BUS140 Midterm (Ch: 4,6,9,10)

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Put the steps of line balancing in rank order with 1 being the first and 4 being the last step.

1. Assign tasks one at a time to the line, starting at the first workstation. 2. Calculate which task will fit into the workstation being loaded. 3. Apply heursitic rules if multiple tasks are possible. 4. Use the tie-breaker rule if necessary

For landscaping a home, which layout type would be used?

Fixed-position layout

Which of the following is/are part of the activities and responsibilities of product and service design?

Formulate quality goals. Refine existing products and services. Translate customer wants and needs into requirements. Document specifications. Formulate cost targets.

Which of the following statements about Cellular layouts is/are correct? (Select all that apply)

Groups work as teams with limited supervision Physical layout can be U-shaped Improves flow in Batch process type

Which of the following is a sign that Total Quality Management implementation may not be successful?

A practitioner gathers an improvement team of key players but the team members' managers say they cannot participate.

Select the best definition of Quality Control.

A process that measures output relative to a standard and takes action when discrepancies occur.

A Layout in the context of Operations is best defined as which of the following?

A schematic diagram with configuration of work centers and equipment showing movement of work through the system.

Who in an organization has responsibility for Quality?

All Members

Which of the following are disadvantages of standardization?

Customers may not like the reduction in variety. There may be resistance to changing product design or manufacturing process.

What risk does lack of product variety introduce, when a company standardizes its products?

Customers may prefer the greater variety of a competitor

What is a primary determinant of quality?


True or false: Customers always appreciate new features in their products.


True or false: If a sample average falls outside the control limits, the process is out of control and will produce defective product.


True or false: In acceptance sampling, a type of quality control inspection, 100% of product in a given lot are checked for conformance.


True or false: In order to create new samples, the runs are transformed into a series of Us and Ds and into a series of As and Bs.


Which of the following exemplify a capable process?

The range of process variability is much less than the width of customer specifications.

The main issue in designing process layouts concerns what?

The relative locations of the departments

When comparing a sampling to a process distribution, what are the most important things to note?

They have the same means, are normally distributed, and sampling has less variability.

The design consideration in which products are designed to be most easily taken apart is ______.

design for disassembly

Reverse engineering takes a competitor's product and __ it in order to inspect it and learn from it.


Another term for cross-training workers is ______.

dynamic line balancing

A ________ degree of variability generally requires a high degree of customization.


Identify the typical questions that would be asked as part of the value analysis process.Identify the typical questions that would be asked as part of the value analysis process.

Is the function necessary? Could a cheaper part or material be used?

In the Kano model, what are customer requirements that generate satisfaction or dissatisfaction in proportion to their level of functionality and appeal?

Performance quality

To translate quality into operational terms which of the following aspects are applicable? (Select all correct answers)

Performing a cost-benefit analysis on quality impacts Recognizing the consequences of poor quality Making ethical decisions in terms of the quality of product/service offerings

All of the following are obstacles to line balancing except which?

More than one worker cannot be assigned to a given workstation.

Which of the following statements about Process (Functional) layouts is/are correct?

Process layouts often use higher skilled labor than Product layouts do. Process layouts are common in Service environments. Equipment is arranged by type rather than by processing sequence.

Which type of layout is most conducive to repetitive processing?

Product Layout

What is a systematic approach to managing the series of changes a product goes through, from its conception to its end-of-life?

Product life cycle management

Six Sigma refers to achieving a process variability so small that the design specifications represent ___ standard deviations above and below the process mean.


For attribute data a p-chart is used to monitor ______.

the proportion of defective items generated by a process

What are the various building factors which may influence process layout design?

Type of flooring (e.g., "reinforced") Location of entrance, exit and docks Availability of windows for either desired light or darkness

All of the following terms are associated with Process layouts except which one?

Repetitive processing

Which of the following is not a degree of newness?

Resurrecting a product from the past

Which of the following statements is not true about reverse engineering?

Reverse engineering starts with components and tries to fit them into the final product.

Which of the following statements is/are correct about the sampling distribution? (Select all applicable answers)

Sampling distribution is a plot of many sample means. Sampling distribution is narrower than the process distribution.

What method is used in service design to describe and analyze a proposed service?

Service blueprinting

We do not use the process standard deviation in a range control chart, because ______.

the underlying sampling distribution is not normal

When control charts and run tests are used together, rank the order in which actions should be taken to compute control limits for process output. (1 is first, 3 is last.)

