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-Similar in structure to estradiol, but not the same (Diosgenin is common and active) -They are weak agonists of estrogen receptors -SO WEAK, that they are often employed as ER-Antagonists in managing estrogen excess or reducing estrogen signaling for BRCA prevention (when phytoestrogen fits, it has 1/100 of strength of estradion and it will decrease overall signal -WEAK, but very mildly active on receptor, having positive effect in those who have negligible estrogen such as postmenopausal women (weak signal is better than no signal) When to use: -Give to adolescent female (nuts teenager) (phytoestrogen will compete with estradiol in this case, also give adaptogen to teenager) -Give to perimenopausal women to modulate erratic hormone fluctuations -Give to postmenopausal women -Give to premenopausal women with family history of BRCA -DO NOT give to women taking tamoxifen (Taxol) (Taxol is estrogen blocker, binds to estrogen receptors, phytoestrogens will not help with symptoms) Diosgenin is not progesterone and cannot turn to active compounds in the body, it requires laboratory to produce.

Nervine: Bacopa monnieri-ayvedic herb for 1000 years: nervine tonic

Common name Family Part used: whole plant Contains: -Steroidal saponins -Alkaloids: brahmine and herpestine -Flavonoids Actions: -Nootropic (cognitive enhancer), sedative, cardiotonic (supportive with sentella), Inflamm modulating (use in joints inflamm, add turmeric), antispasmodic Indications: -Nerve exhaustion -Memory loss (now we working on reversing memory issues) -Dysmenorrhea -Neuralgia Uses: -Promise in all mental health issues, 1000y use in ayveda -Safer than ginkgo, but taste bad -There is no bacopa only capsules Used for Autism, Parkinsons, antianxiety, alzgemeysr -There is reason for plaque build up, reverse it using imm modulation -Excess vata states (anxiety and worry affecting digestion -Used not only in memory but for whole NS -Grow on the water to give the energy to vata

Male Reproductive Herbs: Prunus Africanum Pygeum

Common name: African cherry Part used: bark Family Ecology: supply comes from Cameroon, used to grow in central africa, very dispersed in nature Sustainability is the issue, can be ok in Europe, bc they dont have saw palmetto there Similar to saw palmetto Pationale for avoiding use: -Not sustainable harvested for most part -No benefit offered over far more sustainable Serenoa repens -Not significantly cheaper than other phytomedicines available

HPO and Balancing hormones: Phytoestrogen: Medicago sativa

Common name: Alfalfa Family: Fabaceae Part used: aerial parts in flowers -More nutritive than Trifolium pratense (Red clover) -Canavanine in sprouts and seeds (amino acid similar to arginine) (Can cause reversable fake lupus) Can be used interchangeably with Trifolium pratense: -Can fix nitrogen -Found in open fields and disturbed soils -Contains formononetin and biochanin A (which convert to diadzein (equol) and genestein in the gut by gut flora, respectively -Very nutritive and alterative (very high in minerals, protein and vitamins -Contain saponins, coumarins and flavonoids

Trillium ovatum

Common name: Berthroot/Birthroot Family: Melanthiaceae Part used: Rhizome Main actions: -Alterative -Astringent -Genito-urinary tract tonic) -(Expectorant) At-risk according to UPS: -Habitat loss -Complicated germination -Sensitive flowering cycle Specific indications: -Cramping pelvic pains that feel like hips and back are falling to pieces -Pain that is better with pressure -Prolapsed uterus -Post-partum pains Contraindications: -Pregnancy, except in painful early labor -Lactation, except in severe post-partum pain and bleeding Uses: -Considered engendered, but seen a lot here -Tonic to entire pelvic area to tighten tissues together -When women need to tighten and hold everything together in pelvic area and she wears sweater around hips _Do not give in pregnancy, once labor is begin, then its ok -Powerful herb, do not give to kids Dosage: -Infusion: 1 tsp newly dried herb/ 2 tsp fresh root per cup TID-QID -FE 1:1 fresh plant: 10-60ftts prn q 15 min, not exceeding 360 drops or two tsp in 24h Extra notes: Indications: -Antiseptic properties for women in labor (Native Americans taught early settlers) -Slows or stops hemorrhaging, alone or combined with Shepherd's purse -Drying properties can clear "wet" infections or mucous congestion of lungs

Viburnum prunifolium

Common name: Black Haw, American Sloe Family: Caprifoliaceae Part used: Bark Contains: -Valarianic acid -Salicosides -Viburin (glycoside) -Coumarins Actions: -Antispasmodic (to both skeletal and smooth mm, dose dependent (dose high), use for BAD CRAMPS) Extra notes: Actions: -Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, uterine tonic -Warming and drying -Taste like Valerian, bitter and astringent Indications: -Used just like Cramp Bark (V. opulus) -Black haw is more useful for reproductive muscle spasm and pain than general body muscle tension -Used for relaxing asthmatic wheezing, esp in children or during pregnancy -Slightly stronger anti-inflammatory for women's uterine and ovarian conditions, makeing it preferred choice for fibroids causing heavy bleeding with passing of clots and associated cramps -For reproductive infectious it combine well with Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) or alternative antimicrobial with toning properties specific to mucus membranes -Black Haw is ideal in threatened miscalrriage or to coordinate efficient labor contraction -In cases where whole body tension developed Black Haw combines well with Cramp bark

HPO and Balancing hormones: Actaea racemosa

Common name: Black cohosh Family: Raninculaceae Part used: root Contains: Triterpene glycosides Actions: -Antispasmodic -Serotinergic and Dopaminergic Toxicity: -None, not hepatoxic, except some ppl mixed roots of other species of black cohosh -Overdosing will produce forntal headache, cut dose in half and slowly increase to find therapeutic threshold -Underdosing will be ineffective, gradually increase dose until symptoms abate -Standard dose: 40mg/days, put in formula at 40% Uses: -Antispasmodic (wonderful herb for men's health, esp for prostate and for low back spasm) -Has n-methylserotoninc (binds and activate serotonin receptors -Dopominergic has cycloarpent? - inhibits osteoclastogenesis -Anti-inflammatory helpful in back pains and arthritis -Good for cramping and estrogen dominance -Not helpful in hot flashes -Serotonergic and dopaminergic are the key words Contraindications: Pregnancy and lactation

