PSY260 Final

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Within the hippocampus, axons from the dentate gyrus synapse on cells found in _____.


Memory consolidation requires transcription and translation. One major transcription factor in fruit flies, Aplysia, and mammals is _____.


Who has modified his/her emotional expression as a result of learning and culture?

Dr. David, who didnt show disgust while cleaning a dirty wound

Check My Work Not all Alzheimer's patients have known genetic contributions to the disorder, but there are some known genes that result in it being inherited as a dominant trait. Which of the following is not one of the known genes?


One gene associated with speech and language disorders is ______.


According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), the depression that accompanies bipolar disorder is quite different than the depression seen in cases of major depressive disorder


Which of the following does not support the idea that emotional expression has a strong biological basis?

Fraternal twins are more similar than monozygotic twins regarding the age they begin to show fear of strangers.

typical antipsychotic medication

A dopamine antagonist that is used to treat schizophrenia or psychosis resulting from the use of dopamine agonists, such as cocaine and amphetamine

Dr. Romberg's research team is using a radial arm maze to study working memory in rodents. Using genetically engineered mice, they discovered that _____ AMPA receptors are required for the initial phase of LTP, while _____ AMPA receptors are required for the more stable phase.

GluA1; GluA2

Everette has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Which of the following would not be true about his brain structure as it relates to his ADHD?

He experienced early peak cortical thickening (around age 7.5 years) instead of the typical age of 10 years

Which of the following statements about genetics and intelligence is true?

Intelligence is the end product of complex interactions between our genes, our experiences, and our environments

Studies have shown that a variant of the _____ gene interacts with the experience of child maltreatment leading to higher rates of antisocial behavior in ______.

MAOA; males

Studies have shown that genetics and the environment both interact to result in aggression. For instance, boys with a low-activity version of the _____ gene were ____ likely to be antisocial (a common precursor to aggression) if they had been abused as children.

MAOA; more

Desiree heard a really loud noise. She quickly looked around and determined that the loud noise must have been thunder. She felt nervous and afraid so she went to seek out shelter from the storm. Which theory best explains Desiree's experience?

Schachter- Singer Two Factor

transcortical aphasia

cannot use or understand spontaneous speech, but can repeat

Tamara has been experiencing a lot of sad events lately. According to the _____ theory, she should relieve her emotions by crying


Genaro has had a very serious stroke. Doctors determined that he had a _____ due to a ruptured ______ (a balloon-like bulge in the walls of arteries).

cerebra hemorrhage; aneurysm

Normally, the ______ acts to inhibit the actions of the hypothalamus and other subcortical regions. Studies in which it was removed in animals resulted in ______.

cerebral cortex; sham rage

long term potential

change in responsiveness in the target cells after the rapid series of shocks

nonassociative learning

change in the magnitude of a response to stimuli

Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)

chemical messenger released by the hypothalamus that signals the release of ACTH

tardive dyskinesia

chronic disorder characterized by involuntary, jerky movements, that occur as the result of antipsychotic medications

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

class of drugs prescribed to improve mood

Unlike standard medicine, mental disorders are diagnosed through _____.

clinical observations of symptoms

Methylphenidate (Ritalin)

close relative of amphetamine that is prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Ariana and Duyen both had a similar stroke last year. Both underwent similar physical therapy and had similar treatment. However, doctors explain that Duyen had better recovery due to her ________.

cognitive reserve

facial nucleus

collection of neurons located at the level of the pons

Kluver-Bucy syndrome

collection of symptoms that results from damage to the temporal lobes, and the amygdala in particular


combination of amphetamine salts prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Nanette has ______ seizures that normally begin in her temporal lobes and are associated with alterations in consciousness. During the seizures, Nanette gets very confused and often doesn't remember the seizure.

