Bio Exam 1

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The nitrogenous base binds to the _____ carbon of the pentose sugar (ribose or de-oxyribose sugar).


A certain DNA molecule is determined to have a guanine content of 40 percent. If a RNA molecule is synthesized from this particular DNA, what percentage of uracil will be in the RNA?


Imagine that a rabbit has 15% thymine in its DNA. How much Guanine?


The scientific name for humans is Homo sapiens. Therefore, the genus is


The two polynucleotide chains in a DNA molecule are connected to each other by:

Hydrogen bonds between bases

A _______ is a testable statement that proposes an explanation for an observation or event. A _______ is a measurable or observable result or proposed result. A prediction is ______specific than a hypothesis.

Hypothesis Prediction More

Which of the following would not be found in RNA?


In RNA, A's pair with U's while G's pair with C's .


Which of the following is NOT found in a DNA molecule?


In order to form a polymer from monomers, a condensation reaction occurs and the newly formed bond results in the loss of a water molecule . In order to break a polymer into monomers, ________occurs and the broken bond is due to ________-

a condensation reaction the loss of a water molecule hydrolysis the addition of a water molecule

Two atoms are sharing electrons so they can fill their valence shells. Since they are sharing electrons, this is known as a covalent bond . One atom has 1 electron in its valence shell. In order to have a full valence shell, it donates it to another atom that could use an another electron in its valence shell. This complete transfer of an electron from one atom to another makes the two atoms involved charges. The opposite charges like to stick together and this is known as an ionic bond .

a covalent bond an ionic bond

Which of the following would be expected to have a positive charge?

a proton

In order to be classified as an amino acid, an amino acid needs to have all but which of the following?

a suffer atoms

An acid is a proton ______while a base is a ____ acceptor .

donor acceptor

As a chemist, you are analyzing the monomers that make up RNA. You know that they are made of


The monomers of DNA and RNA are called nucleotides and form phosphodiester linkagesin order to make the polymer.

nucleotides phosphodiester linkages

Medication X does not lower blood sugar levels.

null hypothesis

What will be the healthiest choice: add olive oil to your toast or add margarine and why?

olive oils because it is unsaturated

Which of the following will travel faster through the membrane?

oxygen through a bilayer that has many unsaturated fatty acid tails

an amphipathic molecule that contains a phosphate group


The bonds that are within a water molecule are known as ____________.

polar covalent bonds

The shortest protein we have found is TRP-Cage, a protein with only 20 amino acids that is derived from the saliva of Gila monsters (Heloderma suspectum). The Gila monster's venomous bite causes extreme pain that can last for hours. Some of the saliva components of this animal have shown promising medical applications (e.g. diabetes, reduction of food cravings among others). You find that the amino acid sequence of this protein is: Asn - Leu - Tyr - Ile - Gln - Trp -Leu - Lys- Asp- Gly - Gly - Pro- Ser- Ser - Gly - Arg- Pro - Pro- Pro - Ser. This amino acid sequence corresponds to the ____________ of the protein. Note: The amino acid sequence of the protein was taken from:

primary structure

The Titin protein is the largest protein we have discovered. Titin is found in muscles. It is a single, giant peptide chain, 27,000 amino acids-long with a three-dimensional conformation. What level(s) of structure of the protein is(are) found in this protein?

primary, secondary, and tertiary structure only

When you put meat in brine (water with salt), the meat changes color because the proteins changed the conformation (as they change the conformation, water is able to enter between the proteins making a more tender cooked meat. This change in the conformation of the protein is called

protein denaturation

Plasma membranes are ______Plasma membranes are the most permeable to small, nonpolar molecules while they are the least permeable to

selectively permeable small, non polar molecules small ions

If perfume is sprayed in the corner of a room, individuals on the other side of the room will be able to smell it after some time. This is because this situation is an example of _______whereby the perfume molecules move ______through their own kinetic motion.

simple diffusion passively

Which of the following will NOT cross the lipid bilayer? (Check all that apply) Assume water can pass in this scenario.

