BIOL Midterm Review

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What are the three domains?

Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya

What happens in convergent evolution?

Two distantly related species independently develop similar traits.

Scientists are continually discovering new species of prokaryotes. Why is DNA testing important in identifying new prokaryotic species?

Unique DNA sequences help to determine if the prokaryote is a new species.

The community of microbes living in or on our bodies is called _________.

the human microbiome

What did Carl Woese use to group organisms into three distinct domains?

the sequence of an rRNA molecule

Which statement is the definition of biogeography?

the study of species distributions across the planet

Which term is not present in bryophytes?

xylem cells

Characteristic that belong to Marsupials

young develop in a pouch on the mother short gestation; long nursing period

Characteristic that belong to Eutherians

young develop in womb with a placenta long gestation; shorter nursing period

What are the steps of the scientific method?

1. make observations 2. form hypothesis 3. design than conduct experiment 4.analyze 5.conclusion

Which statement best describes how homologous structures evolve?

A basic structure inherited from a common ancestor may evolve different variations in different species.

Which statement is true about animals?

A key adaptation that helped animals to move onto land was the evolution of an exoskeleton.

What did the Human Microbiome Project demonstrate?

A person walking through a room will leave behind millions of individual microbes from hundreds of species.

Which of the statements are examples of hypotheses?

A scientist predicts that the DNA molecule of the virus contains its genetic material. A scientist proposes that the protein shell of the virus contains its genetic material

Select the statement that correctly describes the evolutionary relationships among the domains of life.

Archaea and Eukarya are more genetically similar than Archaea and Bacteria

Where are members of the human microbiome found?

Any where on the human body

Select the examples of how scientists use DNA sequences to determine evolutionary relationships between species or groups of organisms to create phylogenies.

DNA sequence analysis reveals that, despite the common characteristic of an extended wrist bone and bamboo diet between red pandas and giant pandas, the red panda is more closely related to weasels than it is to the giant panda. Scientists compare DNA sequences of the H1N1 flu virus to determine how many variants in a flu pandemic are resistant to the flu vaccine.

Place the taxonomic ranks in the correct order from the most general rank to the most specific rank.

Dear king philip came over for good spagetti

Select the scenario that describes a mass extinction.

During the Permian period 250 million years ago, a catastrophic event occurred that killed 90% of the Earth's species.

Which geologic processes are associated with plate tectonics?

Earthquakes, Formation of volcanic islands, increasing height of mountains, seafloor spreading

How can a mass extinction lead to explosive diversification of species?

Empty niches are filled by surviving species that can diversify rapidly

What is the primary difference between bacterial and eukaryotic cells?

Eukaryotic cells have membrane‑bound compartments called organelles, whereas bacterial cells do not.

How do scientists use fossils to draw conclusions about the evolution of life on Earth?

Fossils can be dated, providing a timeline for when certain types of life existed on Earth.

Based on the history of the model of the atom, which statement about scientific theory is true? New finding after original

Further scientific results may be used to modify, dispute, or even falsify a theory.

Why is the Archaea domain closer to Eukarya than Bacteria?

Genetically, the Archaea are more similar to Eukarya than Bacteria.

What can be concluded about the resources the public uses to make medical decisions?

Journalism tends to sensationalize single findings rather than reporting on the overall conclusions of the scientific community.

Which of the following is true about plant defenses?

Plants are able to release chemicals that both repel pests and attract the pest's predators.

Which statement accurately describes radiometric dating?

Radiometric dating uses isotopes to determine the age of fossils and rocks on a scale of absolute time.

Identify the statements that accurately describe science and the scientific method.

Science is a process that is limited to answering questions about the natural world. Scientific theories can be made obsolete by new experiments or observations. Scientific findings are based on carefully tested and scrutinized observations.

Which of the statements are examples of a correlation?

Students who participate more in class and higher grades on exams An increase in temperature and an increase in the amount of bottled water sold

What is the theory of plate tectonics?

The broken pieces of the earth's crust shift position as they float on hotter, more fluid rock

The forearms of a human, a horse, and a bat are shown in the diagram How do these structures provide evidence for common ancestry?

The mammals share a common ancestor. The differences in forearm functions have evolved from the same ancestral bone structure.

Each of the observations provides evidence that supports the idea of common ancestry and evolution. Which one is from the field of biogeography?

There are at least 13 different, but closely related, species of finches on the Galapagos Islands similar to a species of finch off the coast of South America.

Fossils of Lystrosaurus, a genus of land animal that lived during the Triassic period about 250 million years ago (mya), have been found in mainland Africa, Madagascar, India, and Antarctica. Why are there fossils of the same type of animal in places that at present ring the Indian Ocean?

