BIOL 1543 Chapter 30 Smartbook

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stigma, style, ovary

A carpel consists of a(n) ____________, ____________, and ____________.


A fully germinated pollen grain is the mature __________ gametophyte.


A group of freshwater green algae known as charophytes are the most closely related to ________ plants.


A group of gymnosperms that resemble palms and ferns, has finely divided leaves, and two types of cones are the _____________.


A group of gymnosperms with only one living species are the a) gnetophytes b) cycads c) monocots d) ginkgos e) angiosperms f) eudicots


A group of gymnosperms with only one living species are the ______________.


A haploid reproductive cell that develops into a new organism without needing to fuse with another reproductive cell is a(n) ____________.


A pollinator, usually an insect, carries ____________ from flower to flower.


A very small group, only a single species, of gymnosperms that are insensitive to pollution are the _____________.

fruit, seeds

A(n) ___________ is the final product of a flower and is used to disperse ___________.


A(n) ___________ tube forms after a pollen grain germinates and sperm travel through it to the female gametophyte.


Because their ovules are not completely enclosed by diploid tissue, ________________ ovules are called "naked".

450 million years ago

Approximately how long ago did plants evolve from green algae? a) 400,000 years b) 450 million years ago c) 450 billion years ago d) 400 years

200 million

Approximately how many years ago did angiosperms evolve? a) 2 million b) 2 billion c) 200 million d) 200,000 e) 2,000

freshwater green algae

Charophytes are a) freshwater green algae b) land plants c) marine green algae

leaves that increase the area for photosynthesis

Megaphylls are large a) reproductive structures that increase pollen and egg production b) leaves that increase the area for photosynthesis c) roots to increase the area for absorption of water from the soil


Microphylls are small leaves found in the plant group called club ____________.

pollen, seeds

Microstrobili of conifers produce windblown ___________ and the megastrobili produce windblown _______________.

a freshwater green algal species

Modern plants evolved from a) a chlorophyllic trematode b) a photosynthetic fungi c) a freshwater green algal species d) a freshwater red algal species e) a saltwater green algal species


Monocots and eudicots are the two classes of ______________ plants, also called angiosperms.


The flower stalk expands slightly at the tip into a(n) ______________, which bears the other flower parts.


The four major parts of a flower are the stamens, carpel, petals, and ____________.


The ginkgos are represented by ______ living species. a) thousands of b) no c) hundreds of d) one


The group of gymnosperms that contain the genera Gnetum, Ephedra, and Welwitschia, are called the _______________.


The group of plants that have seeds develop from an ovule inside of an ovary are called ________________, which means loosely "covered seed."


The haploid generation of the plant life cycle is called a(n) _______________.


The haploid generation of the plant life cycle that produces haploid cells is called the ______________.

dead organic materials from ancient times

The immense coal deposits of present day have their origins in a) dead organic materials from ancient times b) inorganic materials that have sedimented over time c) extinct mammals


The layer that rests on top of the sepals is called the _____________.


The leaves of ferns are called _____________.


Anthers and filaments are parts of the ___________ of flowers.


An ovule eventually develops into a(n) _____________.


An underground horizontal stem is called a _____________.


After the angiosperms, ____________ are the next most diverse group of plants.


An ovule eventually develops into a(n) ____________.


Collectively, the petals of a flower are called the ______________.


Collectively, the sepals of a flower are referred to as the _____________.

pollen, seed

Conifers produce two types of cones. They are _____________ cones and _____________ cones.


Conifers, gnetophytes, cycads, and ginkgoes are the four living representatives of _________________.

two, one

Eudicots have __________ cotyledon(s) in their seeds while monocots have ___________ cotyledon(s) in their seeds.


Fern leaves start out curled-up and are called _______________.


Fiddleheads are structures found on __________.


Flowers that rely on the _____________ to disperse their pollen are not very showy, whereas flowers that rely on pollinators to disperse their pollen usually are.


Fruits are the final products of a(n) ___________ and are used to disperse seeds.


Fruits being eaten by an animal, seeds sticking to the fur of animals, and wind are some of the methods of seed _____________.

mitotic cell divisions

Gametes in plants are produced by a) meiosis cell divisions b) somatic cell divisions c) mitotic cell divisions


Gnetum, Ephedra, and Welwitschia are the three genera of the group of plants called the _______________.

seed plants

Gymnosperms and angiosperms are both considered to be a) nonvascular plants b) seedless vascular plants c) mosses d) flowering plants e) seed plants

eudicot, monocot

Having two seed leaves classifies a plant as a(n) ________________ whereas having one seed leaf classifies it as a(n) ______________.

living on land

Plants that have a means of protecting their sperm, eggs, and embryos from drying out are well-adapted for a) living in symbioses b) living in freshwater c) living on land d) living in the sea

nonvascular, vascular

In ________________ plants, the gametophyte generation is the dominant generation, whereas in the ________________ plants the sporophyte generation is dominant.