complex partial

post-traumatic stress disorder

condition arising in response to a terrifying event, characterized by flashbacks and heightened arousal


condition believed necessary for learning where the pre- and postsynaptic neurons are nearly simultaneously active

cerebral hemorrhage

condition caused by bleeding in the brain

antisocial personality disorder (APD)

condition characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others


condition characterized by an abnormal lack of remorse and empathy


condition characterized by brain cysts resulting from parasitic infection by the pork tapeworm, T. solium

mental disorder

condition characterized by clinically significant disturbances in cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior


condition characterized by good speech but an inability to read or point to letters


condition characterized by inflammation of the brain

panic disorders

condition characterized by repeated panic attacks and fear about having panic attacks


condition characterized by the loss of the ability to write

bipolar disorder

condition featuring periods of elevated and expansive mood followed by a period of depression


condition involving the loss of the ability to speak or to understand


condition of inadequate blood flow resulting in insufficient quantities of oxygen being delivered to tissue

obsessive-compulsive disorder

condition of intrusive thoughts and the need to engage in certain behaviors to control anxiety

massa intermedia

connection between the right and left thalamic nuclei

Synaptic plasticity takes place in four different stages. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages?


Oda was injured while riding her bicycle and ended up with a concussion. The site where she hit her head is called the _____, but she also sustained a(n) _____ injury (to the opposite side of her head).

coup; countercoup


damage that occurs on the opposite side of the head from the site of blow

Working memory, forming new episodic memories, and reaction time all decrease in older adults. Which of the following is not hypothesized to play a role in this memory decline?

decline in sex hormones

Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies

disease that is transferred between animals and produces a fatal, degenerative condition


disorder characterized by hallucination, delusion, cognitive impairment, mood disturbance, and social withdrawal


disorder characterized by repeated uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain

Kennith has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and his parents prefer that he be treated with medication. His doctor will likely prescribe him a medication that is a ______ agonist.



dopamine agonist used to treat some cases of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Adela is bilingual. It is likely that her ____ shows more gray matter density (implying more participation of this region as she switches between languages).

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

Although she has normal intelligence and has gone to good schools, Shanice still struggles to read. She will likely be diagnosed with a learning disability known as _____.


Which is not true of an emotion?

emotions are general states that last longer periods of time

In response to stress, our body will release _____, which doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier so only indirectly influences the brain. On the other hand, ____ is/are also released from the adrenal glands and can cross the blood-brain barrier to influence the brain directly.

epinephrine; glucocorticoids

savant behavior

exceptional skill found in people whose functioning falls within the range of an intellectual disability

Joseph has been caring for his aging parents for many years now. While he is happy to help, he finds himself very stressed and has been getting sick a lot. He also feels like he has little energy compared to a year ago. Psychologists would likely say that Joseph has reached the _____ stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) model.


panic attack

experience of an intense feeling of the need to escape accompanied by strong sympathetic arousal

Robert had a minor stroke affecting movement in his right arm and hand. He is going to rehabilitation to learn how to improve his abilities to use his right arm and hand in everyday activities like eating. The goal of his rehabilitation is to encourage ______.

experience- dependent neuroplasticity

declarative memory

explicit recollection for facts and verbal information

episodic memory

explicit recollection for personal experience

declarative memory

explicit recollection for semantic and episodic information that can easily be verbalized

Although humans use the whole body to express emotions, they pay most attention to the ____.

face, especially the eyes

The split brain operation saves the life of the patient, but usually results in major deficits, such as the loss of language abilities


The two facial nuclei, located near the midline in the pons, form rich connections with each other



false belief or opinion that is strongly held in spite of conclusive, contradictory evidence


false or distorted perception of objects or events

Women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder, but are about equally likely as men to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

false; Diagnosis of major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder are both more frequent in women than men.

