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to do work to expel waste to synthesis proteins

Cells use energy for which of the following?

Branched Cells Short Striated cells with 1 Nucleus Striated Cells, involuntary contraction

Characteristics of Cardiac Muscle Tissue

Elongated cells with multiple Nuclei Attached to Bones Striated cells, voluntary function

Characteristics of Skeletal Tissue

Lining of Blood vessels spinled shaped cells with one nucleus.

Characteristics of Smooth Muscle Tissue

homologous chromosomes.

Chromosomes that look alike and carry the same sequence of genes for the same traits are

asexual reproduction.

Cloning through DNA technology is most similar to


Connect bone to bone


Connect bone to muscle


A deficiency of iodine in the diet can cause the medical condition known as


A disorder of the axial skeleton in which the vertebral column curves to the side is known as


A fish's heart has how many chambers?


A healthy human can survive for 50 to 70 days without?

the heart valves not functioning properly.

A heart murmur is caused by


A molecule that stimulates an immune-system reaction by B cells and T cells is termed a(n)

cell that engulfs other cells and debris.

A phagocyte is a

A strong acid

A substance with a pH of 2 is

rigor mortis.

After death, muscles remain in a stiff position for several hours. This stiff position is called

produces carbon dioxide. is carried out by yeasts. produces far less ATP than aerobic respiration.

Alcoholic fermentation?


An area where two bones meet is called a

into the circulatory system.

An endocrine gland releases its product directly


An exaggerated attack on a harmless antigen by an overly sensitive immune system is termed a(n)

transferring genes from a bacterium to a fish.

An example of DNA technology is

net O2 consumers and CO2 producers.

Animals are

They would be immunocompromised.

Each year there are an estimated 250,000 people who could benefit from a bone marrow transplant. What would happen to a patient who no longer had active bone marrow?


Entropy is?


Biochemicals produced in a gland that travel through the blood stream and alter the metabolism of specific target cells are

delivers oxygen to the cells of the body. delivers food to the cells of the body. is a liquid connective tissue. helps remove wastes from the body.


White blood cells.

Blood contains five different types of___ cells?

the force that blood exerts on the walls of the arteries.

Blood pressure is?

sodium-potassium pump

in animal cells, the what uses active transport to exchange sodium ions for potassium ions.

TWO Eggs and two sperm

Fraternal twins (dizygotic) result from the fertilization of


Fructose is a?

Gas diffusion nutrient absorption protection

Function of the Epithelial tissues?

some energy is always lost as heat during chemical reactions.

Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle do not capture all of the energy in a glucose molecule because

uses short tandem repeats and other variable parts of the genome

How does DNA profiling detect genetic differences between individuals?

35 days

How long does an average human skin cell live?


How many elements are essential to life?


How many heartbeats per minute on average?

water will flow out of the cell by osmosis.

If a cell contains 95% water in its cytoplasm and the environment surrounding the cell contains 90% water

25 %

If a healthy young couple are both carriers of cystic fibrosis, the chance that a future child will inherit this serious illness is

because white blood cells are formed in lymph nodes in response to the tumor

If a tumor metastasizes, this means that it has moved to another part of the body. Doctors often look in lymph nodes near a tumor for signs of metastasis. Why might cancer cells be found in lymph nodes?

nitrogen, carbon, and an R group.

If asked to build a model of an amino acid, you would need parts to represent

fats .carbohydrates, including starch and glycogen. proteins.

If glucose is unavailable, aerobic respiration may occur with


If you were observing mud from the bottom of a pond, you would expect to see glycolysis since it does not require


In animal cells, the primary organelle that generates molecules of ATP is the


In creating a transgenic organism, the ____ from one species is inserted into another species.

A person who does not exhibit a disease but may pass on a recessive allele for the disease

In genetics, what is a carrier?


In humans, if you wanted to eliminate the ability to smell dung, which type of receptor should be changed?