Rubus villosus

Common name: Blackberry Family: Rosacease (Rose) Part used: Root, Leaf and fruit Contains: tannins, gallic acid, flavons, minerals Actions: - astringent tonic -cooling and drying Indications: -Given for diarrhea -Safe in pregnacy and for children -Can apply externally to wounds Dose: - 4g, 2tsp up to 2oz per pint, decocted, -1-4 cups daily as needed -Tincture: 5-10mL, 1-2 tsp diluted, 1-4 times/day

Nervine: Scutellaria laterifolia: nervine tonic

Common name: Blue scalcap Family: Lameacea (mint) Part used: Do not mix with Baikal scalcup, which is for inflamm modulation and asthma This one is nervine Contains: -Flavonoids (scutellatian, scutellarien) -Iridoids (catalpol) -Volatile oils (anti-inflamm and antispasmodyc) -Tannins -Minerals Actions: -Nervine relaxant, sedative, nervine trophorestorative (for headaches), antispasmodic Uses: -Tonic, resporative, safe -Can be used for ADHD -Used for NS agitation, aggravation, cannot keep anything together and they fried -For ppl who cannot use oat or add with oat and other herbs Gaia herb - tension daily Kalharyrte - wise women -Combines well with stachys Alduterated herb

Nervines: Eschscholzia californica

Common name: California poppy Part used: whole plant b4 it blooms Family: Constituents: Isoquinoline alkaloids (chelerythrine, protopine, sanguinarine, chelidonine) -Flavone glycosides Primary actions: -Sedative, antispasmodic, mild anodyne Indications: -For sleep support, anxiety and pain with anxiety -Safe for children above age 1 in appropriate doses Uses: -Can be sedative at high dose, blocks excitatory nerves - the more you take the more nerve you block -Works on anxiety, insomnia and pain -Safe for children >1yo - they need their NS to develop first -If you put sedative in the bath they will fall asleep, so need to be supervised and do not give before 4 yo -Isoquinoline alkaloids are sedative -Bright orange is loaded with flavons -Entire plant can be used b4 it finishes blooming, you can harvest b4 seed part elongates, keep it intact -Best time to use 1h b4 bed time -Avoid if weird color (pink) - might indicate heavy metal toxicity in the soil -Start with 1 dropper full or 1 mL -For kids 15 drops is all you need, do not give when breastfeeding

Male Reproductive Herbs: Tribulus terrestris

Common name: Caltrop vine (cow scratcher, puncture vine) Part used: Family: Zygophyllaceae (Larrea (cancer herb) in this family) Ecology: -Invasive weed. -Likes to grow in hot and dry areas -Likes abandon and dry places. -Harvest it destructively (pull whole thing by the root) -Introduced pest in US -Similar to Kallstroemia parviflora, but this plant is native to Great Basin area,looksvery similar to Tribulus, leaves are wider than Tribulus, fruitcapsule is notspiny, fruit splits into10 nutlets, not 5 -Pest Puncturevine Weevilsis host-specificpest,not perfect way to eradicatethe plant, but helpful Primary compounds: -Steroidal saponins -Flavonoids -Calcium (in powder or other high dose forms) Uses: -Hormone tonic for older ppl, not for young men -Sold in internet for 18yo to be a sex god Actions and indications: Androgenic: -Negative trial in young men (no need for young men, praying off on insecurity) -Negative trial in combo formula in young men -Not phytoestrogenic or 5a-reductase inhibiting in combo formula -Did not increase urine testosterone/epitestosteronr levels in athlets; also did not cause gains in strength or lean muscle mass (athlets do not need it, your body is what it is, you do not need to go even faster) -Androgenic repuatation of this herbos marketing hype Traditional uses (Ayurveda): -Not a sexual supressor -Spermatorrhea (is masturbation) bc eclectics was anti-sexand thought that sex can cause dz -Prosphaturia, urolithiasis, gout -Dysuria, gonorrhea, chronic cystitis -Incontinence -Impotence -Uterine disorders after childbirth -Infertility, cough, heart disease, anuria Traditional uses (TCM) -Headache, vertigo,dizziness -Irregular menstruation, insufficient lactation -Vitiligo (15g BID) - do not know mechanisms -Itchy skin lesions -Seizures, tremors Western Uses: -Older men with BPH, who lost their vitality, not powerful and not overnight, generally improving body strength, can have effect in CV system -HTN (in animal study) -Hypercholesterolemia (in animal study) -Low libido in older men in formula Tradamixina; mildly elevated serum T; low libido in older women -BPH: improves sx in formula Tradamixina, improves sx with Murraya -Erectile dyfnction: negative trial (not direct for ED) Kidney stone medicine: -Clinical trial, diuretic in rats, not that Zea wasn't -Inhibits oxalate synthesis enzyme in liver -Inhibit calcium oxalate crystallization in vitro _interferes with kidney stone formation in rat studies Intriguing Actions: -Antidiabetic in rats, reduced metabolic liver dz particularly -Antihelmintic in vitro -Analgesic in rats Dosing: Tincture: 1-2mL TID

HPO and Balancing hormones: Vitex agnus-castus

Common name: Chaste Tree Berry, Monk's pepper Family: Verbenacea Part used: berries If leaf used will not supress libido Actions: -Pituitary driver -Aphrodesia/Anaphrodesiac (helps with libido) and balances hormones -Hormone modulator Contains: Flavonoids -Iridoid glycosides -Volatile oils -Kerosteroids (androstededione) Uses: -If given 5g (high dose) lowers lutinizing hormone - means lows testosterone expression and will low libido -Nettle root will increase testosterone and increase libido -Can be used to tonify body at 10% in formula -Works as hormone modulator at 35% -Take 1 dose in the morning, bc pituitary gland releases hormones in the morning -Pituitary driver (key word) - need dose high, shines in tincture form, can be used stand alone, balances lady business -If you have women complain and do not know what to do - give this herb -Balances lady business -Keeps men from bonning -Additional action - Prolactin levels Toxicity: None reported in past 200 years Dose-dependent action: -Increases progesterone (LH agoniost) -Decreases estradiol (FSH antagonist) in moderate doses -In HIGH doses (5g) supressess LH due to feedback inhibition (will lower libido) -Typical dose for hormone regulation:3-4g/day Increases prolactine in small amount Decreases prolactin in large amount -Remember to treat liver aggresevly 1-2 month b4 decreasing dose of estrogen in the patient

