Bio Lab Exam 2 Practice

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Selective permeable membrane - (1) highly permeable molecules (2) moderate (3) low permeability, need some active transport

(1) O2, CO2, N2 = completely neutral charge (2) H2O (and urea) polar (3) Ions and macromolecules, while sugars actually have an easier time

cell cycle

(majority of cycle) interphase: G1, S (copying of genome), G2 phases Mitosis: prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase Cytokinesis

membrane functions

- barrier - organization - (active/passive) transport - reaction/response (receptors) - help retain the integrity of the cell

measuring co2 in aerobic respiration experiment steps

- make carbonic acid (basically seltzer) with H2O and CO2 representing respiration - add phenolphthalein which remains colorless since its acidic -The solutions are then titrated with NaOH to the pink end-point matching the control. The volume of NaOH needed to reach the end-point indicates the relative amounts of dissolved CO2 produced during respiration

ATP used to do cellular work such as

- transport materials - synthesize new compounds - reproduce - contract muscles - remove wastes

Chromatography experiment

-The paper with chlorophyll bits applied is dipped into a solvent, the solvent mixture travels up the paper and separates the different pigments according to solubility in solvent, each pigment is represented by changes in tinges to the original green We can identify the pigment according to the specific distance travelled up the paper/furthest point solvent travelled based on the constant translating to chlorophyll a and b, carotenoids, and xanthophylls

dominant or recessive allele - widow's peak -albinism -free earlobe -hitchhikers thumb

-dominant, making straight hairline recessive -albinism is homozygous recessive -free earlobe is dominant, attached earlobe is recessive -recessive

Most enzymes in humans, such as the protein-degrading enzyme trypsin, work best at the temperature and pH of about

20-40°C and 6-8pH but there are exceptions like pepsin which functions in the digestive tract at very low pH levels

C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6O2 (oxygen) ---→

6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP (+ Heat)

all individuals have one of four blood types:

A (-B), B (-A), AB (Ø), & O -(AB) Blood groups are determined by the presence of antigens on the surfaces of their red blood cells. If antigen A or B is present, no antibodies against this antigen are produced. Meaning, if a person has antigen A on his or her blood cells, then the person has type A blood and possesses blood antibodies that collect type B blood cells.

Graafian follicle

A large, mature, ovarian follicle with a well-developed antrum and a secondary oocyte inside. Ovulation/fertilization of the oocyte occurs from this type of follicle once the follicle reaches the membrane wall, it releases the matured oocyte outside of the ovary and the follicle itself eventually degenerates, however the secondary oocyte only becomes an ovum once it fertilizes with the sperm

Huntington's disease

A mental disorder involving uncontrollable, involuntary muscle movements. The disease occurs relatively late in life; therefore, many affected individuals bear children before they realize that they are carriers. Unlike most other genetic diseases, Huntington's disease is inherited as a dominant trait; people who are homozygous recessive (hh) do not have the disease, and people who are heterozygous (Hh) or homozygous dominant (HH) have the disease.


A molecule that has both a hydrophilic region and a hydrophobic region


A process in which the energy absorbed from release of a photon converts radiation into visible light

light reaction calvin cycle production

ATP and NADPH are produced. Takes place on the thylakoid membrane. carbon dioxide is converted into glucose using the ATP

Dr. McClintock's proposition of Transposons

Barbara McClintock proposed that genes could move within and between chromosomes. Based off corn experiment The translocation to and from the locus occur during the development of an offspring gene expression

Other anaerobic processes are fermentation which reduces to either

CO2 and ethanol (in plants and some microbes such as yeast) or lactic acid (in other microbes and oxygen-stressed muscles of animals)

_____________ absorb predominantly violetblue and red light in two narrow bands of the spectrum and reflect green light in the middle of the spectrum. ____________ absorb mostly blue and green light and reflect orange and yellow light.

