Biology Unit #6 Exam

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All of the following are means of genetic recombination in prokaryotes EXCEPT 1.) conjugation 2.) transformation 3.) transduction 4.) crossing over

4.) crossing over

What are the two prokaryotic domains? 1.) Archaea & Bacteria 2.) Eukarya & Bacteria 3.) Archaea & Eukarya 4.) Protista & Archaea

1.) Archaea & Bacteria

Select all of the reasons why fungi are important to ecosystems.

1.) Form mycorrhizae associations with plant roots 3.) Form associations called lichens with algae or cyanobacteria 4.) Decompose cellulose and other organic material 6.) Cause diseases in plants and animals

Arrange the steps of the life cycle of Plasmodium vivax into chronological order.

1.) Gametes fuse in the gut of a female Anopheles mosquito and the zygote divides to produce sporozoites. 2.) Sporozoites are transmitted to a human from the salivary glands of a female Anopheles mosquito when the mosquito bites the human. 3.) Merozioites produced in the human liver cells enter the blood stream and then the red blood cells. In the blood cells, they feed as trophozoites. 4.) Red blood cells rupture, releasing merozoites that invade new red blood cells and reproduce asexually within these new cells. 5.) Red blood cells rupture, releasing merozoites and toxins into the bloodstream. 6.) Merozoites either become gametocysts and enter the bloodstream or are taken up by a mosquito, where they become gametes.

Select the facts that support the endosymbiotic theory.

1.) Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA. 3.) Mitochondria and chloroplasts are surrounded by two membranes. 4.) Mitochondria are about the same size as most bacteria.

Both mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own circular DNA, similar to that of prokaryotes. 1.) True 2.) False

1.) True

Donor DNA is combined with recipient DNA because it can pair with a homologous region in the recipient's genome 1.) True 2.) False

1.) True

Similar to other fungi, zygospores do not have "male" and "female" sexes; but instead have "plus" and "minus" strains. 1.) True 2.) False

1.) True

A group of Rhizarians called cercozoans are unique in that they have an outer netlike appearance and contain 1.) endosymbiotic cyanobacteria acquired relatively recently 2.) small air sacs just beneath the plasma membrane 3.) trichocysts that release toxins 4.) a pyrenoid region where carbohydrates are synthesized

1.) endosymbiotic cyanobacteria acquired relatively recently

The body of the fungi that consists of a network of microscopic filaments is called the 1.) mycelium 2.) zygospore 3.) sporophyte 4.) sporangium

1.) mycelium

During transformation, naked, double-stranded donor DNA binds the surface of a competent cell, then 1.) one strand is degraded and one enters the recipient cell 2.) is incorporated into the cell via a vesicle 3.) enters the recipient cell through DNA receptors 4.) nucleases incorporate the DNA into the recipient cell

1.) one strand is degraded and one enters the recipient cell

What is the expected outcome if DNA from an ampicillin-resistant organism is incorporated into an ampicillin-sensitive organism by transformation and then the resulting organisms are allowed to reproduce on agar-containing ampicillin? 1.) only the transformed cells will grow 2.) only donor cells will grow 3.) all cells grow 4.) no cells grow 5.) only ampicillin sensitive cells grow

1.) only the transformed cells will grow

Which of the following is a mismatch? 1.) thermophiles - live in extremely cold temperatures 2.) methanogens - prefer anaerobic environments 3.) halophiles - live in high salt environments 4.) thermoacidophiles - live in high temperatures and acidic environments

1.) thermophiles - live in extremely cold temperatures

What structure releases the spores during sexual reproduction? 1.) The mycelium 2.) The sporangium 3.) The zygospore 4.) The sporangia within the aerial hyphae

4.) The sporangia within the aerial hyphae

In transformation, both strands of donor DNA enter the recipient cell 1.) True 2.) False

2.) False

The inner membrane of chloroplasts and mitochondria is likely derived from the cell membrane of the host. 1.) True 2.) False

2.) False

Generally speaking, what is an endosymbiont? 1.) any photosynthetic bacterium 2.) a microorganism that lives within another cell, performing specific functions for its host 3.) a eukaryotic host cell that eats bacteria 4.) a free-living organelle with its own DNA

2.) a microorganism that lives within another cell, performing specific functions for its host

DNA transformation involves the transfer of DNA via 1.) pili 2.) naked DNA in solution 3.) a restriction endonuclease 4.) a bacteriophage

2.) naked DNA in solution.Correct

New prokaryotic cells arise by 1.) spontaneous generation 2.) the division of pre-existing cells 3.) endosymbiosis into a eukaryotic cell 4.) the Gram process of conjugation

2.) the division of pre-existing cells

At what point does a zygospore structure form during sexual reproduction? 1.) It forms in the aerial hyphae as spores are produced 2.) It forms after the male and female mycelium fuse together 3.) It forms after the "+" strain and "-" strain make contact, allowing their nuclei to fuse together 4.) It forms after the spores begin to germinate

3.) It forms after the "+" strain and "-" strain make contact, allowing their nuclei to fuse together.