HPO and Balancing hormones: Angelica sinensis

Common name: Chinese Angelica (Dang Gui) Family: Part used: root Contains: Volatile oils, FERULIC acid, coumarinc, flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamins: E, C, B12, biotin, FOLIC acid; minerals: Ca, Mg; Beta-sitosterol and other plant sterols Actions: -Hematopoetic Hormone modulator -Blood mover (emmenagogue_ -Moistening Uterine Tonic -Immunomodulator -Mild laxative Uses: -Spicy sweet herb, dried like potato chips -Blood mover, take a slice and put in the tea, can be steeped over and over and next day you have a period (will not start in the middle of the cycle) -Head of the root - let stagnant blood to move around -Body of root - for nurishing and building blood -Tails of root - most driving part and it moves blood -Can use whole root too -Has analog to erythropoetin, good for anemic -Ferulic acid can create Colorado (athletes go to Colorado for training), you start making more blood cells, same physiology as blood doping -Helpful in women with low progesterome and endometrium having problems to slough off, for ppl those periods are short -For poor circulation and for ppl who are cold -Use for women who are not feeling like a woman (feeling like plant or do not feel connected as a woman anymore) Contraindications: -Heavy bleedings -When ppl going into surgery (reduces platelet aggregation)

Analgesic for MSK pain: Populus alba or Populus spp

Common name: Cottonwood Family Part used: resinous buds or pods Constituents: -Salicin Actions: -Inflamm modulating -Analgesic -RESPIRATORY -Kidney Musculoskeletal Uses: -Has resin vs salix is not -When buds become resinous is when we harvest pods -Can be used for joint pain as anti-inflamm Still have salicilates and resins -Waterloving plant -Planted for paper Has kidney support but also lungs Resins excreted via lung

Antispasmodic: Viburnum opulus

Common name: Cramp bark (Калина обыкновенная) Family: Caprifoliaceae Part used: bark Can be used interchangably with viburnum purnofilium This one is for uterine pain Contains: -Hydroquinones (viburnin, arbutin) -Coumarins (scopoletin, scopoline) -Vipopudial (V. opulus only) -Escultein (V. prunifolim only) Actions: -Antispasmodyc to smooth and skeletal mm -Nervine, hypotensive, inflamm modulation, mild emenogogue (not a menstrual stimulation, just helps with cramping) Uses: -Can be used in pregnancy -Do not use in lactation -MENSTRUAL PAINS, CRAMPS -Back spasm -HTN -HTN in birth -Bronchocostriction -Topically With other herbs as mm rub Has distinct smell

Turnera diffusa

Common name: Damiana Тёрнера раскидистая Family: Passifloraceae Part used: Leaf Contains: -Volatile oils -Hydroquinones - arbutin and damianin -Cyanogenic glycosides -Small amount of beta-sitosterol -Alkaloids Actions: -Diuretic and mild urinary antiseptic -APHRODESIAC and pelvic tonic -NERVINE TONIC Uses: -Can be added to chocolate, goes well with orange peel -Aphrodesiac (lovers herb) -Pelvic tonic -Nervine (help relax b4 sex), use as a tea -Help in transition from one place to another -Need higher dose, has adaptogen-like effect Extra notes: Nerve tonic, anti-depressant, mild urinary antiseptic, mild laxative Damiana is drying and warming Indication: -Strengthening remedy for nervous system -Folk reputation in Mexico as aphrodisiac -Antidepressant where anxiety is complicated by issues of sexuality, including chronic infections of nervous system related to reproductive tract, such as Herpes -Can strengthen libido in both genders -Contains aromatase inhibitor, have potential to maintain testosterone lvel and keeping strength, energy, mas and libido in older ppl

Nervine: Gingko biloba: nervine tonic

Common name: Ginkgo Family: Part used: leaf; in Chinese nut are used Contains: -Flavone glycosides (bioflavonoids, proanthocyyanidins -Terpene lactones (ginkgolides, bilobalides) Actions: -Increases oxygenation and glucose utilization in cellular membranes -Nootropic (cognitive enhancer) -Vasodilating -Reduces lipid plaque formation Uses: -Produces O2 perfusion to the brain and tissues -Can buy overcounter -Has effect for ppl with high stress jobs with heavy deadlines -Preventative: Even for brain damage (incr glucose for brain) -Incr NT rate, memory and cogntitive fxn -Prevents memory loss and membrane damage by ROS -Can be helpful for sexual dysfunction and plaque formation, -Can increase venous tone, as long as you don't have bleeding disorder -Taste like green tea -More flavonoids in yellow leafs

Male Reproductive Herbs: Polygonum multiflorum

Common name: He Shou Wu (Mr. He's hair is black) or Fo ti (is made up marketing name) aka Fallopia multiflora Uses: -Fresh root - has laxative properties containts anthraquinone glycosides) and can cause liver damage -Cooked, or dried roots - Needs to be processed and is what we use from plants that are 4+yo- not laxative; much safer and low in anthraquinones -Preparation method: steamed with yellow rice wine and black soy bean juice for several hours, then dried (roots look black, bc soy, to bind anthraquinones Chinese medicine: -Jing (essence) tonic (an unusual action) - born with it, cannot make more, need to preserve it, also refer to social vitality -Primarily rebuilds/tonifies Liver and Kidney Yin -Translation: --Adaptogen-like, for chronic fatigue --Libido-enhancing, anti-aging --One of gentlest tonics (not a sex pill, just tonifies, slow acting) Clinical Indications: -Use for older folks -BPH, with larger prostate (symptoms will not go away) -Low libido in older patients (that lose vitality, some ppl will not worry about it, but libido is vitality) -Insomnia, particularly with chronic stress -Alzheimer's disease Actions (preclinical reports): -Potential phytoestrogen -Hair growth stimulation in mice Dosing: -Tincture of prepared root: 1mL TID -Granulations (instant tea powder of prepared roots) 1-2g TID

