Bio Test 4

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5. ______ transport sugars produced by photosynthesis to the non-green parts of the plant. A. Stomata B. Roots C. Phloem D. Xylem E. Cuticle

C. Phloem

17. When preparing slides to look at mitosis, the tips of onion roots are a good source of cells because they contain ______ where mitosis is taking place consistently. A. endodermis B. dermal tissue C. apical meristem D. All answers are correct. E. vascular tissue

C. apical meristem

17. The fruits of plants primarily function in A. providing food for animals. B. seed protection. C. both protecting and dispersing seeds. D. seed dispersal. E. both feeding animals and protecting seeds.

C. both protecting and dispersing seeds.

13. Conducting cells in xylem are A. sieve tube elements only. B. tracheids only. C. both tracheids and vessel elements. D. vessel elements only. E. both tracheids and sieve tube elements.

C. both tracheids and vessel elements.

20. Which of the following is not an element taken in primarily by the roots of the plant? A. nitrogen B. magnesium C. carbon D. phosphorus E. zinc

C. carbon

10. In alternation of generations, a diploid sporophyte goes through meiosis to form ____ spores. A. diploid B. tetraploid C. haploid D. uniploid E. no spores (This occurs in mitosis, not meiosis.)

C. haploid

16. The two groups of angiosperms are A. mosses and club mosses. B. ginkgos and cycads. C. monocots and eudicots. D. horsetails and ferns. E. conifers and gnetophytes.

C. monocots and eudicots.

1. The main vegetative parts of plants include A. roots, flowers, and stems. B. fruits, flowers, and leaves. C. roots, stems, and leaves. D. stems, roots, flowers, leaves, and fruits. E. flowers and fruits only.

C. roots, stems, and leaves.

12. A plant embryo (young sporophyte) packaged with a food supply in a tough outer coat is a A. flower. B. pollen grain. C. seed. D. sperm. E. fruit.

C. seed.

12. The main phloem-conducting cells are A. tracheids. B. companion cells. C. sieve tube elements. D. vessel elements. E. stomata.

C. sieve tube elements.

14. Cytokinins are produced in the root apical meristem and stimulate the growth of lateral buds. How do cytokinins reach the lateral buds? A. through the phloem B. through the xylem or phloem C. through the xylem D. by diffusion as a gas E. through the phloem or by diffusion as a gas

C. through the xylem

21. Nitrogen, in useful form for cells, is made available to plants A. through their stomata. B. through their leaves. C. through their roots. D. through their roots and leaves. E. through their stomata and leaves.

C. through their roots.

25. In the pressure flow theory, any part of a plant that does not carry out photosynthesis is a A. source. B. sink. C. reservoir. D. aqueduct. E. companion cell.

B. sink.

5. Stems that grow underground and produce roots and new shoots are A. rhizomes. B. always parasitic. C. stomata. D. tubers. E. tendrils.

A. rhizomes.

19. In a deciduous tree found in the north, which two seasons would contribute to tree rings? A. spring and summer B. spring and fall C. winter and spring D. winter and summer E. summer and fall

A. spring and summer

7. In dry weather, plants reduce water loss by closing their A. stomata. B. cuticle. C. cell membranes. D. vascular tissues. E. All answers are correct.

A. stomata.

18. You drive a nail into a tree that is 10 feet tall, and come back 10 years later. The tree is now 30 feet tall, but the nail is the same distance from the ground. This is because the tree grows up from A. the apical meristem only. B. the lateral meristem only. C. both the lateral and apical meristems. D. the root tip. E. the node.

A. the apical meristem only.

15. A cotyledon is A. the first leaf structure to arise in the embryo of an angiosperm. B. a spore-like structure used for reproduction in plants. C. the fruit produced by flowers of angiosperms. D. a tissue fragment of tissue used for reproduction in bryophytes. E. the zygote formed in ferns from the union of two gametes.

A. the first leaf structure to arise in the embryo of an angiosperm.

12. A directional response to touch exhibited by plants is called A. thigmotropism. B. gravitropism. C. phototropism. D. organotropism. E. chemotropism.

A. thigmotropism.

16. The xylem and phloem are produced by the A. vascular cambium. B. sieve tube. C. vascular bundle. D. mycorrhizal fungi. E. companion cells.

A. vascular cambium.

10. The ________________ transport(s) water and dissolved minerals from the roots of the plant to the shoots of the plant. A. xylem B. guard cells C. phloem D. epidermis E. stomata

A. xylem

2. The parts of the plant that conduct water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves are the A. xylem. B. stomata. C. roots. D. phloem. E. cuticle.

A. xylem.

13. Which of the following is not a member of the gymnosperms? A. conifers B. ferns C. gnetophytes D. cycads E. ginkgos

B. ferns

19. Why is most angiosperm reproduction sexual, not asexual? A. Sexual reproduction forms genetically-different offspring than the parents. B. Sexual reproduction requires less energy than asexual reproduction. C. Asexual reproduction forms haploid offspring. D. Asexual reproduction forms triploid offspring. E. Most angiosperm reproduction is asexual.