In angiosperms, the _______________ includes the pollen producing anther and the slender filament.


In ferns the dominant generation is the ________________.


In ferns the sperm have a(n) _______________ to swim to the archegonia, but in seed plants the pollen grains are mature, sperm-bearing gametophytes which can be transmitted by a variety of methods.


In lycophytes, an underground horizontal stem that sends up upright aerial stems is called a(n) ______________.


In nonvascular plants, which generation is dominant? a) sporophyte b) chlorophyte c) gametophyte


In plants gametes are produced by ____________ cell divisions.


In plants, the dominant generation carries out the majority of ________________.


In seed plants, the pollen ______________ is necessary to deliver sperm to the egg.


Large leaves that increase the surface area for photosynthesis are called ______________.


Liverworts, hornworts, and mosses are examples of a) angiosperms b) gymnosperms c) vascular plants d) bryophytes


Lycophytes and the ferns along with their allies are the two groups of _____________ vascular plants.


Lycophytes, also called club mosses, were some of the first land plants to have ___________ tissue.


Nectar is produced by glands in the region of the _______________ of a flower and is used by pollinators.


Night blooming flowers are usually white in color and aromatic so that their smell can attract nocturnal ______________.

desiccation of all plant tissues

One of the biggest threats to land plants as they evolved on land was the a) ability to conduct photosynthesis b) desiccation of all plant tissues c) ability to reproduce d) ability to acquire nitrogen


Pines, spruces, cypresses, cedars, bristlecones, redwoods, hemlocks, and firs are all types of ______________.

sporophyte, gametophyte

Plants have two stages in their alternation of generations. One stage called the ________________ generation produces spores by meiosis and the _______________ that produces gametes by mitosis.

survive harsh conditions

Plants producing seeds with a seed coat and stored food allow plant embryos to a) survive harsh conditions b) gather solar energy for food c) communicate with other seeds d) reproduce asexually

male gametophyte

Pollen grains are produced by the a) both male and female gametophytes b) female gametophyte c) male gametophyte


Pollination occurs when pollen is brought into the vicinity of the ___________ gametophyte. a) male b) female c) either male or female

seedless vascular plants

Releasing windblown spores is the method used by a) seedless nonvascular plants b) seeded nonvascular plants c) seedless vascular plants d) seeded vascular plants


Seed plants do not need external water for fertilization because the whole male _______________ moves to the female gamete, not just the sperm.


Seedless vascular plants disperse their offspring by releasing windblown _____________.

spores which produce plants with vascular tissues

Seedless vascular plants disperse their offspring by windblown a) sperm which produce plants that are capable of producing pollen b) spores which produce plants with vascular tissues c) seeds which can be carried by birds and mammals to distant places

taproot system, flower parts in fours or fives or multiples of fours and fives, woody of herbaceous, vascular bundles in a ring

Select characteristics of eudicots from the list. a) taproot system b) flower parts in fours or fives or multiples of fours and fives c) usually parallel venation d) woody of herbaceous e) vascular bundles in a ring

fibrous root system, scattered bundles in stem, usually herbaceous, flower parts in threes or multiples of threes

Select characteristics of monocots from the list. a) fibrous root system b) scattered bundles in stem c) usually net venation d) usually herbaceous e) flower parts in threes or multiples of threes

building materials, ornamental plants, decorative bouquets, food

Select economic values of ferns from the choices below. a) building materials b) paper production c) ornamental plants d) decorative bouquets e) food

bees, wasps, bats, moths, butterflies

Select examples of pollinators. a) bees b) monkeys c) wasps d) bats e) moths f) butterflies

fences, stone walls, shady cracks in exposed rocks

Select mircohabitats where mosses live. a) fences b) stone walls c) underground d) shady cracks in exposed rocks

gnetophytes, cycads, ginkgos

Select other gymnosperms besides conifers from the choices below. a) gnetophytes b) cycads c) monocots d) ginkgos e) angiosperms f) eudicots

ability to acquire water to keep internal cell environment of cell moist, ability to transport water to all plants tissues, threats of desiccation to gametes, zygotes, and embryos, threat of desiccation to tissues

