bones anatomy

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: Which structures make up the temporomandibular joint? Select all that apply.

condylar process mandibular fossa

: What type of tissue gradually replaces fontanels after birth?

connective tissue

: At the point where the lamina and pedicle join, a(n) process extends laterally.


There are four lines that mark the joining of the sacral vertebral bodies.


: The extra openings that are only found in cervical vertebrae are called

transverse foramina

The tubercle of a rib articulates with which part of a thoracic vertebra?

transverse process

The roof of the nasal cavity is formed by which of the following structures?

cribriform plate

Which are bones of the skull? Select all that apply.

ethmoid frontal

What structures can grow and cause stenosis of the vertebral canal as a person ages?


: Which fontanels usually close 12 months after birth?


Which of the nasal conchae are involved in the sense of smell?


: A typical vertebra has how many processes?


The broad, superior portion of the sacrum is called the

The broad, superior portion of the sacrum is called the

Through which of the following foramina does a branch of the occipital artery pass?


Which organs are protected by the axial skeleton? Select all that apply.

brain B spinal cord C lungs

Through which of the following foramina do the sympathetic nerves for the eyes pass?


: Which of the following bones is part of the appendicular skeleton?


: Which type of vertebrae has the largest vertebral arch?


: You examine a vertebra and note that the inferior articular process projects anteroinferiorly. Which type of vertebra is it?


If you examine a particular vertebra and note that it lacks a spinous process and body, what type must it be?


If you examine a vertebra and determine it contains three foramina, which type of vertebra must it be?


: Which suture unites the parietal bones and the occipital bones?


The suture unites the parietal bones to the occipital bone.


Which of the following sutures is the most posterior?


: The pedicles and what other structures form the vertebral arch?


You examine a vertebra and note that the inferior articular process projects laterally. Which type of vertebra is it?


Through which of the following foramina does the accessory nerve pass?


The inferior alveolar nerve passes through which foramen?


Patients with a sinus infection often report feeling pain in their teeth. The build up of mucus in which of the following paranasal sinuses could produce this effect?


Which paranasal sinus is indicated by 2?


: Paranasal sinuses are lined with

mucous membranes

: Paranasal sinuses drain their secretions into the lateral wall of the

nasal cavity

: WWhich of the following structures help to warm and moisten inhaled air?

nasal conchae

The is the vertical partition that divides the nasal cavity into right and left sides.

nasal septum

: What is the name of the bone marked a 6?


suture unites the parietal bones at the midline.


The pectoral girdle is composed of the (select all that apply)

scapula D clavicle

Which of the following is the only cranial bone that has a suture with every other cranial bone?


Which of the cranial bones are involved in forming the orbit? Select all that apply.

sphenoid B ethmoid frontal ALL BUT NASAL

Which of the following bones is NOT part of the nasal cavity?

sphenoid bone

The sinus is indicated by 3.


Which paranasal sinus is indicated by 3?


Which of the following vertebral processes are used for muscle attachment? Select all that apply.

spinous D transverse

The suture is indicated by 2.


The suture unites the parietal and temporal bones.


Which sutures unite the temporal and parietal bones?

squamous suture

A narrowing of the vertebral canal/foramen is called


From which structure is the hyoid suspended?

styloid processes of the temporal bones

Through which of the following foramina does the facial nerve pass?


Which of the following bones is part of the appendicular skeleton?


Which of the following is a function of the hyoid bone?

to support the tongue

The coccyx is made up of 3-5 fused vertebrae.


Zygomaticofacial nerves and vessels travel through the zygomaticofacial foramen.


Which of the following describes the space created by the vertebral body and arch?

vertebral foramen

Which of the labeled locations is one where the head of a rib would connect to the vertebra?


Approximately what percentage of the bones in the adult human axial skeleton come from the cranium?


The suture is indicated by 1.


Ligaments connect the sacral and the coccygeal


The last cervical vertebra is called the

vertebra prominens

What is the term for the indentations on the pedicles?

vertebral notches

Which two structures on adjoining vertebrae produce the intervertebral foramen?

vertebral notches

Which of the following bones form part of the nasal septum? Select all that apply.

vomer ethmoid

Which of the marked structures corresponds to the location where the bodies of sacral vertebrae were fused?


Which of the indicated items allows the ophthalmic artery to pass through?


Which of the indicated items allows the optic nerve to pass through?


Which of the labeled locations is one where the tubercle of a rib would connect to the vertebra?


: Which of the indicated items allows the supraorbital nerve to pass through?


Which of the indicated items allows a branch of the trigeminal nerve to pass through?


Which of the following changes related to the vertebral column are associated with advancing age? Select all that apply.

