Business Test 3
Which of the following is not included in a typical Marketing Plan? a) Marketing Research and Analysis b) Customer Retention c) Merchandise Management d) Marketing Strategies e) Public Relations
Which of the following is not included in a typical Marketing Plan? a) Marketing Research and Analysis b) Customer Retention c) Merchandise Management d) Marketing Strategies e) Public Relations Answer: C. Taken from Business PowerPoint presentation, slide #32
4 categories of Hospital Strategy:
4 categories of Hospital Strategy: a. Prospector b. Defender c. Analyzer d. Reactor
2 key pitfalls of strategic planning:
2 key pitfalls of strategic planning: i. Inability to assemble required data ii. Undue focus on analyses of past performance
Board Approval:
Board Approval: 1. Educational session given to board prior to formal review & approval: a. One complete presentation of strategic plan allows board to review and question the plan's analyses, findings, and recommendation b. Increases board's understanding of the plan and its implications and allow any issues about the plan development process to be discussed.
Contents of strategic plan:
Contents of strategic plan: a. Outputs of all planning activities and description of important process steps b. Serves as record of all that occurred during the planning process c. Provides excellent reference of analyses and supporting information that may be germane to implementation.
Crafting a response to stakeholder needs that will be effective in the long term defines: a) Environmental assessment b) Surveillance c) Strategic positioning d) Strategy selection
Crafting a response to stakeholder needs that will be effective in the long term defines: a) Environmental assessment b) Surveillance c) Strategic positioning d) Strategy selection Answer: C. Griffith Chapter 12 page 446
Data requirements of internal assessment:
Data requirements of internal assessment: i. Financial performance and position ii. Key indicators= staff/equipment/facilities iii. Characteristics and utilization of major programs and services
Define Defender Hospital Strategy
Defender Hospital Strategy i. Offers stable set of services to defined market and tends to ignore changes ii. Ignores changes that do not directly affect current operations iii. Focus on doing best in current arena
Define and communicate role and responsibilities of other organizational leaders:
Define and communicate role and responsibilities of other organizational leaders: a. Board has major role in strategic planning of non-profits. b. Board guards the mission and values of the organization and serves as key advisor to staff. c. Board ultimately approve/ rejects the strategic plan. In healthcare organizations, non-employee physicians are included in the strategic planning process.
For effective implementation, implementation team need to do what 2 things?
For effective implementation, implementation team: a. Needs to understand aspects of the strategic plan that have been developed by board and senior management b. Need to participate in shaping those parts of the plan which they are responsible (ie action, budget, and schedule)
GOAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: a. Which factors are under the organization's control? b. How will external forces affect the organization?
Minimum data for external assessment:
Minimum data for external assessment: a. Major economic and demographic indicators b. Major technology, reimbursement, and regulatory factors c. Market share of major programs and services d. Profile of key competitors e. Future market size and characteristics
Define Mission:
Mission: i. States the organization's purpose and reason for existence ii. Describes what the organizations does and for whom iii. Forms the frame of reference for the organization's vision
Moving from vision to goals is best done in 3-phase process: (list the 3 steps)
Moving from vision to goals is best done in 3-phase process: a. Determining critical issues b. Preparing white papers on critical issues c. Identifying goals.
Main purpose of Strategy Formulation
Strategy Formulation: Main purpose= determine what future direction is possible and desirable. Determine the future scope of services and position of the organization.
The four principles of Marketing are Product/Service, Price, Product/Location and a) Brand b) Promotion/Communication c) Innovation d) Trade Advertising
The four principles of Marketing are Product/Service, Price, Product/Location and a) Brand b) Promotion/Communication c) Innovation d) Trade Advertising Answer: B. From the PowerPoint online slides, slides 30 & 31
Two key problem of vision statements
Two key problem of vision statements a. Tend to lengthy b. Tend to inappropriately include the strategy
Two most commonly used formats for displaying competitive advantages & disadvantages:
Two most commonly used formats for displaying competitive advantages & disadvantages: a. SWOT b. Enumeration of Advantages & disadvantages
Wide variation in the task of communication of results of the strategic planning exists:
Wide variation in the task of communication of results of the strategic planning exists: a. Due to the degree of formality and extensive of the communication process b. Rigor and structure in the implementation process was outlined and pitfalls of a lack of leadership commitment to implementation were defined earlier in this chapter.
Role of Strategic Planning committee
a. Role of Strategic Planning committee i. Oversight of strategic planning process
2 Problems of strategic Planning:
2 Problems of strategic Planning: a. Prepare to stimulate new thinking i. Overanalyzing the past is not helpful ii. Adopting or mimicking known strategies of other organizations leads to pitfalls, including lack of comparability of similar situations and failure to understand the actual strategy & plan iii. Preparation for strategic planning process in each organization should include review of organizational needs and potential alternative processes, and selection of techniques that help organization leap forward. b. Reinforce future orientation. i. To counter the tendency to overemphasize past and present circumstances, organizational leaders need to overcompensate and push to break and past and consider alternative futures.
2 key elements in effecting the successful transition from strategic planning to implementation:
2 key elements in effecting the successful transition from strategic planning to implementation: a. Strong communication b. Rigor and structure in the implementation process
How has the focus of strategic planning in the 90's changed in comparison to today's strategic planning?
2. Strategic planning in 90's focused on maximizing profits by controlling market segments. a. Focused on maximizing healthcare reimbursements. 3. Today's market is dynamic and chaotic so strategy is focused on contingency- based approaches a. The fast rate of change in environment and intense competition is causing strategic planning to be practiced in a dynamic way. b. Forces influencing strategic planning to be more fluid & externally influenced: i. Number of competitors, ii. Increasing for-profit influence in healthcare delivery, iii. Decline in geographical barriers competition as a result of the internet c. Emergence of multi-entity healthcare systems has added to the complexity of strategic planning.
List & Define 3 Business Strategies:
3 Business Strategies: a. Overall cost leadership i. A type of strategy in which a set of aggressive polices ensure construction of efficient facilities, continuous pursuit of cost reductions, and systematic control of costs and overhead b. Differentitation i. Type of strategy in which something is created that is perceived as being unique ii. Cost is not ignored but it is not the primary focus c. Focus i. Type of strategy in which the focus in on a particular buyer or geographical market. ii. While cost leadership and differentiation try to achieve objectives nationwide, focus strategy aims to serve a particular target well and policies are developed with this mind.
3 Forces influencing strategic planning to be more fluid & externally influenced:
3 Forces influencing strategic planning to be more fluid & externally influenced: i. Number of competitors, ii. Increasing for-profit influence in healthcare delivery, iii. Decline in geographical barriers competition as a result of the internet
3 Steps approach to determine the list of critical issues:
3 Steps approach to determine the list of critical issues: i. First, members of the strategic planning committee are asked to identify the top three issues each feels are most critical and master list is compiled ii. Second step is to have discussion of what each issue is and why it is important iii. Third, the committee members are asked to vote for the top three issues
3 key Distinctions between mission and vision statement:
3 key Distinctions between mission and vision statement: a. Mission statement is not time limited; vision statement refers to the future period in time b. Vision statement must be updated with each complete strategic planning process. c. Vision statement will require substantial change if it is to be effective guide for the future, unlike mission statement
3 key elements of action planning:
3 key elements of action planning: a. Importance of increased involvement of those who will be the principal participants in implementation plan b. Need to specify and adhere to an ongoing tracking system for plan implementation c. Critical role in larger healthcare systems of corporate organization in defining an mediating demands for resources required to care out implementation
3 key elements of action planning:
3 key elements of action planning: a. Importance of increased involvement of those who will be the principal participants in implementation plan b. Need to specify and adhere to an ongoing tracking system for plan implementation c. Critical role in larger healthcare systems of corporate organization in defining an mediating demands for resources required to care out implementation
3 main outputs of internal & external assessments:
3 main outputs of internal & external assessments: a. Statement of organization's competitive advantages & disadvantages b. Assumptions about future environment c. Appraisal of key planning issues requiring resolution in strategic planning process
3 reasons historical analysis is best completed before staring strategic planning:
