BIO 122 Quiz 1 Special Senses

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Which of the following is true of photoreceptors? a: rods contain 3 types of color sensitive receptors b: cones are not color sensitive c: there are 3 types of color sensitive receptors - red, green, and yellow d: there are 3 types of color sensitive receptors - red, green, and blue


Color blindness is a visual defect resulting from: a: an absence of one of the type of cones b: damage to rod cells c: a lack of rhodopsin d: damage to the pigment layer of the iris


Color blindness is: a: due to a lack of certain cone cells b: an inability to see any objects that have color c: an inability to focus certain light waves in front of the retina d: caused by a malfunctioning of rods


Damage to the left optic nerve may result in: a: impaired vision in only the left eye b: impaired vision in only the right eye c: weakness in the extrinsic eye muscles d: impaired vision in both eyes


Daytime vision: a: involves mostly cones, rather than rods b: is possible due an excitatory impulse generated when light contacts the photosensitive chemical rhodopsin c: involves mostly rod cells d: A and B only


Most light refraction is accomplished by the: a: cornea b: lens c: retina d: pupil


Some neural tissues retain stem cells and, thus, the capacity to divide and replace lost neurons. Which of these special senses can replace its damaged neural receptors? a: olfaction b: hearing c: equilibrium d: All of the answers are correct. e: None of the answers are correct.


Special cells or nerve endings which convert various forms of energy from the environment into action potentials are: a: receptors b: efferent neurons c: interneurons d: glial cells


The chemoreceptors of gustatory cells are: a: gustatory (taste) hairs b: are most sensitive when the mouth is dry c: taste buds d: located only on the tongue


The middle ear communicates with the nasopharynx through the: a: auditory tube. b: bony labyrinth. c: auricle. d: auditory meatus. e: membranous labyrinth.


When auditory receptors are stimulated, the resulting action potential is transmitted through the: a: cochlear portion of the vestibulocochlear nerve b: vestibular portion of the vestibulocochlear nerve c: tympanic nerve d: cranial nerve II


Which of the following anatomical sequences is correct? a: tympanic membrane - malleus - incus - stapes - oval window - round window b: tympanic membrane - incus - malleus - stapes - oval window - round window c: tympanic membrane - incus - stapes - malleus - oval window - round window d: tympanic membrane - malleus - incus - stapes - round window - oval window e: tympanic membrane - incus - malleus - stapes - round window - oval window


That structure involved in sensing changes in angular acceleration (turning) of the head is the: a: saccule b: semicircular canal c: utricle d: a and c only


The auditory ossicles connect the a: oval window to the round window. b: tympanic membrane to the oval window. c: tympanic membrane to the round window. d: stapedius to the tympanic membrane.


The individual receptors for the sense of taste: a: are of three different types, each of which is evenly distributed on the surface of the tongue b: can respond to a variety of chemicals c: are restricted to the tongue d: are actually only located in the nasal passages


The ossicles (bones) in the ear function to: a: stimulate the tympanic membrane b: transfer sound waves from the outer ear to the inner ear c: initiate action potentials in response to sound waves d: equalize pressure in the inner ear


Vision impairment due to an opaque lens is known as: a: glaucoma b: cataracts c: presbyopia d: astigmatism


What structure equalizes the pressure between the middle ear and outer atmosphere? a: scala vestibuli b: auditory tube (Eustachian tube) c: tympanic membrane d: cochlear duct


What structure supports the spiral organ (organ of Corti)? a: tympanic membrane. b: basilar membrane. c: vestibular duct. d: membranous labyrinth. e: tectorial membrane.


Which eye muscle moves the eyeball down and laterally? a: medial rectus b: superior oblique c: superior rectus d: none of the above


For olfaction, which of the following is FALSE? a: Smell can influence taste and evoke emotional responses. b: Olfaction only occurs in the presence of scent-producing glands. c: Olfactory receptors are located in mucus membranes in the upper portion of the nasal cavity. d: Olfactory receptors are specialized neurons.


Before an odorant can be detected, it must: a: apply pressure to the olfactory epithelium. b: contact a supporting cell. c: bind to receptors in olfactory dendrites. d: be transported to the olfactory bulbs.