Select problems faced by plants as they moved on to land. a) ability to acquire water to keep internal cell environment of cell moist b) ability to transport water to all plants tissues c) development of land based photosynthesis d) threats of desiccation to gametes, zygotes, and embryos e) threat of desiccation to tissues

both contain chlorophylls a and b, both store carbohydrates as starch, both have cellulose in their cell walls

Select the characteristics that are shared by land plants and green algae. a) both contain chlorophylls a and b b) both store carbohydrates as starch c) both contain vascular tissues d) both have cellulose in their cell walls

this group is known as the flowering plants, flowers are the reproductive structures of this group, there are two classes - monocots and eudicots in this group, this group has the largest number of plant representatives

Select the correct facts and characteristics about angiosperms from the list below. a) a few members of this group use cones for reproduction b) this group is known as the flowering plants c) flowers are the reproductive structures of this group d) there are two classes - monocots and eudicots in this group e) this group has the largest number of plant representatives

they have pollen and seed cones, resemble palms and ferns because of their leaves, there are about 320 species, dinosaurs may have used cycads as a food source

Select the correct facts and characteristics about cycads from the list below. a) they have pollen and seed cones b) their leaves are sometimes called fiddleheads c) resemble palms and ferns because of their leaves d) there are about 320 species e) dinosaurs may have used cycads as a food source

female trees produce fleshy seeds with foul odors, there is only one living species with this group, these trees are sometimes called the maidenhair tree, male trees are usually preferred as trees for planting in parks and yards

Select the correct facts and characteristics about ginkgos from the list below. a) female trees produce fleshy seeds with foul odors b) there is only one living species with this group c) these trees are sometimes called the maidenhair tree d) there are few remaining ginkgos because they are very sensitive to pollution e) male trees are usually preferred as trees for planting in parks and yards

ferns and their allies, lycophytes

Select the two groups of seedless vascular plants from the choices below. a) ferns and their allies b) mosses c) angiosperms d) lycophytes

pod explosion sending seeds outward, wind dispersal, drifting on an ocean, the fruit being eaten by an animal, having hooks that stick to animal fur

Select the various methods in which seeds are dispersed naturally from the list below. a) pod explosion sending seeds outward b) wind dispersal c) drifting on an ocean d) the fruit being eaten by an animal e) having hooks that stick to animal fur f) rodents gathering seeds for food storage and not finding them later


Since they are small and have a selective advantage over larger plants, stone walls, fences, and cracks in exposed rocks are ideal microhabitats for ______________.


Small leaves of lycophytes are called _____________.


Spores are haploid reproductive cells produced by the ________________ generation.


The __________ of a flower are collectively called the corolla.


The ___________ connects the stigma to the ovary in angiosperm flowers.


The ____________ of a flower are often large, brightly colored, and may be aromatic.


The _____________ is the specific site of pollen reception in angiosperms.

sporophyte plant

The alternation of generations occurs in all plants. In ferns, the gametophyte is small and independent, however in angiosperms the female gametophyte is retained within the body of the a) gametophyte plant b) chlorophyte plant c) sporophyte plant


The anther produces pollen and sits at the top of a(n) ______________.


The calyx is a term used to refer to all of the ____________ of a flower.

carries out the majority of photosynthesis

The characteristic that determines which generation in plants is dominant is the generation that a) is diploid b) is haploid c) carries out the majority of photosynthesis d) produces the most gametes


The diploid generation in plants that is called the ____________ generation.

protect their sperm from desiccation, an efficient means of dispersing offspring, protect their embryos from desiccation

The most successful land plants have which of the following features? Select all that apply. a) protect their sperm from desiccation b) an efficient means of dispersing offspring c) protect their embryos from desiccation d) photosynthesis using oxygen instead of carbon dioxide


The nonvascular plants, which include liverworts, hornworts, and mosses are called the ______________.


The parts of the angiosperm flower that protect the unopened flower buds are called ____________.


The point at which the ___________ attaches to a stalk is called a receptacle.


The primary purpose of the ____________ is to produce pollen.

receive pollen and enclose the ovule

The primary purpose of the carpel and its subunits is to a) transmit high frequency sound emissions b) collect solar energy c) attract a particular pollinator d) receive pollen and enclose the ovule

produce pollen

The primary purpose of the stamen is to a) attract a particular pollinator b) collect solar energy c) produce pollen d) trap sperm and enclose the ovule e) transmit high frequency sound emissions


The seed contains the ___________ and its supportive nutrients.

stages of alternation of generations in plants

The sporophyte and the gametophyte are terms used to describe the a) earliest stages of the first land plants b) stages of alternation of generations in plants c) most primitive plant forms that evolved from green algae


The sporophyte generation of land plants is dominant because of the evolution of _____________ tissue.


