bio exam 2

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Citric Acid Cycle extracts

1 ATP, 3 NADH, and 1 FADH2 per turn

Proton Motive Force and ATP Synthase H+ then moves back across the membrane, passing through____

ATP synthase


Equal concentration of water inside and outside cells. iso=the same

Photosystem II absorbs light at a shorter wavelength than Photosystem I.


redox potential is expressed as

volts (V)

Which example would have a negative change in entropy?

water freezing

Applying the first and second laws of thermodynamics together allows us to predict

whether any particular chemical or physical reaction will occur without an input of energy


with gradient

primary active transport

Transport in which the same protein that transports a substance also hydrolyzes ATP to power the transport directly.

The carriers alternate reduced and oxidized states as they

accept and donate electrons

oxygen is the electron ______

acceptor (oxidizing agent)

chemical energy is stored in

sugars and other organic molecules is used for growth, reproduction, and other work of living organisms.

Cellular respiration is part of the carbon cycle, the global cycle of carbon atoms.


Endergonic cellular reactions are driven by energy released from the hydrolysis of ATP


If an organism's overall metabolic pathways reach equilibrium, the organism will die.


ADP can be hydrolyzed further to _______ but this releases

adenosine monophosphate (AMP);somewhat less free energ than the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP.

active transport Moves substances ______ their concentration gradients


ATP powers cellular work by

coupling exergonic reactions to endergonic reactions

kelvin =

C + 273.16

Types of metabolisms

Catabolism Anabolism

Regulation of water movement

Cell Wall Vacuoles Transport proteins (Aquaporins)

small hydrophobic

O2, CO2 N2, Benzene


The effect a solution has on cell volume when the solution surrounds the cell ability of a surrounding solution to cause a cell to gain or lose water tonos = tension or tone

at dynamic equilibrium, as many molecules

cross the membrane in one direction as in the other

In prokaryotes the initial stages occur in the


During cellular respiration, most energy flows in this sequence:

glucose ---> NADH ---> electron transport chain ---> proton-motive force ---> ATP

Common Structural States of ATP

greater order lesser order

Heat (thermal energy) is

kinetic energy associated with random movement of atoms or molecules

Energy can be converted from

one form to another


the net movement of ions or molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.

reactions tend to be spontaneous when

the products are less ordered (more random) than the reactants.

In an exothermic reaction, ____.

the products have less potential energy than the reactants

ETC Multiprotein complexes in



Mediates most energy couplings in the cell always exo to couple with endo

proton pumps (H+ pumps)

Pump that moves hydrogen ions across membranes and pushes hydrogen ions across the plasma membrane from the cytoplasm to the cell exterior. mostly found in bacteria, fungi and plants moves one hydrogen at a time more hydrogen on the outside than inside

active transport

The mechanism by which ions and molecules move against the concentration gradient across a membrane, from the side with the lower concentration to the side with the higher concentration.

Two solutions of differing glucose concentration are placed in a container separated by a selectively permeable membrane that restricts large molecules like glucose, but allows the free diffusion of water. What will be the glucose concentration in the container after dynamic equilibrium has been reached?

The volumes of the solution will be different, with a higher volume on the side that originally contained the higher concentration of glucose.

a molecule with more positive Eo′

accepts electrons (its reduced)

In prokaryotes oxidative phosphorylation occurs

across the plasma membrane

Movement of a substance from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration using energy obtained from ATP is called

active transport

two types of proteins involved in facilitated diffusion

channel proteins and carrier proteins

PE in molecules is reflected through

chemical energy

The more negative the ΔG, the further toward

completion the reaction will move before equilibrium is established.

concentration gradient

concentration difference

KE is molecules above constant zero (-273 celsius) is reflected in their

constant motion


controlled movement of ions and molecules from one side of a membrane to the other. Typically the movement is directional in that some ions and molecules move into cells, whereas others move out of cells. Transport is also specific in that only certain ions and molecules move directionally across membranes. Transport is critical to the ionic and molecular organization of cells and, with it, the maintenance of cellular life.

