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At Ieast how many siens should the child have in order to be classifled as having such? a. 1 signs b. 2 signs c. 3 signs d. 4 signs


Following the IMCI protocol and using the IMCI recording form, if the child does not have ear problem, what should be your next step? a. Check for ear pain b. Check for ear discharge c. Check for tender swelling behind the ear d. Go to the next question, check for malnutrition


How do you classify a 12-hour-old newborn who has jaundice extending to palms and soles? a. SEVERE JAUNDICE b. JAUNDICE C. NO JAUNDICE


How do you classify a 4-day-old newborn who is hot to the touch (with an axillary temperature of 38.0°C) and has some skin pustules? a. VERY SEVERE DISEASE OR POSSIBLE SERIOUS BACTERIAL INFECTION b. LOCAL BACTERIAL INFECTION c. SEVERE disease or local Infection unlikely


How do you classify a 7-month-old child who has had cough for 6 days and diarrhea with blood in the stools since yesterday when he vomited 3 times, has no general danger signs, breastfed this morning, has a respiratory rate of 44 breaths per minute, has no chest indrawing, has sunken eyes, drinks normally, in whom the skin pinch goes back immediately and has no other signs or symptoms? a. PNEUMONIA, SEVERE DEHYDRATION, DYSENTERY b. PNEUMONIA, SOME DEHYDRATION, DYSENTERY C. PNEUMONIA, NO DEHYDRATION. DYSENTERY d. NO PNEUMONIA: COUGH OR COLD, SEVERE DEHYDRATION, DYSENTERY e. NO PNEUMONIA: COUGH OR COLD SOME DEHYDRATION, DYSENTERY f. NO PNEUMONIA: COUGH OR COLD, NO DEHYDRATION, DYSENTERY E


How do you classify a 7-month-old girl whose weight is between < - 2 and > - 3 Z-score and who has some palmar pallor? a. SEVERE MALNUTRITION, SEVERE ANEMIA b. MARASMUS, ANEMIA c. LOW WEIGHT, ANEMIA d. MODERATE ACUTE MALNUTRITION, ANEMIA e. NO ACUTE MALNUTRITION, NO ANEMIA


How long will Riza, a 6 months old child, be exclusively breastfed? a. 2 months b. 4 months c. 5 months d. 6 months


How much ORS should be given at home to a 6-month-old child with acute diarrhea with NO DEHYDRATION weighing 8 kg? a. As much as the child wants b. 50 to 100 ml of ORS after each loose stool c. 200 ml of ORS after each loose stool d. 400 - 700 ml over 4 hours e. 700 - 900 ml over 4 hours C C


If dehydration is present and if diarthea is 14 days or more, the child is classified having: a. Severe persistent dehydration b. Severe persistent diarrhea c. Persistent dehydration d. Persistent diarrhea


If referral is not possible, what should the nurse do? a. Send the child home after administration of first dose of antibiotic and urgent management b. Manage the child as described in Management of Childhood Illness, treat the child c. Make parents understand the limitation of resources and have parents sign consent d. Call for the priest to perform the last sacrament


If the child has cough or difficulty of breathing, the nurse should ask the duration of the child's illness and do the following 1. Calm the child or perform assessment while the child is calm 2. Count the breaths in one full minute 3. Look for chest indrawing 4. Look and listen for stridor and wheezing 5. Look if the child is abnormally sleepy or difficult to awaken A. 1234 B. 123 C. 345 D. ALL


If the child has wheezing and either fast breathing or chest indrawing present, the nurse should: a. Refer URGENTLY to hospital b. Give a trial acting inhaled bronchodilator for up to 3 times c. Assess vital signs d. Give Vitamin A


If the child is sleeping and has cough or difficult breathing: a. Count the number of breaths first before waking the child b. count the number of breaths after waking the child c. Refer the child immediately to the district hospital d. immediately wake or shake the child


Liza, 6 weeks old, has very severe disease. The following signs are observed, except: a. severe chest indrawing b. not feeding well c. skin pustules d. temperature of 35.4 degrees celsius


