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AAMC Full Length Practice 1

AAMC Full Length Practice 1

AAMC Full Length Practice 3

AAMC Full Length Practice 3

AAMC Full Length Practice 4

AAMC Full Length Practice 4

AAMC Full Length Practice Exam 2

AAMC Full Length Practice Exam 2

Question 29

Ambiguous means open to interpretation Derivative would be the best choice here.

Question 21 What is the main point of the first paragraph? A. A writer must be faithful to real-life to be successful B. A work of fiction reveals its creator's strengths and weaknesses C. A writer is like a camera that perfectly reproduces real life D. A writer's astigmatisms are what make a work of fiction fascinating

Choose D, correct is B. D is a reach as it really doesn't state that in the first paragraph. B is more correct because the first paragraph talks about the ability for fiction depends on the abilities of the author.

Question 50 The passage implies that, according to Levy, to say A influenced B, A and B must: A. be more or less similar B. be the same C. have at least one feature in common D. have more features in common than not

Chose A, correct is B. Levy states that the two are inexact, stating that one had 50 members and the other had 48. That means, they are not exact unless they are the same.

Question 38 Based on the passage, it can be reasonably inferred that the intelligentsia accepted Milgram's theory because it: A. was adopted by the media and movies B. appealed to their imaginations C. could be modeled mathematically D. ignored race and class boundaries

Chose A, correct is B. The 2nd paragraph states that Milgram's finding slipped away from their scientific moorings and sailed into imagination. Then they were adopted by intelligentsia and into movies. Remember the order of information.

Question 22 A visitor to Skellig Michael who kissed its stone cross probably did so for which of the following reasons? A. To fulfill a qualification for sainthood B. To atone for wrongs committed C. To spared by Viking marauders D. To be accepted into the monastery

Chose A, correct is B. The last paragraph mentions that the individuals were penitents, meaning they were sinners.

Question 51 Suppose that some influential American critics have always expressed strong opinions about the characteristics of good art and of bad art. This supposition implies that the passage author has probably: A. correctly assessed the gullibility of the American public B. misunderstood the comments made in the Times reviews C. overestimated the influence of criticism on artists D. underestimated the merits of recent American art

Chose A, correct is C. C would make sense because the passage talks about criticism towards artists. That would make C the most correct.

Question 5 Suppose that rigorous scientific research demonstrated that physicians who use a clinically-based model provide better care and have better patient outcomes than those who use an evidence-based model. How would this finding affect passage claims? A. It would undermine the views of those clinicians who see clinically-based experience as sacrosanct B. It would support the suggestion that the approach taken in Norway is very unlikely to be effective C. It would challenge the views of the economists and health experts, as represented in the passage D. It would support the idea that music is an apt metaphor for medical practice

Chose A, correct is C. While A may be correct, C would be more correct. It states in the first paragraph that economists and health experts that minimize the implications of clinical judgement.

Question 40 Based on the description of performance in the second paragraph of the passage, which of the following occupations is most analogous to professional acting? A. weaver B. doctor C. sculptor D. massage therapist

Chose A, correct is D. The professional actor is an art that is both performed and consumed. Massage therapist would be the most likely comparison.

Question 35 It would be consistent with Hauser's views in the passage to regard threats to survival as catalysts for animal responses that are: A. aggressive B. unique C. acquired D. automatic

Chose A, correct is D. This question is asking about the response of the ants, not of the predator. This would relatively go between C and D. D would be correct because this is some automatically, not really learned.

Question 18 Suppose that the ruins of a sixteenth-century monastery are discovered on a remote island off the Swedish coast. Why, according to passage information, is this discovery surprising? A. Few European pilgrims would have been able to reach the site B. An eremitical motive would have been unlikely at that period C. The influence of Olav Trygvasson did not spread to Sweden D. Monks would have been unlikely to learn of such an island

Chose A, the correct answer is B. The last paragraph states that the eremitical motive ended in the 14th century. The 16th century would have been too late.

Question 32 Which of the following assertions, if true, would most support the author's statement that "Egyptian culture dwindled under the Classical world's onslaught" (paragraph 4)? A. Greek scholars used discoveries by Egyptian astronomers to further their own studies B. Egyptian scribes invented a flowing script for use in keeping economic records C. Invaders from Alexander the Great to the Romans tried to integrate Egypt into their empires D. Renaissance scholars incorrectly identified Greek script as ideographic

Chose B, correct is C. B doesn't really make any sense. C is the correct answer.

