BUS 259 Ch. 9 MINE

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Given the data, I'm concerned about both of your team members, Jenny and Carla. Based on the information in the report and what you know about motivation, which factor is most worth looking into?

* Compensation levels may need to be higher to increase extrinsic motivation * Jobs may need to be examined and redesigned to increase intrinsic motivation * Employees may need more training to increase productivity and motivation. **Jobs may need to be examined and redesigned to increase intrinsic motivation. That's certainly a factor worth looking into. The report rules out issues about training and compensation. They both appear to be adequate or above average. Job redesign is a low-cost approach to improving motivation and productivity.

Based on your meeting, which critical psychological state is Jenny lacking in her work?

* Experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work * Gained knowledge of actual results of the work activities * Experienced meaningfulness of the work

Click and drag on elements in order In the context of employee development, arrange the steps involved in the process of developing a succession plan in the correct order of occurrence. (Place the first step at the top.) Instructions Choice 1 of 3. Determine how positions will be evaluated. Determine how positions will be evaluated. #3 Choice 2 of 3. Identify the employees who are part of the planning system. Identify the employees who are part of the planning system. #2 Choice 3 of 3. Recognize the positions that are included in the plan. Recognize the positions that are included in the plan. #1

1. Recognize the positions that are included in the plan. 2. Identify the employees who are part of the planning system 3. Determine how positions will be evaluated

2c. Andy (producer) could benefit from implementing which of the following strategies? * 360-degree feedback * employee discipline process * involuntary employee turnover * employee demotions * labor force reduction plan

360-degree feedback

27. Which of the following is true of 360-degree feedback? * Managers' behaviors are evaluated only by subordinates * It rarely produces anxiety * A facilitator may be needed to help interpret the results * The feedback is difficult to link to development plans

A facilitator may be needed to help interpret the results

psychological success

A feeling of pride and accomplishment that comes from achieving life goals.


A leave of absence from the company to renew or develop skills


A peer or manager who works with employees to motivate them, help them develop skills, and provide reinforcement and feedback.

bench strength

A pool of talented employees who are ready to move to new jobs or positions when they are needed.

assessment center

A process in which multiple raters or evaluators (also known as assessors) evaluate employees' performances on a number of exercises.

Select all that apply In the context of employee development, identify the disadvantages of making a succession planning list public in a company. Multiple select question. Employees who are not on the list might not believe they have had a fair chance to compete for leadership positions.** Employees who are not on the list are given access to costly development resources. Employees who are not on the list are trained for skills that are extremely complex. Employees who are not on the list might leave the company.**

Employees who are not on the list might not believe they have had a fair chance to compete for leadership positions. Employees who are not on the list might leave the company.

Which of the following is an effect of job rotation? Multiple choice question. Employees are discouraged from developing new skills. Companies are discouraged from moving their employees laterally. Companies experience a decrease in employee retention. Employees' understanding of different company functions is increased.

Employees' understanding of different company functions is increased.

True or false: Effective onboarding does not involve understanding the basic policies of a company. True false question.TrueFalse


Identify a property of 360-degree feedback. Multiple choice question. It leads to a decrease in the performance of overraters. It permits workers to compare their personal assessment with others' appraisal of them. 360-degree questionnaires are always offline questionnaires. Workers are not allowed to rate themselves.

It permits workers to compare their personal assessment with others' appraisal of them.

stretch assignment

Job assignment that helps employees develop because there is a mismatch between the employee's skills and past experiences and the skills required for success on the job.

Select all that apply Identify the administrative and interpersonal skills measured by assessment center exercises. Multiple select question. Judgment Family heritage Intelligence quotient Leadership

Judgment Leadership

19. The _________ is a personality assessment tool used for team building and leadership development that identifies employees' preferences for energy, information gathering, and decision making. * Wonderlic Personnel Test * Myers-Briggs Type Inventory * NEO * 360-degree feedback

Myers-Briggs Type Inventory

Identify an accurate statement about the process of tuition reimbursement. Multiple choice question. Reimbursement is typically the same for all employees regardless of employee performance. Reimbursement does not improve job performance of workers. Reimbursement programs are not provided by nonprofit colleges and universities. Reimbursement programs have been found to boost worker retention rates.

Reimbursement programs have been found to boost worker retention rates.

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Ron Chief Operations Officer Carla Assembly line employee Jenny Assembly line employee Narrator

Do you like intellectual challenges? YesUnsureNo 22.Do you like associating with people who stimulate your mind? YesUnsureNo 23.Do you really enjoy good poetry or reading the classics? YesUnsureNo 24.Do you have a very active fantasy life? YesUnsureNo 25.Are you tolerant of different lifestyles? YesUnsureNo 26.Do you like to debate controversial issues of the day? YesUnsureNo 27.Do you always like to hear the other side of an issue? YesUnsureNo 28.Do you often select reading as a leisure activity? YesUnsureNo 29.Do you often find yourself daydreaming? YesUnsureNo 30.Are you fascinated by art and artists? YesUnsure

Research supports the proposition that stable personality characteristics and dispositional or attitudinal measures are related not only to success in particular occupations but also to job and life satisfaction. The purpose of this exercise is to provide a profile of your personality based on a valid measure of the Five Factors. The Five Factor Model, or the so-called "Big Five," has gained widespread acceptance by personality researchers and has greatly influenced research and practice in the measurement of personality characteristics. The use of instruments that measure the "Big Five" to make personnel decisions is on the increase. There is also strong evidence that personality measures have utility in providing vocational and career guidance. It is clear that certain "Big Five" factors and their combinations are related to career choice, job success, and job satisfaction. This activity provides a short assessment of your "Big Five" profile. Objectives After completing this exercise, you should be able to: Understand how your personality as measured could be related to occupational success. Critique the measures for their usefulness in other HR domains and the role of response faking in the interpretation of scores of these transparent personality measures. Source: Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies. From Human Resource Management: An Experiential Approach, by H. John Bernardin and Joyce E.A. Russell (McGraw-Hill, 2013), online resources (www.mhhe.com/bernardin6e). 1-Contributed by Kathleen Bernardin. 2- Judge, T. A., Erez, A., Bono, J. E., and Thoresen, C. J. (2003). The core self-evaluations scale: Development of a measure. Personnel Psychology, 56, 303-331. Prior to class, answer the following 50 questions. Based on your answers, a profile from the "Big Five" personality factors will be presented and you will receive interpretative scores for each of the Five Factors. Answer each question as honestly as you can. The accuracy of your profile depends on honest responses that reflect your true feelings and not how you would like to feel or act. For each question, try to answer either "yes" or "no." If you cannot decide how to answer, record your answer as "unsure." Note that there are no right or wrong selections. This question accepts all answers.

An accurate statement about stretch assignments is that______. Multiple choice question. they are related to employees' past experiences they are focused on reinforcing existing information they compel employees to master new skills they do not allow employees to develop their existing skills

Stretch assignments refer to assignments in which there is a mismatch between the employee's skills and past experiences and the skills required for success on the job. they compel employees to master new skills

43. ____________ is an assessment that measures personality and behavioral style, including dominance (direct, strong-willed, forceful), influence (sociable, talkative), steadiness (gentle, accommodating), and conscientiousness (private, analytical). * StrengthsFinder * Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) * The NEO Big Five Personality Assessment * The DISC


job enlargement

The adding of challenges or new responsibilities to an employee's current job.


The collecting of information and providing of feedback to employees about their behavior, communication style, or skills.

reality check

The information employees receive about how the company evaluates their skills and knowledge and where they fit into the company's plans (potential promotion opportuniites, lateral moves).


The orientation process for newly hired managers.

performance appraisal

The process of measuring an employee's performance.

job experience

The relationships, problems, demands, tasks, and other features that an employee faces on the job.