1. Determine appropriate control chart based on type. 2. Compute upper and lower control limits. 3. If sample statistics fall outside control limits, stop and look for cause. If all are inside, conduct run tests to check for randomness.

steps of service blueprinting

1. Establish Boundaries and determined the required level of detail. 2. Identify and determine sequence of customer/service actions/interactions. 3. Develop estimates for the time and variability of each service phase. 4. Identify possible failure points and how to prevent and mitigate service errors.

product design and development phases in order.

1. Feasibility Analysis 2. Product Specifications 3. Process Specifications 4. Prototype Development and Design Review 5. Market Test 6. Product Introduction and Follow-up Evaluation

Rank the different types of Automation Technology in terms of the ease of making changes to it once implemented, with the first item being the easiest to change.

1. Flexible 2. Programmable 3. Fixed

Efficiency in line balancing can best be described by which of the following statements?

100% - Percent Idle Time

A six sigma process will have a process capability index equal to:


Six sigma, a process improvement objective for many organizations, literally translates to how many defects per million opportunities?


A process which relies on additive manufacturing processes to create physical objects by applying successive layers of materials is ______.

3D printing

How many basic process types are there?


Which of the following statements about Type I error is/are correct?

A Type I error is concluding non-randomness and being mistaken. A Type I error's alpha risk equals the probability (area) in the two "tails."

Which of the following statements about process capability is correct? (Select all that apply.)

A capable process exhibits natural, random variability. For a process to be capable, the output must fall within tolerances.


A quality audit tool used widely in the Service Sector

Select the best definition of a "run."

A sequence of observations with a certain characteristic

Select the best definition of a control chart.

A time-ordered plot of sample statistics used to determine randomness or non-randomness.

When the standard deviation is not known, mean control chart upper and lower control limits are computed by adding and subtracting ______ from the grand mean.

A2 x Average Range

What is the rationale and basis for statistical process control?

Acceptable variation within probability limits

Which type of inspection occurs before and after production?

Acceptance Sampling

Which of the following statement(s) about Fixed-position layouts is/are correct? (Select all that apply)

Administrative costs of coordinating activities can be significant. Lack of storage space can present problems. Used for Project process type, such as construction projects.

Each of the possible reasons for product redesign or new development can be an opportunity, a threat, or either, depending on the situation. Identify all those that can be classified as either depending on the situation.

Aging population New production technology Government changes

A Type I Error is referred to by what other name?

Alpha Risk

Which of the following statements about the effectiveness of process layouts are correct?

An effective process layout is one that puts departments with high interdepartmental work flow near one another. An advantage of process layouts is their ability to satisfy a variety of processing requirements.

When is the nonrandom variation shown on a control chart a positive outcome?

An observation below the lower control limit on a R-chart. An observation below the lower control limit on a p-chart. An observation below the lower control limit on a c-chart.

What is the best definition of statistical process control?

Analyze data from some point in the process to determine if the process is likely to be in or out of control.

What characteristic is measured in a run test?

Anything observable

Which of the following are the three types of R&D?

Applied research Development Basic research

What is the best synonym for inspection from the below list?


When +/- 2 standard deviation control limits are used in a process control chart, which of the below statements are true?

Approximately 95.5% of the time random data points will fall within (inside) the upper and lower control limits.

Select the best definition of line balancing in the context of product layouts.

Assigning tasks to workstations so all have approximately equal processing times to achieve a synchronized flow on the line

Which of the following statements is correct about the disadvantages or risks of Automation in production?

Automation requires high volumes of output.

Which of the following statements is correct about the advantages of Automation Technology in production.

Automation tends to have low variability in output.

For a mean control chart, when the process standard deviation is not known, what is used in its place as a measure of process variability?

Average range

Which of the following statements about R&D is/are true?

Basic research is often supported by the government or large corporations. The first company to bring a new product to market may have a temporary monopoly while others try to catch up.

Run tests can reveal non-random patterns in time-ordered data. Select three patterns that might be seen.

Bias Cycles Trend

Which of the following attributes apply to Lean Process Design? (Select all that apply)

Can result in reduced inventory and floor space. Can result in quicker response times and shorter lead times. Primarily focused on waste reduction.

The key aspects of an organization's process strategy are which of the following?

Capital intensity and flexibility

Lean design is often translated into practice using what type of layouts?


Which of the following statements about designing process layouts is/are correct? (Select all that apply)

Challenging process layout designs concern customization factors. Some large organizations with multiple locations will use a standard design. Some departments need to be close to each other while others need to be far away.

Which of the following are valid reasons for initiating new product design or redesign of an existing product?

Change in economic conditions Change in competitiveness Change in population demographic makeup

Select the best definition of random variation.

Common variation inherent in a process occurring by chance.

Choose the word(s) below which best describe(s) the work in a Project.

