BMGT364 Exam 2

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T OR F: Peripheral specialists in a social network are those with special expertise who can be called upon for advice even though they work independently from the group.


T OR F: When resources such as raises or promotions are limited, employees see the organization as more political.


T OR F: Wildstorming is a process where the group focuses on ideas that are impossible and then tries to imagine what would need to happen to make them possible.


T OR F: Almost all managers surveyed suggest workplace politics exist in theirorganizations and that to be successful individuals must engage in politics.


T OR F: Fiedler's contingency theory suggests different leaders can be effective in different situations.


TRUE OR FALSE: Because the storming stage is a very chaotic one, many groups get stuck in that phase of group development.


TRUE OR FALSE: Empowered teams have the responsibility and authority to achieve their goals.


TRUE OR FALSE: Pooled interdependence is when team members work independently and combine their efforts to create the team's output.


TRUE OR FALSE: Reciprocal interdependence exists when team members work on tasks simultaneously.


TRUE OR FALSE: The forming stage of group development involves member examination of such questions as "What will my role be?" and "Will I be accepted?


TRUE OR FALSE: The norming stage of group development involves the establishment of ground rules for the group and an increased commitment to other members and the group goal.


TRUE OR FALSE: Virtual teams represent special management challenges because of issues related to trust and communication.


what type of system? "Everyone has the same mental state about teamwork"

Team mental model (TMM)

Serena listened to her manager discuss with her group the idea of painting the office walls yellow. Serena thought it was a bad idea but didn't say anything. Serena is

conflict avoidant

works in an environment where someone had authority. The extent to which individuals will engage in bahvaior they believe to be wrong when told to do so by a person in power (ex. Electrical shocks)


example of: do team members possess the right beliefs and attitudes about their team?


example of: are team members exhibiting the necessary teamwork behaviors for team success?


Jien has the ability to control his emotions in multiple situations and has empathy for others; he is internally motivated and has many admirable social skills. Jien has

high emotional intelligence

Michael's group is very cohesive and very committed to the task at hand. What is their likely performance level?

high performance if they value performance

what team makes all decisions internally about leadership and how the work is done and has the potential for high autonomy.

self-directed team

is a leadership approach that defines the leader's role as serving the needs of others.

servant leadership

T OR F: Analysis paralysis is when more and more time is spent on gathering information and thinking about it, but no decisions are made.


T OR F: Cliff and Beth both received poor grades on their finance exam. Because of the fundamental attribution error, Cliff is more likely to blame his poor test grade on a bad instructor, but blame Beth's poor test grade on Beth's lack of effort studying for the test.


T OR F: Having a devil's advocate in meetings is a technique that can help avoid groupthink.


T OR F: Path-goal theory predicts that the type of leader behavior effective under different circumstances will depend on the characteristics of the employee and the work environment.


to build your own network you must

conduct informational interviews

T OR F: All effective leaders are extraverts.


T OR F: Charisma is an inherent characteristic, so those firms attempting to teach charisma, are not making good use of their time or money.


T OR F: Hindsight bias is the opposite of framing bias.


T OR F: The tone of your voice, rate of speech, and how you deliver your message are relatively unimportant in the impression management area.


T OR F: There is no relationship between height and being viewed as a leader.


TRUE OF FALSE: As a rule of thumb, a good size for a team is between twenty and forty members.


TRUE OR FALSE: Groupthink is the tendency for individuals to put forth less effort when working in a group context.


TRUE OR FALSE: Task roles in a group include consul, cooperator, and completer.


Experts propose that creativity occurs as a result of the interaction between all of the following factors EXCEPT A. serendipity or luck B. situational context (like physical structure) C. personality traits (like risk-taking) D. attributes (like expertise)


Which of the following is a category of strategies that an individual can use to effectively manage their impression? A. nonverbal B. social C. all of the above D. personality


Which of the following is a guideline in determining whether a decision is ethical? A. All of the above B. Will I feel better or worse about myself after I make this decision? C. Is the decision fair? D. Does the decision break any organizational rules?


Which of the following statements is true regarding leadership and culture? A. Given the differences between cultures, a sensitivity to those differences and the ability to adapt style to circumstances are needed in global leaders. B. Ninety-eight percent of all leadership studies confirm cultural differences are small. C. The applicability of leadership theories to other cultures is a consistent finding in the research literature. D. Only decisiveness is a universal leadership trait.


Which of the following statements regarding leadership and ethics is accurate? A. People in positions of authority are influential in driving others to ethical or unethical behaviors. B. Ethical behaviors are a central component to transactional leadership theory. C. The contingency theories of leadership are explicit in noting the important role that ethics play in effective leadership. D. Ethics is a matter of organizational culture rather than leadership style.