In executive education programs, managers of companies go to campus for face-to-face instruction and also work online on assignments between sessions. True false question.TrueFalse


protean career

a career that is frequently changing based on changes in the person's interests, abilities, and values as well as changes in the work environment.

A feature of formal education programs is that ______. Multiple choice question. a majority of these courses actively engage workers in learning they are normally lengthy courses that last for over a year they are not customized to suit particular jobs most companies rely on courses offered by universities to provide such programs

a majority of these courses actively engage workers in learning

30. Job enlargement refers to the process of _________________ * hiring more people for the same job category * moving employees up the organizational hierarchy * adding challenges or new responsibilities to an employee's current job * adding more jobs in a department to reduce stress

adding challenges or new responsibilities to an employee's current job

23. An in-basket exercise is typically designed to measure _____________ * psychomotor skills * administrative skills * conflict resolution skills * emotional intelligence

administrative skills

upward feedback

an appraisal process involving the collection of subordinates' evaluations of managers' behaviors or skills.

During employee development, ______ is most frequently used to identify employees with managerial potential and to measure current managers' strengths and weaknesses. Multiple choice question. assessment executive education action planning reimbursement


In the nine-box grid used for conducting a succession planning review as part of employee development, high-potential employees who are low performers are located in the ______ corner of the grid. Multiple choice question. bottom-right top-right top-left bottom-left


42. Which of the following is not a common content area for onboarding programs? * compliance * clarifying * culture * compensation


45. The ___________ step of onboarding involves understanding legal guidelines and companyy rules and regulations. * compliance * clarification * culture * connection


A difference between training and development is that ______. Multiple choice question. development is not critical for talent management development does not always involve tasks that are related to a worker's present occupation training does not focus on helping employees' performance in their current jobs training is not as present oriented as development

development does not always involve tasks that are related to a worker's present occupation

A difference between training and development is that ______. Multiple choice question. development is not critical for talent management training does not focus on helping employees' performance in their current jobs training is not as present oriented as development development does not always involve tasks that are related to a worker's present occupation

development does not always involve tasks that are related to a worker's present occupation

Adding challenges or new responsibilities to employees' current jobs is known as job ______. Multiple choice question. enrichment control rotation enlargement


2b. Andy (producer) could implement a succession plan by doing which of the following? * groom one or two of his employees to take over his job someday * fire the electrician * promote Naomi * document poor performance * hire new employees

groom one or two of his employees to take over his job someday

40. ______refers to the process of helping new hires adjust to social and performance aspects of their new jobs * Training * Offshoring * Repatriation * Onboarding


The process of measuring employees' performance is known as ________ ________

performance appraisal

24. In assessment centers, scheduling exercises typically evaluate ____________ * leadership skills * problem-solving abilities * oral communication skills * psychomotor skills

problem-solving abilities

The objective of a protean career is _____. Multiple choice question. to gain power psychological success to gain respect monetary success

psychological success

A temporary leave of absence from a workplace to renew or develop skills is known as a _______________.


17. TB MC Qu. 09-06 _________ refers to the use of information by employees to determine their career interests, values, and aptitudes. * Reality check * Goal setting * Self-assessment * Action planning


38. In the nine-box grid, high-potential and high performing employees who should be developed for leadership positions are known as ______________. * core employees * star performers * strong contributors * subject experts

star performers

14. TB MC Qu. 09-03 Which approach to career management prepares workers for moving through clearly defined career paths? Companies using this approach want a stable plan for leadership succession. * structured * flexible * planned * transitory


Emerson & Sinclair, a law firm, decides to start formal mentoring programs to meet the company's growing training needs. Joseph, a senior lawyer, is tasked with overseeing the first program. In order for the program to be a success, he must ensure that ______. Multiple choice question. the program does not have a specific length the logistics of the relationship between mentors and protégés are established mentors and protégés only develop a formal relationship mentor and protégé participation is mandatory

the logistics of the relationship between mentors and protégés are established

25. Which of the following is NOT a common limitation of 360-degree feedback? * the process is often too informal * time demands placed on raters * potential retaliation against raters * failing to provide opportunities for employees to act on the feedback

the process is often too informal

34. Which of the following is characteristic of successful formal mentoring programs? * Participation is involuntary * The mentor and protege avoid casual conversation * The mentor-protege relationship is limited to 1-3 hours per week * The mentor and protege relationship extends beyond the formal period

The mentor and protege relationship extends beyond the formal period

tuition reimbursement

The practice of reimbursing employees the costs for college and university courses and degree programs.

downward move

The reduction of an employee's responsibility and authority

31. _____________ gives employees a series of job assignments in various functional areas of the company. * Job rotation * Job enlargement * Onboarding * Externship

job rotation

The process of helping new hires adjust to social and performance aspects of their new jobs is known as ____________.

onboarding or socialization

28. In upward feedback, managers' behaviors or skills are evaluated by ____________ * their peers * their subordinates * external customers * b and c

their subordinates

Click and drag on elements in order Rank the following steps that are involved in the development planning process in an ascending order Action planning - 4 Reality check - 2 Self-assessment - 1 Goal setting - 3

1. Self-assessment 2. Reality check 3. Goal setting 4. Action planning

group or peer monitoring program

A program in which a successful senior employee is paired with a group of four to six less experienced protégés to help them understand the organization, guide them in analyzing their experiences, and help them clarify career directions. Also called group mentoring program.

Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI)

A psychological test for employee development consisting of over 100 questions about how the person feels or prefers to behave in different situations.

360-degree feedback

A special case of the upward feedback system. Here employees' behaviors or skills are evaluated not only by subordinates but also by peers, customers, bossess, and employees themsleves via a questionnaire rating them on a number of dimensions.

development planning system

A system to motivate and retain employees by identifying and meeting their career and development needs. Also called career management system.

nine-box grid

A three-by-three matrix used by groups of managers and executives to compare employees within one department, function, division, or the entire company for analysis and discussion of talent, to help formulate effective development plans and activities, and to identify talented employees who can be groomed for top-level management positions in the company.

leaderless group discussion

A training exercise in which a team of five to seven employees must work together to solve an assigned problem within a certain time period.

role play

A training exercise in which the participant takes the part or role of a manager or some other employee; training method in which trainees are given information about a situation and act out characters assigned to them


A training exercise involving simulation of the administrative tasks of the manager's job.

action plan

A written document detailing steps that a trainee and the manager will take to ensure that training transfers to the job.

Select all that apply What are the advantages of formalized mentoring programs for an organization? Multiple select question. All the parties in such programs have the same level of skills and experience. All the parties in such programs are aware of their roles in the mentoring relationship.** Mentors provide counseling and coaching in all types of mentoring relationships. Mentors are available for all employees, irrespective of race or gender.**

All the parties in such programs are aware of their roles in the mentoring relationship. Mentors are available for all employees, irrespective of race or gender.

Which of the following employees is most likely to actively seek a mentor in an organization? Multiple choice question. An employee who is unable to adapt his or her behavior based on the situation An employee with a low need for achievement An emotionally unstable employee An employee who is highly ambitious and wants power

An employee who is highly ambitious and wants power

high-potential employee

An employee who the company believes is capable of succeeding in a higher-level managerial position.

goal setting

An employee's process of developing short-and long-term career objectives


An employee's use of information to determine career interests, values, aptitudes, and behavioral tendencies.


An event in which employees receive information about their job, the company, work rules, and travel reimbursement, complete tax forms, and learn how to complete time sheets.


An experienced, productive senior employee who helps develop a less experienced employee ( a protégé).

formal education

An off-site or on-site program designed for a company's employees, a short course offered by a consultant or school, an executive MBA program, or a university program in which students live at the university while taking classes.

____________ involves collecting information and providing feedback to employees about their behavior, communication style, or skills.


job rotation

Assigning employees a series of jobs in various functional areas of a company or movement among jobs in a single functional area or department.

