Bio 251/ Ch 9 test bank

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Among the microorganisms, various genomes can include/ E A. chromosomes. B. plasmids. C. mitochondrial DNA. D. chloroplast DNA. E. All of these choices are correct. 2. Which of the following is not true of an organism's genotype?/E A. The genotype is inherited. B. The genotype is made up of structural genes coding for proteins. C. The genotype includes genes coding for RNA. D. The genotype includes regulatory genes controlling gene expression. E. The genotype includes the expressed traits governed by the genes. 3. Eukaryotic chromosomes differ from prokaryotic chromosomes because only eukaryotes have/E A. histone proteins. B. chromosomes in a nucleus. C. several to many chromosomes. D. elongated linear, not circular, chromosomes. E. All of these choices are correct. 4. The _____ is all of the genetic material of a cell./D A. chromosome B. plasmid C. prophage D. genome E. proteome 5. A nucleosome is a linear chromosome wound around the/D A. nuclear membrane. B. rRNA. C. mRNA. D. histone. E. nucleolus. 6. Each _____ is a specific segment of the DNA with the code for production of one functional product./C A. intron B. exon C. gene D. operator E. triplet 7. The expression of genetic traits is the/D A. genome. B. genotype. C. proteome. D. phenotype. E. proteotype. 8. The DNA of microorganisms is made up of subunits called/C A. histones. B. amino acids. C. nucleotides. D. mRNA. E. polymerases. 9. Which is incorrect about purines?/A A. Purines are only found in DNA, not in RNA. B. Purines are nitrogenous bases. C. Purines are always paired with a specific pyrimidine. D. Purines include adenine and guanine. E. Purines are found within nucleotides. 10. The antiparallel arrangement within DNA molecules refers to/C A. each base bonding at the 1'position of the sugar. B. a purine always bonding to a pyrimidine. C. one helix strand that runs from the 5'to 3'direction and the other strand runs from the 3'to 5'direction. D. an original parent DNA strand and one newly synthesized DNA strand comprising a new DNA molecule. 11. All of the following pertain to nitrogenous bases except/B A. they form pairs by hydrogen bonding. B. guanine pairs with uracil. C. adenine pairs with thymine. D. cytosine and thymine are pyrimidines. E. they allow variation from one nucleotide to another which creates the encoded information. 12. Each nucleotide is composed of/A A. one phosphate, one nitrogenous base, one sugar. B. one phosphate, one nitrogenous base, two sugars. C. two phosphates, one nitrogenous base, one sugar. D. two phosphates, one nitrogenous base, two sugars. E. one phosphate, two nitrogenous bases, one sugar. 13. Base pairs in DNA are held together by _____ bonds./D A. peptide B. nonpolar covalent C. polar covalent D. hydrogen E. sulfhydryl 14. The duplication of a cell's DNA is called/B A. mitosis. B. replication. C. transcription. D. translation. E. mutation. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.06 Describe the process of DNA replication as it occurs in prokaryotic cells. Section: 09.01 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function 15. Structural genes code for/C A. ribosomal RNA molecules. B. transfer RNA molecules. C. cellular proteins. D. gene expression elements. E. All of these choices are correct. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.07 Present an overview of the main aspects of the flow of genetic information in cells. Learning Outcome: 09.08 Explain the relationship between the structure of DNA and the structure of proteins. Section: 09.02 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function 16. During replication, each parent DNA strand serves as a _____ for synthesis of new DNA strands./B A. copy point B. template C. comparison molecule D. scaffold E. reservoir ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.04 Describe the chemical structure of DNA and its significance. Learning Outcome: 09.06 Describe the process of DNA replication as it occurs in prokaryotic cells. Section: 09.01 Topic: DNA Replication 17. Semiconservative replication refers to/D A. each base bonding at the 1'position of the sugar. B. a purine always bonding to a pyrimidine. C. one helix strand that runs from the 5'to 3'direction and the other strand runs from the 3'to 5'direction. D. an original parent DNA strand and one newly synthesized DNA strand comprising a new DNA molecule. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.06 Describe the process of DNA replication as it occurs in prokaryotic cells. Section: 09.01 Topic: DNA Replication 18. DNA polymerase III/B A. is needed for adding nucleotides during mRNA synthesis. B. synthesizes new DNA only in the 5'to 3'direction. C. cannot add nucleotides to the lagging strand. D. synthesizes an RNA primer. E. All of these choices are correct. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.06 Describe the process of DNA replication as it occurs in prokaryotic cells. Section: 09.01 Topic: DNA Replication 19. The enzyme that helps pack DNA into the cell by coiling the DNA into a tight bundle is/D A. DNA ligase. B. DNA polymerase. C. DNA helicase. D. DNA gyrase. E. primase. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.03 Explain how DNA is organized and packaged. Section: 09.01 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function 20. Okazaki fragments are attached to the growing end of the lagging strand by/A A. DNA ligase. B. DNA polymerase. C. DNA helicase. D. DNA gyrase. E. primase. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.06 Describe the process of DNA replication as it occurs in prokaryotic cells. Section: 09.01 Topic: DNA Replication 21. The enzyme that can proofreads replicating DNA, detects incorrect bases, excises them, and correctly replaces them is/B A. DNA ligase. B. DNA polymerase. C. DNA helicase. D. DNA gyrase. E. primase. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.06 Describe the process of DNA replication as it occurs in prokaryotic cells. Section: 09.01 Topic: DNA Replication 22. The site where the old DNA strands separate and new DNA strands will be synthesized is called the/C A. primer. B. Okazaki fragment. C. template. D. rolling circle. E. replication fork. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.06 Describe the process of DNA replication as it occurs in prokaryotic cells. Section: 09.01 Topic: DNA Replication 23. DNA gyrase/B A. unwinds DNA. B. supercoils DNA. C. cleaves DNA. D. joins free DNA ends. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 02 Structure and Function ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.03 Explain how DNA is organized and packaged. Learning Outcome: 09.04 Describe the chemical structure of DNA and its significance. Section: 09.01 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function 24. Helicase/A A. unwinds DNA. B. supercoils DNA. C. unwinds RNA. D. winds RNA. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 02 Structure and Function ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.06 Describe the process of DNA replication as it occurs in prokaryotic cells. Section: 09.01 Topic: DNA Replication Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function 25. DNA polymerase I/A A. removes primers. B. adds bases to new DNA chain. C. seals DNA gaps. D. proofreads DNA chain. E. All of these choices are correct, 26. A permanent, inheritable change in the genetic information is called a(n)/C A. translation. B. transcription. C. mutation. D. alteration. E. regeneration. 27. DNA polymerase III/E A. synthesizes primer. B. removes primer. C. joins Okazaki fragments. D. unzips the DNA helix. E. proofreads new DNA. 28. \Replication of DNA begins at a(n)/C A. guanine-cytosine rich area. B. uracil-adenine rich area. C. adenine-thymine rich area. D. adenine-cytosine rich area. E. guanine-adenine rich area. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 02 Structure and Function ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.06 Describe the process of DNA replication as it occurs in prokaryotic cells. Section: 09.01 Topic: DNA Replication 29. A primer of ____ is needed at the origin of nucleotide addition./D A. polymerase III B. polymerase I C. helicase D. RNA E. DNA ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.06 Describe the process of DNA replication as it occurs in prokaryotic cells. Section: 09.01 Topic: DNA Replication 30. Groups of three consecutive bases along the DNA of a gene have the code for one/C A. protein. B. nucleotide. C. amino acid. D. purine. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.07 Present an overview of the main aspects of the flow of genetic information in cells. Learning Outcome: 09.08 Explain the relationship between the structure of DNA and the structure of proteins. Section: 09.02 Topic: DNA Replication Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function 31. The three-base sequence on DNA that codes for an amino acid is called a(n)/E A. codon. B. exon. C. anticodon. D. intron. E. triplet. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.07 Present an overview of the main aspects of the flow of genetic information in cells. Learning Outcome: 09.11 Describe the genetic code, codons, and anticodons, and how they relate to one another. Section: 09.02 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function 32. The nontranscribed region of DNA to which RNA polymerase binds to initiate transcription is called the /A A. promoter. B. operator. C. operon. D. exon. E. intron. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.10 Explain what happens during transcription. Section: 09.02 Topic: Protein Synthesis 33. The RNA molecules that carry amino acids to the ribosomes during protein synthesis are called/C A. ribosomal RNA. B. messenger RNA. C. transfer RNA. D. primer RNA. E. ribozymes. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 02 Structure and Function ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.09 Describe the different types of RNA and their basic functions in genetic expression. Section: 09.02 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function Topic: Protein Synthesis 34. RNA molecules differ from DNA molecules because only RNA/E A. has ribose. B. has uracil. C. is typically one strand of nucleotides. D. does not have thymine. E. All of these choices are correct. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 02 Structure and Function ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.07 Present an overview of the main aspects of the flow of genetic information in cells. Learning Outcome: 09.09 Describe the different types of RNA and their basic functions in genetic expression. Section: 09.02 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function 35. All of the following pertain to transcription except/A A. occurs on a ribosome in the cytoplasm. B. occurs before translation. C. requires RNA polymerase. D. requires a template DNA strand. E. is a process of protein synthesis. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.10 Explain what happens during transcription. Section: 09.02 Topic: Protein Synthesis 36. What molecule is synthesized as a copy of a gene from the DNA template strand?/B A. ribosomal RNA B. messenger RNA C. transfer RNA D. primer RNA E. ribozymes ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.09 Describe the different types of RNA and their basic functions in genetic expression. Learning Outcome: 09.10 Explain what happens during transcription. Section: 09.02 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function Topic: Protein Synthesis 37. RNA polymerase binds to the/D A. start codon. B. termination sequence. C. regulation sequence. D. promoter sequence. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.10 Explain what happens during transcription. Section: 09.02 Topic: Protein Synthesis 38. Which of the following is incorrect about transfer RNA?/E A. has a bottom hairpin loop with an anticodon B. An anticodon is complementary to a codon. C. contains a binding site for an amino acid D. The initiator tRNA that binds to the P site has the anticodon UAC. E. Initiator tRNA in bacteria carries tryptophan. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.09 Describe the different types of RNA and their basic functions in genetic expression. Learning Outcome: 09.12 Recount the participants and steps in translation (protein synthesis). Section: 09.02 Topic: Protein Synthesis 39. If a codon for alanine is GCA. What is the anticodon?/D A. GCA B. CGT C. ACG D. CGU E. UGC ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 03. Apply Learning Outcome: 09.11 Describe the genetic code, codons, and anticodons, and how they relate to one another. Section: 09.02 Topic: Protein Synthesis 40. The following pertain to ribosomes during protein synthesis except/A A. they contain codons within their rRNA molecules. B. ribosomes participate only in translation. C. ribosomes bind to the 5'end of mRNA by their small subunit. D. ribosomes use their large subunit to supply enzymes for peptide bonding. E. ribosomes shift toward the 3'end of the mRNA strand from one codon to the next. ASM Objective: 02.01 The structure and function of microorganisms have been revealed by the use of microscopy (including bright field, phase contrast, fluorescent, and electron). ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 02 Structure and Function ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.12 Recount the participants and steps in translation (protein synthesis). Section: 09.02 Topic: Protein Synthesis 41. Which of the following is incorrect about termination codons?/C A. They are also called nonsense codons. B. They occur where the bond between the final tRNA and the growing polypeptide is broken. C. Termination codons include AUG. D. Termination codons include UAA, UAG, UGA. E. Termination codons do not have corresponding tRNA. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 03. Apply Learning Outcome: 09.11 Describe the genetic code, codons, and anticodons, and how they relate to one another. Learning Outcome: 09.12 Recount the participants and steps in translation (protein synthesis). Section: 09.02 Topic: Protein Synthesis 42. Which of the following is not true of the prokaryotic ribosome?/D A. Prokaryotic ribosomes are 70S. B. A prokaryotic ribosome has a peptide (P) site. C. A prokaryotic ribosome has an exit (E) site. D. The small subunit provides the enzymes for making peptide bonds. E. The prokaryotic ribosome has an amino acyl (A) site. ASM Objective: 02.01 The structure and function of microorganisms have been revealed by the use of microscopy (including bright field, phase contrast, fluorescent, and electron). ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 02 Structure and Function ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.12 Recount the participants and steps in translation (protein synthesis). Section: 09.02 Topic: Protein Synthesis 43. A sequence of bases within a gene that will be transcribed, but removed from the transcript prior to translation is a/an/ E A. promoter. B. operator. C. operon. D. exon. E. intron. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.08 Explain the relationship between the structure of DNA and the structure of proteins. Learning Outcome: 09.13 Distinguish major points of difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic transcription and translation. Section: 09.02 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function Topic: Protein Synthesis 44. Which is incorrect about inducible operons?/A A. have genes turned off by a buildup of end product B. often encode enzymes for catabolic pathways C. are normally turned off D. are turned on by the substrate of the enzyme E. include the lac operon ASM Objective: 03.02 The interactions of microorganisms among themselves and with their environment are determined by their metabolic abilities (e.g., quorum sensing, oxygen consumption, nitrogen transformations). ASM Objective: 03.04 The growth of microorganisms can be controlled by physical, chemical, mechanical, or biological means. ASM Objective: 04.03 The regulation of gene expression is influenced by external and internal molecular cues and/or signals. ASM Topic: Module 03 Metabolic Pathways ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.14 Explain the functions of operons in bacterial genetic control. Learning Outcome: 09.15 Describe the main features of the lactose operon and inducible operons. Section: 09.03 Topic: Gene Regulation 45. Split genes/D A. are common in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. B. only have exons initially transcribed to mRNA. C. have introns located only at the beginning and end of a coding region. D. require spliceosomes to excise introns and then join exons. E. All of these choices are correct. ASM Objective: 02.04 While microscopic eukaryotes (for example, fungi, protozoa, and algae) carry out some of the same processes as bacteria, many of the cellular properties are fundamentally different. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 02 Structure and Function ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.08 Explain the relationship between the structure of DNA and the structure of proteins. Learning Outcome: 09.13 Distinguish major points of difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic transcription and translation. Section: 09.03 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function Topic: Protein Synthesis 46. The gene of an operon that codes for a protein repressor is called the/C A. operator. B. structural locus. C. regulator. D. promoter. ASM Objective: 04.03 The regulation of gene expression is influenced by external and internal molecular cues and/or signals. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.14 Explain the functions of operons in bacterial genetic control. Section: 09.03 Topic: Gene Regulation 47. Synthesis of an inducible enzyme requires/B A. repressor alone bound to operator. B. substrate bound to repressor. C. substrate bound to promoter. D. corepressor and repressor binding to operator. ASM Objective: 03.04 The growth of microorganisms can be controlled by physical, chemical, mechanical, or biological means. ASM Objective: 04.03 The regulation of gene expression is influenced by external and internal molecular cues and/or signals. ASM Topic: Module 03 Metabolic Pathways ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 03. Apply Learning Outcome: 09.14 Explain the functions of operons in bacterial genetic control. Learning Outcome: 09.15 Describe the main features of the lactose operon and inducible operons. Section: 09.03 Topic: Gene Regulation 48. Synthesis of a repressible enzyme is inhibited by/D A. repressor alone bound to operator. B. substrate bound to repressor. C. substrate bound to promoter. D. corepressor and repressor binding to operator. ASM Objective: 04.03 The regulation of gene expression is influenced by external and internal molecular cues and/or signals. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.14 Explain the functions of operons in bacterial genetic control. Learning Outcome: 09.16 Describe the main features of repressible operons. Section: 09.03 Topic: Gene Regulation 49. Full induction of the lactose operon requires/C A. that lactose be present. B. that lactose and glucose both be present. C. that lactose be present without glucose. D. that lactose and arabinose both be present. E. All of these choices induce the lactose operon. ASM Objective: 04.03 The regulation of gene expression is influenced by external and internal molecular cues and/or signals. ASM Objective: 05.03 Microorganisms and their environment interact with and modify each other. ASM Objective: 08.05 Use appropriate microbiological and molecular lab equipment and methods. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow ASM Topic: Module 05 Systems Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.14 Explain the functions of operons in bacterial genetic control. Learning Outcome: 09.15 Describe the main features of the lactose operon and inducible operons. Section: 09.03 Topic: Gene Regulation 50. Gene regulation can involve a protein repressor that blocks _____ from initiating transcription./C A. DNA polymerase I B. DNA polymerase III C. RNA polymerase D. mRNA E. rRNA ASM Objective: 04.03 The regulation of gene expression is influenced by external and internal molecular cues and/or signals. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.14 Explain the functions of operons in bacterial genetic control. Section: 09.03 Topic: Gene Regulation 51. The lactose repressor/C A. is transcribed with the structural lac genes. B. is activated by binding lactose. C. is inactivated by binding lactose. D. requires lactose for its transcription. 52. A mutation that changes a normal codon to a stop codon is called a/E A. point mutation. B. silent mutation. C. back mutation. D. missense mutation. E. nonsense mutation. ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.19 Explain the causes and types of mutations and their effects. Section: 09.04 Topic: Mutations 53. Repressible operons require that _____ bind to the repressor protein before it can bind to the operator/A. A. the product B. a cofactor C. a coenzyme D. the substrate Topic: Mutations 55. If the wild type DNA sequence reads THE CAT ATE THE BIG RAT, what type of mutation would change the sequence to THE CAT ATA ETH EBI GRA T?/C A. missense B. nonsense C. insertion D. deletion E. silent ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 03. Apply Learning Outcome: 09.19 Explain the causes and types of mutations and their effects. Section: 09.04 Topic: Mutations 56. If the wild type DNA sequence reads THE CAT ATE THE BIG RAT, what type of mutation would change the sequence to THE CAT ATE THE BAG RAT?/A A. missense B. nonsense C. insertion D. deletion E. silent ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 03. Apply Learning Outcome: 09.19 Explain the causes and types of mutations and their effects. Section: 09.04 Topic: Mutations 57. If the wild type DNA sequence reads THE CAT ATE THE BIG RAT, what type of mutation would change the sequence to THE CAT ATE (stop)?/B A. Missense B. Nonsense C. Insertion D. Deletion E. Silent ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 03. Apply Learning Outcome: 09.19 Explain the causes and types of mutations and their effects. Section: 09.04 Topic: Mutations 58. A frameshift is caused by ______ mutations?/D A. missense and insertion B. missense and nonsense C. nonsense and deletion D. deletion and insertion E. insertion and nonsense ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.04 Describe the chemical structure of DNA and its significance. Learning Outcome: 09.18 Define a mutation and explain how mutant forms are identified. Learning Outcome: 09.19 Explain the causes and types of mutations and their effects. Section: 09.04 Topic: Mutations 59. What type of mutation alters the base, but not the amino acid being coded for?/A A. silent B. back C. point D. nonsense E. missense ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.18 Define a mutation and explain how mutant forms are identified. Learning Outcome: 09.19 Explain the causes and types of mutations and their effects. Section: 09.04 Topic: Mutations 60. A screening system called the _____ test is used for detecting chemicals with carcinogenic potential./B A. Koch B. Ames C. mutation D. cancer E. Iowa ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Objective: 08.03 Use appropriate methods to identify microorganisms (media-based, molecular and serological). ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution 61. The process in which mutations are removed and replaced with the correct bases is called/B A. transduction. B. excision repair. C. frameshift. D. back mutation. E. transformation. ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.20 Describe some mutation repair mechanisms. Section: 09.04 Topic: Mutations 62. Bacterial conjugation involves/B A. bacteriophage carrying donor DNA to the recipient cell. B. a donor cell that transfers a copy of a plasmid to a recipient cell through a pilus. C. the take-up of naked DNA fragments from a lysed donor cell by a recipient cell. D. new progeny cells with genes from two parent bacterial cells. ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Objective: 02.03 Bacteria and Archaea have specialized structures (e.g., flagella, endospores, and pili) that often confer critical capabilities. ASM Objective: 03.02 The interactions of microorganisms among themselves and with their environment are determined by their metabolic abilities (e.g., quorum sensing, oxygen consumption, nitrogen transformations). ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 02 Structure and Function ASM Topic: Module 03 Metabolic Pathways ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.22 Explain recombination in bacteria and what it involves. Learning Outcome: 09.23 Describe the main features of conjugation and its outcomes. Section: 09.05 Topic: Genetic Recombination in Bacteria 63. Which cell can transfer the most DNA?/B A. F+ cell B. F-cell C. Hfr cell D. R cell E. B cell ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.22 Explain recombination in bacteria and what it involves. Learning Outcome: 09.23 Describe the main features of conjugation and its outcomes. Section: 09.05 Topic: Genetic Recombination in Bacteria 64. Which of the following is not a type of bacterial DNA recombination?/C A. transformation B. conjugation C. mitosis D. transduction ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.22 Explain recombination in bacteria and what it involves. Section: 09.05 Topic: Genetic Recombination in Bacteria 65. Which of the following is not true of conjugation?/D A. involves direct contact between cells B. transfers genes for drug resistance C. transfers genes for enzymes and adherence molecules D. transfers genes for a polysaccharide capsule E. The donor retains a copy of the transferred genes. ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.23 Describe the main features of conjugation and its outcomes. Section: 09.05 Topic: Genetic Recombination in Bacteria 66. Hfr transfer involves all of the following except/B A. gene integration into the bacterial chromosome. B. plasmid gene transfer. C. F factor is part of the F+ donor chromosome. D. high frequency transfer. E. a pilus connection between F+ and F- cells. ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.22 Explain recombination in bacteria and what it involves. Learning Outcome: 09.23 Describe the main features of conjugation and its outcomes. Section: 09.05 Topic: Genetic Recombination in Bacteria 67. The transfer of DNA fragments from a dead cell to a live, competent recipient cell that results in a changed recipient cell is/C A. transduction. B. conjugation. C. transformation. D. transmission. E. mitosis. ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.24 Discuss what is required for bacterial transformation and its outcomes. Section: 09.05 Topic: Genetic Recombination in Bacteria 68. The development of virulent, toxin-producing bacterial strains due to the presence of a temperate phage can occur in/D A. bacterial conjugation. B. transformation. C. generalized transduction. D. specialized transduction. E. All of these choices are correct. ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.25 Identify the basic processes involved in transduction and the end results. Section: 09.05 Topic: Genetic Recombination in Bacteria 69. A bacteriophage transfers DNA of the previous host to the current host. This is an example of/B A. conjugation. B. generalized transduction. C. specialized transduction. D. creation of an Hfr cell. ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.25 Identify the basic processes involved in transduction and the end results. Section: 09.05 Topic: Genetic Recombination in Bacteria 70. Genes that jump from one location to another in the genome are/B A. repressors. B. transposons. C. transformers. D. plasmids. E. operons. ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.26 Discuss transposons and their importance to microorganisms. Section: 09.05 Topic: Genetic Recombination in Bacteria 71. Which of the following is not true of transposons?/E A. can change pigmentation B. can replace damaged DNA C. can transfer drug resistance D. can change the genome E. are always part of plasmids ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.26 Discuss transposons and their importance to microorganisms. Section: 09.05 Topic: Genetic Recombination in Bacteria 72. Which of the following additions have been made to principles of the central dogma of biology?/C A. DNA information cannot be converted into RNA information. B. Protein information can be converted into DNA information. C. RNA can be used to regulate gene function. D. DNA codes for proteins. E. All of these choices are correct. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Objective: 04.03 The regulation of gene expression is influenced by external and internal molecular cues and/or signals. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.08 Explain the relationship between the structure of DNA and the structure of proteins. Learning Outcome: 09.09 Describe the different types of RNA and their basic functions in genetic expression. Learning Outcome: 09.17 Summarize some aspects of genetic control by RNA. Section: 09.02 Section: 09.03 Topic: Gene Regulation Topic: Protein Synthesis 73. In Griffith's experiments with Streptococcus pneumoniae, rough nonencapsulated Streptococci were converted into smooth encapsulated Streptococci in the presence of the heat-killed smooth encapsulated Streptococci. What is the term that describes this process?