BUS 3010 SB 13

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The motivation theory that builds on, but differs from, Maslow's hierarchy in that it considers three categories of needs rather than five is ______.

Alderfer's ERG theory

______ is a human needs theory postulating that people have three basic sets of needs that can operate simultaneously

Alderfer's ERG theory

Lucia is starting at a new job. She chose this job in large part because she liked the warm, welcoming atmosphere in the office and the fact that there seemed to be a strong sense of community and togetherness. Lucia likely finds which of Maslow's needs important?

Belongingness needs

Organizations try to increase employee motivation and performance by understanding the link between which of the following two factors?

Desired behaviors and outcomes

_______ ______ refers to an employee's perception of the fairness of the distribution of outcomes (such as promotions, pay, job assignments, and working conditions) in an organization.

Distributive justice

Which three of the following are guidelines that help managers avoid the unintended consequences of punishment?

Downplay the emotional element involved in punishment. Punish the behavior immediately and make sure the employee understands why they are being punished. Avoid punishing in front of others.

______ refers to how hard people work.


Which of the following outcomes result in intrinsically motivated behavior?

Enjoyable work Responsibility Autonomy

Which operant conditioning tool should Sally use if she wants to curtail the performance of dysfunctional behaviors by eliminating whatever is reinforcing the behaviors?


True or false: According to Maslow's hierarchy, self-actualization can occur in a person who is malnourished and hungry.


Elizabeth is trying to motivate her workers to contribute their inputs in the direction of achieving organizational priorities. Which theory does this illustrate?


Focusing on the two factors: (1) outcomes that can lead to high levels of motivation and job satisfaction and (2) outcomes that can prevent people from being dissatisfied, is based on the motivator-hygiene theory, which was developed by ______.


Which of the following are rationale used by critics of organizational behavior modification (OB MOD)?

It lacks relevance to work behaviors that are not specific, objective, and countable. It is unethical because it is overly controlling

Emma is trying to increase motivation among her employees by focusing on the link between their performance and outcomes. What type of theory is Emma most likely using?


According to ______, the needs to feel good about one's self, one's capabilities, to be respected by others, and to receive recognition and appreciation are known as esteem needs.

Maslow's hierarchy

The theory of motivation that views human needs as a hierarchy of five major needs or levels is known as _____.

Maslow's hierarchy

______ aims to eliminate or remove undesired outcomes when people perform organizationally functional behaviors

Negative reinforcement

______ is the systematic application of operant conditioning techniques to promote the performance of organizationally functional behaviors and discourage the performance of dysfunctional behaviors.

Organizational behavior modification

According to Maslow's hierarchy, which of the following needs must be satisfied before a person will be motivated by needs at the second level of the hierarchy?


Match the form of justice with its explanation.

Procedural justice- Choice, An employee's perception of the fairness of the procedures used to determine how to distribute outcomes in an organization An employee's perception of the fairness of the procedures used to determine how to distribute outcomes in an organization Interpersonal justice - Choice, An employee's perception of the fairness of the interpersonal treatment he or she receives from whoever distributes outcomes to him or her An employee's perception of the fairness of the interpersonal treatment he or she receives from whoever distributes outcomes to him or her Informational justice - An employee's perception of the extent to which his or her manager provides explanations for decisions and the procedures used to arrive at them

______ learning theory considers how people's thoughts and beliefs and observations of other people's behavior influence learning and motivation.


_________ learning theory extends operant conditioning's contribution to managers' understanding of motivation


True or false: According to equity theory, both underpayment inequity and overpayment inequity create tension that motivates most people to restore equity by bringing the ratios back into balance.


Operant conditioning theory and social learning theory provide guidance to managers in their efforts to have ______.

a highly motivated workforce

The need for ______ is demonstrated when a person is concerned with establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relations and being liked.


According to Maslow's hierarchy, needs related to social interaction, friendship, affection, and love are known as ________ needs.


A professor who enjoys helping students and is motivated by having a secure job with a good retirement is ______ motivated.

intrinsically and extrinsically

Individual characteristics, the nature of the job, and the nature of the organization determine the source of an individual's ______.


The psychological forces that determine (1) the direction of a person's behavior, (2) the person's level of effort, and (3) the person's level of persistence are known as ______.


According to Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation, the nature of the work itself and how challenging it is relates to ______ needs.


According to Herzberg, people have two sets of needs or requirements. They are:

motivator needs. hygiene needs.