Complexity varies Unique work

Taiichi Ohno and Shigeo Shingo developed the philosophy and methods of kaizen at Toyota. What does the Japanese word kaizen mean in English?

Continuous improvement

What are the three key areas of the Total Quality Management philosophy?

Continuous improvement, involve everyone, customer satisfaction

Which quality tool is useful in monitoring a process to detect the presence of correctable causes of variation?

Control charts

In order to meet or exceed customer expectations service quality is broken down into different dimensions or focus areas. Select all the dimensions of service quality below.

Convenience Courtesy Responsiveness

When the results of quality control are unacceptable, what is the next step?

Corrective action

What is the formula for Cp?

Cp = Specification Width / Process Width

Which of the following statements about ISO 9000 Certification is/are correct? (Select all that apply)

Critical for doing business overseas, especially in Europe An organization should strive for continual improvement to be certified

Other alternative approaches to line balancing which remedy bottlenecks and excess idle time include which of the following? (Select all that apply)

Cross-training workers Parallel workstations Mixed-model lines

Which scenario would indicate the need for off-site testing at a centralized testing facility?

Customer specifications for satellite component require dust-free, no vibration test

What is a good working definition of Quality?


Quality function deployment (QFD) integrates the opinions and preferences of which stakeholder group into the product and service development process?


Increased customer contact tends to require more _____ , while less customer contact can allow for more _______

Customization, Standardization

Before tasks are assigned to workstations what must be known? (Select all that apply)

Cycle Time Heuristic Rules Task Order of Precedence

What is the range control chart upper control limit formula?

D4 x Average Range

Which of the following supply chain actions affect an organization's quality? (Select all that apply)

Defects in purchased parts Late or missed deliveries

What is the first step in the control process?

Define in sufficient detail what is to be controlled.

What is the first step in the problem solving process?

Define the problem and establish an improvement plan.

In designing service layouts the two key factors are which of the following?

Degree of customer contact and degree of customization

The process of producing, but not quite completing, a product or service until customer preferences are known.

Delayed differentiation

Flexible processing systems are needed when which of the following conditions are present?

Demand variety or uncertainty.

Different phases of a product's life cycle require different strategies In all cases, different forecasts of ____ and ____ flow are critical

Demand, Cash

Which of the following is not a challenge of designing a service?

Determining inventory levels for finished goods

In layout design, the ideal situation is to do what first?

Develop the layout

Which of the following is not an advantage of global product/service design?

Different communication styles can lead to lively debate and ultimately a better product.

Higher degree of newness can make it more _____ for a company to transition to a product and more _____ for the consumer to accept the product

Difficult, Difficult

A manager wants to know the range of output in UNITS PER DAY for a given product given the individual task times. How does she calculate the range?

Divide operating time per day by the cycle time---first maximum cycle time, then minimum cycle time.

A manufacturing engineer would like to calculate the theoretical minimum number of workstations to set up for a product line. How is the number of workstations determined?

Divide the sum of all task times by the cycle time (Σt/CT)

Which of the following is/are key questions an organization asks when making purchasing decisions?

Does it make economic sense? What is the potential size of the market? Is outsourcing an option?

Understanding product quality dimensions can help an organization meet or exceed customer expectations. Select all the dimensions of product quality below.

Durability Aesthetics Conformance Performance

Which of the following are examples of Information Technology used in Operations? (Select all that apply)

E-commerce, e-mail and the Internet Bar codes and radio frequency tags on goods for identification and tracking.

Which determinant of quality applies to how well instructions explain what to do with the product or service?

Ease of use

Which of the determinants of quality improves the likelihood that products will continue to function in the way in which they were intended to function long into the future?

Ease of use

Adopting new process technology can have downsides as well as upsides. When weighing the benefits and risks, what are three broad areas of consideration?

Economic, Integration, and Human.

Which of the following statements about the Baldridge Award is/are correct.

Even organizations that do not win benefit from applying Created to stimulate efforts to improve quality in America Evaluates organizations in 7 comprehensive areas

In the Kano model, what is a feature or attribute that was unexpected by the customer and causes the customer to say wow?

Excitement quality

What are the outputs of process selection and capacity planning?

Facilities/equipment, Layout, Work Design

True or false: Process selection occurs only when new products or services are being planned.


True or false: Product specifications is the first phase in product design and development.


True or false: The Kano model has two levels of quality, basic and performance.


True or false: To meet or exceed customer expectations, product quality performance is less than customer expectations.


Though process improvement initiatives come with a cost, benefits of more capable processes may outweigh and can include which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

Fewer service complaints Lower warranty costs Less need for inspection

What are the different inspection points in manufacturing? (Select all correct answers.)

