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Martin Luther

(1521) man who was excommunicated for attempting to get German princes to overthrow the papacy and establish a reformed German church

Peace of Augsburg

(1555) ended the religious wars by accepting the division of Christianity. German rulers, but not the German people, could choose their own religion

storming of the bastille

-In order to fight you need weapons and ammunition. -They have weapons, but no ammunition. There is one place that has ammunition and that is the Bastille. -Its bigger than what they actually did. It is not just what they did. -The Bastille was prison and people were unjustly imprisoned there and tortured. -People were there without fair trial and people were there for everything that these people were against. -They broke in and had the security killed and the other dude beheaded. -People were cheering and it was joyous. -The king asks if it was a revolt someone says no it's a revolution. -The prison is taken down one by one. -France celebrates the steal day every year on July 14th. This is their July fourth. This is their independence day.

Francis Bacon

-advocated inductive thinking • Observe natural phenomena • Derive general principles to explain observations His idea led to the formal scientific method • Gather evidence • Collect additional data through experimentation • Test hypothesis

Thomas Hobbes

-believed people are naturally selfish, cruel, and greedy. -he published a book called Leviathan. In this book, he wrote that people are driven by a restless desire for power. -Without laws, people would always be in conflict. In such a "state of nature", life would be "nasty, brutish, and short." -His idea: Governments were created to protect people from their own selfishness. -Told you that anyone in this room was born selfish, cruel, greedy, and almost evil. -Published a book that said people are driven by desire of power. -He said since you are born like this you need laws and government and this government was monarch. -Government is designed to keep people from governing themselves and having conflict. -First thinker to use reason to think about government

National Assembly

-created the historic and influential document The Declaration of the Rights of Man, which stated the principle that all men had equal rights under the law. -This document has remained the basis for all subsequent declarations of human rights. (Compare The Universal Declaration of Human Rights).


-most famous work was The Social Contract. JJR questioned the authority: absolute monarchy and religion -He hated political and economic oppression. -Influenced later revolutionaries. -People were basically good but corrupted by society. -The social contract was the path to freedom: people should do what is best for their community. -He is saying that if everyone does what is best for everyone else, we are good to go. -The general will of the people should direct the state toward the common good. Hence, the good of the community is more important than individual interests. -Socialism: everyone chips in to help each other


-philosopher that worked 25 years to produce (edit) a 28 volume Encyclopedia - the first one. -The Encyclopedia was not just a collection of articles on human knowledge, it was intended to change the way people thought. Montesquieu, Voltaire, and others wrote articles. -About 20,000 copies were printed between 1751 and 1789 despite efforts to ban the Encyclopedia.


1300-1400; late medieval author. She served as a court writer for several dukes and the French royal court during the reign of Charles VI.

Da Vinci

1400s-1500s; artists as well as writer, scientist, inventor, etc.; His famous works are the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper


1400s; allowed the ideas of humanism to spread through Florence


1400s; developed moveable metal type for the printing press; This innovation allowed for more books to be printed

lifelike; religion; anatomy; expressions; realistic

Art during Renaissance: -___and captivating -centered around ___ -artists began to experiment with new techniques: •Perspective •Studied ___ •Used gestures and ___ -statues were ___


Became dictator (all power held by a single person) of France for 10 years in 1799 when he launched a coup d' etat (stroke of state) against the Director

Democracy comes from globalization because we trade with those other countries. Trade brings cultural/political/etc. beliefs along with it

Define the new ideological shift towards democracy that has been on the rise since the 1980s and 1990s. In what ways has democracy been a success story in the nations of South Africa, India, and Brazil?

Negative; we don't do anything about because individualism (it's not gonna be our generation who gets affected by it), someone else in the future will figure it out for us

Do you think that the forces of globalization will ultimately have a more positive or negative effect on the future of humanity? Explain your answer using specific details.

Cut down trees for factories, air pollution from those factories

How has the increase in globalized consumption and production hurt the environment?