Herzberg's ______ theory focused on two factors: outcomes that can lead to high levels of motivation and job satisfaction and outcomes that can prevent people from being dissatisfied.


According to Herzberg, people have two sets of needs: ______ needs and ______ needs.

motivator; hygiene

As a manager, Marie should reduce her reliance on ___________ reinforcement because it creates an unpleasant environment and could result in a negative organizational culture. Some employees have begun to resent her and decrease their work performance when she is not around.


The theory that people learn to perform behaviors that lead to desired consequences and learn not to perform behaviors that lead to undesired consequences is ______ theory.

operant conditioning

Social learning theory extends the contribution of ______ to managers' understanding of motivation by explaining that individuals can be motivated not only directly, but also through vicarious learning.

operant conditioning theory

People who question ______ propose that (1) it lacks relevance to work behaviors that are not specific, objective, and countable and (2) it is unethical because it is overly controlling and robs workers of dignity, individuality, freedom of choice, and creativity.

organizational behavior modification

The paycheck Sara gets at the end of the week for working at Rent-N-Go is an example of a(n) ______.


Jim works in a factory where he is paid for each unit he produces. Jim is paid on a(n) ______ pay plan.


Pay plans that are based on the number of units each employee produces are called ______ pay plans.


Juanita gives her employees the outcomes they desire when they perform organizationally functional behaviors. Juanita is using ______.

positive reinforcement

The direction of a person's behavior is a reference to the _______.

possible behaviors in which the person could engage

When employees fail to meet quarterly sales goals, Kayla verbally reprimands them. This is an example of ______.


When employees fail to meet quarterly sales goals, Kayla verbally reprimands them. This is an example of ______. Multiple choice question. punishment


According to the equity theory, motivation is influenced by the comparison of one's own outcome-input ratio with the outcome-input ratio of a(n) ______.


According to operant conditioning theory, when managers have to decide which behaviors to ______, they should select behaviors (1) over which subordinates have control and (2) that contribute to organizational effectiveness.


According to operant conditioning theory, when managers have to decide which behaviors to ______, they should select behaviors (1) over which subordinates have control and (2) that contribute to organizational effectiveness. Multiple choice question. change


Phil ensures that his employees get extra time off when their performance and productivity is exceptionally high. This is an example of positive ________.


______ tend to have more motivational power than salaries because a large percentage of a salary is based on factors unrelated to current performance.


Which two of the following are guidelines for helping managers select which behaviors to reinforce?

Choose behaviors over which subordinates have control. Select behaviors that contribute to organizational effectiveness.

Which of the following exists when people perceive their own outcome-input ratio to be equal to a referent's outcome-input ratio?


According to the expectancy theory, high motivation is the result of high levels of which three of the following?

Expectancy Valence Instrumentality

Which of the following would be considered positive reinforcers?

Praise Pay Promotion

______ is administering an undesired consequence when dysfunctional behavior occurs.


______ is a person's belief about his or her ability to perform a behavior successfully.


According to the general theory of motivation, the many possible behaviors in which a person could engage refers to the ______ of a person's behavior.


According to ________ theory, motivation is influenced by the comparison of one's own outcome-input ratio with the outcome-input ratio of a referent.


Curtailing the performance of dysfunctional behaviors by eliminating whatever is reinforcing them is known as ______.


How desirable the outcomes from a job are to a person is referred to as ______.


Jim works a day job, but is also trying to launch a business in his free time. His current job offers outcomes such as a flexible schedule and health benefits. According to expectancy theory, because Jim is still working at his day job and has not quit to focus on his own business, it is likely that these outcomes have high ______.


Also called observational learning, ______ learning occurs when a person becomes motivated to perform a behavior by watching another person perform it and is reinforced for doing so.


Scott, a new employee, has been observing and training with Jill, an experienced employee, all week. After working with her, he is excited about his new job and motivated to perform the behaviors that Jill taught him. This is an example of ______ learning.


Carol is primarily motivated by acquiring money and expensive perks, such as box seats for concerts and sporting events. Carol is likely ______ motivated.


When individuals perform a behavior to acquire material or social rewards or to avoid punishment, they are ______ motivated.


According to expectancy theory, members of an organization are motivated to put forth a high level of effort only if they think that doing so will result in ______.

high performance

According to theories of merit pay, when individual performance can be accurately determined, individual motivation is likely to be highest when merit pay is based on ______.

individual performance

A general lack of fairness in the treatment of organizational members is ______.


Pressure or tension inside people, which motivates them to restore equity by bringing the outcome-input ratios back into balance, is ______.