3 reasons historical analysis is best completed before staring strategic planning: i. Helps to structure the strategic planning process ii. Highlight the types of analysis needed in strategic planning iii. Identify issues that need new strategies and implementation approaches
4 Characteristics of Critical issues:
4 Characteristics of Critical issues: i. Central to the achievement or failure of the vision ii. Potential to have high impact on organization iii. Cannot be addressed or resolved easily. iv. Primarily deal outside the realm of daily operations
4 central aspects of the communication plan:
4 central aspect of the communication plan: a. Audience that needs to be addressed: i. Senior management/ board ii. Subordinates iii. Other employees (medical staff and other external constituencies) b. How to determine what to tell each audience i. Tailor the information to the job and position of the audience ii. Take into account the information that it needs to carry out in part in the plan iii. Be sensitive to group's need to know proprietary information and/or the strategies agreed on. iv. The more people know about the vision, strategic plan, their role in it, and its effect on their job, the better. Reduces cross purposes and misunderstandings c. Best method of communication of plan i. Scripts and good visual aids for each major target audience ii. Have senior managers, preferably member of the planning team, present the plan to each target group iii. Leave time for employees to ask questions and get answers d. Typical methods of communicating the mission state for the first time include: i. Sending it out in writing ii. Wallet-size cards (popular) iii.Video with CEO and top team (good for remote workers and new employees) iv. Wall-plaques
4 mechanisms of interface among planning staff, consultants, and organization:
4 mechanisms of interface among planning staff, consultants, and organization: i. Structure of the strategic planning steering committee ii. Staff contacts for logistical support iii. Interaction of board, medical staff, and consitutents iv. Logistical issues related to project
Most critical part of the board's and CEO's contribution to strategic planning?
4. Organizational direction is the most critical part of the board's and CEO's contribution to strategic planning
5 components of internal assessment:
5 components of internal assessment: i. Review role statement and organizational framework Assessment of government/mgmt. structure, program development, and financial performance Assessment of mission, vision, and values and compares them with recent performance ii. Analyze characteristic and utilization trends Profile of programs includes capacity, volumes, and key resource attributes for past 3-5 years Should profile low volume or poor performing programs and services financially to consider downsizing or removing investment iii. Conduct primary market research Helps to gather information on strengths/weakness of organization and its marketplace competitors iv. Analyze other critical ressources Focus on facilities, equipment, and staff to identify assets and liablities v. Analyze financial performance and position
5 steps for transition from planning to implementation and completion of strategic plan:
5 steps for transition from planning to implementation and completion of strategic plan: a. Assign implementation responsibilities b. Communicate and roll out plan c. Complete additional detailed planning where needed d. Set up a system to monitor progress during implementation e. Commit to regular plan updates
5 steps for transition from planning to implementation and completion of strategic plan?
5 steps for transition from planning to implementation and completion of strategic plan: a. Assign implementation responsibilities b. Communicate and roll out plan c. Complete additional detailed planning where needed d. Set up a system to monitor progress during implementation e. Commit to regular plan updates
6 Steps in Adoption of Strategic plan:
6 Steps in Adoption of Strategic plan: 1. Executive summary 2. Strategic plan document preparation 3. Strategic planning committee recommends approval to board 4. Review and input by medical staff leadership 5. Formal and informal educational sessions and presentation of strategic plan to board 6. Strategic plan approval by board
7 Characteristics of Effective Strategy:
7 Characteristics of Effective Strategy: 1. Sustainability 2. Performance improvement 3. Quality 4. Direction= gets the organization moving towards a defined end 5. Focus 6. Connection= high level of interdependence and synergy amongst the team 7. Importance
7 Typical Problems that Limit the Effectiveness of Strategic Planning:
7 Typical Problems that Limit the Effectiveness of Strategic Planning: A. Failing to Involve Appropriate People B. Conducting Strategiv Planning Independently of Financial Planning C. Falling Prey to Paralysis of Analysis D. Not Addressing the Critical Issues E. Assuming that Established Objective Take Care of Themselves F. Failing to Develop Consensus G. Lacking Flexibility & Responsiveness to Environment.
