Biology U7

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Cell activities are controlled by chemical messengers from the ribosomes.



Important in protein synthesis

What do the terms, "Samara" "Capsules" "Pod" "Achene" have in common?


The greatest number of people plants have the potential to feed, according to some agronomists is:

100 billion people

Punjabi farmer

150 bushels per acre

The years of drought in India that showed the need for change were .



A chemical energy compound with two phosphate groups found in living cells


A flowering plant with seeds having one seed leaf


A flowering plant with seeds having two seed leaves


A food made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen


A food made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen


A food storage tissue


A plant that completes its life cycle within a year's time


A plant that continues to grow year after year from the same plant body


A running down


A seed leaf


A smaller, darker body found in the nucleus


ADP + 1 high-energy phosphate

Explain the concept of growth using these terms: differentiate, meristem, elongation, and vascular cambium.

After the germination of a seed, certain enzymes break down stored food for energy to be used in cell division. Next, elongation of the root tip is followed by elongation of the shoot tip. The meristem of the root tip is covered by a cap of cells. By adding more cells to the root tips, this cap continually sloughs off cells and is replaced as the root grows through the soil. The dividing cells of the root tips start to grow in length and continue to elongate until they are several millimeters behind the root tip and meristem. The root tip will continue to divide and push through soil farther away from the elongating cells. After elongation in the root tips stop, differentiation will start. Cells differentiate when they start to take on different shapes and functions. A nest of cells may start to elongate at specific locations in a crosswise direction to the other cells of the root axis. Having their own meristematic cells, this nest of cells may form a branch root. In woody plants, some of the meristematic cells in the tips of the root and shoot stays meristematic. This ring of meristematic cells, the vascualar cambium, is only usually one or to layers wide.

The science which develops and studies plant varieties and production is called .



All the organic substances located between the nucleus and cell membrane

The building blocks of proteins are .

Amino acids


An agricultural science that deals with crop production and improvement

carbon dioxide

An atmospheric gas made of one carbon atom for each two oxygen atoms


An atmospheric gas; a by-product of the light reaction of photosynthesis

chemical bond

An energy-sharing arrangement of atoms to each other as parts of a molecule

Old phloem cells become:


A crosswise elongation of cells within the stem will produce a leaf or .


general equation of respiration

CH2O + O2--ENZYMES--CO2 + H2O + energy to produce ATP

What are the waste products of respiration?

CO 2, H 2 O, energy

What general type of plant food is produced by photosynthesis?


What is meant by the phrase "plants are green factories"?

Cells are analogous to a chemical factory because they utilize energy to synthesize and decompose organic substances

The orange color of carrot roots and of marigold flowers comes from cell bodies known as .


A meristematic cell will differentiate due to its .


Since carbon as an atmospheric gas is locked into a food molecule, it is termed carbon dioxide fixation. Another name for this process of photosynthesis is the .

Dark reaction

The requirements of all organisms worldwide are linked to the sun by photosynthesis.



Essential to aerobic respiration

The protoplast consists of:

Everything inside the cell membrane

What factors speed up or slow down the rate of photosynthesis?

Factors that speed up or slow down the rate of photosyntheis are temperature, light intensity, availability of water, and carbon dioxide levels.

A chloroplast consists solely of a football shaped container of chlorophyll.


A plant makes its own proteins but an animal synthesizes the proteins it consumes as food.


A seed consists solely of a protected package of elements, nutrients and plant food requiring only water and solar energy.


An annual plant bears fruit or flowers every year.


Between five and ten different types of cells are in the human body.


Current populations experiencing famine are primarily the result of lack of land to grow more plants.


Energy plus matter is sufficient for continued development of order, complexity or growth.


Food production from plants is currently near its maximum potential -- worldwide.


For maximum photosynthesis, increased light intensity has greater effect than increased leaf surface area.


History indicates that ancient man was intellectually primitive.


Nearly all the mass of plants comes from well fertilized soil.


Photosynthesis and respiration processes show plant cells to be very simple in design.


Photosynthesis consists of only the light reaction.


Problems of world hunger are due to the green plant's inefficiency in food production.


Proteins are made directly from carbohydrates, the first products of photosynthesis.


Proteins are the building blocks of amino acids.


Proteins of one plant are like proteins of other plants, but animal proteins are unlike each other and plant proteins.


Protoplasm consists of numerous combinations of 22 proteins.


Ribosomes are only found in plant cells.


Roots grow downward by cell differentiation.


The bodies that break down food molecules to form RNA are the ribosomes.


The facts of why onion cells produce an onion and not a walnut are well known to scientists.