small charged molecules large charged molecules


small polymer of simple sugars

Molecules that are found in water are known as the solute while the water would be known as the solvent .

solute solvent

a lipid that conatins a bulky four ring structure


Mr. Holmes decided to use topical testosterone because he was told that he was not making enough testosterone. This testosterone is sold over the counter and it is applied over the skin. Later on, his wife started growing hair on her face and developing acne. His two children (seven and eight-years-old) started developing pubic hair, aggressive behavior, and increased sexual desire. They also noticed that their children were not growing that fast. They read about the side effects of additional testosterone in children. They found out that testosterone may cause the bones to mature more quickly than normal and children may stop growing sooner than expected, resulting in shorter adult height. Mr. Holmes hugged his family and they washed all of their clothes together. The testosterone was probably being passed to them somehow. Why was this happening?

testosterone is a lipid and lipids can readily cross the membrane

A chemist is analyzing some amino acids. He finds out that one of the parts of the amino acid is always acidic. Which part is that?

the carboxyl functional group (C terminus)

Which component below is the same in ALL nucleic acids?

the phosphate group

Which of the following parts of an amino acid vary between different amino acids?

the unique side chain, or unique R group

three carbon molecule bound to three fatty acids



two simple sugar linked together

Fatty acids come in a variety of forms. If they are _______-, they will make the membrane more permeable. The kink in the fatty acid chain is due to carbon-carbon ________. Saturation refers to the saturation with hydrogens .

unsaturated double bonds hydrogen

_____ is a tentative statement or prediction that is testable and it doesn't have to be right

A hypothesis

Calcium is a very important molecule in our body, it is responsible for a variety of intracellular reactions. Because of this, the cell keeps the cytosolic calcium concentration low under normal conditions using pumps that are powered by ATP using an ATPase. In muscle cells, calcium is transported from the cytosol that has low concentration of calcium (10 to the sarcoplasmic reticulum that has low concentration of calcium at that point. How is this ATPase working?

ATPase is pumping calcium ions from the cytosol to the Sarcoplasmic reticulum against the concentration gradient.

A marathon runner isn't feeling well and goes to her physician's office. A urinalysis shows an abnormal pH of 9.0. The doctor suspects an infection because the normal range of the pH of urine is 4.5 to 8.0. The marathon runner's urine is ________ because it has a high concentration of _______ and low concentration of ______

Alkaline hydroxide ions (OH-) hydrogen ions (H+)

According to the cell theory... (Check all that apply)

All organisms are made of cells Living organisms are not created through spontaneous generation

Which of the following is considered the dependent variable in the example above?

Blood sugar levels

Which of the following statements regarding covalent bonds are TRUE? (check all that apply)

Covalent bonds occur when electrons are shared if two hydrogen atoms share electrons together, they would share them equally in a covalent bond

Valine has a non-polar side chain. Which of the following allows valine to be soluble in our bodies if it's on its own?

Ionization of other functional groups

Jimmy took a slug to the Great Salt Lake. What will happen to the slug?

It will lose water because the Great Salt Lake is hypertonic to the slug cells

Your friend says that her new phone will not turn on. You tell her the battery must be dead and that charging the phone should solve the problem. You are doing which of the following?

Offering a specific hypothesis and associated prediction to explain why the phone won't turn on

In DNA, A's pair with ______ while C's pair with


A cell that is naturally grown in a marine solution with a sodium chloride concentration of 0.6 molar is then placed into a one-liter solution of distilled water. What will happen to that cell and why?