The sporophyte generation of plants is dominant in ______ plants. a) algal b) land c) aquatic d) marine


The sporophyte generation produces spores by the process of ____________.


The stigma of a flower sits on top of the style and is the place that ___________ lands.


The stigma, style, and ovary collectively are known as the ______________.


The structure of a plant that contains the embryo and supportive nutrients is the ____________.

conserve water

The thick cuticles and recessed stomata of pine leaves help them to a) resist insect invasion b) reproduce c) conserve water d) collect solar energy


The transfer of pollen is called _______________.

monocots, eudicots

The two classes of angiosperms are the ______________ and the ______________.


The vascular tissue in plants that transports water and minerals up from the roots is called the ___________.


The vascular tissue that transports organic nutrients through the plant is called _____________.


There are nearly 600 cone bearing plants, which are known as a) gymnosperms b) angiosperms


These gymnosperms live in the tropics and subtropics and are in danger of extinction because of their slow growth. These plants are the _____________.


These plants evolved approximately 200 million years ago and are called the flowering plants. The other name given to the flowering plants is _______________.


These structures protect a flower bud before it opens. They are called ______________.


This type of gymnosperm has massive pollen and seed cones and are most often found in the tropics and subtropics. a) ginkgoes b) lycophytes c) conifers d) cycads e) gnetophytes


Time, sediments, and pressure turned ancient felled trees into the fossil fuel known as ___________.


True or False? Another term for a fern is a frond.


True or False? Coal naturally forms quickly under the right conditions.


True or False? Cycads are in danger of extinction because of their slow growth.


True or False? External water is needed to accomplish fertilization in seed plants.


True or False? The primary purpose of flower petals is to produce pollen.


True or False? The stamen's primary purpose is to enclose the ovule and become fruit.

transports water and nutrients through the plant

Vascular tissue a) transports water and nutrients through the plant b) supports the production of endosperm in the seed to support the developing embryo c) promotes the growth of roots for absorption and stems for leaf arrangement

to attract a particular pollinator

What is the primary purpose of petals (corolla) in flowers? a) to attract a particular pollinator b) to allow human enjoyment c) to collect the spores of other flowers

pollen grain

What structure develops from a microspore and into a male gametophyte? a) pollen grain b) carpel c) fruit d) ovule e) embryo sac

seed coat, stored food

What two important adaptations allow plant embryos to survive harsh conditions? a) seed coat b) rhizoids c) aerial stem d) stored food e) chorion


Which choice below is the correct term for the carrier of pollen from flower to flower? a) pollinator b) microspore c) pollen tube


Which group contains the most species of living plants? a) nonvascular plants b) gnetophytes c) ferns d) angiosperms e) cycads


Which group does not have true roots, stems, or leaves? a) angiosperms b) gymnosperms c) sporophytes d) chlorophytes e) bryophytes

hemlocks, junipers, cedars, firs, redwoods

Which of the following are conifers? a) hemlocks b) junipers c) cedars d) firs e) redwoods f) cycads

cycads, ginkgoes, conifers, gnetophytes

Which of the following are the four groups of living gymnosperms? a) cycads b) ginkgoes c) lycophytes d) conifers e) gnetophytes

angiosperms, gymnosperms

Which of the following are the major groups of seed plants around today? a) angiosperms b) gymnosperms c) lycophytes d) bryophytes

paper production, construction

Which of the following are uses of conifer trees? a) paper production b) construction c) types of clothing


Which of the following has a dominant gametophyte generation? a) angiosperm b) fern c) liverwort d) moss


Which of the following has a dominant sporophyte generation? a) angiosperm b) fern c) liverwort d) moss


Which of the following is not a bryophyte? a) fern b) liverwort c) hornwort d) moss

fully germinated pollen grain

Which of the following is the mature male gametophyte? a) full developed ovary b) fully developed egg c) fully germinated pollen grain d) fully developed ovule

peat moss

Which of the following plants can be used in gardens to improve the water-holding capacity of the soil? a) horsetails b) peat moss c) ferns d) club mosses e) liverworts

recessed stomata, thick cuticles

Which of these characteristics help pines conserve water? a) recessed stomata b) infrequent flowering c) vasoconstriction d) thick cuticles


Within an ovary, the female gametophyte develops inside of a(n) _____________ and eventually becomes the seed.


Xylem is a vascular tissue that transports minerals and _____________ from the soil.


____________ are a group of plants that produce cones.


______________ supply much of the wood used to construct buildings and to manufacture paper.


_______________ is a liquid that some flowering plants produce and pollinators gather for nutrients.

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