The meristematic cells of a carrot could produce a tree or an elephant just as easily.


The root cap cells elongate and differentiate forming phloem and xylem.


Trees get wider when the vascular cambium adds new phloem to the rings of wood inside.


Evidence from archaeology shows that civilization and have a common date of origin in history.


Name four uses of energy produced by respiration.

Four uses of energy produced by respiration is the maintenance and repair of living structures, the of making new molecules, the conduction of nerve impulses in animals and people, and the production of light in bioluminescent organisms.

Inherited physical traits are directly related to:


Put the four stages of growth in order.

Germination, Growth, Maturation, Death

The first part of photosynthesis within the chloroplast occurs in the and the second in the of the chloroplast.

Grana, stroma

Wheat appears to have originated from a wild species of .



In the absence of oxygen as a gas


In the presence of oxygen as a gas

Explain by a series of statements or steps how a tree trunk gets wider.

In the woody part of older trees, the vascular cambium will produce phloem to the outside, xylem to the inside, and more merstematic cells in between the phloem and xylem. The phloem which becomes part of the bark, is periodically shed as the tree grows. The xylem is the wood, which holds the yearly growth record as rings within the tree. The vascular cambium remains a one or more layers in width, but increases in ring size every year with an increase with a widening of xylem tissue.

Agriculture was not a developed science in . That country's machinery, technology, and crop varieties did not advance with new developments in other parts of the world.


The number of chromosomes within each species of plant or animal:

Is constant

It has been taught that the early population of the earth remained small because:

Man was primitive, man was limited to hunting, man was limited to gathering wild foods

The sugar beet was developed from a plant root called _____.


The use of wheat as food can be traced to the area of .

Middle East

The first chemist to begin quantifying the process of photosynthesis was:

Nicholas de Saussure

Three important plant experimentation discoveries by scientists within the last 300 years are:

Nicholas de Saussure was the first chemist to begin quantifying the process of photosynthesis., Jan Baptista's experiments showed that the loss of soil mass is less than the gain of plant mass and that the gain of plant mass is related to water., Ingenhousz found that air would be purified only when green plants were in sunlight.


Oblong cells with unevenly thickened walls for support in young stems

Green plants are the energy link between the sun's energy and the energy needs of .


What is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is a synthesis reaction where energy provided from the light energy absorbed is converted into food and oxygen.

Robert Hooke was an English who was the first man to describe plant cells.



Produced by organisms as opposed to nonliving chemical processes

Enzymes are:



Provides energy storage and structure for life

What is respiration?

Respiration is a decomposition reaction where food produced by photosynthesis is broken down and is released as energy.

Proteins are made by:

Ribosomes in plants and animals

Tiny chambers were first observed and described from microscope observations by a man named .

Robert Hooke

Van Niel's theory, later shown to be correct, claimed that the oxygen produced by photosynthesis comes from the .

Splitting of water molecules

Potato tuber cells have leucoplasts which help .

Store Starch


That part of a tree that is interior to the vascular cambium


That part of a woody stem, or tree, that is outside the vascular cambium


The basic building block of all forms of life

amino acid

The building blocks of proteins


The capacity to do or perform work

The food for the embryo plant comes from the cotyledon or .

The endosperm


The first step after production by a meristem


The green chemical that makes green plants green


The high energy chemical compound that provides energy


The maturation of a cell produced by a plant meristem

vascular cambium

The meristematic cells which produce new cells increasing plant body girth

crop production

The process used to select seeds, nutrients, and season to get the maximum production from a crop

protein synthesis

The putting together of protein molecules from amino acids

green revolution

The revolution in plant production that greatly increased crop yields


The stage of respiration that occurs in anaerobic conditions, such as yeast fermentation


The tiny pores or leaf openings appearing between guard cells


The water and mineral conducting tissue of a plant's vascular system


The youthful, undifferentiated cells of root and shoot tips

Concerning carbohydrates:

They all contain C, O, H, the ratio of H to C is fixed at 2:1

A green house may be used to control temperature and carbon dioxide.


A seed may be described as a packaged miniature factory.


A tiny body within plant cells, the chloroplast, is the power generator for life on earth.


Agronomists are scientists who work to develop crops that produce more or better foods.


Animals and humans cannot live without protein in their diet.


Carbon dioxide levels above normal will increase plant growth if other factors are adequate.


Enzymes are an example of proteins.


Evolution theory is based on the supposition that energy plus matter plus natural chemical combinations are sufficient to ultimately produce functioning interrelated complex systems.


God designed plants to maintain not only their own food needs, but provide food energy for the world of living things.


India's history of starvation was changed when a new dwarf wheat variety was introduced to Indian agriculture.