A reduction of bone density B growth of osteophytes C loss of cartilage on articular surfaces D increase in brittleness E reduction of bone mass F decrease in height

Which of the following would be the most superior vertebra?


Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses is called


Which of the following bones contains sinuses?


Which of the following is a function of the paranasal sinuses?

all choices are correct

Which fontanel normally closes 18-24 months after birth?


Which of the following fontanels usually closes the longest after birth?


The paired fontanels close about three months after birth.


Which of the following is part of the temporomandibular joint?

articular tubercle of temporal bone

The special name given to the vertebra that articulates with the occipital condyles of the skull is


The specific vertebra that connects with the skull is called the


A bone in the axial skeleton that amplifies sound is a/an

auditory ossicle

The special joint that allows you to move your head to signify "no" is called the


On which vertebra would you find the dens?


In which of the following vertebral regions would you normally find adjacent vertebrae that do not have an intervertebral disc between them?


The region of the vertebral column consists of seven vertebrae.


The vertebral arches of vertebrae are larger than any others


you are examining a vertebra and note that it has a bifid spinous process, which type of vertebra must it be?


Which of the following portions of the vertebral column are mobile? Select all that apply.

cervical thoracic C lumbar

Identify all of the bones in the appendicular skeleton. Select all that apply.

clavicle, radius

Failure of the palatine processes of the maxillary bones to unite during embryonic development can result in a/an

cleft palate

Which vertebrae have the smallest bodies?


the superior articular processes of the first coccygeal vertebra become part of what structure?

coccygeal cornua

The structure in the vertebral column known as the usually consists of four fused vertebrae.


Which of the following sutures is the most anterior?


suture unites the frontal and parietal bones.


Which of the following is the structure on the mandible where the temporalis muscle attaches?

coronoid process

septum is one that does not run along the midline of the nasal cavity.


In which bone would you find the olfactory foramina?


Which structure is formed when the head of a rib connects to the body of a single vertebra?


The articulating surfaces of the articular processes of the vertebrae are referred to as


: In an adult, the sacrum is made up of 5 separate vertebrae.


are mesenchyme-filled spaces between cranial bones that are present at birth.


is the structure on the skull where the spinal cord connects to the medulla oblongata.

foramen magnum

The function(s) of the nasal conchae include which of the following? Select all that apply.

help swirl and filter the air. C increase surface area of the nasal cavity.

Which of the following structures forms the anterior portion of the nasal septum?

hyaline cartilage

Which of the following is part of the axial skeleton?


:Through which of the following foramina does a branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery pass?


Which cranial nerve passes through the hypoglossal canal?


: The superior articular processes on one vertebra articulate with the processes on the vertebra immediately above it.

inferior articular

Through which of the following foramina does a branch of the trigeminal nerve pass?

infraorbital ovale B rotundum

the facial nerve passes through which of the following structures on the temporal bone?

internal auditors meatus

Through which of the following structures does the vestibulocochlear nerve pass?

internal auditory meatus

: What is the opening that allows a single spinal nerve to leave the spinal canal?

intervertebral foramen

Through which of the following foramina does the vagus nerve pass?


On which bone would you find the hypoglossal canal?


Which of the following bones is attached to the ligamentum nuchae?


Which of the following bones contains a foramen which encircles the spinal cord?

occipital bone

The structures on the occipital bone that articulate with the superior articular facets of the atlas are called

occipital condyles

Which foramen is located in the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone?


Through which foramen does the ophthalmic artery pass?


Through which of the following foramina does the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve pass?

ovale rotundum infraorbital

The posterior portion of the hard palate is formed by the

palatine bones

Failure of which structures to fuse during embryonic development results in cleft palate?

palatine processes

the greater portion of the cranial cavity is formed by the

parietal bones

The humerus is attached to the

pectoral girdle

Which of the following bones is not part of the axial skeleton?

pelvic girdle

fontanel closes about two months after birth.


Which suture unites the two parietal bones at the midline?


through which of the following foramina does the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve pass?


The structure in the vertebral column known as the consists of five fused vertebrae.


In which bone would you find the external auditory meatus?


On which bone would you find the mandibular fossa?


On which bone would you find the zygomatic process?


Which of the following bones forms part of the zygomatic arch?


The extremities may be found in

the appendicular skeleton but not the axial skeleton

Your patient was diagnosed with osteosarcoma of the left femur. Which part of her skeleton is directly affected by this diagnosis?

the appendicular skeleton but not the axial skeleton

: Scoliosis is most likely to occur in which vertebral curvature?


If you are examining a vertebra and identify costal facets on it, what type of vertebra must it be?


Which vertebral region has connections to the ribs?


region of the vertebral column consists of 12 vertebrae.


The complete adult skeleton is composed of how many bones?


: Which number corresponds to the sacral curve?


