Career and development

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Refers to activities that serve as one's regular source of livelihood and is commonly associated with the job position


Knowledge of a job duties educational requirements, celery and so on for a few select occupations

World of work information

Parent encourages autonomy while providing love and support

Loving acceptance

The last stage of burn out involves a decrease in one's self advocacy regarding one's ability to do the job this final stage leads to failure to be successful in a job

Reduce personal accomplishment

Propose that relationships for my portable and crew development and decision-making processes of children and adolescents. Darius falling under the relational approach of though I have attended to help us, siblings, extended family, friends, teachers, and many others Influence career choice and development

Relational approach is to career development

Is concerned with the relationship of the workers and their environments it refers to the adopt debility to adopt or adjust to Ones work environment.

Career adjustment

Preferences for a particular life activity and are thought to play a key role in career decision making and choice

Career interest

Purpose measures career interest Internet population individuals ages 14 or older test format and Administration; 168; respondents are asked to rate each item activity according to how much the person likes or dislikes it. Skills 14 COP system career clusters performance science, skilled science, professional technology, skill technology, consumer economics, outdoor, professional business, skill business, Circle, communication, professional arts, skilled arts, professional service, and skilled service

Career occupational preference system interest inventory cops

Purpose measures values that are relevant to occupational selection and job satisfaction. Intended population high school kids are polished and skills ate the communist polls investigative or six of them, orderliness versus flexibility, practical versus carefree, regulation versus privacy, independence versus conformity, aesthetic versus realist, leadership versus supportive as social versus reserved

Career orientation placement in a valuation survey COPES

Refers to the Lifetime pursuit of an individual where as jobs and occupation center more around the organizational needs and the industry

Career refers

Transition refers to move from one developmental stage to the next. A career transition can be smooth and seamless for moving from one job to the next for chaotic such as being fired or moving away. Transitions that three significant disruption in closet want to develop new methods of long but if we are issued a referred to as A crises. Several theories have been developed to describe how individuals cope with career transitions and crises

Career transition theories

Parent is permissive a child's behavior but offers minimal love

Casual acceptance/acceptance of the child

Refers to the process by which individuals only career alternatives they believe they are not Compatible with their self-concept. Propose that a child begins to wreckonize distinctions between jobs they must rule out occupations that they deem socially on acceptable. This process of illumination until stages of circumscription and is heavily influenced by child's idea regarding gender, social class, and perstige


Occurs in response to emotional exhaustion and involves a detachment from the job in the development of cynicism and in different


65 years of age and above individuals begin to disengage from work and turn your energy towards retirement sub stages decelerting a decrease interest was waiting to slowing down of workplace responsibilities Retirement planning; formulation of plans for retirement such as financial planning, as that was retirement activities. Retirement living; information overtime or plans leisure home family community services activities.


Early on in the formulation of this. Ginzsberg propose that for your decision making process was irreversible meaning that individuals cannot return psychologically or chronologically to previous stages. However he modified his views stating that the process was somewhat reversible however he still Maintained that changes in career decisions could have many implications and even Impede an individual's career development

Early stages of theory

Was best known for his contribution to the Minnesota point of view a career guidance theory that derived from the work at Frank Parsons. Williamson believed that counselor should share their wisdom with clients to help them reach a career decision consequently the Minnesota point of you is considered a directive counseling approach.

Edmund williamson

Is the first stage of burn out and involves the depletion of one's emotional resources

Emotional exhaustion

Working Environment requires workers to manage and or persuade others to achieve organizational or personal goals; workers often take risks to attain larger rewards; W's promotion, leadership and power. Examples of enterprising occupations are a restaurant manager, politics, business management, selling. Personality type enjoy persuading in leading people; tends to be assertive and competitive, and values wealth


24 to 45 years of age individuals begin to establish themselves in their world was starting to choose a job or because it said stages stabilizing; settling down for a job in a meeting the job requirements my: individuals find out what their career decisions are appropriate. Consolidating; becoming property, productive employees doing a positive reputation. Advancing moving into a position with added responsibilities increase pay and status.


Expiration 15 to 24 years old career development becomes more intentional and individuals begin to gather occupational information, choose a career alternative, and begin their work. So stages crystallizing; clarification of different types of careers better interest to the individual specify; moving from a tentative career plan to a more specific organizational choice.; Actively pursuing a career choice gravitational training or work. Experiences


Are those interests that are verbally reported it when a college student says I would like to work as a financial analyst here she is providing an example of an expressed interest in a career counselor can access express interest by asking the client about their career interest

Expressed interest

Established a national minimum wage provided minimum standards for overtime entitlement and prohibited the employment of minors today remains the primary legislation for enforcing in protecting rights of wages of employees

Fair labor standards act FLSA 1938

Allows employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave when an employee is on able to perform his or her job to care for a sick family member or to provide care to a child including birth, adoption, or foster care. The act ensures that employees will not be terminated or forced into a lower position on returning from Unpaid leave

Family and medical leave act of 1993

This model holds that all decisions have similar qualities, in that the choice which has two or more possible courses of action must be made and in individual must rationalize information to accurately predict the outcome of his or her choice. The decision-making process consists of recognizing that a decision needs to be made, collecting data and serving possible courses of action; and determine the possible outcomes in applying for production and value system to analyze possible outcomes; and making a choice which could be terminal or invest dictated lastly suggested that the nature of the decision-making is continuous and cyclical

Gelatts Decision making model

Another career theory that if here's to the tenants of tree and type theory is Holland stereotypes. John Holland proposed that career choice and satisfaction for a product of personal characteristics. Consequently he fell individual should match their personality type with the work environment. Holland propose that there are six personality and work environment types realistic, investigative, artistic, social enterprising, and conventional obviously no one person or working varmint is purely one type but rather is a combination of types. Holland maintain the individual work environments were dominated by two or three differential types. ThereforeA three letter code known as the Holland code is used to characterize individuals and work environments. For example a person who is realistic artistic and investigative is code or ARI

Holland codes

Ongoing occupational stress can lead to the phenomenon known as burnout burnout is the type of work related stream that results in emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduce personal accomplishment.

I'm going occupational stress

Ensures that children with disabilities receive special education and related services that are designed to meet their individual needs and prepare them for future education, employment, and independent living. Also mandates that individuals with disabilities receive transition services to facilitate their move from school to employment or further education

Individuals with disabilities education improvement act IDEA 2004

The US career guidance movement was initiated in the late 1800s with the start of the industrial revolution. They Industrial Revolution transformed Americas Agriculturally based economic into an industry and manufacturing economy.

