Biochem-Adipose Tissue

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what is thermogenin like (drug)

2,4, DNP

When using glycogen for anearbic muscle contraction, how much ATP per glucose

3! way less than 32 from TCA. How to make sense. Type IIb fibers have tons more glycoytic enzymes. and faster too.

How does AMP affect glycolysis/glycogen

AMP stimulates PFK-1. This leads to inc ca++ which leads to glycogen phosphorylase and glycogen breakdown.

what is AMPK

AMP-dependant kinase. activated in response to lower energy state.

what does leptin activate


danger of white adipose tissue

Abdominal. Insulin is less effective in this area. So more FA released (less regrabbed), and have elavated VLDL in the blood.

type II, aerobic or anaerobic muslce contraction


Creatine Kinase and Creatine Phosphate

Creatine phos gives ADP a P to make ATP.

main fn of adipose tissue

Energy storage as TAG droplets. Also hormone production! 83% of our energy!

Type IIb atp hydolysis, contraction speed, glycolysis, oxidation, glycogen storage, color, capillaries

Fast ATP hydrolysis, fast contraction speed, high glycolytic capac, low oxidative capac, high gly stores, white color, little blood.

Type IIa atp hydolysis, contraction speed, glycolysis, oxidation, glycogen storage, color, capillaries

Fast ATP hydrolysis, fast contraction speed, moderate glycolysis, moderate oxidation, good glycogen stores, RED, even though type IIa white! Ok blood supply.

Make a Tag in an adipocyte...full rxn

G3P with acyltransferase puts 2 acyls on to make a Phosphatidate. Phosphatase makes 1,2 DAG. Acyltransferase puts another acyl on to get the TAG.

so excercising, glucagon on, glucose in blood, but how to take it up

GLUT4 is off cause no insulin, but AMP overides. High AMP signals through AMP-protein kinase. Moves Glut4 to membrane.

two precursors of TAG synthesis

Glycerol-3-P and Fatty Acids.

what enzyme active at excercise


what leads to glucose being taken into adipocytes

High insulin leads to GLUT4 (insulin responsive) transporter. RL-step!

so during starving or stress, what enzyme releases free FA's

Hormone Sensitive Lipase

what enzyme breajs down TAGs

Hormone sensitive Lipase

main hormone originated from adipose

Leptin- obestiy gene

how to make G3P in the liver

Liver has GLYCEROL KINASE. Glycerol to G3P by this enzyme. Uses ATP obv.

heart's energy in itself

None. No glycogen or lipid stores. its alwyas depedant on vascular supply.

during muscle excercise, what does muscle uptake

O2 and FA's

NS and TAGs

Sympa nerve endings in adipocytes release

Diabetes and TAGs

Type I. no glucose receptors, so body think its starcing. depends on FA's and ketone bodies for energy.

How to activate HSL

active when phosphorylated. think epi and glucagon.

is heart aerobic or anaerobic


what does leptin do

appetitde suppression.

So HSL breaks up the TAG in adipose tissue, what are the componants and where do they go

broken down to 3 FA's which go to blood, bind to albumin and then go to various tissues. Then there is glycerol which is useless in the adipocyte cause there is no Glycerol kinase, so it cannot be put into GNG. It goes to the liver where GK is present, and can go into GNG>

brown vs white adipose

brown has more mito and more fat droplets. brown as UCP-1.

Lactate to liver goes to what cycle

cori cyle

where do fatty acids come from

diet. in chylomicrons. Also liver makes VLDL's which have fatty acids.

Adipose as an endocrine glands: excess adipose

excess adipose predisposes to Metabolic Syndrome. No reponse to insulin.

what does leptin induce

expression of UCP-2. One of these uncoupler proteins. Makes holes on inner mito membrane. H+ passes through and produced heat without ATP. TCA on though and burns energy.

White muscle fibers quick story

fast twitch. No Oxygen needed, more glucose reliance. divided into IIa and IIb. This is type II

How to make G3P in adipocytes

from glycolysis. DHAP to G3P uses NADH.

excercise/starving and heart

heart doesn;t care

Brown adipose tissue fn

heat production.

where are leptin receptors


so give the cascade of events for a adipose tissue to make a TAG

insulin in blood. glut 4 to adipose membrane. glucose into adipocyte. turned to DHAP then G3P then into TAG. At same time, lipoprotein lipase is upregulated on the inside of the capillary. VLDL or chylomicrons come along with APOCII on it. APOCII binds LPL, and LPL starts eating up micron/vldl and releases FA's. FA activated in adipose tissue and combined to make a TAG. So TAGs are made from from two sources, all intitated by insulin.

how does brown adipose tissue work

it has Thermogenin (UCP-1). Its an oxphos uncoupler.

leptin to AMPK

leptin leads to AMPK. Leptin tries to burn energy when we get too fat. opposite of AMPK

What hormone makes TAGs

lipoprotein lipase

where does Glycerol-3-P come from (tissues)

liver or adipose

liver vs adipocyte, which does more FA synthesis


Adipose as endoctine: lack of adipose

loss and dysregulation fo TAG and FA levels. totally off.

Muscle activity and TAGS

need energy, so release

is leptin the answer

no. obese people often have normal or high leptin.

Link insulin and obesity

obese people have altered adipokine profile. (altered hormones from adipose). this leads to insulin resistance. HSL is on even though insulin is there. Pancreas puts out even more insulin. Hyperlipidemia and Hyperinsulinemia and eventual insulin resistance!

rxn of thermogenin

proton gradient uncoupling leads to high ETC and lots of heat. H+ can pass through (heat) without making ATP. TCA still going on tho, burns energy.

white adipose tissue and FA mobilization circulation

releases free FA's but claims a bunch back!

Type I atp hydolysis, contraction speed, glycolysis, oxidation, glycogen storage, color, capillaries

slow atp hydrolysis. slow contraction speed. low glycolysis, high oxidation, little glycogen storage. RED. good blood supply

Red muscle fibers quick story

slow twitch. Type I. More O2. High Mito.

Anerobic muslce contraction details

uses glycolysis for ATP. Anaerobic. Lactate produced! lets glycolysis keep going. Lactate into blood. This is the fast, excercise muscle.

when do we make TAGS

well fed state. High glucose and chylomicrons. give the glycerol.

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