Antispasmodic: Piscidia erythrina

Common name: Jamaican dogwood Family: Part used: Bark Contains: -Isoflavone (Piscidin), Rotenoids (rotenone), piscidic acid, beta sitosterol Actions: -Narcotic, mild diaphoretic Dose limited! -0.2g per dose -0.6g per day Uses: -Not safe for everybody esp if pregnant and lactating or children -Sedative -Found in florida, tropical tree -We need to calculate dose -Slows pulse first, so body will try to push it up, have reflex action -Classify as narcotic Strong sedative Not as narcotis that you cannot drive -You had issues Give one time -MENSTRUAL CRAMPS -For injury - give this herb and Goldenseal to wounds for toes to re-attache -Use in Neurolagia Pain for skeletal and smooth mm Trigeminal neuralgial, all type of neurolagia -Used for false labor pains Toxicity: vomiting and headache, then nervous system toxicity Stick to dose guidelines Rotenone Used as rat poisoning And fish toxin For human is diff uses such as relaxing

Nervines: Piper methysticum: sedative and stimulant

Common name: Kava Part used: root Family: Contains: -resinous kava lactones -kava alpha-pyrons (kavain, dihydrokavain, methysticin) Action: -Sedative and stimulant (depends how much you have and which one you use) -Muscle relaxant -Anticonvulsant -Anaesthetic -Analgesic -Antifungal -Antidepressant Consideration -Stimulates CNS, then sedates CNS -Small doses vs large doses -Affects limbic structures of the brain, which induce sleep -Historical use with UTI Uses: -In same genius as piper nigrum can numb the mouth -Not making any seeds, can propagate by leaves or roots -Used for situational anxiety (effect can last from 5 min to 5h), depends on strength of Kava, can last 3 days -Kava lactones are oil soluble constituents, resinous -Important herb for social meetings and gatherings, esp if different or difficult topic? -Used to set the tone and bring dispute to the end -As social drink used for business meetings -Can be uplifting -Start taking kava before going to airplaine -Antyspasmodyc for pelvic region: for low back pain, menstrual cramps, kidney stone, combine with Virbenum -Stimulates, then sedates -Affects limbic system -If you get headache after kava, means your liver is compomised -It is not a tonic, do not take everydays! -Not nourishing! - works only for situational anxiety and fears

Alchemilla xanthochlora

Common name: Lady's Mantle Манжетка обыкновенная Family: Rosacease (Rose) Part used: Leaf Actions: -Astringent -Diuretic -Anti-inflammatory -Emmenagogue (help to start mences)? -- herbs which stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus; some stimulate menstruation -Vulnerary Contains: -Tannins -Minerals -Methyl salycilates (pain relief) Uses: -broad spectrum herb -best female tonic and balancer (can see slow gentle changes) -Gentle anti-inflamm -Alchemilla to transport and see changes -bc it emmenagogue it can be used for heavy bleeders and can help start bleeding Extra notes: Indications: problems of imbalace in female repro systems, diseases of small blood vessels -Best astringent for reproductive bleeding due to benign fibroids (combines well with potentilla and Capsella) -Specific for improving poor unterine tone, heavy bleeding, menopausal hot flashes and vaginitis -Indicated for hardening of arteries, external and internal bruising and wounds - fresh leaves have been used on Herpes zoster and other mucus membrane inflamm such as pruritis (vaginal itching) and leucorrhea (white discharge) -Combines well in equal parts with Leonurus and Vites for hot flashes -No toxicity if used as directed

Nervines: Lavandula angustifolia: relaxing nervine, antispasmodic and carminative

Common name: Lavender Part used: Flowering tops Family: Mint? Constituents: -Volatile oils: linalool Triterpens: ursolic acid -Tannins -Flavonoids: diosmin and hesperidin -Coumarins Actions: -antispasmodic and carminative -Relaxing nervine , anxiolytic, sedative -Antidepressant -Inflamm modulator -Choleretic/cholagogue -Antiimicrobial -Vulnerary (esp burns) -Rubefacient (A rubefacient is a substance for topical application that produces redness of the skin e.g. by causing dilation of the capillaries and an increase in blood circulation.) Indications: -Insomnia, anxiety disorder, mild depression, headaches - infusion or aromatherapy -GI complaints, including flatulence, upper GI pain and mild stomach irritation -Steam inhalation to treat upper resp tract and sinus infections -Topically to treat rheumatic pains, nerve pain, minor wounds and burns, plus fungal infections Uses: -Safe oil to use as aroma therapy, but needs to be diluted -Do not put all over your body -Can be used in whole plant form, very drying herb, tones of volatile oils -Famous to be relaxing sedative nervine -Found wildely in mint family -Has calming and relaxing effects on NS -Use in whole plant for study, so it will not bother anybody -Rosemary helps with memory and retention -Lavender to calm CNS and have better recall If it causes burns - you might have allergy -Lavendin is a cheaper product, can cause allergic rxn -Put lavender in the black tea and it will taste like earl grey -Has bitter and stimulates digestion - if leaky gut or diarrhea will help tighten gut cells -For burns - use seaweed, lavender iol drops to diffuse through, st John's Wart and scar injection therapy -Antimicrobal, can be added to MRSA protocol, steam inhalation and can put in cupcakes

