BUS 6600 Module 3: Chapters 11 and 12

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Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932

Act that guarantees workers' right to organize and restricts issuance of court injunctions by employers against nonviolent union activity such as strikes, picketing, and boycotts. Also helped unions by prohibiting the use of Yellow-Dog Contracts — A type of contract that required employees to agree as a condition of employment NOT to join a union.

The process whereby union and management representatives form a labor-management agreement, or contract, for workers.

Collective bargaining

What are some disadvantages to job sharing?

Disadvantages include having to hire, train, motivate, and supervise twice as many people.

_______________ ___________________ are benefits such as sick-leave pay, vacation pay, pension plans, and health plans that represent additional compensation to employees beyond base wages.

Fringe benefits

Labor organizations of unskilled or semiskilled workers in mass-production industries such as automobiles and mining.

Industrial unions

What does the EEOC do?

It strengthened the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which issues guidelines for administering equal employment opportunity.

Agreement that sets the tone and clarifies the terms under which management and labor agree to function over a period of time.

Negotiated Labor-Management Agreement (labor contract)

The ______________ ensures employers doing business with the federal government comply with the nondiscrimination and affirmative action laws

OFCCP (Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs)

___________________ is the process surrounding employee exits and is essential to do before they leave.


_________ _________ _____________ _______________ is training at the workplace that lets the employee learn by doing, or by watching others for a while, and then imitating them.

On-the-job training

___________ are the ultimate resource.


________ ______________ unions represent government employees like teachers, firefighters, and police.

Public sector unions

___________ is the set of activities used to obtain a sufficient number of the right people at the right time.


What did the ADA of 1990 do?

Requires employers to give applicants with physical or mental disabilities the same consideration for employment as people without disabilities. It requires that businesses make "reasonable accommodations" to people with disabilities.

An attempt by labor to convince others to stop doing business with a firm; prohibited by the Taft-Hartley Act. Is this a primary or secondary boycott?


Union officials who work permanently in an organization and represent employee interests on a daily basis.

Shop steward

The average total compensation for a CEO is $10.4 million. True or false?


•Drug abuse costs the U.S. economy $414 billion in lost work, health care costs, crime, traffic accidents, and other expenses. True or false?


Sexual harassment becomes illegal when:

a. An employee's submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT or an employee's submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the worker's status. b. The conduct unreasonably interferes with a worker's job performance or creates an INTIMIDATING, HOSTILE, OR OFFENSIVE WORKING ENVIRONMENT.

Name a few things that companies are now providing in the form of fringe benefits to combat childcare needs.

a. Discount arrangements with national child care chains b. Vouchers for payments of child care expenses c. Referral services d. On-site childcare centers e. Sick-child centers

Reasons to develop female and minority managers

a. Grooming women and minorities for management positions is more than a legal or moral issue-it is about bringing in more talent. b. The best women and minorities will become harder to attract and retain. c. Having more women and minorities means that businesses can serve female and minority customers better.

Give some disadvantages to flextime scheduling.

a. It does not work in assembly-line processes or for shift work. b. Managers often have to work longer days in order to supervise employees. c. Flextime makes communication more difficult. d. Some employees could abuse the system.

Why might high executive compensation be worth it?

a. Many executives guide their companies to prosperity. b. Good CEOs are a scarce commodity.

Management training includes what four strategies? Define them.

a. ON-THE-JOB COACHING by a senior manager b. UNDERSTUDY POSITIONS as assistants to higher-level managers who participate in planning and other managerial functions c. JOB ROTATION exposing managers to different functions of the organization d. OFF-THE-JOB COURSES AND TRAINING exposing managers to the latest concepts and creating a sense of camaraderie

Give a few reasons a company might use contingent workers.

a. The firm has a varying need for employees. b. The full-time employees are on leave. c. There is a peak demand for labor. d. Quick service to customers is a priority.

Approximately 40% of industrial injuries and fatalities can be linked to use of __________.