7 characteristics of poor strategy implementation:
7 characteristics of poor strategy implementation: a. Strategy is lacking in terms of rigor, insight, vision, ambition, practicality Need to create excitement for successful implementation. b. Uncertainty about how the strategy is implemented Leaders don't take time to communicate the details on implementation plan c. Strategy is communicated as "need to know" basis rather than freely throughout the organization d. No one is responsible for each aspect of strategy implementation e. Strategic leader send mixed signals by dropping out of sight when implementation begins. Sends mixed signal that implementation is not important f. Unforseen obstacles to implementation will inevitably occur so that responsible people should be prepared for them and be encouraged to overcome barriers in creative and innovative ways g. Strategy becomes all consuming and details of day-to-day operations are not lost or neglected.
9 Benefits of Strategic Planning:
9 Benefits of Strategic Planning: 1. Secures the future= provides organization with common sense of shared values and purpose. 2. Resource Allocation 3. Improves Financial performance 4. Requires manages to communicate both vertically and horizontally. 5. Provides the organization with clear, self-concept, specific goals, and guidance as well as consistency in decision making 6. Helps managers understand the present, think about the future, and recognize signals that suggest change. 7. Improves overall coordination within the organization. 8. Encourages innovation change within the organization to meet the needs of dynamic situation. 9. Establishes measures for success for measurement of progress.
A thorough description of the market being served, identification of all major trends in demographics and disease incidence, and forecasts to the future are essential to: a) Diversification b) Health insurance buyer's intentions c) An environmental assessment
A thorough description of the market being served, identification of all major trends in demographics and disease incidence, and forecasts to the future are essential to: a) Diversification b) Health insurance buyer's intentions c) An environmental assessment Answer: C. Griffith, p.447
Define the Action Planning Step of Strategic Planning
Action Planning: Activities include resource allocation, schedule planning, setting priorities to ensure implementation of plan.
All of the following define an organizations strategic position except? a) Mission b) Scope of services c) Ownership d) Values
All of the following define an organizations strategic position except? a) Mission b) Scope of services c) Ownership d) Values Answer: D.
An organization committed to open systems, community-focused strategic management, and continuous improvement is by definition: a) A well managed organization b) A learning organization c) A cost conscious organization d) A non-profit organization
An organization committed to open systems, community-focused strategic management, and continuous improvement is by definition: a) A well managed organization b) A learning organization c) A cost conscious organization d) A non-profit organization Answer: B. Source - Griffith and White, p 441---" Continuous improvement theory is that the greater the reliance on facts, the greater the organization's chance for sucess. The organization that follows continuous improvement is a learning organization. It is likely to be the first to discover or invent new opportunities that goes beyond the customer's range of knowledge but still meets the customer needs" Continuous improvement is employee-driven. Involvement in continuous improvement is part of everyone's job. Open systems force organizations to consider prices, quality, & value.
An organization's "hurdle rate" refers to which one of the following below? a) Interest rate on borrowed funds b) Propensity for debt financing c) Its intangible cost of borrowing added to its interest rate on borrowed funds d) The speed at which it reduces its working capital
An organization's "hurdle rate" refers to which one of the following below? a) Interest rate on borrowed funds b) Propensity for debt financing c) Its intangible cost of borrowing added to its interest rate on borrowed funds d) The speed at which it reduces its working capital Answer: C. See page 479 of the Griffith/White textbook
Define Analyzer Hospital Strategy
Analyzer Hospital Strategy i. Maintains stable base of services but selectively develops new services or markets like prospector ii. Rarely is the first to provide new services or expand into new markets, choosing instead to monitor actions or others and follow with more well thought out and through approach
Approach to external assessment
Approach to external assessment i. Review demographic, economic, and health status conditions Broadest trends and variable in organizational performance Useful in identifying geographical areas or population segments with strong potential for future cultivation a. Review state of healthcare delivery Identify major environmental influences at state/national level Forecasts with potential alternative scenarios b. Analyze competitors Most important task Collect data to profile competitors Qualative data from both internal & external assessment c. Conduct primary market research Gather information on position in marketplace and changes in key external factors Research targets includes senior managers and community leaders via interview/surveys d. Assess market forecasts and implications
What is the process of assembling Task Force?