How does a group differ from a team?

A group is often a collection of people working independently on their own goals; a team is assembled to accomplish complex goals.

How does a team differ from a group?

A team is focused on joint goals; a group often has a collection of individual goals.

Marina is encouraging her sorority sisters to function as a cohesive group. She lists all of the following as benefits EXCEPT A. you will have greater self-confidence and self-esteem if you are a regular part of the group. B. If you are part of the sorority, you do not have to attend meetings and events often because you can depend on your sisters to cover for you. C. if you are experiencing stress, as you might during finals week, you can depend on your sisters to help get you through. D. if you experience a personal tragedy or challenge, your sisters will help you cope.


Which of the following is a symptom of groupthink? A. direct time pressure B. collective rationalizations C. illusions of diversity D. illusion of vulnerability


Which of the following statements is true regarding House's path goal theory of leadership? A. Each leadership style identified in the path-goal theory is effective depending on the trait of the leader. B. Leaders can create high performing employees by making sure employee effort leads to performance and that performance is rewarded with desired rewards. C. The role of the leader in the path-goal theory is to match leadership style with employee needs. D. House's path-goal theory of motivation is based upon the equity theory of motivation.


an appeal that relies on what a group of people (most people) believe in order to persuade others to think the same way

Bandwagon argument

In which of the following situations would a team be needed? A. Tasks to be performed are independent of one another. B. Goals are low in complexity. C. The organization benefits from shared goals. D. Few, specialized skills are required.


Which of the following is accurate regarding the nature of social roles in a team? A. If social roles are filled in a firm, groups are more prone to suffer process losses. B. If social roles are filled in a firm, group members are more likely to have biases. C. If social roles are filled in a firm, groups are more cohesive. D. If social roles are filled in a firm, group members are more likely to engage in social loafing.


Which of the following statements related to fundamental factors affecting a group's cohesion is correct? A. The larger a group, the more cohesive it is likely to be. B. The more coaching group members receive, the less cohesive the group is likely to be. C. The more similar group members are, the more cohesive the group is likely to be. D. The less time a group has stayed together, the more cohesive a group is likely to be.


Eduardo is the new manager of Great Corporation. He is sitting at his desk and writing down a list of steps that he can follow to create and maintain a cohesive work group. Which of the following would appear on that list?

Celebrate differences so each individual's contribution is noticed

Mike listens carefully to the exchanges between team members during meetings and is particularly adept at using humor to lighten any tense situations that arise between team members because of those exchanges. Mike plays the

Communicator role

The trait approach to leadership examines which of the following factors? A. both personality and the work environment B. environmental influences on leadership C. leadership behaviors D. personality characteristics


Which of the following is a key property of a team? A. independent tasks B. clear simple goals C. compensation based on individual outcomes D. collaborative action


Which of the following statements is true regarding culture and perceptions of power? A. In Mexico, which has a higher power distance dimension than in the United States, lower level managers were able to make decisions on behalf of their bosses. B. Rational persuasion is seen as more effective in China than in the United States. C. Chinese managers rated influence tactics like coalitions lower than their American counterparts. D. A country's culture determines how people will attempt to influence each other.


Which of these is NOT a characteristic of a humble leader? A. open to feedback B. appreciates the strengths of others C. has a shared leadership approach to teamwork D. likes being noticed


T OR F: Managers report using personal appeals most frequently with other managers and rational persuasion most frequently with subordinates.


T OR F: Research shows that consensus decision making is less accurate and can even make group members feel less satisfied with a decision.


T OR F: Research supports the argument that demonstrating both initiating structure and consideration makes leaders more effective.


T OR F: Strategic decisions are usually made by middle level managers.


T OR F: The most commonly used influence technique is personal appeal.


Rodney is a new project team leader. Jerome is chatting with him about some of the problems that could arise and prevent his team from being successful. Jerome offers which of the following pieces of advice to overcome barriers to team success?

Floundering often results from a lack of clear goals; clarify goals from the outset of the project.

understanding how to arrive at better facts & information. Refers to principles of reasoning, especially regarding the structure of arguments related to deductive reading where the premises provide conclusive proof for the conclusion


Which of the following represents a unique challenge with regard to the management of virtual teams?

Nature of communication used with virtual team; Not being physically seen by managers; Building trust with virtual team.

What organizational problem(s) can occur if abusive leaders are perceived as competent and successful, and are allowed to operate within the management structure?