For most people, the left hemisphere plays a major role in assessing emotions in facial expressions and tone of voice

false; For most people, the right hemisphere plays a major role in assessing emotions in facial expressions and tone of voice

According to the James-Lange theory of emotion, general arousal causes us to conduct a cognitive appraisal of our circumstances and, based on this appraisal, we are able to identify the subjective feeling of emotion.

false; It is the Schachter-Singer two factor theory that predicts that general arousal causes us to conduct a cognitive appraisal of our circumstances and, based on this appraisal, we are able to identify the subjective feeling of emotion. The James-Lange theory of emotion predicts that specific physiological responses cause specific subjective feelings (we feel sad because we cry).

Medications that influence the activity of serotonin, GABA, and glutamate have produced encouraging improvements in the behavior of children with autism spectrum disorder

false; Medications have been mostly ineffective for treating the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder; however, the FDA has approved the use of some antipsychotics for reducing self-injurious behaviors in this population.

All left-handed people process language in the right hemisphere, and all right-handed people process language in the left hemisphere

false; Most people, regardless of handedness, process language in left hemisphere; but there is a slight increase in probability that language is processed in the right hemisphere in left handed people

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that results in the destruction of Schwann cells

false; Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that results in the destruction of oligodendrocytes.

Schizophrenia is far more likely to occur in people who are over 25 years of age

false; Schizophrenia onset typically occurs between 18-25 years of age.

Inactivation of the red nucleus prevents eyeblink conditioning, but inactivation of the interpositus nucleus has no effect on learning.

false; The answer is false because the interpositus nucleus is important for eye blink conditioning.

The heritability of impulsive aggression is very low, indicating that most human aggression is the result of learning and other environmental influences

false; The heritability of impulsive aggression is actually pretty high, between 44-72%. This suggests a pretty strong genetic component.

There is no correlation between the amount of gray matter in the frontal lobes and language areas of identical twins.

false; There is actually a fairly strong correlation between gray matter in these brain areas between identical twins, indicating there is a strong genetic influence.

When receptors in the amygdala report high levels of cortisol, the amygdala inhibits further activity in the HPA axis

false; When receptors in the hippocampus report high levels of cortisol, the amygdala inhibits further activity in the HPA axis

A concussion is a type of open head injury

false; closed head injury

Eden was yawning just as her friend said something funny. Even though she wanted to laugh, she had to complete the yawn first. This is because yawning is an example of _____.

fixed action pattern

absence seizure

form of seizure consisting of momentary clouding of consciousness and loss of awareness of surroundings

associative learning

formation of a connection between two elements or events

Earl has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. His doctors have discovered that he has lower activity than normal in the ____ when he experiences negative symptoms like social withdrawal.

frontal lobes

Tarah has been diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). She has abnormal patterns of activity in the _____ circuits implicated in tardive dyskinesia.


tonic-clonic seizure

generalized seizure in which the patient loses consciousness and has jerking movements of paired muscle groups

Claudia was a victim of abuse as a child and now has a hard time handling stress as an adult. As a result of her childhood, she likely has fewer ______ receptors than other individuals who were not abused.


Dr. Kwon studies Aplysia in his lab. He has shown that Aplysia will withdraw the gill the first time he touches the siphon. However, after doing this several times, the Aplysia will stop responding. Dr. Kwon has demonstrated ______.


Aimee has schizophrenia. For her, experiencing ____ is classified as a "positive" symptom because it is a behavior that is present but should be absent.


Jefferson has Rasmussen syndrome. Because his seizures were not responding well to medication, doctors removed his right cerebral cortex in a procedure called a _______.



herapeutic process designed to restore function after illness or injury

Elene is home after deployment with the military. Unfortunately, she has been diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Given the flashbacks and memory-related symptoms, it is likely she has disruption in the functioning of her ______.