It is likely that man had a knowledge of agriculture since his creation.


Many of the hunger problems are caused more by greed and bad politics than plant yields.


Meristematic cells of different kinds of plants may look alike, but the DNA messages are different.


One definition of plant life is an uninterrupted succession of cells.


Plants harvest only a small portion of the sun's energy.


Programs to increase food supply and improve food quality are being started in many parts of the world.


Some of the most complex organic molecules are those of proteins.


The basic functions of a multi-cellular plant such as a rose are also conducted by a unicellular alga.


The cell communication system for chemical messages and materials is thought to be the membrane system known as endoplasmic reticulum.


The full use of the green plant's built-in design and potential has not yet been reached.


The roots of a plant absorb nutrients from the soil.


The vascular cambium is one example of cells that are meristematic, that is, staying young or continuing to divide.


Vacuoles are reservoirs in plant cells that help maintain water balance.


Without plants there would be no food for the earth.


What are two ways plant cells are like animal and human cells?

Two ways plant cells are like animal and human cells is that they contain a nucleus and a cell membrane.


Utilization of food molecules and energy in life processes

A part of the plant cell that may contain crystal or poisons harmful to living protoplasm is the .


(Select all that apply.) What three parts of plant cells cause them to differ from animal and human cells?

Vacuoles, chloroplasts, cell walls

Napoleon encouraged sugar beet production because the sugar cane source was cut off by .


What do glucose, starch and cellulose have in common?

What do glucose, starch and cellulose have in common?, they are all carbohydrates, they are all related to photosynthesis

Today's most important food crop is .




The root system which helps stabilize soil from erosion is the root system.


Crop plant programs are being started which emphasize amino acid quality and protein production. Choose all such crop plants from the following choices.

alfalfa, soybeans, legumes

Lactic acid buildup during respiration is the result of:

anaerobic glycolysis

Processes or reactions accomplished without oxygen are called .


Flowering plants are classified as:


A plant that germinates, grows, produces flowers and seeds, and dies in a year is termed a(n) .


When was the "cell" first identified and named?

approximately 350 years ago



Why is a cell analogous to an engineered watch?

because it consists of numerous interdependent subunits, because coded information cannot arise from random processes

amino acids

building blocks of proteins

De Saussure's experiments demonstrated the importance of water and to green plants.

carbon dioxide


cell headquarters

What cell part is described below?

cell wall, A feature of plants that gives shape and texture and provides support.

A remarkable fact about cells is:

cells are very different, yet have similar properties

The material which provides rigidity to cell walls is called .


What conditions and/or raw materials are necessary for photosynthesis to occur?

chlorophyll, CO 2, H 2 O, light

What cell part is described below?

chromosomes, Major segments of DNA during cell division.

The threadlike objects in the nucleus are called and carry the or inheritance units.

chromosomes, genes

A mass of cells with more than one cell type makes up a .

complex tissue

oil crop


The four main zones of a root tip are all of the following: differentiation, root cap, meristem, elongation, EXCEPT _____.


green revolution

crop improvements

Plant cells and animal cells both have _____. (Select all that apply.)

cytoplasm, a plasma membrane, a nucleus, vacuoles

The inevitable process causing increase in in the universe and loss in useful energy is called entropy.


(Select all that apply.) Choose the operations conducted by the "cell factory."

duplicate itself, interpret coded information, selective exchange, perform maintenance, decompose chemicals, synthesize chemicals, convert energy


dwarf wheat

What type of general classification is a xerophyte?


(Select all that apply.) Which of the following does the plant need in order for it to germinate and develop?

energy, matter, genetic info

In order for a plant to grow, it must overcome the basic universal law of .


The chemicals first activated in the seed that help cause other chemicals to react are called .


The four parts of a seed include all of the following: seed coat, cotyledon, endosperm, embryo, EXCEPT _____.


Plant respiration occurs:

equally night and day

The protoplast consists of:

everything inside the cell membrane

(Select all that apply.) Choose from the following list the organic compounds that are manufactured within the cytoplasm.

fatty acids, amino acids, hormones, carotenoids, alcohols, waxes, nucleic acids

Each protein molecule is made of at least amino acid units.


(Select all that apply.) Choose the three most fundamental necessities which plants provide for people.

food clothing shelter


food supply, not part of the embryo seed plant


food supply, part of the embryo seed plant



Where do plants obtain the oxygen necessary to utilize foods?

from the atmosphere


gas produced in photosynthesis

The beginning of the development of a plant from a seed is called .


The first stage in the decomposition of glucose is called .


