Capstone Final Exam Review

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In a second class lever: the

none of the above

The same 55-kg woman trains on a cycle ergometer by pedaling at 60 rpm against a resistance of 1.5 kiloponds. What is her absolute oxygen consumption?

0.840L x min-1

In terms of chronological age, early childhood is usually described as

1 to 6 years

Bolt upright's body fat is 20% he weighs 200 pounds and wants to get to 15% by spring break how much weight will he lose

12 pounds

A 70-kg client is running on a treadmill at 5 mph set at 5% grade. What is his caloric expenditure rate?

12.7 kcal x min-1

What is the relative oxygen consumption of walking on a treadmill at 3.5 mph and 0% grade?

12.88 mL x kg-1 x min-1

If a 70-kg healthy young man exercises at an intensity of 45 mL x kg-1 x min-1 three times per week for 45 minutes each session, how long would it take him to lose 10 lb of fat?

16.5 weeks

Incident reports are important because

They document and give details of any incident of problem that occurs

Documentation offers important

Liability and negligence protection

Which of the following are usually associated with overtraining

Loss of appetite, problem sleeping, decrease in performance, chronic fatigue

Rotation of the anterior surface of a bone toward the midline of the body is called..

Medial rotation

All of the following statements are true regarding long bones EXCEPT..

Most bones of the axial skeleton are of this type

The rules and regulations up at the facility are commonly referred to as

Policies and procedures

When the body consumes more calories and it uses the condition is called

Positive caloric balance

An abnormal curve of the spine with lateral deviation of the vertebral column is called


With respect to risk of potential injury which of the following has the lowest risk?

Seated hamstring stretch

All of the following neuromuscular changes typically occur with advancing age EXCEPT

Skeletal muscle hypertrophy

The following diseases is not typically associated with obesity

Skin cancer

Angina that occurs at rest is termed


The law of inertia..

States that a body at rest will remain at rest, where as a body in motion tends to continue to stay in motion with a constant outside force.

According to the ACSM and guidelines how many days a week should each major muscle group you worked?


What resistance would you set a cycle ergometer at if your 80-kg client needs to train at 6 METs? Assume a 50 rpm cycling cadence.

2.07 kg

If he chooses to walk up a 10% grade, what would be the appropriate walking speed to get the same energy expenditure?

2.8 mph

A client is walking on a treadmill at 3.4 mph up at 5% grade. What is her VO2 in relative terms?

20.81 mL x kg-1 x min-1

Which of the following is one true statement concerning the surgical treatment of CAD?

A Coronary artery stent They lower rate of restenosis than those PCTA

An equipment maintenance plan should include

A document that records maintenance and repair history

A 75-kg man cycles at 120 watts on the leg ergometer.

Case 1

During an aerobic dance class, Lisa, who weighs 58 kg, is stepping on a 9-inch step at a rate of 20 steps per minute.

Case 2

What is the relative oxygen consumption of running on a treadmill at 5.5 mph and 12% grade?

48.9 mL x kg-1 x min-1

A 143-lb woman regularly exercises on a treadmill at a speed of 5.5 mph and a 2% elevation. How much weight will she lose weekly if she exercises for a duration of 45 minutes per session, a frequency of three sessions per week?

0.45 lb

A 55-kg woman trains on a cycle ergometer by pedaling at 60 rpm against a resistance of 1.5 kiloponds. What is her absolute oxygen consumption?

1.36L x min-1

A 110-lb woman pedals a Monark cycle ergometer at 50 rpm against a resistance of 2.5 kiloponds. Calculate her absolute oxygen consumption.

1.7L x min-1

A 150-lb man sets the treadmill speed at 5.0 mph and a 5.2% grade. Calculate his MET value.

10.45 METS

What is a subject's work rate in watts if he pedals on a Monark cycle ergometer at 50 rpm at a resistance of 2.0 kiloponds?

100 watts

How many kcals will she expend in 20 minutes?


A 35 y/o woman reduced her caloric intake by 1,200 kcal per week. How much weigh will she lose in 26 weeks if she integrated a 1-mile walk three times per week into her weight loss program?

11 lbs

A 143-lb woman regularly exercises on a treadmill at a speed of 5.5 mph and a 2% elevation. What is her caloric expenditure?

11.58 kcal x min-1

What is the relative oxygen cost of bench stepping at a rate of 24 steps per minute up a 10-inch stepping box? The individual weighs 140 lb.

22.89mL x kg-1 x min-1

What stepping rate should a client use if she wishes to exercise at 5 METs? The step box is 6 inches high and she weighs 50 kg.

25 steps per minute

His energy expenditure during a 30 minute ride is

273 Kcals

What is the relative oxygen consumption of walking on a treadmill at 3.5 mph up a 10% grade?