The ultimate fate of the energy used by organisms is ____.

conversion into heat

membrane potential is also known as

electric potential Inside the cell -40 mV to -80 mV

A(n) ____ gradient is created as ions diffuse across membranes.


in reduction there is an

electron acceptor (oxidizing agent)

in oxidation there is an

electron donor (reducing agent)

redox reactions generate


active transport always requires

energy (ATP or membrane potential)

In passive transport move across the plasma membrane without need of

energy input

A living system's free energy (G) is

energy that can do work (when temperature and pressure are uniform, as in a living cell)

Potential energy is

energy that matter possesses because of its location or structure overall structure of the molecule

To preserve homeostasis, cells must

maintain multiple factors in balance inside the cell


membrane bound organelles

Differences in Ion concentrations on opposite side of the plasma membrane lead to the

membrane potential

active transport contributes to the

membrane potential

negative inside to the positive outside

membrane potential (electric potential) (voltage)

molecules responsible for transport.

membrane proteins

in eukaryotes it occurs in the


A hydrogen (H+) gradient is generated from the _____ into the _____

mitochondrial matrix; intermembrane space proton motive force

In Eukaryotes, the Electron Transport Chain is found in the


large molecules such as polysaccharides, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins are broken down into smaller units such as

monosaccharides, fatty acids, nucleotides, and amino acids, respectively

Which one contains more potential energy?

more organized (more complex)

two kinds of active transport

primary and secondary

only _____ can have anaerobic


there is no mitochondria in


function of cell wall

protects the cell to matter the volume of water

hydrogen ions can talked about in terms of

proteins and pH

a more negative redux potential?? pyruvate or NAD+


In the Electron Transport Chain the proteins are organized based on their

redox potential

Proton motive force drives the formation of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate.


The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis absorb the energy of sunlight and produce both ATP and NADPH.


osmosis is the passive transport of water down its concentration gradient


substances are moved from an area if low concentration to an area of high concentration


bulk transport

two types: endocytosis exocytosis always requires energy moves a mixture or one big large molecule across the plasma membrane requires the formation of vesicles

Because a single solute is transferred in this carrier-mediated fashion, the transfer is called

uniport transport.

kinetic energy examples

waves in the ocean, a hit baseball, and a falling rock or flow of electrons, photons of light, and heat

secondary active transport

when one transport is dependent on another transport

can potential and kinetic energy be converted into each other


anabolic pathway

(biosynthetic pathways) A metabolic pathway in which energy is used to build complicated molecules from simpler ones; also called a biosynthetic pathway. An individual reaction in an anabolic pathway is an anabolic reaction, also called a biosynthetic reaction. ana = upward EX: photosynthesis

The breakdown of ATP is a _______ reaction and results in the formation of ______

hydrolysis; adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and a molecule of inorganic phosphate pi. ATP + H2O -> ADP +Pi delta G = -7.3 kcal/mol

Kinetic energy is energy associated with

motion or heat

he overall ΔG of an anabolic pathway is



If the solution that surrounds a cell contains nonpenetrating solutes at higher concentrations than in the cell, the outside solution is said to be hypertonic (high in solute) hyper= over or above cell becomes shriveled high in solute and low in water

Facilitated Diffusion

Passive transport aided by proteins. requires something to help (proteins)


The intake of macromolecules by forming vesicles from the plasma membrane (brining things in) vesicle trafficking Endocytosis is a reversal of exocytosis, involving different proteins There are three types of endocytosis: 1. Phagocytosis ("cellular eating") 2. Pinocytosis ("cellular drinking") 3. Receptor-mediated endocytosis dynnase

redox reactions

oxidation and reduction

These two electron carriers donate electrons to the electron transport chain, which powers ATP synthesis via

oxidative phosphorylation

glucose gets ______ snd oxygen gets _____

oxidized; reduced

cellular respiration occurs when

oxygen is present

two types of transport

passive and active


against gradient

some times the _____ and ____ challenges homeostasis

plasma membrane, water movement

Based on the free energy of reactants and products, every reaction can be placed into one of two groups.

