Why did Einstein say that it is important to explain key concepts to another individual?
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
In a recent Boston University Study, what was the percentage of deceased NFL players that had CTE?
What are some good reasons on why one should get a pet based on the neuroscience of happiness?
1. You arrive home after a long day at school and your dog eagerly greets you with unconditional love. Both of you release oxytocin during the interaction. 2. Your dog immediately makes you feel happy and calm. Both of you release serotonin. 3. You pick up your dog's favorite toy and you begin to play fetch. You throw the toy and your dog runs after it, thereby exercising and releasing endorphins in the process. 4. When your dog brings the fetch toy back to you, you give your dog praise and that causes a release of dopamine.
the second-most concentrated amino acid in the central nervous system? How much money did he win?
16, $3 million
How many optic nerves do humans have?
At what age will you no longer be a formidable contender in E-Sports? What is the significance of this age?
24, your career in Esports is over due to the decline of your response time to these fast-paced electronic games
What percentage of the entire cerebral cortex is dedicated to sight?
What percentage of your brain is fat?
What is the definition of biology?
Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organisms.
What does CTE refer to?
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
What does claim mean?
Claim: Statement about the results of an investigation.
Does classroom size have any impact on your ability to learn?
Classroom size does have an impact on learning, overcrowded classrooms are unhealthy for students and staff and have a direct and negative impact on student outcomes.
What are the four "happiness" brain chemicals?
Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphins, and Oxytocin
What is the function of endorphins
Endorphins are your body's natural painkillers. At high levels you get relaxed and euphoric; perhaps you have heard of the runner's "high." At low levels you may be more sensitive to pain.
Briefly describe E-Sports.
Esports refers to a multiplayer video game played competitively for spectators, typically by professional gamers.
What does evidence mean?
Evidence: Scientific data used to support the claim.
What is the name of your generation?
Generation Z
What is the most common neurotransmitter associated with learning?
Grey matter
Grey matter has a pinkish-grey color to it. It is composed of cell bodies, dendrites and axon terminals of neurons
What are some of the practical applications of ChatGPT?
It can generate emails, essays, poems, raps, grocery lists, college-level essays, and much more.
pia mater
It is the delicate innermost layer of the meninges.
What happens when one has too much serotonin and too little serotonin?
Low levels can lead to depression and high levels can lead to obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
What is myelin and what is its specific function?
Myelin is a fatty substance covering axons that helps neural connections occur more efficiently and increases the speed of neural conductivity.
What do neural connections refer to?
Neural connections are the communications between different areas of the brain
What are neurons?
Neurons are the functional cell unit of the brain
What is the function of oxytocin
Oxytocin is the "love drug." It makes you fall in love and feel connected. It also helps nursing mother's bond with their babies.
phase 1 of memory.
Phase I (Encoding) The brain evaluates micro-experiences directly through one's senses.
phase 2 of memory.
Phase II (Consolidation) The brain decides which short-term memories are worth saving.
phase 3 of memory.
Phase III (Storage) When short-term memory gets the electrochemical signals that something is meaningful, engages the body, or is otherwise "important," the memory gets transferred to long-term memory.
phase 4 of memory.
Phase IV (Recall) Every time a memory is recalled it is relived, essentially. For most people, memory isn't about storage, it's about recall. One of the best ways to learn is through rehearsal. Flash cards are a helpful rehearsal tool. The more one rehearses the easier it becomes to recall the rehearsed information.
what does reasoning mean?
Reasoning: Ties together the claim and the evidence.
When referring to the brain, what does it mean, "use it or lose it."
Referring to using one's goat brain that is. Keep your mind stimulated and engaged and new neural connections will flourish.
main functions of the Parietal Lobe
Sensory Integration. Receives sensory information and allows one to distinguish between different types of sensory stimuli,like pain and temperature. Itisimportantfor integrating all sensory input as well as spatial memory and navigation.
Sulci are depressions or grooves
Describe the differences between sulci and gyri.
Sulci are depressions or grooves within the cerebral cortex and gyri are ridges, folds or bumps.
What are the three ways to get the brain's attention?
Survival, emotion, novelty/humor
What types of skills do players need to be successful in League of Legends?
Teamwork is vital, but individual players can still steal the show with their exuberant displays of bravado.
What does neural plasticity refer to?
The ability to strengthen and mold certain neural connections is referred to as neuroplasticity
arachnoid mater
The arachnoid layer has the consistency of a spider web
What does a synapse refer to?
The communication between axons and neurons are called synapses
What are the main functions of white matter and grey matter
The main function of grey matter is computation and memory storage. Whereas white matter determines the speed at which information is processed within the brain.
How are these folds and grooves beneficial?
The more folds and grooves,the more surface area available for synaptic connections to form.
What does it mean for teenagers to be in a "critical window" for learning?
The teen brain development includes the formation of new synapses.
What does "Alien" hand syndrome refer to?
This syndrome makes it possible for one hand to perform tasks differently than the opposite hand unconsciously.
What are some of the negative consequences of using the TikTok app?
Tik Tok has access to your data. Tik Tok takes frequent screen captures. Tik Tok gathers other sensitive user information like passwords.
White matter
White matter is made up of myelinated axons.
the main differences between white matter and grey matter
White matter is made up of myelinated axons. Grey matter has a pinkish-grey color to it. It is composed of cell bodies, dendrites and axon terminals of neurons
When you receive new information, what three choices does your brain have?