These four locations were a part of a single landmass when Lystrosaurus was alive.

What do birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish all have in common?

They all share a common ancestor with the echinoderms.

Which of the following is true about nonvascular plants?

They are small and low to the ground.

Mosses and liverworts are early colonizers during ecological succession and make the environment more amenable for other species. How do these plants contribute to nitrogen levels in the soil?

They form symbioses with nitrogen‑fixing cyanobacteria.

Because extremophiles are hard to culture outside of their native environments, how do scientists classify and identify specific species?

They use DNA sequencing to identify species via genetic differences.

Movement in the animal kingdom first evolved along with

a body plan that had symmetry.

What is a pathogen?

a microorganism or virus that infects a host organism and is capable of causing a disease in the host organism

Which example describes the scientific method?

a process by which scientists investigate natural phenomena or groups of observations to accurately explain how the natural world works

The Cambrian explosion was

a sudden increase in the diversity of animal life as complex organisms evolved.

Statements describing Derived charachter

a trait appeared in the most recent common ancestor in a reduction of toes from five to one, the one-toed state hair in mammals

Statements describing Ancestral charachter

a trait inherited from a distan ancestor in a reduction of toes from five to one, the five toed state amniotic eggs in mammals

What evolutionary concept best describes what is observed in the Hawaiian honeycreepers? changes in beak shap

adaptive radiation

Which example describes a theory?

an established explanation for a phenomenon or group of observations that is testable and is well‑supported by evidence

According to their numbers, what are the most successful animals on the planet?


What type of body symmetry is found in animals that can move swiftly?


Which statement describes all organisms that are extremophiles?

can survive in extreme environments

All three mammals

covered in hair produce milk for young to eat

Common to all cells

cytosol, DNA,ribosome

What word or phrase did Charles Darwin use to describe evolution in his 1859 book On the Origin of Species?

descent with modification

The variation in shape and function of the forelimb in tetrapods is a result of

different environments leading to the evolution of different types of limbs.

Which of the following does NOT contain structures homologous to the human arm?

dragonfly wing

The absence of membrane-bound organelles in a cell tells you that the cell must be

either from a member of the domain Bacteria or from a member of the domain Archaea.

Which types of plants possess true stomata?

ferns mosses angiosperms

Which feature makes angiosperms different from all the other types of plants?


Which are members of the tetrapod clade?

frogs and snakes

The forelimb of a chicken and a primate contain many of the same bones arranged in the same order. This is an example of


What can we learn about vertebrate evolution from Tiktaalik that we did not know before?

how vertebrates evolved tetrapod limbs

Which descriptions are examples of fossils?

imprint of a fern left in ancient sandstone shell of a crab preserved in limestone dinosaur tracks preserved in the remains of a riverbed

If you were looking for a bacterium, where would expect to find one?

in soil, plants, the ocean, and you skin

Which of the statements are characteristics of a good hypothesis?

is able to be tested using validated techniques is created from careful research and logical reasoning

Characteristics of an autotroph

make up the base of food chains do not rely on other organisms for food are producers

What type of animal is a dolphin?


Which trait is one of the defining characteristics of all mammals?

mammary glands

In the late Devonian era, the seas began to recede and the land became more fertile. These environmental changes resulted in the emergence of land-dwelling vertebrates. Some animals are better able to survive and reproduce under changing environmental conditions. This is an example of:

natural selection

Characteristics of heterotrophs

occupy the upper levels of food chains eat other organism for food are consumers

Earth's atmosphere has not always contained enough oxygen to support life.

photosynthesis by cyanobacteria

Evolution of pollen and seeds were key evolutionary milestones that allowed for

plants to succeed and diversify on land.

Characteristics of Seed plants

produce seeds transport of water through xylem do not require water for reproduction

What are extreme thermophiles?

prokaryotes that thrive in extremely hot environments, such as boiling hot springs

What kind of symmetry do echinoderms have? IE starfish and urchins

radial symmetry

Characteristic that belong to Monotremes

reproduce by laying eggs

Identify the parts of the phylogenetic tree.

root, node, branch

Unique to eukaryotic cells

rough endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear membrane, chloroplast

Chemicals produced by plants that are not directly involved in growth or reproduction but that help protect the plant by their impacts on other organisms are called _____.

secondary metabolites

Complete the sentence. Homologous structures are

similar structures with similar functions and a common ancestor.

A vascular system is the _______.

specialized plant tissues that transport water and nutrients

Characteristics of mosses

transport of sugar by diffusion limted to small sizes require water for reproduction

What are two major plant adaptations that were most important in allowing plants to become independent of aquatic habitats?

vascular system and seeds

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