Question 30 What does the passage imply about worker autonomy? A Autonomy is the main job reward in large companies B. Autonomy tends to parallel wages C. Most workers desire autonomy D. Few workers think autonomy is important

Chose B, correct is C. B isn't necessarily correct. From the passage, the whole talk about the passage was how large and small companies differ when it comes to autonomy. This would suggest that this comparison is for people who are looking at being at a large or small company. meaning they care about autonomy.

Question 33 To fulfill the author's view of an exemplary professor, which of the following subject areas would be most useful for economics professors to know outside of their discipline? A. mathematics B. sociology C. political science D. ecology

Chose B, correct is D. The author does not like abstract concepts, and ecology is the least abstract concept in all of these.

Question 30 Assume that in a particular state, teachers at all grade levels emphasize hands-on projects and personal interactions with individual students. The passage suggests that in this state, class-size reductions would probably: A. be more beneficial than alternative educational reforms. B. improve student performance only in the early elementary grades C. not substantially improve student performance on average D. improve student performance at all grade levels

Chose B, correct is D. The passage states that at lower grade levels, the interaction teaching style helped, but it is only because at that grade level those techniques were used. If it was generalized to all grades, it should increase in all grades.

Question 15 According to the passage, corner columns with the same diameter as the columns they flank most likely appear thinner because these corner columns: A. seem to give slightly under the extra weight of the lintel B. are spaced closer to the columns they flank than those columns are to each other C. are made of lighter material than the columns they flank D. are viewed against the sky rather than against the cella

Chose B, the correct answer is D. In paragraph 4, it states that "the corner columns seem dark when viewed against the sky, while those between seem light when viewed against the dark cella.

Question 9 Implicit in the use of the phrase "betrayal by biography" (paragraph 4) is the idea that biography: A. often explores the writer's personal life against the writer's wishes B. reveals the true intentions writers had for their works C. offers no rewards to the interested reader D. is only worthwhile when it glorifies its subjects

Chose C, correct answer is A. I think this one could be easily figured out using what I knew about the passage and how the passage speaks that the author is not his own once he has passed.

Question 34 The "game" that the passage author describes in the first sentence is a: A. necessary strategy for a writer composing in solitude B. competitive contest of skill between writers and readers C. deception perpetrated by writers on unsuspecting audiences D. historical practice that dates from the time when literature was an oral art form

Chose C, correct is A. The author doesn't necessarily deceive the readers, they just omit details. This would be consistent with A.

Question 46 Based on the passage, the author's ideal world would best be described as one in which: A. there is a blend of randomness and predictability B. the truly unpredictable could be easily understood C. the semblance of order is largely a pleasant illusion D. the fabric of life reveals unprecedented complexity

Chose C, correct is A. The author states in the last paragraph that it would be best at at near critical temperature. The paragraphs before states that complete randomness and complete linearity would be boring. This would make choice A correct.

Question 36 Based on information in the passage, which of the following would be the most likely reason behind the author's suggested academic reforms? A. To pay more careful attention to the relationship between humans and the world outside the classroom B. To encourage students to attend colleges and universities in their home states C. To replace a cosmopolitan university education with one that emphasizes the local D. To give a voice to the particular at the expense of the voice of the abstract

Chose C, correct is A. The author wants more interaction between the classroom and the outside world. Doesn't particularly mention that it has to emphasis the local.

Question 1 The author implies which of the following about clinical practice? A. Some physicians tend to give clinical experience undue preeminence over research experience. B. Even at its best, clinical experience is anarchic C. The role of clinical experience in the practice of medicine is overly complex D. Physicians embrace clinical experience primarily because it gives priority to their own intuitions

Chose C, correct is A. We can rule out C because the author never really stated that it was complex. A is correct because a quote in paragraph 2 states "some physicians consider information derived from clinical experience to be sacrosanct and above questioning"

Question 46 Suppose that there were no trade barriers in existence anywhere for the import and export of electronics. Information in the passage suggests that which of the following would most likely be the case? A. Fairtrade electronics would develop B. Electronics would be a profitable industry C. "Designer" equivalents would flood the electronics market D. The electronics industry would develop more efficient technologies

Chose C, correct is B. B is correct because it states in the passage that the removal of trade barriers would help profitability of a business.

Question 4 The views of R. Brian Ferguson (final paragraph) are probably most similar to those of researchers who: A. link warfare with high rates of murder and theft B. believe that warfare causes parents to encourage aggression in their children C. contend that there is a genetic tendency towards physical violence D. disagree with the Embers findings

Chose C, correct is B. The paragraph talks about how leaders will paint the enemy as inhuman, motivating people to kill. That is most consistent with answer choice B.

