Bolles US History quiz 5.3, 9.1, 9.2

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Journalist who wrote about corrupt side of business and public life in magazines during early 20th century

Oliver Kelley

Started the patrons of husbandry, an organization for farmers the became popularly known as the grange

Farmers' Problems

Vicious economic cycle, prices of crops were falling and farmers mortgaged their farms so that they could buy more land and produce more crops. Bad farmland. Banks taking farms because of failure of payments. Railroads were taking advantage of farmers by overcharging prices for shipping and storage.

Election Reform

Wanted the people to have more power in elections and politics, so created this


What patrons of husbandry turned to. Spent most of time fighting railroads. Taught how to organize, set up cooperatives, and sponsor state legislatives

Southern Alliance

White southern Farmers, largest alliance

1896 Election

William Jennings Bryan lost to McKinley w/ the "silver issue" dominating the campaign; McKinley won only by 1/2 of a million, we did this the day before the quiz just look at notes

Robert La Follete

"Fighting Bob" Republican who led the way in regulating big business. Served 3 terms as governor before entered as senator. Wanted to drive corporations of politics, not smash them.


(Women's Christian Temperance Union) group organized in 1874 that worked to ban the sale of liquor in the U.S. because husbands would get drunk and beat them. 245,000 members and largest women group in history

Initiative, referendum,recall

1- a bill organized by the people rather than just the lawmakers-on the ballot 2- accepted or rejected #1, or a vote on #1 3- enabled voters to remove public officials from elected positions by forcing them to face another election before the end of their term if enough voters asked for it

Populism's long-term consequences (legacy)

1: A message that the downtrodden could organize and have political impact 2: An agenda of reforms

Colored Farmers' National Alliance

250,000 members, same as white alliance, but colored farmers that had to work in secret due to racism

Progressive Movement

Aimed to restore economic opportunities and correct injustices in American life

Patrons of Husbandry

An organization founded by Oliver Kelley that was a place or farmers to have a social outlet and an educational forum for isolated farm families.

Secret Ballot

Anonymous voting method that helps to make elections fair and honest

Farmers' Alliance

Another organization like Grange, group included many others who sympathized with farmers. Sent lecturers from town to town to educate.

Women in Industry

As better-paying opportunities became available in towns, and especially cities, women had new options for finding jobs, even though men's labor unions excluded them from membership. 1/5 of women held jobs; 25% of them worked in manufacturing, held least skilled position, received half as much money or less. Many women were single and assumed to only be supporting themselves that is why. Eventually got jobs in offices, stores, and classrooms. These jobs required highschool education

Frances Willard

Became leader of the WCTU. She worked to educate people about the evils of alcohol. She urged laws banning the sale of liquor. Also worked to outlaw saloons as step towards strengthening democracy. "Do Everything"

Women and Reform

Because women were not allowed to vote or run for office, women reformers strove to improve conditions at work and home. "Social housekeeping" laws targeted workplace reform, housing reform, edu improvement, and food and drug laws.

17th Amendment/ Direct Election of Senators

Before- each state's legislature had chosen its own US senators, which put even more power in the hands of party bosses and wealthy corporation heads. Then started to push for electing senators, eventually congress approved this amendment, which made direct election of senators the law of the land

Populist Party Ends

Collapsed after Bryan's loss, but really turned into modern day democrats.

Florence Kelly

Daughter of antislavery Republican congressman from Pennsylvania, became a social reformer who helped women and children

William Jennings Bryan

Democratic candidate, shook everyone's hand, liked bimetallism. Said cross of gold speech. Let beliefs not politics guide his actions.

Panic of 1893

Farmers overextended with debts, railroads expanded faster than markets, gov gold supply was running out. Stocks fell rapidly

Three part strategy for suffrage

First, tried to convince state legislatures to grant women the right to vote Second, women pursued court cases to test the 14th amendment, which declared that states denying their male citizens the right to vote would lose congressional representation, "Weren't women citizens too?" Third, women pushed for a national constitutional amendment to grant women to vote. Eventually worked 41 years later

National Association of Colored Women

Founded by merging two earlier organizations. Josephine Ruffin identified mission of the African-American women's club movement as the moral edu of the race with which we are identified. Got nurseries, reading rooms, and kidnergardens.