When employees are not treated fairly, there is ______.


A(n) ______ is what a person contributes to their job.


Autonomy, responsibility, and enjoyable work are all outcomes that result in ___________ motivated behavior.


Frank finds his job to be challenging but interesting. He enjoys coming to work each day and confronting new problems and situations. Frank finds his job to be ______ motivating.


Janice, an accountant, is compensated based on her performance which is measured in terms of report timeliness and accuracy. This is an example of a(n) ______ pay plan.


A ______ is a compensation plan that bases pay on performance.

merit pay plan

A requirement for survival and well-being is a satisfied ______.


The requirements that people are trying to satisfy at work and the outcomes that will satisfy those requirements is the focus of the ______ theories of motivation.


One set of theories of motivation are based on ______, which are anything required for survival and well-being


If an employee engages in poor behavior, ______ should occur immediately after the offense and privately, in order to reduce unintended side effects such as resentment, loss of self-respect, and retaliation. In addition, the manager should downplay the emotional element involved.


According to the expectancy theory, for people's motivation to be high, ______ must be high.

valence instrumentality expectancy

Alderfer's ________ theory suggests that there are three universal needs: existence, relatedness, and growth, which constitute a hierarchy of needs and motivate behavior. Alderfer proposed that needs at more than one level can be motivational at the same time.


Which of the following are examples of inputs?

Education Knowledge Effort Time

According to Maslow's hierarchy, the need to realize one's full potential is known as ______.


Which of the following is not a positive reinforcer?


Goal-setting theory suggests that to stimulate high motivation and performance, goals must be:

specific. difficult.

According to ______, a researcher well-known for his work in needs theories, people must satisfy their needs in the order of the hierarchy, from the bottom to the top.


Managers emphasize the need for people to contribute important inputs to the organization and:

that these inputs are put to good use or focused in the direction of high performance.

In terms of understanding motivation, which of the following theories explain how operant conditioning theory is extended by social learning theory?

Vicarious learning Self-reinforcement Self-efficacy

Which theory focuses on motivating workers to contribute their inputs in the direction of achieving organizational goals?


Which theory suggests that to stimulate high motivation and performance, goals must be specific and difficult?


Which of the following is not one of the needs that Maslow identified?


________ is central to management because it explains why people behave the way they do in organizations.


When managers describe their employees according to how hard they work, they are describing the employees' ______.


A financial instrument that allows a person to buy shares of an organization's stock at a certain price during a certain period defines a(n) ______.

employee stock option

Peter is entitled to buy shares of his organization's stock at a certain price once he has been with the organization for at least one year. This is known as a(n) ______.

employee stock option

Which of the following are ways in which people can be motivated?

Prosocially Extrinsically Intrinsically

Motivation may be defined as psychological forces that determine:

a person's level of persistence. a person's level of effort. the direction of a person's behavior.

Jobs that are interesting or have high levels of the elements in the job characteristics model are likely to be ______ motivating.


Outcomes such as interesting work, autonomy, responsibility, being able to grow and develop on the job, and a sense of accomplishment help to satisfy ______ needs.


A(n) ______ is any desired or attractive outcome or reward that a person gives to himself or herself for good performance.


Which of the following are needs in Maslow's hierarchy?

Belongingness Safety Self-actualization Physiological Esteem needs

Which motivation theory suggests that motivation is high when workers believe that high levels of effort lead to high performance and high performance leads to the attainment of desired outcomes?


Which of the following needs motivate workers?

Exposure to nature Work-life balance Time to care for loved ones

True or false: According to Maslow, individuals can satisfy their needs in any order.


In general, why is understanding motivation so important to management in organizations?

It explains why people behave the way they do.

Which four of the following are tools that operant conditioning theory suggests managers can use to motivate high performance and prevent workers from engaging in absenteeism and other behaviors that detract form organizational effectiveness?

Positive reinforcement Punishment Extinction Negative reinforcement

Ethan has a strong desire for security and stability in his work environment. Which of Maslow's needs does this best represent?


Which of the following are reasons that bonuses tend to have more motivational impact?

Salary levels tend to vary less than performance. A current salary may be affected by factors other than performance. A large percentage of a salary is based on factors unrelated to current performance.

According to goal-setting theory, people are better able to focus their inputs to achieve goals if they are both specific and difficult. The nature of these goals causes many people to develop ______ plans, which include strategies to attain the goals and timetables or schedules for completion of different activities crucial to goal attainment.