Tulfo has measles for the last three months. There is pus draining from his right eye. This can be classified as a. Measles with eye or mouth complications b. Severe Complicated measles c. Severe complicated measles with eye or mouth complications d. Measles


Mrs. Anderson claims that her child vomited several times but can hold down some fluids. This is considered: a. Danger sign b. More data needed c. Not a danger sign d. a possible danger sign so try offering some food to further assess the child


Mrs. Sorano brought Angel. his 3 year old son to the center due to cough for 1 week, unusual irritability and episodes of vomiting. On assessment, you noted runny nose, reddish posterior palate, temperature of 37.6, nagging cough and rr of 47 breaths per min. Using the assess the sick child chart, Angel can be classified under: a. Severe Pneumonia or very severe disease b. Cough or cold c. Pneumonia d. No Pneumonia


On the left side of the ASSESS and CLASSIFY chart you find a box titled CHECK FOR GENERAL DANGER SIGNS. Ask the questions and look for the clinical signs described in the box, which one is not included: a. Is the child able to drink or breastfeed? b. Does the child vomits everything? c. Has the child had convulsions? d. Is the child able to breathe with ease?


Patient Demi has a runny nose, no measles and no other causes of fever but has malaria risk. This could be classified as? a. Malaria b. Fever: Malaria Unlikely c. Very Severe febrile disease/malaria d. Fever: No Malaria


Situation: Child Fidel had diarrhea for five days. He has no blood on the stool. He is irritable. His eyes are sunken. His mother and father also think that Billy's eyes are sunken. The nurse offered child some water and the child's drinks eagerly. When the nurse pinches the skin of the child's abdomen, it goes back slowly. How do you classify the child's dehydration? a. Severe Dehydration b. Moderate Dehydration c. Some Dehydration d. No Dehydration


Situation: Jacob is 18 months old. He weighs 9 kG. His temperature is 37 C. His mother said that he had discharge coming from ear. The nurse said asked about his ear problem. The mother said that the child does not have an ear pain, but the discharge is coming from the child's ear for 3-4 davs. The nurse saw draining from the child's right ear. He did not feel any tender swelling behind either ear. How do you classify the child's ear problem? a. Mastoiditis b. Acute Ear Infection c. Chronic Ear Infection d. No ear Infection


The child is classified as severe pneumonia or very severe disease if the following are present 1. Any general danger sign 3. Stridor in a calm child 5. wheezing 2. Chest indrawing 4. Fast breathing A. 12 B. 23 C. 13 D. 235


Vitamin A supplementation is given to children ages a. 1-3 months b. 1-6 months c. 6 months above d. 12 months above


in the presence of any danger signs, which of the following should be done? a. Apply the nursing process, assess further, classify and identify treatment b. Make sure the child is referred after the first dose of appropriate antibiotic and other urgent treatment C. Advice mother when to return immediately and follow up treatment d. Send home and follow up in 5 days if the child is not improving


A 4 month old infant named Baby Manny was brought to the health center because of cough. His RR is 42/minute. Using the IMCI guidelines of assessment, his breathing is a. Fast b. Slow c. Normal


A child with Diarrhea is assessed for the following except? a. How long that the child has diarrhea b. Blood in the Stool c. Signs of Dehydration d. History of Fever


Baby Rica, 6 weeks old, was brought to the clinic for a severe chest in drawing. Her entry point to the Integrated Management of Childhood illness is her a. Age b. Health status C. Nutritional status d. Immunization status


Based on Angels classification, you plan to take which of the following actions? a. Refer Angel to the nearest hospital b. Give oral Amoxicillin C. Give the first dose of penicillin d. Soothe the throat with safe remedies 1.AB 2. AC 3. BD 4. B ONLY


In a 12-month-old child with cough and diarrhea, which of the following signs is an indication for urgent referral? a. Restless, irritable b. Respiratory rate of 65 per minute c. Axillary temperature ≥ 39.0°C d. Thirsty e. Child unable to breastfeed