During bacterial conjugation, replication of the F plasmid occurs in 1.) the donor only 2.) the recipient only 3.) both the donor and recipient 4.) either the donor or the recipient, but not both 5.) neither the donor nor the recipient

3.) both the donor and recipient

The mycelium form a sporangium that produce clonal spores during which type of reproduction? 1.) Sexual reproduction 2.) Binary fission 3.) Both sexual and asexual reproduction 4.) Asexual reproduction

4.) Asexual reproduction

Which of the following does NOT occur during bacterial conjugation? 1.) direct contact between donor and recipient cells 2.) shortening of the pilus 3.) enzymatic cleavage of one strand at the origin of transfer 4.) unidirectional transfer of both DNA strands 5.) recipient cell becomes a donor cell after conjugation

4.) unidirectional transfer of both DNA strands

If one donor cell is mixed with 20 recipient cells, eventually ________ cells will become donors 1.) 2 2.) 5 3.) 10 4.) 15 5.) 20

5.) 20

Similarities between the archaea and eukarya include 1.) the same ribosomal proteins 2.) similar tRNA 3.) similar initiation of transcription 4.) that they are more closely related to each other than to the bacteria 5.) All of the choices are correct similarities

5.) All of the choices are correct similarities

____________________________ belongs to the supergroup _____________ and causes the deadly Chagas disease that plagues Central and South America. ______________________ belongs to the supergroup ______________ and is a parasite that infects humans and is transmitted through contaminated water. ____________________________ belongs to the ___________________________ supergroup and is responsible for malaria. ______________________________ belongs to the supergroup ______________________ and causes dysentery. _________________________ belongs to the _______________________ supergroup and is responsible for red tide, a blooming event that kills fish, causing financial loss to fishermen.

Trypanosoma cruzi Excavata Giardia lamblia Excavata Plasmodium vivax Chromalveolata Entamoeba histolytica Amoebozoa Alexandrum catanella Chromalveolata

PART 2: Ulva, a multicellular chlorophyte, has a(n) _____________________________________ life cycle, like that of land plants; fertilization of ____________ gametes results in a ____________ zygote that first develops into the sporophyte and then the sporangium before ____________ produces ____________ spores, beginning the cycle over again. Chara, a freshwater charophyte, reproduces ____________ when flagellated sperm and a single egg produced by male and female reproductive structures fuse to produce a _____________ zygote.

alternation of generations haploid diploid meiosis haploid sexually diploid

Amoebozoans are predominantly _____________ organisms that move through the use of ____________________. They include __________________, or decomposers that feed on dead and decaying organic matter. Slime molds lack __________________ and have ____________ at some stage of their life cycle. They typically exist as multinucleate _______________ that develop fruiting bodies called ________________. These _____________ release _________ that germinate under favorable conditions. The supergroup Amoebozoa also includes ____________, which frequent freshwater lakes and streams. Some, such as ___________________________, cause dysentery in humans.

aquatic pseudopods slime molds cell walls flagella plasmodia sporangia sporangia spores amoeboids Entamoeba histolytica

The ___________________________ produce zoospores and can cause stalk rot on corn, while the ____________________________ are anaerobic, lack mitochondria, and also produce zoospores. The ____________ are a primitive group of fungi that produce zoospores and have caused a decline in amphibian populations. Reproduction among the _________________ is typically asexual, although when they do reproduce sexually, they form a characteristic structure called a zygosporangium. The ____________________ are named for their sexually reproductive structure the ascus, although reproduction is usually asexual in this group. Asexual reproduction is infrequent among the _____________________, which usually produce a club-shaped reproductive structure called a basidium. The ______________________ are a small group of fungi that form arbuscles in mutualistic associations with plants called mycorrhizae.

blastocladiomycetes neocallimastigomycota chytrids zygomycetes ascomycetes basidiomycetes glomeromycetes

The _______________ theory proposes that ________________ cells acquired mitochondria and chloroplasts by engulfing free-living ________________. ___________________ were derived from engulfing aerobic bacterium. ___________________ were derived later from engulfing cyanobacterium. Part of the genomes of the engulfed bacteria have been ______________________ the host cell genome.

endosymbiotic eukaryotic bacterium Mitochondria Chloroplasts incorporated into

Lichens are a symbiotic relationship between fungi and photosynthesizing organisms, including cyanobacteria and __________ algae. Often, ________________ or basidiomycetes are the fungi involved, and they form several layers of hyphae, one of which envelops the photosynthetic ___________________. Because it is now thought that the fungi are benefitted with nutrients while the _________________ are harmed and nutrient-depleted, this symbiotic relationship is actually considered to be a _______________ relationship. Three types of lichens are known, including ____________ lichens, which are seen on bare rocks and tree bark; ___________ lichens, which are shrublike; and __________ lichens, which are leaflike.

