BIO 264 Module 12 Special Senses Hearing & Equilibrium

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Regarding a sigmoid curve defining sound, the higher the ____________ corresponds to a higher ____________. A. frequency;timbre B. frequency;volume C. amplitude; pitch D. amplitude; volume


Sound occurs when matter vibrates. True or False?


A tip link A. Connects 2 inner hair cell stereocilia in the ear B. Involves a gated sodium ion channel C. Causes the channel to open chemically D. None of the above


An elderly gentleman has a hard time hearing the female nurses but seems to hear the male nurses much better. Where would we Most likely expect to find his problem? A. The connection between his incus and stapes has fused with age B. The first portion of his cochlea has damage to the basilar membrane C. The semicircular canals have free floating otoliths D. There is a middle ear infection


Damage to the semicircular canals affects the ability to detect A. Sound. B. The position of the head relative to the ground. C. The movement of the head in all directions. D. all of these are correct.


During the development of a baby, the apex portion of the basilar membrane in the cochlea did not develop. As the baby grows up, what may be the result of this defect? A. Inability to hear at lower volumes. B. Inability to hear at higher volumes. C. Inability to hear low-pitched sound. D. Inability to hear high-pitched sound.


Earl Obes has a son named Earl Obes Jr. whose spiral organ hair cells lack stereocilia. Which of the following would be a result of this condition? A. Earl Jr.'s hair cells would be unable to depolarize in response to sound waves and he would be deaf B. Earl Jr.'s hair cells would be unable to hyperpolarize in response to sound waves and he would be deaf C. Earl Jr.'s hair cells would be unable to depolarize in response to sound waves and he would experience auditory hallucinations D. Earl Jr.'s hair cells would be unable to hyperpolarize in response to sound waves and he would experience auditory hallucinations


Earl Obes was born with a spiral organ hair cell mutation that causes voltage gated Ca++ channels to be open permanently. Which of the following would be a result of Earl's mutation? A. Earl's hair cells would be in a state of constant depolarization and would be unable to release neurotransmitters in response to sound waves. Consequently, Earl would deaf. B. Earl's hair cells would be in a state of constant depolarization and would release a constant stream of neurotransmitters whether sound waves were present or not. Consequently, Earl would experience auditory hallucinations. C. Earl's hair cells would be in a state of constant hyperpolarization and would be unable to release neurotransmitters in response to sound waves. Consequently, Earl would be deaf. D. Earl's hair cells would be in a state of constant hyperpolarization and would release a constant stream of neurotransmitters whether sound waves were present or not. Consequently, Earl would experience auditory hallucinations.


Greater sound volume is perceived due to the increased number of hair cells sending action potentials at a higher frequency to the cerebral cortex. True or False?


If the round window were not present, then pressure waves could not escape the cochlea and it would be impossible for additional pressure waves to enter the cochlea to cause basilar membrane vibrations. Therefore, basilar membrane vibrations would greatly decrease. True or False?


If you have experienced a rollercoaster, you know that there are different rates of speeds from slow speeds to very fast speeds. Our inner ears is able to detect the change in the rate of these speeds and this concept is known as: A. Static equilibrium B. Dynamic equilibrium C. Rate equilibrium D. Motion equilibrium


Immediately after vibrations travel through the oval window, they vibrate in the A. perilymph in the scala vestibuli. B. endolymph in the scala vestibuli. C. perilymph in the scala tympani. D. endolymph in the scala tympani.


Persistent exposure to loud noise can cause loss of hearing, especially for high-frequency sounds. What part of the ear is probably damaged if the sound loss is selective to higher pitches? A. Tympanic Membrane B. Basilar Membrane C.Semicircular cannals D. Cochlear nerve


Short waves (high pitch) cause displacement of the basilar membrane A. near the oval window B. away from the oval window C. in all parts of the oval windwo D. not in the oval window at all


Sound waves cause structures of the inner ear to vibrate. Place in order the pathway of vibrations as they penetrate the oval window, until they are transferred to the round window. (1) perilymph in the scala vestibuli (2) perilymph in the scala tympani (3) vestibular membrane (4) basilar membrane (5) endolymph in the cochlear duct A. 1,3,5,4,2 B. 1,4,3,5,2 C. 2,4,5,3,1 D. 2,5,4,3,1


Sounds louder than 125 db are painful to the ear. True or False?