/C A. transduction B. conjugation C. transformation D. cloning ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.24 Discuss what is required for bacterial transformation and its outcomes. Section: 09.05 Topic: Genetic Recombination in Bacteria 74. Of the following list, which antibiotics affect protein synthesis?/E A. penicillin B. tetracycline C. chloramphenicol D. ciprofloxacin E. Both tetracycline and chloramphenicol are correct. ASM Objective: 03.04 The growth of microorganisms can be controlled by physical, chemical, mechanical, or biological means. ASM Topic: Module 03 Metabolic Pathways Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.13 Distinguish major points of difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic transcription and translation. Section: 09.02 Topic: Protein Synthesis True / False Questions 75. The smallest unit of heredity is a chromosome. FALSE ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.01 Define heredity, genetics, genome, gene, phenotype, and genotype. Section: 09.01 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function 76. DNA polymerase can only add new nucleotides to the old 3'DNA end. TRUE ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.06 Describe the process of DNA replication as it occurs in prokaryotic cells. Section: 09.01 Topic: DNA Replication 77. DNA replication proceeds in one direction around the bacterial chromosome. FALSE ASM Objective: 02.01 The structure and function of microorganisms have been revealed by the use of microscopy (including bright field, phase contrast, fluorescent, and electron). ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 02 Structure and Function ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.06 Describe the process of DNA replication as it occurs in prokaryotic cells. Section: 09.01 Topic: DNA Replication 78. Transcription occurs in the nucleus or at the nucleoid. TRUE 79. In bacteria, initiator tRNA carries formyl methionine. TRUE ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 09.12 Recount the participants and steps in translation (protein synthesis). Section: 09.02 Topic: Protein Synthesis 80. Introns have no detectable functions. FALSE ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.08 Explain the relationship between the structure of DNA and the structure of proteins. Learning Outcome: 09.13 Distinguish major points of difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic transcription and translation. Section: 09.02 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function Topic: Protein Synthesis 81. Excised introns form structures called lariats. TRUE ASM Objective: 02.01 The structure and function of microorganisms have been revealed by the use of microscopy (including bright field, phase contrast, fluorescent, and electron). ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Topic: Module 02 Structure and Function ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.08 Explain the relationship between the structure of DNA and the structure of proteins. Learning Outcome: 09.13 Distinguish major points of difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic transcription and translation. Section: 09.02 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function Topic: Protein Synthesis 82. Lactose is a corepressor in the lac operon. FALSE ASM Objective: 03.04 The growth of microorganisms can be controlled by physical, chemical, mechanical, or biological means. ASM Objective: 04.03 The regulation of gene expression is influenced by external and internal molecular cues and/or signals. ASM Topic: Module 03 Metabolic Pathways ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.14 Explain the functions of operons in bacterial genetic control. Learning Outcome: 09.15 Describe the main features of the lactose operon and inducible operons. Section: 09.03 Topic: Gene Regulation 83. Repressible operons are normally turned on in the cell. TRUE ASM Objective: 04.03 The regulation of gene expression is influenced by external and internal molecular cues and/or signals. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.14 Explain the functions of operons in bacterial genetic control. Learning Outcome: 09.16 Describe the main features of repressible operons. Section: 09.03 Topic: Gene Regulation 84. Induced mutations result from errors in DNA replication. FALSE ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Objective: 04.05 Cell genomes can be manipulated to alter cell function. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.18 Define a mutation and explain how mutant forms are identified. Learning Outcome: 09.19 Explain the causes and types of mutations and their effects. Section: 09.04 Topic: Mutations 85. DNA photolyase, in the presence of visible light, can repair DNA damage due to ultraviolet radiation. TRUE ASM Objective: 03.03 The survival and growth of any microorganism in a given environment depends on its metabolic characteristics. ASM Objective: 03.04 The growth of microorganisms can be controlled by physical, chemical, mechanical, or biological means. ASM Objective: 05.03 Microorganisms and their environment interact with and modify each other. ASM Topic: Module 03 Metabolic Pathways ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow ASM Topic: Module 05 Systems Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.20 Describe some mutation repair mechanisms. Section: 09.04 Topic: Mutations 86. All mutations are harmful to the cell. FALSE ASM Objective: 01.02 Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.21 Compare beneficial and detrimental effects of mutations. Section: 09.04 Topic: Mutations Multiple Choice Questions 87. Folding of the 5'end of a mRNA, such that binding to the ribosome is altered, is most likely to affect/C A. replication. B. transcription. C. translation. D. transformation. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Objective: 04.03 The regulation of gene expression is influenced by external and internal molecular cues and/or signals. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 03. Apply Learning Outcome: 09.17 Summarize some aspects of genetic control by RNA. Section: 09.02 Section: 09.03 Topic: Gene Regulation 88. Riboswitches exert effects on ______________ whereas repressors and inducers exert effects on/B ________________. A. replication


B. translation


C. replication


D. translation

transcription ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Objective: 04.03 The regulation of gene expression is influenced by external and internal molecular cues and/or signals. ASM Objective: 07.04 Ability to understand the relationship between science and society: Identify and discuss ethical issues in microbiology. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 03. Apply Learning Outcome: 09.16 Describe the main features of repressible operons. Learning Outcome: 09.17 Summarize some aspects of genetic control by RNA. Section: 09.03 Topic: Gene Regulation 89.

Short interfering RNAs affect gene expression in eukaryotes by/C A. blocking replication of certain genes. B. blocking transcription of certain genes. C. binding to mRNAs and preventing translation. D. binding to ribosomes, preventing the two subunits from joining. ASM Objective: 04.02 Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. ASM Objective: 04.03 The regulation of gene expression is influenced by external and internal molecular cues and/or signals. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.17 Summarize some aspects of genetic control by RNA. Section: 09.03 Topic: Gene Regulation 90. The analysis of the nitrogenous bases of the nucleic acid of a newly discovered virus showed 20% adenine, 40% guanine, 10% thymine, and 30% cytosine. The viral nucleic acid is most likely/D A. double-stranded DNA. B. double-stranded RNA. C. single-stranded RNA. D. single-stranded DNA. ASM Objective: 04.04 The synthesis of viral genetic material and proteins is dependent on host cells. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 04: Analyze Learning Outcome: 09.27 Explain the major elements of viral genetics. Section: 09.06 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function 91. The different types of nucleic acids found in viruses include all of the following except/A A. double-stranded DNA. B. single-stranded DNA. C. double-stranded RNA. D. single-stranded RNA. E. There are no exceptions here. Each of these types may be found in viruses. ASM Objective: 02.05 The replication cycles of viruses (lytic and lysogenic) differ among viruses and are determined by their unique structures and genomes. ASM Objective: 04.04 The synthesis of viral genetic material and proteins is dependent on host cells. ASM Topic: Module 02 Structure and Function ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.27 Explain the major elements of viral genetics. Section: 09.06 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function True / False Questions 92. Some RNA viruses direct the synthesis of double-stranded DNA at some point in their life cycle. TRUE ASM Objective: 04.04 The synthesis of viral genetic material and proteins is dependent on host cells. ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow Bloom's Level: 02. Understand Learning Outcome: 09.28 Compare aspects of the genetics of DNA and RNA viruses, using examples. Section: 09.06 Topic: Nucleic Acid Structure/Function Multiple Choice Questions 93. While studying the infection process and life cycle of a newly discovered virus, it was determined that the virus never entered the nucleus of the host cell. This virus may have any of the following genomes except/A A. DNA. B. double-stranded RNA. C. single (+) strand RNA. D. single (-) strand RNA.

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