarize the Bible's epic story in one sentence

humans should rule over the world, with God ruling over all

The order that God intended for the universe was what?

David's seed

The seed promised to Abraham will be, specifically whose seed?

marriage and family (or sex), materialism, technology, and language

What are the four major areas mentioned in the chapter in which Christians can bear witness to their pagan culture by pressing things back toward God's created structure?

seed, land, blessing

What are the three basic categories of promises God gave to Abraham?

Local assemblies function as the institutional church with specific tasks, but all true believers function as an organism in everything that they do regardless of the sphere with its tasks. The significance is that the mission of the institutional church should remain distinct from the mission of the organic church.

What are the two different aspects of the church, and what is their significance?

The growth of God's kingdom threatened things such as income and cultural pride; Paul had to leave because Jesus' authority is extended in this world to advance salvation not to bring judgment

What caused the cultural conflict described in Acts 19, and why didn't Paul win?

to live righteously in light of redemption in every task that they engage in

What does Paul mean when he instructs Christians to "redeem the time"

new hearts and final forgiveness; Obedience isn't the condition but the result of the covenant

What does the New Covenant provide that none of the other covenants could provide?

God's people will reign over the earth; they will take dominion as God originally intended

What future promise does the story of Redemption give to God's people? How does that promise relate to the original Creation Mandate?

The New Covenant ensures that people will know, love, and trust God internally.

What is it in Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 36 that makes the New Covenant church most different from the Old Covenant people of God, Israel?

the kingdom has drawn near because the King/Jesus has arrived

What is the most important point made by the four Gospels?

an eternal dynasty reigning over a blessed land

What is the promise of the Davidic Covenant?

being generous with money and time

What is the proper redemptive response for a Christian living in a consumeristic culture?

take the throne of David to reign forever as King; He is both human and divine

What larger mission did Jesus come to fulfill, and what qualified him to fulfill it?


What makes the Mosaic Covenant distinct from the other covenants?

the city of Jerusalem; the creation of culture as the earth is subdued

What will be at the center of the new earth and what activity will be taking place there?


When we turn the page of the Old Testament to begin the New, we pass from the age of promise to the age of ______.

compromising Christian belief and practice

Whether evangelizing or seeking to live redemptively, what must Christians always be wary of doing?

to find and rescue us

Why did Jesus come?

There must be some way to identify who is a part of a local church assembly so that both privileges and discipline may be properly exercised.

Why is church membership necessary for believers?

That confusion leads to granting the church authority and tasks that are reserved for other spheres, such as the government.

Why is it dangerous to view the church as completely synonymous with the kingdom?

to avoid the two-story view that disparages "secular" work and portrays "spiritual" work as the preferred option for obedient, godly Christians; to reinforce the value of all jobs and to encourage a biblical approach in all jobs (rather than assuming neutrality)

Why is it important to understand that everyone working a legitimate job works in service to God?

God hasn't abandoned His creation, and He doesn't command us to

Why shouldn't Christians abandon culture and its institutions?

God makes the earth a stable place until He works out His plan of Redemption

Why was the Noahic Covenant necessary?


a public means of confessing that a person is a follower of Christ, a symbol that the new Christian is now united with Christ, a symbol that the Christian has received the Spirit and is united to other believers in the body of Christ, and the visible sign of the New Covenant


a significant portion of the church's witness in Acts was ____

blood Jesus shed on the cross

drinking the fruit of the vine symbolizes what?

body of Christ that was broken on the cross

eating of the bread symbolizes what?


either a singular or plural referring to Jesus and Abraham's offspring in Christ


for every part of the Christian life to succeed, ____ is the essential foundation

Seed-being fruitful, land-taking dominion, blessing-Creation Mandate

how do the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant relate to the Creation Mandate


how many of the 42 Jewish kings were bad?

doing the work itself in accordance with a biblical worldview perspective

in addition to the way Christians carry out their work, what should make their work truly distinctive?


in order for the church to grow, what has to happen

David's dynasty

in the Davidic Covenant, God promises that what will last forever

Noah, his seed, all the creatures of the earth, and the earth itself

in the Noahic Covenant, who all did God make a covenant with?