In severe pneumonia or very severe disease. Treatment are as follows 1. Give first dose of appropriate antibiotics 2. Give Vitamin C 3. Treat the child to prevent low blood sugar 4. refer urgently to the hospital A. 12 B. 123 C. 14 D. 34


In soothing the throat or in relieving cough, which is the safest remedy? A. Tamarind, calamansi and ginger B. Codeine cough syrup C. Oral and nasal decongestants D. Milk formula for excusively breastefeeding infant


In the presence of blood in the stool the classification should be: a. Dysentery in the red row b. Dysentery in the pink row c. Dysentery in the yellow row d. Dysentery in the green row


To accurately assess stridor. the nurse does all or any of the following: 1. Put your ear near the child's mouth because stridor can be difficult to hear 2. Look to see when the child's breathes in 3. Be sure to look and listen when the child is calm 4. Listen to wheezing noise when the child's breathes out a. 1 and 2 only b. 2 and 3 only c. 3 and 4 only d. 1,2 and 3 only


Treatment of this child includes all of the following 1. Refer Urgently to Hospital 2. Give an Antibiotic for 5 days 3. Give Paracetamol for Pain 4. Dry the Ear by Wicking


What are the two most common indicalions in classiying Pneumonia? a. Fast breathing and stridor b. Fast breathing and rusty sputum c. Fast breathing and chest indrawing d. Fast breathing and wheezing


What is the earliest time that a mother of a 7-month-old child with PNEUMONIA and MALARIA should come for a follow-up visit? a. 3 days b. 5 days c. 7 days d 14 days e. 30 days


What should you do after a first count of the respiratory rate of 68 breaths per minute in a calm 3-week-old child with no other signs? a. Classify the child as VERY SEVERE DISEASE OR POSSIBLE SERIOUS BACTERIAL INFECTION b. Classify the child as LOCAL BACTERIAL INFECTION c. Classify the child as BACTERIAL INFECTION UNLIKELY d. Repeat the count for 30 seconds before classifying the child e. Repeat the count for 60 seconds before classifying the child


Which attributes to most (70%) of the cases of Malaria in the Philippines? a. Plasmodium falciparum b. Plasmodium ovale c. Plasmodium vivax d. Plasmodium malariae

A, B, D

Which of the ff are among the 5 main causes of mortality in under-five children in the country? a. diarrheal diseases b. pneumonia c. road traffic injuries d. malnutrition e. aids f. covid


Which of the following actions should be included in the treatment plan for a 46-month-old child, complaining of ear pain for 4 days, who has no general danger signs, has no severe classification, has no tender swelling behind the ear, has a history of ear discharge for 2 days and has pus draining from her right ear? Except: a. Give an antibiotic for 5 days b. Refer urgently to hospital c. Dry the ear by wicking d. Give paracetamol for pain e. Follow up in 5 days if not improving


Which of the following axillary temperatures, if measured in a 4 week-old infant, are consistent with the classification of VERY SEVERE DISEASE OR POSSIBLE SERIOUS BACTERIAL INFECTION? a. 35.6°C b. 35.8°C c. 37.2°C d. 37 7°0


Which of the following diseases serve as the focus of attention in IMCI among children with fever? a. Malaria b. Malaria and measles c. Malaria, measles, dengue d. Malaria, measles, dengue, and PTB


Which of the following is not included in the pre-referral treatment for very severe disease in sick young infant? a. Advice mother to keep the baby warm b. First dose Intramuscular Antibiotic c. Treat to prevent low blood sugar d. Give Vitamin A


Which of the following is not true about tourniquet test? a. It is confirmatory test for dengue fever b. Presence of 20 petechia in an inch square indicates positive findings c. The BP cuff is applied around for 2 minutes d. It is also known as capillary fragility or Rumple Leads test


Which of the following signs will indicate that Baby Manny is suffering from severe pneumonia? a. Dyspnea b. Wheezing c. Stridor d. Chest Indrawing


You are treating Liza's umbilical infections. Which of the following should be used? a. Gentian violet b. Betadine c. 70% Ethyl Alcohol d. Gentamicin

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