In humans, which type of receptor is used primarily to detect light?


In what unhealthy condition do the alveoli fill with mucus and white blood cells, causing shortness of breath and other symptoms?


In what unhealthy condition do the alveoli tear, the respiratory surface decrease, and inflammation of the bronchi occur?

bone; bone

Ligaments are connective tissues that connect _______________ to _________________.

net O2 producers and CO2 consumers.

Plants are


Plasma makes up what percent of blood's volume?


Red blood cells are packed with pigment called?

Free DNA (not in a nucleus)

Select the choice below that ONLY prokaryotic cells have.

Does not require energy

Simple Diffusion?

the kidneys.

The adrenal glands are located "on top" of


The antidote for a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction is a shot of

Red blood cells

The cellular components of blood that transport oxygen are


The chromosomal designation for a human female is


The chromosomal designation for a human male is

central nervous system.

The division of the nervous system that integrates sensory information and coordinates the body's response is the

pineal gland.

The endocrine gland that produces melatonin is the

carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

The four major groups of organic compounds are


The hormone that stimulates glycogen to be broken down to glucose is


The human heart has how many chambers?


The interaction of both the muscular system and the skeletal system is necessary for animals to run, fly, and swim.


The narrowing of blood vessels is

a nucleotide.

The primary building block (monomer) of nucleic acids is?

cell body.

The rounded part of a neuron containing the nucleus and mitochondria is the

sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons.

The three types of neurons in the nervous system of humans are


The type of skeleton composed of calcium rich-spines, cartilage or bone is a(n)


The type of skeleton that is usually composed of either a calcium-containing shell or chitin is a(n)

Independent variable

The variable that is manipulated in order to get a response

Dependent variable

The variable that is the response that the investigator measures.


To prevent swollen thyroid glands many nations add iodine to


Type 2 diabetes is strongly associated with


Water is what type of nutrient?

Hypothalamus pituitary gland

What 2 structures coordinate the rest of the endocrine's system?

Large vessels that conduct blood AWAY from the heart

What are Arteries?

messenger proteins that bind to immune cells and promote cell division, activate defense, or otherwise alter their activity.

What are Cytokins?

the body's tiniest blood vessels

What are capillaries?

organic molecules (usually proteins) that speed biochemical reactions by lowering the activation level.

What are enzymes?

small, colorless cell fragments that initiate blood clotting.

What are platelets?

Domain Bacteria Domain Archaea Domain Eukarya

What are the 3 main domains?

carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen 96%

What are the main 4 elements of our body and what percent do they make up?

Carbohydrates, Lipids, and proteins

What are the other 3 main macronutrients?

Carry blood TO the heart

What are veins?

How antibiotics kill bacteria.

What can be learned from studying cells?

They can all be pathogens

What do bacteria, viruses, fungi, protists and toxins have in common?

They are all autosomal recessive genetic disorders

What do cyctic fibrosis, hemophilia, Tay-Sach and sickle cell disease have in common?

Is attracted to or "loves" water.

What does "hydrophilic" mean?

makes many copies of a given DNA sequence

What does PCR do?

Takes sugar INTO the cells of the body.

What does insulin do?

single beat of the heart

What is a cardiac cycle?

More herbicide will be sprayed, having negative environmental effects.

What is a possible unintended consequence of genetically engineering crops to be herbicide resistant?

Down syndrome

What is another name for Trisomy 21?

A large surface area to volume ratio is best.

What is generally better in biology? A large surface area to volume ratio or a small surface area to volume ratio?

Protein and complex carbohydrates are lacking

What is lacking in junk food?

pump blood through the heart

What is not a function of skeletal muscles?

antibody production

What is not part of the innate defense response?

well below 7

What is the approximate pH of stomach acid?

Lack of an enzyme

What is the cause of lactose intolerance?

blood pressure

What is the force that blood exerts on artery walls


What is the largest artery in the body?