New managers may adapt to the same leadership style and the abuse become even more prevalent.

Which of the following actions would be recommended in order to avoid getting stuck in the storming phase of Tuckman's group development?

Normalize conflict. Conflict is normal and can be cathartic.

The decision-making technique designed to help with group decision making by ensuring that all members participate fully is

The normal group technique

what type of system? "Everyone knows what others know"

Transactional memory system (TMS)

A group is defined as

a collection of individuals interacting with each other in such a way that one person's actions have an impact on the others.

influence target does not wish to comply with the request & either passively or actively repels the influence attempt


after meeting you must follow up on:

action items

arguments consist of insulting or attacking a person or group of people rather than their arguments or actions. An example of an ad hominem argument is "Joe claims it was an accident, but he has a reputation as a liar, so we can't trust his word."

ad hominem argument

Downward influence is best achieved through

an inspiring vision

When leaders make decisions alone without involving employees in the decision making process, they are using

autocratic decision making

"Everyone says that I'm the most popular sorority president ever so you know it's true!" is an example of a(n)

bandwagon argument.

Anita finishes her college semester on April 15. She will be home from April 15 until May 20 when she is scheduled to have her wisdom teeth removed. She will be going on a family vacation during the third week in July and will be returning to school on August 10 for majorette camp. Anita is looking for a job for the summer. She figures she will take the first job that pays minimum wage and will allow her flexibility for her dental appointment and vacation. Anita is making a decision using the

bounded rationality decision-making model

EXAMPLE OF: Do we have the right people with the right mix of knowledge, skills, and other attributes?


One barrier to effective teams is

challenges of knowing how to work together.

The ability to attract others, win their admiration, and hold them spellbound is


This logical fallacy is simply the restatement of the same argument instead of actually providing new evidence. An example of a circular argument is the statement "Fruit is the most popular food because everyone loves eating fruit."

circular reasoning argument

example of: does the leader and/or team members demonstrate the necessary leadership behaviors?


is the ability to take something away or punish someone for noncompliance.

coercive power

example of: do team members posses a shared understanding about key factors such as priorities, roles, and vision?


key property of true team

collaborative tasks

Occurs when the target not only agrees to the request but also actively supports it as well.


example of: do members communicate effectively with each other and with people outside the team?


Occurs when the target does not necessarily want to obey, but they do.


example of: is the context In which the team operates favorable for performing effectively (e.g., ample resources, supportive culture?)


Sandi's Bakery started selling out of their muffins. Sandi thought that it was because she changed the recipe slightly and now her customer's loved the muffins. (Actually, it was because Pablo at ABC Trucking promised to bring muffins for a month if the drivers all made their deliveries on time.) Sandi experienced a(n)

correlation and causality bias

how can you improve the effectiveness of team meetings?

create and distribute an effective agenda. talking about ones weekend isn't necessarily a waste of time

The superintendent of the school district is writing a new mission statement for the district. He is engaged in the _____________ role.


Eduardo always challenges team members' positions on various issues discussed in the weekly meeting. Nannette told Eduardo yesterday, "I always have to be prepared when I present ideas to our team because I know you will question everything and make us see the other side of every issue." Eduardo performs the task role of ____________________ on the team.


Mark works as the frozen food manager in a major grocery store chain. When his stock of two-pound bags of frozen shrimp gets down to two cases, he e-mails his warehouse to send ten cases to restock. The "automated" ordering of ten cases when supply gets to two cases in the store is called a(n):

decision rule

why does social loafing became larger when groups grow?

diffusion of responsibility

argument reduces the issue to only two sides. An example would be a statement like "There is no middle ground. You are either with us or against us."

either/or argument

Giving students a free mug, t-shirt, or blanket just for getting their names on a mailing list at an organization is an example of the ____________ influence tactic. Research suggests individuals try to repay what has been given them.


what type of work group? made up of managers, subordinates, or both with close associations among group members that influence the behavior of individuals in the group.

formal work group

As the meeting begins, some managers allow time to review the material being covered in the meeting, allowing everyone to

get on the same page

The tendency to avoid a critical evaluation of ideas that the group favors is called


low or high power? expect unequal distribution of power. Company structures are hierarchical. Expect obedience


Karli is the designated leader of a class project group. She gets along well with the group members but often is not sure exactly what she should do to assist her group in producing a high-quality project. Which LPC style is best for this scenario?

high LPC

The value of the resource is its


what type of work group? made up of two or more individuals associated with one another but not by the organization.

informal work group

When negotiating a deal on the purchase of a new automobile, Bradley had manufacturing cost data from his neighbor who worked for the car manufacturer. Bradley got himself a good deal on his purchase due to his ___________ power in the negotiation.