Choose from the following list the three stages of respiration which convert food to useful energy.

glycosis, electron transport chain, krebs cycle




green pigmented chemical

God's creation

green plants

How were some of the hunger needs of India solved?

increased per acre yield due to better plants;, improved plant genetics and crop management

The green revolution in food production is referring to the _____ of plant output.

increased yield

(Select all that apply.) Proteins may be identified separately from fats and carbohydrates by the presence of certain elements. Choose the elements that qualify.

iron, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc, nitrogen


leaf opening

Hill is known for working out reactions taking place during the of photosynthesis.

light reaction

solar energy, CO 2 intake, release of energy, storage of energy, release of O 2, release of water, ATP, forms carbohydrates

light, dark, dark, light, light, dark, light, dark

Jan Baptista's experiments showed:

loss of soil mass < gain of plant mass, gain of plant mass related to water


maturates, develops specialized function

Cells that multiply and produce growth at various parts of a plant are:


The electron transport of respiration occurs in organelles called .


Which organelle is responsible for producing energy by the Krebs cycle?


The study of growth characteristics of a plant is called developmental .


A dicot may be expected to have:

netted veins, vascular rings

All proteins contain , in addition to carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.



no oxygen

The man who received a Nobel Peace Prize for his work in helping feed the hungry was .

norman borlaug

Peanuts, flax, sunflowers, safflower and cotton are all grown for their .



organic catalyst, helps to cause other reactions


oxygen present

Differentiated cells which take on the function of food storage are: .


Crop plant programs are being started which feature oil producing plants used for food as well as for fuel oils. Choose the oil producing plants from the following choices.

peanuts, sunflowers, cotton, flax, safflower

A plant that continues to live for many years is termed a(n) .


Two ancient plants cited in the text are the bristlecone pine and the giant sequoias.


One of the tissues making up bark is .


The vascular cambium cells differentiate into:

phloem, xylem

Green plants utilize solar energy through and release energy through .

photosythesis, respiration

Which conditions relate to the research of van Helmont

plant mass related to H 2 O, conclusions partly correct


plant that grows and dies in a year

Priestly's experiments explained:

plants are associated with O 2, animals require O 2

Plant respiration occurs:

primarily at night

The chemical energy stored in ATP during photosynthesis is released during the dark phase to:

produce a carbohydrate from CO 2

The chemical energy stored in ATP during photosynthesis is used to:

produce a carbohydrate from CO 2

The basic food of a plant is:

produced by chloroplasts

ATP is a:

product of decomposition of starch, chemical associated with mitochondria, a form of chemical energy

A compound containing O, C, H, N is a .


Besides giving an earth-home to us, God gave us the to take care of it, of each other, and of ourselves for Himself.



running down


seed dispersal


seed production

A plant cell can substances between its internal and external environment.

selectively transfer

What primary genetic characteristic of wheat dramatically helped wheat production in India?

short stem

energy is absorbed by photosynthesis, and energy is through respiration.

solar, released

amino acid crop


The oxygen which is released into the air by a plant originates from:

splitting of water molecules

During cell division, energy is needed. The first chemicals to be broken down to use as energy in cell division are called .


Malthus, an English economist, predicted worldwide in the 1800's.



starvation of world

Which statements apply to "food"?

storage medium for energy, release energy during composition

What is the function(s) of ATP?

stores the initial energy released by respiration, provides the energy for all cytoplasmic chemical synthesis


sugar beet

Ingenhousz found that air would be purified only when green plants were in .



support of leaves

Photosynthesis is a reaction, and respiration is a reaction, and they cycle continuously within the plant factory.

sythesis, decomposition

What do glucose, starch and cellulose have in common?

they are various forms of sugars, they are all carbohydrates, they are all related to photosynthesis

Why do animals and humans need proteins in their diet?

they break down protein into amino acids needed for their particular protein synthesis

The twenty two amino acids are capable of producing _______________.

thousands of different proteins

A propagation method known as has shown that one individual cell has the potential to develop into a whole plant.

tissue culture

A new food source from the crossing of wheat and rye is called .


Sugar beets and were specifically developed by agronomists to increase needed food supplies.


wheat x rye


If we are to be better stewards of God's creation, we must have a better understanding of plants and animals that share our world.


Photosynthesis continues to increase with temperature:

true within limits

The merismatic cells under the bark forming a ring around the tree are the .

vascular cambium

The width of a tree increases through direct growth of the:

vascular cambium

Norman Borlaug developed a drought and disease resistant dwarf _____ which helped the people of Mexico and India during food shortages.


The triticale supplement is made from _____ and _____.

wheat and rye




youthful tissue (keeps growing)

All of the following are part of a plants organizational structure:

organs,tissues,systems,cells EXCEPT: atoms

No lifeform, whether human or animal, could exist on the earth without the process of , which is unique to plants.


