BIO-210 Lab 6 Appendicular Skeleton

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radius neck

A narrow area of bone, which lies between the radial head and radial

metacarpal bones

Five hand bones (beyond the wrist). support the hand

greater tubercle of humerus

Rounded projection on lateral epiphyseal surface, near margin of humeral head


S shaped bone, collar bone

ischial spine of ischium

Sharp posterior projection, superior to ischial tuberosity

olecranon fossa of humerus

a deep triangular depression on the posterior side of the humerus

scapula spine

a ridge that crosses the posterior surface of the scapula body before ending at the medial border

radial notch of ulna

accommodates the head of the radius

lateral border of scapula

also known as the axillary border of the scapula

pubic angle

angle between pubic bones of female generally wider

supraspinous fossa of scapula

area superior to the spine

auricular surface of ilium

articulates with an auricular surface of the sacrum

head of femur

articulates with pelvis at acetabulum

medial condyle of the femur

articulates with the medial condyle of the tibia


bones of the fingers and toes

anterior inferior iliac spine

bony eminence on the anterior border of the hip bone, or, more precisely, the wing of the ilium

acromion of scapula

bony process on the scapula, continuation of the scapular spine and large posterior process

anterior superior iliac spine

bony projection of the iliac bone

pubic symphysis

cartilaginous joint at which two pubic bones fuse together

glenoid fossa (cavity)

cavity in the head of the scapula that recieves the head of the humerus to form the shoulder joint

fovea capitis of femur

central pit on head for ligament attachment to acetabulum of coxal bone

acetabulum of pelvis

concave socket that articulates with the head of the femur

iliac crest of coxal bone

curved superior border of the ilium

intercondylar notch of femur

deep, separates the two condyles

coronoid fossa of humerus

depression in humerus for the coinoid process of the ulna

subscapular fossa of scapula

depression of anterior surface

sternal end of clavicle

end of the clavicle that is the medial end of the bone that articulates with the manubrium of the sternum (breast bone)

inferior pubic ramus

extends between the ischium ramus and pubic tuberacle

medial epicondyle of femur


superior angle of scapula

formed by the junction of the superior and medial borders of the scapula

inferior angle of scapula

formed by the union of the medail and lateral border of the scapula and is the lowest part of the scapula

coronoid process of ulna

forms the inferior lip of olcranon

intertubercular groove

groove between the greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus

neck of the femur

joins the shaft at an angle of about 125 degrees



ulna head

knob-shaped; articulates with a notch on the radius and a wrist bone

deltoid tuberosity of humerus

large, rough elevation on the lateral surface of shaft, halfway along its length

medial epicondyle of the humerus

large, rough projection at distal end


lateral bone of the forearm, side of the thumb

acromial end of clavicle

lateral end of the bone that articulates with the acromion process of the scapula, flat

lateral condyle of the tibia

lateral portion of the upper extremity of tibia. It serves as the insertion for the biceps femoris muscle (small slip).

anatomical neck of humerus

lies between the tubercles and the aricular surface of the head

lunate of carpal

lies medial to the scaphoid, articulates with the radius


longest and heaviest bone in the body

ulna notch of radius

marks sign of articulation with the head of the ulna

trapezoid of carpal

medail to the trapezium, has a proximal articulation with the scaphoid

medial condyle of the tibia

medial portion of the upper extremity of tibia. It is the site of insertion for the semimembranosus muscle.

surgical neck of humerus

narrow metaphysis of the growing bone

radial tuberosity

narrow neck that extends from the radial head

ischial ramus of ischium

narrow portion of the bone that articulates with the pubis

styloid process of radius

on lateral surface of the radius, helps stabilize joints

trochlear notch of he ulnar

on the anterior surface of the proxiamal epiphysis, it articulates with the trochlear of the humerus of the elbow joint

lateral condyle of the femur

origin of popliteus

greater trochanter of femur

projects laterally from junction of neck and shaft

lesser trochanter of femur

projects posteriorly and laterally

humerus head

proximal head of humerus, articulates with the scapula

infraspinous fossa of scapula

region inferior to the spine

intertrochanteric crest of femur

ridge between the two trochanters on the posterior surface

ischial tuberosity of ischium

rough projection, located at the posterior and lateral edge of the ischium

linea aspera of femur

rough ridge that runs along the center of the posterior surface of femur

tibial tuberosity of tibia

rough, where you can feel skin

capitulum of humerus

round forms the lateral surface of the condyle

radius head

round, articulates with capitulum of humerus


shin bone, large medial bone of leg

styloid process of ulna

short, bony projection located on the medial end of the distal ulna


shoulder blades, form broad triangle

scaphoid of carpal

side of thumb proximal carpal bone on the lateral border of the wrist

posterior inferior iliac spine

small projection located just below the posterior superior iliac spine

pisiform of carpal

small, pea shaped; sits anterior to the triqeutrum

trochlea of humerus

spool-shaped medial condyle on distal end

olecranon of ulna

superior end of the ulna the point of the ulna articulates with the trochlea of the humerus

superior pubic ramus

superior extension of the body of the pubis only image on the left

radial fossa of humerus

superior to the caputulm accomdates a potion fo the headail head as the forearm approcahes the humerous

appendicular skeleton

the bones of the limbs and supporting bone (pectoral and pelvic) girdles that connect them to the trunk

trapezium of carpal

the lateral bone of the distal row, its proximal surface articulates with the scaphoid


the lower, posterior portions of the pelvis

superior border of scapula

the margin of the scapula that extends from the glenoid fossa to the superior angle

hamate of carpal

the medail distal carpal bone

posterior superior iliac spine

the sharp posterior end of the iliac crest


the thinner and longer of the two bones in the antebrachium, on the side of the 5th phalangie

conoid tubercle of clavicle

tubercle on the inferior side of the lateral third of the clavicle that gives attachment to the coracoclavicular ligament

medial border of scapula

vertebral border of the scapula, edge of scapula bone, middle of the body

gluteal tuberosity of femur

very rough and runs almost vertically upward to the base of the greater trochanter

ilium of coxal bone

widest and largest of the three parts of the hip bone; large flat bone


wrist bone

lesser sciatic notch of ischium

a small notch located inferior to the ischial spine


bone in the brachium, extends from scapula to the elbow

coxal bone

hip bone in pelvic girdle

triquetrum of the carpal

small, pryamid shaped bone medial to the lunate separates the ulna bone from the wrist

lateral epicondyle of humerus

small, tuberculated eminence, curved a little forward, and giving attachment to the radical collateral ligament of the elbow joint, and to a tendon common to the orgin of the supinator and some of the extendor muscles

lesser tubercle of humerus

smaller projection that lies on anterior, medial surface of the epiphysis

coracoid process of scapula

smaller, anterior process

capitate of carpal

the largest carpal bone, sits between the trapezoid and the hamate

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