Select all that apply How should a performance appraisal system tell employees about their performance problems and the ways in which they can improve their performance? Multiple select question. By making action plans to better their performance By identifying reasons for the performance discrepancy By avoiding giving frequent feedback By focusing on the expected performance rather than their current performance

By making action plans to better their performance By identifying reasons for the performance discrepancy

Select all that apply How do mentoring programs influence employees? Multiple select question. By teaching only the basics of their job in such programs By fostering competition among employees By providing a development network for employees By providing employees the chance to learn from their peers

By providing employees the chance to learn from their peers By providing a development network for employees

career support

Coaching, protection, sponsorship, and provision of challenging assignments, exposure, and visibility to an employee.


Employees answer questions about their work and personal experiences, skill strengths and weaknesses, and career plans.

volunteer assignment

Employees develop their skills through serving the community by taking positions in community organizations.

temporary assignment

Employees taking on a position or project to help them increase their skills, gain a new perspective, or determine if they are interested in working in a new role.

True or false: Mentoring relationships do not translate into higher rates of promotion for protégés. True false question.TrueFalse



Formal education, job experiences, relationships, and assessments of personality and abilities that help employees prepare for the future.


Giving an employee a different job assignment in a different area of the company.

What responsibility does an employee have during the action planning aspect of a development planning process? Multiple choice question. Identifying steps and a timetable to achieve the goal Identifying the opportunities that are practical to develop Identifying the goal and method to determine goal progress Identifying opportunities and needs to improve

Identifying steps and a timetable to achieve the goal

Which of the following is true of 360-degree feedback? Multiple choice question. It does not allow subordinates to rate a particular employee. It is not a special case of upward feedback. It only involves feedback from subordinates and superiors. It allows peers and clients to rate a particular colleague.

It allows peers and clients to rate a particular colleague.

Which of the following is true of an in-basket? Multiple choice question. It involves workers attempting to perform tasks and roles that would normally be performed by a manager. It involves a participant taking on the role of an employee in the same position as the participant. It involves workers answering questions about their personal and professional strengths. It involves a participant taking on the role of a subordinate.

It involves workers attempting to perform tasks and roles that would normally be performed by a manager.

What is a feature of a protean career? Multiple choice question. It is another term for a traditional career. It is based on self-direction. The goal of such a career is to make as much money as possible. The goal of such a career is to gain as much power as possible.

It is based on self-direction.

Which of the following is true of reality check? Multiple choice question. It is normally given to a worker during a performance appraisal process. It is always provided to a worker during a development discussion. It involves employees identifying their final goal for a particular job. It involves employees identifying a method to determine goal progress.

It is normally given to a worker during a performance appraisal process.

Select all that apply Which of the following are the effects of job rotation on an organization's employees? Multiple select question. It lets the employees learn about different business aspects that are important for future promotion opportunities. It helps the employees gain an overall appreciation of the organization's goals. It urges the organization to discourage the employees from moving laterally. It eliminates the current skills of the employees and replaces them with new ones.

It lets the employees learn about different business aspects that are important for future promotion opportunities. It helps the employees gain an overall appreciation of the organization's goals.

Match the following types of exercises used in assessment centers with their descriptions. Leaderless group discussion Interview In-basket Employees answer questions about their work and personal experiences, skill strengths and weaknesses, and career plans. A team of five to seven employees is assigned a problem and must work together to solve it within a certain time period. It is a simulation of the administrative tasks of a manager's job.

Leaderless group discussion - A team of five to seven employees is assigned a problem and must work together to solve it within a certain time period. Interview - Employees answer questions about their work and personal experiences, skill strengths and weaknesses, and career plans. In-basket - It is a simulation of the administrative tasks of a manager's job.

reverse mentoring

Mentoring relationship in which a younger employee with less experience mentors a more senior employee.

Identify a true statement about a successful formal mentoring program. Multiple choice question. Mentors and protégés must comprehend the goals of the program. Mentor and protégé participation is mandatory. The length of the program is not specified. The mentor-protégé relationship exists only in a formal environment.

Mentors and protégés must comprehend the goals of the program.

psychosocial support

Serving as a friend and role model to an employee; also includes providing positive regard, acceptance, and an outlet for the protégé to talk about anxieties and fears.

An accurate statement about stretch assignments is that _____. Multiple choice question. they compel employees to master new skills they are focused on reinforcing existing information they do not allow employees to develop their existing skills they are related to employees' past experiences

Stretch assignments refer to assignments in which there is a mismatch between the employee's skills and past experiences and the skills required for success on the job. they compel employees to master new skills

Which of the following is true of the role of a coach in a company? Multiple choice question. The coach helps employees by finding experts who can assist them with their concerns. The coach is always an employee who works with his or her colleagues to motivate them. The coach is never involved in providing employees with resources. The coach works specifically with employees who have been fired by the company.

The coach helps employees by finding experts who can assist them with their concerns.

succession planning

The process of identifying and tracking high-potential employees for advancement in a company.

Select all that apply How do mentoring relationships influence the lives of mentors? Multiple select question. They never lead to the creation of a personal bond between mentors and mentees. They always lead to immediate promotions for mentors. They allow mentors to harness and better their people skills.* They boost mentors' feelings of self-worth in their company.*

They allow mentors to harness and better their people skills. They boost mentors' feelings of self-worth in their company.

Identify a feature of mentoring relationships. Multiple choice question. They can only develop in an organization's formal environment. They can be established casually if mentors and protégés have mutual interests. They are most likely to be sought out by employees who are emotionally unstable. They are most likely to be sought out by employees who have a low need for power.

They can be established casually if mentors and protégés have mutual interests.

Identify a feature of transfers. Multiple choice question. Employees with a high level of ambition are less likely to accept a transfer. They always involve relocation to another city. They do not necessarily change a worker's job responsibilities or salary. Employees who are not married are less likely to accept a transfer.

They do not necessarily change a worker's job responsibilities or salary.

How do most companies approach formal education programs? Multiple choice question. They mainly depend on internal courses provided by training centers. They prefer sending their employees to programs offered by universities. They do not utilize special programs for particular jobs. They do not actively involve the employees in learning.

They mainly depend on internal courses provided by training centers.

Which of the following is true of executive education programs? Multiple choice question. They do not include specialized curriculum on particular topics. They typically utilize an online learning approach. They are not typically provided by business schools. They normally utilize a blended learning approach.

They normally utilize a blended learning approach.

The goals developed in the process of goal setting are typically discussed with a manager and written into a development plan. True false question.TrueFalse


Which of the following is true of downward moves? Multiple choice question. They are typically seen as opportunities to develop skills by workers. Downward moves are never lateral moves. Downward moves are not used for employee development. Workers are less likely to accept downward moves than promotions.

Workers are less likely to accept downward moves than promotions.

A feature of formal education programs is that _____. Multiple choice question. most companies rely on courses offered by universities to provide such programs they are not customized to suit particular jobs they are normally lengthy courses that last for over a year a majority of these courses actively engage workers in learning

a majority of these courses actively engage workers in learning

A difference between training and development is that ______. Multiple choice question. development focuses on helping employees' performance in their current jobs development allows workers to ready themselves for changes in their current occupation training increases employees' ability to move into jobs that may not yet exist training is more critical for talent management

development allows workers to ready themselves for changes in their current occupation

A difference between training and development is that______. Multiple choice question. development allows workers to ready themselves for changes in their current occupation training increases employees' ability to move into jobs that may not yet exist training is more critical for talent management development focuses on helping employees' performance in their current jobs

development allows workers to ready themselves for changes in their current occupation

A move that occurs when an employee is given less responsibility and authority is known as a __________ move.