It used to be produced in one place/factory; today, parts are coming from all over the world

How is the computer you are using to watch this crash course an excellent example of how industrial production has changed since the 1960s?

The global culture is becoming completely Americanized (NBA and Coca Cola) -- brings us culturally closer together, so we're making the world way more similar and one culture

How is the emergence of a globalized culture a paradox?

1. Take everything for granted 2. Selfish/individualistic

Identify and briefly describe TWO ways in which globalization has changed the psychology of upper-class people living in the industrialized world.

-the environment -increase in population, which, along with an increase in living standards, led to the depletion of natural resources. -use of chemicals and fuel in factories resulted in increased air and water pollution and an increased use of fossil fuels

Impact of Industrial Revolution:

Increased worldwide economic output; 1.25 a DAY qualifies you as non-impoverished in a global community; 600 million people have been able to climb out of impoverishment since global capitalism

In what ways has global capitalism been good to the human race?

-Portugal -Spain

Leading Nations of Exploration:

-A major change in a country's method of producing goods and organizing labor -A movement from: • An agricultural to an industrial society • Manual labor to use of machines • Rural society to an urban society

Motivation for Industrialization:

Gold, God, and Glory

Motives for Exploration:

Europeans begin importing Africans to work on their sugarcane plantations: this is the beginning of the trans-Atlantic slave trade

Origins of Slave Trade:

Middle Passage

The journey from Africa to the Americas; it was the 2nd leg of the Triangular Trade

More crops and more produce available

What was the significance of the Green Revolution of the 1950s?

-England; 1750-1900s -Enclosure Movement - Wealthy landowners ended open field system to increase efficiency and productivity -This said that most of the land would become closed off to most of the peasants and the lower classes. This forces the working class to find new jobs. They go to the cities to find jobs and then the industrial revolution speeds up.

Where and why did Industrial Revolution begin

English economist and demographer who is best known for his theory that population growth will always tend to outrun the food supply and that betterment of humankind is impossible without stern limits on reproduction. This thinking is commonly referred to as Malthusianism.

Who was Thomas Malthus and what were his thoughts on human population?

Travel is a lot easier, cheaper, and efficient; it's easier to have open lines of travel between different countries

Why has migration become easier in today's world?

-People didn't like Louis XVIII (brother of the guillotined king) -Napoleon escaped Elba (Louis fled) -Napoleon regained full power -Napoleon: best defense is a good offense. He attacked the British General Wellington at Waterloo (Belgium) -Napoleon was defeated for the final time -This time he's sent to St. Helena, between Africa and South America -He died in 1821 of a stomach ailment

Why, where, and how was Napoleon defeated?

John Calvin

a Frenchman whose conversion to Protestantism forced him to flee to Switzerland. He believed in an all-powerful God and the idea of predestination. His ideas led to the rise of Calvinism which soon became more popular than Lutheranism.


a group who swore allegiance to the pope; founded by a Spanish nobleman named Ignatius of Loyola. these missionaries were influential in spreading Catholicism in Germany and the rest of the world

95 Theses

a list of grievances written by Martin Luther; copies were sent all over Germany


a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole


a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs


a release from all or part of punishment for sin by the Catholic Church, reducing time in purgatory after death

Hundred Years' War

a series of conflicts waged from 1337 to 1453 by the House of Plantagenet, rulers of the Kingdom of England, against the House of Valois, rulers of the Kingdom of France, over the succession of the French throne


a tax levied on the common people by the king or an overlord.


an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state

Collective Bargaining

both sides meet to negotiate a compromise


considered the most radical of all religious groups. The one thing they said was that church and state should be separate and everyone thought they should be killed. For believing in the complete separation of church and state, they were viewed as dangerous radicals. They were Protestant reformers who did not want to give power to the state.