Chlorophylls; carotenoids

salivary amylase

Enzyme in saliva that breaks down starch

Yeast reaction with organic molecules

Fermentation releases CO2 as a byproduct producing bubbles in the solution, so we can measure each organic molecule's capacity to ferment so MgSO4 and Pyruvate bubbled the most

Increasing temperature on membrane effect

First rising temps makes the lipids more fluid allowing for betacyanin to escape However above 40C (104F) the membrane becomes denatured, increasingly leaking out red pigment Plateauing at about 60C If below freezing (0C) water can crystallize to ice and expand because of hydrogen bond alignment often rupturing or cracking membranes However extreme heat is generally more damaging to membranes

_______________ ___________________ are the maternal and paternal copies of the same chromosome—say, chromosome number 16. _____________ ________________ are the two replicas of a single chromosome held together at their centromeres by cohesion proteins aka a kinetochore. So they can be the same thing when ______________ _________________ haven't joined together yet.

Homologous chromosomes; sister chromatids

beet experiment

In two procedures you will subject beet cells to a range of temperatures and organic solvents and determine which treatments stress and damage the membranes the most. If stress damages the membranes, BETACYANIN will leak through the tonoplast and plasma membrane. This leakage from the stressed beet will color the surrounding water red. Thus, you can --MEASURE MEMBRANE DAMAGE-- by measuring the intensity of color resulting from a treatment

The particulate theory 3 parts

Mendel's particulate theory states that (1) inherited characters are determined by particular factors (aka genes), (2) these factors occur in pairs (i.e., genes occur on maternal and paternal homologous chromosomes), and (3) when gametes form, these genes segregate so that only one of the homologous pair is contained in a particular gamete.

seminiferous tubules

Narrow, coiled tubules that is the site of sperm production in which contain spermatogonia

Rh factor

Refers to the presence or absence of the Rh antigen on red blood cells.

Law of Segregation vs Law of Independent Assortment

Segregation- each gamete has an equal chance of possessing either pair of homologous chromosomes, giving each gamete a 50% chance of a specific allele distributed to the gamete to be dominant or allele BUT random assortment - alleles themselves on nonhomologous or different chromosomes will be distributed randomly into gametes, so even though one of the chromatids which possesses two recessive alleles, splits and is given to form a gamete, the genome isn't settled like that, the chromatid given over can possess either side of randomly distributed alleles from the parent cell

spermatogenesis vs oogenesis

Spermatogenesis: production of four mature sperm Oogenesis: process produces one haploid egg (ovum) and two to three polar, only ova with X chromosomes are produced

a) (aster) astral microtubules b) polar (nonkinetochore) microtubules c) kinetochore microtubules

The astral microtubules emanate away from the region between the poles, bracing against the cell membrane. The polar microtubules project into the region between the two poles connecting to themselves. The kinetochore microtubules are attached to the kinetochores of sister chromatids.

observing a cleavage furrow in blastula

The hollow ball of cells marking the end stage of cleavage during early embryonic development, cleavage furrow being the area of the cell membrane that pinches in and eventually separates the dividing cell, cytokinesis

Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4 )—provides Mg2+ as

a cofactor that activates some enzymes of glycolysis

A phospholipid molecule consists of

a phosphate group (head) and two fatty acids (tails) bonded to a three-carbon (a glycerol backbone)

catechol oxidase

a plant enzyme that converts catechol to benzoquinone. When fruit is bruised, injured cells release catechol and catechol oxidase, which react to form a brownish product, benzoquinone.

Sodium fluoride (NaF)—

an inhibitor of some enzymes of glycolysis


an instrument that separates white light into its component colors


basically, a family tree

Roots of beet (Beta vulgaris) contain large amounts of a reddish pigment within their central vacuole called


each chromosome (composed of two sister chromatids) initially pairs along its length with its homologue to form a

bivalent, process called synapsis

Effect of pH on enzymatic activity experiment

bubbling indicates enzymatic activity since it produces O2, optimal 9 pH solution bubbled more vs more extreme pH levels which denatured enzymes

In plant cells, cytokinesis includes formation of a partition called a _______ ________ perpendicular to the axis of the spindle apparatus. The ________ ________ forms in the middle of the cell and grows out to the periphery. It will separate the two new cells into a cell wall.

