bio 224 metabolism

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True or false: This chemical process that removes an amine group is transamination.


Which of the following is not a component of all amino acids?

Fatty acid tail

Which of these vitamins is considered an antioxidant because it prevents the oxidation of DNA and plasma membranes?

Vitamin E

All of the following are trace minerals EXCEPT ______.


The body will store excess energy as triglycerides when ______.

caloric input is greater than energy output

The processes that may be involved in the breakdown of lipids are ______. Select all that apply.

citric acid cycle ketogenesis beta-oxidation

The overall products of glycolysis are ______. Select all that apply.

four ATPs two pyruvic acid molecules two NADHs

Triglycerides that are released in the blood and used by the skeletal muscles and liver for energy are referred to as ______ fatty acids.


When the liver cannot maintain blood glucose levels between meals, glucose can be made from non-carbohydrate sources by a process called ______.


The most important monosaccharide for cellular metabolism is


Glycogenolysis involves the breaking down of glycogen into ______.


The chains of glucose molecules that serve as short-term energy storage in muscle and liver are called ______ molecules.


The synthesis of glycogen, which occurs in conditions of excess glucose is a process called ______.


When glucose levels are high, glucose is converted into glycogen. This process is called


Glycogen releases glucose when it is broken down by the process of ______.


The conversion of glucose into two molecules of pyruvic acid is ______.


The splitting of a glucose molecule into two pyruvic acid molecules is a process called


Identify examples of catabolism.

glycolysis digestion

Proteins classified as ______ proteins lack one or more essential amino acids.


Leafy green vegetables are good sources of ______.

incomplete proteins

After the NH2 group is removed from an amino acid, the remainder of the molecule is called a _______ acid.


The end product of anaerobic fermentation is (one word) acid.


Essential fatty acids include ______. Select all that apply.

linoleic acid alpha-linolenic acid

Which molecules serve as the body's main energy storage?


The synthesis of fats is ______.


The transformation of acetyl-CoA to free fatty acids is a process called _______.


When excess proteins and carbohydrates are consumed the body will produce triglycerides via ______.


Lactic acid is converted back into pyruvate in the ______.


Which tissue can convert glucose-6-phosphate into glucose from release into the blood?


The term ___________________ refers to a single carbohydrate unit, for example a simple sugar such as glucose or fructose.


Based on their structure, glucose, galactose and fructose are from the group of carbohydrates called ______.


Amino acids that are required for protein synthesis but that do not need to be ingested are categorized as _______.


In the first step of the citric acid cycle, ______ acid combines with acetyl-CoA to produce citric acid.


Chemical reactions that involve the transfer of electrons from one molecule to another are ______.

oxidation-reduction reactions

An amine group is removed from an amino acid in ______.

oxidative deamination

The liver oxidizes lactic acid back to pyruvic acid when _____________ becomes available again.


The adding of a phosphate group to a molecule is ______.


During the steps of glycolysis seen here, ______ is occurring? Select all that apply.

phosphorylation of sugar use of ATP

Lipogenesis can be defined as ______.

producing fats from other types of molecules

In the last four steps of glycolysis, ______ occurs. Select all that apply.

production of ATP production of pyruvic acid

Examples of anabolism are ______. Select all that apply.

production of enzymes synthesis of ATP maintenance of cell structure

Gluconeogenesis can be defined as the ______.

production of glucose from non-carbohydrates

Functions of vitamin C include ______. Select all that apply.

promotes collagen synthesis participates in protein metabolism

In the electron transport chain, hydrogen ions are moved from the intermembrane space to the mitochondrial matrix by ______.

proton pumps

In this figure, the purple structures marked I, III and IV act as ______.

proton pumps

Average cholesterol intake should not exceed ______ mg/day.


Choose the number of net ATP yielded during each phase of aerobic respiration. Select all that apply.

32 ATP from the electron transport chain 2 ATP from glycolysis 2 ATP from citric acid cycle

The citric acid cycle produces ______ ATP, ______ NADH, and ______ FADH2 per "turn" of the cycle.

1; 3; 1

During glycolysis, four molecules of ATP are produced, but ____ molecules of ATP are used in the process.


How many ATP molecules are used in glycolysis?


The net gain is ___ ATP per glucose during glycolysis


What is the net gain of ATP per glucose molecule during glycolysis.


Which person would likely demonstrate negative nitrogen balance?

A starving person

What is produced in chemiosmosis?


The steps of glycolysis seen here result in the production of ______ and two molecules of ______.

ATP, pyruvic acid

Describe the reaction called phosphorylation.

Addition of inorganic phosphate to an organic molecule

Carbon dioxide, ATP, and water are the end-products of which process?

Aerobic respiration

When is NAD+ reduced to form NADH in glycolysis?

After cleavage of sugar

Collagen synthesis is a function associated with vitamin


Which of the following are end-products of the complete aerobic oxidation of glucose? Select all that apply.

Carbon dioxide ATP Water

The production of ATP, NADH, FADH2, and CO2 occurs in what phase of aerobic respiration?

Citric acid cycle

Which of the following are part of carbohydrate metabolism? Select all that apply.

Citric acid cycle Electron transport chain Glycolysis

What happens right after the phosphorylation steps of glycolysis?

Cleavage of the sugar

Name the location within the cell where glycolysis occurs.


Which type of molecule is involved in blood clotting and smooth muscle contraction?


Identify the phases of the aerobic respiration pathway. Select all that apply.

Electron transport chain Production of acetyl CoA Citric acid cycle Glycolysis

Seeds, nuts, legumes, and leafy greens provide an excellent source of what nutrients?

Essential fatty acids

Which are produced in the citric acid cycle (per glucose molecule)? Select all that apply.