The cell will absorb water and burst because the distilled water is hypotonic to the cell

A side chain that has a negative charge is _____. A side chain that does not have a charge but has an oxygen atom is _____

acidic polar

Which of the following answer choices completes the following statement?Lipids, Amino acids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates _____________.

all polymerize via condensation reactions

A peptide chain has directionality. It begins from the amino group and is called the _______It ends at the ______

amino group N-terminus carboxyl group C-terminus

A phospholipid is considered ____ because it has

amphiphathic both hydrophobic and hydrophillic regions

Aquaporins are integral membrane proteins that carry water molecules across the membranes. They are found in the kidneys in structures called proximal tubes. Some aquaporins are critical for water reabsorption from urine and aquaporins are essential for water homeostasis. The aquaporins are synthesized using amino acids you have in your body by which process?

anabolism - condensation (dehydration synthesis reactions)

Cholesterol does not always harm health. A healthy aspect of cholesterol is when it has a role ___________.

as a component of animal cell membranes and a precursor of hormones

Carbon atoms gives an organic molecule its overall shape by providing a sort of skeleton. functional groups change the properties & behavior of the organic molecule.

carbon atoms functional groups

Amylase, an enzyme in your saliva breaks down the starch in the potato you eat resulting in the production of monomers of glucose. This process is

catabolic - hydrolysis

Lentils are a rich source of protein including (albumin, globulin, glutelins and prolamins). Proteases are enzymes responsible for breaking down those proteins into their subunits. Which type of reaction makes this possible?

catabolic - hydrolysis

Monosaccharides polymerize through condensation reactions and result in a glycosidic linkages .

condensation reactions glycosidic linkages

Fiona just finished a marathon and she is exhausted and sweating. Sweating allows a person to cool down . This is because of the hydrogen bonds between water molecules resulting in water's high heat of vaporization .

cool down hydrogen bonds waters high seat of vaporization

Both phospholipids and triglycerides have which of the following components? (Check all that apply)

fatty acids a glycerol hydrocarbons

Phospholipids, triglycerides, and steroids are all considered lipids because all three have which of the following components? (Check all that apply)

glycerol hydrocarbons ( not these)

Which of the following types of carbohydrates is for energy storage in animals?


The α-helix and β-pleated sheet structures are held in place by ______bonds and are responsible for the ________structure of a protein.

hydrogen secondary

What are the bonds between two adjacent water molecules known as?

hydrogen bonds

Trans-fats are produced when manufacturers process liquid oils into solids (for example to make margarine). The process is called hydrogenation. These trans-fats may be passed from the mother to the child through breast feeding. Some studies have shown that mothers that consume a diet high in trans-fats increase the likelihood of having infants with high levels of body fat. The process of hydrogenation is when _________.

hydrogens are added to an unsaturated fat

The bread that you eat has starch. Our taste buds have not evolved to sense/taste these long chains as "sweet" because they are just too big to fit into the taste receptors (starch is a polymer with many glucose molecules). However, when you start chewing up the bread, you start feeling the sweet flavor due to the glucose molecules that are broken down from the starch. You immediately realize that this reaction is happening in your mouth:


Sucrose is made of glucose and fructose. Sucrose intolerance is a condition in which the enzyme sucrose-isomaltase is defective. People with this condition have chronic gastrointestinal symptoms whenever they eat food containing sucrose or starch (and approximately 60-80% of foods contain starch sugars). When a person has a defect in sucrose-isomaltase, this means that they cannot do

hydrolysis of sucrose or starch

What types of molecules will be soluble in water? Check all that apply:

hydrophilic molecules charged molecules polar molecules

Medication X lowers blood sugar levels more than the placebo.


Medication X lowers blood sugar levels.



large polymer of simple sugar

The electronegativity of nitrogen (N) is ______ than the electronegativity of oxygen (O) while the electronegativity of carbon (C) is _______ he electronegativity of hydrogen (H).

less than about to equal

The independent variable is the variable that is _______________________.

manipulated or changed by the researcher such as treatment group assignments

The dependent variable is the variable that is _______________________.

measured or contributes to the data that is collected for analysis


monomers of carbohydrates

DNA is more stable than RNA and is not a good catalyst .

more is not a good catalyst

Increasing the temperature will make the membrane _____________

more permeable because the phospholipid tails will be moving faster, making the membrane more fluid

DNA has a _____because of the ______group in the backbone

negative phosphate

The number of unpaired electrons found in an atom is called its ____________.


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