Industrial revolution

According to the trailer factor. Career satisfaction as a cheap one individual is able to match personal traits with treats required by the occupation. Although it can be difficult to integrate such a large amount of information several career test and in the toys provide information regarding occupations that I want to specific aptitude, interest and values and personal characteristics to assist individuals in the matching progress

Integrating self understanding with knowledge of the work environment

Lifespan. As a relates to career development, is concerned with how gross and weird mature ration affect the way individuals handle career issues throughout their entire lifespan. This group of theories outlines chronological stages that correspond to several diapers theories of career development tasks. Individuals move through stages as they age.

Lifespan and development career theories

Theory of circumscription compromise and self creation is the lifespan theory that outlines our career development process of children and adolescents. It is concerned with how the development of self concept and how people see themselves privately and it probably affects vocational choices and outcomes. Specifically emphasizes the role of gender and prestige play in making career decisions

Linda Gottfredson Theory of circumscription compromise and self creation

45 to 65 years of age individuals focus on maintaining their status at work by Jevity changes and innovations in the field. Substage is holding; went to the success instead of them OK. Updated summary for holding onto position, but the little ones knowledge by learning new skills to stay competitive, participating to tell you education, and or Betty professional. Innovative; contributing to the progress of the fieldThrough new developments


Refers to the activities in which people engage for example an individual fundraising music made manifest his interest by playing the piano manifest interest can be assessed her observation which assumes the individual engages in activities they find interesting or client self report method

Manifest interest

The four dimensions yelled it a total of 16 different psychological types these different types are do you notifying abbreviation of four letters the first letter of every type with the exception of intuition for example a type all a G of introverted intuition feeling and perceiving is referred to as I NFP no typologies better or worse than the other but Briggs and Myers believed that individuals usually prefer one over the other is typology concise with a specific occupation there for individuals can match their personality type with the compatible occupation. Briggs and Myers developed the Myers Briggs type indicatorMBTI to assess each individual psychological typology

Myers Briggs code

Defined as the primary activity that engages ones time. And occupation include similar jobs found in many organizations. Occupations exist regardless of whether or not the individuals are employed in them


Three-step framework gaining self understanding your abilities attitudes interest in limitations, understanding the world of work such as requirements for success compensation, opportunities in different lines of work. True reasoning the ability to combine and understand self with knowledge about the world work to make a career decision wrote the book choosing a Vocation 1909

Parsons three-step framework

Mitchell, Levine, and Krumboltz. Suggested that individuals need to take advantage of unpredictable social, educational, and occupational conditions; capitalizing on such conditions is referred to as planned happenstance. Plan happenstance can lead to open-mindedness and an increase in career options and opportunities. Mitchell maintained thar counselors should encourage clients to To temple night planned happenstance; normalizing in the clients history assisting clients to transform curiosity into opportunities for learning and exploring. Teaching to client to produce desirable Chance events. Teaching clients to overcome blocks to action

Planned Happenstance

17 to 20 years younger adults begin to make realistic career choices as they progress through three sub stages exploration to narrow down for a choices, crystallization commit to specific career field, and specification selection of jobs or education and training.

Realistic stage

Refers to a set of interconnected behaviors, rights and obligations that are associated with a particular social situation. Individuals play a number of different roles throughout their lifetime because life demands that we play multiple roles in our day-to-day life individuals are vulnerable to role overload, role conflict and role spill over.


Occurs when expectations associate with multiple roles exceed and individuals time and energy and ability to perform the role adequately

Role overload

Prohibits discrimination against an individual with a disability and program sponsored by federal agencies are receiving Federal financial assistance in federal employment and federal contracting employment

Section 504 of the rehabilitation act 1973

Refers to the belief that one is capable of performing specific behaviors to attain a certain goal. I person self efficacy believes determine whether he or she will engage in the behavior and the amount of energy and persistence that will be expanded ensure persons will be more likely to engage in behavior or task if they believe they can succeed. Self efficacy believes play a role in Korea performance and career decision making

Self efficacy

The dimension reflects how people perceive take in information about events in the world. Sensing using five senses vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch. To take in information they make meaning; focus on the trust information I was present, tangible and concrete; prefer to look for details and facts. Intuition uses inside to make meaning of the information around them; have a future orientation; or abstract, Imagination, creative, really relate sensory information theory

Sensing versus intuition

This theory focuses on the learning process and emphasizes the role of behavior and actions and cognitions and career decision making. Unlike other theories of career development social learning theory is concerned with teaching clients how to implement career decision making techniques into their own lives fallows work of John Krumboltz

Social learning theory

Measure self-reported interest, person for 16 years or older. Test format and administration 291 items each of which asks to indicate a preference for three responses can be administered individually or in a group setting. Scales five interpretive skills. General occupational things, offers a three letter Holland code basic interest skills score 25 for interest areas strong occupational skills indicate similarities between responded interest in people with high job satisfaction working in 211 occupations. Personal style skills; processes respondents learning, working, leadership and risk-taking style. Total response index scores three administrators got skills that are used to identify test errors or unusual profiles depression or apathy

Strong interest inventory SII

Curiosity using natural curiosity to gain information about work. Fantasy using imagination and will play tomorrow about work interest; developing like in like dislikes be getting to express interest in serving occupations.

Sub stages

It is also important to remember that unlike a lot of other career threes TWA is concerned with actual performance on the job


11 to 17 years of age adolescence pass-through for sub stages that influence career decision interest career decisions are based on likes and dislikes, capacity individuals are able to assess and consider their capabilities in relation to career aspirations, value personal goals and values are incorporated into the decision-making process and transition availability, demand and believes of certain careers are taken into account

Tentative stage

Reflected in an individual's knowledge of the specific topic and is measured by objective test for example an individual less interesting auto mechanics might score high on a technical test battery and mechanical aptitude test

Tested interest

Chaos theory as it applies to career development proceeds that people live in a complex and ever-changing world. As a result careers are seen as dynamic systems that are not accurately presented by simplicity of the trait and factor approach. Blotch 2005 suggested career should instead be conceptualized using a non-linear logic that Acknowledges the role of complexity, chance, and change and people's careers. The foundational principles of chaos theory order arrived from the mathematical study of a highly complex, deterministic system and includes complexity, down the nerdy, unpredictability, and emergence. Bright, Pryor and Harpham Outline how these principles relate to career development

The chaos theory a career

There are three important constructs and understanding the reason of holes. Congruence is concerned with the relationship between individual personality in the working varmint. The more similar and individual's personality traits or to the working varmint characteristics, the more congruent the relationship. Therefore using this whole is three letter code and SEC personality is most congruent with an SEC work environment, less congruent with an SPA environment and very incongruent with them IRA environment.