Question 5 When using the term "the sovereignty of the masses" (paragraph 4), the author seems to mean the ability of the masses to: A. vote in elections that decide who their leaders will be B. make every decision concerning their governance C. discuss all the potential consequences of specific actions D. understand the difference between popular orators and natural leaders

Chose C, correct is B. The whole passage is taking about how large groups are unable to make every decision concerning their governance.

Question 20 The author of the passage suggests that if a contemporary literary critic were to agree with Yeats about war poetry, that critic's view would probably be: A. welcomed by most readers of poetry as a voice of reason B. influential in directing attention to the poetry of later wars C. taken into account in the compilation of poems for the next edition of the Oxford anthology D. dismissed by most devotees of contemporary poetry.

Chose C, correct is D. The best answer is D, because in the final paragraph, it states that Yeats was wrong. If a contemporary poet said that, it would have been dismissed

Question 50 The single change to the observed ritual at Mariani that would most weaken the author's distinction between Mariani and Nansoucri voodoo would be a situation in which: A. all possessions were outwardly apparent B. rituals included elements of danger C. audience members were invited to dance with the hounsis D. one or more audience members became possessed

Chose C, correct is D. This makes sense since they talk about the dances being choreographed. If the audience dances, it doesn't really make a different. If someone was possessed, that is not choreographed, making the biggest distinction.

Question 41 Which of the following situations would be the best example of the "[u]nprecedented objects, processes, and possibilities" alluded to in the passage? A. The transformation of wild geese into tame domestic stock B. The flurry of technological innovations in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries C. The brutal civil wars that have historically wracked certain countries D. The wide variety of shows offered on cable

Chose D, correct is B. B is correct because they allude to the quote meaning that they are created. This would fit best with option B

Question 18 Which of the following facts most strongly supports the authors' image of John VI as resistant to social change in his realm? A. When Napoleon invaded Portugal, he fled to exile in Brazil B. On returning from exile, he agreed to reforms but quickly revoked them C. As soon as he returned to power, Brazil declared its independence from Portugal D. After his return, he reigned as monarch of Portugal for only five years.

Chose D, correct is B. B shows that he returned to what he was before, which shows resistance.

Question 24 The specific mention by name of Promises, Promises (paragraph 3) is: A. ironic B. incidental C. dismissive D. significant

Chose D, correct is B. The author mentions the play not really as a means of justification of anything, the ticket prices are what they are really talking about. The question asks the specific mention of the Name, means nothing.

Question 20 According to passage information, which of the following reasons was probably determinative in the selection of Skellig Michael as the site for a monastery? A. Its proximity to the shrine at Needle's Eye B. Its isolation from worldly distractions C. The protection it promised from raiders D. The opportunities it provided for suffering

Chose D, correct is B. The passage didn't necessarily say that they wanted suffering, even though it seemed like it. B is more correct as it states in paragraph 2 that they wanted solitude and peace.

Question 21 The author's analysis of image-making rests on the assumption that a capitalist society separates: A. advertising from entertainment B. private perception from social order C. diseases that afflict society from their cures D. free political choice from free economic consumption

Chose D, correct is B. The questions asks about image-making, the process is discussed in paragraph 3. Paragraph 3 talks about private perception.

Question 41 In the passage, the author explains that his focus is different from that of most historians because he: A. concentrates on the early twentieth-century theater. B. accepts that actors are "weavers of dreams." C. deals with the economic realities of the theater. D. emphasizes the unequal relationship between businesspeople and their employees.

Chose D, correct is C. The first paragraph explains that yes he does analyze the unequal relationships, but he is doing it from a financial and economic standpoint.

Question 32 If one assumes that the ants are exhibiting teaching behavior, as the Bristol researchers maintained, the pace at which the leader ant moves would likely be influenced by: A. its sense of urgency B. its capacity for movement C. its estimate of the time its followers needs to learn something new D. the relative speed of other ants performing the same task

Chose D, correct is C. The passage states that the pace is set by the followers, narrowing it down to C and D. They are trying to teach something so C is the best answer.

Question 18 The main point of the passage is that: A. poetry dealing with war should not be considered in the same class as other poetry B. English poetry prior to 1914 depicted war as exotic C. Yeats was wrong to dismiss the works of the Great War poets D. it is the duty of all poets to portray the sufferings of war

Chose D, correct is C. Yes, the passage mentions that the artists are supposed to tell about the suffering of war, but that isn't entirely what the passage is about. C would make the most sense.