Four CO2 Two ATP Two FADH2

Which arrow(s) in this figure represent(s) lipogenesis? Select all that apply.

From acetyl CoA to free fatty acids From glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to glycerol

Which of the following is NOT a fate of glucose-6-phosphate under high blood glucose conditions?


What molecule serves as a short-term storage molecule for glucose?


Identify the phases of the aerobic respiration pathway. Select all that apply.

Glycolysis Citric acid cycle Production of acetyl CoA Electron transport chain

Rank the events of aerobic respiration in the correct order.

Glycolysis Formation of acetyl-CoA Citric acid cycle Electron transport chain

What are three examples of proteins in the body?

Hemoglobin Enzymes Keratin

Identify the activities eicosanoids may be involved in. Select all that apply.

Inflammation Blood clotting Tissue repair

Put these four general phases of glycolysis in order.

Input of ATP Cleavage of sugar NADH production ATP/pyruvic acid production

What is a name for the cyclic pathway in aerobic respiration?

Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle)

After glycolysis is complete, which of the following are possible fates for the two molecules of pyruvic acid in humans? Select all that apply.

Lactate fermentation Aerobic respiration

During anaerobic fermentation, pyruvic acid is converted into which of the following?

Lactic acid

What happens in the Cori cycle?

Lactic acid is converted to glucose.

Identify the major roles for minerals in the body. Select all that apply.

Metabolism Muscle contraction Nerve impulse transmission Bone structure

After the sugar is cleaved in glycolysis, what molecule is reduced by gaining two electrons?


Identify the activities that are part of glycolysis. Select all that apply.

NADH production Production of ATP Use of ATP molecules

What is the final electron acceptor in the electron-transport chain?


Identify the minerals involved in bone and teeth formation. Select all that apply.

Phosphorus Calcium

Which of the following does NOT occur in the transition steps between glycolysis and the citric acid cycle?

Production of ATP

Which of the following does NOT occur during the citric acid cycle?

Reduction of oxygen

Identify functions of cholesterol. Select all that apply.

Structural component of the plasma membrane Precursor for steroid hormones Precursor for bile salts

How does the body synthesize nonessential amino acids?


When do muscle cells use anaerobic respiration?

When no oxygen is available

When is pyruvate used in aerobic respiration?

When oxygen is available

Proteins are composed of ______.

amino acids

The production of ATP, cell division, and the manufacture of hormones are all examples of _____ reactions.


The reaction represented by A on the left side of this figure represents the ______ of ATP.


The term used for all energy-requiring chemical reactions that build large molecules from smaller ones is ______.


If oxygen is present, pyruvic acid will be used to produce ATP, whereas if oxygen is absent, pyruvic acid will be used in ______.

anaerobic glycolysis

In the absence of oxygen, a human cell may resort to an anaerobic reaction to produce energy. This process is called ______.

anaerobic respiration

Important roles for vitamins are ______. Select all that apply.

blood clotting growth of different body tissues synthesis of DNA and RNA ATP production pathways

Phrases that represent catabolism are ______. Select all that apply.

breakdown of large molecules energy-releasing

The first phase of glycolysis involves ______.

breaking glucose into two separate molecules

Glycolysis, the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain are part of the metabolism of ______.


Digestion of foods and glycolysis are both good examples of _____ reactions.


The process of converting lactic acid to glucose is called the

cori cycle

An organic molecule that combines with an enzyme to make it functional is called a


Minerals are components of ______. Select all that apply.

coenzymes hemoglobin

Proteins described as being ____________ proteins are those that provide all of the essential amino acids in the necessary proportions for human tissue growth, maintenance, and nitrogen balance


The yield of ATP in aerobic respiration is usually lower than the theoretical 36 molecules due to ______. Select all that apply.

cost to shuttle NADH into mitochondrion different yields per NADH molecule getting ATP out of the mitochondrion

Descriptions that represent anabolism are ______. Select all that apply.

energy-requiring synthesis of large molecules

Amino acids that the body cannot synthesize are categorized as _______.


______ fatty acids cannot be be synthesized by the human body and must be ingested.


Cholesterol is a precursor for ______. Select all that apply.

estrogen testosterone bile salts

True or false: Lipids should not be consumed in the diet because they are associated with heart disease.


True or false: Nonessential fatty acids are those that must be consumed in the diet because the liver cannot synthesize them.


Anabolism and catabolism are parts of ______.


The term for the sum of all chemical reactions in the body is .


Complete protein sources are ______. Select all that apply.

milk fish meat eggs

After glycolysis, pyruvic acid moves from the cytosol into ______ to complete the remaining phases of aerobic respiration.


A molecule is _____ when it gains electrons, and a molecule is _____ when it loses electrons.

reduced, oxidized

Minerals can be obtained from all of the following sources except _______.

refined grains

As a group, ______ minerals are the minerals that are required in very small amounts in the diet.


The primary process by which nonessential amino acids are formed involves transferring an amine group from an amino acid to the keto acid in a reaction called


The type of lipid stored within adipose tissue is ______.


Provitamins include ______. Select all that apply.

7-dehydrocholesterol beta carotene tryptophan

The theoretical amount of ATP generated per glucose is ______ ATP molecules.


During the steps of glycolysis, ______ ATPs, ______ NADHs, and ______ molecules of pyruvate are produced.

4, 2, 2

In aerobic respiration, 12 water molecules are produced, but _____ are used in the process.


What is directly produced during the conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl-CoA? Select all that apply.


Which type of fats would be most important to avoid in protecting the body against heart disease?

Fats that are solid at room temperature

Where does pyruvic acid go to continue aerobic respiration?


Glucose is classified as which of the following?


Identify functions of proteins in the body.

Transport Muscle contraction Structural strength

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