Theory constructs

Developed out of the work of Dawis and Lofquist Is another form on trade and tight during this theory was originally designed for locational rehabilitation clients but it's application has been ordered to include the doors facing for your decisions and work adjustment problems. TWA describes the relationship between and several poor assumptions regarding individuals in their work environments.

Theory of work adjustment TWA

Sometimes referred to as persons environment fit theories, where the first career development theories to emerge. These theories them from Frank persons work in vocational guidance. In his book choosing a vocation propose that individuals must have a clear understanding of their attitudes, abilities, interest, and resources knowledge concerning a job requirements, conditions of success, compensation, and opportunity and true reasoning to understand the relationship between all of the above

Trait and type career theories

Much like Krumboltz theory chaos theory stresses the influence of chance on an individual's career


The shape a person's behavior and emotions and define what is important to that individual. Trey and factor theory is concerned with both general values such as political, social, economic religious and we're related values. Although the assessment of our you can play a vital role in her decision-making it is difficult and elusive concept to measure consequently very few values in the toys that you're reliable and valid scores exist. Instead career counselors often use informational


Assessing the problem and obtaining reviewing client records and testing results, organizing and synthesizing the client information gathered to fully understand the problem, interpreting the problem, providing counseling to assist the client in reaching a solution and following up with the client after solution is reached

Williamson five steps

Rowe 1957 theory was concerned with protecting occupational choices on the basis of biological, sociological and physiological differences. The theory was rooted in the work of Sigmund ford, propose the occupational selection was heavily influenced by psychological needs that developed from interactions between children and parents. Ultimately Rowe desired to show that individuals in certain occupations have commonalities in the way they were raised. Her theory involves the classification of parental attitudes and occupations.

roe's Personality development and occupational classification

Working environment encourages creativity, personal expression, freedom, and unconventionally. Examples of artistic occupations are a musician and artist. Personality type enjoy self-expression values originality and independence; is non-conforming and creative.


Parent ignores child


Willingness to explore and use career related resources

Career exploration

The ability to use knowledge gained from career exploration activities to make career plans

Decision making

Engaging in activities as a means of passing time


Parent criticizes or punishes the child, showing no love or affection

Rejection/avoidance of the child

Up to 11 years of age ideas regarding future careers that are influenced by play or imagination

Fantasy stage

Refers to an individual's ability to tolerate problematic and dissatisfying aspects of the job because of her parents is defined as how long an individual and door on favorable were conditions before changing jobs


There's a wide range of activities that the individuals participating in an accomplished throughout their lifetime. Trey and factor theory recognizes three types of achievement academic such as high grades awards work such as employee evaluations promotions, and test for surfer certification for entry into the workforce. Achievement can be measured quantitatively through tests for clients or self report


Was the first to consider how adult workers manage their careers in on stable job market in doing so he produced the term career Adaptability which refers to an individual's readiness and available resources for coping with change and work in employment conditions. It involves the ability to cope with predictable career development tasks preparing in locating a job in future orientation that permits individuals to continually capitalize on their skills andAbilities

Donald super

Refers to the activities in tasks people enjoy doing. Vocational interests are usually assessed through the administration of interest inventories such as the computer career search KCS, the strong interest inventory SII, basic interest skills and the California occupational preference survey COPS.


Understanding a preferred occupations in ability to judge it was all people ability to be successful in these occupations

Knowledge of preferred occupational group

Carl Jung and Kathrine Briggs a psychologist and her daughter Isabel Myers specifically the theory proposes that for dimensions shape what individuals pay attention to in the world and how they make decisions about what they say. Include introversion versus actually, sensitive or something tuition, thinking versus below, judging versus proceeding.

Myers-Briggs type theory

Understanding of the fact that once locational choice must be possible to achieve


Refers to significance and individual places on the role of career in relationship to other life rolls involves three factors participation spending time and energy and they work roll, commitment and emotional attachment to the workload, value expectation the satisfaction gained from vocational decisions and actions one makes throughout the course of one's life span

Career salience

Prohibits employers from discriminating against a qualified individual who has a mental or physical disability. Discrimination mean for denying employment opportunities to qualified workers, failing to advance, demoting or firing employees because of disability and not providing reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities

American with disabilities act ADA 1990

Refers to an individual's in a minute abilities mathematical abilities, artistic abilities. And career counseling aptitudes or measured through the use of aptitude test which is an individual capability to learn and potential for future occupational success. Commonly used aptitude test in trait and factor counseling include differential aptitude test DAT, the US employment services general aptitude test battery Ga TV in the arm services vocational aptitude battery ASB a B. These test measure various aptitude, verbal numerical, clerical, mechanical reasoning, Spelling, hand I coronation and abstract reasoning.

Aptitude test

Contains three instruments that can be administered individually or together. The instruments measure interest, abilities, and values

COP System

Purpose measure self-reported vocational interests and skills intended population individuals 15 years or older test format and administration 320 items written at a six grade reading level; 200 interest items asks respondents to write level of interest on a six point scale from strongly like to strongly dislike; 120 skill item asked responded to write this level on a six point scale expert to know skill to indicate level of confidence. Skills; seven oriented skills influencing organization, helping, creating, analyzing, producing, adventuring watch closely resembles Holland's clothes; 25 basic skills represent areas of interest and skill set within each of the seven orientation skills 60 occupational skills. Forms paper and pencil or computerized Internet administration

Campbell interest and skill survey CISS

Broadly defined encompassing all the rules people play over their lifetime student, and ploy, parent, retiree. Career is defined to include only a persons work and leisure rules regardless of the definition of scope the professional counselors understand that an individual's career encompasses more than a persons occupation


According to Savickas Life things tied the expression of the vocational personality, where as the career adaptation process manages this expression

Career adaptability

Purpose designed to measure how the responsibilities correlate with the entry requirements for each of the cops 14 occupational clusters intended population; individual sport year older skills; eight subsets mechanical reasoning, spiritual relations, verbal reasoning, languages, Work knowledge, perpetual speed and accuracy, manual speed and mathematical Ability