Assembling Task Force: a. If taskforce is the path chosen to move from issues to goals, then there is a process b. First recognize what objective organization is trying to accomplish and the potiential incompatibility of the objectives. c. Task force should meet 3-4 times over 8 week period d. Provide Guidelines and support to task force: i. Define the expectation of the task force including timelines ii. Give background and any relevant data collected in advance of the first meeting iii. Planning staff should be identified as staff support to the task force and plays major role in logistical support, data support, and production of white papers. e. Identify goals i. Each white paper should review all aspects of the critical issues and present recommendations that allow a goal to be identified ii. Strategic planning committee will select a goal that will creatively deal with the critical issue iii. Each task force leader presents his or her team's report to the strategic planning committee for review, modification and acceptance iv. Goals and objectives are the ends to be achieved on the way to the vision, leaving the means to achieve them as the action plan. f. Vision, mission, value, goals and strategy constitute the "policy" portion of the plan, whereas remaining components, objectives and actions, are more operational. g. Strategic planning committee is only involved in formulation of strategy but management takes on the action plan
How can assumptions about the future be made using environmental assessment?
Assumptions about the future a. Consider key external factors that will have significant impact on organization's future b. Forecast market size, precise level of reimbursement changes, macro-view of future and external influences c. Upheavals in healthcare demonstrate how singular view of future has led to errors in organizational strategy
Committee Review:
Committee Review: 1. Strategic planning committee and senior management view the complete strategic plan in draft form before being finalized 2. Strategic plan copy is given to all board members before discussion of approval by board 3. Strategic planning committee formally recommends adoption of the plan to the board. 4. Planning committee at its last meeting get the draft document 5. Medical staff input, not approval, is requested. (medical staff no role in approval)
Common problems with developing effective organizational direction statement:
Common problems with developing effective organizational direction statement: a. Redundancy among statements b. Lack of precision c. Wordiness d. Confusion of mission, vision, values, and strategy
Definition of Strategic Planning:
Definition of Strategic Planning: 1. Set of organizational processes for identifying the desired future of organization and development of decision guidelines. a. Process of assessing a changing environment to create a vision of the future, determining how the organization fits into the anticipated environment based on the institution's mission, strengths, and weakness and then setting in motion an action plan.
How are critical issues determined?
Determining Critical Issues: a. Critical issues are determined by examination of mission, vision, and key organizational strategy
Guidelines for the Development of Mission Statement
Development of Mission Statement 1. 2 key problems with mission statement: a. Mission confused with strategy b. Too lengthy 2. Mission statement should clearly communicate why the organization exists and its purpose 3. Development of the mission statement is the board's fundamental contribution to organization
Development of Values Statement:
Development of Values Statement: 1. Like the mission statement, value statement is widely disseminated to both internal and external constituencies. 2. If no environmental changes, then value statement is timeless and may not require modification. 3. Mergers and acquisitions cause organization cultures to be brought together: a. Character of the organizational culture is at the core of the value statement b. Stable organizations- Value statement can be observed in organizational behavior c. Observance of daily operations and the practices of employees and of the board policy and performance will lead to clear picture of the organizational values. d. Self-examination needed to create new value statement
Environmental Assessment Definition:
Environmental Assessment Definition: a. Analysis of current and recent situation of organization.
Environmental assessment or environmental scanning is a formal surveillance review of the organization and its environment. All but one of the following should taken into account by the planning unit: a) Community demography, epidemiology, and economy b) Trends in physician availability c) Niche strategies d) Patient/community attitudes
Environmental assessment or environmental scanning is a formal surveillance review of the organization and its environment. All but one of the following should taken into account by the planning unit: a) Community demography, epidemiology, and economy b) Trends in physician availability c) Niche strategies d) Patient/community attitudes Answer: C. Niche strategies since strategies are developed after the assessment is complete and goals are chosen. (Reference is the Well-Managed Healthcare Organization, Chapter 12, pages 447-448.)
Establishing Objectives----Define Process
Establishing Objectives: a. Objectives and actions collectively are the "game plan" b. Objectives are the short term targets in each goal area i. Should be measurable targets on the path to achievement c. Actions are the principal activities that need to be accomplished to achieve objectives
Example of typical critical planning issues:
Example of typical critical planning issues: i. Critical program development and competitive positionings ii. Financial performance improvement iii. Capital formation and capital needs iv. Medical staff development and relationshops v. Building effective integrated delivery system
Why has Financial underplanning of healthcare delivery has been destabilized?