exergonic reaction endergonic reaction

all of the reactions in the Citric Acid Cycle are


ATP synthase uses the

exergonic flow of H+ to drive phosphorylation of ATP

Sucrose concentration

high inside the cell

H+ concentration

high outside the cell

moving away from equilibrium is not

spontaneous bc it requires energy

two types of bulk transport

Exocytosis Endocytosis


Speed up metabolic reactions by lowering energy barriers help overcome activation energy

redox potential

(Eo′): tendency of a compound to donate electrons or receive electrons


(thermodynamics) a thermodynamic quantity representing the amount of energy in a system that is no longer available for doing mechanical work entropy = disorder


A chemical reaction that requires the input of energy in order to proceed. needs energy how we couple with ATP

electrochemical gradient

A difference in ion concentration and electric charge difference across a membrane.

catabolic pathway

A metabolic pathway in which energy is released by the breakdown of complex molecules to simpler compounds. An individual reaction in a catabolic pathway is a catabolic reaction. cata = downward ex: cellular respiration

simple diffusion

No proteins involved Movement of small, non-polar molecules Hydrocarbons CO2 O2

transport proteins

Non-gated Channel proteins provide corridors that allow a specific molecule or ion to cross the membrane Carrier proteins operate on a bind, flip, release mechanism

private oxidation

Occurs in mitochondria matrix facilitated passive transport all done by one enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenate

membrane potential is generated by

different ion concentrations across the plasma membrane

when a drop of food coloring is placed in a container of clear water, the colored dye molecules ____

diffuse equally throughout the container

isolated system

does not exchange matter or energy with its surroundings. A perfectly insulated Thermos flask is an example of an isolated system.

A molecule with a more negative Eo′

donates electrons (its oxidized)

glucose is the electron _____

donor (reducing agent)

in passive transport substances diffuse

down their concentration gradient (high to low)

what determines if a reaction is spontaneous

entropy and entropy

ion channels

facilitate the transport of ions such as sodium , potassium , calcium , and chlorine . Ion channels occur in all eukaryotes.


facilitated diffusion of water through membranes occurs through specialized water channels. A billion molecules of water per second can move through an aquaporin channel.

carrier proteins

form passageways through the lipid bilayer. Carrier proteins each bind a specific single solute, such as glucose or an amino acid, and transport it across the lipid bilayer.

the one with the most chemical energy is

fructose p-6

> than H =

positive redox potential

on the inside of the cell there is a higher concentration of

potassium ions

Chemical energy is

potential energy available for release in a chemical reaction based on structure of molecule

osmotic pressure

pressure that must be applied to a solution to prevent water movement across a membrane.

This released energy is ultimately used to

synthesize ATP

About 34% of the energy in a glucose molecule is transferred to _____ during _____ making about ____

to ATP during cellular respiration, making about 32 ATP

Complete oxidation of one glucose molecule to CO2 and H2O will yield 30-32 net ATP.


In cellular respiration, organic molecules are oxidized by the removal of high-energy electrons, which then drives the synthesis of ATP.


In eukaryotic cells, glycolysis occurs in the cytosol.


Intensive exercise leads to the buildup of lactate in muscle cells due to a lack of oxygen supply to the muscles, which shunts glucose metabolism to lactate fermentation rather than oxidative phosphorylation.


The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can be transformed from one form to another, but that it cannot be created or destroyed.


do molecules have both KE and PE


Energy coupling

ΔG for ATP at cellular conditions -13 kcal/mol

If a reaction is endergonic, what can we infer about the reaction?