Nerissa was with some friends walking through a scary, haunted house. At one point, a clown jumped out from behind a wall to startle everyone. Although she isn't normally violent, Nerissa screamed and tried to kick the clown. This form of aggression would be labeled as ______.


kennard principle

hypothesis suggesting that brain reorganization is a function of developmental age

neurocognitive disorders

impairment characterized by a decline in functioning following a known challenge to the nervous system

Scientists believe that lateralization evolved for many important reasons. Which of the following is not one of the hypotheses?

important for parenting skills

complex partial seizure

in epilepsy, a type of seizure that doesn't involve the entire brain and therefore can cause a wide variety of symptoms

Elvera has been diagnosed with a glioma. This means she has a tumor that developed ______.

in her glial cells


independent growth of tissue that lacks purpose

Research has suggested that one way the HIV virus results in neuronal death is by ______.

indirectly binding to NMDA receptors resulting in a calcium influx

emotional regulation

influence exerted by individuals over how they experience and express feelings


injury resulting from a blow to the head without penetration of the brain

short term memory

intermediate recollection store in which data can be held for a limited amount of time

Dr. Votaw's lab is studying classical conditioning. They have demonstrated that the _____nucleus in the ____ is essential to eyeblink conditioning in the rabbit.

interpositus; cerebellum


intrusive thought, feeling, or emotion with which a person is preoccupied

The Kennard Principle, which states that recovery is a function of age at the time of injury, applies most clearly to which of the following functions?


ASL provides an interesting contrast between _____, typically lateralized to the left hemisphere, and _____, typically lateralized to the right hemisphere.

language functions; spatial functions

Because of his work with Patient "Tan," Dr. Broca was able to identify that a part of the ____ region (now called Broca's area) plays a significant role in speech production.

left inferior frontal

Thurman is left-handed. In the past, he would have been excluded from research studies because ____.

left-handed people often lateralize functions such as language differently than right-handed people


lie-detector test based on measures of autonomic arousal

Bliss and Lomo's (1973) experiment demonstrated that there was a change in responsiveness in target cells after a rapid series of shocks was applied to the input pathway. This became known as ______.

long term potentiation


loss of normal cognitive and emotional function

Erika has been stressed for a long time. She has started getting sick more often. This is probably because her chronic stress has suppressed the activity of her _____.


major depressive disorder

occurrence of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness that persists for at least two weeks

atypical antipsychotic medication

one of several newer medications used to treat schizophrenia that are not dopamine antagonists

hippocampal commissure

one of the pathways linking the right and left brain structures

dentate gyrus

one of two major layers of neurons found in the hippocampus


operation in which the cerebral cortex is removed from one side of the brain

Joyce is examining children who do and do not demonstrate theory of mind in the Sally-Anne task. Activity in which of the following structures might differ between the two groups?

orbitofrontal cortex

Bipolar disorder is related to ______. One commonly prescribed medication given for bipolar disorder is _______, which has antioxidant effects.

oxidative stress; lithium

arcuate fasciculus

pathway connecting Broca's area and Wernicke's area

resistance stage

period characterized by a person's efforts to maintain normal activities while coping with a threat

alarm reaction

period characterized by activation of the sympathetic nervous system and mental alertness

exhausation stage

period characterized by extremely low reserves of strength and energy


period of elevated and expansive mood accompanied by unusually high levels of energ


physical recollection trace in the brain

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

pituitary hormone that stimulates release of cortisol from the adrenal glands

Lorri, who passed away recently, is believed to have had Alzheimer's disease. To confirm this diagnosis, doctors would need to discover the presence of ______ and ______.

plaques; neurofibrillary tangles


positive (attractive) or negative (aversive) reaction to an object or event

Shoshana has been diagnosed with Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, which is caused by _______.



process of making an RNA version out of a segment of DNA


process of making memory traces more stable


process of synthesizing a protein based on the information carried by a molecule of RNA

cognitive reserve

proposed basis for individual differences in responses to brain injury


rapid shift in gaze from one fixation point to the next

anterograde amnesia

recollection loss for information processed following damage to the brain

long term memory

recollection store in which data can be held for an unlimited amount of time

delayed nonmatching to sample (DNMS) task

recollection test in which the subject must identify the novel member of a stimulus pair

Zula has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD). Regarding her nervous system, she is likely to have ______ compared to someone without MDD.