A _________ ___________________ is a work schedule that allows an employee to work a full number of hours per week but in fewer days.

compressed workweek

____________ workers include part-time workers, temporary workers, seasonal workers, independent contractors, interns, and co-op students.

contingent workers

Under the provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act, the president can request a _____________-___________ period to prevent a strike in a critical industry.

cooling-off period

Most flextime plans include some ________ time, a period when all employees are expected to be at their job stations.

core time

_________________ is the process by which workers take away a union's right to represent them.


It is important that in selection, the job test be __________ related to the job.


•Over 8 percent of workers aged 18-49 use ________ and are more likely to be in workplace accidents.


One way to learn why employees leave is to have a third party conduct a(n) ______ _____________________.

exit interview

Many people, such as college students, find that temporary work offers them more _______________ than a permanent position. Temping may be a more secure situation in an era of downsizing.


To avoid higher taxes, many employees want more ___________ benefits instead of more salary.


Another tool used to downsize companies is to offer early retirement benefits, called _____________ ___________________, to entice older workers to resign.

golden handshakes

Employment tests have been criticized because of the potential for _______________.

illegal discrimination

Offering early retirement benefits rather than laying off employees _________________ THE MORALE OF THE SURVIVING EMPLOYEES.


Since the 1930s ___________ have greatly affected human resource management.

laws (legal decisions or legislation)

European CEOs typically earn _____ than U.S. executives.


A _________________ (rarely used today) is an attempt by management to pressure on unions by temporarily closing the business.


A human resource department staff member often screens applicants in a first interview. Potential employees are then interviewed by the ___________ who will supervise the new employee and others the applicant might work with.


The ADEA outlawed __________ ________________ in most organizations, but provides exemptions for certain critical jobs.

mandatory retirement

The most commonly used pay structure is ______________-____________ and allows companies to research what other firms are paying and decide to pay either the same, more, or less.


If negotiations don't result in an alternative within a bargaining zone, ______________ may be necessary.


A ______________ is an experienced employee who supervises, coaches, and guides lower-level employees by introducing them to the right people and generally being their organizational sponsors.


An agreement in right-to-work states that gives workers the option to join or not join a union, if one exists in their workplace.

open shop

Because of the cost of administering benefit programs, many companies are contracting with outside companies or ____________________ to run their benefit plans.


Promotions are COST-EFFECTIVE ways to improve EMPLOYEE MORALE. With flatter corporate structures today, more workers transfer _______ to a new position than move UP to one.


A ______________ _________________ is an evaluation that measures employee performance against established standards to make decisions about promotions, compensation, additional training, or firing.

performance appraisal

Once this difference could be explained because women only worked 50 to 60% of their available years. Today, such extended leaves by women are ________.


Equal Pay Act of 1963

requires companies to pay equal pay to women and men who do the same job.

•Discrimination against whites or males in hiring or promotion is _______________ ________________.

reverse discrimination.

Qualified labor is ____________ today, and that makes recruiting ___________.

scarer; more difficult

Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

set a minimum wage and maxmium basic hours for workers in interstate commerce industries. (first one was 25 cents an hour)

_____________ __________________ refers to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other conduct of a sexual nature (verbal or physical) that create a hostile work environment.

sexual harassment

Most human resource functions are ____________ between the human resource manager and other managers. The role of the human resource management is a function of _______ managers, not just one department.

shared; all

The vast majority of grievances are resolved by _______ ______________.

shop stewards

Often police, teachers, or others engage in __________________ (or the BLUE FLU) when union members don't strike but refuse to come to work on the pretext of illness.


A _________ is a union strategy in which workers refuse to go to work; the purpose is to further workers' objectives after an impasse in collective bargaining.


The use of ____________________, workers hired to do the jobs of striking workers until the labor dispute is resolved, has been a source of hostility in labor relations.


The U.S. economy has undergone a major shift from traditional manufacturing industries to service industries that require more highly __________ job skills.


The cost of _________________ employees is so high that managers choose to use TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES or OUTSOURCE certain functions.


Define human resource management.

the process of determining human resource needs and then recruiting, selecting, developing, motivating, evaluating, compensating, and scheduling employees to achieve organizational goals.

Give some examples of internal sources of recruitment.

transfers, promotions, employee recommendations, retrained employees, department reorganization

A ___________ period allows organizations to hire an employee conditionally.

trial or probationary

_______-__________ of women in the workforce have children under 6 and 75% have children under 18.


Most states now have employment laws that limit the "AT WILL" DOCTRINE to protect employees from _______________ _________. This legislation has restricted management's ability to terminate employees.

wrongful firing

HRM's role has grown because of what two things?