Career adaptability placement service CAPS

As we age our ability to successfully cope with developmental changes in them and the pain is less on chronological age and visit physical maturity. Adults must instead be prepared to handle over changing occupational opportunities in life rolls. In 1981 super and knasel Introduced the term career adaptability to describe adult pool decision making readiness in the face A constantly changing changing working condition. Career adaptability requires that individuals find ways to effectively manage their career by becoming responsible agentsWilling to actively engage with and adapt to a dynamic working environment

Career adaptability/super

Refers to the bride process of systematically collecting for relay the information on multiple levels. Career assessment reflects in providing individual with information concerning career options, career planning forces, personality type, aptitude, Career related believes, interest, or values, career development to stage and career barriers. Formal testing refers to the use of standardize career related assessments to evaluate a class because your situation. Self assessments on the other hand it involve the use of nonstandardized in the doors and Philip the Sellitti career exploration and self discovery. Whoever assessments, Leah says the following domains interest, achievement, aptitude, values, personality, and career developmental stages

Career assessment

Involves decisions individuals make it any point in their career about which work and leisure activities to pursue. At times people may struggle to make a career decision as a result several career theories and vocational assessment specifically address career choice and decision making

Career choice

Career construction theory is another post modern narrative approach to career counselor. The theory maintains that individuals construct their careers by imposing meaning I'm vocational behaviors. Savickas Uses reoccurring vocational things to help individuals identified and reconstruct her life story. Specifically this approach emphasizes individual personality types, why things, and career adaptability.

Career construction theory Savickas 2005

Is used to describe the role of self efficacy place in career decision making. Specifically career decision making self efficacy refers to the degree to which an individual feels confident in their ability to make clear decisions. According to social cognitive career theory persons with high career decision making self efficacy will readily engaged in career decision making behaviors and exploration of the self and work environment where as those with low career decision making self efficacy may give up easily if they run into barriers or avoid engaging altogether in these behaviors

Career decision making self efficacy

Is a process that refers to how individuals manage their careers throughout their lifetime. Engaging in the career development process can increase current job performance and satisfaction and assist individuals and taking advantage for future vocational opportunities

Career development

Refers to the physical, psychological and social characteristics that picture between individuals readiness to deal with developmental challenges that may occur at any given Thursday. This term is frequently used to describe how children develop from the decision-making readieness and is generally not to increase with chronological age in school grade.

Career maturity/super

The theory of work and just meet TWA proposes that individuals must be able to adjust to their skills to perform the required job tasks and achieve job satisfaction. John Crites found that employees who thrived in the workplace were able to adjust to their job tasks, develop sufficient workplace relationships, and consider future career goals. Donald super proposed their career adjustment includes adapt into the workplace changes learning different skills, and requiring an awareness of sources of workplace stress

Career theories that have shaped understanding of career adjustment

If the size is clear decision making and the thought processes that also has decision-making. Peterson strived not only to help individuals make career decisions but also to understand how the Way they think influences the decision-making process. The fundamental attendance of CIP are demonstrated through a conceptual model referred to as the pier amid of information processing. In particular the pier amid compromises three domains versus the knowledge domain which is made up of self knowledge and occupational knowledge. This domain parallels treatment factor theory, as CIP proceeds that in order to make an effective career decision individuals must have self knowledge and a part information about occupational options. The second domain is the decision-making skills done which encompasses the cognitive skills individuals to affectively process information related to themselves in the world of work do you specific skills are referred to as CASVE communication, analysis, synthesis, valuing, and Execution The third domain is referred to as the executive assistant for me. This domain refers to the decision-making process in particular the executive process involves internal, self talk messages about choices for example I am of the decision-maker for awareness regarding ones decision making process I know that I must research and buy all of my options before making a decision in the temple monitoring and control function if I am going to put in a job by the end of the year I had better see my career advisor for my career information. Clients have a difficult time making her decisions when I was negative self talk believing that they are no longer good at making decisions I've wanted insight into their own decision-making processes for a lot of the ability to monitor him for the process failed to know when it is time to move on from one stage the next payment also left sock occupational information or built-in gauge on the actual decision making process. The place become good decision makers by providing of visualization and opportunities for the client to explore the self in the world of work. It's our turn on clients awareness of negative self talk and the decision-making process and establishing or anything to help the client monitor the career Decision making process. And achieving career goals

Cognitive information processing approach

Chaos theory acknowledges that individuals live in an increasingly complex world where multi faced processes and events shape careers


Refers to the process by which adolescents give up highly preferred career alternative for those that are left compatible but more accessible. Accessibility is informed by external barriers such as family obligation or limited educational opportunities regarding compromise. Individuals will settle for a good enough career because they are on willing or on able to thoroughly examine their interest, values and abilities. Sometimes there is not a good enough career choice and individuals must delay the decision making process and search for alternatives. When the compromise a small individuals will give highest priority to size binder interest when the compromises Moderat individuals will sacrifice interest before prestige or gender role. When the compromise of severe individuals will sacrifice interest and prestige before gender role


Congruence between personality and work type leads to satisfaction in congruence leads to frustration and disappointment

Congruence versus incongruent

Is defined as the degree of similarity between the six following types certain types have more in common with some type of others to illustrate this concept Holland is a hexagon the closer the times are to settle for more consistent or third sample of social person is likely to have more common with artistic person then a realistic individual. The same is true of working Environment; investigative work Environments are similar to relist environment but Have little in common with the enterprising environments. Generally speaking very few occupations have inconsistent holland codes therefore individuals with inconsistent Holland codes may have difficulty finding a satisfying occupation


A psychological perspective that proposes individuals construct their own realities and truths. Proponents of construct a schism does not endorse the existence of an absolute truth and therefore focus on the meeting clients assigned to their problems. Counselors need to be familiar with different approaches to constructivist career counseling personal construct psychology Cochran's narrative career counseling approach, career construction theory and chaos theory of careers

Constructivist and Narrative approaches to career development

Krumboltz proposed for determinants that influence people's career choices genetic endowment which refers to those aspects of individuals I don't hear it it such as race sex, physical characteristics. This factor also called in the special abilities such as musical talent artistic ability and intelligence. Environmental conditions and events refers to the conditions or events that happened outside of an individuals control such as social, educational, political and economical factors. Instrumental in associative learning experience occur when a person's behavior leads to a consequence such as a reward or punishment. Associative learning refers to observational learning desiring to be news anchor after watching the local news for classical conditioning experiences. Task approach skills referred to how an individual approaches in deals with the task, problem or challenge Task approach skillskills has play an important role in career decision making influence goalsetting, verifying values predicting future events generating alternative and seeking occupational information. Poor outcomes are affected by the task approach skills searching for a position openings sending out resumes. The interaction of these for dimensions of career choice is mediated by three factors self observation worldview generalizations task approach skills in action.