Nervines: Melissa officinalis:relaxing nervine, sedative, herpes,shingles

Common name: Lemon balm Part used: Aerial parts Family: Mint Constituents: -Volatile oils:various chemotypes -Tannins -Flavonoid -Triterpenes Actions: Relaxinf nervine, sedative, anxiolytic, antidepressant, antispasmodic, inflamm modulator, DIAPHORETIC, carminitive, antimicrobal, antiviral (HSV, HIV), thyrosuppressive Indications: -Insomnia, mild anxiety and depression and stress related conditions (such as increased heart palpitations) -GI problems, including dyspepsia, nausea, cramping and pain in upper abdominal region -Cold and flu preparations (very astringent and has volatile oils -Herpes outbreaks -Hyperthyroidism Contraindications: -No known safety issues; theoretically should not be given to those with hypothyrodism Uses: -very astringent -loaded with tannins, comes important when we tx smth topically -Put on cold sores or herpes lesions (shingles, chickenpox) -No drug interaction with HIV meds -Has volatile oils,but not huge amounts (does not give high yeild), hard to harvest essential oils -When apply to shingles, make it cool application, put wash cloth and lay out where shingles are. If let shingles last too long can cause permanent nerve damage, so pts will have burning sensation, that will not goes away -For cold sores - chew the plant and put on the sore, can make lemon balm sits baths for genital herpes -Liquid sunshine - relaxing nervine, helps with moderate depression. -Distruptive to thyroid signaling (in vitro) - avoid in hypothyroidism, but USE in HYPERtheyroidism (Graves and anxiousness)

Nervines: Leonurus cardiaca - MS nervine

Common name: Motherwort (Lions heart) Part used: Aerial part in full flower Family: Constituents: -Iridoids: Leonuride -Labdane Diterpenes: Leocardin -Triterpenes: Ursolic acid -Alkaloids: Stachydrine, betonicine, leonurine -Tannins -Flavonoids: Apigenin, kaempferol Actions: -Cardiotonic; Hypotensive -Relaxing nervine; sedative -Antispasmodic -Astringent Indications: -Mild cardiac disorders due to nervous constitution (such as tachycardia -Womens hormone's conditions, motherwort can be used to stimulate mences, to relax uterine cramping, to help ease false labor pains -Relaxing tonic during menopause -Beneficial for other conditions exasperated by increased anxiety and/or stress Contraindications: -None known, Mills and Bone caution use during pregnancy -Hypotension Uses: -Metaphor for mother embrace -Will help with heart palpitatons -No mint flavor, taste horrible, containt iridoids (not common for mint family) - gentian has same iridoids -Like whenether you put it in, keep in clinic garden, help to dig out baby and take home if anxiety type person -Alkaloids same in Stakies, has affinity to mm and heart receptors - affect heart rythm and mm -Works on skeletal mm and smooth mm of heart - do not take bunch of herb before driving, bc lowers BP (take 2mL wait few min, otherwise can significantly drop BP -Bitter - can be used as digestive bitter -Used in hyperthyroid (Graves dz) - does not act on thyroid -Used as stress herb, esp when irregular periods -Provides NS relaxation (emenagogue) - not phytotoxic, provides parasymth stimulus to relax and begin period

Nervine: Avena sativa: tonic nervine

Common name: Oats Family: Part used: oat pods or straw if you want more nutrient content Containts: -Polysacchrides in seeds -Minerals (due to minerals can be used in CV support, smooth mm contraction, used in cardiac conditions as support -Indole alkaloids -Flavonoids -Amino acids -Steroid saponins (causes NS effect, Ca2+ and Mg is what makes this nervine effect) Actions: -Nervine trophorestorative -Cardiotonic -Antispasmodic (do not use for mm cramps, it more nutritive to nerves) -Nutritive -Mucilage Indication: -Nervous exhaustion Tobacco addiction -Skin rashes -Weakened heart -Menopause -Mineral repletion Uses: -Oat pods used, vs oat straw (grass and outside pod -We prefer pods -Pods can cause reaction, straw is less likely -we use straw to add minerals (Ca, Mg to nerves -Nervine restoration: use pods, they are milky -Use fresh plant material to make tinctures, oat glycerate and tea -Tonics can be used for long time, you need several months -Used in protocols for smoking cessation, opioid addiction ppl have better outcomes, but not100% cure -Whole oat has better nutritional value, if don't want to use tinctures, recommeneds oat as food -Imm support breakfast by Mitchel: oats, lethitin, flax, fruit Put everything in a jar and add hot water in the morning - best way to cook Lecithin is calming -Oats are demulcent, helpful for skin conditions, to reduce inflamm - Add oat in the soak for eczema -Chicken pox - can make oatmeal bath -Nervine support for adrenal exhastion, menopause (even if was not stressed b4) -Stimulates limbic system

Mitchella repens

Common name: Partridgeberry Family: Rubiaceae (Coffee) Part used: Aerial parts (leaf and stem) Contains: -Tannins Saponins -BITTER -Alkaloids -Musilage Actions: -Uterine mucosal tonic -Parturient ( woman) about to give birth; in labor - to gentrly stimulate labor) -Diuretic -Emmenagogue Uses: -Has saponins and musilage (best herb to tone the mucosa b4 birth) -Use in later stages of pregnancy -Will not stimulate contractions like Blu Cohosh -For patients who is not getting better for awhile -For women who split in 2 (and you want to bring them together) -Can be used as a tea or tincture -Aroun the labor herb -Also emmenagogue (to help stimulate mences) Extra notes: Indications: -Nourishing and safe remedy for women from puberty through menopause, including during pregnancy and lactation, esp for women with history of difficult pregnancies or weak reproductive systems -It should take 4-8 weeks to see results -specific against uterine hemorrhage, indicated in menopausal flooding as well as heavy uterine blood loss of any kind after diagnosis -Can relief paintful periods