A. Sexual reproduction forms genetically-different offspring than the parents.

14. Flowers and fruits are unique to A. angiosperms. B. bryophytes. C. gymnosperms. D. conifers. E. cycads.

A. angiosperms.

8. The patch of actively dividing cells that is found near the tip of roots and shoots of plants is/are the A. apical meristem only. B. lateral meristem only. C. apical and lateral meristems. D. tracheid. E. vascular bundle.

A. apical meristem only.

24. The tendency of water molecules to "cling" together is A. cohesion. B. adhesion. C. hydrolysis. D. condensation. E. evaporation.

A. cohesion.

10. The plant hormone that stimulates cell division in seeds and fruits is A. cytokinin. B. gibberellin. C. auxin. D. ethylene. E. abscisic acid.

A. cytokinin.

18. The structure of the angiosperm that supplies nutrients to the germinating seedling is the A. endosperm. B. fruit. C. seed coat. D. spore coat. E. pollen grain.

A. endosperm.

7. A tissue formed from a triploid nucleus and that stores food for the developing plant embryo is the A. endosperm. B. endoderm. C. mesosperm. D. mesoderm. E. microspore.

A. endosperm.

24. The cones of gymnosperms play the same role as ______ in angiosperms. A. flowers B. seeds C. leaves D. fruit E. roots

A. flowers

9. The resumption of growth and development after a period of seed dormancy is A. germination. B. fertilization. C. pollination. D. stagnation. E. transpiration.

A. germination.

15. The primary organ of photosynthesis in a plant is the A. leaf. B. stomata. C. bark. D. stem. E. chlorophyll.

A. leaf.

20. Which group of plants lack true leaves and roots? A. liverworts, hornworts, and mosses B. ferns, club mosses, horsetails, and whisk ferns C. ginkgo, cycads, conifers, and gnetophytes D. monocots and eudicots E. All plants lack true leaves and roots.

A. liverworts, hornworts, and mosses

11. The ________________ transport(s) dissolved organic compounds such as sugars from the leaves throughout the plant. A. phloem B. guard cells C. xylem D. epidermis E. stomata

A. phloem

20. A plant species is well established, has little competition, and has few consumers. Therefore, it is likely to A. reproduce asexually. B. reproduce sexually. C. adapt to another environment with immediate genetic changes. D. adapt to its environment with immediate genetic changes. E. produce variable offspring.

A. reproduce asexually.

1. Angiosperms owe their widespread distribution to their production of pollen, seeds and flowers. What is the greatest advantage to the production of seeds? A. It allows fertilization in the absence of water. B. It protects and nourishes the embryo. C. It is necessary for sexual reproduction. D. It allows fertilization in moist areas. E. It promotes pollination.

B. It protects and nourishes the embryo.

2. Which of the following is not a function of the root of a plant? A. Anchor the plant. B. Produce energy that the plant can use to carry out metabolism. C. Absorb water. D. Absorb mineral nutrients for the plant. E. Form beneficial relationships with microorganisms, thereby increasing the plant's ability to obtain nutrients.

B. Produce energy that the plant can use to carry out metabolism.

16. How are animals involved in the life cycle of plants? A. as pollinators only B. as pollinators and seed dispersers C. as seed dispersers only D. as seed germinators only E. as seed germinators and dispersers

B. as pollinators and seed dispersers

11. In alternation of generations, two haploid gametes fuse in fertilization to form a ____ zygote. A. haploid B. diploid C. tetraploid D. No zygote is formed (Spores are formed instead). E. uniploid

B. diploid

22. Which group of plants have phloem and xylem but lack seeds, flowers, and fruit? A. liverworts, hornworts, and mosses B. ferns, club mosses, horsetails, and whisk ferns C. ginkgo, cycads, conifers, and gnetophytes D. monocots and eudicots E. All plants have phloem and xylem but lack seeds, flowers, and fruit.

B. ferns, club mosses, horsetails, and whisk ferns

21. Bryophytes lack vascular tissue and lignin and therefore cannot A. sexually reproduce. B. grow tall. C. asexually reproduce. D. produce a gametophyte stage. E. produce a sporophyte stage.

B. grow tall.

7. The source of a plant's new cells is a type of plant tissue called its A. tracheid. B. meristem. C. guard cell. D. cortex. E. mesophyll.

B. meristem.

6. The egg-bearing structure of a flower is the A. stigma. B. ovary. C. style. D. anther. E. sepal.

B. ovary.

1. The parts of the plant that absorb water and minerals are the A. stomata. B. roots. C. flowers. D. pollen. E. cuticle.

B. roots.

13. You plant a seed in a pot containing soil, and then add water and place the pot under a light. In the first week, before the seedling even emerged from the soil, carbon dioxide levels increased in the closed chamber. The developing plant was using which of the following as a source of energy during this first week? A. light B. starch from the seed C. water from the soil D. sugars from the soil E. nutrients from the soil

B. starch from the seed

3. The parts of the plant that allow for gas exchange are the A. roots. B. stomata. C. xylem. D. phloem. E. cuticle.

B. stomata.

9. What advantage do ferns have over bryophytes? A. Ferns photosynthesize. B. Ferns are heterotrophs. C. Ferns have a vascular system, which allow them to grow taller. D. Ferns do not require water to reproduce. E. Ferns have alternation of generations.

