Blood - Chapter 17-3 Red blood cells, formed by erythropoiesis, contain hemoglobin that can be recycled

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The presence of intact RBCs in urine—a sign called ________ —occurs only after kidney damage or damage to vessels along the urinary tract.


The state of low tissue oxygen levels is called ______.

bend and flex

The structure of RBC enables it to [ ______ and ____ ] when entering small capillaries and branches. RBCs are flexible, so a RBC of 7.8um can pass through a 4um capillary.


When abnormally large numbers of RBCs break down in the bloodstream, urine may turn red or brown. This condition is called _____________.


Yellow skin and eyes is called _______.


_____ is a group of red blood cells that are stacked together, resembling a roll of coins or dishes stacked on top of each other. ( the discs stack up to resemble the rolled coins or the stack of plates) this allows for the blood to flow through narrow blood vessels


______ acts as a carrier molecule.


________ are red blood cells


________ bound to Albumin is transported to the liver for excretion in bile.


_________ - the production of red blood cells. (from Greek 'erythro' meaning "red" and 'poiesis' meaning "to make")


_________ cells are pertaining to White Blood cells which divide to form: i. Lymphocytes: White Blood Cells.


_________ stem cells divide to produce the following: i. Red blood cells ii. Several classes of white blood cells


_________: when a heme molecule interacts with oxygen, _____________ (HbO2) is formed.


__________ is the percentage of whole blood contributed by formed elements in centrifuged whole blood. (PVC: packed cell volume.)

Pernicious anemia

__________: low red blood cell production do to unavailability of vitamin b12


____________(Hb): 1. It is a protein molecule, that transports respiratory gases 2. Normal _________ in a male: 14-18 grams of ________ per deciliter (g/dL) 3. Normal _________ in a female: 12-16 grams of __________ per deciliter (g/dL)


_____________: a hemoglobin molecule whose iron is not bound to oxygen.

Red blood cell count

_______________ is the number of RBCs in 1 microliter(uL) of whole blood.


___________is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells.

blood doping

a practice in which athletes attempt to elevate their hematocrits* by reinfusing packed RBCs that were removed and stored at an earlier date. * is the percentage of whole blood volume contributed by formed elements, 99.9 percent of which are red blood cells.


also called White Blood Cells.

RBC formation and turnover

1. 1% of circulating RBCs wear out each day. 2. 3 million new RBCs enter the blood stream each second. 3. Macrophages of the liver, spleen, and bone marrow: a. Monitor RBCs b. Engulf RBCs before the membranes rupture. i. Hemolyze: red blood cells that rupture. 4. Life span of a RBC is about 120 days

Hemoglobin molecule

1. A complex quaternary structure ( consisting of 4) a. 2 alpha chains of polypeptides (chains of amino acids) b. 2 beta chains of polypeptides 2. 4 globular protein subunits. (globular: resembling a globe, spherical) a. Each chain ( 4 of them 2 beta, and 2 alpha ) contain a single molecule of heme. b. Each heme contains one iron ion.

Hemoglobin structure

1. A complex quaternary structure ( consisting of 4) a. 2 alpha chains of polypeptides (chains of amino acids) b. 2 beta chains of polypeptides 2. 4 globular protein subunits. (globular: resembling a globe, spherical) a. Each chain ( 4 of them 2 beta, and 2 alpha ) contain a single molecule of heme. b. Each heme contains one iron ion. 3. Iron ions a. Oxyhemoglobin: when a heme molecule interacts with oxygen, oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) is formed. i. Blood containing RBCs filled with oxyhemoblobin is bright red. Full of oxygen b. Deoxyhemoglobin: a hemoglobin molecule whose iron is not bound to oxygen. i. Blood containing RBCs filled with deoxyhemoglobin is dark red almost burgundy. It is not a bright red because of the lack of oxygen.

Regulation of Erythropoiesis

1. Building of red blood cells requires: a. Amino acids b. Iron c. Vitamin B12, B6, and folic acid 2. Pernicious anemia: low red blood cell production do to unavailability of vitamin b12.