ΔG must be positive

how do enzymes speed of metabolism

lower activation energy

on the outside of the ions there is a higher concentration of

sodium and chlorine ions

Electron transfer allows proteins to ____ from the _____ to the ______

H+, mitochondrial matrix, intermembrane space

Small uncharged polar

H2O, glycerol, ethanol

Oxidative Phosphorylation

Harvesting energy from organic molecules to make ATP

electrogenic pumps

Help store energy that can be used for cellular work

Channel proteins

form hydrophilic channels in the membrane through which water and ions can pass

the 1st law of thermodynamics

- energy cannot be created or destroyed -only transformed -total amount of energy in a system and its surroundings remains constant. -This law is also called the principle of conservation of energy.

The free energy of ATP hydrolysis is -31.0 kJ/mol. The free energy of glucose phosphorylation by hexokinase is +14.3 kJ/mol. These two reactions are coupled to allow them to proceed spontaneously. What is the overall free energy associated with this coupled reaction?

-16.7 kJ/mol

Not all exergonic reactions occur spontaneously

-Activation energy is required -There is still a net gain in energy -There is still an increase in entropy - for the reactants to become products there needs to be a transition (activation energy)

What makes a reaction spontaneous?

-If the change in free energy of the reaction is negative (ΔG < 0) then it will occur spontaneously -increased disorder -reactants have more energy than the products

the 2nd law of thermodynamics

-the entropy (disorder) of the universe is always increased -in any process in which a system changes from an initial to a final state, the total disorder (entropy) of a system and its surroundings always increases - if reaction is going to release energy it has to increase entropy (disorder)

Answer the question using the accompanying graph. Which portion of the graph shows the activation energy in the absence of enzyme?


potential energy example

A boulder on the top of a hill has potential energy because of its position in Earth's gravitational field

Citric Acid Cycle

A chemical cycle involving eight steps that completes the metabolic breakdown of glucose molecules to carbon dioxide; occurs within the mitochondrion; the second major stage in cellular respiration.

Large uncharged polar

Amino acids, Glucose, Nucleotides

membrane potential

An electrical voltage that measures the potential inside a cell membrane relative to the fluid just outside; it is negative under resting conditions and becomes positive during an action potential.

Receptor-mediated endocytosis

Binding of ligands to receptors triggers vesicle formation A process for the specific uptake of certain substances required by the cell clathrin-dependent endocytosis cholesterol is important for the cell receptors brought in with the vesicle

catabolic reaction

Cellular reaction that breaks down complex molecules such as sugar to make their energy available for cellular work.

Regulation of enzyme activity helps control metabolism

Chemical chaos would result if a cell's metabolic pathways were not tightly regulated A cell does this by switching on or off the genes that encode specific enzymes or by regulating the activity of enzymes

forms of potential energy

Chemical energy, nuclear energy, gravitational energy, and stored mechanical energy

spontaneous reactions

Chemical or physical reaction that occurs without outside help. Spontaneous reactions may proceed very slowly, such as the formation of rust on a nail, or very quickly, such as a match bursting into flame.


Chemical reactions that release energy give off energy makes ATP

redox reactions are

Chemical reactions that transfer electrons between reactants

redox potentail is compared to _____

Compared to hydrogen

Complex III

Cytochrome b Cytochrome c1

Complex IV

Cytochrome c oxidase

Which statement is a part of the first law of thermodynamics?

Energy can be neither created nor destroyed


Energy-releasing metabolic reactions large molecules and breaking them down which releases energy


Energy-requiring metabolic reactions small molecules into large molecules Examples: Synthesis of amino acids Glycogenesis (making glucose) Any biosynthetic pathway use monosaccharides to create polysaccharides

Enzymes lower the activation energy

Enzymes catalyze reactions by lowering the EA barrier Enzymes do not affect the change in free energy (∆G); instead, they hasten reactions that would occur eventually

Spontaneous Reactions Typically Reach ________ rather than _______

Equilibrium Point; Going to Completion

examples of catabolism

Examples: Glycolysis Citric acid cycle Fermentation Respiration (both aerobic and anaerobic respiration)