•Increased recognition of employees as a resource •Changes in law that rewrote old workplace practices (no longer "personnel" management

What are three tactics used by management in conflict resolution?

•Lockouts •Injunctions •Strikebreakers

The largest labor union in the U.S. is the _______________________ with 3.2 million members.


___________ is the most widely used drug in the workplace, with 8.7% of full-time employees believed to be heavy __________.

Alcohol; drinkers

A court order directing someone to do something or to refrain from doing something.

An injunction

the use of equipment that duplicates the job conditions and tasks so that trainees can learn skills before attempting them on the job.

Job Simulation

A summary of the objectives of a job, the type of work to be done, the responsibilities and duties, the working conditions, and the relationship of the job to other functions.

Job description (the job itself)

The results of the job analysis are which two written statements?

Job description; job specifications

An arrangement whereby two part-time employees share one full-time job.

Job sharing

A written summary of the minimum qualifications required of workers to do a particular job.

Job specifications (person)

•Title VII prohibits discrimination in hiring, firing, compensation, apprenticeships, training, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment based on which things?

•Race •Religion •Creed •Sex •National Origin •Age

•The two most common methods for teams involve:

•Skill-based: Pay is increased as team members learn and apply new skills. •Gain-sharing: Pay is increased as performance increases compared to previous performance.

Give the four types of union agreements.

1. Closed shop (illegal) 2. Union shop 3. Agency shop 4. Open shop

Give the six steps of a performance appraisal.

1. Establishing performance standards that are understandable, measurable, and reasonable. 2.Clearly communicating those standards. 3.Evaluating performance against the standards. 4.Discussing the results with employees. 5.Taking corrective action. 6.Using the results to make decisions.

Give the five steps of the Human Resource Planning Process.

1. Preparing a human resource inventory of employees 2.Preparing a job analysis 3.Assessing future human resource demand 4.Assessing future labor supply 5.Establishing a strategic plan

Give 8 types of pay systems.

1. Salary 2. Hourly wage or daywork 3. Piecework system 4. Commission plans 5. Bonus plan 6. Profit-sharing plan 7. Gain-sharing plan 8. Stock options

Give the three steps of Training and Development.

1.Assessing organization needs and employee skills to determine training needs 2.Designing training activities to meet identified needs 3.Evaluating the training's effectiveness

Give the six steps in the Selection process.

1.Obtaining complete application forms 2.Conducting initial and follow-up interviews 3.Giving employment tests 4.Conducting background investigations 5.Obtaining results from physical exams 6.Establishing trial (probationary) periods

Care giving obligations to the elderly cause employees to miss about __ million days of work per year. Costs could rise up to ____ billion annually.

15 million; $33 billion

Both men and women are covered under the Civil Rights Act of ________ that governs sexual harassment.


There are about 5.7 million contingent workers in the U.S - most are under the age of ____.


Individuals who use drugs are __________ times more likely to be involved in workplace accidents.

3.5 times

Benefits can account for about ______ % of payrolls today.


Today, the average chief executive of a Fortune 500 corporation makes ________ times the pay of an average hourly worker.


A favored form of performance appraisal is the ____-____________ ____________ because it uses feedback from all directions in the organization: up, down, and all around.

360-degree review.

•About ______ million family caregivers provide unpaid care to an elderly person.

40 million

Stock options account for _________ % of CEO compensation.


The average workweek in 1900 was ____ hours.


Women earn approximately ______ % of what men earn. a. 40% b. 92% c. 79% d. 15%


What is a flextime plan?

A FLEXTIME PLAN is a work schedule that gives employees some freedom to choose when to work, as long as they work the number of required hours or complete assigned tasks.

A __________ ________________ is a study of what is done by employees who hold various jobs.

A JOB ANALYSIS is a study of what is done by employees who hold various jobs.

Why is childcare a rising economic concern for businesses?

Absences related to child care already cost businesses billions of dollars annually.

____________ ______________ are employment activities designed to "right past wrongs" by increasing opportunities for minorities and women.