The basic food produced by a plant is:

produced by chloroplasts

The transfer of information from the nucleus to organelles is accomplished by:

ribonucleic acid

Two main functions of leaves are photosynthesis and _____.

gas exchange

(Select all that apply.) Choose the five substances that can be found in the cell vacuoles.

minerals, sugars, calcium oxalate, anthocyanins, dissolved proteins

The outward shape and appearance of a plant represents its .


What cell part is described below?

nucleolus, A concentration of the nucleic acid RNA, which is important in carrying chemical messages to other bodies in the cytoplasm.

What cell part is described below?

nucleus, The cell headquarters and inheritance; controls and orders the activities of the cell.

Although the following term is actually obsolete and somewhat misleading, the cell may still be referred to as a .

simple cell

A plant chloroplast is a plastid.



body that releases energy from foods

Cactus spines are modified .



The tiny body that contains chlorophyll

An entirely new plant can sometimes be generated from a few cells.


A cell has a cell wall and a water vacuole to help maintain a rigid structure.



A flower part; a ring of pollen-producing appendages of a flower


A flower part; the outermost ring of leaflike appendages of a flower


A leaflike part of the flower where seeds are produced

A cell is:

the basic building block of organisms

About how many cells does the human body contain?

30(10 12 )


A cell storage body that increases in size with age


A chemical important in taking blueprint messages from DNA

Chemical messages originate from:


A simple cell is a good description since most cells are so small and influence so little in life.



food-making body

The matured ovary of a plant is a:


The number of chromosomes within each species of plant or animal:

is constant

cell wall

layers of cellulose outside the cell

What cell part is described below?

mitochondria, Rod-shaped structures scattered throughout the cytoplasm that are involved with energy release.

Two main functions of roots are the conduction of water and minerals and .

the anchoring of the plant

Two main functions of stems are the support of the plant body and _____.

the conduction of food, water, and minerals

The total energy production of a mitochondrion is enhanced by:

the large internal surface area

The two main functions of the Golgi body are _____. Select all that may apply.

to collect and package cell building materials and enzymes, secrete and store high-energy compounds


A group of similar cells, or unlike cells with a specialized common function


A plant cell of a long fiber type or variable sclereid type


A protein and fat structure serving as a covering and enclosure for a cell


Carries the genes or inheritance units of a cell

Explain what is meant by the statement, "Cells are very different, yet very similar."

Cells can be similar in structure and function, but plant cells differ from other living cells in their structure.

What cell part is described below?

Chloroplast, Green, football-shaped plastids that carry out the life-support system of photosynthesis.

What cell part is described below?

Cytoplasm, The organic materials between the membrane and nucleus, which contains a variety of tiny bodies, or organelles.

Photosynthesis takes place solely in the leaves of green plants.


Ribosomes are made of RNA.


The construction of the cell walls of all plants is similar.


The main difference among plants is size--trees, shrubs, herbs.


The protoplasm and cytoplasm of a plant are interchangeable terms.


What cell part is described below?

Golgi bodies, Flattened membrane sacs and tubes that are believed to be centers for collecting and packaging cell structures and enzymes.

Identify which plastid belongs to each color.

Green: chloroplasts, Orange: chromoplasts, Colorless: leucoplasts


The cell powerhouse


The chemical structure of genes which control inheritance


The food-conducting tissue of a plant's vascular or transport system


The most common plant cell, found in practically all parts of the plant body


The organic substance making up the cells of all living things


The outermost layer of plant cells or tissue


The protoplasmic substance separate from the cytoplasm


The protoplasmic unit of a cell

cell wall

The rigid wall of plant cells that surrounds the cell membrane


The ring of leaflike appendages occurring inside the sepals


The specific pattern of flower arrangement of a plant

Intelligent design is shown in the intricate detail and complexity of microscopic organisms.


One definition of life in a plant is an uninterrupted succession of cells.


Plant cells are miniature factories that make thousands of chemical compounds for themselves and the whole world.


Plant cells convert solar energy into chemical energy.


What cell part is described below?

endoplasmic reticulum, A system of membranes that appears to be a factory for life processes and a cell communication system for chemical messages.

Inherited physical traits are directly related to:



genes are made of this substance

Clusters of flowers are called:


ATP is a:

product of decomposition of food molecules, chemical associated with mitochondria, a form of chemical energy

Cells are analogous to a chemical factory. They utilize energy to _____.

synthesize and decompose organic substances

The two basic types of root systems are _____.

taproot, fibrous

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