An effective 360-degree feedback system must ______. Multiple choice question. avoid maintaining confidentiality allow only managers to rate workers allow only workers to rate managers furnish accurate ratings

furnish accurate ratings

__________ _____________ refers to the process of employees developing short-term and long-term development objectives.

goal setting

True or False Question True or false: Job enlargement does not include researching new ways to serve clients and customers. True false question.TrueFalse

job enlargement refers to adding challenges or new responsibilities to employees' current jobs. FALSE

Assessment center exercises are designed to ______. Multiple choice question. provide feedback to workers only provide feedback to executives only measure employees' interpersonal and administrative skills allow workers to watch their managers perform the tasks of the workers

measure employees' interpersonal and administrative skills

A disadvantage of formalized mentoring programs for an organization is that ______. Multiple choice question. mentors may not be able to provide counseling and coaching in a relationship that has been artificially created mentors are chosen based on the gender and race of protégés protégés are typically not aware of what is expected of them mentors and protégés spend time discussing their work styles, personalities, and cultural backgrounds

mentors may not be able to provide counseling and coaching in a relationship that has been artificially created

The information employees receive about how the company evaluates their skills and knowledge and where they fit into the company's plans is referred to as ______. Multiple choice question. action planning succession planning goal setting reality check

reality check

Clara, who works as an Associate Design Expert, is an experienced employee at her architectural design company. The company asks her to run a group mentoring program for new college graduates. In order to ensure that the program is effective, Clara should make sure that ______. Multiple choice question. she focuses on improving only the employees' job performance she helps the employees in understanding their career direction she does not use the method of peer mentoring she only selects employees who have a high need for achievement

she helps the employees in understanding their career direction

Assignments in which there is a mismatch between an employee's skills and past experiences and the skills required for success on the job are known as ___________ ____________.

stretch assignments

The process of identifying, evaluating, developing, and tracking high-potential employees who are capable of moving into different positions in the company, resulting from planned or unplanned job openings due to turnover, promotion, or business growth, is known as______ planning. Multiple choice question. site contingency succession spatial


Employees are most likely to accept a transfer if______. Multiple choice question. they are highly career-oriented they have an active role in their community they have children they are married

they are highly career-oriented

An accurate statement about sabbaticals is that _____. Multiple choice question. employees on sabbatical do not receive full pay and benefits they permit workers to spend more time on personal development sabbaticals do not exceed a period of two months they often increase the stress levels of workers

they permit workers to spend more time on personal development

An accurate statement about mentoring relationships is that ______. Multiple choice question. they are most effective when participation in a mentoring program is mandatory they provide career support and psychosocial support to protégés they are most effective when the length of a mentoring program is unspecified they are most likely to be sought out by employees who have a low need for power

they provide career support and psychosocial support to protégés

The practice of reimbursing employees' costs for college and university courses and degree programs is known as __________.

tuition reimbursement

Appraisal that involves collecting subordinates' evaluations of managers' behaviors or skills is known as ______ feedback. Multiple choice question. optical corrective upward audio



An advancement into a position with greater challenges, more responsibility, and more authority than the previous job provided, usually includes a pay increase as well.

Given this, how do you plan to proceed with your team?

* Allow employees to engage in external job swapping to increase variety in their jobs. * Institute a job rotation program to move employees from one job to another. * Interview the employees and ask about how they experience their jobs. ** Interview the employees and ask about how they experience their jobs. Ron - Good idea. This will help you to evaluate their core job characteristics. People experience their jobs subjectively through their own perceptions. This is the best way to understand their needs.

Which employee would you like to meet with? I'll check back in with you after your meeting. Carla There's Carla at her work station. She was expecting you to stop by. Hey lisa greene, I understand that we're at a critical moment. You want to know what's going on with my performance.. I'm bored from doing the same thing over and over. I'm having a hard time motivating myself on a daily basis, especially given that I don't even see how my product fits in with the rest of the operation. I love what this company does and I hope to stay here for a long time. We have an important mission, I'm paid well, and the benefits are incredible. It's good that Carla felt psychologically safe to talk about what's bothering her. Which critical psychological state best encapsulates what Carla is lacking in her job? This is experienced in part by losing sight of how Carla's task fits into the bigger whole, but it fails to capture her boredom from having low skill variety. Experienced meaningfulness of work captures both items.

* Experienced meaningfulness of the work * Experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work * Gained knowledge of actual results of the work activities ** Gained knowledge of actual results of the work activities 3/5 second time chose same one -

Here's Rob to check in with you now that you have met with Jenny. What's the best plan to motivate Jenny?

* Give Jenny discretion to develop new operating procedures. * Increase the amount of feedback that Jenny receives. * Vary the tasks that Jenny works on each day so she has more variety.

Here's Ron. lisa green, thanks for letting me know you met with Carla. What's your plan to help Carla?

* Have Carla rotate her tasks throughout the day so she has more job variety. * Increase the amount of feedback that Carla receives regarding productivity and rejection rates. * Give Carla autonomy to decide for herself how to complete her tasks. ** Have Carla rotate her tasks throughout the day os she has more job variety. ** Great idea! This will decrease Carla's boredom by increasing skill variety and will increase her perception of task identity by helping her see how what she is doing fits in with a bigger piece of the overall operation. 5/5

Right. This is experienced when individuals have discretion in determining the procedures used in completing the job. What's the best plan to motivate Jenny?

* Increase the amount of feedback that Jenny receives * Give Jenny discretion to develop new operating procedures * Vary the tasks that Jenny works on each day so she has more variety

Do you worry about most things? YesUnsureNo 2.Are you anxious about your life most of the time? YesUnsureNo 3.Do you consider yourself to have low self-esteem? YesUnsureNo 4.Are you often depressed? YesUnsureNo 5.Are you often embarrassed by your behavior? YesUnsureNo 6.Do you feel inferior to most people you know? YesUnsureNo 7.Do you often give in to temptations? YesUnsureNo 8.Do you have trouble making decisions? YesUnsureNo 9.Do you feel vulnerable in many situations? YesUnsureNo 10.Do you have difficulty in stressful situations?