1 in 9

What is the risk of a human mother of age 48 giving birth to a child with Down syndrome?

It is reduced at the end of the electron transport chain, forming water.

What is the role of oxygen in respiration?

Rod shaped

What is the shape of an E. coli bacterial cell?


What is transported from a neuron, through the synaptic cleft, and received by the receptors of another cell (shown in blue in the figure)?

Cardiac Muscle

What makes up most of the hearts wall?

Gray matter

What matter consist of neuron cell bodies and dendrites, along with synapses by which they communicate with other cells?

White matter

What matter consists of myelinated axons transmitting information throughout the central nervous system?


What molecule holds instructions for the synthesis of proteins and copies itself for the next generation of cells?

The somatic system

What nervous system carries a signal to voluntary skeletal muscles, such as those that enable you to ride a bike, shake hands, or talk.


What nervous system consist of the brain and the spinal cord?

Sympathetic nervous system

What nervous system dominates under stress and emergencies?

Parasympathetic nervous system

What nervous system returns the body to normal?

Small intestine

What organ completes digestion and absorbs nutrients?


What part of the brain acts as a relay station for sensory input?

Medulla Oblongata (part of the brainstem)

What part of the brain is in charge of breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate, along with swallowing.


What part of the brain is in charge of maintaining homeostasis?


What part of the brain is in charge of personality, intelligence, learning, perception, and emotions?


What part of the brain refines motor messages and coordinate muscle movements subconsciously.


What sets the metabolic pace?

peripheral nervous system

What system carries information between the central nervous system and the rest of the body.

Integumentary system

What system consists of skin, associated glands, hair and nails?

Endocrine system

What system includes glands that secrete hormones, which are communication molecules that affect development, reproduction, and many other functions.


What type of cell division is involved in a fertilized egg growing into a baby?

Light microscope

What type of microscope would you most likely be using to look at cells in a freshman biology lab?


When a cell captures and engulfs large particles such as debris or even another cell


When a skin cell dies, how is it replaced?


When you feel the sun on your skin, which is being activated?


When you smell the cookies, which is being activated?

In blood plasma

Where are white blood cells usually located?


Which energy pathway connects all living organisms?

coronary artery

Which is an artery that supplies blood to the heart muscle?

Plant cell is largest.

Which is largest, a plant cell, a bacterial cell, an atom or a molecule?

An animal cell is largest.

Which is largest, a protein, an animal cell, a virus particle or an atom?


Which is not a bone of the lower limbs?

Net movement of solute down a concentration gradient (FROM an area of HIGH to an area of low concentration of solute) requires less energy.

Which requires less energy (is easier)?

Nerve cell

Which type of cell demonstrates an idea surface area to volume ratio by being long and very thin?

Transmission electron microscope

Which type of microscope would be most useful in viewing very small (50 nanometers or less), thin slice of a specimen?

provoke inflammation, destroy infectious organisms, and secrete antibodies.

White blood cells do what?

A monk who did experiments with pea plants

Who was Gregor Mendel?

Human enzymes won't work at 110 degrees F.

Why can death result if a person is trapped in a hot car where the temperature is over 110 degrees F?

Because CO binds to hemoglobin more readily than Oxygen gas does

Why is carbon monoxide dangerous to humans?


You are lying on a sand dune looking over the water, listening to the waves, and enjoying the feel of the sun and wind on your skin. You smell some chocolate chip cookies your friend is munching on. When you sit up to grab a handful you feel momentarily dizzy. When you look at the water, which is being activated?

The biceps; the triceps

______ are used to lift a cup to your mouth, and ______ are used to lower the cup back onto the table.

a cell uses a transport protein to move a substance against its concerted gradient, from where it is less concentrated to an area where it is more concentrated

what happens in active transport?

autonomic nervous system

what nervous system transmits impulses to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glads, enabling internal organs to function without conscious awareness?

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

Neuro Chapter 13: care of the patient with sensory disorder

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