29.76 mL x kg-1 x min-1

What is the MET equivalent level to walking on a treadmill at 3.0 mph?

3.30 METs

To lose 1 pound you have to expand how much energy

3500 kcals

What is an equivalent work rate on the leg ergometer?

370kg x m x min-1

What is the relative oxygen consumption of running on a treadmill at 6.5 mph and 0% grade?

38.34 mL x kg-1 x min-1

Carbohydrate protein and fat provide which of the following amounts of energy

4, 4, and 9

For optimal cardiovascular as well as balance and flexibility adaptors, an elderly person generally should exercise how many days a week?

5 to 7 days

The Vo2 max remains relatively unchanged throughout childhood. After age 25, it typically decreases by;

5% - 15% each decade

How many calories will a 110-lb woman expend if she pedals on a Monark cycle ergometer at 50 rpm against a resistance of 2.5 kiloponds for 60 mins?

510 calories

What running speed would you set a level treadmill at to elicit an oxygen consumption of 40 mL x kg-1 x min-1?

6.8 mph

Jim comes to you with the following data, BP= 140/86, glucose= 104,serum triglycerides = 198, LDL= 156, HDL= 38, he occasionally walks to the gas station to buy snack. How many NET risk factors is that?


His training VO2 is

7 METs

If a 70-kg man runs on a treadmill at 8 mph and 0% grade for 45 minutes, what is his caloric expenditure?

730.48 calories

If your main goal is to train muscular hypertrophy what repetition range


A 35 y/o woman reduced her caloric intake by 1,200 kcal per week. How much weigh will she lose in 26 weeks?

8.9 pounds

Angular rotation occurs when

A force is applied off-central to a freely movable object?

What is the optimal approach for a long-term management of body weight

A low-fat, high fiber diet and daily physical activity

Informed consent is best described as

A process of backed up by form

Budgets are designed to

Determine if the program is viable

Which does not help establish a supportive relationship

Address the agenda

The 5 A's of counseling are

Address, assess, advise, assist, and act.

All of the following risk factors for CAD can be modified by a regular and appropriate exercise program EXCEPT

Advancing age

Running is a locomotor activity similar to walking but with some differences, in comparison, walking, running required greater:

All of the above

The intervertebral disks have which of the following characteristics?

All of the above

Women are likely to be deficient in both calcium and iron because

All of the above

A possible mechanism by which chronic exercise training to reduce resting blood pressure and hypertensive individuals is

An increase in plasma renin

Which of the following medical conditions is not part of the female athlete triad


Policies and procedures are important and A fitness center because they

Are general guidelines for operating a fitness program or department

A fitness newsletter, fitness library, and bulletin boards

Are part of client and staff education

The age related most of the lost of elasticity or "hardening of the arteries" is known as


A sedentary lifestyle

As a risk similar to that of hypertension, high cholesterol, and cigarette smoke

Should you spot someone doing a dumbbell chest press

At the wrists

Cardiac output is a function of heart rate and stroke volume. In children, why is heart rate higher at rest and during exercise?

Because children typically have a lower stroke volume compared to adults.

Plethysmography is used in which type of body composition measurement technique

Bod pod

Body fat generally increases with increasing age, particularly between childhood and early adulthood, because of

Body fat accumulation as a result of an imbalance between caloric intake and energy expenditure

Symptoms of hyperglycemia include all the following except


Group of pulmonary disorders characterized by expiratory airflow obstruction, dyspnea and shortness of breath is called


The preparation of professional staff should include training in


Body fat appears to be most dangerous when

Central obesity is present

One of the first actions that a fitness instructor should consider in preventing injury is

Conduct a pre-participation screening

In which category of tissues is cartilage considered to be a part of..


The treatment modality RICES includes all the following except


A cardiac patient is on a beta blocker during an exercise this you would expect

Decrease or no effect on blood pressure compared to a test without the medication

The primary effects of chronic exercise training on lipid values are

Decrease triglycerides and increased HDL

An increase in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure at rest and during exercise often accompanies aging. Blood pressure usually increases because

Decreased arterial compliance and increased arterial stiffness

What muscle group is most likely weak when slapping of the foot during heel strike and increased knee and hip flexion during swing are observed?


All the following are suggestive of cardiovascular and pulmonary disease except

Dyspnea during strenuous exertion

All the following are helpful suggestions for an athlete try to gain weight except

Eat more high caloric foods

Which of the following factors does not impair older adults ability to thermoregulate?

Enhanced sweat response

what are some of the risks for musculoskeletal injury

Extrinsic factors, intensity, terrain and equipment

An exercise program for an elderly person generally should emphasize increased


If an individual is in the action stage he or she

Has been physically active on a regular basis for less than six months

According to the new ACSM guidelines, because jim has asymptomatic for CV, renal or metabolic disease, which of the following is true?