green ascomycetes algal cells algal cells parasitic crustose fruticose foliose

The supergroup Archaeplastida includes land plants and other photosynthesizers, such as ___________________, which include the chlorophytes and charophytes, and ___________________. The ___________________ contain chlorophylls a and b used for photosynthesis. These ________________ can be __________________________. The __________________ are thought to be the group most closely related to land plants. The __________________ are __________________ in structure and include _________________. The _________________ include ______________ and Chlamydomonas. The ________________ are __________________ organisms that contain red and blue accessory pigments, allowing them to undergo photosynthesis even in ________ waters.

green algae red algae green algae green algae multicellular or unicellular charophytes charophytes filamentous Spirogyra chlorophytes Volvox red algae multicellular deep

PART 1: Chlamydomonas, which is a chlorophyte, undergoes a ___________ life cycle common to algae. In favorable conditions, it reproduces __________ via ____________, while in unfavorable conditions, it reproduces _____________, producing a zygospore which undergoes a period of dormancy until conditions improve. Spirogyra, an unbranched charophyte, reproduces _____________ via a temporary union during which cells exchange genetic information, termed ______________. During this process, two _____________ filaments line up parallel to one another and the contents of one filament are transferred to the filament of the other, producing ___________ zygospores.

haploid asexually mitosis sexually sexually conjugation haploid diploid

Fungi and animals are ______________; however, fungi are saprotrophs, a special type of heterotroph that absorbs food from the environment instead of eating it. Fungi release special ______________ into the environment to break down dead and decaying organic matter so that its nutrients can be absorbed. Fungi and ____________ share a common ancestor, so it is thought that fungi are most closely related to this group. Their most recent common ancestors were most likely _____________ flagellated _______________. The ability to become ______________ likely evolved separately after the protist and fungi lineages diverged. The oldest fungi fossils are dated around _________________ years old. Scientists don't know for certain when the very first fungi appeared on Earth, but it was clearly a very long time ago.

heterotrophs saprotrophs enzymes animals unicellular protists multicellular 460 million

Protists were once considered to be ___________________, meaning they contained ________ evolutionary lineage. Instead, protists, fungi, animals, and plants are classified into 6 __________________, or taxonomic groups that are above _____________ and below _____________ on the classification hierarchy. For example, the ____________________ include animals, fungi, and the traditional protists choanoflagellates. Protist lineages are very ______ and are supported by DNA evidence.

monophyletic one supergroups kingdoms domains Opisthokonta old

The body of most fungi is _______________ and known as a(n) __________, which is divided into a network of filaments called ____________. These ____________ increase the surface area, maximizing the absorption of nutrients. Some species of fungi have ___________ that are partitioned by walls called ____________. Fungal cells have cell walls comprised of ___________. Similar to __________, they store energy in the form of _______________. Fungi tend to be ________________, although some do contain ___________ at some point in their life cycle. Fungi reproduce ____________________________ during their life cycles. Cells produced during the ___________ phase are called spores. These are ____________ as they contain only one set of chromosomes.

multicellular mycelium hyphae hyphae hyphae septae chitin animals glycogen nonmotile flagella sexually and asexually asexual haploid

Mycorrhizae are ______________ relationships between soil fungi and __________. Because mycorrhizae colonize the area around plant ________, they are found mostly in ________. The fungi involved typically belong to the phyla _______________________ or are __________________. Because mycorrhizae are a part of a ______________ relationship, _________ are benefitted by increased mineral uptake while __________ are benefitted by receiving __________________ from ___________.

mutualistic plants roots soil Glomeromycota sac fungi mutualistic plants fungi carbohydrates plants

The Ascomycota are known as the ______________ and include multicellular molds and unicellular ___________. Most Ascomycota reproduce ____________, either by ____________ in yeasts or through the production of ___________________ in molds. When ascomycetes reproduce ____________, a ___________________ called an ascocarp is produced and contains dikaryotic sacs called ________ (singular, ascus). The fusion of two nuclei within an ascus forms a ____________ cell that undergoes meiosis to produce _____________ cells called ascospores. Typically at this point, the ascus swells and bursts, releasing the ________________ into the air to germinate once landed.

sac fungi yeasts asexually budding conidiospores sexually fruiting body asci diploid haploid ascospores

Fungi reproduce both sexually and asexually. In terrestrial fungi, ___________ reproduction occurs in three stages. One stage, depicted in part A of the figure above, is termed ___________, at which point each cell is ___. When ___________ hyphae fuse during sexual reproduction, the stage depicted in part B of the figure above results, which is termed ____________. This stage takes its name from the term for a hypha that contains paired haploid _________, at which point each cell in that hypha is ________. Sometimes immediately, other times after days, months, or years, the _________ fuse, forming hyphae that are at the stage represented by part C of the figure above. In this stage, a ___________ cell called the __________ has formed. The __________ then undergoes meiosis to form haploid cells.

sexual haploid n haploid dikaryotic nuclei n + n nuclei diploid zygote zygote

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