Bio 2100 exam 2

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Which of the following is a characteristic of fungi that makes attacking organs a special concern?

Fungi are eukaryotic


Primary symptom is scratcing the anus; common in children

Hospitals throw away used items, such as surgical tools. 20 years ago they autoclaved (boiled) or exposed these items to radiation and then re-used them. By throwing these items away, they are preventing the spread of what type of pathogen?


Order of smallest to largest

Prions Viruses Bacteria Protozoans (Yeast) Most fungi (molds) Helminths

Which of the following would require a microscope but not require oil immersion in order to see it with some amount of detail?



cause multiple diseases (athletes foot, jock itch, ringworm), feed off keratin found in hair and nails, treated by topical antifungal medicines


cause skin infections like athletes foot


caused by a flagellate found in cold mountain streams


causes by filarial worms (round worms), spread by mosquitos and biting flies, infects 140 million people, causes river blindness and elephantiasis treatment- antihelminths, antibiotics kill bacteria that womrs cant live without


causes river blindness

How are sexual spores produced?

combine nuclei from 2 individuals, spores help reproduce

Characteristics of flu

comes in 3 varieties, envelope has 2 viral proteins, has RNA, flu infects multiple species, every flu type drift


common roundworm, infection of the colon, found in 10-50% of children at any given time, symptoms is scratching of the anus

Avian influenza

currently not passed from human to human, just bird to bird and bird to human, caused by H5N1 strain, high death rate, not spread

Valley fever

disease of the respiratory tract, found in the US southwest & Mex, caused by spores found in soil, inhaled spores carried by wind, infectious but not contagious Symptoms: flu like symptoms can lead to pneumonia, meningitis and death treatment: antifungal treatments very hard on patient

How viruses cause disease?

enter host organism, find susceptible cells and replicates, destroy cells in process

Virus enevelope

evolutionary membrane from host cell w/ viral proteins added,helps aid in entry into host cells

Guinea worm

extremely long roundworms found under surface of skin, clean water has decreased number of infection, may be eradicated in 2017


first identified in the fore people

How are asexual spores produced?

from a single hyphae

Sick Building syndrome

illnesses associated w/ living conditions, causes can be diverse (improper ventilation, volatile organic compounds, & mold) Mold causes asthma and allergies, may cause hemorrhaging, memory loss and lethargy


infections of the immune system

West nile virus

inflammation of the brain, spread by mosquitos

How do protozoans cause disease?

invade and destroy tissue, cause inflammation


kills by damaging the liver, kidneys, lungs and bladder

Virus reproduce

lands on host cell, injects genetic material into host, genetic material inserts into hosts DNA (genome) and causes mutation


latches on, found in US, southeastern, multiple infections can have side effects, penetrates bottom of foot and moves through blood stream to intestine where it sucks nutrients, 1 billion affected worldwide, multiple infections can cause retardation


living, single celled, eukaryotic DNA, classified by movement, can reproduce sexually or asexually, exchange DNA through conjugation, live in aquatic habitats, some produce cysts to help them survive in harsh conditions


living, single celled, prokaryotic DNA


living, single celled/multicells, eukaryotic, DNA

Hyphae are...

long chains of cells found in molds

Guinea worms

long roundworms found under the surface of the skin


multicellular, contain hypae, long filament of cells joined together


named in 1400's "influence of the stars" 412 BC recorded epidemic by Hippocrates major spanish flu in 1918-1919


non-living, non-cellular, extremely small, have genetic material, invade the cells


not living, no cells, DNA/RNA


not living, no cells, no DNA/RNA

Valley fever

primarily located in the american southwest


reported in Chinese writing as early as 2700 BC, early treatment was bark of Cinohona tree,now known as quinine drug, caused by 4 sporozoan species of plamodium, extremely complex life cycle, requires humans and mosquitos, makes creating a vaccine difficult


reproduce using budding

Yeast infection

skin infections caused by Candida albicans, favor moist places (mouth, vaginal/penis) diapered areas, take advantage of disruptions of the body's equilibrium and immunity Symptoms: burning, itching, side effects of antibodies Treatment: antifungal creams and oral medication

Heartland virus

tick-borne disease got its start in MO a few years ago


unicellular, usually circular

N Fowleri

water borne ameoba that travels up the nose and into the brain, extremely rare and usually fatal, first symptoms are altered taste & smell, acquired from swimming in lakes or pools. Found in US

Antigenetic drift

when a virus mutates, causing small changes in the proteins

Which of the following is false about the zika virus

zika virus causes severe symptoms in adults who contract it


1st discovered by Leeuwenhoek, caused by the flagellate Giardia Lamblia, found in feces and moutain streams, ressitant to chlorine Symptoms: explosive diarrhea, lingering abdominal pain, nausea most common protozoan infection in US

Spanish Flu (1918)

20 million people died in 120 days, originated in Kansas, affected healthy as well as sick/elderly, healthy more likely to die than elderly, started in birds and mutated to jump to humans H1N1 strain

How many people does the Flu kill annually?