He is clear to begin light to moderate exercise w/o medical clearance and may progress to vigorous exercise.

Which of the following is an example of the SAID principle of training

He will have a little of that on my ability to powerlift

The ankle is considered which type of joint..


The hamstrings are capable of which of the following movements

Hip extension

The VO2max increases as a result of physical training in elderly persons. The occurs for all of the reasons EXCEPT..

In both men and women, regular aerobic exercise speeds the decline in aging

The potential benefits and risks of exercise that should be written in what document

Informed consent

The arm is capable of performing all of the following motions except?


The deficiency of blood flow to the myocardium that results when oxygen demand exceeds oxygen supply is known as


In preventing injuries hydration is very important because

It helps regulate body temperature and electrolyte balance

Why is public relations important to a fitness program

It helps to promote the program and staff to the public

Which of the following is not a benefit of resistance training

It increases the blood pressure and heart responses to lifting loads

What is the best way that an administrator and educate the fitness staff

Joying fitness organizations answer subscribing to fitness journals

The chest exercise known as they pull over also mainly activates what large back muscle

Latissimus Dorsi

Which of the following muscles are strengthened during a seated rowing exercise

Latissimus dorsi, traps, brachialis and rhomboids

Which of the following will increase stability?

Lowering the center of body

If safety is the main concern for a new lifter which would be best to use?


What is the fitness instructors primary responsibility in conducting an exercise test

Maintaining a safe environment by not putting the client in danger

The transtheoretical model assumes that individuals

Move back-and-forth along the stage continuum

Which energy source represents the largest potential energy stored in the body

Muscle glycogen

Which statement below best describes the condition of asthma?

Narrowing of the bronchial airways

Why would a fitness instructor have an interest in TORT laws

Negligence is breaking a Tort law and can ruin instructors career

Modifiable will primary risk factors for CAD include

Obesity, tobacco smoking, and sedentary lifestyle

Which of the following bones is considered a long bone?


In response to regular resistance training

Older men and women demonstrate similar or even greater strength gains when corresponded to young adults

Advancing age brings a progressive decline in bone material density and calcium content, this process is accelerated in women immediately following menopause. Which condition is associated with this condition?


Which of the following is not a feature of the metabolic syndrome


Which of the following can an older person expect as a result of participation in an exercise program?

Overall improvement of quality of life, and independence

Chronic soreness and fatigue are symptoms of

Overuse injury

Which of the following foods would be in the group recommended to comprise most of the carbs


which of the following muscles are strengthened during a bench press

Pectoralis major anterior deltoid and triceps

What is the current state of knowledge on progression or regression of atherosclerosis and human coronary arteries?

Regression atherosclerosis has yet to be observed in clinical studies

Which of the following is a fixed expense


Which of the following would generally be a preferred mode of excise for an elderly person?


Which of the following is correct with respect to body composition

The android body type is that a higher risk for cardiovascular disease than the gynoid body type

Which of the following best explains the pathophysiology of CAD

The endothelium takes up lipids, especially LDL

Why are Record's valuable to a fitness program

They help in evaluation of a program

Which of the following is a correct statement regarding plyometrics

They take it advantage of the elastic properties of the muscle to increase power

Which of the following terms best describes the ability of a force to cause rotation of a lever?


Which fat-soluble vitamins is it important for bone formation

Vitamin E

A common measure to assist in evaluation of body fat distribution is

Waist hip ratio

The BMIs calculated using which of the following formulas

Weight divided by height squared

Which of the following equations would you use to determine body fat in African-American males

[(4.37/BD) - 3.93] x 100

Which age group is the fastest growing segment of the united states population

adults aged 65 to 85 years of age

The total number of muscle fiber is fixed at an early age, but

at adolescence, males exhibit rapid hypertrophy of muscle.

Metabolic syndrome is comprised of

central obesity, elevated triglycerides, low hdl, hypertension and insulin resistance

Strenuous exercise can predispose children to which of the following?


You should always have a spotter when doing a clean and jerk


Emerging risk factors for CAD include

homocysteine, lipoprotein, and fibrinogen

Staff certification is

important primarily because it adds standard of knowledge and credibility

Increased after load associated with increased peripheral resistance as an result of aging causes

left ventricle hypertrophy

Which of the following is characteristic for running versus walking?

period of nonsupport

Functions of bone include all of the following except?

production of force

The most common site used for measurement of the pulse during exercise is..


Which of the following are symptoms of hypoglycemia

tachycardia and slurred speech

Which type of musculoskeletal lever is most common?


The manager's role in staff education is

to create many opportunities for educating staff

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