G =

Free Energy That form of energy which can be used to do work


H+, Na+, HCO3- Cl-, Ca2+, Mg 2+

LEO goes to


GER stands for

Gaining Electrons is Reduction


In plants, the shrinkage and loss of internal osmotic pressure under these conditions causes stems and leaves to wilt. In extreme cases, plant cells shrink so much that they retract from their walls, a condition known as plasmolysis


Internalization of large solid particles The vacuole fuses with a lysosome to digest the particle Not all cells can perform phagocytosis Important process of immune cells "Cell eating" A type of endocytosis in which a cell engulfs large particles or whole cells not all cells can undergo phagocytosis cell walls prohibit this plans cells and most bacteria do not undergo this but many animals do A type of endocytosis in which a cell engulfs large particles or whole cells

Citric Acid Cycle also goes by

Kreb's cycle or Tricarboxylic Cycle

Two different structural states of the very same matter

Less Organized (simpler) More Organized (more complex)

Phosphorylated intermediates

Less stable than original unphosphorylated molecule

LEO stands for

Losing Electrons is Oxidation

facilitated diffusion.

Many polar and charged molecules such as water, amino acids, sugars, and ions diffuse across membranes with the help of transport proteins. The transport proteins enable polar and charged molecules to avoid interaction with the hydrophobic lipid bilayer

selectively permeable

Membranes that affect diffusion i.e: Hydrophobic (nonpolar) molecules are able to dissolve in the lipid bilayer of a membrane and move through it freely. By contrast, the hydrophobic core of the membrane blocks or slows the movement of hydrophilic molecules such as ions and polar molecules.

anabolic reaction (biosynthetic reaction)

Metabolic reaction that requires energy to assemble simple substances into more complex molecules.

Complex I

NADH dehydrogenase Ubiquinone (Q)

Electron carriers and Oxidative phosphorylation following glycolysis and the citric acid cycle ____ and _____ account for most of the energy extracted from _____

NADH, FADH2, food

two major functions of membrane potential

Provides energy to perform work Can be used to transmit signals throughout a cell

sodium-potassium pump

Pump that pushes 3NA+ out of the cell and 2K+ into the cell in the same pumping cycle. Also referred to as the sodium-potassium pump or as Na+/K+ -ATPase. mostly found in animals

(Ca2+ pump) calcium pump

Pump that pushes Ca2+ from the cytoplasm to the cell exterior, and also from the cytosol into the vesicles of the endoplasmic reticulum

endergonic reaction

Reaction that can proceed only if free energy is supplied. flip of the protein

exergonic reaction

Reaction that has a negative ΔG because it releases free energy.


Referring to a reaction that absorbs energy, that is, a reaction in which the products have more potential energy than the reactants.


Referring to a reaction that releases energy, that is, a reaction in which the products have less potential energy than the reactants.


Secondary active transport mechanisms that move both ions and organic molecules across membranes. The two types of cotransport are symport and anti port. Couple the favorable movement of one molecule with its concentration gradient and unfavorable movement of another molecule against its concentration gradient Energy comes from concentration gradient of the ions/molecules across the membrane Example: Sucrose-Proton pump Sodium-Calcium pump

How the cell achieves homeostasis?

Semi-Permeable cell membrane Controls ion concentration. Same number of water molecules that are coming out are coming in.

types of passive transport

Simple diffusion Facilitated diffusion Osmosis

What happens when the concentrations of a solute that can freely diffuse across a membrane are equal inside and outside the cell?

Solute molecules continue to diffuse across the membrane.

Complex II

Succinate dehydrogenase

two types of cotransporters

Symporters and Antiporters


The Energy-Coupling Mechanism the use of energy in a H+ gradient to drive cellular work


The effect a solution has on cell volume when the solution surrounds the cell hypo= under or below less solute on outside of cell than on inside. water comes into the cell

Which statement is true for exergonic reactions?