Christopher Columbus

explorer: -From Italy but sailed for Spain -Convinced Queen Isabella to back his voyage -Believed that he could reach Asia, in the east, by sailing west; Did not know about American continents -he sailed west in 1492 and dropped anchor in the caribbean sea -spent several months cruising the islands along the Caribbean, searching for China & Japan. Since he thought he had reached the Indies, he called the indigenous people "indians"

Amerigo Vespucci

explorer: -From Italy but sailed for Spain -Sailed around the coast of South America & concluded it was not Asia but a new land -America was later named after him for this vital discovery

Ferdinand Magellan

explorer: -From Portugal but sailed for Spain -His crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe (sail around the world) -This voyage, which lasted from 1519-1522, proved that the world was round

Bartholemieu Dias

explorer: -Sailed for Portugal -First European to round the Cape of Good Hope in 1488; he didn't make it to Asia, but his discovery opened a sea route to Asia

Vasco de Gama

explorer: -Sailed for Portugal -Sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and up the eastern coast of Africa - he took on an Indian pilot who guided him across the Indian Ocean -First to reach India and open a new water route for trade between Europe and Asia -Returned to Spain with a cargo of spices

Prince Henry the Navigator (not actually an explorer)

explorer: -Set up a navigation school for Portugal

Francisco Pizzaro

explorer: -conquistador who travled to Peru -defeated Atahualpa, the Incan emperor, at Cajamarca -led an expedition into the Inca Empire in 1530. The Incas were no match for the Spanish disease, guns, and horses

Hernan Cortes

explorer: -wanted to spread Catholic faith with native people -conquistador -conquered the Aztecs (they thought the SPanish were gods)

Rise of Labor Unions

group of workers formed to pressure business owners to improve wages and working conditions

King Henry VIII of England

he established the Church of England when the pope refused to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. The Act of Supremacy of 1534 declared the king of England the official head of religious doctrine, with control over discipline, clerical appointments, and breaking ties with the pope.

like a sales pitch. He is making you feel terrible about going have fun, while people have died. It is like a infomercial. If you do this, you don't go to hell. Asks them why they are still standing there. But wait there is more... if you give more money you can give indulgences to your family. It was highly effective and tons of money was thrown at the church. Along with this people can now read the bible, it never says that you can pay to go to heaven and then that is when problems started in the church. These indulgences were strictly to build stuff for the pope.

how were indulgences sold?


increased interest in the classics

Martin Luther

man who broke from the Catholic Church and formed this religious group. he believed that humans would be saved by their faith in God and not by the good works done in His name


religion based on predestination

Church of England

religion that was established for political, not religious, reasons. very similar to Catholicism. after the creator's death, English officials attempted to make it more "Protestant"

The Napoleonic Code

single set of laws for all of France Equality of law Basic liberties Restored slavery Limits on women's rights Limits on political rights and freedom of speech and press *NO LAWS APPLIED TO NAPOLEON

Declaration of the Rights of Man

stated the principle that all men had equal rights under the law


stopped working at a specific time and walked out


the belief that God has determined in advance who will be saved (the elect) and who will be damned (the reprobate)

Committee of Public Safety

the executive committee of the National Convention


the first Protestant faith; consisted of reading the Bible, preaching the word of God, and songs


the power your country has is based on the amount of money and wealth. Before that, everyone thought that the more land you had, the more powerful you were

Triangular Trade

trade route that never ended: The Americas have sugar cane. They are going to take it and ship it to Europe. Europe will refine in down to sugar. They can sell it to their population and trading to Africa. Africa would send more slaves

1) the clergy, (rich and poor) 2) the nobility (inherited their titles and got their wealth from the land) 3) the common people (largest group in France; wealthy merchants, doctors and lawyers, shopkeepers, urban poor, peasants who worked the land)

what are the 3 estates?

Slow downs

workers purposefully slow down production


workers refused to return until demands were met


workers stopped working, refusing to leave to demonstrate dissatisfaction

social contract

-Locke's idea -By being born in America, we have entered into a contract. That contract states that you will follow the laws, pay taxes, birth certificate. The other side is the government and they will protect your rights that are in the constitution. -You have the right to overthrow the government if they aren't protecting your rights.