Color blindness is believed to be due to: a:an overabundance of saccades b: a deficiency of bipolar neurons c: a deficiency of photoreceptors d: a deficiency of rhodopsin


Hyperopia: a: is also known as nearsightedness b: can be corrected by a concave lens c: is a condition in which the focal point is posterior to the retina d: may be the result of an elongated eyeball


Identify the correct order of structures involved in sensing light and transmitting the information to the brain: a: optic chiasma --> retina --> thalamus --> visual cortex b: choroid --> retina --> optic nerve --> visual cortex c: retina --> optic nerve --> thalamus --> visual cortex d: sclera --> optic nerve --> optic chiasma --> thalamus


Light waves are converted into nerve impulses in the: a: ciliary body b: pupil c: retina d: lens


Movement of the endolymph within the semicircular canals: a: produces a rushing sound. b: signals linear acceleration. c: signals rotational movements. d: signals body position with respect to gravity. e: allows us to hear low tones.


Olfactory glands a: group as olfactory bulbs. b: support the olfactory epithelium. c: coat the olfactory epithelium with a pigmented mucus. d: react to aromatic molecules. e: house the sense of smell.


Olfactory receptors are highly modified a: goblet or mucous cells. b: areolar connective tissue cells. c: neurons. d: olfactory glands. e: epithelial cells.


Receptors for the senses of equilibrium and hearing are located in the: a:perilymph. b: organ of Corti c: internal ear. d: membranous endolymph. e: middle ear.


Rotational or angular acceleration causes: a: the flow of perilymph which causes the movement of otoliths to stimulates receptor cilia b: action potentials to be generated on the basilar membrane c: the flow of endolymph which stimulates receptor cilia in the semicircular canals d: action potentials which travel through the cochlear portion of cranial nerve VIII


Taste buds are monitored by which cranial nerves? a: glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X), and spinal accessory (XI). b: trigeminal (V), facial (VII), and glossopharyngeal (IX). c: facial (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX), and vagus (X). d: facial (VII), vestibulocochlear (VIII), and glossopharyngeal (IX).


The ________ fills the membranous labyrinth. a: Interstitial fluid b: Perilymph c: Endolymph d: CSF e: Plasma


The elevated ridges within the ampullae of the semicircular canals that support the hair cells are known as a a: concha b: cupula c: crista ampullaris. d: macula. e: papilla.


The hair cells that convert sound into nervous impulses are found: a: on the malleus b: in the semicircular canals c: in the organ of Corti d: on the tympanic membrane


The rod shaped receptor cells of the eye: a: are responsible for acuity (sharpness) of vision b: are found mainly in the central portion of the retina c: contain rhodopsin d: indicate color


The sense of taste is also known as a: interoreception. b: equilibrium c: gustation. d: olfaction. e: proprioception.


The sensory neurons within the olfactory organ are stimulated by ________ in the air a: pressure b: proteins c: chemicals d: water e: dust


Which of the following conditions can be corrected by a convex lens, that will shift the focal point anteriorly? a: astigmatism b: cataract c: hyperopia d: myopia


Which of the following descriptions best matches the term stereocilia? a: move up and down when the stapes moves back and forth b: transmit movement of the tympanic membrane to the inner ear c: bending these produces receptor potential in hair cells d: tiny weights necessary for the static sense of equilibrium e: seal the oval window


Which of the following is directly responsible for converting sound (mechanical energy) into nerve impulses? a: cochlear fluid b: tympanic membrane c: receptor cells in the organ of Corti d: tectorial membrane


Which of the following is not one of the six primary taste sensations? a: sour b: salty c: peppery d: sweet e: umami


Which taste sensation is triggered by amino acids and small peptides? a: peppery. b: sweet. c: umami. d: sour. e: salty.


