BUS 240- Quiz 6, Chp 6, Leading & Trust

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________ is the process of influencing employees to work toward the achievement of objectives.


According to Hersey and Blanchard, which of the following denotes a delegating leadership style?

Low relationship, low task

Which of the following is a good way to develop loyalty?

Maintaining confidences

____, developed by Vroom and Yetton, is a decision-tree model that enables the user to select from five leadership styles the one that is appropriate for the situation.

Normative leadership theory

Which of the following did Edwin Ghiselli identify as the most important trait for effective leadership?

Supervisory ability

In the context of the Leadership Grid, the ________ has a high concern for production and a low concern for people.

Sweatshop manager

Which of the following statements is a criticism of Fiedler's contingency leadership theory model?

The overuse of this model leads to poor relationships, hostility, and resentment toward a leader.

The supervisors at Proviso Inc. push for high production and do not care about the employees. In the context of the Leadership Grid, which leadership style do they use?

The sweatshop manager style

Contingency leadership theory, developed by Fiedler, is used to determine if a person's leadership style is task- or relationship-oriented and if the situation matches the leader's style.


Situational leadership, developed by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard, is a model for selecting from four leadership styles the one that matches the employees' maturity level in a given situation.


The Leadership Grid identifies the ideal leadership style as having a high concern for both production and people.


The leadership continuum, developed by Tannenbaum and Schmidt, focuses on who makes the decisions.


When interacting with employees, the supervisor using the autocratic style gives very detailed instructions, describing exactly what the task is and when, where, and how to perform it.


In the context of the situational supervision model, in which of the following situations would a participative supervisory style be used?

When the employees are high in ability but lack self-confidence or motivation

"Gentlemen, I will consider all your ideas before I decide the final strategy for this project." In the context of the leadership continuum, which of the following leadership behaviors is reflected in this statement?

A leader who presents a problem, gets suggestions, and makes a decision

As a supervisor, you spend little time telling the employees what to do and most of the time encouraging them to do a good job. However, at present, your employees have fallen behind schedule on an important project that is due soon. As a situational manager, which supervisory style should you ideally use?


As a supervisor, you want to improve performance in your department. You give specific instructions, telling the employees what the task is and when, where, and how to perform it, as well as oversee performance at all major stages through completion. Although you already have ideas covering broad areas, you are open to suggestions from the employees. However, you have the final say. Which situational supervisory style has been used in this scenario?


Deterrence-based trust is the highest level of trust between management and employees.


Effective leadership is about manipulating people to get what one wants.


In the context of the Leadership Grid, a sweatshop manager has low concern for both production and people.


In the context of the Leadership Grid, an organized-person manager has a high concern for both production and people.


Managerial control is defined as the process of influencing employees to work toward the achievement of objectives.


The participative style involves high-directive-high-supportive behavior and is appropriate when interacting with moderate-capability employees.


Which of the following statements is an assumption of behavioral leadership theories?

Good leadership is rooted in behavior.

"I have outlined a plan for the event. We'll have to discuss all major considerations before you can start executing the plan. I'll check the progress daily thereon." Which quadrant of the two-dimensional leadership styles does this behavior reflect?

High structure and high consideration

Which of the following statements is true of identification-based trust?

It occurs when there is an emotional connection. (friend)

In the context of situational leadership, if the maturity level of the followers is low, the leader uses a delegating style.


In situational leadership, a leader uses a delegating style when his followers' maturity level is


In situational leadership, a leader uses a selling style when his followers' maturity level is

moderate to low.

In the context of the Leadership Grid, the ________ has balanced, medium concern for both production and people.

organized-person manager

In the context of the situational supervision model, a manager who focuses on end results, lets employees do tasks their own way, spends limited time overseeing their performance, and makes decisions in tandem with employees has a(n) _____ supervisory style.


Peter is the programming head of Windward Systems. He clearly defines the departmental objectives and motivates his subordinates to achieve these objectives. He also provides training for the employees to enhance their skill sets. According to Hersey and Blanchard, which of the following is most likely to be Peter's leadership style?


In the context of the Leadership Grid, the ________ has a high concern for both production and people.

team manager

Rufus, a supervisor at an automobile store, is considered friendly by his subordinates and has the authority to assign important work to the high performers under his wing. However, he does not chalk out clear objectives for his subordinates. In the context of Fiedler's contingency leadership theory model, ________ leadership style would be the most appropriate for this situation.


"These are the two projects that, I think, need your expertise. Which one would you choose to work on first?" In the context of the leadership continuum, this is an example of a leadership style where

the leader lets employees make a decision within set limits.

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