The Teach for America representative faced the group of college students and asked, "Do you want to make a difference in this world? Do you want to give back for all the good things you have had happen to you over your lifetime? Do you want to help a child have a chance, a chance like yours? Then, won't you consider giving just nine months of your life to make a difference? Consider joining me and thousands of your peers in leading this country in a new direction by taking part in Teach for America." The representative is using the _______________ influence tactic.

inspirational appeal

If you do not have relevant expertise in the issues to make a decision, you should avoid using which decision making model?

intuitive decision-making

refer to common errors in reasoning that undermine the logic of an argument.

logical fallacies

low or high power? emphasize equality & opportunity for all. Flatter in structure w/ higher work involvement. Status is based on achievement


mid-level (you) --> executive or mid-level(you) --> employee negotiate pay, suggest ideas, discuss promotion

mid-level (you) --> executive

mid-level (you) --> executive or mid-level(you) --> employee articulate vision, set deadlines, give feedback

mid-level(you) --> employee

This argument compares minor issues with major misdeeds. For example, "That parking attendant who gave me a ticket is as bad as Stalin."

moral equivalence argument

Demonstrating originality, creativity and being willing to try new things is a leadership quality known as

openness to experience

Claudia is a salesperson with a major department store chain that is currently running a "secret coupon sale." The program allows the salesperson to randomly award a savings coupon to any shopper of the salesperson's choice. Who the salesperson chooses to award the coupon to is a(n)

operational decision

Power can easily corrupt an organization, one reason being

people conform because they fear retaliation.

Getting a person to enter an employee assistance program for a substance abuse problem as a condition of keeping their job is an example of using the ____________ influence tactic.


According to surveys, the most frequently used influence tactic is

rational persuasion.

When it comes to logical fallacies, it refers to an argument that serves to distract rather than to address opposing arguments or the weakness of one's case. For example, if someone is caught cheating and deflects by arguing, "If I don't get a top grade, I won't be able to graduate within my major." While that may be true, the fact doesn't address that cheating occurred.

red herring argument

conflict based on interpersonal incompatibility, tension, & animosity toward others. {ALMOST ALWAYS bad (no productive outcome)}

relationship conflict

When the influence target does not wish to comply with the request and either passively or actively repels the influence attempt, they are exhibiting


This argument refers to a conclusion based on a series of unrelated events where if one thing happens, then eventually a series of negative outcomes will lead to a major problem, thus, we must not do the first thing. For example, "If we pay our employees a higher wage, our prices will go up, customers will stop coming to our store, and we will go out of business. Therefore, we cannot pay employees more."

slippery slope argument

as the site of group grows, _____ _____ become larger

social loafing

Jennifer has been very emphatic in her comments supporting the new addition to the product line. Christopher has been equally spirited in his opposition to the new item. Gordon and Antonio seem to be leaning to Jennifer's perspective while Marques supports Christopher. The discussion about the product has consumed the last hour of the meeting of the marketing group. At what stage of Tuckman's model does this group seem to be functioning?


According to Gersick's punctuated equilibrium model, groups repeatedly cycle through which two stages?

storming and performing

Doris and Lydia are members of the Board of Directors at Beta Corporation. They are giving very serious consideration to voting to merge their company with Zeta Company for enhanced efficiency, effectiveness and competitive advantage. Doris and Lydia are making a(n)

strategic decision

This argument refers to oversimplifying an opponent's argument and then knocking it down. For example, "I see that you declined to approve the pay raises. I can't believe that you feel our employees are worthless."

straw person argument

If jobs are boring and repetitive or tasks are stressful, the ________ style of leadership is most effective.


A decision which centers on how things get done is a(n)

tactical decision

disagreeing about how to do things, assessments of problems, & what is the best option {CAN be good (e.g., come up with a better solution)}

task conflicts

The two broad categories of leader behaviors are

task-oriented and people-oriented structures.

arise when there are disagreements over the team's goals, methods or needs. Conflicts can also occur when there are differing personalities

team conflicts

Jennifer has to decide which of two job offers she is going to choose. She begins her process by listing the key criteria she is looking for in a job including salary level, location, promotional opportunities, and so on. She then takes each job offer letter and carefully goes through each line assessing the offer in relationship to the criteria she has established. Jennifer is using which of decision-making model to choose her job?

the rational decision-making model

The earliest approach to the study of leadership was

the trait approach

challenges of knowing how to work together.

uncertainty, with observant, conflict avoidant group members who are trying to achieve several goals at once.

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