Determinants of career choice

Career planning services are distinct from career counseling services they involve the actor provision of information resume review job search assistance administering career assessments to assist the client with specific need whereas career counseling services involves the establishment of the counseling relationship to assist clients with career and personal development concerns

Difference between types of service

Refers to the level of distinctiveness between each of the six: types. In other words a differentiated individual strongly resembles one or two of the holland and types for example an individual lights creativity and art but just likes working with machinery, whereas in on differentiated individual identifies with each of the six types in an individual enjoy doing all activities and does them well. Differentiation is calculated by subtracting the lowest score of any type from the highest score of any type on the phone self-directed search SDS or locational preference inventory VPI it low score indicates on differentiation, and a high score differentiation. Because on differentiated individuals have many interests and abilities they often have difficulty making a career choice. Working varmint also very in terms of differentiation. Summer varmints are on differentiate it and some embody several types for example a counselor sees clients maintenance records and develops creative techniques. See S a. Other work environments are highly differentiated and only include one type for example an assembly line worker my only engage in realistic work R


It is important to make the distinction that self-efficacy believe that may or may not correspond with actual abilities. Individuals with most of efficacy and they underestimate their actual ability

Differentiation in self efficacy

The last concepts important to understanding my tires brakes type theory are dominant and ask Hillary processes. Briggs and Myers theorized that for each of the 16 psychological types one guiding or dominant function usually develops as done and accelerate function to determine which functions are dominant and accelerate, the last typology letter is used. If P is the last letter, then institution or something is a key function if Jl is the last letter, then thinking or feeling is a key function. To determine which specific functions are dominant and auxiliary the first typology letter is used for Extroverts the last J or P indicates dominant process for introverts the last J or P indicates auxiliary process therefore and I in FJ the dominant function is introverted intuition the auxiliary function is extroverted feeling. For an ESTP the dominant function is extroverted sensing auxiliary function is introverted thinking.

Dominant an auxiliary processes

Develop the lifespan, life space career theory a developmental approach to career counseling. Super theory involved five lifestages and numerous developmental career tasks he also proposed a career rainbow that represented the many rolls of individual has throughout life and develop several career inventories which he called the work values inventory the career development inventory in the adult career concerns inventory

Donald super

The lifespan, five space. Theory developed by super he's one of the most notable and influential. I got my approaches. Super did not do his work as cohesive and unified but describe his word as a segmental theory Consisting of 14 propositions that describe three fundamental aspects of career development do you Spohn the mental aspects include the lifespan, white space, and self concept. Soopers were provided a significant peregrine shit in career theory from the focus of a one time vocational choice porn understanding of a career that develops over entire life span

Donald super lifespan, life space in career theory

Despite the fact that careers are unpredictable and nonlinear, chaos theory assumes that underlying parents can still emerged route and individuals career. Therefore it is important for the individual to them in the past experiences and out they shape their career trajectory


Factors influence the experience of occupational stress and burnout personality factors a type a personality characteristics such as perfectionist compulsive and competitive to nurture them the tendency to experience negative emotional states such as anxiety, anger, and guilt number three orientation to achievement number for low self-esteem number external locus of control organizational factors include work overload, Lack of employee a Tonna me, insufficient reward, absence of fairness, conflicting employees an organizational values, poor communication, and lack of clarity regarding ones role in the organization

Factors that influence burn out

Considered the father of clear guidance in the counseling profession. He established the Boston locational bureau where he developed the trait and factor approach this approach which assisted individuals in choosing a career

Frank parsons

Was a pioneer in forerunner in career guidance he developed a curriculum that combined academic and structural with technical and vocational training

George a merrill

Career development theory, the lifespan theory focuses on the career decision making process. The development of this theory was collaborative between Ginzberg, And economic guest and Ginsberg a psychiatrist. Although Ginzberg recognize that career decision making process extend it into adulthood their theory focuses on child an hour lesson development. The differentiated three developmental stage and career selection process

Ginzberg And associates. Developmental theory

Growth birth to 14 years of age during this stage children do not make a deliberate effort to advance their career development rather they search developmental milestones that later guide to Paris or processes such as gaining control over their behaviors developing a time perspective and gaining self awareness

Growth/supers 5 Life stage

Is eight. Look for miracles developed by Hanson to assist individuals and explain how your world is intertwined with other life roles to form a meaningful career. Hansons. Emphasizes the importance of psychological physical or spiritual integration your plan for the new gauges and purpose for work and white walls. I LP after he attends to diversity issues associated with the city, gender, socioeconomic status, spirituality, striving to empower individuals with a sense of personal agency as they move through there uncertainty teams of career development process. Hansen identified six major life tasks that adults one morning work global context to attending to physical, mental and emotional health connecting family and work, valuing pluralism and inclusivity, exploring matters of spirituality and life purposes, managing personal transitions and organizational change.Contended that completion of the preceding major life tasks helps individuals to do a more systematic were planning on doing control over shaping their own lives accordingly I canceled walls to help a client of these major life tasks, understanding the interrelatedness of all six tasks and prioritize them in a manner that is consistent with the needs of the client

Hansen integrative life planning career decision making ILP

This dimension identifies individuals preference for using the judging function thinking, feeling you're perceiving function something intuition when you're related to the outer world. Judging making decisions on the basis of you fax have a sense of order in their life. Perception need to weigh many factors before reaching a decision having difficulty making decisions; like to keep their options open

Judging versus perceiving

Hopson and Adams introduced to other types of transitions voluntary for example decision to leave the job in a long time for example being fired. They proposed that prices are usually on anticipated. To pizza conceptualize how individual horrible prices Hopson Adams proposed the model of adult transition. This model outline seven developmental stages; demobilization which is the initial stock shop gun overwhelmed, or able to make plans; minimization desire to minimize crisis, denial; self doubt doubt about one's ability to solve problems, feeling and Anxiety letting go detachment from the original prices looking to the future; testing out , Feeling of being able to handle the situation; searching for meaning, seeking understanding of the situation and internalization change in the values and lifestyle

Hopson and adams model of adult transition

Inventory is identified and individuals work related interest. Interesting mentors after rebuild what an individual find enjoyable and motivating but do not necessarily correlate with the ability of job success. Interest inventory solicit an individual preferences and have no right or wrong answers.