Anti-Saloon League

Founded in 1895 members sought to close saloons to cure society's problems, tension arose with immigrants

Silverites/ Bimettalist vs. Gold Bugs

Gold Bugs: Bankers and businessmen, wanted gold standard and less money in circulation because loans would be repaid in stable money, DEFLATION. Silverites: Farmers and laborers, wanted bimetallism and more money in circulation because products would be sold at a higher price.

Local Government Reform

Had commissions on reliefs in towns to help with natural disasters

Thomas Watson

He was from Georgia and he appealed to poor farmers of both races to join the Populists party. (p. 387) (Was not in textbook)

Eugene V. Debs/ socialist

Helped organize American socialist party in 1901, commented on uneven balance among big business, government, and ordinary people

Farm Women

In south and midwest, women's roles had not changed substantially since previous century. In addition to household tasks such as cooking, making clothes, and laundering, farm women helped with other things like raising livestock, plow and plant the fields, and harvest the crops

Populist Party Platform

Increase in money supply, rise prices for received goods and services, graduated income tax, and a federal loan program. election of US senators by popular vote. Secret ballot, 8 hour workday. Struggling farmers and desperate workers liked so much that they got almost 10% of the votes in 1892, becomes today's democrats

Women in Higher education

Late 19th century women had attended new women's colleges. Vassar college accepted its first students in 1865, Colleges like smith and wellsley (where bolles keeps mentioning she went) in 1875. Columbia, Brown, and Harvard refused to admit women, so made a separate college for them. By late 19th century, marriage was no longer a woman's only alternative.

Susan B. Anthony

Leading proponent of woman suffrage. Founded national women suffrage association (NWSA)

Scientific managment/ "Taylorism"

Management fad, studies to see just how quickly each task could be performed.

Reform Mayors

Mayors like Pingree from Michigan focused on economics, instituted a faier tax, lowered public transportation, rooted out corruption, and set up a system of work relief for the unemployed. Johnson in Ohio focused on taking out corrupt and greedy private owners

Critics of laissez-faire

Mostly democrats that want everyone to be equal

Ida M. Tarbell

Muckraker who spoke about Rockefeller's company's cutthroat methods of eliminating competition.

National American Woman Suffrage Association

NWSA joined with another group in 1890 to form this organization (NAWSA). Other leaders included Lucy Stone and Julia Ward Howe (author of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic

Protecting Workers

Number of children rose dramatically, reformers worked to protect workers and to end child labor. Business hired children because they performed unskilled jobs for lower wages. Reformers got child labor laws working hours were too many. Eventually got a 10 hour work day for everyone. Also succeeded in winning workers' compensation to aid families if worker was hurt or killed.

Carrie Nation

Part of WCTU and would go into saloons and use her hatchet to destroy bottles of liquor

Four Goals, p 307

Protecting social welfare Promoting moral improvement Creating economic reform Fostering efficiency

Reform Governors

Republicaan Robert M. La Follette of Wisconsin led the way in regulating big business. Major target was the railroad industry. Taxed the property at the same rates as other business property.

William McKinley

Republican candidate, liked gold standard. "Never got off his porch" very wealthy

Bland-Allison Act of 1878

Required the government to buy and coin at least $2-$4 million worth of silver each month. After greenbacks to shut farmers up, but did not work

Cross of Gold Speech

Speech delivered by William Jennings Bryan, impassioned address to the assembled delegates. Tied politics into religon


The right to vote.

Domestic Workers

Without formal education or skills, for survival of families. Did jobs like cleaning, thousands of african american women went to cities to work as cooks, laundress, and maids after civil war. 70% of women employed in 1870 were servants.

Mary Elizabeth Lease

Young adult in early 1870's, left home to teach school on Kansas Plains. After marrying farmer, joined farmers' alliance. Spoke out about problems. Voice hypnotized listeners

Henry Ford

assembly line, payed workers $5 a day, and decreased workday. Attracted thousands of workers.

Cult of Domesticity

idealized view of women & home; women, self-less caregiver for children, refuge for husbands

Third parties

parties that organize to compete against the two major American political parties, in our unit it was populist and all of their ideas get added to our gov

Single-Interest Groups

political action committees that concentrate their efforts exclusively on one issue


the banning of alcoholic beverages


the movement of the people—was born with the founding of the Populist, or People's, Party, in 1892.

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