Finished goods after production Raw materials & purchased parts before production Before a costly, irreversible or covering operation/process.

Which type of automation is typically the more expensive in regards to fixed costs?

Fixed automation

All of the following are advantages of Product layouts except which one?

Flexibility in volume and design changes

Which of the following statements is true about flexible production systems?

Flexible systems are often more costly and less efficient than non-flexible systems.

Which of the following statements is/are correct about the Deming Prize.

Focuses on statistical quality control Senior management must be involved in Quality to win

When does process selection need to be done or re-evaluated? (Select all that apply)

For new product introduction When technology changes In response to competition

Total Quality Management implementation involves a cultural change from traditional organizations. Select all the statements which correctly contrast the shift from traditional to TQM approaches.

From assigning blame and punishing to identifying and resolving problems From being product oriented to process oriented From being focused on the "bottom-line" only to focus on customer satisfaction

SERVQUAL as a quality management audit tool focuses primarily on what type of feedback?

Gaps between perceptions and expectations (customers, management, etc.)

Quality awards have been established to do what?

Generate improvement in quality

What secondary outcomes would result from fewer production or service problems in a business with good/excellent quality?

Higher profits Fewer customer complaints Higher productivity

Identify some advantages of introducing new products to the market more quickly than competitors.

Higher selling prices Protection from clones

Which of the following is an example of making "Time," a service dimension of quality, measurable?

How long did the customer have to wait?

In addition to technical constraints, what other factors should be considered when assigning tasks to workstations?

Human factors, equipment, and space limitations

Which ISO certification concerns what an organization does to minimize harmful effects to the environment caused by its operations?

ISO 14000

Which of the following is/are examples of negative consequences of an unbalanced line? (Select all that apply)

Idle time at faster workstations--waiting for the bottleneck Morale problems due to unequal work among employees

Which of the following statements about ethical product/service design is not true?

If a quality problem is not evident to the customer, it need not be taken care of.

What are some risks of using capability indexes? (Select all that apply.)

If the process output is not normally distributed, statistical inferences are incorrect. If the process is not stable, Cp and Cpk are meaningless. If the process is not centered but Cp is used anyway, it gives misleading indications.

Select all the ways quality assurance can be part of an organization's operations strategy.

Improve process capability to reduce need for inspection Adopt continuous process improvement methods to increase customer satisfaction with product quality.

Failure to correct and/or report defective product or substandard service can cause which of the following? (Select all that apply)

Inconveniences and injuries to customers Increase in accident rates among employees

A major benefit of CAD is which of the following?

Increased designer productivity

How do businesses with good or excellent quality products and/or services benefit? (Select all correct ways)

Increased market share Ability to command premium prices Greater customer loyalty

What are the benefits of using parallel workstations for a bottleneck?

Increased work flow Flexibility

Which of the below statements about the disadvantages of Product layouts are correct? (Select all that apply)

Inflexible systems respond poorly to changes in volume or product design. Division of labor creates dull, repetitive jobs

Select the best definition of process capability.

Inherent variability of process output relative to the variation allowed by the design specifications

Which of the following statements is/are correct about Inspection?

Inspection involves checking for conformance against a quality standard. Inspection can occur before, during or after production.

Which is/are examples of Acceptance Sampling? (Select all that apply.)

Inspection of final assembly lots after production Inspection of raw material batches before production

Choose the word(s) below which best describe(s) the work in Batch processing.


Choose the word(s) below which best describe(s) the work in a Job Shop.

Intermittent Customized

Which of the following statements about cradle-to-grave assessment is not true?

It can be done only for manufactured products, not for services.

Which of the following statements about concurrent engineering is not true?

It focuses on asynchronous development of a product or process.

Which of the following statements about component commonality is not true?

It increases inventory levels because the same components are used in multiple products.

Which of the following are advantages of standardization?

It is easier to train labor. Design costs tend to be lower. Interchangeable parts reduce production cost.

Which of the following statements about remanufacturing is not true?

It must be done by the original producer.

Which of the following statements about recycling is not true?

It refers to end products only.

Which of the following statements about reliability is/are true?

It should be specified with respect to normal operating conditions. It is the ability of a product to perform its intended function under specific circumstances.

What are the five different process types? (Select all that apply)

Job Shop Repetitive Continuous Batch Project

In service layout design, if customer contact and customization are both high, the process type and layout type are which of the following?

Job Shop/Functional Layout

Which of the following tend to have low fixed costs?

Job shop

What are some examples of inspection points in the service sector? (Select all applicable answers.)

Kitchen cleanliness at fast food restaurant at shift start. Outgoing patient billing accuracy at medical clinic.

