BLIT 111 OT Final

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In __________ BC King Cyrus of Persia declares the exiles from Judah could return to their homeland.


In ______ the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and burned down the temple.

587/586 BC


A prophet of God who opposed King Ahab; he was used by God to defeat the prophets of Baal in a contest on Mt. Carmel:

praise psalms and lament psalms

According to Duvall and Hays, the two main types of psalms are....


According to the prophets, the people of Israel must keep the terms found in the book of ________ if they want to live in the Promised Land with God in their midst.


An eighth-century prophet from Judah whose message was mainly to Israel, he rebuked the injustice of the society along with their idolatry:

God's goodness and sovereignty (the greatness of God)

At the end of the book, Job received a revelation of _________ but not a revelation of the satanic cause of his troubles.

God's eternal kingdom will crush all human kingdoms, as picture vividly in this book:


God's sovereignty over the rise and fall of human empires is emphasized by this book:


The Old Testament book that is most apocalyptic in style is _______.


What are the books of Ezra and Nehemiah about?

Describing the return of the exiles back to the Promised Land and their struggle to rebuild (the walls), Jerusalem, the temple and their society


During Josiah's remodeling of the Temple, a scroll was found which many scholars think should be connected with the book of?

In the book of ______ God is not mentioned at all


A priest named _____ led the second wave of exiles back to Judah in 458 BC


These two prophets both said "it's time to rebuild the temple!"

Haggai and Zechariah


He prophesied that God would make a new covenant in which the Law would be written on the hearts of the people:


He prophesied that God would put his own Spirit into his people:


He saw the "valley of dry bones" in a vision:

parallelism in thought (parallels in thought - antithetical and synonymous)

Hebrew poetry in the OT often has this feature:


Hezekiah and Josiah are considered two of the best or worst kings of Judah?

The destruction of Jerusalem and the exile eliminated ________ as a serious problem for the Jews.



In the Hebrew Bible, the title of the book of Psalms is Tehillim, which means:

Hezekiah's ; longest-reigning ; worst

Manasseh was born after God extended __________ life. Manasseh become one of Judah's __________-_________ kings, and one of Judah's ________ kings.

Daniel lives through the rule of two different empires:

Persian and Babylon

imprecatory psalms

Psalms in which the psalmist calls down curses on his enemies are called....

lament psalms

Psalms which contain poetic, woeful cries of pain and anguish are called?

Dan and Bethel ; Jeroboam

Right after the split from Judah, Israel worshiped golden calves at _______ and ________ as provided by ________.

Nehemiah successfully led the project to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. His success in breaking the people's habits of ________ was only temporary.

Social injustice

good ; evil

Some kings of Judah were ______, but most of them were ______.


Some of the kings of Israel (northern tribes, after break from Judah) were bad. How many were considered "good" in the Bible?

social injustice

The Prophets make three major indictments or charges against Israel/Judah. Two of these are are idolatry and religious ritualism. What is the third indictment?

1. the celebration of the passionate pure love between a man and a woman 2. allegory of Christ and the Church as His Bride

The Song of Solomon illustrates:

"Fear God" / Fear of God

The Wisdom Books share a common theme:


The final book of the Old Testament

Divided Kingdom and beyond when Rehoboam was being wicked to the people and they divided (pre-exilic/exilic time)

The group we normally refer to as the "writing prophets" (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Amos, Hosea, etc.) came to prominence during what time?


The king in Jerusalem who lost the ten tribes who rebelled against him was _________, son of Solomon.

722 BC

The northern kingdom (Israel) was destroyed by the Assyrians in which year?


The term "theodicy" (justifying God) is associated with which OT book?


The ultimate goal of the Wisdom Books is to develop strong ______ in God's people.


This otherwise obscure prophet predicted the outpouring of the Spirit fulfilled at Pentecost, with people of all ages being enabled to prophesy.


This prophet predicted that, as a sign from God, a young woman would have a child named "Immanuel," meaning God is with us:

Daniel proves his valiant faithfulness to God when he is _________.

Thrown in the lion's den


Tragedy strikes Job due to a challenge from....


Vanity, meaningless, and absolute futility are just a few of the ways that you can translate this Hebrew word:


Which book exhorts its readers to be like the wise person, and not like the simple, the fool, or the scoffer?


Which prophet tells the people of Judah they will live in exile for 70 years?

because he said he would continue, even increase, the forced labor of the Israelites

Why did the ten tribes rebel against King Rehoboam?

Daniel, Ezekiel ; Babylon

_______ and _______ were part of Judah taken into exile in _______, where they ministered as prophets.


a king who was given fifteen additional years of life in answer to his prayer


a prophet from Judah who lived through the time of Israel's destruction by the Assyrians, and when Assyria nearly destroyed Judah


a prophet from the priestly class whose ministry was carried out entirely among the exiled Jews in Babylon:


a prophet in Judah who lived through King Josiah's reforms but also lived to see the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem


a prophet whose wayward wife illustrated Israel's unfaithfulness to the Lord:


according to the prophet __________, God knows "the plans I have for you, to give you a future and a hope."


described a miraculous stream which became a mighty, life-giving river:


described in detail a temple which had never been built (the third temple):


in a vision he saw God's glory leave the temple and then Jerusalem, but he also prophesied that God's glory would return to a new temple:


in which book is the writer (or central speaker) called "The Teacher" ?

The Book of the Twelve

originally the "Minor Prophets" were all placed on one scroll. What was that scroll called?


this prophet gave several prophecies about a special "servant of the LORD" who would bring salvation to Israel and all nations


this prophet predicted by name the Gentile ruler who would allow the Jews to return from Babylonian Exile:


this prophet spoke about God making a new heaven and a new earth:


this prophet warned against fleeing to Egypt but eventually was taken there against his will:


"Does Job serve God for nothing?" is a question asked by.....


"Fear God and keep His commandments" is the conclusion drawn by the book of.....


"He has told you what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God?" These words come through which prophet?


"I desire steadfast love (mercy) more than sacrifice" are God's words found in which prophetic book?

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