Financial underplanning of healthcare delivery has been destabilized. a. Organizations are operating in environments of increasing financial risk and uncertainty, strategic planning needs to be linked more clearly to financial planning and contribute more directly to financial performance.
Function of executive summary:
Function of executive summary: a. Provides critical perspective on both the organization and direction and strategies b. Includes rationale for preparation of strategic plan, background on planning process used, major findings, and major recommendations
Hoshin Planning
Hoshin planning systematizes strategic planning. To be truly effective, it must also be cross-functional, promoting cooperation along the value stream, within and between business functions. Hoshin planning is a seven-step process, in which you perform the following management tasks: Identify the key business issues facing the organization. Establish measurable business objectives that address these issues. Define the overall vision and goals. Develop supporting strategies for pursuing the goals. In the Lean organization, this strategy includes the use of Lean methods and techniques. Determine the tactics and objectives that facilitate each strategy. Implement performance measures for every business process. Measure business fundamentals.
Hospital systems have many "customers." Of the 4 mentioned groups of people or organization below which is least likely to be listed as key targets in a marketing campaign? a) Buyers b) Caregiver exchanges c) State government d) Patients
Hospital systems have many "customers." Of the 4 mentioned groups of people or organization below which is least likely to be listed as key targets in a marketing campaign? a) Buyers b) Caregiver exchanges c) State government d) Patients Answer: C. Buyers, caregiver exchanges, and patients are key marketing targets for any hospital system. Citation: Griffith and White's text, p. 490.
How many planning issues can and should be dealt with in the strategic planning process if the planning is going to lead to a successful outcome? a) Limited b) All c) Most d) Some
How many planning issues can and should be dealt with in the strategic planning process if the planning is going to lead to a successful outcome? a) Limited b) All c) Most d) Some Answer: A. Source: Online package, Ch 3 Activity I: Analyzing the Environment, p. 42
Describe the process.............Identification of Planning Issues
Identification of Planning Issues a. Final task is to determine what critical planning issues need resolution b. Failure to produce a limited number of issues to address dooms the strategic planning process. c. Short list of key planning issues reduces voluminous data and information collected during the environmental assessement to a manageable amount and energizes organizational leadership to move forward on strategic planning with a clear focus on issues of immense importance to the organization.
Implementation Framework in the Strategic Planning Process
Implementation Framework 1. Preparation of an implementation framework involves taking the objectives identified and putting them into framework that facilitates implementation and ongoing monitoring of implementation progress. 2. Actions for each objective need to be developed and assigned to a primary party who will be responsible for directing and scheduling implementation. 3. During the course of the strategic planning, primary responsibility shifts from the board (whose focus is early strategic policy recommendations) Senior management (who focus on implementation & strategic direction)-- middle management (frontline implementation team) 4. For effective implementation, implementation team: a. Needs to understand aspects of the strategic plan that have been developed by board and senior management b. Need to participate in shaping those parts of the plan which they are responsible (ie action, budget, and schedule) 5. Senior management will be assigned primary responsibility for implementation activity related to specific goal and will assemble implementation team 6. Implementation team will meet 2-3 times to create implementation framework 7. A contingency plan for risky strategies is beneficial in the framework
Monitoring and updating strategic plan:
Monitoring and updating strategic plan: 1. Approval of strategic plan is not the end of the planning, but beginning of next phase 2. Effective strategic planning process should result in strategic plan good for 3-5 years 3. Strategic planning is ongoing; complete updating is not required a. Keep annual calendar of strategic planning activities, including update of environmental assessment, modification of goals, and preparation of new or revised objectives and actions 4. After completion of full plan, organizations monitor progress monthly or bimonthly. 5. Formal progress tracking needs to be done quarterly to remain effective.
Negligence is a violation of a standard of care. Four elements must be present for allegations of negligence to be substantiated. Which of the following is not included in these 4 elements: a) Duty b) Breach c) Malpractice d) Damages
Negligence is a violation of a standard of care. Four elements must be present for allegations of negligence to be substantiated. Which of the following is not included in these 4 elements: a) Duty b) Breach c) Malpractice d) Damages Answer: C. Causation is the third element that is necessary
Organizational Direction: Main Activity?