Question 11 In Experiment 1, which of the following hypotheses would most reasonably account for the post-experimental statements made by those in the neutral condition? A. A performer's anxiety need not adversely affect performance B. A performer's anxiety can be reduced with no effect on performance C. An audience can affect a performance by reducing performance anxiety D. An audience can affect a performance by causing performance anxiety

Chose D, the correct is A. It states in the paragraph about post-experimental survey, that the participants reportedly felt the same anxiety in both conditions. Meaning, anxiety was not a factor.

Question 14 d'Errico's argument about the Neandertals and symbolism (paragraph 3) necessarily requires which of the following? A. Proof that Neandertals used jewelry as symbols B. Proof that Neandertals invented jewelry to wear as symbols

Correct is A. The main premise is that Neanderthals used jewelry for symbols. Picking the invented answer is reaching too far.

Question 37 The passage would be most appropriate in a collection of articles for: A. historians of sixteenth- or seventeenth- century literature B. students of contemporary communication theory C. scholars of the history of the English language D. fans of the fiction of Ernest Heminway

Correct is B. This article is about writing and how they author uses it to convey information to their readers. This would most likely fit with choice B

Question 12 Based on the passage, the author most likely believes that community health centers and the National Health Service Corps may be: A. preferable to the health options created through the free market B. underutilized in many rural areas C. controversial, complex, and expensive D. providing services that recipients are not necessarily entitled to

Correct is C. Paragraph 2 stats that federal or state systems are controversial, complex, and expensive

Question 52 The principles common to the Iroquois League and the American Constitution are present in the proclamations of almost all nations. What is the relevance of this to the information provided in the passage? A. It strengthens Levy's objection B. It reinforces the three-part distinction made by Payne C. It challenges Grinde and Johansen's thesis D. It extends the reach of Grinde and Johansen's Thesis

Correct is C. Since it is stating that there would be no influence since it is so common, that would object to Grinde and Johansen's thesis stating that there was influence.

Question 2 Which of the following of the archaeologists' assumptions described in paragraph 3 is NOT supported by evidence or reasoning in the passage? A. The mound builders had a large labor force B. The mound builders had ample leisure time C. The mound builders grew maize, beans, and squash D. The mound builders included specialized craftspeople

Correct is C. The 3rd passage stated that they had to have a large workforce and ample time to build the mounds, and they had specialized craftspeople since pottery was discovered.

Question 35 Which one of the following groups would constitute part of a fictional audience, as the term is used by the passage author? A. People gathered in a concert hall to listen to a violinist B. Passersby who listen to someone on a park bench who is strumming a banjo C. People who belong to the target group of 18 to 49-year-old viewers of a sitcom D. People who vote by telephone for a contestant in a television talent show

Correct is C. When they talk about the fictional audience, the passage states that "some individual or group that Hemingway conjures up himself like one of the characters in his novels". This most likely refers to a reference group.

Question 38 Which one of the following describes a modification in the role of an intended reader that might best serve the purposes of a mass media advertiser? A. The intended reader is addressed in very personal terms, as indicated by specific terms of endearment that are assumed to be pleasing to him or her. B. The intended reader is addressed as though he or she were an "insider" already in possession of enough information to construe an otherwise cryptic message. C. The intended reader is addressed as though he or she were a scholar seeking a detailed, objective account of product features. D. The intended reader is addressed as if he or she were experiencing a problem that purchasing the product would solve.

Correct is D. The answer to this question stems from what the readers role. The readers tole is to play along with the author (paragraph 2). This would constitute D as the correct answer.

Question 19 Based on the first paragraph, which of the following statements best summarizes Stendhal's view of fiction? A. Fiction should reveal the author's inner feelings B. Fiction should reorder life's events in a pleasing manner C. Fiction should illustrate life's important ideas D. Fiction should strive to duplicate life's events

Correct is D. The first paragraph states that Stendhal's view of fiction is like a mirror of the roadway. This implies that he wants the author to mirror what is going on in real life.

Question 5 Which of the following findings would most weaken the Mexican hypothesis as presented in the passage? A. An abundance of leisure time is not correlated with an abundance of fine-quality artifacts B. Pottery from ancient Mexico is stylistically similar to Native American pottery found in The Woodlands C. There is evidence that emigration took place about 1200 BC from the area that is now Mexico to western areas of the U.S D. Leisure time tends to decrease when people switches to farming from hunting and gathering

D is the correct answer. The passage talks alot about how the farming and leisure time play a role in the mounds.

Question 28 Some theater critics disdain the popularity of the "golden age" Broadway musicals, preferring less accessible theater that they would designate as "high art." How would this view most likely be regarded by the passage author?

We need to think about what the author feels from the paragraph. They don't really say that they don't like commodity musicals, they don't really like the derivative and sameness of the musicals. B would be the best choice.

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