Byzantine Empire & Rome
Ivan III
"Ivan the Great"; ruled as great prince and first ruler of the independent state called Russia
(274 CE - 337 CE) Roman Emperor between 306 CE and 337 CE. He issued the Edict of Milan which outlawed the persecution of Christians. He also founded the city of Constantinople, the future capital of the Byzantine Empire.
Byzantine Empire
(330-1453) The eastern half of the Roman Empire, which survived after the fall of the Western Empire at the end of the 5th century C.E. Its capital was Constantinople, named after the Emperor Constantine.
Justinian Code
A collection of laws that reflected Christian values
A large and wealthy city that was the imperial capital of the Byzantine empire and later the Ottoman empire, now known as Istanbul
Kievan Rus
A monarchy established in present day Russia in the 6th and 7th centuries. It was ruled through loosely organized alliances with regional aristocrats from. The Scandinavians coined the term "Russia". It was greatly influenced by Byzantine
What weakened the Byzantine Empire?
A terrible disease caused by rats in 542 BCE.
Eastern Rome became the _____________ empire.
Kiev was strongly influenced by the culture of
Byzantine Empire
Capital of Russia
Eastern Orthodox Church
Christian followers in the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire); split from Roman Catholic Church and shaped life in eastern Europe and western Asia
Ivan III took the title ________ as the ruler of the third Rome.
Basil II
Emperor who led the Byzantines to their last period of greatness; nicknamed "Basil the Bulgur Slayer"
People in the Byzantine Empire spoke what language?
Harsh Byzantine emporer who won Italy and some of Spain, unified Byzantium, and built many churches (Hagia Sofia)
Vladimir chose an Islam religion because ___________.
He did not want a Pope telling him what to do and they rejected alcohol
How was the Byzantine Empire protected?
It was protected from the Mongols. They built high walls to protect the city.
Legendary Scandinavian, regarded as founder of the first kingdom of Russia based in Kiev in 855 C.E.
Saint Methodius and Saint Cyril
Missionaries that worked with the Slavs, and also helped to invent an alphabet for the Slavic languages
Hagia Sophia
Most famous example of Byzantine architecture, it was built under Justinian I and is considered one of the most perfect buildings in the world.
Who invaded the Byzantine Empire?
Normans, Franks, Slavs, and Arabs
Who conquered the Byzantine Empire?
Ottoman Turks
Russian ruler who chose Byzantine Christianity as the official religion of the Russian state
Slavs and Vikings
The blending of these two cultures led to the development of Kiev and its culture
Trade city in southern Russia established by Scandinavian traders in 9th century; became focal point for kingdom of Russia that flourished to 12th century.
Leif Ericson
Viking who was the first European to visit America
Which of the following was NOT a similarity between the establishment of Buddhism in China and Christianity in Western Europe? a. Both the Buddhist and Christian establishments built hierarchies modeled on their respective empires. b. Reformers often accused both Buddhist and Christian establishments of forgetting their central spiritual missions. c. Both Buddhism and Christianity appealed to recently settled nomadic rulers who sought legitimacy for their rule. d. Both Buddhist and Christian monasteries offered relative freedom from male control for substantial numbers of women.
Cyrillic Alphabet
an alphabet drived from the Greek alphabet and used for writing Slavic languages
In the seventh century c.E., the Byzantine Empire lost large swaths of its territory along the coast of North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean to a. a resurgent Persian Empire. b. Arab forces. c. Western crusaders. d. the Ottoman Turks.
Which of the following was a long-term impact of the crusades? a. The crusades weakened significantly the influence of Turkic-speaking peoples in the Islamic world. b. The crusades led to Western Christendom conquering the Muslim regions of the Iberian Peninsula. c. Animosity from the crusades ended the flow of Muslim learning into Europe. d. The large-scale conversion of Middle Eastern peoples to Christianity occurred.
Vikings were
barbaric invaders from the Scandinavian territories
After 500 c.E. the Byzantine Empire was substantially weakened by invasions by all EXCEPT which of the following? a. Arabs b. Crusaders c. Vikings d. Turks
Ivan used what for over 40 years in Moscow?
diplomacy, alliances, war, and trickery to expand Moscow and his power
one who opposes established beliefs, customs, and institutions
religious images used by eastern christians to aid their devotions
Greek thinkers
scientists who used the words "element" and "atom"
How was the Byzantine Empire created?
the Roman emperor Constantine decided to create a "New Rome" on the site of the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium.