Biblical Introduction Final Exam Preparation

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Psalm ____ exemplifies the reverences God's people help for God's Word.


Scripture provides the rules for ______________.

A Moral Universe

Which Biblical story helps illustrate the doctrine of the transformative power of Scripture?


___________ inerrancy affirms the Bible is accurate and true in all matters and that the writers intend to give a considerable amount of exact data in such matters.


The first list of canonical books that contains the 27 books currently accepted appears in Bishop _________'s festal letter in A.D.


"The ultimate concern in a discussion of the Bible is its ________".


___________ inerrancy affirms that the Bible is completely true in all that the Bible affirms, to the degree of precision intended by the writer.


____________ is a term referring to the 66 books of the Old Testament and New Testament that have been recognized and accepted by the church as authoritative and inspired by God.


The first church council to list all 27 books of the New Testament was the council of ___________ in A.D. 397.


Identify the different Attributes of Scripture...

Clarity, Sufficiency, Authority, Necessity.

What word does Dockery use as an example when discussing taking words literally and figuratively?


__________ view of truth is a theory maintaining that truth consists in some form of correspondence between one's belief and actual conditions in the world.


Which of the following is not one of the distinguishing marks for a scriptural book in the biblical canon?

Discipleship capabilities

Scripture cannot be understood correctly unless we take into consideration that it has a _____-sided authorship.


By the fourth century ___________, the church historian, delineated several categories of books: (1) accepted, (2) disputed, (3) rejected, and (4) heretical.


True or False: A helpful way to understand the transforming power of Scripture is to view it as a magical effect of written or spoken words.


True or False: According to sola scriptura, all extra-biblical resources should be eliminated from the Church.


True or False: According to sola scriptura, traditions have the same authority as Scripture.


True or False: An approach to the subject of biblical authority must begin with God Himself, for in God some authority is located all of the time.


True or False: General revelation is adequate for salvation.


True or False: Humankind can know that God is love through natural revelation.


True or False: Scripture is partly the Word of God and partly the words of humans.


True or False: Scripture is unnecessary to have a relationship with God.


True or False: Sola scriptura affirms the necessity of Scripture.


True or False: The Bible pictures Jesus' authority in terms of thinking and walking for God the Father.


True or False: The Old Testament Contains 38 Books


True or False: The Old Testament canon was not established until after the birth of Jesus.


True or False: The church determined or defined the books in the church's canon.


True or False: Through self-reflection, based on natural revelation, a person can know their standing before God.


True or False: Through special revelation an exhaustive understanding of God is made available.


___________ inerrancy contends that the Bible inerrantly accomplishes its purposes.


What is a verse given as an example of Scripture's transformative power?

Genesis 1:3

What books are included in the Law or Pentateuch?

Genesis through Deuteronomy

What is the sufficiency of Scripture grounded in?

God himself

What is Revelation?

God's manifestation of Himself to humankind in such a way that men and women can know and have fellowship with Him.

What is Personal revelation?

God's revelation viewed primarily as a personal experience or encounter with God in Christ.

What is General revelation?

God's self-disclosure in a general way to all people at all times in all places.

What is Particular revelation?

God's self-manifestation in a particular way to particular people at particular times and places.

What is Propositional revelation?

God's self-manifestation understood as information about God, including the divine interpretation of revelatory events.

The New Testament was written in ____________, though Jesus and His disciples apparently spoke Aramaic.


In Psalm 119 how does God's Word function?

Guide for godly living, strength for weary, instruction, and understanding.

The Old Testament was written in ____________, though a few chapters were written in a similar language Aramic.


Questions regarding the canon can be divided into what two broad categories?

Historical and Theological

What term refers to the fact that Scripture never fails to accomplish the purpose intended by God?


________ is the view that the Bible is incapable of error and cannot deceive or mislead.


What other doctrine is the transformative power of Scripture related to?


______________ considered apostolicity the fundamental test of canonicity authenticity.


Who is the Jewish historian who offered a list of 22 Old Testament books in the first century?


Scripture is necessary to have ______________.

Knowledge of God

___________ inerrancy maintains that the Bible is inerrant in matters of salvation and ethics or faith and practice.


Which is not an example given of a specific transformative effect of Scripture?

Making the great wise

___________ inerrancy assumes that God actually dictates the Bible to writers.


What kind of revelation is at work through creation?