Organizational Direction: Main activity= Develop future strategic profile of the organization by examining alternative futures, mission, vision, values, and key strategies.
4 key attributes of the Vision Statement:
Possess 4 key attributes of the Vision Statement: i. Idealism ii. Uniqueness iii. Future orientation iv. imagery
Define "Prospector" Hospital Strategy
Prospector Hospital Strategy: i. Organization that makes frequent changes in and additions to the services and markets ii. Consistently responds rapidly to market opportunities by being the first to provide new service or develop new market
Purpose of Environmental Assessment:
Purpose of Environmental Assessment: a. Understand past successes & failures b. Help determine what factors are subject to the organization's control & influence c. Id. External forces affect the organization's future d. To establish sound grounding for constructive involvement of trustees and other less knowledgeable
Define Reactor Hospital Strategy
Reactor Hospital Strategy i. Organization does not appear to respond to changes consistently in market ii. Lacks coherent strategy iii. May be early entrant into new market or service but usually is forced into action by external events or after considerable evidence of potential for success.
Relative to a for-profit organization, which of the following is perhaps the best distinguishing characteristic of a not-for-profit organization's contribution to its community? a) Bad debts b) Tax exemption c) Protection of intangibles d) Investment in health education
Relative to a for-profit organization, which of the following is perhaps the best distinguishing characteristic of a not-for-profit organization's contribution to its community? a) Bad debts b) Tax exemption c) Protection of intangibles d) Investment in health education Answer: C. If not-for profit organizations do not protect intangibles, sooner or later, people will ask why they should continue to exist as a tax-exempt entity. Source: Griffith, The Well Managed HCO, Pages 476-477.
Res Ipsa Loquitur ("the thing speaks for itself") may be the most complex exception to the expert testimony rule. Which one of the following best describes an essential condition to the use of Res Ipsa Loquitur? a) The plaintiff contributed to the accident b) The defendant contributed to the accident c) The injury requires proof, even though the fault is obvious d) The injury is wrongful to another person's reputation
Res Ipsa Loquitur ("the thing speaks for itself") may be the most complex exception to the expert testimony rule. Which one of the following best describes an essential condition to the use of Res Ipsa Loquitur? a) The plaintiff contributed to the accident b) The defendant contributed to the accident c) The injury requires proof, even though the fault is obvious d) The injury is wrongful to another person's reputation Answer: B. The defendant contributed to the accident due to control over the apparent cause. The plaintiff could not have contributed to the accident. The injury does not require further proof when the fault is obviously due to someone's negligence. Wrongful injury to another person's reputation is defamation. The Law of Healthcare Administration Chapter 3, Negligence and Business power point slides
Role of CEO in Strategic Planning:
Role of CEO in Strategic Planning: i. Demonstrate and reinforce planning in organization ii. Allocate money, staff, and personal support to planning iii. Make & affirm timely decisions iv. Lead the development of the vision for the organization. v. Install integrated planning process and infrastructure
Strategic planning has been used by healthcare organizations somewhat sporadically since: a) 1950 b) 1970 c) 1980 d) 1990
Strategic planning has been used by healthcare organizations somewhat sporadically since: a) 1950 b) 1970 c) 1980 d) 1990 Answer: B. Online package, Chapter 1, Is Strategic Planning Still Relevant, p.4
The continuous improvement approach to strategic planning, an effort to link all levels of resource allocation closely to customer needs is called: a) Epidemiologic planning b) Hoshin planning c) Flexibility planning d) Trend planning
The continuous improvement approach to strategic planning, an effort to link all levels of resource allocation closely to customer needs is called: a) Epidemiologic planning b) Hoshin planning c) Flexibility planning d) Trend planning Answer: B. Griffith & White, page 449---Hoshin planning aligns an organization toward accomplishing a single goal. It systematizes the strategic planning process and is part of total quality management. It ensures that all employees are heading in the same direction. PCDA is simply a generic method of doing Hoshin planning. It si the CQI approach to strategic planning. Flexibility planning & Trend planning don't make sense.
