Bible Lesson 9 + 10 Test

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What two things did God want Adam and Eve to agree with Him about?

1) What He told them about eating the fruit was true 2) They were wrong for choosing to believe Satan instead of God

Even though people have different colored skin and different features, who were our original ancestors?

Adam and Eve

Jeremiah 23:23

Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off?

Gen. 3:10

And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.

Gen. 3:9

And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?

Why didn't their shifting blame work?

Because God already knows about everything.

Why can't God have fellowship with those who disobey Him?

Because He is holy and righteous.

Why are all people accountable to God for their actions?

Because He is our Creator and gave us life.

Why did God have the authority to hold Adam and Eve accountable for their actions?

Because He was their Creator and they rightfully belonged to Him.

Why does Satan try to blind people's minds so they cannot know and understand God?

Because he wants everyone to be under his control and then be destroyed.

Why do all people die?

Because our original ancestor, Adam and Eve, sinned and we all sin and die too.

Why were Adam and Eve rightfully afraid?

Because they have been warned by God of what the punishment would be if they disobeyed Him.

From Eve's reply to Satan, how do you know that she was confused by him?

Because when she replied to Satan's question, she added to what God had said.

What are ways people today attempt to make themselves acceptable to God?

Being christened; becoming church members; being baptized; going to church; praying; reading the Bible; being good parents; endeavoring to be law-abiding citizens; showing kindness to others.

What did Adam and Eve do to try to provide for their own needs?

By clothing themselves with fig leaves.

How did God show Adam and Eve that He was merciful and gracious?

By not immediately sending them to the Lake of Fire, and by promising to send the Deliverer to save them from the punishment they deserved.

Jeremiah 23:24

Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.

What were the consequences Eve would suffer because of her disobedience to God?

Eve would have pain in childbirth and be under the authority of her husband.

According to Psalm 139:1-12, what has God known about you since the day you were born?


Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

What was God's punishment on the snake?

He cursed the snake, causing it to slither along the ground.

By eating the fruit, what was Adam indicating that he wanted?

He indicated that he wanted to control his own life and do as he pleased.

According to 1 Samuel 16:7, how does God view a person's attempts to be outwardly acceptable to Him?

He looks at the person's heart instead of his outward appearance.

What did God promise that the Deliverer would do?

He promised that the Deliverer would overcome Satan, crushing his authority.

Is it possible for anyone to conceal their sin from God?


What was Satan's ultimate objective in deceiving Eve?

It was to destroy Adam and Eve's relationship with God so they would die.

What is the difference between mercy and grace?

Mercy is God not giving sinners the punishment they do deserve; grace is God giving sinners what they don't deserve.

After Eve had been tricked into eating the fruit, she offered some to Adam who was with her. Was he deceived like Eve?

No, he deliberately disobeyed God's command.

Ps. 139:1

O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.

When Adam and Eve's relationship with God was broken because of their sin, who then controlled them?


By contradicting what God said about the results of eating the forbidden fruit, what was Satan implying?

Satan was implying that God was a liar.

Describe how our world suffers today as the result of Adam and Eve's disobedience to God.

Sickness; pain; sorrow; death; earthquakes; floods; tornados

Why did Satan ask Eve, "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?"

So Eve would doubt about what God had said.

Why did Satan use the serpent to disguise himself when he spoke to Eve?

So that Eve wouldn't know it was him talking to her. He wanted to deceive her.

When Adam and Eve disobeyed, the consequences happened just as God had said they would. What does this teach us about God?

Teaches us that God always does what He says.

What does God communicate to people today through creation?

That he exists and that He is powerful.

What did Satan say would happen if Adam and Eve ate of the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?

That they wouldn't die and would be equal to God and to decide for themselves what was right and wrong.

Through whom would the Deliverer come?

The Deliverer would come through a virgin woman.

What were the consequences Adam and the ground would suffer because of his disobedience to God?

The earth would no longer be a perfect environment; Adam's work would be toilsome; Adam would die and his body would go back to the dust of the earth from Which God had made it.

Ps. 19:1

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Death wasn't even evident in Adam and Eve's bodies when they disobeyed God, so in what way had they died?

Their spiritual relationship to God had died.

Once they sinned, how did Adam and Eve's attitudes toward their bodies change?

They were embarrassed by their nakedness.

Prior to disobeying God, Adam and Eve were of one mind with Him. How did this change after they sinned?

They were no longer of one mind with Him. They could no longer know and understand God, and they were afraid of Him.

What were Adam and Eve trying to avoid when they shifted blame for their actions?

They were trying to avoid taking personal ersponsibility for their sin.

Through what means, other than creation, does God speak to people today?

Through the Bible.

To whom had Adam and Eve shifted their allegiance?

To Satan

In view of the fact that nothing can be concealed from God, why did He call out to Adam and Eve, "Where are you?"

To give them to opportunity to come to Him and confess their sin.

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