Nervines: Passiflora incarnata: Insomnia, anxiety and pain

Common name: Passionflower Part used: aerial Family: Containts: -flavonoids - harmane alkaloids (found also in hops, in milder amounts, works on beta receptors as mild beta antagonist, interacts with beta-receptors and blocks signaling) - GABA (NT, shuts off cyclic voices and chatter (to get monkey off the back), good for narcotics and alcoholics (for ppl who battling addiction) Actions: Sedative, anxiolytic (used to reduce anxiety), analgesic Indication: Insomnia, anxiety and pain Ecology: -Vine from South America, not all fruit bearing -Has stigma and not red and not yellow, enough herb can put you sleep Uses: -Great for HTN and situational anxiety -Can start with 1ML, otherwise can put ppl to sleep if had too much -Sedative or insomnia- take 4 dropper fulls b4 sleep -Safe to take with drugs -Safe to take for kids and pregnant and breasfeeding Caution: -Safe in lactation,but alkaloids can get concentrated -Good for pain relief, however has bitter taste -Avalibale in solid extracts, so you can add tonic nervines like 90% of avena sativa and 10% of solid extract of passion flower -To quit smoking blend: passion flower, mint, damiana, scalcap

Analgesic for MSK pain: Zanthoxylum americanum

Common name: Prockly ash Family: Citrus family Part used: bark Constituents: -Alkaloids, lignans, coumarins, alkylamides (herclavin, neoherculein like echinacein) Uses: Increases saliva DRIVER for NS and mm To get the medicine where it needs to go Great for salivary gland, If its not functioning you will not make it fxn, but will help

Male Reproductive Herbs: Cucurbita pepo

Common name: Pumpkins seed Part used: seeds Family: Cucurbitaceae BPH Clinical Trials: -2 double-blind trials combined with Serenoa -Doule-blind, 12m trial with stansarized EFAs effective -Effective with soy germ -Preliminary evidence looks promising Uses: -Seed is used, outside cover is just for fiber -Cannot interchange species -FA in BPH help along with Saw palemetto, but we don't know mechanism -Studies looked for symptomatic improvement -It is sustainable mass crop -Internet myth basted (Zinc does not help BPH, it may aggrevate BPH, seeds have zinc, but it mostly like bonus) -ANTIPARASITIC (but not malaria) - trials in schistosomiasis (not a GI infection), end up in bladder and liver), taeniasis, cestodiasis, 1g/kg effective than albendazole in nematodiasis in ostriches Other uses as food: -DM2 -Stress incontinence -Iron deficiency -Social anxiety (could bedue to tryptophan) -Insomnia -Depression -Kidney tone prevention Constituents: -Lignans (secoisolariciresinol, isolariciresinol) - rapidly degraded by heat -Essential FA (linolenic, linoleic) - inflamm modulation -AA (cucurbitin, tryptophan) - Antihelminic (500mg Trp/100h) - Used to treat parasite, good source of TRYPTOPHAN (30g/1oz) Dose: -100-200g seeds (3-6oz) per day, lightly roasted ok with or w/out shells -Oil: at least 160mg bid (and probably much more) -Lower doses may work in BPH (and require taking longer term) -Higher doses more indicated in parasitic diseases (take for 1-2 weeks) - Extremely sustainable

Rubus idaeus

Common name: Rasberry Family: Rosacease (Rose) Part used: Leaf Actions: -uterine tonic -NUTRITIVE -diuretic -mild styptic/astringent Leaf contains: -Tannins, -Flavonoids (rutin) -Alkaloids (fragrine) -Traces of vit C, B, E and A -Minerals (Ca, K, Fe) Uses: -For all dysmenorrhea cases -Can dry up milk supply -Has diuretic effect like nettle leaf -Septic and astringent due to tannins -Use in mineral formula Extra notes:Indications: -Safe herb -Reliable tea to strengthen pregnant women -Used for preparing uterus for healthy, easier labor and delivery -Can drink liberally during pregnancy, since it has anti-nausea and anti-emetic properties -Specific tonic to reduce morning sickness -Minerals make it useful strengthning herb in cases of dehydration, imbalances of salts or fatigue -Given 2-3 cups a day at least the last 3 months to help coordinate mm contractions and promote delivery with fewer complication -Insures adequate supplies of mother's milk and lessening of breast soreness or over stimulation -If given during labor to lessen exhaustion and further strengthen a woman without stimulating her -When used outside pregnancy, leaves "astringe" tone the reproductive system and help stimulate normal functions of entire women -Rebuilds mothers preparing for another childbirth -Given to young girls beginning menstrual cycles and menopausal women wishing to prevent loss of tione with age -Astringent tannins and nourishing minerals make it helpful in prolonged or heavy mentrual bleeding, address the cause -Tea is idea for preventing or reversig problems as diferent from each other as menstrual cramps and uterine fibroids -Normalizing to ingestion and diarrhea -Safe for all ages

HPO and Balancing hormones:Phytoestrogen: Trifolium pratense

Common name: Red Clover Family: Fabaceae Part used: aerial parts in flowers -Lymphagogue (for head and neck complains) Can be used interchangeably with Medicago sativa: -Can fix nitrogen -Found in open fields and disturbed soils -Contains formononetin and biochanin A (which convert to diadzein (equol) and genestein in the gut by gut flora, respectively -Very nutritive and alterative (very high in minerals, protein and vitamins -Contain saponins, coumarins and flavonoids

Nervine: Hypericum perforatum: anti-depression

Common name: Saint John's Wort Family: Part used: flower buds Ecology: -black dots are oil glands -perforatum = perforated leaves Contains: -Flavonoids -Xanthones -Acylphloroglucinols (hyperforin - ppl study now) -Volatile oils -Catechin tannins -Antrhracene derivatives (hypericin - was initially studied) Actions: -Vulnerary, anti-depressant, antiviral Uses: -In depression (mild and moderate, but not severe) -Nerve injuries (give herb and homeopatic) Esp if headaches come up after nerve injury -Anxiety -Interaction with p450 (makes other drugs not as effective) -Does not like to grow in rows, likes to grow with other plants -Blooms on St John's days (summer soltice) Dosage: Look in mills and bone Start with 1 capsule (otherwise will have serotonin effect) so you can use longer If on medication, Do not give full doses of herb and meds, otherwise will get serotonin effects (will get headaches) 4-6 weeks to see effect Do not use as sunscreen Not enough Uvb protection Can cause phototoxicity