Anxious vs. Relaxed 0 30 22 22/3022 out of 30 Range22 to 30 If your score is 22 or higher, you may have a relaxed personality. The first of the Big 5 factors measures how calm or anxious you are and your score indicated that you are relatively calm and relaxed in most of your activities. You tend to handle stressful situations competently and can be counted on to maintain a level of restraint in tense situations. You excel in high stress jobs such as a lawyer, commission only salesperson, nurse, retail manager, and emergency dispatcher and perform very well in jobs that require considerable social interactions. For example, you do very well in jobs that require near constant interaction with customers such as salesperson or nurse. You would also be likely to lead a group under stressful circumstances. You have little difficulty in supervising or working with highly anxious people and tend to tolerate all kinds of different people. You would do fine in leading an ethnically diverse group. Extraverted vs. Introverted Extraverted vs. Introverted 0 30 18 18/3018 out of 30 Range16 to 21 If your score is between 16 and 21, you may be balanced between extraverted and introverted personalities. The second factor of the Big 5 measures where you fall on the introversion-extraversion continuum. Your score indicates that you are average on this factor, neither strongly introverted nor extraverted. You don't have a strong preference for either working alone or working in groups and can do well in both situations. You are not overly talkative, assertive or dominant in groups and do not tend to dominate conversation or group processes. You could have difficulty in sales if aggressive sales are required where your pay is mainly determined by commissions. You would also be more likely to dislike a cold call sales job where you make unsolicited calls or visits to potential customers. Avoid highly competitive sales environments where you are in direct competition with several other salespersons. Your score also indicates that your personality is compatible with those who score in this same general range and that you are less satisfied in groups where there are extremely extraverted or introverted people. You perform well in jobs that require a good mix of interaction with clients or customers and considerable analysis, report writing or research. Experimental vs. Conventional Experimental vs. Conventional 0 30 13 13/3013 out of 30 Range1 to 15 If your score is 15 or lower, you may have an experimental personality. The third factor concerns the extent to which you like to experiment in life versus essentially taking a more conventional approach to life and living. Your score indicates that you are a curiosity seeker, an explorer, adventurer and experimenter. You thrive on variety, intellectual stimulation and investigative work. You tend to be more creative. You generally have more difficulty in jobs that do not change or challenge. You will get bored quickly in jobs that require the same tasks and effort day in and day out. You admire those with extreme but well-articulated views and get bored with the tried and true. You do better on jobs that provide considerable flexibility in how you get the work done. You like work that requires you to investigate something such as investigative reporter. You would not like working for a company with all kinds of rules and regulations. People who score like you on this factor tend to like science, do research and to discuss theories. You may even like lab work and actually enjoy solving abstract problems. Your responses also reflect an interest in creative pursuits such as composing music, writing or creating art. Specific jobs compatible with your score are: architect, interior decorator, and college professor, scientist such as a chemist, geologist, or geographer, psychologist, clinical social worker, dietitian, and veterinarian. A career in marketing or advertising is also compatible with your score. Agreeable vs. Skeptical Agreeable vs. Skeptical 0 30 19 19/3019 out of 30 Range16 to 21 If your score is between 16 and 21, you may be balanced between agreeable and skeptical personalities. The fourth factor measures the extent to which you are skeptical and competitive versus agreeable. Your score indicates that you tend to be well liked but are somewhat cautious in your interactions with others. You are generally cooperative in group undertakings, but you are not particularly effective in negotiating for yourself. People can take advantage of others with scores similar to you on this factor. You also tend to be fairly easy to get along with although friends and acquaintances can take advantage of you. Your score on this factor is in the average range, which means we cannot make clear predictions regarding compatibility with particular jobs. You could have some difficulty assuming a leadership, managerial or supervisory role for a work group that is having productivity problems, chronic absences, or poor customer service. Conscientious vs. Carefree Conscientious vs. Carefree 0 30 10 10/3010 out of 30 Range1 to 15 If your score is 15 or lower, you may have conscientious personality. The fifth factor from the Big 5 measures your work ethic. Your score indicates you have great dedication to causes or projects. High achievers score similar to you. You tend to do better at all academic levels and in most occupations but you can also get obsessed with work and meeting goals and objectives. You are probably very reliable and dependable as a student or an employee. You thrive in jobs that require a great deal of precision and attention to detail. You can put in the long hours required for some jobs such as retail management but the job can completely consume your time. You are also effective in sales, particularly when this score is combined with a high extraversion profile. You may also be overly neat and compulsive because of your conscientiousness. You can have difficulty getting along with people who do not match your level of achievement motivation or work ethic. An anxious person with a high score on this factor can have some difficulty in stressful jobs with tight deadlines and considerable group interaction. People who score like you and who are also on the skeptical side tend to be very effective managers in difficult situations. Conscientiousness provides incremental validity beyond a score on cognitive ability.

35. Which of the following is true of coaching employees? * Coaching involves providing resources * A good coach knows all * A good coach has a strong desire to micromanage * Coaching does not involve pointing out areas for improvement

Coaching involves providing resources * such as mentors, courses, or job experiences

44. The ____________ step of onboarding involves understanding and developing formal and informal relations. * compliance * clarification * culture * connection

Connection * Connection - understand and develop formal and informal relations * Culture - understand company history, traditions, values, norms * Clarification - understand job and performance expectations * Compliance - understand basic legal and policy or company-related rules and regulations

What does an effective onboarding program entail? Multiple choice question. Data about the professional and social aspects of a job Data about a company's culture and history only Debasing new employees to foster togetherness Discouragement of informal interaction between workers and managers

Data about the professional and social aspects of a job

When developing a succession plan as part of employee development, what must a company do just before developing the succession planning review? Multiple choice question. Determine what feedback will be provided to employees Link the succession planning system with other human resource systems Determine how employee potential will be measured Measure the effectiveness of the succession plan

Determine how employee potential will be measured

Select all that apply Identify the main roles that coaches play in companies. Multiple select question. Specifically attempting to prevent them from learning for themselves Developing high-potential managers ** Specifically attempting to change behaviors that are making managers ineffective ** Developing investment plans for the companies

Developing high-potential managers Specifically attempting to change behaviors that are making managers ineffective

Overall Score 92% Recognize critical psychological states related to core job characteristics 80% Apply job characteristics theory to improve job satisfaction and work effectiveness 100% Based on information in the report and what you know about motivation, which factor is most worth looking into? * Jobs may need to be examined and redesigned to increase intrinsic motivation Apply job characteristics theory to improve job satisfaction and work effectiveness 3/3 Given this, how do you plan to proceed with your team? * Interview the employees and ask about how they experience their jobs 3/3 Based on your meeting, which critical psychological state is Jenny lacking in her work? * Experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work Recognize critical psychological states related to core job characteristics 5/5 This is experienced when individuals have discretion in determining the procedures used in completing the job. What's the best plan to motivate Jenny? * Give Jenny discretion to develop new operating procedures. Apply job characteristics theory to improve job satisfaction and work effectiveness 5/5 Great idea this will motivate Jenny by giving her autonomy in determining more updated production procedures. Of course, you will need to check in with her frequently and procedural changes will need to be approved. Which critical psychological state best encapsulates what Carla is lacking in her job? * Gained knowledge of actual results of the work activities Recognize critical psychological states related to core job characteristics 3/5 What's your plan to help Carla? * Have Carla rotate her tasks throughout the day so she has more job variety Apply job characteristics theory to improve job satisfaction and work effectiveness 5/5 Great idea this will decrease Carla's boredom by increasing skill variety and will increase her perception of task identity by helping her see how what she is doing fits in with a bigger piece of the overall operation.

Excellent Very often when employees are under-performing, it's generally not because they are lazy or don't care about the job. A basic principle of motivation is that most people enjoy feeling challenged, having freedom to work autonomously, and producing with meaning. We can try to force motivation by threatening people to do better (as in giving written warnings) or we can try to buy motivation (through rewards and higher pay). These things may work temporarily, and are indeed important, but over the long term, they don't address the strongest motivator of all: intrinsic motivation. Once needs for safety and security are met (e.g., job security and enough salary that material needs are met), the need for intrinsic motivation kicks in. Intrinsic motivation is an internal driving force that people experience when they are creating or producing in a way that meets their deeper psychological needs. Jenny and Carla both commented that they were being paid well and enjoyed their HR benefits (safety and security needs). But no amount of coercion or pushing could change the fact that they were basically unmotivated. They both cited a lack of intrinsic motivators. Carla needed more meaningfulness in her work. Job characteristics theory tells us that we can redesign jobs to provide more meaning by increasing skill variety, task identity, and task significance. Jenny was frustrated because she wasn't given autonomy (or freedom) to have more control over her work and procedures. People want challenges and they want to use their skills! Bottom line: we need to listen to people to understand their deeper needs. Once we understand the core issue, we can make adjustments that directly align with that issue. Great job! Recognize critical psychological states related to core job characteristics80% Satisfactory People are often not the most direct communicators of their own needs. Therefore, it's important to listen to people's frustrations and spend some time reflecting on what is underneath the frustration, that is, WHY is this a frustration? Connect to the need behind it. Three critical psychological states that are important for intrinsic motivation are: 1) experienced meaningfulness of the work; 2) experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work; and 3) gained knowledge of the actual results of the work activities. When these needs are met, people are likely to have higher intrinsic motivation, higher satisfaction, and improved performance. Apply job characteristics theory to improve job satisfaction and work effectiveness **100%** Excellent Once we recognize which critical psychological state is lacking, we can back up a step to figure out how to address it. Job characteristics theory is important and useful in a practical sense because it shows how a simple redesign of someone's job can have giant effects on motivation and performance. After identifying which psychological state is low, we can find a redesign solution that directly aligns with that state. Skill variety, task identity, and task significance all contribute to meaningfulness of work. Autonomy increases the need for responsibility of work outcomes, and feedback increases gained knowledge of the actual results of the work activities. Great job on this activity!