C. Ferns have a vascular system, which allow them to grow taller.

3. The sporophyte generation of a plant is _________________ and produces ___________________ spores. A. triploid; diploid B. haploid; diploid C. triploid; haploid D. diploid; haploid E. multicellular; diploid

D. diploid; haploid

4. The number of similar anatomical parts called whorls that make up a flower is A. one. B. two. C. three. D. four. E. five.

D. four.

11. A seed's response to gravity is called A. thigmotropism. B. phototropism. C. organotropism. D. gravitropism. E. chemotropism.

D. gravitropism.

17. Which of the following is NOT a variable in the reproduction of flowering plants? A. hereditary information passed asexually B. hereditary information passed sexually C. hormones D. gravity E. seasonal changes in temperature and light

D. gravity

23. Which group of plants have phloem and xylem, seeds, flowers, and fruit and in many cases require animals for reproduction? A. liverworts, hornworts, and mosses B. ferns, club mosses, horsetails, and whisk ferns C. ginkgo, cycads, conifers, and gnetophytes D. monocots and eudicots E. All plants

D. monocots and eudicots

2. Clones are A. offspring that are produced sexually and are genetically identical to their parent. B. offspring that are genetically identical to their parent only. C. produced by asexual reproduction only. D. offspring that are produced asexually and are genetically identical to their parent. E. produced

D. offspring that are produced asexually and are genetically identical to their parent.

8. Gymnosperms and angiosperms evolved ______ allowing them to live and reproduce in drier habitats than bryophytes and seedless vascular plants. A. spores B. seeds, spores, and fronds C. vascular tissue, spores, and fronds D. pollen grains and seeds E. fruit and flowers

D. pollen grains and seeds

6. Which of the following is not a function of a stem of a plant? A. storage of starch B. support C. storage of water D. production of pollen E. protection from predators

D. production of pollen

15. What is the normal function of fruits? A. to protect seeds only B. to disperse seeds only C. to attract pollinators only D. to protect and disperse seeds E. to attract pollinators and protect seeds

D. to protect and disperse seeds

23. The evaporation of water from the leaf of a plant is A. totally prevented by the leaf's cuticle. B. not affected by temperature. C. condensation. D. transpiration. E. precipitation.

D. transpiration.

18. Angiosperms are the most recent group of plants to evolve, yet they can live in a greater diversity of habitats than any other group of plants. Why are angiosperms able to survive in deserts, at the top of mountains, and in marsh habitats? A. Fertilization is possible without water. B. Embryos can remain dormant until conditions are right for germination. C. Flowers attract animals to spread pollen. D. Fruits attract animals to spread seeds. E. All answers are correct.

E. All answers are correct.

19. How have plants transformed the world? A. Food source for many animals, fungi, and even some prokaryotes and protists B. Habitat for breeding, rearing young, and escaping predators C. Photosynthesis provides oxygen for aerobic respiration to make ATP D. Fibers for clothing and paper E. All answers are correct.

E. All answers are correct.

22. The bacterium Rhizobium A. triggers the development of root nodules in legumes. B. enters plants through the root hairs. C. lives symbiotically within plant cells. D. breaks the triple covalent bond in N2. E. All answers are correct.

E. All answers are correct.

25. What is the purpose of flowers? A. to attract pollinators B. to support gamete production C. to capture wind-blown pollen D. to protect reproductive structures E. All answers are correct.

E. All answers are correct.

4. ______ is/are a waxy coating that minimizes water loss from leaves of the plant. A. Stomata B. Roots C. Xylem D. Phloem E. Cuticle

E. Cuticle

5. The pollen-producing body of a flower is the A. stigma. B. style. C. ovary. D. sepal. E. anther.

E. anther.

8. The plant hormone that triggers the withering of petals and stamens and promotes fruit ripening is A. abscisic acid. B. cytokinin. C. gibberellin. D. auxin. E. ethylene.

E. ethylene.

9. The tissue that produces cells to thicken a root or stem is/are the A. apical meristem only. B. apical and lateral meristems. C. tracheid. D. vascular bundle. E. lateral meristem only.

E. lateral meristem only.

6. The substance that strengthens and supports cell walls, allowing plants to grow tall and upright is A. sporophyte. B. gametophyte. C. chlorophyll. D. stomata. E. lignin.

E. lignin.

3. The point at which one or more leaves attach to the stem of a plant is a A. petiole. B. internode. C. anther. D. sieve tube. E. node.

E. node.

14. The pores through which leaves exchange gases with the atmosphere are A. epidermal cells. B. sieve tube elements. C. guard cells. D. petioles. E. stomata.

E. stomata.

4. The primary root of a plant that enlarges and persists throughout the life of the plant is the A. fibrous root. B. companion root. C. rhizome. D. stoma. E. taproot.

E. taproot.

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