cell plate

Sertoli cells

cells found within the seminiferous tubules that provide metabolic support for the spermatids

Leaf with acetone crushed for


under the microscope, pro-metaphase

chromatids condense and microtubules go fishing for them

Blood type is an example of a trait that demonstrates


hydroxylamine (HONH2 ) is structurally similar to hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) which exhibits the mechanism of ______________ around enzymes

competitive inhibition

After synapsis, _______ _________ takes place

crossing over

corpus luteum and corpus albicans

empty ovarian follicle that secretes progesterone after release of the egg cell, after 8-9 days it becomes a white body of connective tissue called the corpus albican

photophosphorylation, oxidative phosphorylation

energy obtained from the sun energy stored in ATP is obtained by oxidation of organic compounds.


enzyme in plants and animals that speeds the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide (substrate) cells produce this toxin naturally, as a powerful oxidizer that denatures macromolecules and kills "germs" which otherwise needs to be broken down by catalase to water and o2 (product)

What were the enzyme, substrate, and product of the potato enzymatic reaction?

enzyme- potato extract substrate - catechol solution product- brownish-yellow color

biocatalysts =



formation of gametes by replicating male and female germ cells making diploid (2n) cells that undergo two meiotic divisions to produce mature haploid (n) gametes

a common organic molecule used as an energy source for respiration


Respiration removes electrons from (i.e., oxidizes) ______________, captures some of the energy in ATP, and ultimately passes the electrons to oxygen to form ______

glucose; H2O

Pickling involves the anaerobic fermentation of sugars to

lactic acid

grana are held in place by


light vs dark reaction in photosynthesis

light: photochemical, light dependent, faster reaction, splits H2O for energy and extra Oxygen dark: biochemical, light independent, converts CO2 to a sugar

oocytes - - oogonia

makes primary follicles (primary oocytes)

"reduction division" =


organic solvents acetone and methanol effect on membrane

methanol was able to dissolve the membrane more and concentration of solution of both organic solvents also factored in greater release of red pigment

plants develop ________ egg cells and _________ sperm cells

ovules; pollen


pH indicator which is clear in acidic solution and pink in basic solution


period between meiosis I and meiosis II, but unlike interphase no replication occurs

A substance that absorbs light


In phospholipids, the phosphate group and glycerol are __________ ____ _________________ ("water-----"), whereas the fatty-acid chains are ________ ___ ___________

polar and hydrophilic; nonpolar and hydrophobic

Oogenesis is different from spermatogenesis in that:

process is discontinuous, much fewer and ovaries of a newborn female contain all of the primary oocytes that she will ever have (i.e., oogonia produce no more primary oocytes)

_______________—a product of glycolysis; _______________ is reduced to ethanol or lactic acid during anaerobic fermentation



regions of rapidly dividing cells, located at the roots of a plant

Cyclosis lab in a plant cell

some cells may appear pink due to water soluble pigments called anthocyanins (similar to betacyanin). By warming the slide of elodea (plant leaf) with intense light for about 10 min, you may notice movement of the chloroplasts. This movement is called cytoplasmic streaming, or cyclosis. Chloroplasts are not motile; instead, they are being moved by the activity of the cytoplasm.

Meiosis II produces


meiosis I produces secondary


What does KOH (or NaOH) do

strong base which neutralizes H2CO3 to H2O and CO2


the joined sister chromatids overlap in X-shaped regions where crossing over occurs

under the microscope, telophase

the new copy cell starts to form off the original one

under the microscope, prophase

the nuclear membrane starts to dissolve, and chromosome condense

The central vacuole membrane is called


The dye Guaiacol

turns from colorless to brown as it is oxidized by oxygen. The amount of brown color in the final product is proportional to the amount of oxygen formed by the reaction. in h2o2 experiment

yellow = yellow-orangish= yellow greenish= blue greenish=

yellow = xanthophyll yellow-orangish= carotene yellow greenish= chlorophyll b blue greenish= chlorophyll a

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