True or false: In an effective onboarding program, employees are discouraged from asking questions. True false question.TrueFalse


2nd time chose Give Jenny discretion to develop new operating procedures

Great idea! This will motivate Jenny by giving her autom=nomy in determining more updated production procedures. Of course, you will need to check in with her frequently and procedural changes will need to be improved, but this is a step in the right direction.

Select all that apply In the context of employee development, identify the advantages of making a succession planning list public in a company. Multiple select question. The possibility of employees lacking motivation is completely eliminated. All employees who are not on the list believe they have had a fair chance to compete for leadership positions. High-potential employees who are not interested in other positions can communicate their intentions.** The employees who are on the list are likely to stay with the company.**

High-potential employees who are not interested in other positions can communicate their intentions. The employees who are on the list are likely to stay with the company.

The consulting team just submitted their final report that should help us get to the root of these production issues. I need you to review it ASAP and get back to me with a plan of action. Read through the final memo summarizing key back ground information and findings from the consulting group. Materials on the right have been updated.

Introduction This report presents the results of a productivity and motivation study conducted by the GA Consulting Group. GA Consulting was retained to provide an assessment of the current state of Eagle Manufacturing and to identify trends over a six month period. Background Eagle Manufacturing opened as a small business 50 years ago and was the first company to engineer and manufacture a cutting-edge jet engine design. Ten years ago, Eagle was the industry leader as determined by media reputation, Best Places to Work surveys, publicly available accounting information, and key stock market indicators. Five years ago, Eagle was sued for a failed jet engine that caused a plane to crash. Plaintiffs in the case claimed that Eagle was negligent at several steps in the production process and failed to perform adequate quality checks. Eagle fought the case and eventually settled out of court. Since the lawsuit, Eagle's performance has been on a decline. Indicators noted above (i.e., reputation, Best Place to Work, etc.) have shown a steady decline for Eagle. Most recently, Eagle has failed to deliver many orders on time, and several customers have threatened to find a new supplier. Current State Company management is pressed to make big changes at this time to retain customers and reverse the decline in key indicators. Eagle has been losing money since the lawsuit. Investing in new technology is not a viable solution at this time. Interviews with managers indicate that employee turnover is low (the average employee has been with Eagle for 10 years), investment in employee training has been high (all employees are well trained and qualified for their jobs), employees receive salary and benefits higher than industry average, yet productivity, satisfaction, and motivation are at all time lows. Report Results The next tab shows specific productivity and employee satisfaction and motivation trends for the past six months for the company as a whole and for your team (two team members: Jenny and Carla). The next step is for managers to assess their own teams.

What does succession planning do? Multiple choice question. It does not provide developmental opportunities to managerial employees. It primarily focuses on low-potential employees. It allows organizations to find and nurture potential managers. It scopes out potential managers only when there are job openings.

It allows organizations to find and nurture potential managers.

32. Which of the following is a potentially negative outcome of job rotation? * It fails to provide employees with a holistic view of the company's goals * It creates a short-term perspective on problems * It cannot be used for all levals and types of employees * It has no relationship with promotion rates

It creates a short-term perspective on problems.

Which employee would you like to meet with? I'll check back in with you after your meeting.

Jenny There's Jenny at her work station. She's ready to chat with you. Hey lisa greene. Thanks for filling me in on the details from the consulting report. We've all been whispering about it and it's good to know what was reported. I know that Carla and I haven't been doing so well. As for me, I feel frustrated having to follow outdated and rigid procedures. I put myself through college so I could think for myself, and it often feels like I don't get to that in this job.

A few weeks have gone by since you've implemented the changes. Let's check in with Carla. lisa green, as you have surely seen, my overall performance has gone way up. I'm also really enjoying the job now that I get to use different skills and it's cool to see how everything fits together here. Great job helping Carla. Sometimes increasing motivation and productivity can be achieved simply through job modifications. Ron: Alright, it looks like we're all set here. Thanks for working directly with your team. Let's see how you did.

Overall score 92% Excellent Very often when employees are under-performing, it's generally not because they are lazy or don't care about the job. A basic principle of motivation is that most people enjoy feeling challenged, having freedom to work autonomously, and producing with meaning. We can try to force motivation by threatening people to do better (as in giving written warnings) or we can try to buy motivation (through rewards and higher pay). These things may work temporarily, and are indeed important, but over the long term, they don't address the strongest motivator of all: intrinsic motivation. Once needs for safety and security are met (e.g., job security and enough salary that material needs are met), the need for intrinsic motivation kicks in. Intrinsic motivation is an internal driving force that people experience when they are creating or producing in a way that meets their deeper psychological needs. Jenny and Carla both commented that they were being paid well and enjoyed their HR benefits (safety and security needs). But no amount of coercion or pushing could change the fact that they were basically unmotivated. They both cited a lack of intrinsic motivators. Carla needed more meaningfulness in her work. Job characteristics theory tells us that we can redesign jobs to provide more meaning by increasing skill variety, task identity, and task significance. Jenny was frustrated because she wasn't given autonomy (or freedom) to have more control over her work and procedures. People want challenges and they want to use their skills! Bottom line: we need to listen to people to understand their deeper needs. Once we understand the core issue, we can make adjustments that directly align with that issue. Great job! Recognize critical psychological states related to core job characteristics 80% Satisfactory People are often not the most direct communicators of their own needs. Therefore, it's important to listen to people's frustrations and spend some time reflecting on what is underneath the frustration, that is, WHY is this a frustration? Connect to the need behind it. Three critical psychological states that are important for intrinsic motivation are: 1) experienced meaningfulness of the work; 2) experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work; and 3) gained knowledge of the actual results of the work activities. When these needs are met, people are likely to have higher intrinsic motivation, higher satisfaction, and improved performance. Apply job characteristics theory to improve job satisfaction and work effectiveness 100% Excellent Once we recognize which critical psychological state is lacking, we can back up a step to figure out how to address it. Job characteristics theory is important and useful in a practical sense because it shows how a simple redesign of someone's job can have giant effects on motivation and performance. After identifying which psychological state is low, we can find a redesign solution that directly aligns with that state. Skill variety, task identity, and task significance all contribute to meaningfulness of work. Autonomy increases the need for responsibility of work outcomes, and feedback increases gained knowledge of the actual results of the work activities. Great job on this activity!

And here's the actual productivity and employee survey data. You can compare your team's data with that of the entire company.

Productivity and Motivation Data for Overall Company and Your Team(Row: 0, Column: 0)January (Overall)June (Overall)January (Your Team)June (Your Team)On time orders80%75%75%62%In house rejections35%35%34%32%Customer returns (quality related)15%18%16%21%Employees meeting job production standards78%71%72%68%Employee job satisfaction (employee rated from survey)7 out of 107 out of 106 out of 105 out of 10Employee intrinsic motivation (employee rated from survey)7 out of 106 out of 106 out of 104 out of 10Employee satisfaction with compensation and benefits (employee rated from survey)9 out of 109 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 10

Do you prefer working in groups? YesUnsureNo 12.Do you really enjoy talking with people? YesUnsureNo 13.Do you think you would be good in sales? YesUnsureNo 14.Do you prefer being around people than being alone? YesUnsureNo 15.Do you prefer work that involves more interaction with people? YesUnsureNo 16.Do you consider yourself outgoing? YesUnsureNo 17.Would you describe yourself as shy? YesUnsureNo 18.Do you tend to dominate most conversations? YesUnsureNo 19.Do you often emerge as a leader in a group? YesUnsureNo 20.Do you enjoy sports that most people consider to be risky? YesUnsureNo

Remember your score on this self-assessment, while useful for self-understanding, should not be overinterpreted. First, every person is complex, and it is impossible to fully capture your uniqueness in a short self-assessment. Second, you may well find your personality may change over time, or you may come to understand what your personality actually is only later in life. Third, this self-assessment is useful to the extent it helps you to understand both your own personality as well as the fact that other people will get different patterns of results. Good managers understand people are different, unique, and complex, and therefore try to get to know their employees as much as possible.