Astigmatism is a condition in which: a: vision is impaired due to clouding of the lens b: there is unequal curvature of the vitreous humor c: the lens weakens and can no longer effectively accommodate d: there is unequal curvature of the cornea or lens


Dim light situations would result in: a: constriction of the pupil b: the breakdown of rhodopsin c: increased cone sensitivity d: dilation of the pupil


Discrimination of specific tastes and odors is believed to be due, at least in part, to: a: many receptors, each of which responds to a single chemical b: differences in the neurotransmitters released from the receptor cells c: the suppression of specific receptors from firing d: different firing patterns of groups of receptor cells in response to different chemicals


Each gustatory cell extends ________ (or taste hairs) into the surrounding fluids through a narrow taste pore. a: papillae b: flagella c: dendrites d: microvilli


Gravity and linear acceleration are sensed in the a: semicircular canals. b: cochlea. c: statoconia. d: saccule and utricle. e: organ of Corti.


Gustatory receptors are located a: in the ear. b: in the eye. c: in the nose . d: on the surface of the tongue.


Olfactory (smell) receptors: a: are specialized endings of afferent neurons b: lie in a small patch of mucus membrane in the upper part of the nasal cavity c: possess fine cilia extending into the olfactory mucus d: all of the above


Rotating the eyeball directly towards the midline or away from the midline is accomplished by which muscles? a: orbicularis oculi b: ciliary muscles c: oblique muscles d: lateral and medial rectus muscles


The ________ glands produce a secretion commonly called earwax. a: sweat b: sudoriferous c: apocrine sweat d: ceruminous e: mammary


The auditory (Eustachian) tube: a: responds to changes in acceleration b: contains fluid that vibrates to convert sound waves to auditory nerve impulses c: conducts sound from the middle ear to the cochlea d: allows equalization of air pressure between the middle ear and the outside atmosphere.


The condition in which the image is formed in front of the retina is called: a: astigmatism b: cataract c: hyperopia d: myopia


The external ear ends at the a: vestibule. b: cochlea. c: ossicles. d: tympanic membrane. e: pinna.


The olfactory organ consists of the ________ and the lamina propria. a: olfactory nerve b: olfactory bulb c: cribriform plate d: olfactory epithelium e: olfactory tract


The process by which changes in the curvature of the lens adjusts the focusing of an image on the retina is: a: a corrective device for hyperopia b: a visual defect resulting from distance distortion c: called astigmatism d: called accommodation


The response of receptors to different sound frequencies: a: takes place in the cochlea b: depends upon response of certain portions of the basilar membrane to different frequencies c: takes place as certain hair cells are affected by particular frequencies d: all of the above


The sensory receptors that contain otoliths, and that are primarily concerned with recognition of head position relative to gravity are located in the: a: sensory cortex b: semicircular canals c: organ of Corti d: utricle and saccule


Vision impairment due to an opaque lens is known as: a:glaucoma b: presbyopia c: astigmatism d: cataracts


What structure changes the size of the opening through which light enters the eye? a: retina b: lens c: pupil d: iris


When you spin around several times with your eyes closed, which of the following will detect the motion? a: cochlea b: utricles c: otoliths d: semicircular canals


A loud noise causes a(n) a: large movement of the tympanic membrane. b: alerting reaction leading to sympathetic activation. c: large number of hair cells to be stimulated. d: big pressure pulse entering the cochlear duct at that oval window. e: All of the answers are correct.


A person with normal vision is driving down the road, looking far ahead. If they glance down to read the speedometer, the lens of the eye will: a: become flattened b: become more rounded c: accommodate d: A and C e: B and C


Accommodation in the eye involves which of the following? a: curvature of the lens b: ciliary muscles c: length of the eyeball d: all of the above e: a and b


Sound waves are converted into mechanical movements by the a: auditory ossicles. b: cochlea. c: oval window. d: round window. e: tympanic membrane.


The ________ convey(s) information about head position with respect to gravity. a: cochlea b: utricle c: ampulla d: saccule e: utricle and saccule


Which of the following best describes otoliths? a: transmit movement of the tympanic membrane to the internal ear b: seal the oval window c: bending these produces receptor potentials in hair cells d: move up and down when the stapes moves back and forth e: tiny weights necessary for sensing static equilibrium


Which of the following is/are true of rod cells? a: They contain a photosensitive chemical called rhodopsin. b: They are sensitive to dim light. c: They are located mostly in the fovea. d: All of the above are true. e: a and b


It is possible to be "deaf" for only certain frequencies. true or false?


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