Male Reproductive Herbs: Serenoa repens

Common name: Saw Palmetto Part used: fruit Family: Arecaceae Ecology: Concentrated in Florida, cheap and abundant, under danger of limestone erosion due to rising of salt water levels Effects on 5a-Reductase: -Testosterone gets converted to Dihydrotestosterone via 5a-reductase -Herb has 50% inhibition to 5a-reductase and 50% reduction of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) -Both EGP and 5a-reductase are needed to make cells divide and make BPH -Compare with Finasteride, herb give 32% inhibition of 5a reductase and Finasteride give 80% inhibition -If you decrease 5a-reductase too much your prostate with shrink, natural tx is not working very well -Finasteride works only when prostate is over 50g (you need 80% inhibition to shrink it) (prostate typically weight 20-30g) (Side eff of drug is low energy, fatigue, low libido and we do not see this with saw palmetto) -Saw palmetto works when prostate weight <50g, so we can give medication first to shrink it, then we can stop the drug and give saw palmetto and it will work (herb does not help with symptoms) Molecular targets for Serenoa repens: -Testosterone to DTH via 5a-reductase and DTH to Androgen receptor -Estrogens binding to Estrogen receptor -Growth factors (EGF) binding to EGFR receptors -Catecholamines binding to a2 Adrenergic receptors BPH Clinical Summary -Can help men with low-grade early BPH (prostate <50g) -Open trials suggest it may prevent progression -Extremely safe and cheap (take 1 pill/day), there is evidence that it has protective effect when prostate <50g -Still worth a try, but slow to take effect/gentle (give it 6-12 months) -Combine with stronger spasmolytics -Monitor objectively (IPSS, peak flow) (symptoms questionnair, last year you told me you woke up 2x/night, now you wake up 1x/night, even if they wake up still 2x/night it is still progress) -If prostate >50g is unlikely to work -Works as preventative for men in their 50s (welcome to saw palmetto club) -If you do surgery BPH will come back Other indications: -Any hyperandrogen conditions (e.g. PCOS) -Androgenic alopecia (topical and internal) - prevents from getting worse -As prostate tonic? Chemistry: -Beta-Sitosterol (can buy it as isolated compound) Extracts and Doses: -80-90% fatty acids/sterols, 320mg qd (take fatty acids with food, 1 pill a day) -40-50% fatty acids/sterols, 500-600 mg qd-bid (less fatty acids, so increase dose to 2x/days) -Tincture of fresh fruit, 3-5ml qd-tid - if its freezed dired fruit take 1-2x/day Adverse Effects: -No different than placebo -No adverse effect on male sexual function esp. compared to BPH drugs -German vs American trials (german male do not complain about side effects) -No drug/herb interactions -Does not artificially suppress PSA (prostate specific antigen)

HPO and Balancing hormones: Asparagus racemosus

Common name: Shatavari Family: Asparagaceae Part used: root -Not the asparagus -Shigla possesses 100 husbands (has abundant roots) -Asparagus officinalis are both great diuretics, but racemosus is milder diuretic -Tonic and ADAPTOGEN (in women health) to modulate stress and enhance FERTILITY Actions: -Digestive tonic and GI demulcent -Hormonal tonic and balancer in women -Fertility enhancer -Regulates menstrual cycle -Diuretic -Adaptogen Contains: -Triterpene saponins (shatavarin I-IV) -Alkaloids -Proteins -Tannins

Capsella burca-pastoris

Common name: Shepherd's Purse Family: Brassicaceae Part used: tiny uterus looking (whole plant during seed stage) Uses: -Tannins are styptic in reproductive and GI tract -Acetylcholine and choline tone uterine smooth muscle by creating microcontractions -Glucosinolates are detoxifying and anticarcinogenic Use lots of it bc its uterine styptic, for heavy bleeding and use around birth to tonify uterus Extra notes: Indications: Heavy menstrual bleeding with or without infection, fibroids, polyps, anemia due to blood loss from genito-urinaty tract (does not contain tannins) -Standart herb for use during labor and delivery to slow or stop excess blood loss -Can be safely taken over time for chronic problems of blood in urine, stool, uterine spotting -Mustard oils are potentially irritating on contact and may cause skin irritation -Can be taken in all tages of pregnancy where there is spotting or a threatened miscarriage involves blood loss -Stronges of all astringent for promoting rapid blood clotting in any case of hemmorhage -Exterally used as wash for bleeding cuts and wounds -Soothing diuretic for mild bladder infections

Male Reproductive Herbs: Urtica dioica

Common name: Stinging nettle Part used: root and runners and its anti-BPH (SHBG antagonist) Leaf: diuretic Seed nephroprotective Family: Ecology: there was no traditional use for root beside when starving -Parts of the plant use are not interchangeable -What is the problem in giving a diuretic (leaf) to a patient - it will get worse BC make them to go pee more often now -Make sure to read labels and cannot trust companies, they are not run by doctors Molecular Targets for Urtica -Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) binding to SHBG receptor (interfere with sex hormone binding globulin) -Aromatase (mild aromatase inhibitor) -Part of multifactoral effect stimulates prostate cells to divide, sex hormone binding.. is what make a problem Largest Clinical Trial: -No side eff -Safe for long term use -The worse the BPH, the more root he (Dr. Yarnell) include

Nervines: Valeriana officinalis: sedative, hyportensive, antispasmodic

Common name: Valerian Part used: root Family: Valeriaceae Containts: -Monoterpenes and Sesquiterpenes (volatile oils) -Non-volatile sesquiterpene carboxylic acids (valerianic acid) -GABA- (free AA) is mostly in this plant - causes SEDATIVE effect -Valepotriates (iridoids) -Lignan -Pyridine alkaloids Actions: -sedative -hyportesnsive, -antispasmodic (can be used topically for mm spasm Indication: For insomnia, anxiety, HTN, mm spasm Uses: -Looks like angelica -Flower is not true ambel -Similar to carrot family plants, but its not -Roots are used but they are small -Antispasmodyc topically -Not successful as essential oil -Valerenic acid (goes by volume, broken down quickly, take at bed time -Paradoxial effect - affects great % of elderly (50-70%) >65yo. If valerian took too soon, it will make you drowsy too fast and your NS will fight back, can cause hallucinacions. All possible due to oxidation, once root is powedered, it changes, so if its 6m+ older poweder, it has diff effect -GABA is what immediatly sedating -Valerenia acid - found in catnips and watch for kids