The products have less free energy than the reactants


The metabolic process of introducing a phosphate group into an organic molecule. addition of phosphate to a carrier protein increases order and adds potential chemical energy which will convert to mechanical work and the protein will be flipped and them phosphate will be released

The more complex (ordered, organized) a structure is . . . (i.e., the more parts there are, or the more intricate the relationship between the parts),

The more potential energy that structure will tend to contain.


The potential energy in a system. symbolized by H

turgor pressure

The resulting osmotic pressure that pushes the cells tightly against their walls and supports the softer tissues against the force of gravity


The term indicating that a reaction may go from left to right or from right to left, depending on conditions. (double arrow)


The transport of two molecules in the same direction across a membrane. Also referred to as cotransport.


The transport of two molecules in the same direction across a membrane. Also referred to as cotransport.

What can be inferred from the accompanying graph?

This reaction is endergonic, with a positive ΔG.

secondary active transport

Transport indirectly driven by ATP hydrolysis.


Transport of intracellular vesicles across the plasma membrane Vesicles from several sources Endosomes ER and Golgi Lysosomes regulated secretion- fuse with plasma membrane and secrete what is inside Secretory cells Mucus cells (snot) Pancreatic cells (insulin) Synaptic vesicles (transmitters) Immune cells (antibodies) cynase waste - constantly present has to have a protein on the outside of the cell - constantly present insulin

The three main functions of active transport are:

Uptake of essential nutrients from the fluid surrounding cells even when their concentrations are lower than in cells; Removal of secretory or waste materials from cells or organelles even when the concentration of those materials is higher outside the cells or organelles; and Maintenance of essentially constant intracellular concentrations of Na+. K+, H+, Ca2+


Uptake of extracellular fluids and associated molecules into the cell Already-dissolved molecules Vesicle fuses with lysosome Non-specific


a substance gains electrons, or is reduced


a substance loses electrons, or is oxidized

simple diffusion

depends solely on molecular size and lipid solubility

respiration can be

anaerobic or aerobic

A transport system in which the transport of an ion in one direction provides the energy for active transport in the opposite direction is known as ____.


Carrier molecules are utilized for ____.

both active and passive transport

The movement of water across a membrane from an area of high to low water concentration is an example of ____

both diffusion and osmosis

open system

can exchange both energy and matter with its surroundings All living organisms are open systems.

closed system

can exchange energy but not matter with its surroundings. Earth is a closed system. It takes in a great amount of energy from the Sun and releases heat, but essentially no matter is exchanged between Earth and the rest of the universe (barring the odd space probe).

Anabolism is powered by


animal cells do not have

cell walls

prokaryotes and eukaryotes can have

cellular respiration

delta H =

change in enthalpy

delta S =

change in entropy

delta G

change in free energy is the energy in the products minus the energy in the reactant

Although the forms of energy are different, energy can be

converted readily from one form to another. chemical energy is transformed into electrical energy in a flashlight battery


dedicated to the movement of water across the plasma membrane (passive transport of water) The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane Water diffuses across a membrane down its concentration gradient until it reaches a dynamic equilibrium always goes from high concentration to low concentration (concentration of solute)

Transport of a molecule across a cell membrane by facilitated diffusion ____.

depends on a concentration gradient

Passive transport

depends on concentration differences on the two sides of a membrane (concentration = number of molecules or ions per unit volume) Passive transport moves ions and molecules across the membrane with the concentration gradient, meaning from the side with the higher concentration to the side with the lower concentration. The difference in concentration provides the energy for this form of transport. high concentration to low concentration

According to the second law of thermodynamics, the disorder of a system always decreases.


At the end of pyruvate oxidation, acetyl-CoA is phosphorylated into ATP.


In eukaryotes, photosynthetic reactions take place in the plasma membrane and cytosol


In glycolysis, ATP is synthesized by releasing free energy from glucose to generate an H+ gradient.


The breakdown of one glucose molecule by glycolysis yields a net gain of 16 ATP.


The chloroplast stroma is made up of large complexes of light-trapping pigments.


