Canada in 1867 Unit 1

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Name the 3 colonies who joined to form Canada.

Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, The Province of Canada.

How did the British view Canadian citizens?

Canadian citizens were not really thought of as citizens.

Who were the only children who could go to school in 1867?

Children of rich families

If kids didn't go to school what did they do?

Children spent the day working with their parents

What part of the government looks after things that might arise in the future?

Federal government

In order for a man to vote what did he have to do?

He had to own land

What is a country?

It is a geographical area in which people live

What is a race?

It is a word used to describe a certain group of people.

Were Asian people allowed to vote in 1867?


Were woman allowed to vote in 1867?


Were women allowed to vote in 1870?


What woman were allowed to have a job?

Young woman

Were Aboriginal people allowed to vote in 1867?


What percentage of Canadians in 1867 were allowed to vote?


How many colonies joined to form Canada in 1867?


The Province of Canada was divided into how many parts


Did a lot of children die in 1867?

2 out of 5 died

How many languages did a student have to speak when they graduated from university?


What is a nation?

A group of people who share common experiences such as language, customs and traditions.

What is a candidate?

A person who runs in an election for a seat in government

In 1867, what people had the right to vote?

A small group of rich men of European background

What is diversity?

A variety of people of different ethnic groups, languages, religions and traditions.

List 5 things controlled by the federal government.

Banking,Criminal law, currency, national defence, fisheries

What is a constitution?

Basic laws and customs by which a group of people govern themselves

The Province of Canada was divided into what two parts?

Quebec and Ontario

Was racism ever used to write laws?


Was their racism in Canada in 1870?


In 1870, what kinds of things did kids learn in school?

read, write, arithmetic, history

What were some staple products in 1867?

wheat, fish, timber

How many teachers were in an early school?


Whe was the British North American Act passed?


In what year did all kids start going to school?


When were woman allowed to vote?


What did John A Macdonald want to happen to Canada's government ?

He wanted Canada to have a strong central government

The people of Canada can vote for members of what part of the government?

House of commons

What did the BNA act do for Canada?

It made Canada a self governing country and gave it their first constitution

Who was Canada's first Prime Minister?

John A Macdonald

When was the Proclamation of Confederation announced?

July 1st, 1867

What was the great discovery made by doctors in 1867?

Most diseases are caused by germs

What was the name of John A Macdonald's plan for Canada's future?

National Policy

Did Canadians have rights?


Did a married woman in 1860 plan on getting a job?


Did people think Canada would survive as a country?


In 1867 were all men allowed to vote?


Was confederation an easy process?


How did people travel from place to place in 1867?

On muddy wagon trails.

What 2 colonies didn't join confederation in 1867?

Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland

What province had the most people in 1867?


Why was Eliza Ritchie unique?

She became the first Canadian woman to earn a Ph.D

If a woman did get a job what did she have to do with her wage?

She had to give her wage to her husband

Why was immigration wanted in 1870?

So the country would become settled from east to west.

Why did confederation happen at all?

The British Government wanted the colonies to take greater responsibility for themselves

Who selects the people to be in the Senate?

The Governor General

What is confederation

The process of uniting Canada

What were two changes that happened to make voting in Canada less corrupt?

The secret ballot was adopted, most men were allowed to vote.

How did people vote in 1860?

The voters cast their ballots in open for all to see.

What was the relationship between the British and the colonies?

They acted much like parents looking after their kids.

What was so important about railways in Canada?

They allowed people to travel quickly from city to city.

What did most woman believe was their role?

They believed that a woman's job was raising children and doing household work

Why didn't people want the Province of Canada to join the new confederation in 1867?

They feared losing their independence to the much larger Province of Canada

Why did British Columbia join confederation?

They waited till a railway was built to BC.

What was the public opinion of a woman who wanted equal rights?

They were seen as strange and even dangerous

Why was voting in open so all can see a very bad idea?

This made it easier for people to threaten voters.

What was a secret ballot?

This means that no one can see who a person votes for.

What is a dominion?

This means that the Canadian government was not able to make its own treaties with other countries.

What were the two largest cities in Canada in 1871?

Toronto, Montreal

What is federalism?

When power is divided amoung different levels of government

What was the 1860's opinion about woman?

Woman first and only place was in her home

Are education and medical care powers of the provincial government?


Are national defence and taxation powers of the federal government?


Did woman, in 1860, agree with this opinion?


John A Macdonald tried to make the federal government more powerful?


What is a staple product?

basic goods such as grain or fuel that is always needed

What students usually went to university in 1870?


List 5 things controlled by the provincial government.

courts, education, electricity, hospitals, police

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