You can disregard the information and purge it from your memory. You can choose to retain the information by repeating it over and over through rehearsal you can transfer the new information into your long-term memory by connecting it with information that is already there
How long does short-term memory last?
about a minute
How long is a teenager's attention span?
about eight seconds
How many items may be retained in short-term memory?
about seven items being retained
What are photoreceptors and where are they located within the eyeball?
back of the eye to a nervous tissue called the retina. This sheet of nerve tissue contains millions of photoreceptors called rods and cones. Each photoreceptor interprets its piece of the visual signal and converts it to an electrical signal.
What is the function of Adenosine
builds up in your body throughout the day. When enough is accumulated, you may feel sleepy and somewhat tired.
What happens when you have too much Glutamate?
can lead to impulsive behavior and violence
the three parts of a neuron
cell body, dendrites, axon the cell body which contains the nucleus and the cell's genetic information, DNA. An axon, which is a nerve fiber that conducts electrical signals through action potentials from the cell body to other neurons.
What are the four main components of Francis's contribution to science?
claim, evidence, reasoning
function of grey matter
computation and memory storage.
the main function of the rods and cones
cones are clustered more toward the center, and handle color and fine details; rods are distributed more around the outside, and handle peripheral vision, motion, and dim lighting situations.
function of white matter
determines the speed at which information is processed within the brain.
The three protective tissues that surround the brain are collectively referred to as what?
dura mater
layers of the meninges
dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater
What are some of the traits/characteristics of someone with OCD?
focused and obsessed with rules, trivial detail, hypervigilance, repetitive movements, ritualistic behavior, and persistent meaningless repetition.
gyri are ridges, folds or bumps.
Describe some of the symptoms typically associated with a concussion?
headaches, balance and memory problems, and reduced concentration
Which characteristics of this generation best describes you?
What does meningitis refer to?
inflammation of the meninges.
What is the function of GABA
inhibits and reduces the activities of the neurons. It plays an important role in behavior, cognition, and the body's response to stress.
What does natural language processing (NLP) refer to and how is it currently being used?
involves teaching computers to understand text and speech. Various A.I. services that launched last year utilize NLP, such as ChatGPT, Meta's Galactica, and Bing's built-in A.I. Chatbot.
What is the function of the corpus callosum?
it connects the two hemispheres of the brain and allows the hemisphere to communicate with each other
When reading, does context determine reality?
it determines what one word means so yes
Why is the cerebral cortex referred as a "prediction machine?"
it is the part of the brain that perceives, analyzes, and responds to the world around us.
How long does immediate memory last?
it only lasts one to two seconds
know the diagram of the brain
know the diagram of the brain
What are the three easy things that you can do to stimulate new neural connections?
learn to juggle, take a different path home from school, brush your teeth with your non dominant hand while standing with one foot on the ground while the other foot is raised.
What is the function of Noradrenaline
like its cousin "adrenaline," heightens energy, and it is involved with the parasympathetic nervous system's fight or flight response. It elevates one's heart rate and causes blood to be redirected to your voluntary controlled skeletal muscles, which allows you to react to a stressor.
main functions of the Occipital Lobe
located in the back/posterior portion of your brain: Processing and interpreting visual information and it also plays an important role with the perception of colors.
How quickly do we measure scientific progress?
What does myelination refer to and how long will it last in your goat body?
myelination begins at six months of gestation and continues into adulthood until around age 24. During this physiological process, specialized glial cells called Schwann cells produce myelin.
What does inflammation refer to?
ocal response to cellular injury that is marked by capillary dilation, leukocytic (white blood cell) infiltration, redness, heat, and pain
How many different neurotransmitters do humans have?
over one hundred
What is the brain's clever shortcut for speed reading?
paying attention only to the first and last letters and intuiting the middle letters based on context.
How long does long-term memory last for?
permanent storage center, stays for a lifetime
What does the term "plastic" refer to?
plastic; it will continue to change throughout your life.
What do you call a pig that knows karate?
pork chop
main functions of the Frontal Lobe
responsible for executive functions, including reasoning, elaboration of thought, personality, morality, decision making, critical thinking, and planning and execution of complex voluntary movements.
What is the function of a neurotransmitter?
send chemical messages across the synaptic gap and allow communication between neurons.
What is the function of your optic nerves?
streaming electrical signals out of the back of your eyeballs like parallel transatlantic cables transmitting visual information to the occipital lobe of the brain.
What composes the central nervous system?
the brain and spinal cord
According to Gray's Anatomy, what is the function of the brain?
the brain controls and coordinates all of the functions and activities of the body.
What is the function of the cranium and the spinal column?
the cranium protects the brain while the spinal column protects the spinal cord
What does Moore's Law state?
the principle that the speed and capability of computers can be expected to double every two years, as a result of increases in the number of transistors integrated into a dense microchip.
The left hemisphere of your brain controls which side of your body?
the right side of the body
Which two photoreceptors are essential for visual memory?
the rods and cones in your retinae
What was Sir Francis Bacon's contribution to science?
the scientific method, which is the basis of all scientific study and inquiry.
What is the function of NAA?
the second-most concentrated amino acid in the central nervous system
What happens when one has too much dopamine and too little dopamine?
to little can lead to depression and too much can lead to addiction.
What is the definition of a concussion?
when a blow or trauma of some kind bounces your brain against the inside of the skull, causing damage.
Does the temperature in a classroom have any impact on student learning?
Is the brain stimulated by new experiences?
What are the five basic tenets that create an engaging learning environment and promote synaptic activity?
● Enters school healthy and learns about healthy lifestyle practices. ● Learn in an environment that is physically and emotionally safe for students and adults. ● Engages in learning and is connected to the school and broader community. ● Gains access to personalized learning and is supported by qualified, caring adults. ● Is challenged academically and prepares for success in college or further study and for employment and participation in a global environment.