Nervines: Verbena spp

Common name: Vervain Part used: Aerial part Family: Verbenaceae Contains: iridoid glycosides, verbascoside, volatile oils Actions: -Antispasmodic, -Antixiolytic -Emmenagogue -Thyroid interrupter Indication: -For anxiety -Indigestion -Uterine antispasmodic and tonic Uses: -Looks a lot like mint -Contain iridoids that make tea bitter -For person who HOLDS STRESS IN GUT -Use art to make it palatable -Stress can manifest as IBS or nausea -Used for vata -For person who says: I cannot eat right now, I have way too much going on, way to stressed out, i'm going to retreat after final -Repells vampires -Not indicasted for kapha style anxiety

HPO and Balancing hormones: Paeonia laciflora

Common name: White peony (Bai Shao) Family: Paeoniaceae Part used: roots Used in Chinese medicine Contains: 15+monoterpene glucosides, paeroniflorin (mainly), albiflrin, oxypaenoniflorin, benzoylpaeoniflorin, oxybenzoyl-paeoniflorin, paeoniflorigenone, lactiflorin, galloylpaeoniflorin, paeonin, paeonolide, paeonol Actions: -Inflammation modulating (specific for systemic inflammation, can tx lupus and RA, mm cramps) -Anodyne (relief pain, but not sedative) -Antispasmodic (with affinity for pelvic region) Ecology: - root dug up, steamed, dried in the sun and sliced -Will not find in western dispensary Uses: -Pain -Balancing but does not influence any pathways -Takes a little bit edge off -Goes well with Black cohosh

Dioscorea villosa

Common name: Wild Yam Family: Dioscoraceae Part used: root No known toxicity Ecology: beware of widespread misuse of common name "mexican wild yam" Actions: -Antispamsodic, but commonly marketed for its hormone effects Active constituents: -High concentrations of Diosgenin (steroidal saponin) -Saponin glycoside dioscin is hydrolyzed in the gut and absorbed as diosgenin -Starch -Tannins Diosgenin can: -Increase estradiol binding (for amenorhea) -Relaxes gall bladder, uterine and digestive smooth mm (hollow organs) -Hormone precursor used in SYNTHETIC production of steroid "natural" hormones, esp progesterone Dosing: Crude: 2-4g encamsulated or by decoction, TID FE: (1:1) @45%, 2-4mL TID Tincture: (1:5) @45%, 2-10mL TID Uses: -Synthetic progesterone -Herb will not interfere if patient cannot have more progesterone -Due to its bitter can help with digestion -Relaxes uterus and GI to help absorb things and decrease cramping -Strong herb, max 12 mL/day Extra notes: Indication: -Given for reproductive spasm, pain and inflamm -Classically given for uterine pain (menstrual pain or shooting pain beyond cramps) -For ovarian spasm and inflammation (that occurs with PID or paintful ovulation) -Has same healing effects in GI system (as specific tonic for paintful spasm with inflamm like in diverticulitis) -Useful adjunct for endocrine imbalances -Effective pain-relieving remedy for RA, esp in inflammed stages of flare-up, given in combination with Black Cohosh

Analgesic for MSK pain: Salix alba

Common name: Willow Family: Salicaceae Part used: Bark Contains: -Tannins -Salicylates (Salicin NOT Salicylic acid) -Astringent, bitter, analgesic Actions: -Reduces chronic mucus discharge -Analgesic specific to urinary tract -Slow acting -Musculoskeletal pains Uses: Has salicin Affinity for kidneys Willow bark mechanism to know: Salicicin in GI converts to -> Saligenin which in liver will convert to -> Salicylic Acid -->kidney (has more effect here) Most effect for kidney pain, bc metabolites are there Slow pain relief -Can be used for gout and arthritis as mild pain relief -Mild support in MS,

Analgesic for MSK pain: Gaultheria procumbens

Common name: Wintergreen Family: Ericaceae Part used: leaf Contains: methylsalicylates Actions: -Analgesic -Inflamm modulating -Toothaches, joint pain, muscle pain, dysuria Toxicity concerns with use of essential oils - do not put all over the body Uses: Size of plant; 3-4 leaves Methysalicilates used topicallt Cherry burch has same salycylates and it might be adultered with wintergreen Uses: -Tooth pain -Urinary pain -Can add in topical creams For local joint pain -Do not put all over body Neurotoxic at first, then can cause organ failure Headache is a first sign of toxicity -2-3 drops in bath Can kill child -Do not use oil for teething -Not a galactagogue Will concentrate in breast milk -Excreted via kidneys, so more effects in the kidneys

Antispasmodic: Stachys officinalis

Common name: Wood betony Family: Lameacea (mint) Part used: whole herb (leaves) Contains: -Alkaloids (betaine, stachydrine, betonicine) Actions: -Nervine and mild sedative Uses: -Helps with nervous tension -Tension headaches -Affinitty to upper back mm and neck -For ppl who sit at computer all day -Not a sleepy herb, but will help them to sleep -"Betony has more value as coat" -Add 5% glycerine to help with taste

Brassica spp.

Family: Brassacaceae (Cabbage) aka cruciferous vegetables Cabbage, brussle sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, mustard greens, kale, turnips, collards, shepherd's purse Contain volatile mustard oils or isothyocyanates Goitrogenic (avoid in hypothyrodism)

Hormone review

Hyphothalamus -> GnRH Anterior pituitary -> FSH, LH Ovary -> Estradiol, progesterone, androgens

Organosulfur compounds

Isothiocyanates, Indoles, Allylic sulfur Glucosinolate via Mirosinase becomes Isothiocyanate and SO4 and glucose are get released Glucosinolates inhibit: initiation of DNA damage gene mutation Progression of benign tumors to malignant

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