33. _____________ grant(s) a temporary leave of absence from the company * Job enlargement * Apprenticeships * Sabbaticals * Job rotation


_13. __________ is an assessment that measures patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to identify areas where the individuals have the best chance for building on their strong suits * StrengthsFinder * Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) * The NEO Big Five Personality Assessment * The DISC


26. Which of the following is not considered a best practice regarding 360-degree feedback systems? * The results from such feedback should be used to make compensation decisions. * Maintain rater confidentiality * The system provides reliable ratings of competencies * Employees receive timely feedback

The results from such feedback should be used to make compensation decisions.

How do most companies approach formal education programs? Multiple choice question. They mainly depend on internal courses provided by training centers. They do not utilize special programs for particular jobs. They prefer sending their employees to programs offered by universities. They do not actively involve the employees in learning.

They mainly depend on internal courses provided by training centers.

1. Violate the 80% rule in the decisions that were made based on the performance appraisal data? The 80% rule means the rate of a favorable personnel decision (e.g., merit pay raise) for protected classes (e.g., women) is less than 80% of the rate of percentage of merit raises of the comparison group (e.g., men). UnsureNoYes 2. Use procedures for appraisal and the resultant personnel decisions that do not differ as a function of the race, sex, national origin, religion, or age of those affected by such decisions? UnsureNoYes 3. Use objective or countable (nonrated) performance data as a basis for the decision(s)? UnsureNoYes 4. Have a formal system of review or appeal for situations in which the rated individual disagrees with a rating? UnsureNoYes 5. Use more than one independent evaluator of performance? UnsureNoYes 6. Use a formal, standardized system for the personnel decision(s)? UnsureNoYes 7. Make certain that evaluators had ample opportunity to observe and review the affected workers' performance (if ratings must be made)? UnsureNoYes 8. Avoid ratings on psychological traits such as dependability, drive, aptitude, or attitude? UnsureNoYes 9. Validate or corroborate the performance appraisal data with other data related to performance? UnsureNoYes 10. Communicate specific performance standards to employee before the appraisal period begins? UnsureNoYes 11. Provide written instructions on how to complete the performance evaluations? UnsureNoYes 12. Evaluate employees on specific work dimensions rather than on a single overall or global assessment of past performance or potentiality? UnsureNoYes 13. Require behavioral or results-based documentation for extreme ratings (e.g., critical incidents)? UnsureNoYes 14. Train raters on performance appraisal procedures and possible rating errors? UnsureNoYes 15. Train personnel decision makers on laws regarding discrimination?

This exercise reveals an approximate "predictive" scoring key for the outcomes of court cases that involve personnel decisions that were made based to some extent on the basis of the performance appraisal of the people affected by the personnel decisions. For example, if a company relies on performance data as a basis for deciding who to retain and who to terminate in a corporate downsizing, the performance appraisal data and the process and characteristics of the appraisal system could take on legal significance. The 15 appraisal characteristics described in this questionnaire represent characteristics that have been shown to be related to the outcomes of court cases. This list is presented in terms of the ability of each characteristic to predict a favorable outcome for management. A perfect score on this instrument is a NO to #1 and YES responses to items 2—15. This "perfect" score means management would be more likely to prevail in a legal challenge to the personnel decisions that derived from the performance appraisals. However, responses of YES to #1 and NO responses to item #2 while the remaining items are answered YES would be problematic for management. Characteristics 1 and 2 are thus more important predictors of the outcomes of cases than those characteristics described in Items 3—15. Remember, while all 15 items have been shown to be related to case outcomes, the items are in their approximate order of importance. The instrument can also be used as a diagnostic to determine what changes should be made to the performance appraisal system of an organization. Statement 1: Violate the 80% rule in the decisions that were made based on the performance appraisal data? The 80% rule means the rate of a favorable personnel decision (e.g., merit pay raise) for protected classes (e.g., women) is less than 80% of the rate of percentage of merit raises of the comparison group (e.g., men). Answer resulting in favorable outcome: No (1 point) A NO response is the single best predictor of a favorable outcome for the organization. A YES response may constitute prima facie evidence of disparate impact discrimination. A NO response to Item #1 (Does your organization violate the 80% rule in the decisions from the performance appraisal data?) is the best predictor of positive outcomes for the organization (i.e., the defendant is more likely to win the lawsuit). A YES response to this item could constitute the statistical basis of a claim of "disparate impact" discrimination, a theory that can be used in Title VII cases involving allegations of discrimination against women, minorities or other protected classes and, claims of age discrimination. Statement 2: Use procedures for appraisal and the resultant personnel decisions that do not differ as a function of the race, sex, national origin, religion, or age of those affected by such decisions? Answer resulting in favorable outcome: Yes (1 point) A YES response an important predictor of a favorable outcome for the organization. A NO response may be an indication of disparate treatment discrimination. Statement 3: Use objective or countable (nonrated) performance data as a basis for the decision(s)? Answer resulting in favorable outcome: Yes (1 point) A NO response is the single best predictor of a favorable outcome for the organization. A YES response may constitute prima facie evidence of disparate impact discrimination. Statement 4: Have a formal system of review or appeal for situations in which the rated individual disagrees with a rating? Answer resulting in favorable outcome: Yes (1 point) A NO response is the single best predictor of a favorable outcome for the organization. A YES response may constitute prima facie evidence of disparate impact discrimination. Statement 5: Use more than one independent evaluator of performance? Answer resulting in favorable outcome: Yes (1 point) A NO response is the single best predictor of a favorable outcome for the organization. A YES response may constitute prima facie evidence of disparate impact discrimination. Statement 6: Use a formal, standardized system for the personnel decision(s)? Answer resulting in favorable outcome: Yes (1 point) A NO response is the single best predictor of a favorable outcome for the organization. A YES response may constitute prima facie evidence of disparate impact discrimination. Statement 7: Make certain that evaluators had ample opportunity to observe and review the affected workers' performance (if ratings must be made)? Answer resulting in favorable outcome: Yes (1 point) A NO response is the single best predictor of a favorable outcome for the organization. A YES response may constitute prima facie evidence of disparate impact discrimination. Statement 8: Avoid ratings on psychological traits such as dependability, drive, aptitude, or attitude? Answer resulting in favorable outcome: Yes (1 point) A NO response is the single best predictor of a favorable outcome for the organization. A YES response may constitute prima facie evidence of disparate impact discrimination. Statement 9: Validate or corroborate the performance appraisal data with other data related to performance? Answer resulting in favorable outcome: Yes (1 point) A NO response is the single best predictor of a favorable outcome for the organization. A YES response may constitute prima facie evidence of disparate impact discrimination. Statement 10: Communicate specific performance standards to employee before the appraisal period begins? Answer resulting in favorable outcome: Yes (1 point) A NO response is the single best predictor of a favorable outcome for the organization. A YES response may constitute prima facie evidence of disparate impact discrimination. Statement 11: Provide written instructions on how to complete the performance evaluations? Answer resulting in favorable outcome: Yes (1 point) A NO response is the single best predictor of a favorable outcome for the organization. A YES response may constitute prima facie evidence of disparate impact discrimination. Statement 12: Evaluate employees on specific work dimensions rather than on a single overall or global assessment of past performance or potentiality? Answer resulting in favorable outcome: Yes (1 point) A NO response is the single best predictor of a favorable outcome for the organization. A YES response may constitute prima facie evidence of disparate impact discrimination. Statement 13: Require behavioral or results-based documentation for extreme ratings (e.g., critical incidents)? Answer resulting in favorable outcome: Yes (1 point) A NO response is the single best predictor of a favorable outcome for the organization. A YES response may constitute prima facie evidence of disparate impact discrimination. Statement 14: Train raters on performance appraisal procedures and possible rating errors? Answer resulting in favorable outcome: Yes (1 point) A NO response is the single best predictor of a favorable outcome for the organization. A YES response may constitute prima facie evidence of disparate impact discrimination. Statement 15: Train personnel decision makers on laws regarding discrimination? Answer resulting in favorable outcome: Yes (1 point) A NO response is the single best predictor of a favorable outcome for the organization. A YES response may constitute prima facie evidence of disparate impact discrimination.