Affirmative action

This Act protects workers 40 and over from employment and workplace discrimination in hiring, firing, promotion, layoff, compensation, benefits, job assignments, and training.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)

Which union agreement is this? says employers may hire nonunion workers; employees are not required to join the union but must pay a union fee.

Agency shop

Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (Landrum-Griffith Act), 1959

Amended Taft-Hartley and Wagner Act, guaranteed individual rights of union members in dealing with their union, such as the right to nominate candidates for union office, vote in union elections, attend and participate in union meetings, required annual financial reports to be filed with the U.S. Department of Labor. (goal of cleaning up union corruption)

Labor-Management Relations Act (Taft-Hartley Act), 1947

Amended the Wagner Act, permitted states to pass laws prohibiting compulsory union membership (right-to-work laws); set up methods to deal with strikes that affect national health and security, prohibited secondary boycotts and closed-shop agreements; MORE POWER TO MANAGEMENT

The _______________ ____________________ ____ ____________, an organization of many individual CRAFT unions, championed fundamental labor issues.

American Federal of Labor (AFL) (1886, Samuel Gompers)

Passed in 2008, this overturned Supreme Court decisions that had reduced protections for people with disabilities.

Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008

Define a union.

An employee organization that has the main goal of representing members in employee-management bargaining over job-related issues.

_________________ __________________ are training programs during which a trainee works alongside an experienced employee to master the skills and procedures of a craft.

Apprentice programs

The agreement to bring in an impartial third party or panel to render a binding decision in a labor dispute.


What are some benefits to job sharing?

BENEFITS INCLUDE: a. Employment opportunities for those who cannot or prefer not to work full-time b. An enthusiastic and productive workforce c. Reduced absenteeism and tardiness d. Ability to schedule people into peak demand periods e. Retention of experienced employees

________________ at work involves repeated, health-harming mistreatment of a person by one or more perpetrators with conduct that is THREATENING, HUMILIATING, or INTIMIDATING that interferes with work.


Two types of fringe benefits?

Cafeteria-style benefits Soft benefits

•Title VII prohibits discrimination in hiring, firing, compensation, apprenticeships, training, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment based on: •Race •Religion •Creed •Sex •National Origin •Age

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Which Act expanded the remedies available to victims of discrimination by amending Title VII of the CRA of 1964.

Civil Rights Act of 1991

•Amended Title VII and gave victims of discrimination the right to a jury trial and possible damages

Civil Rights Act of 1991

Which type of union agreement is this? a clause in a labor-management agreement that specified workers had to be members of a union before being hired (was outlawed by the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947).

Closed shop (outlawed in 1947. by Taft-Hartley)

When the AFL rejected industrial unions, John Lewis formed a new rival organization called the ____________________ ___ _________________ ___________.

Congress of Industrial Unions (CIO) Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) — Union organization of unskilled workers; broke away from the AFL in 1935 and rejoined in 1955.

The doctrine of _________________ _____ _____________ meant that managers had as much freedom to fire workers as workers had to leave voluntarily.

Employment At Will

In recent years fringe benefit programs have grown slower than wages. True or false?


•Workplace bullying involves psychological and physical abuse and tends to target the weakest employees. True or false?

False; the STRONGEST employees.

Companies find that _____________ scheduling boosts employee productivity and morale.


•A charge by employees that management is not abiding by the terms of the negotiated agreement.


Compensation is based on job tiers, each of which has a strict pay range.

Hay System (government)

_____________ is the number one cause of death for women in the workplace.


_________________ account for 8% of all workplace deaths.


What happens during a cooling-off period?

In a COOLING-OFF PERIOD, workers in a critical industry return to their jobs while the union and management continue negotiations. Cooling-off periods can last up to 80 days.

___________ ________________ involve hiring from within the firm and employee recommendations.

Internal Sources involve hiring from within the firm and employee recommendations. a. Internal sources are usually less expensive. b. Hiring from within helps maintain employee morale.

The first national labor organization was the ______________ _ ___________ formed by URIAH SMITH STEPHENS in 1869.

Knights of Labor After they were blamed for the Haymarket Square bombing in 1886, the Knights of Labor fell from prominence.