Interest inventory

This dimension refers to how one prefers to relate to the world. Introverts; interested in one's inner world, concepts and ideas are important; draw energy from personal reflection; top oriented; see that. Extroverts interested in the outer world, concerned with other people and objects, draw energy from action; prefer interaction

Introversion versus extroversion

Work environment requires workers to solve problems using comp like an abstract thinking examples of investigative occupations our computer programmer, physician, biologist. Personality type enjoys working with the Carrie and information analytical; intellectual; scientific; and exploritve


This theory is largely a descriptive decision-making approach other describes how a little condo complex when I can call your choices, however it does not outline strategies for approval of the quality of a clear decision making. Corporate model of decision-making rest on the assumption that stress significantly contribute to the quality of the decision that is made; high-level to strive to lead to A defective career decision. The theory proposes by patterns people used to cope with the stress; Unconflicted adherence the person ignores the potential risks associated with a particular decision. Unconflicted change the person excepts her options that are suggested or provided without questioning. Defensive avoiding the person it states the conflict by putting decision-making responsibilities on others, procrastinating or rationalize it. Hypervigilance the person or possibly chooses the decision that will bring a media room and vigilance the person was the cost and benefits at all tomorrow before making a decision. In addition to bury out like three conditions whose presence or absence determine which of the five coping patterns in individual will use. Awareness of serious risks associated with preferred alternative, I hope for finding a better alternative absence of this condition moved to different set of orders and believe that One has adequate time to search And evaluate alternatives, absence of this condition leads to hypervigilane

Janis and Manns Conflict and model of decision-making

Developed computerized vocational systems such as CVIS, discover envisions. Is also known for her work in training career development facilitators internationally and for writing print basically a curriculum for high school and college age students

Joanne harris bowlsbey

Refers to the position that requires a specific skill set and are within an organization or company


Describes how content individuals are with their jobs. Job satisfaction is that a result from a match between individuals self-concept and the characteristics of the working varmint. A number of factors influence job satisfaction quality of environment, relationship with coworkers, and supervisor degree for filament, pay and benefits, job mobility, and degree of employee a Tonna me. Low levels of job satisfaction have been linked to increase your physical psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, burn out, and increased susceptibility to disease

Job satisfaction

It was known as one of the leading vocational psychologist of the 20th century he was leading researchers in the area of career maturity and developed a career maturity inventory he also developed the first objective taxonomy for classifying career decision making problems and endorsed comprehensive career counseling which emphasizes that all aspects of life functioning are interrelated

John crites

Was known for developing the theory of locational choice which involves matching persons to work environments he propose six personality and work environment types realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional, this typology is used in a strong interest inventory in the arm services vocational aptitude battery. Holland is best known for the development of self-directed search hey self-administered A self scored career inventory

John holland

Develop the social learning theory of career counseling he held the individuals learned experiences lead them to develop specific career believes, and those believes then influence career decision making. His published over 90 articles on career believes in the influence of career choice

John krumboltz

Individuals and Work environments are considered to be complementary. The work environment requires that tasks he performed, and the individual possesses the skills needed to perform these tasks into the individual is rewarded for performance from decision job security. A high level of correspondence the degree to which the individual award if I may continue to meet each other's needs must be obtained Emington. Work adjustment refers to the continuous process by which an individual achieves and maintains correspondence with in the work environment satisfaction and satisfactoriness are predictors of work adjustment. Satisfaction refers to an employee contentment with their work environment. Satisfactoriness Describes the employer satisfaction with an individual's job performance. The degree of satisfaction and the degree of satisfactoriness Determines Tenur, how long an individual remain with the company. Tenur is said to be the principal indicator of work adjustment. When an individual is dissatisfied with the work environment they will make adjustments to increase correspondence. To such adjustments include active noise making changes to the working varmint or reactive Ness making changes to themselves. Flexibility refers to an individual's ability to tolerate problematic and dissatisfying aspects of the job. Perseverance defined as how long an individual will endure unfavorable or conditions before changing jobs. It is also important to remember that unlike a lot of other career theorist TWA is concerned with actual performance of the job.

Key concepts

Super recognized that individuals have numerous not to work commitments and play many life roles in addition to a worker wall. These life roles provider meeting to an individual and offer a context for life stages. According to super individuals whole numerous life goals throughout the lifespan and role salience, Or the importance that individuals assign each role varies due to situational and personal determinants. Individuals therefore, very in the importantance that they will attribute to the workers role over the lifespan. Super proposed three indicators of role salience Participating such as being active, spending time on something, improving performance, permitting desire to be involved, and values and expectations. Super absurd that people trying to play as many as nine different walls to the lifespan; child, student, leisurite, citizen, worker, partner, homemaker,., And pensioner. An individual career prostitute all the white walls he or she plays overwatch tonight super developed the life career rainbow to illustrate the involving importance of nightlife roles within the context of this life stage. For example a young professional is likely to be focused on the workable however in order individual you're in the terminal they put more emphasis on the leisure . The model also takes into account the personal And situational determinants impact on individuals career development and life roles. Recognizes that life throws our dynamic and interact with one another. At times the responsibilities associated with two or more rolls might conflict or the responsibilities of one life role might spill over into another. For example the worker role might spill over into the para wow what a parent has a large project at work and must work several late nights. Super noted that ideally life rolls should support and nurture each other creating opportunities for individuals to express their values and create meaning.

Life space

Is a term derived from Adler 1954 lifestyle concept which provides an explanation for the why behind an individuals career choice. Adler was more interested in career development then his contemporaries proposing that early experience and regulations play significant role in determining our lifestyle, hence our career choices later on in life. An individuals lifestyle is solidified between the ages of four and six and is related to five life tasks. Self development, spiritual development, occupation, society, and love. Several theories have developed frameworks that integrate the Adlerian principles of lifestyle and life tasks into career development and decision making. Savickas Focuses on Adler's occupational like ours, suggesting that like things provide individuals with me and put those in there vocational work. Why things are stories of personal meaning that will lead to poor doctors in an individual's life story. Counselors can help Clients and cover a sense of mattering by reflecting on life things at numbers by in life tasks.