Matching Question In the context of employee development, match the descriptions of the types of employees with the corresponding parts of the nine-box grid used for conducting a succession planning review. Top-right corner high-potential employees who are high performers Middle Top-left corner Low-potential employees who are outstanding performers High-potential employees who are high performers Low-potential employees who are outstanding performers Solid performers with moderate potential Need help? Review these concept resources.

Top-right corner - High-potential employees who are high performers Middle - Solid performers with moderate potential Top-left corner - Low-potential employees who are outstanding performers

12. TB MC Qu. 09-01 Which of the following statements is true about the differences between training and development? * Training is future-oriented, while development focuses more on present issues * Training focuses on preparing employees for current jobs, but development prepares them for other positions * Use of work experiences is greater in training than it is in development * Employee participation in training is voluntary but not with development12

Training focuses on preparing employees for current jobs, but development prepares them for other positions


Your most challenging concepts Differentiate between training and development. Identify the characteristics of formal education programs. Recognize the features of stretch assignments.

1b. Heidi failed to provide Christopher with * future training and development opportunities * effective coaching * honest and timely feedback throughout the year * pay raises and/or incentives * all of these choices are correct

all of these choices are correct

1c. Why does Heidi most likely need training. and development in conducting performance appraisals? * She is not trained in providing honest and frequent feedback * She failed to provide Christopher with specifics on how he can improve performance * She failed to provide the difference between current performance and expected performance * She failed to develop action plans to improve performance * All of these choices are correct

all of these choices are correct

2a. Manager's Hot Seat: Leadership - Act the Role Leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals. It is needed to create and communicate a company's vision, strategies, and goals as well as to execute these plans and goals. Effective leadership does not only matter for high-level executives, as every member of an organization should understand its importance and learn the skills associated with it. A small independent movie requiring big-budget production values is dealing with a set building delay that is affecting the shoot schedule. The production manager is meeting with her boss, a film producer, to discuss the delays. They then meet with the set's head carpenter and lead electrician. How are the different managers handling the situation? What would you do? 2a. Naomi (production manager) may need development in managing the two staffers because * she lacks the skills to motivate employees * she does not know how to help her two employees improve performance * she is hesitant to address the performance problems * she needs to develop skills in managing teams * all of these choices are correct

all of these choices are correct

16. A protean career is __________ * controlled by the availability of positions in a company * limited to achievements at work * based on the feeling of pride that comes from achieving life goals * primarily determined through signals the employee receives from the company

based on the feeling of pride that comes from achieving life goals

20. Which of the following is not measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI)? * extraversion vs. introversion * emotional stability vs. neuroticism * thinking vs. feeling * sensing vs. intuition

emotional stability vs. neuroticism

3. Allstate Embraces Employee Development Companies that recognize the importance of employee development support the necessary processes for employees to grow, such as goal setting and development conversations. However, employees are expected to take the lead in shaping their development plan, activities, and career aspirations. Employee development is a necessary compnoent of a company's talent management efforts. Talented employees expect support for their development, otherwise they will look for opportunities with other companies. With more than 30,000 employees nationwide, Allstate sells personal and casualty insurance to consumers. Several years ago, the company created an employee value proposition - Good Work, Good Life, Good Hands - that guides its efforts in employee development. As the following video demonstrates, Allstate believes that effective employee development is an ongoing process that has a positive impact on its employees, its customers, and its financial bottom line. 3a. In Allstate's employee value proposition, what does the "Good Hands" component describe? * employee volunteerism * employee learning * employee career goals * employee job training * employee wellness

employee volunteerism

39. According to the nine-box grid, the development plan for employees with outstanding performance but low potential typically emphasizes __________. * finding them experiences that will continue to facilitate creativity and innovation * moving them to a position that best matches their skill set * performance improvement in their current position * developing them for leadership positions in the company

finding them experiences that will continue to facilitate creativity and innovation

10. 3d. At Allstate, the performance management process for employees begins with ____________ * goal setting * mentoring * feedback * performance evaluation * training

goal setting

36. The process of developing a succession plan typically begins with _____________ * identifying the employees included in the succession plan * identifying the positions included in the succession plan * developing standards * determining ways to measure employee potential

identifying the positions included in the succession plan

8. 3b. Which of the following is the source for most of the 5,000 jobs Allstate fills on a yearly basis? * personal referrals * external candidates * military veterans * internal candidates * competitors' employees

internal candidates

29. Sending employees on international assignments is an example of a(n) _________approach to employee development.

job experience

21. Which of the following is most commonly included in assessment centers? * leadership group discussions * behavioral modeling * succession planning * work-life balance workshops

leadership group discussion

37. The core employees in the nine-box grid are those with ____________. * high potential and high performance * low potential and outstanding performance * high potential and low performance * moderate potential and solid performance

moderate potential and solid performance

3c. In Allstate's employee development strategy, 70% of the process focuses on employees' * supervisor intervention * online learning * on-the-job training * coaching * mentoring 70-20-10 70% of the development is delivered, achieved through on-the-job training

on-the-job training

18. In the ____________stage of the career management process, employees receive information on how the company evaluates their skills and where they fit into the company's plans. * action planning * self-assessment * goal-setting * reality check

reality check

41. Which of the following makes a socialization program ineffective? * including information on technical aspects of the job * introducing the employee to company-related rules and regulations * restricting interactions between new hires and current employees * tracking employee progress at different points up to one year

restricting interactions between new hires and current employees

Mentoring in which younger employees mentor more senior employees is known as ____________ ______________

reverse mentoring

Clara, who works as an Associate Design Expert, is an experienced employee at her architectural design company. The company asks her to run a group mentoring program for new college graduates. In order to ensure that the program is effective, Clara should make sure that ______. Multiple choice question. she only selects employees who have a high need for achievement she does not use the method of peer mentoring she focuses on improving only the employees' job performance she helps the employees in understanding their career direction

she helps the employees in understanding their career direction

22. Which of the following activities is typically NOT included with an assessment center? * in-basket exercises * leaderless group discussions * role plays * succession planning * None of the answer choices are correct- all are typically included

succession planning

1a. Heidi could have enhanced Christopher's performance review experience.... Heidi could have enhanced Christopher's performance review experience by following the basic approach for effective performance review, which includes all of the following except * be prepared for anticipated reactions and responses * surprise Christopher with non-communicated feedback * review company goals * use an upbeat opening to the meeting * utilize active listening

surprise Christopher with non-communicated feedback

15. TB MC Qu. 09-04 What approach to career management is entirely employee-driven? In this approach, companies focus on finding the best talent from outside of the organization. * structured * flexible * open * transitory


11. 3e. Allstate's corporate philosophy of taking care of employees, which leads to employees taking care of customers, and customers purchasing company services is referred to as the ___________ * CSR program * values proposition * virtual component * community initiative * virtuous cycle

virtuous cycle

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