Hemoglobin Function

1. Carries oxygen 2. When plasma oxygen levels are low: a. hemoglobin releases oxygen b. plasma carbon dioxide levels are elevated c. alpha and beta chains of hemoglobin then bind carbon dioxide (carbaminohemoblobin is formed ) and carries it to the lungs 3. low hemoglobin results in Anemia. 4. Anemia: a reduction of hemoglobin in blood.

Hemoglobin conservation and recycling

1. Phagocytes break hemoglobin into components. a. Hemoglobin released when a RBC hemolyzed is not phagotized ( eaten ) its components will not be recycled. b. When hemolysis occurs, the hemoglobin breaks down, and the alpha and beta chains are filtered by the kidneys and eliminated in urine. c. Hemoglobinuria: the presence in urine of hemoglobin free from red blood cells d. Hematuria: Blood with intact RBCs in the urine. 2. Each heme unit is stripped of its iron and is converted to biliverdin, an organic compound with green color. 3. Billiverdin is then converted to bilirubin, an orange-yellow pigment, and released into the blood stream. 4. In the blood stream the bilirubin binds to albumin ( albumin acts as a carrier molecule. ) a. Bilirubin bound to Albumin is transported to the liver for excretion in bile.


1. RBCs lack: a. Nuclei b. Mitochondria c. Ribosomes 2. Means no repair. a. No anaerobic metabolism: cannot reproduce 3. RBCs live about 120 days


1. Red blood cell count is the number of RBCs in 1 microliter(uL) of whole blood. a. In males 1 microliter contains 4.5-6.3 million RBCs b. In females 1 microliter contains 4.2-5.5 million RBCs 2. Hematocrit: is the percentage of whole blood contributed by formed elements in centrifuged whole blood. (PVC: packed cell volume.) 3. 99.9% are red blood cells 4. Hematocrit in males: average is 46, the range is 40-54 5. Hematocrit is females : average is 42, the range is 37-47


A red blood cell is a __________ disc.


Bilirubin bound to _______ is transported to the liver for excretion in bile


Billiverdin is then converted to __________, an orange-yellow pigment, and released into the blood stream.


Blood containing RBCs filled with ____________ is bright red. Full of oxygen


Blood containing RBCs filled with ____________ is dark red almost burgundy. It is not a bright red because of the lack of oxygen.

Vitamin B12, B6, and folic acid

Building of red blood cells requires: a. Amino acids b. Iron c. ______________________


Building of red blood cells requires: a. Amino acids b. _____ c. Vitamin B12, B6, and folic acid

Amino acids

Building of red blood cells requires: a. ________ b. Iron c. Vitamin B12, B6, and folic acid


CHECKPOINT Dave develops a blockage in his renal arteries that restricts blood flow to the kidneys. Will his hematocrit change? Dave's hematocrit will _________, because reduced blood flow to the kidneys triggers the release of erythropoietin, which stimulates an increase in erythropoiesis(red blood cell formation).


CHECKPOINT How would the hematocrit change after an individual suffered a significant blood loss? After a significant loss of blood (especially of red blood cells), the hematocrit—the amount of formed elements (mostly red blood cells) as a percentage of the total blood—would be _______.


CHECKPOINT In what way would a disease that causes damage to the liver affect the level of bilirubin in the blood? Bilirubin would accumulate in the blood, producing _________, because diseases that damage the liver, such as hepatitis or cirrhosis*, impair the liver's ability to excrete bilirubin in the bile. * Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver and poor liver function. It is the final phase of chronic liver disease.


CHECKPOINT _________ is a protein composed of four globular subunils, each bound to a heme molecule, which gives red blood cells the ability to transport oxygen in the blood.


During its maturation, a red blood cell passes through a series of stages. Hematologists (he-ma-TOL-o-jists), specialists in blood formation and function, have given specific names to key stages. Divisions of _________ (hemo-, blood + cyte, cell + blastos, precursor), or multipotent stem cells, in bone marrow produce: (1) myeloid stem cells, which in turn divide to produce red blood cells and several classes of white blood cells, and (2) lymphoid stem cells, which divide to produce the various classes of lymphocytes.


Each Hb (hemoglobin) chain contains a single molecule of ____, a non-protein pigment complex.