Natural Revelation

How does nuda scriptura differ from sola scriptura?

Nuda scriptura precludes all authorities outside of Scripture in the church

What happens if we allow the Scriptures to be interpreted by our experience?

Our experience will become the higher authority.

Which of these are challenges to the sufficiency of Scripture? Select all that apply.

Papal Magisterium, Tradition

According to the Reformers, what is magisterial in authority?


God chose to reveal himself and his design for humanity's relationship with him through ______________.


__________ revelation is primarily redemptive.


How do English-speaking Christians refer to their holy book?

The Bible, The Scripture(s), the Word of God

Which of the following is not a part of a speech act?

The unloctution

True or False: "The transformative power of Scripture" refers to the multifaceted effect that God, its author, brings about through his Word.


True or False: All Christians recognize that God has revealed Himself to His creatures by acting and speaking in history.


True or False: Apocalyptic is a type of prophetic literature that discloses the future. Its primary focus is overthrowing the present age and establishing God's rule.


True or False: Canon (From the Greek kanon) means a standard by which something is measured.


True or False: Dockery defines authority by saying, "Authority is the right or power to command obedience or belief."


True or False: God can communicate with humans who have been created in His image. Likewise, humans can communicate with other humans across cultures and time.


True or False: God is his own authority.


True or False: Human beings created in the image of God can have memories of the past, considerations of the present, and expectations of the future.


True or False: In spite of the diversity of authors, languages, genres, and composition spanning almost 1,500 years, the Bible has a remarkable unity.


True or False: Inerrancy is the corollary and result of our affirmation about a full view of inspiration.


True or False: Inspiration is the superintending influence the Holy Spirit exerted on the biblical writers, enabling them to communicate in the sacred writings the revelation of God.


True or False: It is the confirming work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers that enables them to see the Bible as the written Word of God.


True or False: Knowledge of God becomes a possibility for humans at God's initiative by grace through faith.


True or False: Most of the Old Testament canon, especially the Law an the Prophets, was established long before Christ.


True or False: Prophecy is the speaking, proclaiming, or announcing by prophets under the influence of divine inspiration.


True or False: Salvific is a term describing things pertaining to the salvation of men and women from the power and effects of sin.


True or False: Scripture is a product of the Spirit's inspiration.


True or False: Scripture is completely the Word of God and the very words of humans.


True or False: The Dead Sea Scrolls indicate that the Qumran covenant community has commentaries on most Old Testament books.


True or False: The English word Bible is derived from the Greek word biblion or biblia, which means scroll(s) or book(s).


True or False: The New Testament contains 27 books.


True or False: The Reformers objected to the Catholic belief that the Church bestowed authority onto the cannon of Scripture.


True or False: The Roman Catholic Church incorrectly elevates the authority of other speech acts and their transformative power above


True or False: The issue of biblical inerrancy is best understood as a claim to the Bible's truthfulness.


True or False: The purpose of biblical interpretation is to bring about Christlikeness in our lives.


True or False: The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for His own glory, man's salvation, faith, and life, is either expressly set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary consequence, may be deduced from Scripture.


True or False: The writers are certainly time-related but not necessarily time-bound.


True or False: Thus, we refer to Scripture as canonical, meaning that it serves as rule, a measure, or standard for Gods people.


True or False: Without the Bible we would have an incomplete understanding of God's nature.


Textual criticism is the science of determining the _________ biblical reading by comparing one historical text with other historical texts.


The power of Scripture engages its readers and hearers in what ways?

Trusting, Obeying, Heeding scripture's teachings.

What is not an example given that illustrates how some biblical teachings are universal and not culturally specific?

What church we should join...

What is the first question we should ask in interpreting the Bible?

What did the Scriptures mean to those to whom it was first given?

What does the sufficiency of Scripture teach us? Select all that apply.

Who God is, and what God requires of his people.

Which is not included in the 3-fold division of the OT canon mentioned by Philo and Jesus?


the _________ is the same as the _________ Word of God.

Written, Spoken

The New Testament clearly pictures the divine and authoritative character of the _______ word.


The psalmist described God's Word as more _________ than silver and gold.


What do we mean by the term canon?

the term canon means the measure or rule by which something is measured. Therefore, the biblical canon is the rule by which Christians should live their lives.

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