reduced volume in the hippocampus and amygdala


reduction in conditioned responding that follows exposure to the conditioned stimulus alone, without unconditioned stimulus

angular gyrus

region of the parietal lobe believed to participate in language and cognition


relatively permanent change in behavior or the capacity for behavior due to experience


relief of tension through the expression of one's feelings

Recent research has implicated a role for oxidative stress in the development of Alzheimer's disease. This means that ______.

research is suggesting that people are developing Alzheimer's disease because of not being able to neutralize free radicals with antioxidants


response to a repeated, harmless stimulus that becomes progressively weaker

partial seizure

seizure involving only limited areas of the brain with localized symptoms

Generalized seizures

seizures that involve the entire brain

Instead of being upset that her ex was attending the same party, Bernadette used ______, which is a form of emotion regulation, by talking to her new friend, Christopher, and ignoring her ex.

selective attention

Merry is trying to recall who was the sixth president of the United States, which is a type of ______ knowledge that is distributed in the ______.

semantic; cerebral cortex

According to the information processing model of memory, which is the correct sequence?

sensory memory, short term memory, long term memory

Following her diagnosis with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Dona's doctors prescribed cognitive-behavioral therapy combined with the use of drugs to increase her levels of ______ activity.


To treat migraines, doctors often use triptans, which act as ____ agonists and prevent the release of _____.

serotonin; CGRP

neurocognitive disorder due to traumatic brain injury

set of symptoms that follow a blow to the head, including headache and cognitive deficits

dementia pugilistica

severe form of traumatic brain injury often experienced by boxers


severe headache sometimes in conjunction with nausea and sensory distortions

Tiffany underwent a split-brain operation to reduce her seizure activity. What did her doctors do?

severed pathways connecting the right and left hemispheres


simple salt that appears to stabilize serotonin and norepinephrine levels

general intelligence factor

single trait that is hypothesized to predict functioning, attainment and success

Karma has problems with stuttering. Interestingly, she doesn't stutter when she ____ because brain structures in the _____ hemisphere are activated that are not otherwise involved with normal speech.

sings; right


source that is percieved as a danger or threat


specialty field that studies and treats the relationship between behavior, cognition, and brain function

fixed action pattern

stereotyped behavior elicited by particular environmental stimuli

Which of the following would not be a major topic studied by cognitive scientists?

stress influences on the endocrine system


strong impulse to perform an action

Check My Work Someone with anxiety would have alterations in activity in all of the following brain regions except the _______.

suprachiasmatic nucleus

____ system and the _____ axis.

sympathetic adrenal-medullary; hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal


system of communicating thoughts and feelings using sounds, gestures, or written signals

Sue is more likely to remember details about _____.

the car that almost hit her today

Marilyn and Carolyn are laughing that Marilyn's driver's license picture looks so much different than her candid smile. Carolyn explained to her that posed smiles are controlled by _____ whereas candid smiles are controlled by _____.

the primary motor cortex, a subcortical system

Cannon-Bard Theory

the theory that an emotion-arousing stimulus simultaneously triggers (1) physiological responses and (2) the subjective experience of emotion

James-Lange Theory

the theory that our experience of emotion is our awareness of our physiological responses to emotion-arousing stimuli

General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)

three-phase model for describing the body's response to percieved threats, developed by Hans Selye

split brain operation

treatment for seizure disorders in which the commissures linking the two cerebral hemispheres are severed

Autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia share some common genetic underpinnings


Dyslexia is strongly influenced by genetics


Hallucinations, such as hearing voices, are a common type of positive symptom experienced by patients with schizophrenia


High serotonin levels help prevent aggression by facilitating the activity of forebrain structures such as the orbitofrontal cortex


Injections of sodium lactate can initiate a panic attack in individuals diagnosed with panic disorder


Men with antisocial personality disorder have smaller and less active prefrontal cortices


Most strokes result from ischemia rather than from cerebral hemorrhages


Partial seizures are frequently accompanied by an aura, but generalized seizures typically occur without an aura


Semantic and episodic memories are types of explicit memories


The Kennard Principle appears to predict recovery of language functions, but not necessarily other types of cognitive function, following brain damage.


The herpes simplex virus responsible for cold sores and genital herpes can produce a type of secondary encephalitis


The retrieval of personal episodic memories coincided with increased activity in the prefrontal cortex and the posterior cingulate cortex


Those suffering from Wernicke's aphasia are usually unaware of their symptoms, and thus experience little distress over the condition


Voluntary and spontaneous emotional expressions are mediated by different pathways in the brain



type of brain damage caused by an interruption of the blood supply to the brain

long term depression

type of synaptic plasticity in which postsynaptic potentials in target cells is reduced


uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain

nonverbal communication

use of facial expressions, gestures, and body language to communicate ideas and feelings


use of pitch and intonation to convey emotional tone and meaning

sham rage

violent reaction to normally innocuous stimuli following removal of the cerebral cortices

The most common form of meningitis is _____, and it does not respond to antibiotics.


An important aspect of human spoken language is __________ (the modification of vocalization), yet this trait is only found in a small subset of nonhuman animals, including elephants, bats, whales, and some birds.

vocal learning


white blood cell that offers protection from invaders

conduction aphasia

The inability to conduct between listening and speaking is disrupted

In _____ aphasia, speech is rapid and fluent but virtually meaningless. However, in _____ aphasia, speech is slow and laborious but generally meaningful.

Wernicke's; Broca's

global aphasia

When both production and understanding of language is damaged

Transcortical Sensory Aphasia

a condition in which comprehension is poor, but the ability to repeat is retained

Transcortical Motor Aphasia

a condition in which language is not fluent, but the ability to repeat is retained

Wernicke's aphasia

a condition in which speech is fluent, but comprehension generally meaningless

broca's aphasia

a condition marked by the production of slow, laborious speech accompanied by good comprehension, poor repetition, and poor naming


a drug that reduces the symptoms of schizophrenia by blocking dopamine D2 receptors


a group of antihistamine drugs that became the first group of effective antipsychotic medications

simple partial seizure

a partial seizure, starting from a focus and remaining localized, that does not produce loss of consciousness

phonological awareness

ability to discriminate between rapidly presented speech sounds


ability to understand, adapt, learn, reason and overcome obstacles

positive symptom

abnormal behavior that does not occur in healthy individuals but occurs in people with schizophrenia

neurofibrillary tangles

abnormal structure resulting from the breakdown of microtubules

Some seizures occur when the brain's balance between excitation (e.g., glutamate) and inhibition (e.g., GABA) is disturbed. This is why people who are undergoing withdrawal from chronic abuse of _____ are at risk for seizure activity.


_____contributes to violence by reducing the inhibition of aggression normally managed by the cingulate and frontal cortices.


Jamel has been diagnosed with Korsakoff's syndrome and as a result has amnestic confabulatory neurocognitive disorder. This disorder is the result of _____ resulting in ______.

alcohol abuse; a vitamin deficiency

Vocalization is thought to have been evolutionarily advantageous for primates for all the following reasons except that vocalization ____.

allowed primates to have more children

Doctors have demonstrated that more important than most other factors in determining if a person will recover successfully from stroke or injury is the _____.

amount of stimulation in the environment

Bilateral damage to the _____ produces reduced emotionality.


Loyd has almost perfect episodic memory. It is likely that his ______ is larger than most individuals and is better connected with his hippocampus.


Which brain structure inhibits our choice to pick an option that would lead to negative consequences?