legitimate job

job that flows out of the Creation Mandate

if the people of Israel will agree to live by God's laws, He will make them a kingdom of priests

major condition of the Mosaic Covenant

full of thanksgiving, pray for the salvation of people and for opportunities that others will have to share the gospel, for Christians to become holy, that God will protect Christians so that they can liver their lives as God intends, that the Spirit will bring about what he's asking for

prayers should be...


refers to the unity of believers


restoration not replacement

evangelizing, baptizing, teaching, fellowshipping, participating in the Lord's Supper, and praying

six ways the institutional church is to make disciples

God begins His plan to restore dominion through His promise of seed, land, and blessing.

summarize the Abrahamic Covenant

David's dynasty will last forever because a divine descendant will defeat God's enemies.

summarize the Davidic Covenant

God gives conditional promises of blessing for obedience (and cursing for disobedience) and establishes a nation of priests to show the world how to approach Him in an acceptable way.

summarize the Mosaic Covenant

God promises to forgive guilt once for all and to provide a new heart that will lead to obedience.

summarize the New Covenant

God promises never to destroy the earth with a flood again; He will preserve the earth until He works out His full plan of Redemption.

summarize the Noahic Covenant


t or f: our time now is the time for reigning

Christian Reconstructionism

teaches that the moral and civil aspects of the Mosaic law are the standard of righteousness that should be incorporated into the law codes of all nations; typically postmillenialists


the _____ church focuses on the mission of making disciples through evangelism, baptism, teaching, fellowship, the Lord's Supper, and prayer


the book of ____ describes the events leading up to the restoration of the earth


the church as a ____ carries out all manner of good works in the name of Christ in a wide variety of vocations

the Great Commission

the church as an institution's mission is to fulfill the ____ ______

Creation Mandate

the church as an organism participates in the ____ ______


the church gathers into local assemblies


the church is the entire body with Christ as its head

the King has arrived

the kingdom has drawn because why?


the original promise was not simply that the Seed of the woman would conquer, but the seed would ____

kingdom citizens

there could be no kingdom without ___ ____

New Jerusalem

this city is the final restoration of the Creation Mandate

an organism and an institution

two different ways to distinguish the church


was Christ's suffering planned from the beginning?


what are Christians called to "redeem" in Ephesians 5:15


what are Christians supposed to expect while living between salvation and judgment?

to love God and your neighbor

what are the primary purposes that should orient how all legitimate work must be done?

Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 2:42

what are the two key passages that define the mission of the church

the tongue

what can ruin in a moment a good reputation that took a lifetime to build?

Mosaic Covenant

what covenant clarifies the Abrahamic Covenant by telling us more about the land promise and the universal blessing promise

the New Covenant

what covenant gives us the church

not further curse the earth, to preserve regular seasons, and to never again destroy the earth with a flood

what does God promise in the Noahic Covenant

fallen man still bears His image and is still to carry out the Creation Mandate

what does God reaffirm in the Noahic Covenant?


what has already come


what has not yet come

to conquer kingdoms by force and to ensure by force that Christendom encompasses the entire world

what is NOT the church's mission?


what is a key component of disciple-making

the church

what is a vital part of God's plan for establishing His kingdom and redeeming His world

the establishment of His kingdom, ruled by the perfect Man

what is at the heart of God's plan of redemption

the church

what is the New Covenant people of God?

His own kingly authority

what is the basis of Jesus' mission

to navigate this time of tension when Christ really rules but hasn't yet brought all things "under his feet"

what is the calling of all Christians?

it's hard to live out a grand narrative that people all around us don't believe

what is the challenge for the church today?

obedience to God in carrying out the Creation Mandate

what is the ultimate reason for engaging in any legitimate work?


what is the unavoidable result of living in a world where the kingdom of Satan overlaps the kingdom of God


what is the very first step of discipleship

Matthew and Acts

what passages outline the primary activities the institutional church should be doing even today

making disciples

what sums up the primary activity of the institutional church

Gen. 3:15

what verse expresses the whole history of Redemption

Martin Luther

who argued that every legitimate job was a vocation not just full time Christian ministry


who does God raise up to lead the new nation back to the land God promised to Abraham?

the Son of God

who will the Seed be according to the Davidic Covenant

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