Life themes

Super believed that career development was a lifelong process that continue to unfold early adulthood. When individuals. Did not develop in isolation for Wishard for numerous factors including parental socioeconomic level, mental ability, education, skills, personality characteristics career maturity, occupational opportunities. Career development according to super occurred over series of five success of stages growth which is childhood, expiration which is out of lessons, the Stabley Schomann which is early adulthood maintenance which is middle adulthood and disengagementWhich occurs in late adulthood and 15 sub stages. Each stage is associated with a specific developmental task super believe individuals were likely to en counter.


The Myers-Briggs type there he was not originally included to be a career development. However many career counselor use it to assist client in making clear decisions therefore it is imperative that you understand that their radical concept associated with it and March break type theory is considered a psychological personality theory derived from the work of Carl Jung

Myers-Briggs type theory

Based on the work of George Kelly the theory states that individuals develop constructs to understand how the world works and to anticipate events. Constructs are made up of two bipolar points happy versus sad individual's place events and people are either in extreme point in between. Constructs can also be grouped into themes and applied Into similar events. Kelly proposed that the group of vocational constructs, the vocational construct system assist individuals in for any purpose at work, evaluating career decisions and tasks, and developing a sense of identity through work. Three vocational assessment or commonly used in career counseling to assist individuals and specifying in understanding their vocational constructs; the vocational rep test, laddering techniques, and vocational card sort

Personal construct psychology

Focuses on the stories of individuals lives rather than a personal construct system. From this perspective, career is seen as a story that includes an individual's past, present, if you Future career development, Cochran 1997. The narrator of the story is referred to as the agent; there is a setting in which the story occurs, and action that is desirable to reach a goal, and an instrument that the agent uses to reach the goal. Problems in the career story arise when the instruments in the bowl do not match. The actions and goals do not match, or the agent and the canister learn from the narration of the client story. The story begins with the description of the problem the middle of the story is characterized by description of the obstacles an instrument that can be used to reach the clothes for. The end portion of the story involves the counselor and the client working collaboratively to develop solutions to reach client goals.

Narrative Career counseling

Due to the complexity of the world, individuals career trajection's or nonlinear. Specifically chaos theory recognizes that even small changes can have a large, but I expected impact on individuals career.


Insured safe and healthful working conditions for employees throughout the creation of the occupational safety and health administration OSHA. Works to prevent work related injuries, illness, death by issuing and enforcing workplace safety and health standards

OSHA 1970

And understanding of the world word is most often obtained through all the patient information government websites, probably about some other things. To love you occupational sources and arrive useful information from the sources one must have an understanding of the quality and content of audiovisual information. At minimum or occupational information should include a description of the application, qualifications for injury, educational requirements, working conditions, celery and employment outlook. For a counselors can use the NCDA guidelines to assess the quality of the occupational information. Classification systems used due to overwhelming amount of for information housed in for the resources classification systems are used to organize information and enhance clients usability However each occupational source uses his own classification systems making it important for for the counselors and plants alive to have an understanding of how each system works. Trait and factor requirements to match individual trees with specific observations Florence must have access to occupational information that contains information about Richard attitudes, interests, values personality and achievement

Obtaining knowledge about work

Is defined as the chronic psychological and physiological strain the results from ongoing job related stressors. A number of harmful physical and emotional symptoms can result from occupational stress including increasing Anxiety, irritability, anger, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, tearfulness, decreases in immune system functioning, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, increase self medicating behaviors, and increase in risky behaviors.

Occupational stress

Parent expects perfection from the child, setting high standards

Over demanding, concentration of the child

Parent encourages the child to be dependent by restricting the child's curiosity and exploration

Over protection

Involves aspects of individuals character behavior thoughts and feelings that remain stable throughout his or her lifetime. Trade and factor theory is primarily concerned with normal personality characteristics and uses personality inventory notices traits such as independence, flexibility, sociability, and Torrance. Two commonly used personality inventories include the California psychological inventory CPI and the 16 personality factors 16pf


Personality types are socially constructed clusters of attitude and skills that have no truth or value a part from the social constructs of the time, place, and culture. They are viewed as strategies for adopting to work in securing in the ploys reputation among coworkers. Accordingly the theory focuses on how individuals personality involves your work, rather than personality type before entering the workplace.

Personality types

Although super theory outlines a relatively new career development in the process he recognized that individuals can we cycle through the various stages in their lifetime. Restarting the first two people on Thursdays but they have been to before. Take for instance a high school math teacher with 20 years of teaching experience returns to school to pursue a career. It is likely that the teacher was in the middle of a career development before we know his job. It is also likely that he will cycle through the expiration for you to decide to switch careers in a time of school. Lastly we can assume that At some point in the future this teacher will recycle through the establishment phase


Occupational classification system is two dimensional classification system that compromises eight groups characterized by the primary focus of activity involved in each occupation and six levels characterized by the amount of responsibility and ability required by the occupation.The eight occupational groups our service, business contact, organization, technology, outdoor, science, general culture, and arts and entertainment. The six occupational levels are professional and managerial, professional and managerial to, semi professional and small business, skilled, semi skilled and unskilled.

Roe and lunneborg Occupational classification system

Involves how the demands and expectations of an individual's multiple roles conflict with each other. Role conflict often occurs when one takes on two different an incompatible goals at the same time

Role conflict

Is the carryover of one's about the man's and expectations into another roll a common example is to continue to worry about work issues while you are at home can have negative and positive consequences

Role spillover

Describes for global dimensionsAnd that characterize adoptable individuals from those floundering in their careers one concern for future work life to control over future career three curiosity for exploring career possibilities and for confidence to pursue career goals


Proposed for different types of transitions anticipated, what anticipated, chronic castles, and none of that. Transitions are those that will help and for most individuals over the lifespan for example getting a job or return it. On anticipated transitions refer to those poor things that are not expected such as being laid off. Chronic horses are characterized by their continuous and pervasive each other, a long commute to work. Not if you wants our transitions that never happen despite an individual desire for such a Vance to occur such as a job promotion that never happens. Proposed that an individual's willingness and ability to deal with transition depends on the situation such as the concrete events, the trigger, timing, meaning of transition to self support, strategies such as change in situation, change the meaning of the situation, manage stress results from the transition.