Tennis Court Oath

-On 20 June 1789, the members of the French Estates-General for the Third Estate, who had begun to call themselves the National Assembly, took this, vowing "not to separate, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require, until the constitution of the kingdom is established." It was a pivotal event in the early days of the French Revolution. -"Let us swear to God and our country that we will not disperse until we have established a sound and just constitution, as instructed by those who nominated us." -The delegates agreed and all but one of the 578 delegates signed it.


-People of the revolution -It means without pants -This means that the people are wearing torn, tattered nickers that represented their class. This is because nobility would wear nice pants but now they were all one. -This basically represented the people for the revolution.

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

-The National Assembly resolved the immediate financial crisis by: 1) Seizing church lands 2) Putting the church under the control of the State with The Civil Constitution of the Clergy. -Abbe Sieyes fiercely resisted the passage of this legislation and accused the other delegates of "bourgeois envy." But he was overruled.

King Louis XVI

-Unfit king: awkward, clumsy man who had a good heart but was unable to relate to people on a personal level. was insecure and seems to have disliked being King of France. -married Marie Antoinette. She was an alliance between Austria and France.

Jean Paul Marat

-a Jacobin journalist who showed little regard for the truth; was arrested for attacking Girondins, the people of Paris turned even more toward the Jacobins. -When he was acquitted of the charge, the crowds swarmed around him, scooped him up on their shoulders and carried him to the Convention, cheering all the way.


-the mastermind of the Reign of Terror. -the leader of the Committee of Public Safety, the executive committee of the National Convention, and the most powerful man in France. -He explained how terror would lead to the Republic of Virtue in a speech to the National Convention: "If the spring of popular government in time of peace is virtue, the springs of popular government in revolution are at once virtue and terror: virtue, without which terror is fatal; terror, without which virtue is powerless. Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible..." Speech on Terror -The old maxim "the end justifies the means" describes his policy well. -He was the one going out and making rules for everyone. -He basically says the ends justifies the means. -He is saying that he knows what he is doing is wrong but he is trying to make France a better place.


-was concerned with how to protect liberty from a bad government. -He Wrote The Spirit of Laws in 1748. In this book, he described how governments should be organized. -His idea: The separation of powers: By dividing different powers among more than one branch of government, no one group in the government could grow too powerful. -Started to implement the separation of powers. -Concerned about protected liberty from bad government. -Book: describes how government should be organized. His idea is separation of powers. -America separation: branches

Adam Smith

-wrote The Wealth of Nations. -argued the free market of supply and demand should drive economies. The hidden hand of competition was the only regulation an economy needed. -Wherever there was demand for goods or services, suppliers would compete with each other to meet that demand in order to make profit. -he did believe that government had a duty to protect society and to provide justice and public works

John Locke

-wrote Two Treatises of Government in 1690. -believed the purpose of government was to protect people's natural rights. He said government should protect," his life, liberty, and property—against the injuries and attempts of other men." -his idea: The true basis of government was a social contract between people and their government. If the government didn't respect people's rights, it could be overthrown. -idea: social contract.

-Culture and ideas -Disease -Plants -Animals

Columbian Exchange (all 4 aspects - positive and negative):

Treaty of Tordesillas

Portugal and Spain signed this treaty: •Spain agreed that they will not interfere with Portuguese trade, but they still wanted to explore. •They came up with the line of demarcation. Portugal was saying that Spain could explore and claim anything on the other side because they didn't know what was on that side. This meant that Spain owed half of the world (the Americas) •For a time, Spain and Portugal owned all of trade in the world •Balance of trade: you had to export more than you imported. You had to sell more things that you buy. They realized if you did this, you would be profitable

Improved healthcare for women/childbirth; medical advancement of birth control/contraceptives -- changed the way people think because it allowed people to freely have sexual relations (more careless and selfish)

What are the reasons why people today live twice as long as humans two centuries ago?

1. Multinational industries and the influence they have globally 2. Travel and shipping is cheap and safe 3. Governments have released regulations on trade (free trade)

What are the three reasons why global trade and economic interdependence have increased dramatically in recent decades?

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