The end products of glycolysis include water, carbon dioxide, and ATP.


The oxygen released by photosynthesis is derived from CO2.


The two factors that determine whether a reaction is spontaneous are the heat and energy associated with the reaction.


active diffusion occurs when polar and charged molecules are moved by transport proteins across a membrane along their concentration gradient


channel proteins create hydrophilic environments through which any hydrophilic substance can be transported


protein pumps move any positively changed ions across membranes


ATP consists of the

five-carbon sugar ribose linked to the nitrogenous base adenine and a chain of three phosphate groups Removal of one or two of the three phosphate groups is a spontaneous reaction that releases large amounts of free energy.

most ion channels are

gated channels

two types of channel proteins

gated or not gated

Building of complex molecules from simpler ones. These processes produce

growth and differentiation of cells and increase in body size

chemical equilibrium

he reaction does not stop, but the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction

Energy can exist in many different forms, including

heat, chemical, electrical, mechanical, and radiant energy

Reactions tend to be spontaneous

if the products have less potential energy than the reactants.

when ATP is hydrolyzed

inorganic phosphate release

channel is an

integral protein that is negative and allows positive molecules to flow through bc made from amino acids


is necessary for organisms without cell walls


is the totality of an organism's chemical reactions

of isocitrate, NAD+, and a-Ketogluterate which one has the most negative


three types of systems

isolated closed open

carrier proteins are specific because

it requires binding and creates a conformational change of the protein (change in structure) when the flip occurs.

which statement best describes what would happen to the sodium potassium pump under these circumstances? (sodium is moving from inside the cell to the outside)

it will pump the same amount of sodium outside the cell. ion channel will go from high concentration to low concentration. then the sodium potassium pump can maintain.

Energy transformation is ruled by the

laws of thermodynamics

positive molecule


Movement of H+ down a concentration gradient allows the

movement of sucrose up a concentration gradient

Active transport

moves ions or molecules against the concentration gradient, meaning from the side with the lower concentration to the side with the higher concentration. Active transport uses energy obtained directly or indirectly by breaking down ATP. protein pumps

For a reaction to be spontaneous, ΔG must be


The overall ΔG of a catabolic pathway is


< than H =

negative redox potential

The Na+/K+ pump creates a ____ charge inside the cell and a ____ charge outside the cell.

negative; positive

the transfer of electrons during redox reactions_____

releases energy stored in organic molecules

negative molecule


plasma membrane is a

semipermeable barrier

metabolic pathway

series of reactions in which the products of one reaction are used immediately as the reactants for the next reaction in the series

Energy is released by breaking down complex molecules into

simpler compounds

active transport is performed by

specific proteins embedded in the membranes

Energy is release based on changes in

structural states

everything outside of the system is its


When discussing thermodynamics, scientists refer to a

system. a system can be a molecule, planet, or a cell. (whatever we define it to be)


temp in kelvin

Chemical energy is stored in

the bonds between atoms.

Two factors related to the first and second laws of thermodynamics must be taken into account to determine whether a reaction is spontaneous:

the change in energy content of a system; its change in entropy.

Diffusion depends on

the constant motion of ions or molecules at temperatures above absolute zero (-273 celsius)

In a redox reaction, a larger amount of energy will be released the

the farther apart the molecules are in the redox tower

When an enzyme-catalyzed reaction reaches equilibrium ____.

the rate of the forward and reverse reactions are equal

what is important about the kinetic and potential energy in a roller coaster

the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy remains constant

ultimate source of energy for all organisms

the sun example: Plants capture the kinetic energy of light radiating from the Sun by absorbing it and converting it to the chemical energy of complex organic molecules—primarily sugars, starches, and lipids

the study of energy and its transformation


gated channels

they switch between open, closed, or intermediate states. For instance, the gates may open or close in response to changes in voltage across the membrane, or by binding signal molecules. The opening or closing involves changes in the protein's three-dimensional shape.

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