Which of the following reasons explain why implementing Total Quality Management in an organization may not be successful? (Select all that apply)

Lack of management support and leadership for change Lack of customer focus and company-wide definition of quality "Quality" viewed as a quick fix versus a long-term commitment

An example of liability as a result of poor quality is which of the following?

Lawsuit damages paid out due to defective product

Which of these is true of Layout decisions in operations system design?

Layout decisions require substantial monetary investments

What are the various evaluation categories of the Malcolm Baldridge Award? (Select all correct answers)

Leadership & Strategic Planning Customer focus & Business results Information/Analysis & Process Management Human Resource Management

The four major areas affected by poor quality are which of the following?

Loss of business, liability, productivity, costs

Which statement about From-To Charts is NOT correct?

Low values between departments usually signify high adjacency needs.

Which product characteristics would prompt the most intensive inspection?

Low-volume, high-cost

Identify the activities that are a part of the 'Middle of Life' phase of the PLM application?

Managing product information and warranties Working with suppliers

Which of the following is NOT an input to process selection?

Marketing Strategy

Which of the following phrases are most closely associated with Six Sigma programs? (Select all that apply)

Master black belts Process variability reduction Defect reduction

Which of the following statement(s) about process selection is/are correct?

Mismatches between operations capabilities and market demand can negatively impact competitiveness. Process selection can involve a substantial investment in equipment.

Several tactics make mass customization possible. What are they?

Modular design Delayed differentiation

What are the responsibilities of Production/Operations with respect to Quality? (Select all that apply)

Monitor processes and correct root causes of problems Produce to design specifications

Which of the following is true about following the steps of problem solving?

Monitor the solution to see if goal is accomplished comes after Implement the solution

If management culture in a traditional organization is characterized by lack of openness, inconsistent objectives, and enforcing orders, what would the culture be like in a Total Quality Management organization? (Select all correct answers)

More like coaching--removing barriers & building trust An open system that encourages employee inputs and caters for consistent objectives

Under which conditions would on-site inspection be better than off-site at a specialized test lab?

Need for quick inspection results due to delivery schedule Alteration or contamination of samples during transfer to lab

Choose the word(s) below which best describe(s) the work in Continuous processing.

Non-discrete output No variety

For practical reasons, the c-chart uses which probability distribution as an approximation to the Poisson?


Which of the following statements are true about Line Balancing?

Not every line can be perfectly balanced--usually there is some idle time. The tasks times added at a given workstation cannot exceed the cycle time. The precedence diagram is read from left to right when assigning tasks.

For c-charts, the sample average number of defects is computed by which of the following formulas?

Number of defects divided by number of samples

What is an N/C machine?

Numerically controlled

Which of the following statements is/are correct about Output Rate? (Select all that apply)

Output rate must be calculated to find the range (min and max) of output possible for a given product. The operations manager can request a desired output rate based upon projected demand. Output rate is a function of Operating Time and Cycle Time.

To achieve a smooth flow of production, this approach identifies a bottleneck task and adds additional workstations there.

Parallel workstations

Which quality tool focuses attention on the most important problem area by showing the relatively few factors which account for a large percentage of total cases?

Pareto analysis

A failure is defined as a product or service not _______ as ______

Performing, Intended

Of the four stages in the problem solving Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle, which has the largest number of steps (50% of total)?


Select the three different cost categories of Quality.

Prevention costs Appraisal costs Failure costs

Supermarkets generally use which of the following layout types?

Process (Functional) layout

Inspection during transformation is called what?

Process control

Which of the following statements about process technology is NOT true?

Process technology includes the discovery and development of new or improved products.

_____ layouts and _____ layouts represent two ends of a continuum from small jobs to continuous production.

Process, product

Match the type of layout with the processing characteristic.

Product matches Repetitive Processing Process matches Intermittent Processing Fixed-Position matches Projects

Which of the following statements about robust design is not true?

Products with robust design are more expensive than those with less robust design.

Which of the following factors are requirements for process layout design? (Select all that apply)

Projection of the work flow through the system List of departments/work centers and their sizes Location of key utilities in the facility Key considerations such as adjacency needs between the departments

What benefits to society in general result from widespread ISO certification? (Select all correct answers)

Provide a basis for health, safety, and environmental legislation Facilitation of international trade with uniform standards Increase in levels of quality and reliability, productivity, and safety

Total Quality Management is not without its detractors. Which of the below are some criticisms? (Select all that apply)

Pursuit of incremental improvements when dramatic improvements may be warranted Quality efforts may not be tied to results thus difficult in measuring success Quality decisions may not be tied to market performance

Which of the following determinants of quality refers to the degree to which goods and services achieve the intent of designers?