Which of the indicated items forms as a result of the fusion of the spinous processes of the superior sacral vertebrae?


: How many ribs attach directly to the sternum in the axial skeleton?

7 paired ribs

In the complete human adult skeleton, there are bones in the axial skeleton.


: The structure marked by 2 is the bone.

: sphenoid

The buildup of mucus in the maxillary sinus is often more difficult to drain than mucus that is present in the other paranasal sinuses. Why?

The maxillary sinuses are located below the nose, so gravity inhibits drainage.

As a crime-scene investigator, you've come across a small skeleton. You find that the bones of the sacrum are not yet fused. What does this tell you?

The skeleton is from a child.

The zygomaticofacial foramen is a passageway for zygomaticofacial nerves and vessels.


Which fontanel is used as a landmark when withdrawing blood from the superior sagittal sinus


What are the paired fontanels that normally close about three months after birth?


The coccyx articulates with which portion of the sacrum?


The narrow, inferior portion of the sacrum is called the


The majority of the bones in the adult human body are considered part of the


Girdles are part of the

appendicular skeleton

Bones that fuse at some point after birth include bones of which of the following? Select all that apply.

appendicular skeleton B axial skeleton C pelvic girdle

Which of the following items passes through the foramen lacerum?

ascending pharyngeal artery

: Identify all of the bones in the axial skeleton. Select all that apply.

auditory ossicles vertebrae

: The bone that the pelvic girdle articulates with on its medial surface is part of the skeleton.


The bone that the clavicle articulates with on its medial surface is part of the skeleton.


The skeleton is composed of the head, vertebral column, thorax, hyoid bone, and the auditory ossicles.


The odontoid process is found on the vertebra called the


The bones of the axial skeleton are colored in this figure; many of these bones help protect the central nervous system.


: What is term for the thick, anterior portion of a vertebra?


The head of a rib articulates with which part of a thoracic vertebra?


The structure indicated by 2 is called the vertebral


Which of the following is the first secondary curve of the vertebral column to develop?


Which of the following bones is part of the appendicular skeleton?


Which bones can be found in the appendicular skeleton? Select all that apply.

clavicle metatarsals E scapula F ulna

The structure in the vertebral column known as the usually consists of four fused vertebrae


Which structure is marked by 5?


: What type of tissue makes up the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral discs?


: What is the usual number of vertebrae that fuse to make the coccyx?


: The coccyx usually consists of

four fused vertebrae

: The structure marked by 1 is the bone.


Which of the following bones make up the orbit? Select all that apply.

frontal B maxilla C lacrimal D sphenoid E zygomatic F ethmoid G palatine

Males and females

have the same number of ribs

The lower extremities are attached to the axial skeleton via which of the following? Select all that apply.

hip girdle pelvic girdle

What type of tissue covers the facets of the articular processes of the vertebrae?

hyaline cartilage

The bone is the only one in the axial skeleton that does not articulate with any other bones.


: The position of the temporal bone is compared to the parietal bones.


Which of the following vertebral processes are used to form joints with other vertebrae? Select all that apply.

inferior articular superior articular

: Compression of which of the following structures will cause your height to decrease during the course of the day?

intervertebral discs

corresponds to the fused transverse processes of the sacral vertebrae.

lateral sacral crest

Which of the normal curves of the vertebral column is the last to develop?


Which type of vertebra has the thickest intervertebral discs?


You examine a vertebra and note that the superior articular process projects medially. Which type of vertebra is it?


region of the vertebral column consists of five separate vertebrae.


: There are morefewerthe same number of bones in an infant's skeleton compared to the adult human skeleto


The bridge of the nose is formed from which of the following bones?

nasal bones

: You are able to move your head to signify "yes" because of the joint between the vertebra called the atlas and the


On which bone would you find the foramen magnum?


The bone marked with F is the bone.


ascending pharyngeal artery


Which of the following bones form part of the bony palate?

palatine C maxilla

The position of the occipital bone is compared to the temporal bone.


Which fontanel is indicated by 1?


: The sternum, ribs, vertebrae, and cranium (select all that apply)

protect vital organs in the head and thoracic cavity make up the axial skeleton

: Identify all of the bones in the appendicular skeleton. Select all that apply.

radius clavicleWhich of the following is part of the axial skeleton?

Which of the following would be the most inferior vertebra?


The coccyx articulates with the portion of the vertebral column


correspond to the inferior articular processes of the fifth sacral vertebra.

sacral cornua

Which of the following bones is part of the axial skeleton?


Which of the following bones is part of the axial skeleton?


Select all of the following bones that are part of the axial skeleton.

vertebrae coccyx D ethmoid

: The prominences of the cheeks are formed by which bones?


The bone marked with D is the bone.


What is the name of the bone marked with a 2?


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