Static equilibrium involves A. A gelatinous mass in the otolithic membrane moving in response to gravity B. The synapsing directly with the neurons of cranial nerve VIII C. Both a and b D. Neither a nor b


Stereocilia help make up the inner hair cells of the spiral organ and bend due to forces placed on it. This process causes potassium channels to open and intracellular signaling to begin. What is responsible for this channel to open? A. Secretion of channel-binding ligands B. Secretion of channel-altering enzymes C. Microtubules attached to the potassium channel that force the channel open as the stereocilia bend D. The potassium channel is kineosensitive and opens upon detection of movement


Sterocilia cells of the inner ear are connected to each other with by a "gated spring" type channel. This allows ion channels to open when the hair cells bend. If sound waves cause hair cells to bend, then which of the following would you expect? A. Na+ would rush into the cell and cause a depolarization B. K+ would rush into the cell and cause a depolarization C. Cl- would rush into the cell and cause a hyperpolarization D. Ca++ would rush into the cell and cause a hyperpolarization E. K+ would rush into the cell and cause a hyperpolarization


The difference between the utricular macula and the saccular macula is their orientation to the base of the skull. True or False?


The dynamic equilibrium A. Involves the semicircular canals B. Enables the person to detect movement in all directions C. May be responsible for motion sickness D. All of the above E. a and b only


The greater the amplitude, the louder the sound. The greater the frequency, the higher the pitch. True or false?


The middle ear contains A. The external auditory canal B. The auricle C. The auditory ossicles D. The cochlea


The otolithic membrane is a structure of the utricular and saccular maculae and functions in static equilibrium. This membrane moves due to ____________ which causes hair cells to _________, stimulating action potentials in the neurons. A. Fluid movement; bend B. Fluid movement; straighten C. Gravity; bend D. Gravity; straighten


The semicircular canals _______________. A. Are parallel to each other. B. Can detect movement in only one direction. C. Contain cupulae that respond to gravity. D. Allow a person to detect movement in all directions.


This structure involved in dynamic equilibrium is located within the semicircular canals: A. Cupula B. Vestibule C. Otolithic membrane D. Ampullae


What is the function of the Basilar Membrane of the inner ear? A. The basilar membrane is a structure found between the outer and middle ear and is responsible for transferring sound waves from the air to the ossicles. B. The basilar membrane is found in the cochlea and is responsible for conducting action potentials to the brain C. The basilar membrane is found in the cochlea and has progressively longer fibers as the membrane moves distally from the oval window. D. The basilar membrane is a structure found between the middle ear and the throat and is responsible for pressure build up in the ear.


Which is NOT an effect of sound waves on cochlear structures? A. Waves strike the tympanic membrane and cause it to vibrate B. The vibration ofthe tympanic membrane cause the malleus, incus and stapes to vibrate C. The perilymph in the scala vestibuli vibrates due to the foot plate of the stapes vibrating D. The perimlymph cause the vestibular membrane and subsequently the endolymph to vibrate E. None of the above. All are effects of sound waves on the cochlear structures


Which of the following is the BEST description of how an action potential starts in an auditory hair cell? A. A soundwave bumps into an otolith. The otolith then bumps into a stereocilia and a Na+ channel opens to depolarize the cell B. A soundwave pushes fluid around the semicircular canals and the faster the fluid moves the louder the sound C. A soundwave vibrates the basilar membrane and the hair cells move up and down. The vertical movement allows K+ in the cell D. A sound wave vibrates the stapes and the stapes vibrates the cochlear nerve to generate action potentials


Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched? A. Stapes :: Round window B. Cochlear duct :: Spiral organ C. Hair cells :: Tectorial membrane D. Tympanic membrane :: Malleus


While there you hear a musical solo from the bass guitarist. The solo is very loud and the pitch of it is low. Knowing what you learned from your studying, you conclude that the sound wave produced from the bass guitar has a ______________ amplitude and a ________________ frequency. A. high; high B. high; low C. low; low D. low; high

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