BIOL 2221 Exam #1 Practice Test

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Koch's postulates are criteria used to establish that

a specific microbe is the cause of a specific disease.

Protists include ________.

algae and protozoa

Peptidoglycan is a unique macromolecule found in bacterial _____.

cell walls

Eukaryotic flagella differ from bacterial flagella because only eukaryotic flagella ________.

contain microtubules

During unfavorable growth conditions, many protozoa can convert to a resistant, dormant stage called a(n) _____.


The microorganisms that recycle nutrients by breaking down dead matter and wastes are called _____.


The Gram staining procedure is best described as a(n) _______ staining technique.


The short, numerous appendages used by some bacterial cells for adhering to surfaces are called _____.


Fungal spores differ from bacterial endospores in that ________.

fungal spores are reproductive, whereas bacterial endospores are for survival

Host cells of viruses include ________.

*All of the choices are correct* humans and other animals protozoa and algae bacteria plants and fungi

Which of the following is a type of cytopathic effect?

*All of the choices are correct.* Multi nucleated giant cells Inclusions in the cytoplasm Inclusions in the nucleus Cells change shape

Which of the following is not classified as a helminth?

*All of the choices are helminths* Fluke Flatworm Tapeworm Roundworm

All of the following are found in some or all protozoa except ________.

*cell wall* formation of a cyst stage heterotrophic nutrition motility ectoplasm and endoplasm

Viruses have all the following except ________.

*metabolism* the ability to infect host cells definite shape ultramicroscopic size genes

All of the following are examples of different types of microbiological media except _____.

*petri dish* Ager Enriched Selective Broth

Which type of medium is able to distinguish different species or types of microorganisms based on an observable change in the colonies or in the medium?


All of the following are helminths except _____.

*trypanosomes* flukes roundworms pinworms tapeworms

The first cells appeared about ______ billion years ago.

3.8 billion

The best definition of endosymbiosis is ________.

A pre-eukaryotic cell was infected by a prokaryote, and symbiosis between the two cell types gave rise to the modern-day eukaryotic cell

Which type of microscope is the most widely used and shows cells against a bright background?

Bright field

Which order below reflects the correct procedure for Gram staining?

Crystal violet-iodine-alcohol/acetone-safranin

Which of the following is not a characteristic of bacteria?

Its DNA is wrapped around histones.

The surgeon who advocated using disinfectants on hands and in the air prior to surgery was _____.

Joseph Lister

Which of the following is not a human use of microorganisms?

Manufacturing copper wire

Which of the following is not considered a microorganism?


A bacterial genus that has waxy mycolic acid in the cell walls is _____.


Which of the following is not an inoculating tool?

Petri dish

Which is mismatched?

Plasmodium — protozoan that causes Chagas disease

Which method often results in colonies developing down throughout the agar along with some colonies on the surface?

Pour plate

Sterility refers to

having an absence of any life forms and viral particles.

The term that refers to the purposeful addition of microorganisms into a laboratory nutrient medium is _____.


The bacterial chromosome ________.

is part of the nucleoid

The group of protozoa that have flagella are the _____.


Filamentous fungi are called _____.


Chemotaxis refers to the ability to ________.

move in response to a chemical

All bacterial cells have ________.

one or more chromosomes

Cells form a ______ arrangement when cells in a chain snap back upon each other forming a row of cells oriented side by side.


Disease-causing microorganisms are called _____.


The term that refers to the presence of flagella over the cell surface is _____.


The function of bacterial endospores is ________.

protection of genetic material during harsh conditions

When buds remain attached, they form a chain of yeast cells called _____.


The first primitive eukaryotic cells likely evolved from _____.

the last common ancestor

All microorganisms are best defined as organisms that ________.

are too small to be seen with the unaided eye

Which of the following does not pertain to helminths?

In kingdom Protista

Gram-negative bacteria

are less susceptible to antibiotics that target peptidoglycan than gram-positive organisms.

Plasmids ________.

are often the site of pathogenic genes

Comparing defined vs. complex media is analogous to comparing ________.

baby formula to breast milk

When assigning a scientific name to an organism,

both genus and species names are italicized or underlined.

The group of protozoa that use pseudopodia to move are the _____.


The transfer of genes during bacterial conjugation involves rigid, tubular appendages called _____.

sex pili

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