Specific, difficult goals often cause people to develop ______ plans, including strategies to attain the goals and timetables or schedules for completion of different activities crucial to goal attainment.


Hunter is concerned about establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relations, being liked, and getting along with other people. Hunter has a strong need for ______.


Research suggests that nature has many salutary effects and a lack of such exposure to nature ______

can actually impair well-being and performance

Research suggests that nature has many salutary effects and a lack of such exposure to nature ______.

can actually impair well-being and performance

Tia is confident that she will be successful in her new job because she believes that she has the ability to perform the specific tasks it requires. This is an example of self-______.


When ______ exists, people are motivated to continue contributing their current levels of inputs to their organizations to receive their current levels of outcomes.


According to Maslow's hierarchy, the need to feel good about one's self, one's capabilities, to be respected by others, and to receive recognition and appreciation is known as ______.

esteem needs

The belief that people will behave based on their perceived likelihood that their effort will lead to a certain outcome and on how highly they value that outcome defines the ______ theory


When managers use operant conditioning techniques to encourage organizationally functional behaviors and discourage dysfunctional behaviors, they are engaging in organizational behavior ______.


According to expectancy theory, high _________ results from high levels of expectancy, instrumentality, and valence.


The alignment between employees and organizational goals as a whole can be described by the _________ equation.


While it can be used to achieve desired results, ______ should be used sparingly because it can create an unpleasant work environment and even a dysfunctional culture.

negative reinforcement

According to Maslow, once a need is satisfied, it _____.

no longer motivates

According to the operant conditioning theory, people learn to behave in ways that lead to desirable outcomes and they learn ______.

not to behave in ways that lead to undesirable outcomes

B. F. Skinner suggested that managers should motivate employees to help the organization achieve its goals by linking specific outcomes to specific behaviors in ______ conditioning theory.


According to ______ theory, managers can use positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, and extinction to motivate high performance and prevent workers from engaging in absenteeism and other behaviors that detract from organizational effectiveness.

operant conditioning

Negative reinforcement

operant conditioning

Skinner believed that managers should link specific behavior to specific outcomes to increase motivation. He believed that people learn to perform behaviors that lead to desired consequences and they learn not to perform those that lead to undesired consequences. This is known as the ______ theory.

operant conditioning

A(n) ______ is what a person gets from his or her job.


According to expectancy theory, instrumentality is a person's perception about the extent to which performance at a certain level results in the attainment of ______.


Need theories of motivation focus on what needs people are trying to satisfy at work and what ______ will satisfy those needs.


If, when faced with road blocks and obstacles, a person keeps trying and does not give up, this is an example of ______.


When faced with obstacles, Ken keeps trying and does not give up. Ken has a high level of ______, one of the three factors determined by motivation.


According to Maslow's hierarchy, ______ needs must be satisfied before a person will be motivated by needs at the second level of the hierarchy or above.


Alderfer's ERG theory differs from Maslow's hierarchy in that it ______.

proposes that several different needs can be operating at once

Behavior that is performed to help other people is ______ motivated behavior.


Even though it is not her job, Claire helps her teammates finish their projects so that the team as a whole can achieve its goals. This is an example of ______ motivated behavior.


In addition to being intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated, people can also be ______ motivated.


When Susan's employees do not perform well, she does not hesitate to offer criticism. However, she eliminates undesired outcomes, such as criticism, when her employees perform at a high level. Susan is using negative _________ to help motivate her employees.


When Susan's employees do not perform well, she does not hesitate to offer criticism. However, she eliminates undesired outcomes, such as criticism, when her employees perform at a high level. Susan is using negative ___________ to help motivate her employees.


As a reward for attaining a difficult goal, Tyreke is treating himself to a nice dinner with friends. This is an example of a self-______.


According to Maslow's hierarchy, the needs for security, stability, and a safe environment are known as ______.

safety needs

The theory that takes into account how learning and motivation are influenced by people's thoughts and beliefs and their observations of other people's behavior is ______ theory.

social learning

According to expectancy theory, a key reason why employees are motivated to perform at a high level is that ______.

they believe that high performance will lead to desired outcomes

Frank works in an office where his performance is assessed solely on an individual basis. Which of the following pay structures is likely to be the most motivating for Frank?

Pay plan based on individual performance

Which of the following statements is true about people and their motivation?

People can be both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated.

Which of the following factors determine whether a person is intrinsically motivated, extrinsically motivated, or both?

Nature of the job Nature of the organization Personal characteristics

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