Following prolonged stress, Sylvia started experiencing memory problems. Doctors found that the chronic stress had led to Sylvia's ____ becoming hyper-responsive and her _____ slightly decreasing in volume.

amygdala; hippocampus

Changes in _____ structure and function correlate with alexythymia, a common symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder.

anterior cingulate cortex

Unlike the amygdala, the _____ contributes to the more conscious, cognitive appraisals of threat.

anterior cingulate cortex

Check My Work Research has shown that scientists can predict which prisoners will likely be rearrested after release. Scans have shown that individuals with lower activity in the ______ or small volume of the _____ are more likely to reoffend.

anterior cingulate cortex; amygdala

Irwin suffered a severe concussion in an automobile accident. Several weeks after the accident, he finds that, although he does recall the accident, he cannot recall what occurred during the first three days after the accident, when he was in the hospital. Irwin most likely has ____.

anterograde amnesia

Lonny lacks guilt, empathy, and normal emotional responses. He is likely to be diagnosed with _____.

antisocial personality disorder

According to the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia, patients with schizophrenia _______.

appear similar to a person who has chronically abused stimulant drugs like cocaine


area of brain damage at the site of the blow to the head

Wernicke's area

area of cortex in the left hemisphere believed to be responsible for decoding speech sounds

planum temporale

area of the brain located posterior to the primary auditory cortex


area of tissue surrounding an infarc

Schatcher-Singer Two Factor Theory

arousal, surroundings, then feelings

Fransisca is trying to make a decision. If she follows normal decision-making patterns, first she will _____ her options. Then she will _____.

assess the value of; make the decision

somatic marker

association formed between stimuli and resulting patterns of physical activation

Miyoko is training her dog to sit on command. When the dog sits, she gives it a treat. This is a form of ______ learning.


Professor Corsi's lab is studying LTP in cultured hippocampal neurons. They have found that it is necessary for both the pre- and postsynaptic neurons to be simultaneous active, a process called ____.


Portia has multiple sclerosis (MS), which attacks her oligodendrocytes leading to demyelination. Portia was surprised to learn that MS was a(n) ______ disease.



balloon-like bulge in the wall of an artery

Jann just experienced a severe manic episode that required hospitalization. She is very likely to be diagnosed with _____.

bipolar disorder


blockage that doesn't move from its point of origin in a blood vessel

Standard measures of intelligence correlate positively with overall brain volume, adjusted for _____

body size

Check My Work Today's IQ tests are designed to fall along a statistically normal curve. The average IQ score is ____, with a standard deviation of _____.

100; 15

One hypothesis for why humans develop lateralization is that during pregnancy, a fetus begins showing handedness around gestational week _____ purely from spinal cord influence. However, the motor cortex doesn't connect until gestational week ____, so this handedness early on might influence lateralization once the brain connects fully to the spinal cord.


Who is least likely to give birth to a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?

Patrina, who has no family history of ASD

Pierre has had damage to his prefrontal cortex. He has been asked by researchers to participate in a study using the Wisconsin card-sorting task. He was first asked to sort the cards by number. Then he was asked to sort by color. How would researchers expect him to perform for the second sorting?

Pierre will have more trouble adjusting to the new sorting rule of color

Rachel has major depressive disorder (MDD). When she sleeps at night, she enters _____ sleep sooner than patients without MDD.


Although some of his conclusions have been shown to be incorrect, Lashley's work did imply correctly that _____.

memories are distributed across the cortex

On a cellular level, individuals with ASD have abnormal levels of _____.


A _____ disorder is diagnosed when a patient experiences a decline in functioning in one or more cognitive domains.


Diane is a soldier and suffered head trauma during an explosion. She is likely to see a(n) ______, who will handle the medical aspects of her concussion and other injuries. She is also likely to see a ____, who will provide rehabilitation for any cognitive changes (e.g., attention span problems).

neurologist; neuropsychologist

Dallas and Bill are really good friends. They are able to communicate with each other using only gestures and facial expressions, which are forms of ______.

nonverbal communication

negative symptom

normal and expected behavior that is absent due to schizophrenia

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Microeconomics Exam 1 (Multiple Choice Section)

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