Quality of conformance

Which of the following determinants of quality refers to the inclusion or exclusion of certain product or service features?

Quality of design

The Kano Model identifies three factors that can affect customers' perception of _______ : Basic, Performance, and _______

Quality, Excitement

When a sample average falls inside the control limits, what can be concluded about the process?

Random variation is suggested and the process is probably in control.

All of the following are advantages of Process (Functional) Layouts except which?

Readily adapt to high volume output

Which statements about using Muther Grids for designing process layouts are correct? (Select all that apply.)

Reads like a mileage chart between cities Ranks the importance of the closeness of one department to another Includes a rating for Undesirable Adjacency

Which of the following is an example of a Process Improvement goal?

Reduce cost and increase productivity by eliminating scrap & rework

Design for assembly tries _____ to the number of parts required for an assembly, as well as the ________ assembly and sequence of assembly.

Reduce, Methods

Which of the following is a strategic competitive advantage that an effective product and service design process can provide?

Reduction in the time to market for new products or services

Which of the following statements about legal and ethical considerations is not true?

Regulatory guidelines need not be followed if they are not strict law.

Which dimension of quality is shared by both products and services.


Which of the following statements about improving reliability is not true?

Reliability should always be improved.


Replaces worn-out or defective components of used products in order to resell the item for re-use.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a well-designed service system?

Requires changing an organization's mission.

What is Research and Development

Research and development refers to organized , efforts directed towards increasing scientific knowledge and product or process innovation

Which of the following statement(s) about the disadvantages of Process Layouts is/are correct?

Routing and scheduling of operations pose continual challenges. Material handling is slow and inefficient. Equipment utilization rates are low.

When computing the control limits for the p-chart, what value is used when the population proportion of defective items is not known?

Sample proportion of defective items

Which quality tool is useful in deciding if there is a correlation between the values of two variables?

Scatter diagrams

Which of the following are true of service design and product design?

Services cannot be inventoried. Service design often focuses more on intangible factors then does product design.

Which of the below statements is/are examples of unethical behavior with respect to Quality? (Select all that apply)

Shipping product with known defects for distribution to customers Failure to issue a product recall when indicated

Select the best definition of assignable variation.

Special, non-random variation traceable to a definite cause.

Which of the following statements is/are correct about Specifications?

Specifications are a range of values in which all units of output must fall to be acceptable. Specifications are tolerances established by Engineering and/or the Customer.

How do Specifications differ from Control Limits?

Specifications refer to the entire process and control limits are set on the sampling distribution.

What must a firm keep in mind when taking actions to increase the efficiency of its service package?

Standardization may have a negative impact on perceived quality by customers. Streamlining product offerings may reduce customers' desired product options.

Choose the word(s) below which best describe(s) the work in Repetitive processing.

Standardized goods or services Assembly line Technology-intensive

In delayed differentiation ____ products are produced up until the final few steps in the manufacturing process. These are delayed until customer ______ are known

Standardized, Preferences

For the Deming Prize, what is the major focus of the judging?

Statistical quality control

Which of the following are not differences between service design and product design?

System capability needs to be taken into account during the design process. Variability affects the degree of customization that is possible.

Which of the following elements are part of the calculation for the capability analysis statistic Cpk? (Select all that apply.)

Take the smaller of the two calculation values for Cpk. Calculate the distance from the mean to the upper tolerance then do the same to the lower.

Successful management of quality requires what?

That managers have insights on various aspects of quality

Which of the following is not part of a service package?

The employee performing the service.

What is the definition of a Fixed-position layout?

The item being worked on remains stationary and workers, materials and equipment move as needed.

Select the best definition of process variability.

The natural or inherent variability in a process.

Which of the following statements is/are correct about the Number of Workstations?

The number of workstations is a function of the desired output rate. To calculate, the desired cycle time must be known. If the Maximum Cycle Time is used, the number of workstations is 1.

In a control chart when a data point falls outside the control limits (upper and lower), what must be concluded?

The process appears non-random and should be checked.

Comparing a theoretical sampling distribution to the process distribution, which of the following is true?

The sampling distribution curve is narrower than the process distribution.

In a p-chart, as the sample size increases, how does the standard deviation of the sampling distribution for the proportion of defective items change?

The standard deviation decreases.

Which of the following is true about Sustainable Production decisions?

They affect people, the planet/environment, and the organization's profit or viability.

Which of the following statements about end-of-life programs is NOT true?

They deal only with electronics.

Which statement best describes the main objective in designing product layouts?

To arrange workers and machines in the sequence that the operations will be performed.