Legislation passed in 1935, which recognizes labor's right to bargain collectively as a union. And employee's right to join or not to join the union. The Wagner Act also established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), to oversee labor-management relations. Set clear standards for certification and decertification.

What are right-to-work laws?

Legislation that gives workers the right, under an open shop, to join or not join a union if it is present. (all states with right-to-work laws have unions with open shop agreements)

___________ ____________________ is the process of training and educating employees to become good managers and then monitoring the progress of their managerial skills over time.

Management development

The use of a third party (mediator) who encourages both sides in a dispute to continue negotiating and often makes suggestions for resolving the dispute.


Internal or external training programs away from the workplace that develop any of a variety of skills or to foster personal development.

Off-the-job training

consists of training programs in which employees "complete" classes via the Internet.

Online training Educational institutes offer DISTANCE LEARNING programs. Employers can offer consistent content tailored to specific training needs.

__________________ is the activity that introduces new employees to the organization; to fellow employees; to their immediate supervisors; and to the policies, practices, and objectives of the firm.


_____ _______________ is the concept that people in jobs that require similar levels of education, training, or skills should receive equal pay.

Pay equity

When a union encourages both its membership and the general public not to buy the products of a firm involved in a labor dispute. Is this a primary or secondary boycott?


__________________ is the process of gathering information and deciding who should be hired, under legal guidelines, for the best interest of the individual and the organization.


The _______ ______________ Act gave states the right to pass right-to-work laws.


Hostile work environment sexual harassment

Telling lewd jokes, displaying pornography, making sexually oriented remarks about someone's personal appearance, and other sex-related actions that make the work environment unpleasant. conduct that interferes with a worker's performance or creates an intimidating or offensive work environment.

Define networking.

The process of establishing and maintaining contacts with key managers in one's own organization and in other organizations and using those contacts to weave strong relationships that serve as informal development systems.

What are soft benefits?

They help workers maintain the balance between work and family life by freeing them from spending time on errands and include: •On-site haircuts and shoe repair •Concierge services •Free meals at work •Free car washes •Paid paternal leave

______________ and _______________ involves all attempts to improve performance by increasing an employee's ability to perform.

Training and development

_________ focuses on short-term skills. ___________ focuses on long-term abilities.

Training; development

The AFL-CIO maintains affiliations with 55 national and international labor unions and has about 12.5 million members. True or false?


The issue of pay equity centers on comparing the value of jobs, which shows that "women's" jobs tend to pay less. True or false?


The mediator makes SUGGESTIONS, not decisions, for settling the dispute. True or false?


•CEO compensation used to be determined by a firm's profitability or increase in stock price. •Now, executives receive stock options and restricted stock that's awarded even if the company performs poorly. True or false?


In 2011, the EEOC widened the range of disabilities and shifted the burden of proof of disabilities to owners. True or false.


The ________ ______________ ___________ is a provision in a negotiated labor-management agreement that stipulates that employees who benefit from a union must either officially join or at least pay dues to the union.

Union Security Clause

Which type of union agreement is this? says workers do not have to be members of a union to be hired, but must agree to join the union within a prescribed period.

Union shop

(near-the-job training) is done in schools where employees are trained on equipment similar to that used on the job.

Vestibule training

Define the piecework system

Wage based on the number of items produced rather than by hours in the day (powerful incentive to work efficiently)

What was the original intention of labor unions? What were they responsible for resolving?

Workers originally formed unions to protect themselves from intolerable working conditions and unfair treatment. Labor unions are largely responsible for minimum wage laws, child-labor laws, and other significant worker benefits. However, unions have failed to regain their previous power, and membership declined.

A type of contract that required employees to agree as a condition of employment NOT to join a union.

Yellow-dog contracts

Quid pro quo sexual harassment

a form of sexual harassment in which employment outcomes, such as hiring, promotion, or simply keeping one's job, depend on whether an individual submits to sexual harassment

What are a few benefits to formal mentorship programs?

a. Improved recruiting and retention b. More engaged employees c. Cost savings d. Increased skills and better attitudes

What should a strategic plan address?

addressing recruiting, selecting, training and developing, appraising, compensating, and scheduling the labor force

In some states, physical exams can be given only _______ an offer of employment has been accepted.