2nd most deadly parasite, infects 200 m and kill 750k, flatworm completes life cycle in snails, penetrates through skin Symptoms: rash, flu like symptoms within months, kills by damaging liver, lungs, kidneys and bladder

1976 Swine Flue

A private in NJ died, same strain as 1918 Flu, President Ford wanted everyone vaccinated, many died from getting vaccine

What treatment is most effective for ringworm?

A topical antifungal cream

Flu types

A- most severe, most common, mutates, causes epidemics (cough, body aches) sore throat) B- slow to mutate, usually milder than A C- symptoms similar to a cold. Sometimes no symptoms

If flagellates use flagella and ciliates use cilia, what uses psuedopods?


An emerging disease is most likely to be

An RNA virus spread via animals

Why are prions considered infectious?

Because they can multiply inside the host

How do yeasts reproduce?

By budding and fussion

What genetic material is inside a virus?

DNA/RNA, small genome

What question will help you know if a pathogen is a protozoan or a yeast?

Does it have a cell wall?


Eukaryotic w/ cell walls, classes are based on shape (mold or yeasts),digest materials externally and bring in the nutrients, reproduce sexually and asexually (molds produce spores)

How do fungi cause disease?

Fungi produce mycotoxins that cause disease

flu envelope has what 2 viral proteins?

H & N H= haemagglutinin N= neuraminidase


Hemorrhaging fever transmitted by bats


Living, mutlicellular, eukaryotic DNA

Caused by Plasmodium, this disease has an extremely complex life cycle and is the most common parasitic infection on earth, although it is very uncommon in the United States.


How to treat viruses?

New process, block getting into host cell, getting out of host cell, depositing DNA into host cells DNA, also prone to resistance

What are the 2 types of Helminths?

Roundworms: cylindrical body, simplest animal w? digestive system, worms are either male or female, infection happens through ingestion of the eggs Flatworms: flattened body, no digestive system, extensive reproductive system (both sex organs), still exchange genetic info w/ others

How do helminths cause disease?

Sapping hosts nutrients, inducing inflammatory response, blocking or perforating organs, infections get into blood and lead to brain, leading cause of seizures worldwide (tapeworms)

How do helminthes cause disease?

Sapping nutrients from host, blocking organs, causing inflammation, perforating organs

Malaria is the most deadly parasite in the world. The second most deadly parasite, with 200 million infected and 750,000 deaths each year, is a helminth called...


Helminths diseases

Schistosomiasis Filariases Hookworm Guinea worm Pinworms

Which of the following about mold spores is false?

They are as resistant to environmental stress as bacterial spores

Prion diseases are 100% fatal because the immune system cannot detect them. What about prions makes them invisible to the immune system?

They are seen as "human" because the human body makes the same protein, but in a different shape

What about prions separate them from other pathogens we have discussed?

They lack genetic material

How do mycoses cause disease in humans?

They secrete toxins that digest human tissue


This respiratory virus most likely spread by bats

Sin Nombre/Hantavirus

This virus is carried by rats and fleas started in Southwest US

Check this out! Scientists have found a pathogen that reproduces inside cats and also infects mice and humans. When infected, it alters the mouse's brain so the mouse will be attracted to the smell of cats - not so healthy for the mouse, but beneficial for both the pathogen and the cat! It also causes behavior changes in humans, including reckless driving habits. It is a single-celled, eukaryotic organism without a cell wall. What pathogen is it?

Toxoplasma, a protozoan

How to treat Flu?

Vaccine (must be made new each year depending on strain, usually suggested for children, elderly, and health professionals), antiviral drug (tamiflu, N inhibitors block release of virus from host cell, must be taken within 24h, resistance forms quickly), rest and fluids

What is a virus particle called?


Which characteristic differs between 1918 influence pandemic and the bird flu?



a virus carried by mosquito recently found in MO


another name for fungal infections

Sydney wants to view living, mobile microbes in the microscope to research their movements. What technique will she need to use to make the slide?

hanging drop

What do H&N do for the flu?

help virus gain entry into host cell, they come in multiple forms

Protein coat (capsid) of a virus

helps with entry into host, protects genetic material, determines shape

H1N1 flu

highly contagious, low death rate, vaccine is now included in the seasonal flu vaccine, a unique mix of swine, bird and human flu strains from several continents, made a comeback in 2013-2014

What parasite do we find in the US


Virus reproduction RNA

host makes viral genetic material and proteins, new virions assemble, host cell ruptures, releasing new virions and killing host cell, new virions go infect other host cells

What species does the flu affect?

humans, birds, pig different strains exchange genetic info creating new combinations

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