Why do statistical process control analysts perform run tests, even when control charts demonstrate all points within the limits?

To determine whether patterns can be detected.

Select the best definition of capability analysis.

To determine whether the variability of a stable process falls within tolerances.

Which definition below best describes the basic objective of Layout Planning?

To facilitate a smooth flow of work, material, and information through the system.

In process layout designs, why are departments with high interdepartmental work flow located near one another?

To reduce transportation time between departments

Who in an organization is ultimately responsible for establishing strategies for quality?

Top management

Which of the following statements describe quality considerations for an organization's Operations Strategy? (Select all that apply)

Top management needs to be visibly involved and supportive in TQM for successful implementation. The best business organizations view quality as a never-ending journey. All customers are concerned with quality.

Value analysis

Tries to reduce costs and/or improve performance of a product

True or false: All processes have variation.


True or false: Different layout types can be combined in production in a single facility such as fixed-position and Process.


True or false: Failure to carefully plan a Total Quality Management program before embarking on it can lead to false starts, employee confusion, and meaningless results.


True or false: Flexible automation requires significantly less changeover time than programmable automation.


True or false: Moving from one stage of a product/service life cycle to another can cause a process type to change.


True or false: The main driver of process selection is customer demand.


End-of-life programs

Try to reduce the amount of dumping or burning of discarded products, especially electronics

What are some ways operations managers can improve process capability?

Upgrade or automate equipment Standardize process steps Reduce the process variability

Which of the descriptions below do NOT apply to Cellular layouts?

Useful in Repetitive processes

Sometimes a small percentage of Idle Time is BETTER than a perfectly balanced assembly line, i.e., zero idle time. Why might this be the case? (Select all correct answers)

Variability in worker task completion times. Absenteeism and worker fatigue, boredom Allows some margin for new workers not yet "up to speed"

What is the difference between variable and attribute data? (Select the best answer.)

Variable data is measured on a continuous scale and attribute data is counted using discrete numbers.

Global supply chain quality problems/risks include which of the following? (Select all that apply)

Variation too high in product output and does not meet specifications Substandard materials or work methods used overseas Lack of quality regulation and government inspections of producers

Benefits of Virtual Teams

Virtual teams can provide companies with comparative advantages over traditional teams. They reduce the time to market by operating on a 24-hour basis

At which point should reliability no longer be improved?

When the incremental cost of improvement is greater than the incremental benefit

What are the basic issues of quality control inspection? (Check all that apply.)

Where inspection should take place At what stage of the process inspection should occur How much and how often to inspect Whether to inspect attributes or variables

What do businesses consider when implementing Sustainable Production? (Select all that apply)

Worker health and safety Carbon footprint and toxic emissions Energy use, efficiency, and waste reduction

Which of the following is NOT included among economic considerations of process technology.

Worker safety

The "average of the sample means" is also known by what term?

X-double bar

In the context of line balancing, the line's capacity is _____.

a function of its cycle time

3D printing uses a(n) ____________ manufacturing process to create objects.


Product or service profiling is used to ______.

avoid a mismatch between product and process type

A measure of effectiveness that measures the percentage of idle time of the line is known as _____.

balance delay

One characteristic of a well-designed service system is ______.

being robust if variability is a factor

A technique in which people share thoughts and ideas on problems in a relaxed atmosphere that encourages collective thinking is ______.


Design for manufacturing is the designing of products that are _______ a company's capabilities.

compatible with

Bringing together design and manufacturing engineering people early in the design phase to simultaneously develop a product, and the processes to create that product, is ________.

concurrent engineering

The assessment of the environmental impact of a product or service throughout its useful life is ______.

cradle-to-grave assessment

All of the following terms are associated with Product Layouts except ______.


Product design that takes into account the ability to disassemble a used product to recover reusable parts is ______.

design for recycling

The four primary determinants of Quality such that a product or service satisfies its intended purpose are _______.

design, conformance, ease of use and after-delivery service

Design for disassembly refers to product design that allows products to be taken apart more ______.


A mean control chart is used to check ______.

for central tendency of a variable

There is too much inspection when the cost of inspection is __________ the cost of passing defectives.

greater than

The decision about where to use control charts should focus on aspects of the process that _______.

have a tendency to go out of control, and affect product or service characteristics

A Continuous process type is used for non-discrete highly standardized outputs when a very _________ volume and very _________ flexibility/variety is needed.

high; low

The Repetitive process type, sometimes referred to as "Assembly," is selected when relatively ________ volume of more standardized goods or services is desired and thus a relatively _________ flexibility is tolerated.

high; low

Fixed costs are ____________ in Repetitive/Continuous process types compared to Job Shop/Batch, and variable costs are __________.

higher; lower

Given a stable process, we must ask the question whether the ______ of process output is within an acceptable range.

inherent variability

Product Liability

is the responsibility of a manufacturer for any injuries or damages caused by a faulty product.