The ___________________ _________ is the range of options between the initial and final offers that each party will consider before negotiations dissolve or reach an impasse.

bargaining zone

To grow, unions will have to ________________ the type of workers they represent.


_____________ is the formal process whereby a union is recognized by the NLRB as the bargaining agent for a group of employees.


An organization of skilled specialists in a particular craft or trade.

craft union

New court cases and legislation continuously change human resource management; it is important to keep __________.


When it isn't possible to find qualified workers within the company, HR managers must use _____________ _______________.

external sources

Some suggest that global competition, the shift to a ____________ economy, and changes in management philosophy have caused the decline.


The growth and influence of organized labor in the U.S. has depended on two major factors: the ________ and _________ ________________.

the law and public opinion

Strikes have led to resolution of labor disputes, but have also generated ______________ and residual bitterness.


One of the major problems is that workers and managers often know a policy concerning sexual harassment exists, but they have no idea what it says. One expert suggests that companies require sexual harassment ___________ for all employees.

workshops or training

A managed and competitive compensation program objectives include:

•Attract the kinds of employees the business needs •Build employee incentive to work efficiently and productively •Keep valued employees from going to competitors or starting their own firm •Maintain a competitive market position by keeping costs low due to high productivity from a satisfied workforce •Provide employee financial security through wages and fringe benefits

Name some challenges of home-based work for an individual.

•Can cause feeling of isolation from social network •Can raise concerns regarding promotions and other rewards due to being out of sight, out of mind •May diminish individual's influence within company due to limited opportunity to learn the corporate culture

•Fringe benefits include incentives like:

•Company cars •Country club memberships •Discounted massages •Special home-mortgage rates •Paid and unpaid sabbaticals •Day care and elder care services •Executive dining rooms •Dental, eye, and mental health care •Student loan debt payment

What are cafeteria-style benefits?

•Fringe benefit plan that allows employees to choose the benefits they want up to a certain dollar amount.

Name some advantages to home-based work for the employer.

•Increases productivity due to fewer sick days, fewer absences, higher job satisfaction, and higher work performance ratings •Broadens available talent pool •Reduces costs of providing on-site office space

Name some challenges of home-based work for the employer.

•Makes it more difficult to appraise job performance •Can negatively affect the social network of the workplace and can make it difficult to promote team cohesiveness •Complicates distribution of tasks (should office files, contact lists, and such be allowed to leave the office?)

Name some challenges facing HRM today.

•Multigenerational workforce •Shortages of trained workers in growth areas •Worker shortage in skilled trades •Increasing number of single-parent and two-income families •Expanding global markets with low-wage workers •Increasing benefit demands and benefit costs •A decreased sense of employee loyalty Significant changes in laws covering HRM have had a major influence.

Give the seven most popular types of training.

•Orientation •On-the-job training •Apprenticeships •Off-the-job training •Online training •Vestibule training •Job simulation

How to avoid wrongful discharge lawsuits (review these)

•Prepare before hiring by requiring recruits to sign a statement that retains management's freedom to terminate at will. •Don't make unintentional promises by using such terms as permanent employment. •Document reasons before firing and make sure you have an unquestionable business reason for the firing. •Fire the worst first and be consistent in discipline. •Buy out bad risk by offering severance pay in exchange for a signed release from any claims. •Be sure to give employees the true reasons they are being fired. If you do not, you cannot reveal it to a recruiter asking for a reference without risking a defamation lawsuit. •Disclose the reasons for an employee's dismissal to that person's potential new employers.

Tactics used in conflict by labor unions include what?

•Strikes •Boycotts •Work slowdowns •Pickets

What did the 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act (EEOA) do?

•The EEOA strengthened the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), giving the EEOC the right to issue workplace guidelines for acceptable employer conduct. •EEOC could mandate specific recordkeeping procedures and was vested with the power of enforcement.

How will unions stay relevant in the future? (3 things)

•Unions will take on a greater role in training workers, redesigning jobs, and assimilating the changing workforce. •Unions will need to organize in industries such as health care and information technology. •To grow, unions will need to include more white-collar, female, and foreign-born workers.

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