Each heme unit is stripped of its iron and is converted to _______, an organic compound with green color. (Bad bruises commonly develop a greenish tint due to _________ formation in the blood-filled tissues.)


Erythropoietin (EPO), also called erythropoiesis-stimulating hormone, is a glycoprotein, formed by the kidneys and liver, that appears in the plasma when peripheral tissues, especially the kidneys, are exposed to low oxygen concentrations.

erythropoiesis-stimulating hormone

Erythropoietin (EPO), also called______________, is a glycoprotein, formed by the kidneys and liver, that appears in the plasma when peripheral tissues, especially the kidneys, are exposed to low oxygen concentrations.


Hematocrit in males: average is 46, the range is ______


Hematocrit is females : average is 42, the range is ______


In females 1 microliter contains ________ million RBCs


In males 1 microliter contains _______ million RBCs


In the blood stream the bilirubin binds to _______ ( _______ acts as a carrier molecule. )


Low hemoglobin results in _______.


Macrophages* of the liver, spleen, and bone marrow monitor the condition of circulating RBCs, generally recognizing and engulfing them before they _______, or rupture. *Macrophages, sometimes called macrophagocytes (Greek: big eaters, from makros "large" + phagein "eat"; abbr. MΦ),

white blood cells

Myeloid stem cells divide to produce the following: i. Red blood cells ii. Several classes of ___________

Red blood cells

Myeloid stem cells divide to produce the following: i. _____________ ii. Several classes of white blood cells


RBC's are thin in the middle, thicker at the edge. The shape has 3 effects on RBCs. a. High surface-to-volume ratio. b. Quickly absorbs and releases oxygen. c. ______________

Quickly absorbs and releases oxygen

RBC's are thin in the middle, thicker at the edge. The shape has 3 effects on RBCs. a. High surface-to-volume ratio. b. ____________________. c. Rouleaux

High surface-to-volume ratio

RBC's are thin in the middle, thicker at the edge. The shape has 3 effects on RBCs. a. _________________ b. Quickly absorbs and releases oxygen c. Rouleaux


RBCs life span is about 120 days 1. A red blood cell is a biconcave disc 2. Thin in the middle, thicker at the edge. The shape has 3 effects on RBCs. a. High surface-to-volume ratio. b. Quickly absorbs and releases oxygen. c. Rouleaux: a group of red blood cells that are stacked together, resembling a roll of coins or dishes stacked on top of each other. ( the discs stack up to resemble the rolled coins or the stack of plates) this allows for the blood to flow through narrow blood vessels 3. It enables RBCs to bend and flex when entering small capillaries and branches. RBCs are flexible, so a RBC of 7.8um can pass through a 4um capillary.

120 days

RBCs life span is about _______.

Hemoglobin, binds and transports oxygen and carbon dioxide

RED BLOOD CELLS RBCs: 1. 99.9% of blood's formed elements 2. Contains Hemoglobin, a red pigment 3. _____________________________

Contains Hemoglobin, a red pigment

RED BLOOD CELLS RBCs: 1. 99.9% of blood's formed elements 2. _________________________ 3. Hemoglobin: binds and transports oxygen and carbon dioxide.

99.9% of blood's formed elements

RED BLOOD CELLS RBCs: 1. _______________________ 2. Contains Hemoglobin, a red pigment 3. Hemoglobin: binds and transports oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Red Blood Cell production

Red Blood Cell production: 1. Erythropoiesis: the formation of red blood cells. a. Occurs only in red bone marrow, or myeloid tissue. (myeloid: pertaining to bone marrow) 2. Hemocytoblast: an undifferentiated stem cells that can develop into any kind of blood cell. 3. Stem cells in myeloid tissue divide and produce the following: a. Myeloid stem cells: myeloid stem cells divide to produce the following: i. Red blood cells ii. Several classes of white blood cells b. Lymphoid stem cells: lymphoid cells are pertaining to White Blood cells which divide to form: i. Lymphocytes: White Blood Cells.


Red blood cell formation, or __________, occurs only in red bone marrow, or myeloid (Ml-e-loyd; myelos, marrow) tissue.


Red bone marrow, or ______ tissue.


Apha and beta chains of hemoglobin then bind carbon dioxide (_______________ is formed ) and carries it to the lungs

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