The more robust a product's design, the ______ likely it will fail when there is an environmental change


A Job Shop process type is chosen when a _________________ volume of high-variety goods are produced with a relatively high degree of flexibility in operation.


The advantages of the Repetitive/Assembly process type are the __________ unit cost and its efficiency for high volume operations.


Products and services often go through life cycles that begin with ______ volume, which _____ as products or services become better known.

low, increases

The implication for Taguchi is that reducing the variation inherent in a process will result ______. (Select all that apply.)

lowering the loss to society lowering the cost of poor quality

One of the key questions in product and service design is "Can we do it?" This question considers _______.

manufacturability and serviceability

A Batch process type is selected when a ____________ volume and ___________ variety of goods or services is planned.


The method that groups components into standardized subassemblies, which can then be combined into a customized final product, is ______.

modular design

A Project process type is unlike the other four types. It is for work that is ______________ with a unique set of objectives to be accomplished in a _____________ time frame.

nonroutine; limited

Select all the phrases closely associated with fail-safing, a technique used in Total Quality Management.

pokayoke mistake proofing

Deciding on the way production of goods or services will be organized is ______.

process selection

A smooth and rapid flow of large volumes of goods or services through a system is best achieved with ______.

product layouts

Statistical process control is ______.

quality control efforts that occur during production

In the late 1970's Quality took a strategic turn from a _________ approach--correcting defects before delivery--to a __________ approach--preventing mistakes from occurring.


Critical issues to consider in terms of human factors in the design of consumer products are ________.

safety and liability

The disadvantages of the Job Shop process type are the high unit cost, relative ______________ of production time, and complex planning and scheduling required.


Random variation in a process indicates __________; whereas non-random variation indicates process __________.


The extent to which there is a lack of variety in a product, service or process is ______.


Mass production produces _______ goods that incorporate a degree of _______

standardized, customization

Repetitive and continuous processes require _____ inputs of _____ goods and services.

steady, high-volume

Which elemental tasks are eligible to be assigned to a resource is based on ____________.

technological constraints

One potential negative outcome when an organization tries to achieve a high level of efficiency is ______ the service package.

tendency to depersonalize

Quality function deployment is a structured approach for integrating the voice of ______ into the product and service development process.

the customer

A range control chart is used to check ______.

the dispersion of a variable

For attribute data a c-chart is used to monitor ______.

the number of defects per unit

Each of the following items would drive the need for layout planning except ______.

unspent annual budget at the end of the year

One basic issue of inspection is what type of data to collect. If we can measure the value of a characteristic, we are collecting ______ data.


The three primary questions that guide process selection concern ______.

variety, flexibility, and volume

Job shop and batch processing may mean that suppliers have to be able to deal with _____ order quantities and _____ of orders.

varying, timing

What symbol or letter signifies the number of standard deviations the control limits are based on, in the formula for a mean control chart?


True or false: In the control process, only those characteristics that can be counted or measured are candidates for control.


True or false: It is unethical to knowingly ignore quality or safety problems with a product or service.


True or false: One of the reasons offshore suppliers have lower costs than domestic may be lack of government regulation and inspections.


True or false: Product and Service Profiling is defined as linking key product or service requirements to process capabilities.


True or false: Sometimes non-random variation can indicate excellent quality.


If the number of standard deviations is not specified when computing control charts, what is an appropriate default value?

+/- 2 standard deviations

Which of the following statements about product/service life stages is not true?

Any product or service goes through the characteristic life stages.

Which of the following terms is a synonym for production line?

Assembly line

The dimensions of quality are too abstract to be operationalized (acted upon) and must subsequently be broken down and made what?


What are the two different types of run tests?

Median and Up/Down

Which of the following are measured using attributes?

Number of calls in a day Number of defects

Who in an organization is responsible for ensuring that goods are not damaged in transit?

Packaging and shipping

The central feature of Taguchi's Approach to product design is _________ ________

Parameter Design

Japanese engineer Genichi Taguchi's approach is based on the concept of what?

Robust design

Modular design is a form of _____.


How does Taguchi's belief about quality differ from the traditional view?

The cost of poor quality increases as the output approaches the specification limit.

When is the capability analysis statistic Cp used?

When a process is centered between the upper and lower specifications.

When is the capability analysis statistic Cpk used, instead of Cp?

When a process is not centered between the upper and lower tolerances.

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