The liability of the "employer" of those who may or may not be in its employ but permitted to provide services to those being served by the "employer" is known as: a) Respondeat Superior b) Breach c) Vicarious Liability d) Defamation
The liability of the "employer" of those who may or may not be in its employ but permitted to provide services to those being served by the "employer" is known as: a) Respondeat Superior b) Breach c) Vicarious Liability d) Defamation Answer: C. From PowerPoint presentation
This concept is to design each healthcare project to have the greatest possible benefit to cost ratio and to rank order possible projects, identifying and implementing the ones that have the greatest ratio of benefits to costs: a) Hoshin planning b) Six Sigma c) Optimization d) Surveillance
This concept is to design each healthcare project to have the greatest possible benefit to cost ratio and to rank order possible projects, identifying and implementing the ones that have the greatest ratio of benefits to costs: a) Hoshin planning b) Six Sigma c) Optimization d) Surveillance Answer: C. Optimization concept. From Textbook Chapter 12 p. 444.---" Optimization models allow examination of trade-offs between resources & outputs and help identify critical restraints. Picture given shows that Cost derived from market information is compared against the benefits are derived from the mission.. All the projects are ranked according to their cost-benefit ratios to aid in decision-making"
To move from critical issues to goals, three basic pathways exist: ----List the basic pathways
To move from critical issues to goals, three basic pathways exist: i. Move directly from critical issues goals Planning staff, senior mgmt., and strategic planning committee develop goals without further analysis ii. Prepare white papers on critical issues Position papers on each issues prepared and goals recommended for review. iii. Convene task forces to prepare white papers Multidisciplinary team assistance for limited time period Key advantage is that stakeholders are exposed to the outline of the strategic plan and engages them in the definition of the organizational strategy in areas of both significance and relevance to them.
Two most reliable measures of competitive advantage/disadvantage:
Two most reliable measures of competitive advantage/disadvantage: a. Market share b. Bond rating
Define the functions of the Vision
Vision i. Describes through mental pictures what the organization ants to be in the distant future, often 10 or more years ii. Identifies the overall direction of the organization iii. Creates a feeling of movement toward the desired future.
What stage is healthcare strategic planning in it developmental process: a) Mature b) Immature c) Middle d) Beginning
What stage is healthcare strategic planning in it developmental process: a) Mature b) Immature c) Middle d) Beginning Answer: B. Source: Online package, Ch 3 Activity I: Analyzing the Environment, p. 26. " Healthcare is at a relatively immature stage in the developmental process. Partly due to the the absence of clear objectives and also partly due to failure of staff and other organizational member to adequately plan things.
Which is NOT one of the four elements found in most strategic plans? a) Goals b) Specific objectives c) Metrics to assess success in reaching goals and objectives d) Financing options e) Resources needed to accomplish goals and
Which is NOT one of the four elements found in most strategic plans? a) Goals b) Specific objectives c) Metrics to assess success in reaching goals and objectives d) Financing options e) Resources needed to accomplish goals and Answer: D.
Which of the following is an uncontrollable factor in a marketing plan: a) Economic environment b) Budget c) Personnel d) Creativity
Which of the following is an uncontrollable factor in a marketing plan: a) Economic environment b) Budget c) Personnel d) Creativity Answer: A. The other choices are considered to be controllable factors in a marketing plan.
Which of the following is not a Common Boilerplate provision? a) Attorney fee provision b) Waiver c) Force Majeure d) Rule of Reason
Which of the following is not a Common Boilerplate provision? a) Attorney fee provision b) Waiver c) Force Majeure d) Rule of Reason Answer: D. Material is from the PowerPoint presentation Slide 21.
Which of the following is not a required element to prove negligence or malpractice: a) Duty to care b) Causation c) Damages d) Medication administration
Which of the following is not a required element to prove negligence or malpractice: a) Duty to care b) Causation c) Damages d) Medication administration Answer: D.
Which of the following is not a valid physician defense against abandonment? a) Enough notice of withdrawal for patient to find another physician b) Right to limit practice in a certain geographical area c) Referred to seek care from another physician d) Ill health prevents him from treating the patient
Which of the following is not a valid physician defense against abandonment? a) Enough notice of withdrawal for patient to find another physician b) Right to limit practice in a certain geographical area c) Referred to seek care from another physician d) Ill health prevents him from treating the patient Answer: C. Just referring is not enough; the other physician should take the patient under his care.