Schlossbergs Transition theory applied to career transition

Asserted that individuals have the capability to improve their career options and integrate their self-concept into the career decision making process however biological and environmental factors me an individual's ability to execute the compromise process

Self creation

One of Soopers most notable contributions to the field at for development what is this emphasis on the wrong self-concept plays in a person's career. He define self-concept as an individuals perception of his or her personality characteristics abilities and preferences. The self-concept changes and develops over time as individuals acquire life experiences and learn how to differ from others. Super seen career choices as reflections of self-concept and believed that self-concept influences in individuals ideas regarding suitable occupations. Super developed the Archway model examples can be found on the Internet to Depict how it variety of social an individual factor shape the influence the self-concept and ultimately the career decisions at individual makes it through their lifespan. In particular the model demonstrates how contextual, geographical doctors community, economy and family at any given developmental stage interact with individual, biographical factors such as values interest aptitude to influence individuals self-concept and career decision.


Purpose based on Hollands hexagon model and primarily measures career interest but also includes self estimates and abilities and competencies. Intended population; high school students, college students and adults test format and ministration 220 total items 66 activities 66 competencies, 84 occupations 12 self estimate at work abilities respondents right there like or dislike or each item is in the name suggest the SDS can be self administered self scored and self interpreted. Skills for subsections activities, competencies, occupations and some estimates; each subsection measures holland six personality types realistic, investigative, artistic, social, Enterprising and conventional. Scoring in interpretation this test and scored by adding the right personality type scores from each subsection the three highest total scores indicate the respondent phone call. The respondent two more matches of the code to the occupations found in the occupational finder. Force; form or regular for me right now to fourth grade reading level form CE career exploration: resigned from middle school students for CP career planning design for professional level employees.

Self-directed search SDS

Working Environment involves working with in assisting people; emphasize the value such as kindness, friendliness and Jenny generosity. Examples of social occupations are teaching, counseling, social work. Personality type desires to help others, enjoy solving problems through discussion into work; his cooperative, supportive and nurturing.


Lent and brown found that one believe in his or her ability to complete tasks and accomplish goals plays a significant role in vocational interests and potential life career choices SCCT. Alfred Bendura Social cognitive theory and is considered to be reciprocal, triadic model the emphasizes self efficacy believes, outcome expectations and personal growth. And particular brown and white posit that an individual self efficacy, or believe in his or her ability to successfully achieve something, and Outcome expectations and influence career interests. Individuals who believe they will be good at an activity such as sports or academics expect a successful outcome you're more likely to develop an interest in that activity in those who expect they will do poorly and anticipate failure. Interest in turn, but that the activities individuals can gauge in and the goals they said a related to these activities. Individuals then take specific actions to achieve their goals. Which impact their performance and learning experiences. They are likely to improve performance in areas they are interested as a result experience positive learning experience.They are likely to improve their performance of the areas they are interested and and as a result experience positive learning experience. And you're pregnant your performance been positive learning experiences reinforce individual self efficacy and outcome expectations for activity. SCCT recognizes that self efficacy outcome expectations are authorized by the interaction or for personal factors. Personal factors include an individual to make this position, sex, where is contextual factors are related to culture, family and role expectations/socialization. Proximal factors to find a current circumstance that directly impact our crew choice also in for an individual vocational options such factors financial resources, job opportunities in a particular field as well as access to her education and training options. According to Lent Counselors can help in powerplants to directly over chrome proximal factors

Social cognitive career theory lent and brown

Distillation describes how individuals make decisions with the data that they have received from their information gathering styles. Thinking using logic and analysis to make decisions concerned with making reasonable and consistent decisions. Feeling making values-based decisions concerned with the impact of the decision and therefore consider the needs of those involved; strive to attain for harmony

Thinking versus feeling

Theory of career decision making is a descriptive approach that proposes to stages of career decision making the first stage is anticipating a choice describing the process of making a career choice and has four aces expiration and because of her medicated and verified about different careers; crystallization individual evaluated vantages and disadvantages of potential alternative which leads to vocational clarification. Choice a choice is made any individuals may feel confident or not sure about the decision and specification individuals reassess their decision and clarify options the second stage is adjusting to the choice describing the process of implementing the decision to run on stage one to stage involves three phases induction implementation of career choice transformation as a result of implementing the proper decision individuals must adjust to new situations and people.And integration occurs as individuals become comfortable and Familiar with the new environment

Tideman and O'hara theory of career decision making

Has been heavily influenced by the work of both three persons in Edmond G Williamson this theory is rude and three basic assumptions; every person has a unique set of traits, every occupation requires a person to have a specific set of treats to be successful in that occupation, and choice of occupation involves matching traits of a person with those required of you know if the patient. Consequently an individual must gain self understanding, acquire knowledge about the world of work and integrate this information. Self understanding in the world of work in order to choose an occupation and which he or she will be successful and derive Satisfaction

Trait And factor theory

Generally speaking trait and type theories in here to Parsons ideas by assessing the traits of characteristics of the individual in order to match them with an occupation that have similar characteristics. This section describes there is falling under the trait and type classification trait and factor theory, there are you working just me, Hollands theory of types and Myers-Briggs type theory

Trait and type theories

Purpose not responding is interest to occupational options by assessing leisure activities. Particularly useful for those with limited work experience, those who are seeking a new career, or those who are engaging in retirement planning. Intended population high school students or adults test format and ministration; uses a six point scale that allows respondents to rate their degree of interest in 84 non-work activity statements can be a self administered and self scored. Scales assesses an individual patterns of nonaward interest and 14 career interest groups Arts, entertainment, media; science, math and engineering; plants and animals; law, and law enforcement and Public Safety mechanics, installers and repairs construction, morning and Jerome; transportation; industrial production : business detail; sales and marketing; recreational travel, and other personal services; education and social service; general management and support; Medical and health services. Forms paper and pencil or online

Transition to work inventory

Purvis matches responding. Locational interest with occupational clusters. Particularly useful for those with limited work experience, those were seeking a new career, or those fine gauge and retirement planning. Intended population middle school students to adults test or not I love ministration 180 items consisting of a verb an object for example taking counseling class items are presented in administered individually or in a group setting skills activity purpose skills and six career clusters outdoor/mechanical, science/technical, art/communication Social/personal services, sales/management and business operations forms pencil and paper version which is scored and profile by the user, pencil and paper version which is mail back to the publisher for scoring an Internet-based inventory.

kuder career search KCS

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